rv TtfSr GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Talks of the Many Dinners Precede Affairs List Perhaps to Be Revised Plastic Club Exhibit ' T YYIl jou jour costume all ready for r H'. i-i. ..i. nrp tou eolnjf to the t l . nt nnd then ilrcss afterward for " f, to do that, because they do not K'"f ny ouc to recognize their cos wDt ?P.i. i,.n until the unmask nir. ' V,BiC nftcf all. it's much more fun to go t A! .hall unknown than known. w '"..:... iwnpi of several mveiy cos- but 1 promised "posilutcly and tuinfs. 'V"nli" not 10 suy a word about tbAcad'myvlll be most unlnuely , .ntrrt and the wee bird told mc that tSS5.lttVJ.ad nil Kinds ot secret lM. ...., in utnro for the cay whirl of fjfinccrt. l lfTP AT the Metropolitan we will have ' I L .,- onera tlmt is, new for us. (Tuns shea in New ork last wcclf fieraldinc Furrar scored a sue- wa ."ii n v.f have an ante-Lenten t tas which wl be "blen nlelnc dc ' p Mr and Mr. Nicholas Uiddlo will I ririain in the Mpplneott box this fntertsi" in u it (uSam Hell's among her guests. As for toner before the nal mnwiue, their Jhi is leu on. Mr. and Mrs. Sri Vv'albrldge will entertain at din Mr as "ill Mr. and Mrs. Edward Itole. the Bob Logans, the Harry ffivcrs and Walter Jeffords. There ',11 be several subscription dinners, too, ini at the Bellevue-Strntforjl. another ,,? the Coin d'Or and n third at the Itittenhousc. Altogether it will be very HI I mutt tell you; I heuid jester ,.. r nrnnnand reined v to better 0 tarorc good manners at the parties fat vtar. and it bounds good, to my -.tp'nking. Vou see almoscve 7 ot having had any entertainments of one's list w j '"'-", ;',-",,,; n lovl..s .. --.--. . .,t , late, no one was quuu up iu uan-, """. no one was quiw ui iu .., -. . .. ...i. -f tulHia nnH munv nnsr. ". i...!i.i cmnatR u hose families the: . .. , .. l.Acn Inmlllna flinr fssfs lnvitea guusus w uuoj. , ""' u" did not know. You sec, tneir uaugnicrs had met thes.0 people in war work or tome other way and the old idea of uking only those whose mothers, your own motucr unew uu i"'"- i - WWell, the lists, I hear, are to be ttrirtlv combed during the spring and fhcn'the iuvitations go out next year they uill go out in the good old way and only those whose families arc Uown personally or whose families live been always on the visiting libt of the hostess will be invited. Hard on tome of the boys and girls, perhaps, but the right idea, it seems to me. I (lid tot hear that it had been positively de cided upon, but something of the kind Is under way, I THINK that exhibition at the Plastic Club tomorrow will be very inter Piling, don't ou? I find most of the Plastic Club affairs interesting usually, I mut suj. It will open in the nftcr roon at 4 o'clock for u private view, when there will be hostesses and artists an' ever thing there, and tea, too. The pictures on exhibition arc those of ten members of the Plastic Club, each artist having her special work grouped. Among the ten arc Florence Hradway. Tern Coppcdge, Knthcrinc Varrell. Isabel Hickey, Frances Kratz, Marv Townsend Mason, Anne Fry Smiil, i:iliii Ilprrirk Warwick. Eliza beth Fisher Washington and Helen Reed Whitney. Those who will pre s'dc nt the tea table are Mrs. Hugh Breikenridgc, Mrs. Duniel Garbcr. Mrs. Wumau Adams and Mrs. Lydia Mount. Others who will icceivc will be Miss Harriet ftaitiiln, Miss Annie I'erot, Miss Janet Wheeler, Miss Katharine Pattou, Mrs. Alice Barber Stephens, Mrh. Lillian Meeser, Mrs. Ttoy Miller, Miss Niinev Fcrguhon, Mif-s Nina Ward, Mis-. Kntlierinc Barker, Miss Alice Kent .Stoddard, Mrs. Ann Hcebner Mc Donald. Mis. Klsa Koenig Nitsche, Mrs. Ilmilie Zeekwer Dooner nnd Mrs. Gcorgiana Brown Harbison. liverj one of those names certainly Hands for something in the artistic norlcl There is such good-fellow feel ing iu the Plastic Club, every artist rallies to the cause of every other. And M for their annual "Babbit," well, if Tou'vo ever been to one, v ou know their genius XAXCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The niiiniuge of Miss Helen Von L. Strutlicrs, of 02S Clinton btreet, and Mr, leander II. Scott, of 1800 Rit enlionw sni'aic, will take place ou Saturday. The ceremony will be per "riiml bj the Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Tomkins. Among the guests who will attend the dinner which Mr. and Mrs. Josiuh H. Bartow, JillC South Fifteenth street, J IU five iu honor of their daughter, Miss Marj P. Bartow, on Saturday, Jill be: Mies Annette Wright, Miss Sarah Loguu Starr, Miss Mary B. lhajor. Miss Mary Foltz. Miss Mnsic Stewart, Mihs Sjdney Riddle, Miss nances J. Ross, Miss Lysbcth K. Bojd, Miss Hnry