Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 23, 1920, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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    'It v
' T" 1 ,
' S o
' f I
This Sirupy Product Takes
Place of Sugar and Con
tains Some Body-Building
Candied Sivcet Potatoes,
Icing for Cakes, Ginger
bread or Apple Roll Can
Be Made With It
Some New Recipes!
Mrs. "Wilson lum just returned
from northwest Canada, where she
han been gettlne c brand-new
reclp?s. They are really not new at
all ; they arc old one that Canadian
women Iinvp been tiling (or years,
but they will be new to ou, and they
ore delirious Mrs. Wilson is Koing
to write them up with some oC her
own tasty, economical touches added,
and they will appear in this column
in the near future.
Please Tell Me
What to Do
baste the roll.
Mrs. Wilson
Answers Queries
Mv Dear Mrs. Wilt-on Will you
kindly publish n recipe for cranberry
jelly? All my cookbooks have a dif
ferent way of dnini; it
MIlS. H. n. IAOXS.
Place one pound of cranberries in a
sniicennn unit ndd one cui Of water ;
l cover cloely and steam until tender.
I rub through a sieve, return to a sauce-
, pan. bring to a boil, add two cups of
xugar, stir thoroughly, dissolve sugar,
bring to a boil nnd cook teu minutes;
pour into glasses and mold.
m MUS. M. A. WILSON , tPnv roll. Tlnce in well-greased pan
tCevvnuht, io:n iu v. v. A. Wilson. Alt nnd bake In moderate oven !w minutes.
nuirs rtstrvca i i nNto every 10 minutes winic dukhik
1IXCB the scarcity of sugar and the with one-half cup of honey, one-qunricr
1,M. n,m f um, 1 rtml in mv mail ' P vnier nn.i one J"i" "' .'-'"":
rcquestvfor rccipw using honey. Honey
is mo mosr uneicni wrrn-mu); m wi
history of fodds meeting the n-cd for
sweets of the people ot biblical times.
Honey, which is n natural sweet,
causes less fermentation in the stomach
and is u desirable sweet us it requires
no digestion to prepare it for the blood i
stream. It is available at once tor the
hody to use for supplying heat, energy
and fuel. Honey also contains some
material which the body can use for,
building nnd repair.
Food cooked with hone keeps mor.
moist than that cooked with the uual
sweets. Honey as a spread for bread, ;
cereals, waffles, hot cakes and toat may
replace sirup. i
Honey Candied Sneet Potatoes
Place in saucepan
Three-quarters cup honey.
7' ico faMrjpoonj ftneon fal.
One-half teaspoon einnnniou.
One-quarter teaspoon nutmeg.
Bring to boil and cook until the houey
fnrma n soft ball when tried in cold
-Rater. Cook one dozen sweet potatoes.
then remove skins. Place whole in the
t."rup, basting potatoes frequently.
Cook slowly U." minutes. I
Honey Cream
Place in saucepan
Tieo flips mills.
One-half cup honey.
One-half cup cornstarch.
Stir to dissolve starch. Bring to boil.
Cook slowly for fifteen minutes and add
One-quarter teaspoon salt,
One teaspoon vanilla.
Ttlnse mold. Turn in the custard uud
et aside to mold. Turn from mold on
platter and serve with honey sauce.
Honey Sauce
three-quarters cup honey.
One cup water.
Three tablespoons of cornsOirch.
Stir to dissolve starch. Bring to boil.
Cook three minutes and udd
One tcell-beaten. egg.
One teaspoon vanilla.
One-quarter teaspoon nutmeg
and beat.
Honey Icing for Cakes ,
Place in deep saucepan one cup ot
honey. Cook slowly until it forms a
soft ball when tried in cold water. Then
pour in Hue stream of stiffly beaten '
fchite of egg. Beat and spread on cake.
Flemish Pudding
Wash one half cup ot Pearl tapioca
In plenty of warm water. Place in
saucepan and add two und one-half'
runs of boiling water. Cook until the
tapioca is clear and soft. Now add
One-half cup honey,
One-quarter teaspoon wit.
One cup eiaporated milk,
One tui of raisins,
One-half teaspoon nutmeg.
Simmer slowly for twenty minutes.
Cool and serve.
