Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 24, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 9, Image 9

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    '"?' . 'Itfi kV Xr -. "
Britain Took Load in Sending
Fleet to Golden Horn,
Says Millerand
ii ilio Associated Tress
r,rt Kcb. 21. Orcat Britain took
H,n initiative In scmllnR n urn to t.on
the "'"",. ,.. Tjonilon dlsnntoh Lo
,T Fct Parisian, miotlne Premier
Millerand. who U m id to fiavo nddod
3!'". other nllled wnrnhlp- In
the Golden Horn.
iuidnn. Pel'. 24. A Modern delega
tion h now It. Vcnlco on II? way to
London and America.
The delegation, wlilrh claims to liold
, Sndat ' for 70.000 000 Indian M.w
.. mmih. lias fent n MHlement litre In
1& PrcMdcnt WIlson'H twelfth
-i..i with rezanl to iiBfiiruncp of u
ffcura KOVcreTnt of the Turkish por
tion of tbc Ottoman empire.
It Ws that no IIiihI decision with
iird to Turke. ' fnturo he taken until
tl,"Mussulman midpoint, which In the
linlntenaoee of the Ottomau empire in
f.'t without prejudice, to tli- niiloiiomy
"f nn TnrklMh pooplry is l.riird.
The delecatlon also demnnds the call.
nhate's retention of imfcttercd custody
n the holy places. OthmUkc. the dele
2 inn warn-, "the tradltlounl Ion ltvto
ftrcat Britain In India will Infallibly
b r'hdllengcd."
-iliitlon In faor of otiHllng Turkey
fiom" Constantinople, which Iwh been
,. (.0nplcuou feattire in oinj cectlon of
the press durlnc the last few days and
which has hud the support of religious
nd philanthropic bodies, met n counter
blast from another section of the. Lon
don newepaper world todaj which con
tended the question wa3 ouo of wuch
importance that It could not be settled
on fcntlmcntal considerations, but must
he left to the matured deliberation of
ih- Supremo Allied Council.
In a lengthy nrcument the Telegraph
nMOrte.1 that British hlatesmnnshlp bus
"neither the duty nor interest to rxprt
th tultun from Oonstnntiiiotilc' and
erpressod the opinion that notation to
this end was "Ill-Inspired and Ill-con
Mred." , . . ,
"We council thos who Hincerelj sup
nort it," the newspaper continued, "to
ilre more unprejudiced itudy to new
fietnrs In the problem, espeeiallj Ore:it
Ttrit.iin's position s a power, which
mut not disregnrd the feelings of mmiv
millions of It mobt eminent subjects."
The Daily News, which has ulwnjs
ben a stanch champion of the Ar
oenlans and u wnr supporter of Olnd
stone's demand to "sweep the Turks
nnt of Kurone." also calls for consider
ation of the problem In the light of pres
ort circumstauccs. It sas tho real
question is the weight to b nttnehed to
warnings ot .Moslem unresi as n resun.
of the c nuMon of tho Turks from their
spiritual capital.
Inc newspaper remarks inai amiougn
Vl.eount Jumes Bryce, "who.se view is
entitled to profound respect, dismisses
the to. culled Moslem peril as bting
orerdrawn, other authorities entitled to
equal rr-pect ana wttn more recent ex
perienc in eastern conditions hold pre
iHy tho opposite lcw." The News
deplores the fact thnt recent demonstra
tions were not started before tho de
(Winn of the Allies was unnouuecd.
Indor the caption., "A Too Successful
.fi(jtinn." the Morning Post says:
"The British government by making
)( announcement throughout India
of the decision in favor of the sultan
has barred revision of thut decision."
Tho newspaper seeks to show the de
rision wus merely u concession to po
lities! agitators in Hindustan, who
mm not be temporarily modilled by it.
The recent campulgu In faor of the
expulsion of the Turks is suid by the
fiipress to be based on a "prefcrid
nentimcnt," and tho newspaper urgucs
thfre is not u single udvnntagc to be ob
tained in drawing the aultun away from
French Girl Files at Fourteen
Pari-.. Teb. 21.- Tho number of
women iniutor.s in Prance, which fori
ome time has stood ut thirteen, soon is
to be Increased by one who will estab- I
1lh a record for jouthfulness being i
only fourteen and one-bulf jears old. I
She is Andree Farman, u daughter of
Iaurico Farman. a brother of Hcnrv I
1'armHn, ono of the pioneers In n lotion.
Mf Parmnti flew her first time lu 1010.
Si Assioura Saranno Pubblioate
lo Note Scambiato tra Wil
son o gli Alleati
Publlahd and Clatrlbuttd Under
.... i ?MtTNO. Oil.