H. Howland, Miss Josephine CrisHeld, Miss Virginia Karle. Mr. l)niil Arnilr. Afr (Ivnran H-. Arnilstend, Mr. William H. Addieks, 'r. nowiiru llutelier, ua, Mr. LClciuiril n. Thoiningtou, Mr. Howard Dilks, Jr. John Withcrill, Mr. Robert owns, lid, Mr. Frederic Swopc, Mr. J'ubert 1 dii I'ont, Mr. J. Alison fit. Mr. Wilmot (!. Pierce, Mr. Jwk Itecves. Mr. Edwin Fox, Mr. ( mm h, It u,res, lid, Mr. Russell wis nnd Mr. John Page. The guests Jill later attend the Saturday evening snciDg i lass,. Ml-s Lucilt. Oaiter will entertain in Mr mother's box at the opera this evc B Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Riddle, JJr. nnd Mr?. 0. Dawson Coleman and r, Iiancis Richmond. ,,,r- nnd Mrs. John II. Brownbnck, r.ofl'ola load. Bryii Mnwr, who have ta pending a few days in Atlantic V. r,f1turr"i to their home yesterday. il'",, "rni-nbiuk will entertain at n ". one go pyity today iu honor of -- uui,u .SCWIIU of Haverford. r"olC CU .Mci-nipnt km '""'Kenicnt to Mr. Jleaumont nnilney was announced in the fall. , "rs, Frank Dnkn nf Tini,, v.. riB.Vr'1 '0,,ay t Mt Mis. 'Car'-' C.T11 !!. of 4!!0 West destnut avenue, Chestnut Hill. Ihi, ly1'1,1', f Intel est to many In iHiVv' "Ml wi bo MlcinnUed to- , 'J .AlV ork. is tllnr nf Alluu 1!li.ti Th, una day ctMr7w,f '1,nni?llt,'r 0t MrH' I'- i(lllP.V ffi'ci.' W. East Hcventv-thir I Ca: . vi(i. .nu 'A-i. i .. . . 0. TiC" '"" ...liitbo and Mr. Frederick ,M...'uur. snn nf ikn i..i- ri..,.i U ?,, I,l,lbour. also of New York. 01 lbe nride's mother. "M.Brv"' Colkct- ot Morfis uvo '" Cof J i,w',gav'' u Valentine party ColW o q fr '.'""Phtcr, Miss Eleanor ou Sutuulay ufteruoon. J? 'Pending',, u''u"n. of Chestnut Hill. ChK,Ke;;.;lwUu5s nt " 'nl! I3unliIcal .Soeicty ot Pfnnsjl Swl'l meeting1'"1 TCH wl M a J-lbrirj; a Ji ! S , 'i0 Apprentices' ? d('iverei i t?,,iIcal diwourco will Frederick i by Vicp I'rcs dent John "wljolitry,l,y JIr- Thomus Lynch ' . J' Hoivell Cummlngg, ,vitb bis Ball and Opera Tonight. son, Mr, J, Howell Ciimmings, Jr., i ailed for Europe on Soturdny on tho Adriatic, combining nn important busi ness trip with n brief vacation from busi ness. They will be gone until April 1. Miss Marie Ciimmings nnd Miss Eleanor Cummlngs, of the Wellington, have gone .'or n visit to the Lake Placid Club, Lake Placid, N. Y. Thev Will letiirn about March 1. Miss Anne Livingston, daughter of Mrs. Max Livingston, of Lochicl Farms, Exton, Chester county, is spending several weeks in New York. Miss Rhoila Edwards and Miss Lydio Rdwaids, daughters of Mrs. Edmund Edwards, of Boston, arc spending tha week-end with Miss Gertrude Feller man fn Chestnut Hill, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cawley, of Logan, announce the engagement t)f their daughter. Miss Julia K. Cawloyi to Mr. Louis P, Sigel, of Tioga. Mrs. A. W. Summer, Mrs. F. R. Hkinner, Miss. Emma Schaperkottcr. Mrs. Lula M. Shepard, Miss Kate M. Plels, Mrs. R: O. Allen. Mrs. James Watson. Mrs. James Bromley, Miss neien Wilson, Mrs. Joseph Gilbert, Miss Helen Myers. Miss Annie T. Ycrkes, Mrs. B. Thncher. Mrs. Harry Freeman, Mrs. Harry Porter, Mrs. Walter Stiong. Mrs. J. Lewis Van Line, MrR. Francis O. Gross. Miss Dorothea C. Schnperkotter, Miss Mary D.McClin tock, Miss Evelyn P. .Tarden'and Miss Eva. Middleton will be hostesses at donation day, which will be held today at the Women's Hcmeonnthin 'Associa tion of Pennsylvania, Twentieth street ana susquclmnna avenue. n Mr. Dc Costa. Mr. Pnnzullo, Mr. Gerson, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Stlllwcll and Mr. De Filllpo will spend Washington's Birthday at Norfolk, Vn. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meyer, of Alien - town, entertained in honor of their nmeui wcudlng anniversary last week. The guests included the Rev. .nnd Mis. W. A. Lambert. Mr. Clinton A. Oroman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Bcrger, J(r- and 'Mrs. G. II. Meyer, Mr. rind Mrs. Charles II. Mertz, Mr. and -Mrs. TJnrtin Klinger, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. hclinurman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis r.cnwartz.,.virs. -Mcta rhillips, Dr. George Taylor EttinRcr. Mrs. Harvey G. Hurlacher, Mrs. Bella Grim, Mrs. Andrew Petri, Mr. and Mrs. Frrink C. Rocder, Miss Mary Merkle, Miss Han nah Mcrkle, Mrs. Elizabeth Gross. Mrs. Martin Kemmercr, Mrs. Gustav Vogel, Mrs. Louise Schuck and Miss Hannah Schrote. of Atluntic Citv. ALONG THE MAIN LINE Mrs. H. Gordon Smith. Ar.nnnr road, Wynnewood, is having a sewing ciass at her home every Friday during Lent for the girls of All Saints' Church, Wjnncwood. She will be assisted by Mrs. Langdon Lea. Mrs. Roscoe T. Anthony Mrs. William S. Stephenson. Miss Martha Pajuc, OS Manor road, Hjnncvjood, gave a Valentine lunch eon, followed by cards on Saturday. Her guests included Miss Elvn Mc Dowell, Miss Muvinn Holcomb. Miss Margaret Osborne, Miss Francis Powell, MisS Louise Williams, Miss Isabclle Powell and Miss Dorothy Nebcl. Mrs. Raymond S. V. JoneR, 205 juaylmg avem,c, Narberth, will enter tain her Bridge Club on Wednesday evening Her guests will be Dr. and Mrs. Ldwm C. Town, Mr. nnd Mrs Hunter McDowell and Dr. and Mrs.' Harry Hartley. Mrs. Harold M. Treen. 