Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 16, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 6, Image 6

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,Una Domanda di Wilson Rola
; tiva Alia Questione Adriatica
( t e' Rigettata
Publlklinl nnd niflrlbulM Under
PKRMIT NO. 041. . . .
Authorised by th nci of October .
1117. on f.Io t Hie PostoKlce of Phlla-
a-tIphi.iu a s num.iwoN. ,
.Postmaster Gnwrl.
n constituent assembly. It it probable'
tills Bituotion will stilt further delay
settlement of the Adriatic problem.
Commenting upon President Wilson
noto to the supreme allied council rel
ative to the compromise UKrccment on
the Adriatic question the Journal says
It was "a larsp paving stone iu the
.conference, pond."
This aptly, sums up the trend of
Pirnch opinion. There 1 no attempt
to disguise the fact that the incident
crcitte a serious Mtuation. ringland
oad France, according to the news
papers here, arc "placed between the
devil and the deep sea." Although Mr.
Wilfon's attitudo Is viewed as ex
cessive in the light of the "discredit
thrown upon hN policy by the resistance
of the senate, yet tuc tact remains .ur,
of Dslmatls to Jugo-Slavla nnd Trieste
and the adjacent country to Italy, there
never has been any !fflcial statement of
the American position regarding the
Adriatic issue.
Since that original position was as
sumed a number of notes have been
exchanged between the Stntc Depart
ment and the Entente premiers, and
there have been several conferences in
Washington between former Secretary
Lansing and the resident ambassadors
and ministers of Italy and .Tttgo-Slavia.
It has been reported that the United
State was willing to accept some
amendments of the original plan, but
all of the exchanges have been closely
guarded. It is understood, however,
that the American position has 'been
one of unalterable opposition to the
rarigi. 16 febbraio 11 prouto rigetto
delle obblezloni del Tresidentc V llson
, sul compromesso raggiuuto dallu Inghil-
terra. Frnneia ed Italia, lasciano
sperarc alia Mstemazlouc con la .Ingo
sjarla a delle qucstlonl vclative nlln
costa orientate ileU'Adriarico. Rcoudo
Viuanto vapporta il giorualc IKco di
Lloyd George i Mllleiand hanno
retlatto la replica al capo esecutivo
rteU'Amerlca ed Insistono che la Jugo
slavia a bioogna che uceetti il eompro
naesso, con l'alternativa dell'escusiouc
del Patto di I.ondra.
Ketlo stesso tempo che la rispovla dei
Prbni, Mlnistri fu inviata a Washing- '
ton, il Mlnistro degli Ksteri della .luso
slavia fit notificcto dei punti di vista
dei govern! inglese a francese. i quail I
non sono stati per nulla alterati dall m- I
aspcttata azione di Wilson.
II contenuto della nnta di Wilon
non c stato rcso pubbliro. Si dice,
riononostante. che contengR rintiniB!'.
ione che gli Stati Tniti trovano lmpcw
sible di continuare ad inserirji degli
affarl europei. sc gli Alleatl pnvedotio
alia sistemar.ione della questione Adrl- t
atica senra cons ultare gli Stati Uniti.
Bi dice che Wilson fece seria oppoir.ione '
aU'uUIniatura spetli to dagli Allenti al '
Goveruo di Belgrado il 20 gennaio.
scorso, dichiarando che esso differi va
dal programma stabilito da Llyd George ,
Clemenceau. con l'assistema dei rap
prcsentanti amerlcanl, lo scorso dicera
tre, , I
Un telegramma da Helgrado annunzia
the sabato il Gnbinetto presieduto da
Davidovitch ba rassegnato le dimis
aioai, in scgui to al rifiuto del Principe'
rcjgentc Aiei-sandro di sciog'.icre l'at
tualo parliamento provvisorio ed ir.dirc
lc elezioni per un'assemblea costituente.
Flume, 16 febbraio. Due navi da
guerra delle forze di Gabriele D'An
nunzio hanno ratturato un trasporto
italiano che aveva a bordo mille uomini
dl truppe rcgolari. I.a cattnra nvvenue
nil Golfo di Quarnero. a sud-est de'.la
Londra. 15 febbraio. 11 Primo MJu- ;
lstro d'ltalia. On. Nitti. fece eolazion.
oggi. con Re Giorgio e la Itegina MaYia :
al Buckingham Palace. '
Homa. 1.", febbraio. Xotizie da Pa
Tlgi relativamente alia nota che il
Presidente Wilson ha imiato al Su
premo Concilio degli Alleati. con la i
quale egli si dichiara contrario al
;ompremesso raggiunto dagli Allcati ri
jmardo la questione Adriatica, son ri
portate dal giornale "II Mcssaggcro,"
51 quale coir.mcnta sfavorcvolmente
1'improTviso e nuovo Intervento del
Presidcnte Wilson.