Honey Gingerbread
Plai'e in mixing bowl
Three-quarters cup honey.
One-quarter cup shortening,
One egg.
Tiro cupi flour.
J'our level rainnoiu baking poicder,
One (ratioouii cinnamon.
One iranpooii ginger.
One half leaipoon allspice.
One-quarter leaipoon cloves.
Beat to smooth batter. Pour in well
greased und flufd pans and baked in
modcrute oven for .15 minutes.
Honey Apple Itoll
Pare und chop three apples fin'
in bonl und add
One-half cup seeded ratsini.
One-half cup honey.
Due teaspoon cinnamon.
One-quarter teaspoon nutmeg.
She Has a Problem
Dear Cynthia May I cougratulnte
you on your snlendlil column? I am
i one of many who follow your ndvice
nnd benefit by so doing. Ileally I buy
!the Eveniso Puni.io Lcdoeix mostly
because of your column.
I wish to start a subject that, I am
positive, has been bothering young folks.
May I? Here goes then: Getting nc
I quaintcd Without being Introduced.
I would be pleased to have the opin
ion of every one following your page
Opinions will not change the. right of
it. dear. Only under very unusunl cir
cumstances is it ever to be condoned
ordinarily it is to be condemned.
Writes on the Boys In Blue
Dear Cynthia I woilld like to sny a
few words in favor of the boys in blue.
A.i one who hfts neither near or dls-
Beat to mix befoie starting totant relatives in the navy. 1 must say
""", I
f XtSr
! I . i
i iv f mi
I that the liovs I have met have been ncr
I feet gentlemen in every respect, nnd I
; hnve been with quite a few. A few weeks
ago I read a letter in a paper where
there were two girls riding on n car,
and two sailors tried to get in converse-
i tion with them. And they felt very much
i cmbnrrnsscd over the fact. Well I
i wouldn't be afraid to bet that they
i started it and then were afraid to finish
it when the snllors took them up. Well
I for one will ulwuys have for a friend
a bo in blue if I can.
Secretly Engaged
Dear Cynthia Like many others. T
also ionic to vou for advice.
I nin a girl seventeen Vears of age
and cau pass through a crowd with a
hnrd push. Two months ago I met n
very nice young man. This young man
told me of his iove, but wants to keep
our engagement n becret until next
winter when he will be jn a fixed po
sition to lnarrj
Now Cynthia dear, ho always wants
to Kiss me but I object. I think It is
wrong because cur engagement is a
secret and when I tell this to him he
thinks I do not love him. What shall
I do?
A few words to Alice T. Alice T,
If I knew who ou were I'd shake ou
"O hard you would have to say "uncle." !
I'd like to know how you were brought I
up speaking that way to n person uu- 1
known to you. Shame on you! '
Benders, don't stimd for that. Tukc j
up for our good friend Cynthia.
S. W.
If vou have promised the young man
to marry him, there is no reason why he i
should not kiss vou. Kvcn though jour!
engagement is not to be announced, that
is a matter between you two. But, dear. '
ari jou sure you love this young man I
vou have known only two months? i
lVruadc him that jour parents should
be told. Thank jou for your defense
of t'jnthla. but little Alice is simply
upset : don't hold it nguinst her.
1 jiil------
The Woman's
Pink linen it is, trimmed with white pique collar and cuffs, tiny white
pearl buttons und embroidered flowers. The plaited shirt, of the most
comfortable and becoming kind for a girl of tills age, and the blouse is
practical without being too sensible to appeal to the young feminine heart
Adventures With a Purse
It is of n.uj blue tricotiue with
a novel arrangement of plaits as
trimming. A touch of color is
added in stitching of orange (giv
ing the color combination of navy
blue nnd orange that is quite the
newest) on the end of the pepluni,
the sleeves and the side panels.
'I he h.tt Is of blue In the turned -up
sailor shape that is mi Mpular
Daily FoAhion Talk bj Florence Hose
FDLT the thi ill before my eyes
could see.
The quickening nt the heart of every
thing, And, lo, while yet I mat Tided it was
All palpitant with birth and mystery.
Busy the long day through on tire
less wing.