26 Elmwood avenue, Narberth, entertained the fol lowing nt bridge on Monday afternoon : Mrs. .Harry Hartley. Mrs. Fred War SeI Mrs,V 1Ior,ce Moore. Mrs. G. B. Sefton, Mrs. C. William GIosc, 'Mrs. Raj mond Jones, Mrs. Hunter Mc Dowell. Mrs Thornton Grugan, Mrs. T. B Kingsbury, Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. I'unnie Athcrholt. GERMANTOWN nf -nionni,If,s- cto Allen Kilmer, of i012 McCallum btreet, arc being con gratulated upon the birth of a daugh ter on February a. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kip. of 2o0 nest Hortter btreet, nrc being con gratulated upon the birth of a son on February 12. The pupil nurses of the Chestnut Hill Hospital gave a Valentino dance in the reception-room of the nurses' home on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrlnnd Hoisington arc receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, David Hoisington, on February 11. ' DELAWARE COUNTY Mr. J. Trank Black, of Chester, will leave in a few days for Florida, where he will join Mr. William B. Broomall who is 'spending a month there. iur. ana Mrs. John C. Hershey, of V nllingford, entertained the Fort nightly Club at dinner on Saturday evening. Friends of Mr J. Lord Rigby, of Media, will be glad to know that he has teeovered from his recent illnos. The Now Century Club, of Chester, had a Rums program this week in honor of Robert Burns's birthday. Dr. John Dennis Mahoney, principal of the West Philadelphia High School for Girls, made an address on "The Songs of Burns." The Men's Club, of Media, will give a card party and dance on Saturday evening. Mr. Frederick Fairlamb, Mr, Arthur W. Warner and Mr. Howard K. Jackson comprise the committee iu charge of the affair. The Woman's Club, of Ridley Park, will entertain Mr. A. Hunt Vaiitier at their meeting today, who will give a talk on "Current Events." In the evening there will be a community necting at which Miss Florence M. Dibert, the president of the State Fed eration of Pennsylvania, nnd Miss C. Jessica Donnelly, the women's commit tee secretury, will talk on "Prices." Mrs. Rcrnnrd Taylor hns returned to Fort Worth, Tex., having been called here on account of the illness of her father, Mr. Samuel Hejse, of West Amosland avenue, Norwood. Mr. Heyse's condition is improving. Miss Caroline Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, of West Wi nouu avenue, Norwood, will spend the week-end at Oyster Hay, L. I. The Juuior Century Club, of Glen olden, will hold a dance nt tho Crafts man's Club, Drexel Hill, on Saturday evening. NORTH PHILADELPHIA .Miss Ida Bauer, of 201(1 West Co lumbia avenue, returned home last eve ning after spending some time in Atlan tic City. Miss Gertrude Leyraan, of 0312 North Seventh street, will entertain informally on Saturday afternnou at her home, when her guests, who are. members of the High School Club, will include Mits Anna Kimball, Miss Edith Comly. Miss Esther Johnson, Miss Pauline Loftier, Miss Dorothy Vandegrlft, Miss Mur caret Van Horn, Mrs. Thelma Andrews, I EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEH-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 17, 1920 Miss Marian Miller nnd Mrs. Edwin R Maize, Jr., of Baltimore. Mrs. Edwin R. Maize. Jr., who was Miss Marian Gill is coming up from Imltimore for the entertainment of the High School Club nnd with Mr. Mali will spend the week-end with Mrs Maize's parent?, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gill. They will entertain nt cards on Saturday evening with tho following guests, Miss Edith Comly, Miss Anna Kimball, Miss Marian Groff, Mr. Stewart Unities, Mr. Clifford Rceso and Mr. Louis Van Thuync. Mrs. Ella Shaw will entertain the following at bridge this afternoon, Mrs. Jacob Schretber, Mrs. ILouls Weber, Mrs, Franklin Hoover. Mrs. Edwin Llojd, Mrs. Alexander Rflneckc. Mrs. Ira C. Keller and Mrs. George Miller. 'r. Wllllnm V. Diikc. 