:,''y17 V7 P, V 'M ' "lV ' fc m EVENING? PUBEld tTD&OH OT FEBKUAttY 19, 3OT . BRITISH CONSIDER t BUYING HOG ISLAND pongrossman Edmond3 Sug gests Special Session of Log-' slaturo to Save Situation fiSKS STATE TO PURCHASE GoTcrnor Sproul lias teen asked to tall special session of the 6tah Les Maluro to consider tho purchase of Hos Island by tho commonwealth. Con gressman O. W. Edmonds, of Phila delphia, roado tho request after ho tes tified before tho Senate committeo at Washington yesterday that British cap ital is seeking to buy tho yard to ex tend British maritimo supremacy. Tho calling of tho session is proD fcmatfcal. It would cost tho stato about KKSO.OOO, it was said nt Harrbburg today, after Governor Sproul refused to Comment on the plan. Thrco representatives of influential London banking firms aro prepared to nffer nn pitremelv liberal sum for the yard, Congressman Edmonds said, and JUritisn engineers aireaay nave oeen making a survey of the ground. "The only probable purchaser of the property who would use it for the bene fit of tho state would be tho state it self," Congressman Edmonds said in his telegram to tho Governor, after he pointed out the island was outside of Philadelphia city limits. Ho then cited the ports of New Or leans and Boston and various California Sorts as instances where the 6tate is1 iterested in similar projects which have been successful. Mr. Edmonds recalled that in 1913 there was a move on the part of Eng lish interests to acquire Hog Island as stto tor a terminal, ana no Et&tea ' that the revival ox interest on tno ject showed the desirability of mint action on this side of the At- Stic to save Hog Island for America. t is ridiculous, he said, for th'e United States to be loaning millions of dollars abroad to be utilized by foreign Dhtions in gaining commercial advan tages over the United States, such as tho purchase of Hog Island for a ter minal. PLAN NEW CONSTITUTION Xuatrlan Provincial Diets In Confer ence at Vienna, Alarm Chancellor Vienna, Feb. 19. Proposed articles for the new Austrian constitution which the Salzburg Inter-Provincial Diet con ference is seeking to frame include such clauses as retention of titles as part of their bearers legal names, continuation ' of the church as a part of the state and still others of a character classed by tho Socialist press as an attempt to throw the country into absolute clerical reac tionarism. Doctor Rentier, the chancellor, in an address yesterday took note of tho con ference, denouncing the attempt of the provinces to defeat the government. Ho declared the lowr Austrian peasantry would endeavor to separate Vienna from the provinces and that the proletariat would never consent to this. A peasant delegation from Stockerau, tower Austria, came to Vienna to pro test against tho presence ut Stockerau of Bela Kun, the former Hungarian Communist dictator. The delegation laid that on last Friday the peasants Wth difficulty wew prevented from at lsnpting to teLzo Hun. MANDATE" PUZZLES TURKS;' CONFUSE IT WITH "BUFFALO Anatolians Unable to Figure Out What Kind of "Animal" League of Nations Proposes for Tlteir Benefit By tho Associated Press Constantinople, Feb, 19. Turka liv ing in Anatolia nro puzzled by the word "mandate' as applied to the future government of their country. Tho sound of this word is very similar to the Turkish word meaning "buffalo," nnd, therefore, confusion reigns in the minds of tho Anatolians as to the real significance of this term. This curious fact was the subject of remark today by Reour Bey, Turkish nationalist loader and former minister of marine. lleour Bey confessed he, himself, was somewhat hazy as to the exact meaning of the words "mandate" nnd "mnn. datories." "Seriously," he said, "I do not know what a 'mandate' means, for it is bo nebulous and h,as been defined so differently by various powers. More over, as the