W1 rFTWW 'iiifir RADICAL HYSTERIA EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHlUADEJDPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY l3, 'W 1920 $ British Attache Asserts Lack of Discrimination Menaces Free Speech INIMICAL TO LABOR, HE SAYS There Is "linger that the agitation ...Inst bolflliovNm In this conntry will , too far and curtail the right of free rtccch, according to Colonel .T. C. Fmin Lm, an attache o the British em bassy at Wabington. The colonel .was bis way o thc capital today follow ing the Lincoln Day banquet in thc Bcllcyuc-Stratford. "It seems to me," he said. ' and re number I am not speaking officially, that the newspapers and the people in this country show too much tendency to lump as Bolshevists every one who has a socialistic theory of any sort what ever. That is dangerous. "If vou go too far along those lines tou will repress free speech, which is .legitimate right of tho people. If you So so vou will arouso against you tho real labor of the country. The real hon fSt laboring classes should have their freedom of speech. You arc risking the tnrning of thc Federation of Labor into til. socialist ranks if you go too far along "As for Samuel Oompers. I consider him a real power for good in the coun try Thc stronger his position tho bet ter The Federation of Labor can do more to put down bolshcvism than any other one thing in the, country. Speaking of thc steel strike, Colonel Fftunthorpc bald there had been mis takes upon both sides, but ho considered Tudgc Gury had assumed n positron more in accord with thc middle ages. There Mill be no Insolvency upon the part nf Great Ilritnin or France, he said. IJotli countries may have to delay interest payments on loans a short time, but would work out their own sal ction. Tho exchange situation, lie said, lmvo been particularly struck with is, of course, serious, "I lmvo been nartic the great intelligence of your working classes," he concluded. "They nre well luformed hnd take an intelligent interest In events far more so than is the case in Europe. Men of that type, if pron eily handled, will never adopt Bolshevist theories." , WANAMAKER RAPS TIE-UP OF STREETS Asserts City Should Employ Night Shifts to Clear Main Avenues of Snow ILL MAN SAVED IN FIRE Friends Grope Way Through Smoko and Carry Out Invalid Timely action by Vincent Dcnaio and Benjamin Stotts saved Peter Jones from probable deatli todajr during a fire at 1418 North Second street. Groping their way through smoke and flame, the men gained entrance to thc room of Jones, who was ill, and carried him to safety. The fire is believed to have been stnrt- cd by the ilamc of u gas stove igniting n curtain, a passicfby saw smpH0 com ing from the window nnd informed Do nolo, who occupies thc first floor. Stotts is u roomer in tho house. After saving Jones the men extin guished the flamei, and when tho fire men arrived there was little for them to do. The loss was small. PHILA. STUDENT WEDS Francis T. Hobson Marries Walter Camp's Daughter at New Haven Mis' Janet Camp, only daughter of Walter Camp, the football expert, was mariied jesterday at New Haven, Conn., to Francis Thayer Hobson, of this pity. Thc wedding took place nt thc home of the bride's parents, with members of both the Camp and Hobson families in attendance. Tho Rev. Henry Wise Hobson, of Cambridge, Maes., brother of the bridegroom, performed tho ceremony. A suggestion that the dhcctoi of public works could well follow the ex ample of New York and clear important streets in thc center of thc city of snow and ice, by night shifts of men, was made today by John Wnnnmakcr. Philadelphia." lie writes, "still struggles helplessly in her snowstorm shackles which endanger thc use of automobiles, and leave her streets an icy wilderness nt various points." Notwithstanding tho efforts of trolley crews, according to Mr. Wnnamnkcr, conditions make it impossible for thc cars to take care of the city's trans portation problem. "In New York city," according to Mr. Wannmakcr, "15,000 men of the