Authorised by th act of Octobor ,
l5,1. on "l at tha roatortlco of Will,
lelpbta. Fa
A, 0. BtmM!flON.
reitmaattr Otnorat.
British Artist Can't Paint 300 Por
traits for 1,000,000, He Says
Tendon, Pelt. 2l. (By A P.)- Sir
William Orphen, the distinguished art
ist, has refused nn offer of 1,000,000
sterling for painting ftOO portraits which
is said to liavo been made him by au
"It Is quite truo tho offer of 1,000,
000 to paint portraits came to me
from America," Sir William mid In
confirming the report, according to the
Dally Mirror. ''To complete such n
contract, however, would tnko far more
than the ordinary lifetime It might
tako 88 long nn ,'100 years.'.'
Sir William will go to America thh
fait on business.
Washington, DC. 2.'l febbralo. Ic
noste scamblare tra gli Stall ITnltlo lc
Polenzo dcll'Intesa, Bulla qucstlone
Adrlatlcn, surnnno rese pubbHeho cntro
poehl glortil, secondo quanto e' stnto uf
llclalmcnte oggl assicurato. In pubbli-
cnzlone, hi dice, sura' fatta con 11 con
senfco del govcrnl estcrf.
SI uttende che le note saranno resn dl
pubbllca raglone non uppena snrn' gi
talin al Prlml Mlnlslrl alleati 1'ultima
replica del Presidente Wilson, la quale
iiobabilmcntc sara' upcdl ta questa sera
u jnezio dl cablogrammn.
II Dipartimento di Stato ha ultimato
it suo luvoro r! guurdo dcttu nota c
l'ha rlmcssa nl Presidente per In sua
finale approzazlonc, dopo dl che sarV
spedlla in Huropa In clfrn.
I.a nota sara' rlmesa nll'Ambascla
tore Americano Davis, in Londrn. II
qunle lu coutegnera' al Supremo Con
cillo degli Alleati.
Iontlra, 23 febbruio II supremo
Concliio degll Alleati dovra', in questa
scttimatia, affrontarc la ncccsslta' dl
prendcro vital! dcclsionl, non ultima
quclla imporlanto relatlra iillu situa
ziono rcsca.
In via Komt-ufflcinle p' fctato smentlto
che Lloyd George e Nlttl, I due Prlml
Mlnlslrl di Inghittcrra cd Italia, ubbl-
ano rnggiunto uu accoruo per rieouo
scere 11 G'averro del Soviet in Russia
sena I'appoggio del Ministro di Franciu
Millerand. '
Itoma. 2,'J febbralo 11 Glornale
d'ltalla hu pubbllcato un lungo urtlcolft
riguurdo la nomlnu dl Robert underwood
Johnson ad Amhasclntorc deal Stuti
Pnltl in Uoma c lo conclude col dire che
talc nominn e' lu nrova che tm II nonolo
d'ltalla c qiiello dcgll Stati I'ulti 1 c'
incorit spa.io per uu intima lntcsn.
"I"si saranno semnre nmlci dlcn II
glornale o non -i ' ragione di eonfllttl.
I. ssl sono uuslosi dl conoM'crsl reci
procamentc niu' intimnmenlc c scam
biursi tuttoclo' ce csi poseggono per
usnrlo picnumcntc per lu cuiltu' o la
(oltura. Per queslo importantc lavoro
Sir. Johnson c' splendldumente udatto."
Un corrispondentc di tin giornaie
americano di questa citta' mandu du 1
Washington oho quulche cosa dl crltico'
e' cotuvolto nelln nota che II Govcrnol
degli Stall Unitl ha prepnrato per!
esscre Invlatn ull 'Inghilterra, Fruncin i
e Itnlla, con riguurdo alia qucstlone di ,
Dettu nota. piu' che la contioorsiii
m tcrritorio Adrlutico. coinvolgc nun
dclinizione per hi politico etfern dcgll
Stuti Unitl in un I mined Into future I
Virtualmcutc sarehbe duto agli Alleati
la scelta dl rlconodcere 11 Scouto o il
Presidente Wilson come I cri rappre '
sentantl loi pensuro umcricano.
Montreal Paper May Suspend
Montreal, Feb. 24. (By A. P.1--Tbo
Montreal Herald nnnouifced yester
day that It will ho compelled to suspend
publication unless it is possible to se
cure a supply of newsprint Immcdlntel.
Traffic conditions, dm to the recent
hcav ysnow storm, urn given as tho hinln
reason for the falluro of tho suppb.