Wi!oti is absolute master until the I -i:,.iinn f ik imu nt fii iniv
snyinp of 11)21. and that the Allies arc j ot i,omJou, -wliicli would have given
obliged to take him into account, says . ItaIv jurisdiction over Dalmatia. though
the Journal. ' not over Fitime. and that all of the
Wilson's A'tloit Unexpected 1 notes have indicated the purpose of the
lVf.(i1i.,.t Wiknn'a nhrnnt interven- American Government to ndliere as
- ----"--.- - . ,.!..
clo&cly as possible to the lines of the
original settlement, based,, as it was
supposed to be. upon the principle of
self-detcrmitiatiou and of cthnologicnl
affiliation, as set out In President Wil
son's original fourteen points.
Winston Wants of
Water Shortage
Continued from Pare On
prints under his arm as thick as tt yarj
long loaf Qf French breaf-.
And it was only an ordinarily busy
day at that.
"This matter of the removal of los
and snow and street cleaning, while it
Is uppermost in the mind of the publtc
nnd concerns only one of the four blc
bureaus iu the department, is being
handled by Chief Hepburn in n manner
which I trust will characterize t-vcry
other bureau when we get further
along." continued Director Winston,
changing the subject.
"The great thing is to get things
started, and considering that the new
administration has been in power only
six weeks I think we nrc getting along
about as well as could be expected.
What I principally desire is the co
operation of the public. The people
put this administration in power and
hey must co-operate with it.
To Attaclc Itubbislt Nuisance
"Take this nuisance of throwing
ashes nnd household rubbish on the
streets. Those who really desire to aid
t ion. ' t lir newsnaner continues, was
U's.. to be expected, since the President
himself has been exhorting the nations
of Kurope lo put an end at the earliest
!.slble moment to political stagnn-
ttnn l.if.l. lino ViAnn fno nflliclnal
........ ........ ...., w... v... ,. ,-- .
mijso ot economic stagnaTion. s m 0ver Dalmatia
"President Wilson. remarks the, , , ,. , ., . ... . , , ,;
Pofit Parisien. "does not seem to Have u is uciicvcti una position ini-iiiaca , ,h practije. Ul03c who
.t-,., onv n.nnnf nf tvliat has been consenting to the erection of h mme into ',' A'1 .. .,. ':..'.' n.t ,' rni... i"
rione tlnrin? the last two months, as it i an independent state, or at least one i , t ,.0.0.,erutIon' between
rune perioa were ui'kuciui?. r iiu.in. - -- ---- - , -
back brusquely by publishing a doctl- t ons. Rut there was unqualified pbjec
ment, the object of which is lo call ! tion to the transfer to Italy of title to
cvervthing into question at a moment ; Dalmatia or to the long strip of coast
when the goal appeared to be in sight." of the, Adriatic extending from luimo
In the meantime Captain GabrWc to Italian Trieste.
d'Aunuuzio continues his aggressive So far as known, that is the present
action at Fiumc. A dispatch from that position of the United States, nnd its
city 'ays that two war vessels at- , notes have indicated that if the Kntente
tached to the forces of D'Annuczio have ' premiers were disposed to find another
captured an Ttalian transport having I solution inconsistent with this atitude
on board 1000 regular troops in the they mut provide for the execution of
Gulf of I.uzeruero. southwest of Fiume, I their plans without any participation on
A Koine dispatch says that the the part of America.
Mossaggero comments unfavorably upon
President's Adriatic
Stand Stirs Allies
Cvntlnord from Paee One
Premiers Lloyd George and Clemeu-
"eesu', "with the assistance of an Amer
ican representative. last December.
Jugo-Slar Cabinet Resigns
Wiile not connected with the situa
tion resulting from the Wilson note, a
cabinet crisis has arisen at Belgrade.
The ministry led by Premier Davido
Titch resigned yesterday, announce
ment stating this i-tep was the sequel
of the refusal of Prince Regent Alex
ander to dissolve the present provisional
parliament and call for the election of
tlm ".sudden and new intervention by
President Wilson." The newspaper
observes he might have expressed his
point of view before the Italian-Jugoslav
question reached its present status.
Washinrlon. Feb. 10. (By A. P.1
President Wi!-on. it was learned today
at the Whi;- House, did not say in his
note to the Entente premiers regarding
the Fiume question that the United
States would no longer be able to con
cern itself in European affairs if a
Tiume settlement were made without
consulting America.