League of Nations doesn't really exist ns yet. It is impossible to discuss -nianaatcs una 'mandatories' intelligently." "I was a signer of the armistice be tween the Allies nnd Turkey." asserted Keour Bey, "and know its provisions LA REPLICA DEGLI GEDDES MAY GET U. S. POST H. A, L. Fisher Also Is Suggested as British Ambassador London, Feb. 19. Several names are under discussion for the ambassador ship to the United States in succession to Viscount Grey. Most prominently mentioned nro Sir Auckland 0. Geddes, minister of nationnl service, nnd H. A. L. Fisher, minister of education. Ottawa, Feb. 19. Legislation vill be Introduced, it has been learned, to define the status of tho proposed Ca nadian representative at Washington. Slnco early in the war thero has been a Canadian mission at Washington, bnt its functions bavo been confined to trade matters. Tho Canadian repro Eentativo'a functions will bo wider and, It is stated, 6cmidiplomatic, the main aim being to cut out the circuitous route via the colonial office. perfectly. Wo want tho terms of that document carried out and peaco con cluded along the lines of President Wil son's 'fourteen points.' Wo want tho boundaries that were fixed bv the armi stice and wo want the Greeks and allied powers who arc illegally occupying Smyrna and parts of Anatolia to get out. "Wo are tired of this endless 'zone cf influence' squabble which has been coin? on for ones, nnd we want Euro pean powers to give Turkey n chance to lead a national lue witnout torcign interference prompted by international jealousies." He expressed himself as being skepti cal as to tho ODerations of the League of Nations, and declared America was tho only belligerent power the Turks woum consider as a possible mandator! "England will run the lcaguo and will render neutrals Imnotent." ho as serted. "Wo aro willing to accept the assistance of foreign experts, and know we must have foreign capital to develop our country, dui wo ao not want for eign domination." , ALLEATLAGU S. U. Probabilmento un Comunicato Ufficialo Sara' Emosso daf Covorno di Washington D! SORDINI A GENOVA OAKLAND E-paEsenger touring car, SD50 Can bo bought on our ll-months' Lexington banking plan. Lexington Motor Co. of Penna. 851 North Broad Street DESCHANEL HITS SHIRKERS Message to French Parliament Urges All to Share In Taxes Paris, Feb. 19. (By A. P.) Paul Deschanel, Franco's new president, in his message to tho Scnato and Chamber of Deputies this afternoon, stressed the necessity of making plain tho country's situation to the people nnd the duty of her own citizens to give in return their full share of economic support to the nation. "Tho Frenchman who shirka tno payment of his sharo of taxation,' ho said, "commits an act analogous to that of a soldier who deserts his or flees the battlefield." Publlihert and Distributed Under . . , PERirtT NO. 341. Authoriwd by th, act of Oetofcor 8. at rosiomc. or roiia- A S. ntmLESON. Poitmaster General. HIT. on rile ut t: xejpaia. vo.. nccennato cho sccondo it puuto dl vista dcll'Eutopa Foccupazlono dclla cltta dl Flumo da parto dl D'AnnunzIo ha portato ad una dclicata situazione cho qualsinsi tcntntlvo di ristorare lo "sta tus quo" portcrebbo ad una nuova gucrra. II Prcsidcnte Wilson si apprendc ha prcso un nttcgglaincnto sccondo !! quale gll StntI Unitl sono intcressati nella sistcmaziono della qucstlono Adrlatlca come uno stato cho ha cooperate o prcso parto alia gucrra, nonostanto 11 fatto che il trattato dl Versailles non sla stato qui' ratiflcato. Un tale atteg giamento sara' preso dagll Stati Unitl rclativamcnto nlle qucstionl dell Ar menia o della Turchia, Londra, 10 febbrnto. Gravi conuittl trn opcral o truppe nella rcgiono in finstrliilo di Genovn sono rnpportatl 'dalla Central News, secondo dispacci giunti da ltoma sono ia auui ui mer coldi'. Durante i conflittl parecchio persouo sarebbcro rimasto