Two sparrows building in a leafing
Drunken with bliss though garbed
most quakerly,
Chirped of the ruptuie that they
could uot sing,
And I! I thought mc of a country
Where even now the crocuses must
Jew cling all the startling green again,
And in the wee. brown, snugly hidden
My eager fancy leaped to clasp her
With our small fledgling safe upon
her breast
Anna Sprwer TwiUhell, in the
I ONCE read a very interesting article ( a minute lo steal a glance at some of the
about children and dolls. It is said othcr spectators nt her with the wistful
expression who ringers lovingly a cniiir
here or a light there, and nt her who goes
through with n kind of defiant look, us
if the will not let herself feel the subtle
appeal of this happy little home. Any
how, you ma.v gct'n suggestion or two
for your own home and, after all, that
that a certain doll manufacturer, in de
signing a now doll, would always give
one to several children nnd sec whether
they seemed to like the doll. Alwnjs
j they would love best the soft, cuddly
tind, no matter how beautiful a waxen
I sister might be. Well, thcBo dolls that
i I want to tell you about are the soft,
buyable kind, and nre simply irre
sistible. To tell you the truth. 1 sort
of wauted to have one for myself. They
are covered with a soft, woolly material,
and some nre dtessed in qulto the
fussiest little drosses jou ever beheld.
If jou nre interested in dolls, for your
own small child or for your little niece,
bo sure to btop and see these.
No Such Word as This
To the Editor ot Woman' foot!
Dear Madam Is there such a word
as "cychological"? Please give mo its
definition. A HEADER.
There is no such word as cycho
logical," but there is a word "psycho
logical," which is the adjective from
the word "psychology." Psychology is
the "science of the mind or of mental
states and processs; mental science,"
according to the Century Dictionary,
so that psychological really means hav
ing to do with the science of the mind.
Ideas for Costume
To the Editor of Woman' Taoti
Dear Madam I am president of a
group of ten girls. My club Is a branch
of a largo organization. The organiza
tion is giving a masque ball Match 31.
The various clubs are working for
prizes. I would appreciate greatly If
you would give mo a few suggestions
for costumes which could bo worked out
in so short a time nnd as Inexpensive
as possible. ' H. S.
A number of the February stylo books
have patterns for costumes have yon
seen any of them?
nnn nt thn easiest costumes to cet UD
1 in a hurry Is that of tho French raldi
,nettc, or sewing girl. All you need Is
.a flowered summer dress, mado very
full in tho skirt, with short sleeves nnd
low neck. Then wear a ruffled fichu.
1 deep ruffles at tho end of tho shoves and
a dainty Trnoy apron, wear uign
heeled slippers and leghorn hat, tied
on with a ribbon and fantastically trim
med with big flowers.
The Carmen costume Is also easy,
consisting of a full gathered skirt of
hrfoht. rnlnr. n white waist and n fringed
sbawl that goes over one shoulder and
under tho other. The nntr is worn ingn
with fancy combs, and earrings", brace
lets and necklaces are necessary parts
of the costume.
Tho midnight coslumo is prettr. This
requires a black dress, preferably of
tulle or something light and soft, but
cheesecloth would do. Black wing
like Blcevcs cover even the hands, nnd
Mark slippers nnd stockings nro worn.
A black veil covers the head and forms
in harcmlikc mask. Silver stars, cut out
' of silver paper, arc the only adornment,
land they aro scattered here and there
I over the costume.
A pirate maid wears a simple waist
nnd skirt, with a leather belt and a
kerchief about her neck. Her skirt
is torn und slashed Into picturesque
ribbons, and her sleeves arc all iu joints
nt the ends. A bright kerchief binds
her hair, nnd she wears Dangles and
many rings. ..,..
Then there nre flowers. Mother Gooso
characters und pld-fnshioncd costumes
that are all pretty, but requlro more
nronnrntion than these. I hone these
I suggestions -will be helpful. ,
And When They Came Bach They Were Put "on it,e f,cjif,y
Thnir Yntmtr TJnmarrip.il Frinnttv C .. ' T
I o - ....w uo ouon at
the Glamour Faded
rpHEY were so deeply In love that
In anything but each other. Sue never
J- they just couldn't take any Interest
ha" cared anything about school nnd
Donald wnsn't doing very well nt his
work becnuso he was thinking so much
about Sue nil the time. Their parents
knew nil about it, and had agreed to
an announcement of the engagement ns
toon ns Sue got out of school (she would
have graduated this June), and a mar
riage ns soon as Donald saved enough
to pay the rent for at least six months.