Officials said the int"rpretntion of
the President's note by the Paris Temps
was "too sweeping." They said the
United States would not withdraw
from participation in the peace treaty
and the League of Xation. if the treaty
were ratified by the Senate, but that
it would withdraw from any participa- ,
tion in the Plume stt'ement, including
the policing of the Adriatic. I
The President's position regarding ,
Fiume and the whole Adriatic situation ,
was said to be unchanged. This posi- I
tion. however, never has been officially
outMned and officia's declined today to'
define it.
Xo reply to the President's note has
been received, it was said at the State .
Dennrtmcnt. Dispatches from abroad j
said the renly had been drawn up and i
that in it the nremiers adhered to their j
ultimatum to Jugo-S'.avia that it must
accept the compromise on the Fiume j
question or suffer the carrying out of
the terms of the original treaty of Lon- j
don. .
The suggestion that President 'Wil
son has indicated in his latest note that
the United States would not be disposed
to proceed with its European food re
lief measures if the allies remained ;
obdurat" was made in some official '
quarters todaj . Desire of Great ltrit- .
nin. It.ily and otlipr nations for Ameri
can funds to re'ievo famine in Austria
and other countries, it was suggested,
might influence the allies' Teplies to
the President.
The principal concessions indicated
by the President as possibly acceptable,
it was said in diplomatic quarters, has
iiocn the creation of a buffer state, and
the Entente premiers so far have op- (
posed it.
Conferences at Washington
Beyond the general statement that '
the United States adhered to the orig
inal proposition of the supreme council
iu Paris allotting Fiume uud the coast
319 New Cases of Grip
Three hundred nnd nineteen new cases
nf grip and seventy-two cases of pneu
monia have been reported to the De
partment of Health in this city during
the last forty-eight hours.
There is
the De
partment of Public Safety and the De
partment of Public Works. Through
this combination we shall be able lo ac
complish much.
"There is an impression that throw
ing rubbish and ashes on tho street is
confined to the lower part of the city,
but in outlying districts nnd on pre
tentious thoroughfares' nnd in wealthier
neighborhoods the practice, I find, is
very common.
I "I shall play no favorites. People
who dump ashes nnd rubbish into the
, streets and alleys will bo punished with
1 out regard for social position or politi
cal amliation. .o one, no matter where
they live or what political protection
they may have hitherto cujoyed, will
"There arc two reasons why tbe law,
with reference to making tUe streets
and alleys a dumping place for ashes
nnd rubbish, has been Ineffectual In the
past; ono is that It mi unpopular j the
other because the violators have had
n political pull that saved them from
"Political pu'Is don't go In my de
partment. If au Individual Is arrested
charged with this offense ho will have
to suffer the consequences, It Is a
somewhat roundabout way to reach
them, because we have to take the case
to the city solicitor's office, but I pro
pose to stopthe practice at all costs.
"There IsU long trail behind this in
which politics and business' are mixed
up, but I am not ready to discuss that
yet. I put Chief Hepburn on the street
cleaning job, and, as you know, he went
to work and did things."
"I am just getting around to the
bureau of city propcrtj. It doesn t
sound very impressive, but it represents
millions of dollars. I have had n
survey of City Hall made, but It is
only one item in the grand total. There
are the city markets, fifty-six public
parks and squares, and fifteen unnamed
city parks and plots in charge of that
bureau. , , ,
"There arc the highways on which
we shall spend $2,000,000 for repairs
and patching, and nbout ?3.000,000 Is
to be expended on bridges, po you see
what is nhead of us."
Mennonlte Girl Prefera Religion to
Parental Home
Lancaster, Pn., Feb. 10. Esther A.
Myers, a pretty girl of eighteen, wear
ing the garb of the Mennonlte Church,
was forced this morning to choose be
tween her religion and mother lovt.
nnd she chose the former.
Despite pleadings of her mother, she
left the court to return to the farm
of Silas Oeliinu in Brecknock town
ship, where she went ns a child from
the Mennonlte home in Millersville.' She
was placed in the fcomc ofter her father
had left Her motner.
The mother brought habeas corpus
proceedings to force the return of her
daughter, but the court said It was
Famous German Feminist Dies
Rerlln, Feb. 10. (By A. P.) Hen
rlette Goldschmidt, the champion of the
emancipation of women, hos just died.
In 1803 she organized tho General As
sociation of German Women, and In
1872 she founded the first high school
for the training of teachers in the kin-
nergarr.cn Bystcm
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