4fi1R North Carlisle street, entertulned n number of her friends nt a St. Valentine's card party Saturday evening. The proceeds of which will bo used for the benefit of the Logan Post No. 370, American Legion. Mr. nnd Mrs. 15. Hamilton, of North Fifteenth street, arc spending a few weeks in Lnkcwood. WEST PHILADELPHIA A sm prise pnrty was given in honor of Miks Anna Colin Saturday evening by her sister, Miss Mary Colin, nt their home, 5002 Parkside avenue. The guests were Miss Alycc Sterling, Miss Anna Browerman, Miss Constance Goldman, Miss Jenn Radcr, Miss Mil dred Olster, Mi3S Harriet Bell, Miss Jean Davidow, Miss Sylvia Flcxer, Mibs Gertrude Shaw, Mr. Lewis Kra witz, Mr. Albert Krawitz, Mr. Lewis Herman, Mr. Samuel Diamond, Mr. Albert Davidow, Mr. Philip Claire, Mr. Arthur Stcinfeld. Mr. Paul Hcymanns, of Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Mr. James Ros cnrlold, of Scrnnton ; Mr. Joseph Schwartz, of Anncondn, Mon. ; Mr, .Frank Luntz, of New Haven, and Mr. Norman Vine, of Trenton. Miss Dorothea Miltz, of 533" Wal ton nvenue, was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower on Saturday afternoon, given bv Mrs. John Gerrovv, of 5723 Hadfield avenue. Miss Miltz's engagement to Mr. James J. Convery, Jr., has been announced. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA "The Heiress," a three-act play will be given by the Greystoek Dramatic Club, this evening in the. Parish build ing of the Church of the Holy Apostles, Twenty-first nnd Christian streets. which will be foliowed by dancing. The cast is as follows: Miss Margaret J. Moore, Miss Frances E. Williams, Miss Sonhie Obcrhuber. Miss Elizabeth M. Wilson, Mr. Ralph Folwcll, Mr, Hobert H, uavisMr. ltohert . Moore, nir. 'Andrew Hall, Mr. David Chapman,- Mr. James Scott. Mr. James Grier, Jr., Mr. Thomas E. Taylor. Mr. James Dowline. of 2332 South Bancroft street announced the wedding of his daughter, Miss Mnrgaret M. Dowling, to Mr. George W. Baynrd, of "40S South Isomihcer street. The ceremony took plncc in St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, New xorK. Mrs. Cadw alder Evuns Franklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Grover. of 33!) South Fourth street, en tertained the members of the Verbena Club nt her home on Saturday evening. Tlor miosis included Miss Elizabeth Renner, Miss Amanda Stranahnn, Mibs Ressie II. Ilnrvcy, Mrs. Albert All bright, Mrs. Michael Pcscalano. Miss T-.ii TT -VTI..,. r.nHwl A11 ATtaa Lola Miekley. Miss Rae Goraard and Miss Louise Harbauer. TIOGA Ati Hmilin H. Craven, of 2204 West Tioga street, gave an evening in "Slam,- T- .! !, nV,!Unn;rtu" lnof Tllfhf at her home. Miss Grace R. Sharer was the speaker. The League of Women Citizens of the Thirty-eighth ward will hold a meeting this evening in the assembly hall of the Odd Fellows' Home, Tioga and Seven teenth btrects. Mrs. J. Blitz, the presi dent, will preside nnd an address on "Citizenship in the Neighborhood" will bo made by Mrs. Dunham, of the Tioga district of the Society of Organized Charity. All women's organizations in Tioga, whose members desire to study various phases 'of citizenship, have been invited to nttend. Miss N. L. llnhn is secretary and treasurer, and Miss Florence Bemheimer is assistant secre tary. ROXBOROUGH Mi. and Mis. Amos Watson,, of 210 Dupont street, entertained last evening at their home in honor of Miss Alice Ann Ridlen daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ridlcr, of 4530 Maunyunk ave nue, and Mr. Rubsell Conwell Keely, whose wedding will take place in the spring. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Goshow, Mr. and Mrs. A. r. Skrobanck, Miss Mildred Righter, Miss Frances Bezold, Miss Grace Houck, Mr. Willard Cornman, Mrs. Lawrence Miller, Mr. Leon Birkmire, Mr. Morris Stalberg and Mr. Frank Tybesky. STRAWBERRV MANSION Miss Reba Dubiu, of 2127 North Thirty-second street, has returned home after a stav of three months with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Max Silverman, of Roston. Mrs. Sil verman before her marriage will be re membered as Miss Kathryn Dubin, daughter of Mrs. Ida Dubin, Mrs. Silverman will visit her mother iu a few weeks. NORRISTOWN Mr. and Mrs. John S. Geller, of 330 West Marshall street, have announced the marringe of their granddaughter, Miss Mary A. Geller and Mr. Malcolm Hale, of Philadelphia, on Friday, Feb ruary 13. The marriage was solemnized at the Geller home in the presence of only the immediate families. The Rev. E. Wilbur Krieble officiated. The bride was attended by Miss Anna Kun kel, and the best man was Mr. Herbert Dutten. Upon their return from a wed ding trip to Washington, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dutten will live in Philadelphia. WISSAHICKON Miss Lnurctto Healy, of 134 Sumac street, gave a children's Valentine dance on Saturday morning