1PWF MmBMiimM T t t w EVBNINb iPUBIilO LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRtJARY 18, 1920 i " . . T CAT.1 C jTTT;TOTA-X-i "" ItEAIi ESTATE FOB SALE C1TV i HEAI ESTATE FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE FOB. BAM5 REAI, ESTATE FOB SAM BEAT, ESTATE FOB SALE BEAI, ESTATE FOB'SALE BEiyii ESTATE FOB SALl wkst r;ifLAnBJ.rniA 1WMT I'HILADBXrlllA. tVKST I'lULAnKi.rniA WB8T rinLADHLriUA TX)OAN IOOAW XSitSBKKIKimmflBiMmXtmmmnmafEmN f f0f Sale-To Close an Estate f 819 N. 2d Street l ,.. brick building, 20x84 l( RV , cSb&.t .xmo row. feet fe 'nil- tits, w "tk ivsv " :; 'Rtor ... hnjement: hand 'evMor . ' ,m,n & xtonnOW. Attorneys trvn H A T.TB Complete Dyehouse Plant APPLY Tp JOHN GAY'S SONS, JNC. Trenton Ave. and Ann Stt 000 BLOCK 5tt below prevailing prices "" JUST TINISHBU u rwims and. bath Enclosed porch tf.HTM" ;yurdnna floor mecirm in"v LOT Mil FEET TO ATLANTIC &T. SB Phono Kensington 4818 'o-.nWrrotJyofnPh..nde- ?.' 0tTonVmrpW ttstriat "wllf tak 2". Ann which ; m?n l than h per square ' ".rnrtBB or all cash: I am In New in"4 iB cannot bother with this Property; FACTORY SITE WfciarkY "Ark? "it 'lOflxtfri, all or an ""K,'"',V0XhD CO. gQth nnrt .lenerpon . iMMFnTATR POSSESSION ., v rnn MARSHALL- AND GREEN J Pegff at. (opposite 440 N 2d at.) 1 APARTMENT HOUSE ' rentals J33TB yearly. Mortgages aggregate $15,000. PRICE $18,500. ckAiffl iinr nn Investment nf 13300. UnVCPlVlAM "08 LINCOLN BLDG. Walnut 11781. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Nilitliborhood 10th and Chestnut ata.: 4-story S "j.lllnc. 11 room, and 2 : baths, .team but: tas. electricity, torooifliout, IT. JACKSON CO. "'? CHESTNUT AT T.AWNnAi.n tot C03xlOS foot, 1 squaro from trolley: fine jtrhri a.Btorv. 12-room house, with heat. electric light, stable, chicken house, variety of fruit and old ehads; bargain to settle, an esuUt. w r iAiti.n vv. iMiijj-itiiiL 401-407 Commonwetlth Hulldlnir , Mt IFWnVflV 1 9 rme vannn tftflftft 184IS N. 22d. 11 rooms 4O00 1827 N. 21st, 0 rooms . . 3801) 3(15 Jefferson. 0 rooms 2000 1709 Wlllman, 7 rooms., 2127 Berks. 7 rooms 2.100 174T N, Jjimbfirt. 0 rooms,, , . 21100 W1, L, aiVVBa'B HUNB. zoiu goiurama, ia'V. DAUPHIN ST.. 7 rooms S2500 I33S N Grata at.. 7 rooms 2000 H14 Locust Hi,, ana rear. & properties, lid Itac. t.. V rooms and bath 4500 ?0in waveriv at. z prnperiics HOUO THE LAND TITLE AND TltUBT CO. Mr. Walk or. Hrnad nnd Chestnut ata. 1721 DIAMOND ST. lniio I'juii; avk. 17(10 N, UTH ST, 122-24 W. WILDKY ST J. Goldsmith, Bulletin Bldg. Several desirable central dwell ings and business locations. Jas. D. Winchell, 1 y'th & Sansom WR SALE 2U25-2827 Martha t.: each ...tfc vi a per ikuiuii; nam, not ana JoM water, ranite. underdraln: U-room ww.i nut wfto ,iuu id ciose ino esiaie. 2rv tiwiui uit song -u., u ana iiuni- l1riT 0tH. I 1828 ARCH STREET roim-STonr dwemjno nins for an iCHAg. i. nnow.v a co.. 21T a. nroad. WKFernon. 0 rooms . Jioso Mil Mountain, 7 rooms.. . .2010 JJJS Sears, fl rooms . inw 1119 Uuclrnell. (1 rooms 182S u a. bumehb ft BOS, 18th and Tnsker 1 727 W. Oxford Strerf i . , . , nmins, un-io-aaio Dainroom: house In ex ejllent conditions cood section for apart- Ittmbia ave. I019-1O21-1O23 Appletree St. 3ize ot Lot. 45v771, tr Tartlmlnrs JAMES D. WINCHELt,, ,. ' tn imu nHnsom BIS; "ALNUT bT, above 11th, 40x15a! .tf "-.' "t.. ueiow llin. 7,lrnn! nnsSAnslnn. below Chmtnut 22x00. JSth k mis . .c.i."ri aoovo unestnut. corner. 50x72. WII T TiW t ?Ktffc J""Kr? tnr8 10x02. U?LIAM J HAINES, 1011 Chestnut stl 9th Street -below Chestnut Sl'c nnV'&i.ll'ttrB& r,"v wlth mod- lnP,l T' . "". iJiuntr VII1CO P' N. VAN PET.T. w ' FJi YN PELT, cor. Susquehanna, oc. WlFiVV, ,fflLJ!'SKPr.??"5 npied as a clr tAri. 9..li. h.V.iiir: I j,,.iiooie. tvm. iabl w T" ".'"VA'' linp" L, Craven's -Sons, 2010 I w'umpift nvft. TIIST. ITQTFn1 no. . wu A ult biJSs. V Jl07e' Cirlltlo st., south of Dla. Wl?iLatci,i?,,!Sfo,lo0Si.Z TOMM bath. JS ?..?xdLbic ST.. 7 rm. & bath! "On " WMLm&r- - - "" "mad nnd Ch'stnut m. IMMRHTATP PnccrccrriM &&Sfe)vo3: hia-tfiJiln.,ri',,,ND VINK STa.PhlUdirl 1000 Dalley Bldif. Sio5rvE''burf'i,Ei',9P "5,. "-.loiT brick "flllniti """ ! ana a small tt. Walter TITLB ND TRUST CO I - ' """tr. Broad and f!h.(n7 ... HDMP mrvcDc Th... UJ X JIt,J .saK. h "isilSFu: JVA5TSTS co .'"" , " " """'inui sis. w,Ar?k st.. 2702 nidr. . .o';:' war fi.vW2 8- '. TBHWrixs,?, F,lJk!lW'.1WU, Premises. I8.n N SaSffigSJfflsimt tSWiaS? liiTmn, L"" " " Br-iiiL: Binia TlUat11M,i -, Wee liion r.n, to,." N. Uarlcn at i p "V-nWrtiVi,.." ""ow neater niMl luin 1"J""ln DffiVrM neat "hi',,rfS,ry r-orch' ltrlo iv'-n Iteeil .7 y"'uns "? JS5ni.nt'.. TSR? .,h-0.uo.'rlth e"5Eff-S$Ci2 RTO VrV" 'hwlllHelf J VaynV apv.r iySV,i. pr,c .noi Vai's. tNtim 11 a?artmi,,.rj; "f'f'nient hous.. J!SSSTER?f rJiorN,.."J"i"y" ren,ed' "TvTliiii " w"' 2f Wharron at. TfiLa C ,uear filr.rl '.., j-si,-. 