street-cleaning department, by nil-night concentration of effort, even employing store clerks to work nt night, cleared an important business center of snow and ice, thus opening up arteries of travel. "In the absence of warm rain, could not thc new director ot pumic worns, bv using day and night forces of men, clear Broad street, north and soutn. Locust, Walnut, uncsinui,,marBri. mm Arch streets, Oirard and Columbia ave nues, east and west, as n beginning of relief to the shut-Ins, thus opening the main arteries of traffic and allowing the doctors and nurses to relieve house patients and get to and from the hos pitals? orfM... n,.;.M,a .nmlUfnn nf our thor oughfarcs, interrupting thc progress of many phases of city and country life, deservc-i thc consideration of the Mayor and his staft of assistants, ns the out-of-town people nro discouraged by the reports of thc dangerous condition of many ot me auuvv-imvu div. i. FINAL REDUCTIONS World Standard For Men and Women Both Stores FOR WOMEN 5.90 to 9.90 Prices are but a fraction (one-half to one-third) of their present worth, for this is a complete clearance of every novelty boot fashion in stock. Short lines as low as $3.90. FOR MEN 7.90 to 11.90 Cherry tans are included in all sizes at 7.90. Top grade Russia Calf and Black Kid at 9.90 and 1 1 .90. Every pair is a World Standard Walk-Over and hundreds are several dollars below wholesale cost. . Save Now. Walk-Over Quality is Economy She Harper Shoe Go. WALK-OVER SHOPS 1022 CHESTNUT- 1228 MARKET Twrrenmsi tiiti i fmrnnn irniKin mHmmnmi nn nirnrn ra mtrmn ni j nfRrmminrnrrninrnj nrniinnram imnrmmnm imm rtrn i inn mmnnnmniiTrninntnHintnirt nnniifsuinoniHiiu i George Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 ANNOUNCE FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY Fifty More of These Charming New Hats, Special at Eicluslvo. one of kind models: new. unusual and distinctive, of new Straws and Satin, Silk and Georgette. Of oourso they aro hand tailored, mado In our own workrooms, of the finest of materials. Most of them should have been marked at higher prices, but wo have Krouwd them together for a special showing at $10 each. They aro well worth your Inspection. Discontinued Patterns of Lingerie Ribbons : Save a Third to Half Beautiful quality washable ribbons In figured and dot designs and in plain Rorsrrt wnave. Thn nhaden aro white. Dink and blue in all tho narrow widths from No. 1 baby ribbon to No. 3. with a few us wldo as No. 9 and No. 16. Tho prices average one half, as tho width and color assortments nre broken; 60c for 10-yard piece and upward. RemnanU of Klbbons In plain and fancy colors, .for bao, fancy ork and children's hair ribbons; all are half tho regular prices while they last A Timely Sale of Sample Spring-time Blouses Excliislvp nno of tho kind modoH: now. unusual and distinctive. Novelty Waists designed and fashioned on graceful lines. Theso B10USP3 aro brought out In detail by the dignified quality of the materials Manv styles aro displayed. There are long sleeves, three-quarter Bleevps. Kimono slumps. Bawiurt bodices, peasant necks, high necks, square necks, altogether they present a splendid representation of 1020 styles. Specially priced. $10.75, $12.50, $15.00, $19.75 and upward to $45.00 White Cotton Voiles, Special 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 .V savins of about a quarter of tho regular prices. A limited quantity of fine whlto voiles which, we are passing on to our customers at d prlco advantage. Fine shoer qualities and 40 Inches wide. G'liimiuiiiiinww'iii "RUBBERS", for the Family nWMh.1l I W TV ill panlcd hEe&'v ityffEI ? by Money K.yfj SB C A in Officers' oleskin Coats An all-veather coat to be worn rain or shine. Wind and lain-proof. Made Trench style. Tan and trrav shades. cheaper and better$ than an overcoat. ( Retail Value $45 Sale Price ) U.S. Gov't) $4 80 Hip-Boots LArge slzei, value 110 Aow 25 CO LI -i fd I1UI tt I W.l V? Bottles, 75c , "rrmucnenwsHtnLn. Wholesale and Retail 820 Chestnut St. HHI SUMMITS OF SATISFACTION y Dai :v tf&r fi fa Is! i I rife oT.r VVN ik 1 m.