ferito cd UCI " dlsordinl avvenncro ricl cantterl Ansaldo o negll oplflcl til San J Icr d'Arcna Cornlgllauo", Sestrl Ian'0 u in altri post:, ov5 gll operal erabe-, rono tutto II glorno contro la polizla cd 1 soldati. Lo truppe ebbero il sppravvento cd occupnrono gll slabilimcnti, nd ccco zlono del cantlcrl Ansaldo, i quail sa rebbcro tuttora in mnncr nBli opcral. I dlsordinl sarebbcro stati provocatl dall'anuunzio del proprlcturi per una temporanca dlmlnuzlouc di paga. l la voratori rlfiutarano la proposta cd I pa droni chiuscro lo fnbbriche. DESCHANEL SEES LUCK INH3 French President Lays Claim to'WII son's Favorite Number Paris, Feb. 10. (By A. V.)An other famous statesman Has come1 for ward to keep President Wilson com- Washington, D. C, 10 febbralo. Il Presldcnto Wilson cd 11 DipartimcntO dl Stato oggi considereranno il prossimo passo dcgli Stati Unitl circa la questionc Adriatic!, in seguito allareplica dcgli Allcatl, la quale c' stata gia' tutta decifrata. I commentl alia replica non G&ranno rcsi pubblicl senza il consenso della Francis, Inghiltcrrn cd Italia, ma da fontc autorevolc st apprende cho il-go-verno sta vedendo con favore dl pub blicare notizie sugll scambi di idee c Bui passl riguhrdo la controversin. Sccondo dispacci qui' giunti sembra che le replica degll Allcati sia in forma conciliativa o che tutta la questionc di Fiume e del litorale della Dalmazia viene alfine riaperta per i negozlatl. Si dice che i Primi Ministri Alleati nella loro replica chiedano agli Stati Unit! di indicaro quali passl pratici dovranno essere fatt i alio scopo dl rag giungerc l'originale accordo Bull'Adri atico, per 11 quale la citta' di Finnic do vrebbe divenirp uno Stato indipendente botto la Lega dcllo Nazloni c che il principio dclla "self-determination" dovrebbo essere seguito nel disporro dclla costa della Dalmazia. E' stato WSSSSSI g9 JJaJES lb repnta rrio NEW EDISON Tho Phonograph With Sad . . . . . . 1 J pany in claiming mat tnincen is a, lucky number. This new f&llbttcr of what is ordinarily called an ill-starred number Is, by coincidence, also the president of a great republic. ne is M. Deschanel, newly "lccted cKlef ex ecutive of France. Just after his elec tion M. Deschanel remarked: "My llfo is simplicity itself. I was born on the 18th, I was married on the 13th, and. it was ono tho Jflth that the Chamber declared mo a candidate for tho presidency." , REFUGEE AGAIN "MOVES ON" Dr. Durand, Peruvian Exile, Leaves Chile Once More Santiago, Chile, Feb.- 10. (By A. P.) Dr. Augusto Durand, Peruvian politician nnd former candldnte for the presidency of Rm.fcmharkcd to7 K" KOV oo re. Doctor Durand was com rcru in .iniv. inn --. li. . -F-Vi, Vi ,., " "'Power lor bis t)bl!Mp.,i' uyiucs. 10 went to. Chile. ,; umiuuu oniy n snort t me, the Pui" Governiucnt clvin i,u. a.K0 .nilcaa which to leave tho couptry. ys Pen,, Siw,ffi 0 have sold 800.000 r.r - i??'.1 U nuanuco, on the Amazon wntl?0. ota Japanese syndicate forcoloni"." Cuticura Soan --. jr azor Shaving Soan Stzwrrt i r1 r ni j Engraving? 1 Ktj Oe wrim nut Ote name f wot nratm most to ytml EdJaoa dweeea tbe voice and the talent occompftnying it for record making. It in not a baying of aorml That Is why moot of too I artbrbi come to nneh rmick mBtaribv. LasEari, greatest of contraltos; Anna Caw, the soprano miracle; Albert Spalding, mas ter violinist are examples. Hear tho greatest artists on tiro greatest phonograph. STEINWAY PIANOS STETSON & CO. XN. STETSON & CO.-v ENGRAVING 'and printing from steel BLANK BOOKS Bound and Loose Leaf LrrnoartAPirrNa PIUNTOJO. ENORAVINO omen Stationery and Supslle QUIl oompleto Bteol engraving dftnartt y raont ofTers ita facillUes , to buslnesJ housea. who can appreciate tho charactt of work executed by Mann. "". Printing from steel possesseo a dlstinc tlvo appearance that Is always worth whaf It coats especially If you aro one of thoR who feel that only the finest: Mna of printed matter properly represents your bustneSi to thOBO wo recolvo communication WILLilAM MANN COMPANY 629 MARKET STREET " PHILADELPHIA, PA. 