Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1920, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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    P"N "?,' d
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' W "Sti '
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1! ff v
immistration Senators Assist
"lOlIM" b..ui: r
h "i nu;uunuiuib in ua-
f nouncing It
P t Cflln Tfl DC iinnnniiPAiinjH
""i" j wu rnurnuHiiuH
How to Satisfy Ex-Soldiers and i
at Samo Time Economize
Is Big Problem i
W'nsiriijrtnu. IVh. 1.". With ml
miuifitrntinn Mnntm (IciipiiiipIiis tlio
Comt'tomKo .Siiicl" X vi-M-iviHnn pro
jve;l b "ini'il m.-ivHllnu" Uopub
licans mid tivlnt; v'nllnutlv to inflnrnrc
Dcinoorntlo 'nu.iinrs tirtf to noocpt It.
ttemiblirnti lrnil"ii luivo found tlioy
could not I'vpcot more tlinn twcnty"
iiliM' Itf'publirnn votes for it. Pro-.
VVtK Tor nn nRnvniPnt on it ilo not
appear bright
Tlie.Tioll unions Ilrp-ihlii'iin onato',i
was nob to linvo rrvriHl th.it in mlili
tlon to fonrtprn i'-rrrnncilnblp tlioip
would be nt lpnt si "trnn: rp.prvn
tlonistH" who would oppose tlip suje
scstcd pomnronii'P T'ip M-nntor-t nnmpcl
were Jwpph S. I'ip'in.'hujspn, of Npv
Jprspj-ru IlpiUpr r.nll. of Delaware:
James W Wn.Kwort!-.. .!., it New
Torls; irhvvinl Suthei'nnd. of West
A irjtluIK William M. Cnliler. of New
Tork. and William V DilliuRham, of
With onh twenty -uiup Ttepublieans
supporting the reservation, thp votes of
thirty -five Democrats would bp neces
arr to ratify the trentv and the pro
nounceil opposition of Senntor Gilbert
V Hitcheoek Senator Thomas ,T.
n'u. of Montana, and other admin
istration , lejiler loft no doubt as to
their.tlcsirp to denj it Domoeiatie mju
port. The "mild leservationiots" were said
to be oontemplatinR a chanse in their
leservatior i -o that it would provide
that the I tilted States would nmne
no obliKation to penult the u-c of its
army or tun , the ei-oiiomie bocott "or
Its national le-iouiceM." th" latter
ph.ras.es beinp; substituted for the words
'or any other inouns."
"The faet is that the outcome now
depends on the Republicans," said Sen
ator lilt' brock "I feel a good deal of
dispofcition to leave it to them. Thev in
itinted this effo-t for ratification and
as they have tli majorit it is larzeh
In their hands anyhow.
"The proposal reservation to Aiticle
Xis notlun:; but propaganda. In my
opinion it would be better for the Dem
ocrats tn taKe the original Lodge ies
eryetion. I would rather vote for that
than for the substitute now orono.ed. I
never will vot for the original Lodge
reservation, but would piefer it to this
"I am hopeful but not anguine, as
to the outcome. The conclusion depends
on the nepub'icans. The initiative i- no
to them. Thev must do something or I
the treaty will go back into the tame
bole it came out of.
"I don't Know who i the millim- of
this proposed substitute I estivation nt
Article X. but it seems to have no pur
pose except to help the eae for the
Xodge draft There has b 'en 'ome a-i-porent
attempt to make it loo li';e
something thnt was foiced on Senator
Txidgt;, but as a matter of fact it is '
wonc than his ori"inal reservation "
"I believe." said Penatn- Wa'-h.
"that the new proposal dea'ing w itli
Article X was framed on the a'sunin
tion that nnv change in the form nf the
originnl Lodge reservation wou'd be nr -ceptable
to the Democrats and enab'e
them to save their faces tn not be
lieve many of these senatois have un
dertaken to differentiate between the
original Lodge reservation and the pro
posed substitute I do not think the
Mew proposition is acceptable. I agic
entirely witii what Senator Iliu hem !.
has said. '
Washington. T'eb. 1".. The au
nounreinent of the American Legion
thnt it would fore!1 Congics to a clean-
cut decision on ttie proposals for com
pensating veterans of the world war bai
served to biing Into the foreground u
situation which lenders of the House
have been fuclng fo'1 two months.
There lire now before the House ninny
bills providing schemes for rewarding
the e-:soHieis, but. as vet. tiie lenders
of the IIoue have not arrived at a
sche'im by which to handle them.
Proposals to appoint a special com
mittee which should either have ju
risdiction over bills of that chaiacter or
which should jet in an advl-nrv capac
ity wore ilNcusweil at a meeting of the
stecrin committee yesteulav . according
to Prank W. Mondell. nf Wvomitig
chairman of the committee and floor
leader. Neither seemed to meet the
situation, he said.
5Ir. Moudell said : "Possiblv the
American Legion can give us a ptnctical
scheme vvbeieby we can arrive at the end
The American Legion proposes a bond
issue of SI .OOO.OQO.OOO to compensate
the veterans.
But the necessity of economy in or
der to avoid another bond issue was the
thing most gteatlv stiessed in the meet
ing of the steering committee cs
terdav Vi Monde'l snid it ai their
hope to (ffeit n saving of S1.2."i0.000.