-j, k- . -, - "'' Mason's Chocolate Cocoanut PEAKS Crisp, creamy mountains of cocoanut, covered with that rich chocolate coating", delicious and allur ing to the taste. Made from the finest grade of Cocoanuts, with a minimum amount of sweetening. Flavored with molasses. Wrapped in foil and waxed paper. Look for the box with the Peaks and Cocoanut Trees. Established 1861 Mason, Au & Magenheimer Confectionery Mfg. Co. ,18-28 Henry Street Brooklyn, N. Y. WW. .. -n mS"r'A& b::::i: Gimbals Store Opens 9 Closes 5:30 On Monday vc shall make the most im portant offering of high-grade silverware that Philadelphia has known. Buy for per sonal use; buy for Easter weddings. Graibete . Philadelphia, Feb. 13th, 1920 Men's Ulsters, Overcoats and Suits Including "Kuppenheimer" aiid "Society Brand " Clothes Save Third and More February stock adjustments are of veiy great importance men can save a third and better on good to finest clothes. 3000 Town Ulsters, Overcoats and Suits at f $36.50 and $43.50 London-made Overcoats, a belated lot, at a saving of a third. Single-breasted Chesterfield Overcoats; double-breasted Overcoats, Surtout, Paddock and novelty Overcoats; Town Ulsters; Great coats and Storm Coats, some are full silk-lined, . (T m Including "Kuppenheimer" 1 1 1 T and "Society Brand" and some are quarter silk-lined, some have quilted silk lining; variously at $22.50, 528.50, $32.50, 53G.50, $43.50, $53.50, $65 and $70.50 at a saving of a third. Five mink-lined Overcoats at $275 worth double. Other Gimbel-controlled Lines Save a Third and More At $26.50, $36.50, $43.50, $53.50, $65 and $76.50 dlmWB, Second floor, Jshitb htrt. The First Suit a Woman Needs in Spring Is a - "Flex-o-Tex" In tvig sports style. Or in the new dressier-than-sports styles. Or in the unique-model styles that appear at the country clubs before thc snow banks melt! At $29.75, $33.75, $37.50, $45 Up to $l45 lhiee styles at $29.75 to choose fiom. Eight styles at $33.75. On up to model styles without duplicate, but iu wide variety. Man-tailored, whether $29.75 or $143 or any price between. About forty colorings to choose from. Flex-o-Tex for Misses Year-'Round! Daik blues and browns. Or heather effects. Or tho say rose bhade1? and Beimuda blues that outh looks its loveliest in. Smart sports styles, with plenty "of pockets and the all-important belt and the cutest collars man-style revers or tuxedo effects. At $28.50, $29.75 arfd $37.50 Glmhflfi, .Salons of DrtM, Third floor. r ' Gimbel Candies Are Best ! A Friend-Making Sale Pound box of Glace Fruit. $1.50 Pound box of Chocolate Almonds, 1.00 Pound box of Chocolate Straws, .80 1000 Pairs of Men's Cordovan Shoes at$10.50,$ll,$12andn2.50 Just Rot in this lot of cordovan (horsehidc) Shoeq that should have been here when, do you suppose? last August! And priced on tho price we paid then $10.50, $11, $12 and $12.50 just about today's wholesalp figure. Some in perforated wing tip brogue, others straight tips 7 QK or JMen's Shoes, odd lots from regular stocks; been .20 up to seven dollais more. $j a c for Men's Sturdy Work Shoes, wide-toe Munson O.rjrO last; black and tan oil grain. Hoys' Shoes at $3.45 and $4.95. Save about a third. Clmbcls, Second floor $2 for this Glmbeln, saturiLij $3.30 value M AU C.irnlv Conatrra. Men's Cowhide C 1 OC Belts at ( P Most every man you meet wears a leather belt nowadays young fellows especially. Cowhide, black, and cordovan; one-piece bridle; all sizes. $1.25. Men's Pad t. 35c Garters "Paris" and "Boston." Plain colors. Men's Suspenders C Leather Ends at S UiJl, "Lie" clastic webbing; brass trimmings. GtmlxlB, Miirkel and lntu Cornrr "Seco Silk" Envelope Chemises and Bloomers at $1.95 are about half today's market prices! Pink and spiinkled with brilliant polka dots Wear like cotton are pretty in silk's shimmei- way. , seconil floor. Olmbrl., Women's Dresses Fascinating Taffetas at $27.50 to $75 Stiaight-hne models but stiaight-hno with pleatmgs. Or apionetted