But they just couldn't wait all that
time, nnd so they held a number of very
secret "confabs," nnd finally one day
they ran off and got married.
Of course there was wild excitement
in both families. The senior class
buzzed with thrilled whispering and each
member of It longed for an adventurous
lover to carry her off nnd marry her
before she graduated. For a week Sue
nnd Donald were the chief topic of
every conversation. Then they came
home, complacently acknowledging that
they had "certainly put one over," nnd
much gratified with the attention. Then
Donnld went back to tho office, and
started to plug. Sue accepted gra-,
clously the position of youngest matron
at all the card parties and dances that
her friends gave. And a month later it
was all looked upon as a matter of
course; there was no more thrill or
romunco about it, nobody nudged and
whispered when they nppronched-r-they
were just like any othcr married couple.
T HAS been something of a let-down
them, although they nre still very
mu en in iove nnu pcriccuy uuppy. nuw
that the glamour of the elopement has
faded so uickly it is rather discon
certing to be put Immediately in the
ranks ot "young married people," 'and
almost, ignored by all the young un
married boys and girls who wcro their
beat friends such a short time ago.
Donnld is not making enough foe them
to have a honee ot their own, and so
they live with Sue's parents. There
arc no new house, wedding gift furni
ture, shining silver or carefully selected
cretonnes to litre cues irienas to come
to sec her. She has not even a trous:
seau. And, although she still calls up
the girls and gossips for half an hour
or runs over to Kathleen's for tho lat
est Bvvcatcr pattern, there Is a certain
restraint, and It Is always Sue who docs
the calling and the running. The girls
nil say, ''Oh, Sue doesn't know what's
going on in school nny more, and any-
J- to
how Donald's always there us.
call tip in the evening." htt m
quietly; but omctlmTvKrl
"i mc gins are taking nw; -'W
gaged girls are going Into rlil"1" '
n tV kittle Kquaro of m.,?.b.
erv. Nun fAlo i...t . ;,..." cmnfAij.
those good times (hat o Lr"!" "
her age are looking LS ?r'MI
thing that could possible i,.?(Urfl
them. But, aftor all. it f fiiSp,a
fcrent way of. being marr! ""P
a girl is only married once '"V
enjoy. It to tho utmost bTj;.A!
nil that period of wn ItlnS until W
makes enough to support ,r L '
pi garnering tip dnlnty clothe, Z'i
linens, and of loving and inn..'? ty
both hlin and them so m int1 f s
on account or that waiting an fT
lug I
Sports Clotlies
A- riot of color charnctcriic J
polo coat In n creamv tnn m ?"' J
combined with leather trimmln v
skir,ts, duvetyne, baronette sitin..
SET. ""PL?1 ,,:' .?"" nnhhSJ
2TCX. t'" " ,".".? Pnnh. I
e eht to ten inche frnm .i,?n'.' 'W'tl
be considered modish for mo Z'J5
wane it wu linger nrotmd eight hZ I
for drdsi costumeR Wnmn. Utc.,.'"'l
plan; lecturejeries
i. !
win MQia taiKS at aids' Catholic
High School on Monday
The first of a scries of ten frr. i,
tures will be given this eveninc In I
nudltorlum of the Catholic Olrl' tin
RMinot. Nineteenth ntiil U'.i '....'."l
Under the auspices of the Phllad'rt
piita uoaru ot v ntnoiic Hummer SrUo
It.. ik.... ..-in i. i. .i.i " 'ynooi
mu iv.tm.co ui- iii-iii rverv .Moimi,
night for ten successive weeks, emu
ftVnS. DrVchnVies'Tl"''!