11 '
! J J
I Plain lints -Corh Tlrn f
jJAweihiMttiT QjSSLSi """ nwlov f
4u lw
New Lunch
No. 19 S. 60th St. Cor. Ludlow St.
f Itmwm'm . Iff .
for you, T
K Uwiblc Tightwud snys:
"MAYBE you wonder
IV! uhcro ull tho heat LW
goesand you atok-,
Ing tho furnace like'
a fireman on un oceun
"Mion T once sliow
)'ou the air leaks be-
UVPOn n..n.. ...!...!
-w utii wi uoiv.i a
mime unri fn . mkHi
you'll know."
Ask for our book
W ' uti intimate
t i -I r
V Vv
fi ; 11
Ayv l.iathcr
I ' ,N'3 Lined
L ' '
Present building
costs demand the
best in painting
Unnaf cost vo much 0a.
'av- that they Bhould Jiayc all
1 " protection anu life that
wod painiinjf Bi,,b jim be
aurn It is eood palntlne und
'-' r ussurnnco.
61,000 Pairs
Marine Shoes
Leather lined. Ocst qualilj cy
cordovan leather. 3 .solid leather
tjolcH. Iron horseshoe fastened to
heels, (tuarnntccd lo wear -jeare.
Just the thins for miners,
mechanics, engineers, contractors,
laborers, railroad men. fanners,
liuntcrp, etc.
llori at
Least J0
The Mronreat and
Innaeat urirluc
hue auiilr. Made
(lir aame ua alio
abuvf. but I I II
ttrri iiiniiia.
in .
C "K rfmr
fffiSe o o !
w Avk q Ji3
Sent parcel post prepaid lo any
part of U. H. When ordering
blatc size,
National Shoe Co.
520 Market St.
Store Hours.
9 to 5:30
Gtmbel iBroihirs
, ; ' 3T5K ., " -T
February 24,
Pianos and
of the
at Savings of $100 to $130
AnvtrtQi drawer ittui nutight fy'tr pmndl.
ThU Sh(rwWaHtr dra-wtr tt holding absul
tn t'mit tha. weigh'.. And hotdi it taiily
wtktu' juigittr (Frtrt actual pktttzrapk.)
Letter Files
JET Shaw-Walker In-
' dex your correspon
dence files.
Then you'll have a
complete filing machine.
A machine which will
deliver any letter you
want into your hand al
most instantly.
Find out how to put
your filing department
on a result basis. Phone
or write us. It will not
obligate you in the least.
1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Phone Filbert 5267
Infflr '
Some are Wareroom-Used
All are Fully Guaranteed
Special Terms to Suit You
These are all makes of known goodness, and are only a partial list
l Ricca Player Piano
2 Conreid Player Pianos
2 Shoninger Player Pianos
l Bond Player Piano
1 Harrington Player Piano
2 Anderson Player Pianos
l Harrington Autotone
2 Conreid Player Pianos $580
3 Anderson Player Pianos $555
I Vose Player Piano $795
I Conreid Player Piano $585
l Hardman Upright $585
1 Packard Upright $495
2 Milton Uprights (Fomd o.k $385
Seventeen New Solo
Concerto Player-Pianos
Beginning at
Mahogany and oak cases.
I Mahogany and oak cases. J
The New Conreid &mmwmm
. g.l1 M " aW t
raph at
See and Wood Filet
Ledger De$k
Card Index Equipment
Filing Safe,
I' o o i 'Islllllv
v s i' 'F ill jl By i
M ' ' ii ' law
Equipped with the
Silent "Lois" Motor
Tho Lois Motor operates with an entire absence of un
evenness or of any irritating motor sound a feature that puts
the new Conreid Phonograph in a separate class.
The Lois Motor Plays
Four 10-inch Records with I One Winding
The Conreid Phonograph is full sized and is in finely fin
ish nd mahogany; and it-
Piays Any Disc (Flat) Record
name for this Phonograph and Mands as
Conreid" is the Gimbc
guarantee of excellence
The Introductory Price is $77: SET
Gimbels are Representatives of
Hardman, Vose, Packard and Con
reid Pianos and Player-Pianos.
Firat Payment ,l-
Fill in and Mail to
Gimbel Brothers, Philadelphia
ucntlcnif n
Without obligation
about 0 Piano
to n please send me
0 Talking Machines
fuller particular!
.r. t2.:4.2o.
-Gimbels Hardman Hall Srenth floor
Also in Subway Storf,
' J
T, '
TT" j"'" i' ' "" j ' i' " ' "" 'ssiCittsBSBy
M i