at Woodvale, the clubhouse of tho American Bridge Co.'s club. There were eighty children par ticipating, many of them wearing cos tumes representing dainty valentines. The members of the Fornsby Rosp Club, ot iv lssahicKon, gave a dinner on Saturday evening at the Roiborougb Country Club. Those present were Dr. nnd Mrs. Raymond Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Young, Dr. nenry Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. John Oberholtzer, Mr. and Mrs. William Mellon. Miss Neva Mellon, Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson and Miss Katharine Steven son. MANY PEOPLE Take n few steps oft Chestnut Street on 12th Street pimply to see tho BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS Wo shall bo glad to have you como in. Please don't feel obliged to purchase.' THE CENTURY FLOWER SHOP 121b stastowChwUHitst; iMMBlfrCTiiB MRS. LOUIS Ii. LAPENSOIIN Of UI07 North Eighth btreet, who before her recent marriage was Miss Rose Merlitn, of this city MISS L G. GRAHAM BRIDE OF MR. BACON Daughters of Weil-Known Phy sicians Brides on Same Day, Alexander-Deaver Nuptials A wedding of interest to society is that of Miss Lorraine Goodrich Gra ham, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Eldon Graham, of 1710 Spruce street, and Mr.' Edward A. Bacon, of Mil waukee, which will take place nt 4 o'clock this afternoon in Calvary Pres byterian Church, Fifteenth and Locust streets. The brido will bo attended by her sister, Miss Gertrude A. H. Gra ham, ns maid of honor, nnd tho brides maids will bo Miss Cecily W. Barnes, Miss Gertrude L. Pnncoast. Miss Knth crinc C. Lea and Miss Elizabeth Bacon, sister of the bridegroom. Mr, Julian C. Bplton, of Clevelnnd, will act as best man, and the ushers will include Mr. Lawrence Curtis, of Boston ; Mr. Goldthwaite E. Dorr nnd Mr. Norman M. Chester, of New York ; Mr. Alhcrt W. Hunt, of Auburndnle, Mass. ; Mr. N. Rulison Knox, of Ross, California, and Mr. Edgar Scott, Mr. Horace H. F. Jayne, and Mr. Graham Dougherty, of this city. A smalt reception will fol low the ceremony at tho home of the bride's parents. ALEXANDER DEAVER Tha wedding of Miss Harriet C. Dca ver, daughter 'of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Denver, 1034 Walnut street, and Dr. Emory G. Alexander, will take place quietly at 4 o'clock, this afternoon, at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. J. Joyce Moor, rector of St. Andrew's Protestar. Epleonaf Church. Mrs. Nicholas Riddle will act as matron of honor nnd Miss Carolyn Thomson, n niece of the bride, will be flower girl. Mr. S. B. Alexander, of Charlotte, N. C, a brother of the bridegroom, will act asbest man. There will be a smnll reception for the immediate families and a few intimate friends after the cere mony. BULLIVANT SMITH The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Mac Cuen Smith, daughtor of Dr. and Mrs. S. MncCuen Smith, of 218 West Chel ten nvenue. Germantown, nnd Mr. Stu art L. Bullivnnt. of Marion and West Newton. Mass.. will take place this aft ernoon at 4 o'clock in the First Pres byterian Church, of Germantown. The Rev. W, Reattv Jenning. pastor of the church, will perform the ceremony. Miss Smith will be attended by Mrs. L. Mor timer, Pratt, Jr., of Chestnut Hill, Mass., as matron of honor and the bridesmaids will include Mrs. Bernard Harris, of Auburndnle, Mass. ; Miss Evaline Tnvlor. Miss Elaine Taylor English. Miss Josephine II. Hooper, nnd Miss Josephine Dodge. Mr. Philip J. Clark, of Cincinnati, will net ns best man. nnd the ushers will include. Mr. Stnnlev L. Bullivant and Mr. W. Mal colm Bullivant, brothers of the bride groom ; Mr. Carroll B. Nichols, Mr. F. u Sa2g8E!3iMBEE3fc3:SSe j The Desirable Sort is that which is known by the fresh skin, the clear eye, the charming figure and the poise which goes with well-ordered nerves. TyyflERE there ia Health, "real Health" there is Beauty "real Beauty." fJJHESE things are not magical gifts but ma.v be attained at will. How tragic arc the lives of thousands of women in their inability to find THAT ENJOYMENT which comes only with Perfect Health. Visit Our Institution for Trial Dem onstration Treatment No Obligation COLLINS INSTITUTE 1 FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY k Phone, Spruce 5484 ;&I23fe8XS!ai3 telephone, Fur Storage and Remodeling at Reasonable Rates LUIGI RIENZI CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street FIRST HINT OF SPRING Suits Coats Dresses Skirts Waists Last Opportunity Clearance of Winter COATS AND DRESSES Extraordinary Savings Reed Estabrook, of Chestnut Hill, Mass.; Mr. J. Alden Twnchtmnn. of nrepnwlph. fntin. Mr. Arthur B. DnV- lln, Mr. G. Allen Smith nnd Mr. Louis MucCucu Smith. Master William SI. Nichols nnd Mis Mnrloric Estobrooke. nephew and niece of the bridegroom, nlso will nttend the bride, a reception will follow nt the homo of tho bride's parents. ORUBER SEITZ An interesting wedding wns solemnized in St. Henry's Catholic Church. 