wnWFWi "h---it-t'e'ZiW famting ftabfit we2igct r ., PJBElDADELPHlM ' TUESDAY' "FEBRUARY 2&K 1920 . 'x: v Many Immigrants Here From Italy : Mayorin "Jam" at Independence Hall : Two Real Teeth u Bft. ; f oniimgivi ; -, iwjaMniiiwttBn-i vw-FVS?ypprft:t ivyZlMttaHBHaMMJlw BJH Fc iffJBBBBBBBBBBBHHBBBBBBBBV JMNrfr ff-'-rv ITirlv fuBNv;1Mr,il JBjkBAr 94ilTilrKK IIk B-Mjft y-JBBWIBEjBy:j1'BS-' mJt?BBjJjWBJjTlBr B?iKWVHlHHiH I By aKWBHr wfSis-n TLfcH "JMPWWri-Jm "JBSILJiif Jff t iff $W KlllPiBE &&5 i HvM fif ' 1 1 f flHHW I flB il rMlii V U IK ill II rr TTn T i MMTUffTMMWW Ililite:li ' iSi ifl r JTBtf'Br 'MM1 HI B Briliiii SMiSflHiiiiiiBBMnHH9mM .iJsacsESMa j3w& .rrggME.iwm I.cdg r Tlioio Heru YOl XG and old who armed yesterday from Italian ports on the Italo-Amcrican liner Europa, which docked at ine street. Note the tags on the women of the group. lud rwnoJ f. I'nJcrwood MISS THELMA JIcMl'RRIN, who has amazed Salt Lake City by hci marvelous moimlain climbing. Iitdtor Thoto 8crlci THE BOYS at the Washington's Birthday celebration at Independence Hall yesterday almost "captured" Mayor Moore from the police as he made for his auto. The Mayor is somewhere near the police. v&XABamasEZzrT " ,'&F2KFx&Br"wM &s;w 1sai'" ' u '! u 'N MFWMMHMWWIWWMMWBMWI WWKRHKgKBmKKKGKKUHtKKBKBKKHKKKSNHBMKKB&M '"'' &&' &jv;ittiiii?s "';'i i PVHBBHHIHHHHHBBHHBBIBBIBHB tKiimi vJHl sv j3i jSjJtj . w k. m K &$ KrB-$$zj&$3n&Bfeyff7 yvijew! ' iH IIEiLHHII3fB a v jr lHifeCfl.r i iP B ni v Hkrfli l v( 7. f ? sL s tY ? uUujjBtj mi iMiiiiimr- n iiiinnTr i ii i ti " r" iiw :....,z: " ,..:..r.;i ! -,:. j-z'-.:'.,.r-ffl ,-i -, , , ..-:, " a -,-r'.v.rr , r,rf . ',k a --v -?;?-' -rr..y !-,.; ?t..-t.-i r-.'-j -4"K -... , -t kaihh vr n d m W.Ji! World I'hoi Wide World Photos MISS ( VTHLRINE P BOXNER will appear ns Rchocci n "Pilate's Daughter," to be ppen snen v tne aiumnao 01 the Catholir Girl riiu .iiiuoi. AMERICAN plenipotentiary in Berlin. He is Ellis L. Drcsel, recently sent from Washington m an unofticia capacity GERMAN prisoners homeward bound after lelcasc from French war prisons. They are shown receiving lunches from German sisters after crossing the Rhine. -I AYi " Wi"1$y , , v - Underwood t I'ndervsood. DISAGREES with Sir Oliver Lodge. Dr. Hideo Kimura, noted Jnpaneso scientist, who claims he can prove that the Lodge theories arc not holeproof. W. 11. D. l'hotos MRS. WALTER B. GIBBONS, as Claudia in "Pilate's Daughter," to bo presented by the St. Joseph's aiumnao, Catholic Girls' High School, on March 19 B IS 1 OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO "1 ' ' " g.Jagj! THE BEAUTY CORNER K , central K"ii H ' FILLING pound bo.c- of oandy at the Stephen V. Whitman & Son confectionery factory, 415. Race street The boxes move MAJOR CHARLES M STEDMAN. of North Carolina, and Major MISS FRANC FS PAtlT.'M mi ..ti, PnMiill street Phil"- H along slowlv on the large belt and as thoy nah each packer a piece or piece of candy are placed in the boxes. Tho workers General Isaac R. Sherwood, of Ohio, both members of Congress, who , , , , 1,AL . ' , Fnirlilll Street, tmi H tliown from left to right are Miss Edna Uallingcr, 132 North Hobart street, West Philadelphia, and Mibs Rote Toland, 022 served witli distinction in tho civil war. Tho former was a Confcd- l holographs for thin back.pugo feature should be n"0'",2 H Wood street. crato and the latter of tho Union runks. through the mail, addreaxed to the Ucauty Corner, MKNIHO n Puulic Ledgeh.