8th and 9th Streets Wyoming Avenue and Northeast Boulevard valllns in abHni" of' ib,0, and murh hl.h.. ."??"" At a .-.,-. ,.,n,.s VUBl, WITH AND WITHOUT PRIVATg GARAGES All modern Conveniences, and must ba Inspected to be appre ciated. SAMPLE HOUSES 4722 NORTH 8TH STREET 4040 NORTH 9TH STREET Sara to Wjomlnir ave. I DANIEL OltAWFOnD. JR.. I I BUILDDIt AND OWNBIl I i?"M." N -17,h- brownstone. JSj? DJmond. 12 rooms. 2 baths. -041 8d. Garden, 4 atorlea, brownstone, ,,. -.mod "eat, ?,?S5 ?.rc,'',n' doublo front, 88x100 feet. z!.i. Wallace, store and dwn., very cheap. ivSi Green, 13 rooms, 2 baths, slda yard. 5"'0 E. Arl7ona, R rooms: 102. J700 block Iiooa St.. 2 sty., porch, 7,rms. vfei6 npirtment houics, J8000 to $26,000. ISs? K', 'r,i1!' rooms, vacant. ,, , 222? polumhla nvn., store nnd dwir.. aide yd. ,I'J J. 17th, modern heat, 3 baths... JSPJH1!01 J,t- Vornon. 12 rooms, 2 baths. t52i X allocs, 12 rooms, poss. "JJ Mt. Vprnon. 1ft rooms. 4 baths. J 1x2 Cden, 0 rooms. . , If"? Poplar, 13 rooms. 2 baths, mod. heat. ,'J4 Vino, stnro nnd dxva;.: estate. ?3i5 frni5 PlnB- 87x3(10 feet. 2 fronts. JJ2? Hutchinson, H roomsi J2000. . . ,, 1001 Walloce, solid brownstono, mod. heat! nunnnnp ii. wonnr.LL co, bss n. 17th tjlt. t3 t -w. '...' ... ' ... . J l'OIl SALE 2808-2810 Swanson att: In rood ronnuion: price sinao. CAMr.nON. 28jl KENSINOTON AVE. 222,1 ANN ST. U-atrry dwelling: rant 114! price now $1200: will be Increased J30 mommy unm eoin fomnB. nii'j inisn ave, IP YOU aro looklnp; for central bulldlnirs consult u. u. mi;u)15U is uu., inc., 4th nnd t'nilawnill PIS. CLOSE estate, a dwars.; underdralnedj rent lift; price noun, nn.iin. intt 1'oint lireeze. 3702 DICKINSON 7 rms. ami back kitchens monprn. xeisner, ig.a ana -asKer sis. 1810 N. Camac. 2-aty broxvn's'no rront, 0 rms;, all convs. H. J. Tn'tv, ISth & Stlixs. CENTnAL Possosslon: new 8-room house; jutn &. faraway, amun. man x'oint ureeile. Apartment Ilouafg OOOD.PAYINO B.famllv apartment house all Improvements; clear terms to suit pur- cnaser. vnresH vj mm. x.etiner wtiico. Iliilldlng Lots, Factory Sltra. Etc. tioo.ooo Prominent Chestnut St. Corner 121 x 200; 3 fronts Deslrnblo fnr manufaclurlnc; or aufomobllo hulldlnir LAMD & CO., 737 Walnut St. Manufacturing building, 20,000 sq. ft. ' Boger & Crawford, East Ontario and Janney st. CHEAPEST SITE In tho automobllo district. 0 blocks above city linn; i:i a tt.l 170 it. irom cor. or uroad and ait vernon. wuituui.i,, nftft .n. i7tn ONE DESIRABLE LOT. with railroad front ace, northeast comer N, P. R. R, and Indiana ae., 22,500 suuare feet suitable for sioneyara, cuiynraeioraTQ or ice piani. J, II. RHOADB. 13B 3. Btll at. SITES, RAILROAD Penna. nnd Reading I200O per acre and un. acrnrdlne to loc. Inquire lor terms. Dleterlch. 787 Walnut st. Ituslnras rroprrtlea ond Storta COLUMBIA AVE STORE 'For sale, store and 10-room dwelling, all conveniences; quick possosslon. ' 1 1 23 Columbia Ave. 16th Street South of Market A crowinB business se:tlon; aluoa are bound to increase; poBtession wunin a reasonaoio time, u niH. imager urtico. Stores nnd Dwelling 808 W. NORRIS ST. Throe-story Btore and dwelling-, 0 rooma; hoater, bath, ranire, etc.: cheap for cash. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. lS4fl N. 7th at. 2t.'8 KRANICirORD AVK. 7 rooms & atore neulv papered and painted: modern plumb- Inn' NOW VACANT: prlca 13000. IMward P. Mcreak. 2024 lTanKioru ave. rn. Ken. 0100. N. E. COU. 23TII AND LEHIQH AVE-.- Three-atory atora and uwelllna. For par. tlculars anniy jambs u. wihcb. tELL. 17th and Sansom ata. 1000 E. L.EHIOII AVE, Three-story atora and dwelling; (corner)i ault any UUBlItCBB, m.l n,,.r.DIUI,, (VI.V V'ttD, WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1BI6 N. 7th St. 2747 KENSINGTON AVE,, STORE AND PWELUnui mommy lease: price I100U, but open for an offer: lot 18x184 ft. CAMERON. 2811 KENSINOTON AVE. 2011 RIDQE AVE. Stora and 8 rooms; all conveniences: monthly lease; price IO300. C. 1'. uuwAivu K.u.t mu anu jauerson eta. S E. COR 15th 4: Wharton. 8-story store ' j Si III-.. A r W.o, 1J4K ltW..i ana iiwcih".. " ' .. vn.. ... ,,nnun. Factirlc, 31nnufncfnrtnic ITloora S200.00O Large Plant Vicinity Chester 116,000 srj. ft, floor apaca 100 acres land Duplication cost 1400.000 BAROAIr? Also 1118.000 Large Kensington Textile Mill 60,010 square feet Convenient terms arranged LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. $45,000 76x180 to roar st.. with R. R. 2 llulldlngg $3.1,000 .Front at., fl-atory Warehout. 30,000 squaro feet Lamb & Co., 737 Walnut St. SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE 8, W. COR. 8TII AND SANSOJf STS.. oftlca nnrt manufacturing bulldlmr. Two electrlo elevators, Bteam-hcatlntt plant. Make otter. 