'New York Offices: S61 Broadway. Founded in ma Production A course in Production Methods to trainj men for factory executive work, oil special value to Foremen, .Assistant Foremen and Clerics in production de partment. Course starts Tuesday, February 24, 7:30 P. M. A few free scholarships for! Discharged Service Men. YMCA Central Branch, 1421Arch St. Not many Homes are being erected now but we are fortunate in hav ing sorao already built at Oak Lane and Mel rose Park. Dainty homes in beautiful, nearby, ac ccsbible suburbs the sort of Homes that be speak good tabic and are, in addition, tolidly and substantially built, We feel that location, price and terms will appeal to you, and will be very glad, indeed, to talk tho matter over with you. "ESASSBS Cit'J OffJM, Chezinut ol illh Boulevard Offlce. Cor. Blshto Bun JU. Oak Lent Offlce. Ow&rUo BtatUn Special Tree and Shrub Differ to Owners of Large Estates Thia inventory cale, made necessary throih the clearance of certain parts of our nuru'rlea, offers buyers of nursery trectj and bhrubs In car load lota b. wonderful op portunity. Send for "Clearance Sheet," which quotes on large Iota only. Arrangements may also bo made for tie call of 0. talesman, for the cerv lcea of a landscape par deoer or for planting Small orders wtll be piven prompt attention, but tlio8i inventory pricoa cannot, of course, upply. If you will etato blzo of property and planting already done, we uhaU bo KLul to otter busgcstlona. . . - Ifiomaa MFFH&N 6S '"mowuvom (& tUMiuAtvati 6714 Chew Street Germanlown, Phila. Staple Overcoats Fancy Overcoats Fine Business Suits Young Men's Suits Four opportunities for Men and Young Men to purchase fine all-wool winter clothing of quality and fashion at Decided Reductions 26.50 36.50 54.50 CONSERVATIVE BUSINESS SUITS IN BOTH WORSTEDS AND WINTER WOOLENS, $35 AND $37.50 QUALITIES FOR CONSERVATIVE BUSINESS SUITS IN FINEST WEAVES, $45, $50 AND $60 QUALITIES FOR SUPERB QUALITY STAND ARD BUSINESS SUITS IN ALL RESPECTS AS FINE AS CUSTOM TAILORED GAR MENTS, REGULARLY $75 QUALITIES FOR All of the popular winter walking ulsters, storm ulsters and great coats in the William H. Wanamaker Store are reduced, with prices beginning as low as $25.00. What is true of these handsome heather effects, blanket cloths, lambs' wools and thick woolens also is true of our Chesterfield overcoats. Here are the prices: $27.50 fr & standard overcoats $30.00 for $40 standard overcoats $37.50 for $45 standard overcoats 1.00 fr $50 standard overcoats Kerseys, vicunas - all staple cloths in staple colorings oxfordsa blacks and blues. M-irflVi William KWanamaker . . and at three historic banquets qA fact: Within a single week last fall, great civic dinners were tendered at the Waldorf-Astoria to General Pershing, to Herbert Hoover and to Cardinal Mercier. And at all three of these famous banquets, the only cigarette served by the hosts was Fatima. FATIMA A Sensible Cigarette I f -," in mMm Jim mfm wm. 1 llllillMIU jiwifiijr : QlPfc "&U. tH UiF I Hi ' a t, .in m3m $sissm mm iwmm W 1 if 'JustiEnough Turkish" Facts like tlicso make Fatima's place among cigarettes unique. A few years ago, the "proncr" thing on euch btate occasions vould have bceu an expensive fancy. boxed, fctraight Turkish cigarette. Today, things are different Men base their choice on taste rather than price. That Fatima should be to clearly the choice of men who can afford anything they like, bhows that most omok ere really prefer not too much Turkish tobacco irithcir cigar ettea nor too little but "just enough Turkuh " ,t- 12 17-19 Chestnut St. ': v IWi, .. "Vjrjift. .C"T: ii. r '-. Aiaauwtf?jA t.wVtfAfiw . L i) . if- t fl . '- -n - i iiii-falMJTOtfBril'ifiiil ,: - MiJH