4400 North Fifth street, on Saturday nfter- iivmii, wiicii miss vi:iiruu- 1,1, tiriw., dnnehter of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwlg Seitz, of 731 Northeast Boulevard, was mar ried tn Mr. Lewis J. Gruber, Jr., of 2431 Clifford btreet. Tho bride was given in mnrrlngo by her father and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Henry Kocnis. rector of the church. Miss . Gruber. sister of tho bride groom, was the bride's only attendant. Mr. Gruber had for b'ost man. Lieuten ant Theodore L. Scltz, brother of the brido. and the ushers included Mr. Al bnn Scltz. also a brother 6f the bride ; Mr. Frank Gruber, brother of the bride groom i Mr. Charles Dannenher nnd Mr. Charles Harr. A reception at the home of the bride's pnrontx followed the cere mony. After a bhort trip, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gruber will bo at home at 731 Noithcast Boulevard. The bridegroom' berved ond year overseas as sergeant ot thet 314th Infantry, Seventy-ninth Di vision. LOEWRY PRINTZ The wedding of Miss Lillin'n Printz, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. narry Printz, of 3820 North Grntz street, and Mr. Aaron E. Loewry, of 0800 Trnnkford nvenue, took place on Sunday afternoon at the home of the ltev. Joseph Krnus kopf, D. D., who performed the cere mony'. Mr. Printz gave his daughter in mnrriagc and there were no attend ants. Following the service there was a dinner for the families at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Loewry left on a southern trip and will be at home after March 15, nt 3820 North Gratz street. REILL SANDS A pretty wedding will take place this afternoon nt 4 o'clock at the Transfig uration Church. Fiftv-sixth and Cedar nvenue, when Miss Mary 11. Sands, of 432 South Fifty-fourth street, will be come the bride of Mr. Bernard F. Reill, the Rev. Father Robert J. Thompson officiating, A reception will follow im mediately after the ceremony. Mrs. John .7, McQuillan will act ns matron of honor. Mr. Reill will have for his best man, Mr. John J. McQuillan. Bride and bridegroom will leave im mediately after the ceremony for nn extended trip through Florida. After May 1. they will be at home at 432 South Fifty-fourth street. YARNALL SCHEUERLE The wedding of Miss Elsn Scheuerle, of 5334 Girnrd avenue, nnd Mr. Ben nett D. Yarnall, of Chovney, Pa., took plnce at Calvary Lutheran Church, Forty-first and Mantua avenue, yes terday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The bride was given in marringe by her cou sin, Mr. Harry A. Scheuerle, and the Rev. Dr. Milton Tvveedale performed the cercmonv. A reception followed im mediately after the ceremony. Miss Marie Scheuerle attended her sister ns maid of honor, and the brides maids were Miss Katherine Scheuerle and Mrs. Edith Gracey. Mr. Robert Grncey acted as best man for Mr. Yar nall, while the ushers were Mr. Wes ley Starr nnd Mr. Willard Yarna!'. brother of the bridegroom. Affor an extended trip through the South, M. and Mrs. Ynrnnll will be at home cv 5331 Girard avenue. SCHULTZ SE1DMAN The wedding of Miss Bella Seidmnn, of 4054 Pnrkside avenue, and Mr. George Schultz, of 328 South Fifth street, will take place this evening nt Apollo Drawing Rooms. 1710 North Broad street, at S o'clock. Rabbi Levy will officiate. Miss Seidman will be given in lnarriacc by her father. The maid of honor will be Miss Dorothv Zentner, nnd the bridesmaids will be Miss Clare Seidmnn, Miss Belle Seidmnn. Miss Trene Ln Bar. Miss Esther Schnefer, Miss Hanna Harris. Miss Reba Schultz and Miss Rose Thcil. Mr. Samuel Schultz will net as best man for his brother. The ushers will include Mr. Jack Seidman. Mr. Simon Schultz, Mr. Joseph Gaw, Mr. Samuel Armon. Mr. Harry Drob, Mr. Bernard II. Krow and Dr. A. A. Alberstadt. There will be two little flower girls, Miss Toba Sehlars and Miss Rose Schultz. Master A. David Seidman will be a page. Covers will be laid for 300 at the re ception. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz will leave im mediately after the reception for a wed ding trip through Canada. Thev will be at home after April 15, at 4054 Park side avenue. I of Beauty a i i Bellevue Court Building tj 1418 Walnut Street fo Spruce 2958: C. P. L INSTITUTE HOLDS ANNUAL BALL Many Handsome Gowns Worn at Philopatrian Ball in Belle- vue-Stratford The Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute held Its nnnual ball last night nt the Rcllevue-Stratford. The ballroom was handsomely decorated with ferns, palms nnd fresh flowirs. Mrs. Thomas F. McNichol, whose husband, Judge McNichol. was chair man of the ball committee, wore a charming gown of white silk embroidered in gold with crystal lnce and shoulder straps. Mrs. Frank T. Dunlap chose n black satin gown drnpedand trimmed in opal escent bendlngs. Her daughter. Miss Sara V. Dunlnn, wore a gown of Ital ian orchid sntm and orchid silk net, trimmed in silver cloth, and Miss Cath erine G. Dunlap appealed in a fetching gown of pink pussywillow taffeta. Mrs. Henry Bergman, Jr.. wore a low-cut French model gown of olotli of silver, veiled with blnek chiffon nnd studded with eilver and emerald beads. The girdle was low draped nnd of green chiffon. She entertained her sister. Mibs Lucy Manor Cowcn, who recently re turned from Beunos Aires. Miss Cowen wore a rose-colored sequin gown. Mrs. William 1 . Moran appeared in a gown of cloth of gold relieved with rose color and trimmed with ostrich. Her ornaments were diamonds and pearls. Mrs. W. J. Delany nnd her two daughters were another charming group. Mrs. Uelany was charmingly gowned in n heavily beaded heliotrope charmcusc. Miss Mary Delany wore an attractive creation of baby blue satin with Bilvcr lnce and Miss Agnes Delanv wore a gown of yellow flowered silk chiffon trimmed with jet. Miss Margaret R. Whclen appeared in a Dclftpanne velvet gown trimmed with silver ribbon and French flowers. Miss Agnes T. Hickey wore a charming gown of black net with a satin foundation and coral ribbon streamers at the waist. Mrs. H. Bart McIIugh wore n black net gown over black sntin with a black jet tunic. Her daughter, Miss Kath ryn McIIugb, was in a gown of tur quoise blue taffeta nnd tulle, trimmed with silver lace and silver rosebuds. Mrs. John J. McGuirk appeared in a gown of black satin with a black jet tunic. Miss Helen McGuirk wore a gown of white charmeuse with a hand embroidered Russian blouse and nn ac cordion plaited skirt. One charming group consisted of Miss Eleanor Conner, who wore a gown of black jet embroidery over old blue char mcusc; Miss Helen McPhillips, who was wearing a Nile green, changeable gown with flowers in natural colors iu applique over the Eatin skirt; Miss Pauline Dougherty, who wore a gown of orchid taffeta trimmed with ostrich tipb, and Miss Rose Pound, who wore a gown of orchid taffeta trimmed with rosebuds. Mrs. James L. Flnnigan made a charming picture in a gown of peach - colored taffeta with an overdress of blue net trimmed with French flowers. Her bister, Mis.8 Dorothy Power, wore ii euwu oi corai-coioreu charmeuse em broidered in sequins. Mrs. Daniel, J. Kennedy appeared in a. ?own. of Bold-beaded material over pink taffeta nnd Mrs. II. F. Stein wore a gown of blue and colrl hromln ri.. Helen M. Feighan wore a gown of white i"" uu iuiui luce, miss Alma M. SERGEANT ALVINC. YORK The Most Outstanding Hero of the World"s War, Will LECTURE Thursday, Feb. 26, 8:15 P. M. Metropolitan Opera House Scats on Sale Wed., Feb. IS 1108 Chestnut St. Auspices American Lerion and Rotary Club (Ktl)WlW i pms .1 UBHVOrtKl Until our NeC Salons in tke i&ti?Carltoit $otel are ready for us v?e will occupy the second floor of our present building at 1422 Walnut Street, where we will close out the remainder of our Winter Fashions at very decided reductions and show our New Fashions for Spring. We Will Remove to the Ritz-Carlton as Soon as Alterations Are Completed. II i mjM tl Aft PAEACSB feft 1) I "ItCHt ACADEMY I'RID AIT mil JO. AT 8 00. JJP? SOUS 7" DANCING LESSONS &r MM I " A Teacher for Each Pupil )v ItS! I w a ww Individual j4Ki .n rhi.,f XWi If You Would Be Dry n,c,u.,r ffiS tifirg 1 CORTISSOZ SCHOOL fi Twelve thick, spongy, thirsty Turk- ollr" ' m ish Towels for 6 dollars-a most allur- -D The Fe MilliS . ffl ing price just NOW. in:" jjrLl,cJ12L'l.lSJSi:M yj ! DUMONT'S Kiiunett J VVtltli MM- "I'M unjivivn i J Ir,, ARCH HTI 8T 4H af& SP1R1TS & SPOOKS 'M 1008 Ch$stnuSitH Ppnnlp KV sUnl 9 i cujjica Peek-a-Boo ' I Scott wore n gown of old bide char mouse, , . ' . Mrs. John T. Sliinolt. Jr., who was entertaining her bister. Mls Helen M. Murphy, wore a stunning gown of sap phire blue and sllvrr brocail' and wore silver slippers nnd stockings. Prior to the ball the sixteen younz women nnd their liartuers in "The Val entino Revue," which was the prelude to the ball, were entertained at dinner in the Red Room ot the Bellcvue-Strat-ford Hotel. Tills feature was arranged by Mr. James Hastings, Jr , and Mr, Frank L. Tlnney. PHILADELPHIA'S LEADINO THCATnES Direction LEB J. J. 8JIUHEIIT LYRIC Positively Tonight At 8:20 P.M. tomorrow ij.est beats -p I LEU HHUUlfltT rresonta WILLIAM HODGE IN III3 BICdEST HUCCESS The Guest of Honor SAM CLII 1RFRT NIGHTS. 