Ovcrbroolc Seminary, will give the odmI
iuk i kv.-iu it u Miiuniu- i iienomeni
! If tou nre going to be in town any
time during the next few days I want
jou to do something for me. I want
you to go to a certain shop, the name
of which I will tell jou. and sec the
suite of rooms they have completely
furnished. For whether you already
have vour own home or whether nt pres
ent the home of your heart is a home
of dreams, you will enjoy peeping nt
this cunning spick-and-span little
nlace. In the bedroom jou will perhaps
got un idea ns to the kind of Kprend I
you would like for your own bed this
summer. The tiny den may give ou
nn idea of how you can furnish that
little extra room you have. And the
kitchen ah. that will indeed delivht
jou, with its shiny pots nnd pans nnd
its blue nnd white cleanliness You'll
enjoy it, nnd too, maybe you will tind
was my first reason for suggesting that
you go, wasn't It?
You know those luncheon sets with
the round doilies? Well. I don't, wnnt
to tell jou nbout them anyhow. I waut
to tell you of a set I saw that has
oblong doilies, curved nt the top, ho
that, fitted around the round center
piece, they form a regular cloth. This
set is stamped on whnt looks to he an
unbleached material, and the one bnni
plc set was embroidered iu pinks, blues,
greens nnd jellow a' most effective
cotnbinntiou. In nddition to the live
oblong dollies and the one large center
piece, there nre six small round pleics.
and the price for the set is $l.Sr. U
would not take you long t" embroider
it. either, and I feel sure that you would
have a luncheon set of which you would
be very Justly proud.
l'or names of chop, mldrfti Womnn'g I
i unr i-uiior or inionr walnut 3000, I
TIinUE is n wide variety in the suits
that nre offered for jour hptim so
lection, and from those that have I'r'U
chosen bj sniatt women so far th rc
will be less tendency to monotonous uni
formity than in recent seasons The
mart suit this n-uson will not neccs
.sarily be like every othcr smnrt worn-
Mix and let stand while preparing the a" " suit: among discriminating women
1. ii...... i. mi.i. hunt theie will be an inclination to achieve
Ulll. I IU"- in llli.iuh """ I 1
r... i i.u .,... ;... a n
Our nnd one-half cups flout
One tiaipoov lalt
I iro lexel tnblcipooni baking poicder.
Four lcx.el tablespoons sugar.
Sift to mix Vow rub in two table
spoons flour and add one-half cup water
to mix to a doii-li Boll out i-iwh
thiik on floured pustry board, spread
vvitli prepaicd mixture Roll ns for
The Question Corner
Todaj's Inquiries
1 Dnsrnbe ii u unusual cover for a
sof.i ' 'ihion
- What is un iasv vi.ij to remove
seeds from a grapefruit or
" Iu v,hnt novel iiUractive vvav is
a spin Irani on an cwmng iln'sb
urranged '
When the hemstitching in a bu
reau scarf miri out what cun
be substituted for n
." Is it coirei't for a woman to have
merely her husband's initials on
her railing curd instead of his
whole mi in-''
0 What is the latest fad for the
dressing table''
Saturday's Answers
1. A prettv ' i'iiteriii'i for the
Washington's Blrthduy party can
b made l Mitting the top of
the crown from n tricorne hut and
tilling it with favors wrupped iu
red. white and blue
L To facilitate matching stockings
on their return from the laundry
murk each pair with a number,
putting the same number on both
stockings of a pair.
3. Frozen lingers cun be avoided in
hanging handkerchiefs on the
lino in cold weather if the hand
kerchiefs ure pinned flat on towels
in the house before the towels
are hung on the line.
4. A pretty gift for the winter in
valid is a growing primrose plant
in u pot wrapped in crepe paper
tho color of the blooms.
5. The calling card of a married
woman is larger than that ot a
young girl.
0. A striking use of contrasting col
or on a dress which has a side
fasteulog to the blouse is in a
wide lapel terminating in a bash
ttle originnlity
Of course, the Hton jacket has taken
well and will appeal to many. It has
the ndvantuge from the manufacturer's ,
point of view of requiring a scant
amount of fubric. Among tho verv
I high-priced suits imported nnd mode in '
America, there ure munv with the ex
tremely long coat, but the woman who
buvs a suit to went into dimmer will
think twice before tuning one that pro
vides so miieti waimth.
i I ii ni showing an original little modi 1
today that has some of the most inKr
estiog of the new featiues nnd yet is
decidedly distinctive. The use of plmt
nig marks it with the stamp of llCti
for it seems as if the clever dns
makers hud used plaiting vvhennr
thev could tliis sejion. Of course, m
noTv blue it is so desperatclv hard ii.
lend vou wnnieii awav from that eoim
when it comes to selecting jour -prm
suit, and, truth to tell, jou show gin,i
judgment in refusing to be led 'I t,e
I jacket consists of it blouse like nr
tion of flie navv blue trieotuie with a
' plnited pepluni of the suine main ml.