4th and Callowhltl Sis 12,600 sq. ft., one sty., brick. 20,000 sq, ft., 2 sty. nnd basement, central, 82,000 sq. ft,, ono sty,, atdlnar, 60,000 sq. ft., one sty.. Bldlnir, 8 A. 86,000 an. ft., ono and two aty,, aldlne-, S A. 100,000 sq. ft., central. 183.000 sq. ft., one sty,, sldlnjr, cranes. J, ALAN MIDDLKTON, 002 Wldener RldB. FOUR-STORY FACTORY ftnrh and Ktaster: C6.00O aauara feat of floori 62,200 square fe?t of land: 8 fronts; sidlmr. lllimiitiJ . ivumu.i,u g uo., 000 n. tun INDUSTRIAL, FLANTS, warehouses, vacant lana. ranruHa nnu wnier (runmii. ' M. L. STEVENSON b SON. 822 Land Title. ATarehonsfifl $80,000 Central 4-Story Warehouse 82x180 $40.000 Elefrant B-story warehouse, vicinity 4tn and Market. $75,000 Rental, $10,000 yearly; 4 bulldlnmi 4th and Arch. $20,000 18x120 to rear street; 2d and Chestnut. $17,0O018xO3 4 story, elevator; 2d and Arctu $18,000 4-story bulldlnr. 21x106; vicinity 2d and Walnut eta, Lamb & Co., 737 Walnut St. CENTHAl. Ona square from riverfront, heavily constructed warehouse: 60x100 feel! o noora ana Daseipenii sprinKier sys. tmt elec'rlo alarms, P 012, Ider OfTloe, CENTRAL One aquare. from riverfront) "niHl! feet: 4 floors and bacement. V 014. Ledger Oftlce. MHtST rilllADKT.I'HIA 52d & Walnut, New Auto Section 8142 and 44 Walnut, IS ft. front each. 210 and 12 Walnut, 16 ft. front each, 5310 Walnut. 10 'tlttont. D. F. McCONNELL Spruce 6726 1207 Harrison Rid. (W07 CHRISTIAN BT.SOii N. 624 at,, 651 $ all Biodera eofmnUiKM, Ap- till, Wet Philadelphia Business Locations Choice Properties NEW ItEAt-Tx- CO. 0J4 B, PENN SQ. DLPO. rilONES: SPRUCE 2038. SPRUCE 4003 BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES In the Overbrook Section From $3000 to $20,000 Wo can finance purchase of all houses Edw. M. Moll eT2fA0M Open eves until I) o'clock Belmont B87II. SPECULATORS 417 f. IMF) ST. Six rooms, both. Inclosed porch: hot-water heat, electrlo llirht, station ary wnshtubs, hardwood floors throughout; Immediate possession: 7S0O, . one-be.')', kr ..r.nriT7,Afi an-Rtc rooms. porch, bath, Vteam heat, stattohary wash tubs, hardwood floors; quick, possession; 19 IV, PERLMAN 783 WALNUT ST. Walnut 8313. 1012 S. 49th St. clirSl0yE- raror, dining room, kitchen, laundry, library. trie lights: lot 86x135- 6 car lines to center or ciy; niao i-enna. liaiiroaa. , PoBsesaion conveniently arranged, lrice $10,000. Call at house, or aea D. V. REDDING cnVE. 4912 BALTIMORE AVE. Three-sty. business property, lot 25x100. for merly used as a caf and restaurant: modern In all appolntm'ts; offers wonderful possibili ties ror tattering into otner ounines; oiag. on first floor 100 ft, deep; Immedlnto possession; Eugene L. Townsend wh'&'n'aito SPECULATORS Ten 8-atorv brick houses. 10 rooms and bath: wide street: open outlook: convenient to 4 double car lines, nsieised $3300: price $4300. BROWN & FRENCH 810 T.tnenln Rldg Filbert 4B78 4033 SPRUCE STREET a i a an .. n e."Ua. elan Itrftif wry iwm, jo riivm-. a utn-ua, ;"" -.. lot to rear street suitable for erection or parage; pnBEcsiion. TAYLOR & SON J'Zlr. FINE RESIDENCE Phentnut near S7th St.! lot 80x156: 3 story. porch front, 12 rooms and 2 baths: If you are looking for a flno home, this la It. I T TAPfCnM m CHESTNUT AT ). j.. jrn.mvn . 13TH st. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS P4th St., AVynnefleld nnd Woodblpo avei : S mreci ironis, convenient 10 iransporiano" prlca right. J. T. JACKSON C0.aifSAT The Gate to Sherwood h..ZZ tlful twin homat modern: most of tho neighbors have mnde whlto and mahog any finish twin homes are becoming very difficult to eecure.-valne $7000 renovated, GO0O Rfl la today. CJIOWLEY, 1237 N. nflih Helmnnt 0,141 W. SPECULATORS, ATTENTION! 5122-24-26-30-32-34-40.42-44-4(1-50-00-02-5123. 2.1-27-3S.87-41-45-47 Rjno at.; price $2350, In eluding mortgage of $1000. Wn havo an exceptional list of homes suit able for homo buers. fiss & wood a;K8n:,1,or t7KOn Three-elory semidetached resl pJw denco, 10 rooma, 2 baths; 80-foot main atreet: lot 26x115 ft.; u cars lines to contcr of city, also r. It, H.; eary posses- B'n' EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S. E COR. 40TH AND BALTIMORE AVT1. CORNER S-T'lill"- ?i?r Parquetry floori, 2 baths, llvlng-hall. Colo nial finish, new lighting fixtures, garage prl liege. Conveniently lor.ttcd, Immediate possession. Price, $13,600, Eugi ene L. Townsend fnin cn0" Sherwood Homes """" iesslon'P$6notoo a"d Dai,e,'ea: Immcqtate'bos- WFarl Yonkpr BTth end Thomaa eve. . Lidri lUllticr Woodland nxai JUST the home you havo been looking for Thoroughly modern. In an exclusive resi dential section; perfect condition: possession! price $7000. ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD. 62d and Larchwood. Woodland 4800. PRIVATE FUNDS for flrat mortgages, build ing association funds for second mort- JOS! ALLEN POTTS M, STORE AND DWELI.TNTn Southeast corner of 62d and Stiles att. 3-story storo and dwelling; flno business corli ner. II. S. MILLER, 52d st. below "ancaj. ter a e. A FEW IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4000 10? bi00N-, Bdgewood st. (00th piLfUU and Arch). 1 square from "L," station; 0 rooms and bath, summer kitchen, etc.; No. 128 open ti, at x, jy!"-' oop master. 907 .Sn 42d St. ,7Lr.m.r bth- alec. fc,w . . .,B"i, vuiuumt nmsu. Renovated throughout: Immediate possession TAvrnR Ar son ' & 26""on' '"'W w.. j, 4() 3 I J T oftorlnea In West Phlladeinh h.. nnd atores. """aeipnio. Uarpenter Oe Wilson g;" N, B. COR. 02D AND RACE Two.story store nnd dwelling: good opportunity for Improvement. ' D. F. HcCONNEI.Ii Spruce 5725 1207 Harrison Rldg. 41 N. 5 1ST STREET Six rooms and bath: newly papered. va cant; Immediate possession, financed Phona HUUUItll'U -mM- w 77fin Thoroughly modern up-to-date 3i.JyJ house; hot-water heat electrlo light: unusually attractive: 22-foot front. DA VCD A, sfN . 6201 unii.l """ BALTIMORE AVr?. '6522 ANGORA TERRACE Seven rooms, bath, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, electric lights, etc.: $5400. Li. A. 'lAumnn, uuu walnut at 4540-42-44-46 SANSOM STREET 2 story, porch, 8 rooms, eleo., Dutch hall; 1 blk. to L&trol.: financed; poss. Apothaker fc nrown, 333 Walnut Lombard 87BH. $4800 CHEAPEST house In the Sherwood district, having hot-water heat, electrlo llgni. pruuen i""i "', Ull j L,IJU- POLD, B2d and Larchwood. Woodland 4Smi. SPECULATORS 0 2-atory brick dwellings, a mnmfl and bath, all conva : lot ia ft.nt Lofland, 7121 Woodland Ave.' To CLOSE an estate Hnruce St.. near 40th. 18 rooms. 2 baths electric light, hot air h.i; nusueaslon June: suitable nrlvit. ...i. denre or annrtmenta. M 02g. Ledger Office 11000 BLOCK WEBSTER ST Eight rooms modern throughout: price $7300. And Remember CROSS Stands, for All Thtt's nrt,i Kflth and Larchwood ov 0045 '1HHinVik&nCK0rner; modern in cvvrv unt"i ts''.'-' CONWAY & CO. "ft";;- THRUE.FAMILY house, purchaser can hae possession ot apartment ft rooms and bath: 4 prlate garages: easy terms. TAlH. D WINCHELL, 17th and Sanson, ... VA11KHIDH SROTICIM Corner storo. Parksldo and Linden wood st : Immediate possessloni price $7500. If, s.' MILLER. 52d at. below Lancaster i. ..urnnfiipn nauTantZT 2000 bloclt S. 67th at.. rooma nnd tile bath, hot-water heat, electrlo light, hardwood floors. Phone Woodland 0767. B834 OaUENPrlco only $2350; possession SO days: has many additional Improve. ments: mu;t be sold at once. HARVEY j. aIINOST, 62d and Sansom sts. 6HT1I, below :j nomas: twini modern. 1232 S, Mljlck; modern: vacant. rriwley 1287 N. Ililth. helmnnt n.-m rx, MTU. n'"vrSfelmpJ0D,J"r- bedroomsTJ 1230 N, ALDEN, 4 bedrooms: vacant, rvnwley. 1237 N. flOth st. Helmont 06U w STORE AND DWELLINo, 1888 N, B2D"st Three story, 0 rooms, large store. II 8. MILLa.lt, 02d below Lancaster ave " ' HAVKKironD ave. w. ofTTht ! Three atornoroh, 10 rooms; price $3000 TCiiflRD TRUST CO., -44th A Line.tJ; ...' ' '.urteL T.iWr A umi?ij 1 !. ' 7,uui'llI.nCiC LANCAHTKH Ur."ii-r story dwgil.lot 20x180 to reur st.: .'. mtrmn TRUST CO., 44ta and Iaine..i.V Miii"i w--- ,,t w",,"" ..ncaster. 127 B. DOTH Vacant; flrst-ciass oondltloni Ifl-year roof. CO. bCtfWAIlZ, aoih anel nester ave. Woodland 8449. u 5500 BLOCK Rac, U rooma ana bath, porch t modtmt bar. Orlseom, 2100 Catharine S4M fl. MD T JClgBtroome, poroh: oonvTi ''nni89 8. 47th at., twlnt 11 pJJWfoom It tiath: good onl tlonl lot 224x160; excellent propo sition to make 8d floor nuance prop erty. ;AAOnW2fl. B8d, 2-tory,modern, 3VOAJc room, ana tath( with In closed porch. t79vVr4th and Thomas ave., 2 P'w story, modern, 0 rooms and bath, dutch hall. WiCVW? S. 42d M 8-story. 0 P-'uuroom and bath: eleo lights; hot-water heat; dutch hall. t7CVt6828 Hadfleld ave.. 2-atory, "PWUm0(ierni 7 rooms and fcattii with 'Inclosnd sleeplncr porch nd breakfast room. 7'inn7lh & Ilaxel aie., 8-slory P'vwtwln, JO rooms, 2 baths. fcQfWl 8U & Cheater nve., 3-etory WUW corner. fio0 jjghts, h.-w. heat, dutch hall; garage prlv. 1 ? iftniBtb A Ptae, 3-story twlnf 4HL,-IUU.ifCj lurbts; 12 rooms ft 2 baths. s 41 ?fin8tl near Spruce, 4-tory IJ,JUUw)nl ,j. rooms, 2 baths and billiard room; jnodcrn. feK nnn '5th & Walnut St. 3 P I J ,JAJ ltory lwfn. 10 rooms, 2 baths; garago elcc. Ughta; h.-w. heat mahogany and white finish. Ifelf2,1 & Baltimore ave., 3- I u,UVAf,(0ry apartment house; $230 per month rental; excellent prop osition for home and Investment. ftfrfW'd Spruce at., stands Pv.UWaiom). 