8'I' S OnUDLlV 1 pop MAT TOMOR, A Ilevuslcal Comedyof N Y 'a Latin Quartler with FRANCES WHITE and JAMCH WATTS, TKD LEWIS. ADA KORMAN, AT, HERMAN AND at) TAMOU3 ARTISTS' MODELS A FM7T PUT NI"TS at 8:10 Sharp -LIjIj1 ill No one neated during Prologue MAT. THURS., Best Seats $1 The Monarch of Melodrama THH CRIMSON ALIBI with Original Cast and Production. CHESTNUT ST. 0PI1uastE8.,, $ 1 .00 MATINEE TOMORROW THE SEASON'S MUSICAL SUCCESS SOMEBODY'S SWEETHEART WITH A 100C1 CAST TOE-TICKLIN' TUNES LAUOII-LADEN LINES and the Best Singing Chorus ln Town. XT A T MI IX MAT. THURS , 25c to 75c WAUU 1 EVENINGS AT 8.30 ANNUAL TWIN BEDS ENGAGEMENT THE LAUGH FESTIVAL WITH LOIS BOLTON SPECIAL MAT. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. MONDAY AT 2 SO Academy of Music Thursday Evening, Feb. 19 Recital by PERCY GRAINGER Famous Australian Pianist Prices, ?2,00 to uOo, On Sale at Heppe s, 1110 Chestnut Street WALTON ROOF Dancing Begins 9 P. M., and Every Evening at 9:30 and 11:15 PIERROT REVUE LATEST SONGS NEW DANCES ENACTED BY A LARGE CAST OF , BEAUTIFUL GIRLS I Special WedResday Night, Feb. IS j Greenwich Village Follies ' FRANCES WHITE TED LEWIS BAND, AL HERMAN JAMES WATTS. ADA FORMAN AND THOSE ARTISTIC MODELS Walnut ab. 8th. Mat, Today 1 BVHNBY (IBKAHU'S ,aSlI10 GIRLS DE LOOKS With Watson and Cohen ( miL&ciii ) 1422 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA ax. MarUM St. hb tOtli. 11 A, M. to 11 ilB T M. JIKTIIO Presents Flrat Hliuvln(r Of "The Willow Tree" Adapted from Play of teams Nam Added Harold Lloyd In "Ills Uoyitl Htynesn ' PALACE. 10 A. !!., 13, 2, 3:15, D.43, 7f4S, tl:S0 P. II Norma Talmadge In "A DAUGHTER OP TvVo WOrt,D9" A R C A D I A fJHIMTNUT IlUtXJVV iVTit 10 A. M. 12, -, rmfi, 0:45, 7:4r. l:30 P, M ROBERT WARWICK In Adaptation of Play "JACK STRAW" .V PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAfT Tlctur vict d rT a MAUKKT ST. AHOVK 0TII 0 A M. to 11:15 P M. fi Should a Woman Tell? Coming "IN OLD KENTUCKY" C A P I T 0 L 724 MARKIIT HTRKIIT 30 a m, is, 2. n.4ri, r. 4fl, 7.4.-,. 0.30, p. M ALL VVECK SELZN'ICK Presents ELSIE JANIS rinsT pnnsn.NTATTON of "THE IMP" ELSIE'S BEST IMCTUnn ADDED VOX SUNSHINE TOMEDY "CHICKEN A LA CABAHET" REGENT MARKET ST. Bel 17TJI MAItOUEUITIJ CLARK 111 "All-of-a-Suddcn Peggy'" 11 A. M to 11 P M MARKET HTHEET AT JUNIPER CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE WM. O'CLARE & GIRLS . EMMA I'"RANCla & ARABS. OTHERS BROADWAY Brod .,s.d".iV & ANNIVERSARY WEEK WILLARD'S FANTASY Of JEWELS ' SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE" CROSS KEYS maJ'ketstj ' 50t'' '2.30, 7 and 0 "FADS AND FOLLIES" PHILADELPHIA'S FOREMOST THEATRES RRflAn NIGHTS AT 8:15 XDly-LJ Matlnco Tomorrow at 2:10 ROBERT B. MANTELL TONIGHT HAMLET Mat. Tomor., Romeo and Juliet MISS HAMPER AJD MR. LEICER Tomorrow Evg King Lear Thursdn Night &. Saturday Matinee, TUB MERCHANT OP VENICE; I'rlday Night, MACBETH, Saturday NIsht. RICHARD III. Extra Holiday Mat., Monday, Keb. 23. GARRICK Last 5 Evenings Matinee Tomorrow ELSIE JANIS AND HER GANG $S?S- Mat. Next Mon. " lllUlll WM Abig MARC KLAW musical production FOR R P T lAst " wa. Evga.. 8. A v ' J. VI N.1 iJ 1 Matlnev Tomorrow a t 2 NO ONE SEATED DURING PRELUDE KLAW & ERLANGER'S COLOSSAL NEW PRODUCTION m jaisrji Sole Direction of A I. ERLANGLIt Extra Holiday Mat . Monday, Feb 23 OPENING TODAY at 10 A. M. The Big DOG SHOW OF THE YEAR UNDER AUSPICES PHILA. KENNEL CLUB For the Benefit of the Home Relief of the EMERGENCY AID Third Regiment Armory BROAD ABOVE WHARTON STREET Today & Tomor., Feb. 17-18 Doors Open at 10 A M Close 10 P M EITH'S Pat Rooney & Marion Bent In tho Revue, "Rlnsa of Smoke" ALAN BROOKS Preicntlne "Dollars and Sen.e" ALLAN ROGERS & CO. Vina Payne: Jim & Betty Morgan. eU. Academy of Music, Feb. 21 S VTFRDAY AFT. AT 2 30 RACHMANINOFF Tickets. 52 00 to 7fio Rot Siati tl ',0 On sale now at Heppe'B. 3117 Ohe,tmtf Direction C Etllj Stem j P.ans METROPOLITAN OPERA 1IOI SK METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY N Y MWS I'ARRAR 10- r"T rr T7 nr iiuvvihij 7 n 7 n s- H W TJ VMELO Lii IL.I I 11ADA t'ON'D, night At MOP. WZONI THE OPERATIC SLNSATION Or THE YEAR Statu 110S Chestnut fet Wal 4121; Race 87. wS JuMilwm Lfiffl manr! 11 (.! ?,A?J f 5 t. iV - til 1 '.f m ' M " " j Trocadero ,rnB mctjum Duuix Off ;9 - ' I ' Tocaacro mv, with HAiuir,OTwpB H 1 , ifl tete - v jfeig - rfifliirg I ii mi i in. 1 1 mum t k4ii5