but the saucy, French-style apronettes with undeniable French frills. Or tunicked but thc tunic heavily embroidcied. Or three-tiered but each tier with its saucy, turn-up pleating. Or with Spanish sidc-flaies. Or with the adoiably quaint rosc-quillings of Victoria's day. Oftenest blue. And something "specia ' at each pnee-itep $27.50, $29.75, $37.50. $39.75, $42.30, $13, $35, $65 and $73. The Most Adorable Misses' Taffetas a Spring Ever Saw! Models with the aheady famous "fish-fin-f rills."' Models with the quaint "tea-cup panniers." Models with Spanish puffs from waist to hem. Pleatings wide or narrow. Ruffles Puff-ruffles. Puffs. All-dark-bluc or blue piped with old blue, or ruffled with blue, or ribbon frilled with blue. Or even with blue-embroidered lingerie touches! Specials at $25, $35 and S55 filniliflk, ,s,oas of lrfk. Women Third floor m JL& opy np ja IV M I 111 I I I 4 J W4W ) V4 M L y w hull. i:a.7S SUBWAY STORE 100 Women's and Misses' , 500 Pairs of nitc nf 9 7K ne Day Mens Shoes at $j.95 ,sg"c U 111 IS at t)0. id l Only The Iot conslat& of gan-metal and ton Smartest models imaginable and at this low price just as Spring is peeping forth. Quality Jeisey cloth spoits model suits in fashionable mixtures featuring the new plaitings, pocket, belt and collar treatments. Sizes 14 to 4 1 bust. In addition there's a wide choice of serge, poplin, gabardine and silvertone suits smaitly tailored. Sizes 14 to G2 bust. Save S7.50 to $15. laco shoes in two styles nairow Knglish and broad toe; sizes 0 to 11 in tho lot at $U 95 Boys Shoes at $2.95 Uunmetal school shoes with stiong soles for inter wcai; sizes 9 to l'i Women's Shoes at $2.95 SJ to $3 less than to-drv's value. (ilinbrl. Submit sort pi One 'vv ie wit sil'l $2S.3 200 Girls' Winter Coats, at $5 pictured. Others that .1. , (ah nnjl lnnln . "v ie viui ii. Ji buuu "io. vO warmth and scniccubihty. Velours, sihertip ar.d cordu- i,iru VHuur roy. Hclted and loose mou Cot, 3 elb. Sizes C to 1 i years. Save half. tilmbeU, Sob ro Ston Boys' Overcoats and Reefers Now $8.75 to $13.50 Fancy weaves and chinchillas, for boyB 3 to VZ ycais. Boys' Overcoats and Mackinaws, Now $9.50 to $16.50 Sizes ti to 17 years. Boys' Norfolk Suits, Special at $9.50 and $12.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats at $19.50, $22.50 and $27.50 Suits arc single- anj double-breasted models for young men also conservative models for men nsoie matured in ycais Overcoats include snappy town ulsters, belt bad: or belt all around. Single- and double-bicasted, form fitting models. Alto conservative models. At $19.50, $22.50 and $27.50. Wind- and Rain-proof lined Ulsters at $28.50. Save $11.50. These Suits and Ovci coats arc reduced to make room for early spring stock. Cilmbrlii hubwajr ri'torv. "J fc AU with extra pair of Knickers, medium and light weights. II "i 1 1 O jl! Market f finxfrmr noosoioruoys-, to ri years. .,.,,.. fcMbw.y h,.. ; VjimDCl OFOinerS I Eiehlh d NiA MM waum Boys' Overcoats Reduced Now $13.50, , $18.50, $23.50, $27.50 fand $32.50 'Savr $6U to $12.50 Double-breastec' models with collar that buttons up close when need be; all-around belt. Blue, gray, brown and olive mixtures. Ages 12 to 18. Norfolk Suits Of blue worbtcd cheviot and imported tweeds. Special at $23.50 H Uh Lxlra Pair of Trousers Other Norfolk Suits at $13.50, $10.30, $18.50 and $27.50. -Glmbrla, Xhlrd floor. 's Spring Coats Distinctive Styles Conspicuous Values With tho bcautv pictured as an illustration of what $49.73 can be made to buy, in spite of eveiything! Natural camels-hair Polo Coating in the wonderful natural color Silk-lined throughout The polo style enlivened by Lunvin's new pleat-back. It's a beauty! And at $45 sports model tlui'c-ijuurler codt with brushed-wool collar in checkerboard blocks of tah and blown. Made of dark lan yalama velotir. ' Silk-lined throughout Winter Coats Reduced to $25, $35, $45 and $55 Wool coatings and fabric-fuis alike GlmhrN. salons nf Ires. 1 bird floor. ft t i. M 'si a -,n 81 K IA Vir'l , iJ i ?a T F-it-TiK i- f