8-story; JP5O0 spent for modern Interior; unexcelled out look and location. $?fl nfin7th 4. Larchwood, ror.; WW,,, of axel's latest artistic homes: 8-story, 11 rooms, 2 bathi and billiard room', garage prlv. Phono your demands, we havo It. BROWN & FRENCH 310 Lincoln Did. FJlbort 4070, INVESTORS 3 MODERN APARTMENT HOUSES WITH CENTRAL-PLANT HEAT In Overbrook "The Royal Poincianna" 0227 JEFFERSON .'. $0500 0220 JEFFERSON. . . 11.000 0231 JEFFERSON 12.000 Full particulars upon application TH0S. J. O'NEILL 5724 CHESTER AVENUE MODERN HOMES IMU C220 Carpenter at., 3 story, garage, ex cellent condition. 1000 Block S. 00th, 4 b. r. & b.; 2 houses. H00 Bluck H. Alden. 0 rooms and bath. 1215 S. Edgewood, fl room and bath. 1030 S. Frazler, 0 rooms and bath, 5004 Latonn, 7 rooms and bath and store. 4218 Baltimore, 10 rooms and 2 hatha. 041 S. 60th st,, end house, 7 rms. & b. 5723 Warrington, 0 r. & bath; garage, S. W. Cor. 58th and Ashland ave.; 11 rooms, bath, garage privilege. MICHAEL A. MALONEY ' 1021 SOUTH 00TH ST. A HOME T desire to cell my home, If you are looklne for a home, not n house, come out and you will buy Immediately, as your own Intelligence will enable you to per ceive at a glance that my home 1 a real home. It U impossible for me to describe in detail the features of this wonderful 2 -story corner home, located at B001 Thomas ave., with southern exposure, and 4 bedrooms on the second floor, hard wood floors, the material of which can not be bounht at any price today. Suf ficient to say comn out and be convinced. Tours truly, OWNER. ll MODERN 3-STORY West side 40th. between Locust at. and Spruco at.; built by Wm. T. Field; 9 rooms and 2 baths; every modern Im provement. Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. a bu, 4iri. hi, We Have a Choice List MODERN HOMES PRICES FROM 83.100 TO $8000 SOME ARE VACANT CAM. BEL. 1147 FOR LIST D. F. RYAN. Realtor 6508 MARKET ST. Near 57th & Thomas Ave. AIR LIGHT HOME A finely constructed 2-story house: lot 23.0x112: liWng hall (21x17); dining room and kitchen on first floor: 4 good-sized rooms nnd bath on second floor: oak floor throughout: newly papered and painted throughout; Colonial finish Wm. H. W. Quick 6c Bro.. Inc. 8 S. 40TII ST. 1012 S. 40TJI ST. (At Chester Ave.) Parlor, dlnlns room, kitchen, laundry, library. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, parauetrv floors electrlo lights, lot 35rl85; 0 car lines to center of city; also Jenna, Railroad. Possession conveniently arranged: Drlce. JJU,UA'. Wtli ., w BVW D. V. REDDING ?$? ER AVE. IMMED. POSS. $5000 ery desirable corner, room for carafe; well located; modern 'mprovemenj-s; 4 bedrooms. J. W.Camac&cCo. ood,Av. Large List of W. l'hlla. Properties $1600 up Hestonville Real Estate Co. 4823 Lancaster Avenue. 2100 BLOCK S Simpson at; 0. rooms and bath: convenient to enrs: $3000: only $400 cash. Carpenter Wilson. 6220 Market, lielmont 1057. GASOLINE ALLEY Whtj Not Have H WOKSO 6At t . A E3S5yVnY nfX'T VW fosse CH65 IM THfi- 5 0 CoftT OF CStes VARNISH , Dr 1 g FRV nm5H Co CtCAE. ThCouCH, j m WW- DO W0NOEBS TOR (CK0W WALTjoMCBXV To "'ll Ve " U g HEM. NOISEPAWfryj' y WYouA(rooo A BUBM Off JOB. MfHY P MooTAHuNoeroANP TMWHcrUirtrwsrMe OonV vou paint her. C TtvrATN BUCKS FOB A VA J08 0WESS IWOUJ A CuY "eifj R h JJMi-ou puT 0 tub Ter4 tor a J'teXZ'nfM' s-tuIom fl 's coifs ANYy. vou can rer T ' J- vxi J'(r AyOU ASK PEHCy iiTAT WT f v k Government Houses For Sale UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION wrza, xiECEivB, UNnrl monday, march i'st, 1920, sealed rnorosAxs fou Tina purchase of FOURTEEN HUNDRED SEVENTt-NINE (1479) BRICK ' DWELLINGS WITH MODERN -IMPROVEMENTS , in Tins ELMWOOrJ SECTION OP PHILADELPHIA, PA. (474) Dwellings at 61st and 62nd Streets and Elmwood Avenue (Subject to 73 existing mortgages aggregating ?136,000) (511) Dwellings at 67th and 68fh Streets and Elmwood Avenue (494) Dwellings at 71st Street, Buist and Dicks Avenue Bids will be received on the three groups as an entirety or any one of the three groups, separately. Terms of Sale: ( Certified check, for one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) with proposal. Additional one' hundred thousand dolftri ($100,000) In sixty days from date of contract. Ralanco In six, months from date of contract. On the balance of the houses not subject to the above-mentioned mortgages of $130,000. seventy-five per cent (75) of tho purchase price may remain on mortgage for five (5) years at six per cent i(S), Plot plans showing the exact location of houses and proposal forms con taining conditions of sale, etc., may be obtained from the HOUSING DIVISION UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION 140 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pa. The Hoard of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids. IlIlfflfflNIMIilllM There Must Be a Reason for the Fact THAT WE WILL MOVE TO LARGER OFFICES EARLT NEXT MONTH (New Office Will be 1826 S. 58th St.) LIVERS & SLEGMAN - NOW AT S. E. COR. 56TH WOOD 71711 MEMBERS PIIILA. gMLMUWIHiffllllBlllUli illlMMllMMM (r Month u'ii unrer tPU.UCarrvinE Charges plus J" 50 additional per month to pay off second mortgage. PRICE ?5500 By purchasing now sou unques tionably are 3aving at least $500, as prices will bo advanced shortly. 