H wV ft ,i. '-, .:? ? '',-j? v SUi." a . v. m l e; it. i Euihtng IJSubltc fetter PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1920" 'Xl cc Champion Ski-Jumper : Exceptional Steeplechase Spill : South Philadelphia Cleaning Up IXfc'SJvS Wr?l,LiMSft'mg?wwv:'a "-v "rt wwuaa r-v ;v ' -,-, jw-jk. rrsBB a;Lsgs'.rl:l": '." ' i,2airij'a w:....jair?''j'l'"vig-' .:'V':a;k.'v WfSMKHVm rmmmmwmwmwmrmi mmmmsmmm wmmmmmummmmmmmMmmmmiimMm irzmmfmmmm rvn:. .:.;?.. livK,I .OuT Xu J IIMIIWIk n nMWP ITi W rnri Til I n I lilt lnl li mm1 "- "- mm nnim , "TimWITCTrTril inW iJtfW. RSfmM'gTMffti iirKTriflM JEllWmffTVrT --.i.3X 1 TntetfT -"-"a X tAviuv W-5ti,-:'SA4 A-vu...V'WarB t dHlHHte '.. i x-y. -nwhb E'uriii''i S-V-'.f - sn ! r.;ui.W'; ;. MS. '.SKS ',V :'.. '. 'j.;'' J.T.. ax s v . ? f ,','i-VVv -', " s 1 v K.SitSS!!?. 1SS.r.' iSii-VSEjr iM CiirfSSiiMEW SKS" !SiSr?BI?3St-ASSSv.iN -fl A'-4K Underwood & Underwood. Writinc "5500,000" on ice with skates. Miss Marion T. Byrnes helping in drive for that amount by the Barnard College of New York. International. On the sands at Miami. Mrs. ''George W. Vanderbilt of New York. Central News Photo. Frenchman tackles the English player in the Rugby international contest near London. .....!.'l-..i'i:J-A.JLJii y, 'jgSJ International. Julius L. Fleischman, Cin cinnati's former mayor, is honeymooning in Miami, Fla. . . i-f- ; A--' -v - . , ' i '. t : tlllll - I' r.u.m i .S....MW..,.'n r -T. U '..M..,....rt.-.i ii.-mI...M.JL1 Wide World Photos. Johnnie Carleton, cliampion ski-jumper of Dartmouth Col lege, doing a wonderful jump. Note the fences far below. jE--gki'T -j.sjLmyiYi:f'i :tgyiy Jrc:,:yA . iES p? lJw Jl;?3rSKr7flrJr&lMBsSrf A'yiTTlafiap J:X.. -?uSC&9.S(4 kKHjK ."qFQHHEnHHaBHBaHn ldHHBiHHB!HiHH JLllr Wff. UBft j9f ffiHBUHBWaaiHHIBHVaD )8g vT yessgyy rr t .r,.t: t nderwood . Underwood, Exceptional double steeplechase accident in England. The one horse is practically standing on head follow ing failure to clear barricade, while his jockey is shown on the ground. The other horse also failed, but only fell to knees. Ledger Photo Service "Joffre. of Hearts-Haven," a pinscher, made champion at the Kennel Club show on Wednesday. The owner is MisB Mary Fryling of Willow Grove. Ledger Photo Serlco Commissioner Edward Higgins of the. London Salvation Army, at the left, being greeted by Col. Richard HoU, of this city. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO ' S 4MvniP xyti(pjp4J yyV JTW,P" WJ.V O 'J r ' a? KtSS: t . a. v -swas - ;'fffc:Jyiri-Xj.- Awa " v "te sFs9nisniHHRX.v x a -ftvri a- -a ETTw .x-s.,. "'VT'i'xis.? vv.-4.vsyS5 THE BEAUTY CORNER Central Xewa Ptioto Commander Luis Aubry of the Psruvian naVy who has been appointed naval at tache in Washington. Wm1 W. ....'.. lJML'1 . ntrai News 1 u m Arthur Meighen, Canadian minister of interior, who may succeed Sir Robert Borden as Canadian premier. .? hbW5k. . vrdHtu BBFIHIHiH9Rr9B B-jr ? ' YfK'B' hIBV BsutmKIM 1 Miss Wilhemia Binder, of 3760 North Fifteenth street, is shown making electric connections on a potentiometer pryometer lecorder used for measurement of high temperatures. Its capacity for recording heat is 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. These recorders, used for auto mobile eteel teating,aie made by Leeds Northrup, 4901 Stenton avenue. , ' . Ledeer Photo Service. Oh, what a change! Several weeks ago Fourth street abovu Montrose was a dirty spot. Now the rubbish goes in tho basket -ut tho end of tho carU MISS KATHERINE ROSENTHAL, 357 Tree Street, Pbita. Photographs for this bacH-pago feature should ; ""nS through tho mail, addressed to the Beauty Corner, JiVfcm Public Ledger., n w k ;.., "-v - T -. ,,-ito..r,wi...wJiJk ,r. ,Mi4ik0mme.i UtM ifeaiti H