There is n plultecl vest of the same mu
terml and u vonthful little turn down,
Millar, finished vvitli n bliu '. alin tie
.The little stllllg belt that fu-ti n- loosely
lover the pepluin of the jacket is ulso ot j
j black satin. ;
' I knew the skirt would appeal to
i vou. for it is short und stunt w itli tin
necessary side draiicn intiodueid in the
form of plaited side panels thnt glu the
I stisjesttoii of liuppini ss ncn-ssiirv with
' out departing from the long lines so
1 dear to the heurt of American women i
, And there is n touch of color, which
consists of orange stitching that trims
the edge of the plaited pepluni and side1
I panels and iH used ugain in groups of
'three, four and live on tho edges of
I the sleeves.
! The oruuge (ombined with nuvj blur j
is quite the newest thing, newer in fact,
than the hennn or mahogany with nuvj
blue, which is u deep characterful shade. I
i and is quite as smart iu appcuiance as'
the henna. .
Whether jou like the suilor hat with
its up turned brim or not, I wunt jou
to know, if you do not know alreudy, I
thut it is nuito thu newest and smartest
sort of sailor. It is a model thut hnn
been worn successfully by some of the
smart women at the winter southern
resorts and that will be popular, but at
the same time exchiblvo this spring nnd
summer. In thin rase the sailor is of
navy blue trimmed with a regulation
bluck bund
tCopyrULit, 10:0. by i'lortaui ltojt,)
by cutting out the expen
sive foods (so lacking in
real nutriment) and eating
the simple, natural inexpen
sive foods that contain the
largest amount of. digest
ible nutriment.Shl?edded
Wheat contains more real
nutriment than meat or eggs,
is more easily digested than
potatoes or other starchy
foods. Tiwo of these little
loaves of baked whole
wheat with hot milk (or hot
water and butter) make a
nourishing, satisfying meal
at a cost of a few cents.
That Buy
from thf
stores ot
Vlill., Wil
mington, Camden and
1112 Chestnut St., Phil.
619 Guaranty. Tr. llltlr.. Atlantic Cltr
SO N. Third St.. Cumdeu
More and More
are drinking
Instead ot coffee.'
Health, value, o' ty$H
standard of .flavor
and greater., "tax
venlervce make the
change popular-aicf
The Price Is The
Same As Before
The War
Sold I7 Orocera Everywhere
"""" iimiiLniiiiiiniiiirflt
No One Need Buy
Guticura Before He
Tries Free Samples
fl-a. ALtut W. .. k .
f re of OaUnr XftbmrOi. Dot. X. Mtldta
n a
Safe Defense
nraltut Influenza or any Rirm
bornn dlsettsa la our Olyco-ror-malln,
which protftn u,P mu.
roua mrmbranra without harm
Ins: th delicate atructurra
Ki pleaaant to uee I hut children
Mice It. anrslo and apray the
nooe with It thrice dally 'J.'ic
and 7.1o a bottle
rhlladelpliln'K NUndard Drun
1518 Chestnut Street '
(iljto-rormulclK. (ublrt form, 'J5e
Extend a tordial invitation
to attend a showing' of
A Very Wonderful Collection
of the Most 'Advanced Modes
for Women and Misses
Living Models
Feb. 23rd and 24th
12.30 to 3.30
EXQUISITE! No other word describes
these ultra new spring modes.. Ih them the
latest Parisian ideas are developed on
charmingly youthful lines, made doubly
effective by individual touches of delightful
Your spring shopping will be incomplete
without comparison of these exclusive
styles at prices surprisingly modest.
Nxt Door to Ktith's
Elevator to Second Floor
This is what
cleared my skin
If your complexion is red niul
rough if it is excessively oily
or unnuturally dry try Rcsinol
Soap. It will help to heal your
sick skin, and to wiablo you to
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plexion nature intended you to
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