7 SOLD IN 1 WEEK tells the story- Act quickly 1C 0u wish to buy at present prices. OUR NEWEST OPERATION 25 minutes by subway care to City Hall. BEAUTIFUL 7 and 8 room homes: inclosd porches, hardwood floors, electrlo lights, combination gas kltchenB. handsomely appointed bath, shower baths: 18-tt. front; facing on an 80-ft. street. . . SAirBLE HOUSE 6520 Paschall ave. Routoa 11 and 8T In subway or 12 on Pine at. to 115th and Woodland ave ; nalk 1 block south to opera tion. YAGLE & BURNS 0 a.m. to B p.m. dally; evgs. 7 to 0 MODERN HOMES (1033 Latona ave 8 rms and bath. 1000 block S. 00th, 4 b. r und b 1216 S. Edgenood; 0 rooms and b 1030 S.Frazlcr, 0 r. & b.; Im. nosa. 4218 Baltimore itie . 10 r. . 2 b. ; financed 800 block S. Alden 0 rms. and b. 8904 Latona nve., Or & b. , store. 6004 Sprlpgfleld nve.; 8 r. nnd bath. 0180 Washington ave.: 10 r.. 2 b. 941 8. 50th st : 0 roomi and bath. 001(1 Christian st , 8 rms. and bath. 0220 Carpenter st. 10 r . 2 b : gar. BBSS Ellsworth st . 0 rooms nnd bath, 6723 Warrington ave : B r, & b : gar, 6100 block WcbJtei st , 7 r. and b. MICHAEL A. MALONEY 10?1 S COTH ST. SIEGEL'S Artistic Homes are nearly completed. 47th & Larchwood Avenue Clarence R. Siegel Builder of Artistic Homes on Premises illlll IBSSblgi 5035 THOMAS AVE . Immediate possession: hot-water heat, eleetrlc light, parquetry floors. Arthur J.. Leupold, 52d & Larchwood. It KaUomlned? Ull KING Copyright, 1920. by th Tribune Co, I i imrammiiniiiiiiiiiiiia m & CHESTER AVE. REAL ESTATE BOARD. WEST 513 NEW TERRACED FRONT HOMES 66th & Elmwood Ave. $4250 AND UP YARDS THAT ARE REAL ELECTRIC LIGHTS BASEMENT LAUNDRIES SOMU WITH OARAGES Alexander Ferguson, Builder WILLIAM T. PARKER, on Premises NEW HOMES In Choice Location Nassau Street "OVERBROOK '" T,Y,EIVSv.LATn FEATURE INCLOSED PORCHES WITH HEAT Garage Attached GOOD OAR SERVICE FirRNISHED SAMPLE HOUSD HENRY S. REED On premises or 1112 Chostnut at WITH OR WITHOUT " OARAQES Ideal Modern Homes OVERBROOK FROM $2400 TO $16,000 Money to Loan on 2d Mortgages JOHN A. THOMAS 0024 I.ansdowne Ave Belmont 8338 wm until, u p. m Inspections dally &r Sunday Included 1600 Block North 59th St. (EAST OR WEST SIDE) A Ideal construction: 3 atory. hot- B 1 VS" It"1' f'jfftrlo light." pSrquSlrV I g- '"-- vrfc u ""ow you tnese I 0enr!l'e5 ?& ,Y.e.,many r" Dro 1 EDWARD M. MOLL j LANSDOWNB AVE. WEST OF 63D Phono Belmont 8070 MPMMCM 5801 WARRINGTON AVE. ?a5P.!ekS0y0kPOC.nb3 CtV large garage, terrace ana driveway, Inel' porch: lot 10x110. wonderful chance for private or business, basement ran be cin verted Into atores, prlee $12,5o J. N. McMICHAEL 58th and Springfield Wood 680S or owner Wood 4703 W Storss and Dwellings 52D STREET STORE No, 124 norrh Modern store nnd ??&ment- '" B00V Cb" r'nt It fo? ,i?.00.Se 7ir. EW- lnvtment. t.. .r..?.-VtV? "?,"" "" "ay. Trms reasonable Come an Kershaw & Crowlc'., ....... ,,,,,r wuine nna so. It. itnut St. nnlldlng Lots. Fiietory filtee. Eta. SALE Big lot, 102 ft front, on Chestnut st, west of 41st st., 60 ft. entrance on Lud. low st. A. E. MILLER 2118 Columbia ave. OKRMANTOWN GERMAMTOWN $20,000 In Stenton Modern deiuched house, hot-water heat, electrlo light. $8000 Mt. Airy For Immediate pos session: 0 rooms, bath, hot water heot. electric light. n $5000 Room for garage. 0 rooms, bath, ready for occupancy. $4500 Only a. few left; arrange to Inspect these modern 2-story bouses: 0 rooms, bath, open fireplace, electric light, o 1 lyndon Priestma :N Ue rmanto Member Tblls,. R, E. Board l HOMES WE -CATER TO HOME BUYERS BROAD & LOUOEN.OTnEET3 LOGAN. PHILADELPHIA 5000 Block N. 9th St. I 700 Block Wyoming Ave. A mansion's conveniences; hard- , Tho avenue of the Logan flection.' woodThrougnout?ntMonbath. ahower. A homo that measures up to the Triced ,10.000. &,ce -111,000. ; .-. 4535 North 10th St. A KOW Ot" .J MOUSeS Home buyer'a opportunity. for speculation: iocat:d In Kenalng- Price $8000. ton; nil renovated and acant ask . 3T7 I 1 p. for partlcjlars. MLl Louden Ot. . Vacant. Price $8500. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' 1204-6 Rockland St. n '01 8 Rockland St. . , ... Beautiful, semidetached, with 8 Good speculation: examlno property rooms and bath; large lot. and make offer. Prico $10,000, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHinP OKRMANTOWN itraiiii BUY NOW The peak of the rise In. value hai g not yet ben reached. New build- g In costs are steadily mounting. g Demand for residences, old and g new, continues much 'n excess oi m the supply. These factors point in H higher values this spring and fall, g Bear In mind that our list now ra comprised offerings which nu will g bo unablo to duplicate later on. g Detached, $12,000 Single all-stone dwelling, contain- g Ing 10 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water h hat, gas and electricity, hardwood g floors, open fireplace; excellent lo- g ration; convenient toAllen J.ane g Station, Pennsylvania R. R. g Detached, $14.5.00 I grrage: convenient to both train nnd g trolley; contains 11 .rooms- and- baths, gas. electricity. , hardwood g floors. 3 open fireplaces, white enamel a and Mahogany finish; excellent value, g Twin Dwelling, $5500 j Twin brick dwelling; lot 28x253 ft.. m with room for garage, contains a rooms . and bath, hot-air heating, g gas; locat-d on Cretheim road, near g Allen Lane Station; excellent value g and opportunity for home buyer or g Investor. g NeaY Carpenter Station g Twin dwelling: southern exposure; 0 room for garage: 10 rooms and bath, g steam heat, can and electricity, hard- g wood floors, open fireplace: aflend'd g location: prico $12,000; immediate possession, jg Stenton ' I Attractive home; lot 45x148 ft . with g room for garage, southern exposure, g contains 10 rooms and 2 baths, hot- g water heat, gas and electricity: hard- wood floors: open fireplace; posses- g - lon; price $14,000. g Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ 1 5622 GERMANTOWN AVE. g ErmiHii iKmiaTtcninnim nranrmrainitnoiTni n n mun nn fuu mnininmn Stone Colonial With Garage $18,500 This lw a brand-new offering and will sell quickly; near TJp eal Station nnd trolleys, over looking Lincoln dxlvo; 10 moms, 2 baths, hardwood ' floors, etc.: gas and electricity, hot-water heat; house finished In white and mahogany throughout; most attractive exterior and Interior Buy your home through Smullen & Barry 1208-11 LIBERTY BLDO. (Broad and Chestnut) Immediate Possession $1000 Down Mtrnctlve semidetached stone residences: 10 rooms. 2 baths, gas and electricity; hot water heat: near trains, trolley, schools, etc.: well located In Germantown: price $0750. and at this price and on the terms they will go nuickly Bur Xoor Home Through Smullen & Barry 1200-11 Liberty Building UROAD AND CHESTNUT Lincoln Drive Home $19,000 Handsome, all-stone dwelling near Upal Station and trol es, this Is a most desirable nome; contains 14 rooms. In cluding 7 chambers and M baths, thoroughly modern and in excellent condition through out large lot, plenty of room for garage. Immediate pose I n It required. Buy your home through Smullen & Barry 1200-11 Liberty Bldg Broad and Chestnut. Residence and Garage $12,000 Attractive 8-story stone and stucoo residence on Upaal st . conveniently located: housa contains 12 rooma and 3 baths, gaa ajid electricity: 2 car garage: this is the first time this property has been ottered for sale and will sell ery qulcklyi $18 600. BUY YOUR HOME THRU Smullen & Barry 1208-11 LIBERTY BLDG Broad and Chestnut mwM MiWJM IF YOU WILL ADVISE US WHERE you rare to LOCATE and the PRICE you WISH TO PAY we will fcrnish the prop erty! our list Includes properties In alt SECTIONS OF OERMANTOWN and prices ran go from $7500 to $40,000, MAURAN. DOLMAN 8c CO. N E. cor. Broad anj Chestnut sts. 506 MANHEIM STREET N,sr Wlssahlckon ave.; 13-ronm dwelling: 1 baths, modern heating, lighting" fSi flumblng systems! lot 61x110: nrloa at. racttve. WM. 1 CRAVIBN'S BOej7aoio AUTO SERVICE- PHONE WTOMINfl 1589 2T NORTH 78 , OERMANTOWN $6000 for practically new 10-room semidetached, up-to-date porch-front residence. We In SL'i2mp?r ..n ff'tfl nnythlng In 1'hlla delphla, electric light, steam heat. laun dry; centrally located: 80-foot street: 3 trolley lines. 2 steam roads; Immediate possession, a, JOHN B. McCAFFERTY 6731 OERMANTOWN AVENUB "2 POMONA TEhRACb Ten rooms, . ; lot 30x100; 6108 Wayne nve?, 2 baths, steam heat; good location! 220 W. APSleV flt . n -nAm Wn...tl H,'l .-.V. -. . ....F, .rm.cti, uil.1 A1, JtlUI, OT3tIANTOWN Ilnllillng Tits, rnrtorr Sltea. Kt. . . . .'.8.0:.00 WILL PURCHASE MANUFACTURING SFTE ?.L.Bitofor bu"dlng operation of 4 acres Lih.j? Ber",, additional available If 5?.f'l.S'?n !lne of Pennsylvania, Rail. road, with frontage on Wlssahlckon ave.; stone dwelling of 10 rooms that can be usdU tot 'offices, home or oner or part of establishment; brick garage, with rooms on second floor; front end of lot In one of' finest residential aectlons In Oerman town; rear end of lot near enough to railroad property for siding; offers un excelled opportunity to wide-awake manu--ltnUrer r bulldlne operator. Arrange CHARLES 3. SCIIAEFER Vernon Building, Germantown and Chel ten aves.. for Inspection. MODERN DETACHED STONE RESIDENCE Conveniently located to station find trolley also Manhelm Cricket Club; 14 rooms 2 baths. 0 bedrooms, elctrlc light, hot-witer heat open fireplaces: large lot: early posses, slon If necessary; price reduced to $22,000: investigate. mm CHARI.TS3 J. HOOD & CO.. ((Morris Bldg.) 1421 Chestnut at. PRICE! $16,000. No. 148 Apsley St. Tin, an-isV1"1 reld;nce w"h garage, large lot, 50x150, open for Inspection. WICK VOLLMER. 4421 bermantown avenue. MT. ATJtYr-OEnMANTOWJf A GOOD INVESTMENT: rental $7020 per year: 10 apartments near Wayne Junc tion: all rented- price $50,000; well financed, r. , J.C0PL1N & KOHN Dreiel Building. Lombard 6328 110 E. DURHAM ST Three-story brick; -.'Sr!5L?wner lea-vlng city. JAS. D. WINCHELL. 17th and Hansom sts. WAYNK JUNCTION 4539 N. GRATZ STREET Fine 2-story TWIT!"! VKSllrlonno ba 1 , -. 1 ' !. vicijv's. wjiivniffnces; tarn yfd. open for Inspection. WICK ft VOIL- ,Arv. iji.uermatiiown avenue. CTIKSTNIIT imjj BEAUTIFUL STONE HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION AflfOf Ball tn olnaaA !.. i X ...ov pch w I.HJSB rsuue,- cor. oicnion ana Vyndmoor ac.. Chestnut HUI: In th best nf aiirrmm In w. O j. . o 1 ., . o iwiiin, .1 union; Kara. ror J cars and aleeplng quarters; best con struction, hardwood floors, tile baths; copper throughout on roof: fcrlce $40t00p. J. T. JACKSON CO. CIIF.SI AT OAK LANE OFriCE. OPPOSITE STATION LOGAN 4800 BLOCK N. 9TH ST. Just completed. 2-story dwellings, 0 rooma and tllo bath with shower, hardwood floors throughout, hot-water heat. Inclosed porch with heat: prlato garage. See agent at sample house. 4850 N 9th St.. or apply McCORMICK A MCCORMICK. Lincoln Bld CORNER VACANT GARAGE 11th and Sommervllle nve., 7-room modern home, price verv reasonable. COPLIN . KOHN Drexel Rulldlnc Lombard B32S 1100 BLOCK Duncannon ave. Three-story house 12 rooms 2 baths; all conveniences CHAMBERS 41133 N Uroad LOGAN 1100 Lindlev ne 2-stcrx Mlllett corner house all eonveniences. CHAMBERS. 41)33 N. Broad St. LOGAN 1020 N Camae st . 3 sty.; all mod Improvements. CHAMBERS, 4033 N. Bros Stores and Dwellings 5005 N. BROAD ST. 3-story store and dwelling; Immediate possession. W. D. CHAMBERS 4033 N. Broad St. NIOHTOWN RENT $13 and $14; prico $1300 each: 2018-18-20 Deacon st. . 3 2-story, 5-room porch front dwellings, near Wlssahlrkon and Rob erts aves. SAMUEL STERN, 210 North American Bldg. 1'iyNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN IDEAL country suburban home. 20 miles un i buuuio irum minion; located cm beautiful Rancocas creek, street, side, high privet hedge, beautiful lawn sloping down to creek, summer house boathouse and ga rage for 2 cars, large living room: llbraryr u.. -." "ivvniin nun iQiiiuirv rconu. floor, n hAflrfiATTiiti nnrt lurh nnlu tnon . reoulred l nl3. Ledger Office. DO YOU FOLLOW THE HOUNDS? You surely will want a farm where fox hunt ing and other gentleman's sports prevail! I have 3 farms right there for sale, they are In Wllliatown township Cheater county Pa 3 have recently been nold Write mo for In formation A. L. Haltman, Trust Bldg,. West Chenter. Pa ' an.N' rLEMAN'S COUNTRY estate 20 miles from city, contains 50 acres and 7 buildings In best condition: 30 years' collec tion of rare plants, trees, etc , from all parts of the world In the 10 acres of gaxden. JEROMG II JARDELLA. 1536 Christian st. Aitn.Moiti: Handsome Corner Place $25,000 TVw minutes' walk to sta. tlon: attractive detached ttone residence; 16 rooms, with 4 largo corner chambers oti sec ond floor. 2 Chambers, bath and tilllnrd room oit third floor' entlrs place Is In good condition and ready for occu pancy, almost on acre of ground; terms can be ar ranged to suit. Buy Your Home Through Smullen & Barry 1200-11 Liberty Building. UROAD AND CHESTNUT ATTRACTIVE ELIZABETHAN"" STYLE HOUSE North slda of railroad: H bedroom, ft taHH hardwood floors; modern throughout; beauti ful grounds; shrubbery, valu uaezctllcd 'for this section; early possosslon. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Morris Dldg), 1421 Chestnut St. &9500 Betachsd attractive dwelling-, 8 . y.T ropnw. Rot-water heal, gas and electricity; close to station; on Jot 60x123, WILLIAM J, 6TT -' Phone Lfsn.rch 2W8 Itrookllne, Vt, il.Tt eee nrnn awdff'iftstiriiJrSf old shade, Howar j Ai' ' !l n VW vj;, :, i':i V 1 . i ':M . A i vV.i 1 5 1 Coluaiblai are. i,-tl " w . bl- &. r. .&ii:2:-'hZt, -li..iiiL ,.V.. J;A..-."i"' - .B" -:'. .. r x. 'f x .rv . ,t ..- n- .. .1 'i.,..JEI' . 'V.: .... ' Ji-" 'j