YI0 in onh to meet in sdnie incisure a
deficit of S". 000 010.000. which has
I mi stT'in ( ongr-ss hi the face.
Colonel V. Lester .Tones, cliniiinan
of the Legion's nntionnl committee on I
auxiliaries, announced todax that the
committee would meet in Washington j
on February 24. and not nevt Mondav. i
IJepicsentntives will be piesent fiom all I
parts of the countrj
I. L. Wright, Manufacturer, Rani
Down Woman, Gets Thirty Days
Tieuion, Feb. 1'". Inint L I
Wiight. president of the Para Rubber i
Co.. of tliis fit j . was taken to the I
coiintv wotMimisp esteida to serve a,
sentence of thirtj daj, having been
found guiltv of iliiving an automobile1
whi'e under the influence of liquor. The
al'eged offense was committed on De- .
rember '!. The nr whicli Wiight was'
driving st-uck Xtrs. C.irric L. Stout, of
lOfl South Hi ond stieet She was se
eich in jutcd
Wiight made no statement in his
defense and his counsel. Fllis Pieison, i
eallrd no witnesps. Tinflic Policeman
Richard Gull, who was with Wright
v.lipn the accident occuued, said both I
be and Wiight had font drinks of I
biiiuih within time and a half hours
before the lueident '
Jail Only Half Filled i
Noiiistovut, Pa., Feb li!. Itecnuc
the a'm-house is quarautiueil the grand '
.'urv did not visit that institution jes
lenlnv . but it did go to the jail and!
the hni'se of detention and suggested i
mum, mi nnvemeuts at tlie institution. I
'Lie nnv m Kiited thnt with o.imters
foi 2)0 lutsoiieis theie are but 100 in
n''ceiatfd end that since .lulv but thiee
pel sons have been i ommitted foi drunk
Vot8s Down Labor Member's
Motion for Revision, by
254 to 60
London. Feb. HI. Most of jester
day's session of the Itnusp of Commons
was occupied in a discussion nf the mo
tion of William .lames Tliorne, Labor
member for West Hum, in fnvor of a
levisiou of the pence treat.v, which be
subjected to severe criticism. The mo
tion was rejected by 2.14 to 00.
Ro'ihing to a question as to whether
Viscount Grey would return to Y'nsh
ington as British ambassador, and if not
who would be his successor. Premier
Lloyd Gcorgo said lie was unable to
make any statement on the subject.
Repljing to a question as to what
steps the government proposed to take
for the relief of Central llttropc. Austen
Chamberlain, the chancellor of the ex
chequer, said the final arrangements
could not be made until the Congress
of the United Htutcs had granted the
necessary powers. The relief adminis
tration nnd the British Government
would have preferred to prepare a coin
piehunslve plan, with allied nnd neu
tral co-operation. Mr. Chamberlain'
snid, but in view of the urgency of the
need and despite the financial situ
ation in the United Kingdom the Brit
ish Government had informed the United
States thnt in nddition to the 12.ri00,
000 (normally S(!2..-i()0,000) voted for
the current financial .vear, it was pro
posed to contribnte a further sum, not
exceeding half the sum contributed bv
the United Stntes and not exceeding
10,000,000 (normally -50,000,000) in
''"""i.i ''hHi.M Hhi.iMii,1;! .,11',,, i, .Minn ilia, iii, iiiii;;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiMrrrs
" I Never Saw Such Values!
They Are Simply Wonder
ful" Say the Thousands
of Smartly Dressed Women
W ho Have Bought These
Smartest of Fashion Boots
Hero arc boots in every style and leather that
you could possibly want
Dress Boots, laced and buttoned models, in
the fashionable colors' with full French heel's
and turned soles.
Street Boots in the wanted leathers and the
smart heel types these with welt soles.
Thousands and thousands to choose from in
every size from 1 to S and every width from
AA to D.
Actually Worth
14.00 to 17.50
1 i
I i
A lo I
l r" v "S',T
W " Yv
U V"v
A w o.sj
Special Values for Misses
& Children
Laced and buttoned styles in
dull or patent leather. Halla
han quality throughout and
certain to give thorouch satis-
'stjjVJv faction. Low or spring heels.
' Priced According to Size
5-VLeJ 3-M 4d$ S-JS
Ogood shoesO
919-921 Market Street
5604-OG Germantown Ave. 2746-48 Germantown Ave.
4028-30 Lancaster Ave. 60th and Chestnut Sts.
Branch Stores Open Every Evening
-""'' "' ' '' '" " " !' nit, nun ll'IIHM'.'l ' , l,ll,l,,i, Iil,l,,llillfd
Former Marine, Charged With Kid
napping, Arrested in Los Angeles
Cincinnati, Feb. 13 (Bv A P i
Nation -wide search for twelve-vear-old
Paul Hopping, of Batavia. O . ended
yesterday when bis fathei, Charles A.
Hopping, was notified that the bo
had been found in Los Ang"!es. Calif.,
and that Apollo BeHidere Murphj, for
mer United States marine, who. it is
alleged enticed the bo. from home, is
under arrest
Hopping deeldied last night he had
charged Murphv w ith kidnapping in a
warrant and that steps to cxtrndit" him
would be taktn immediate.
At I. Press & Son
Enlarged Store
lbiG 4j'
-Filled 20-Year Watches
"Men's jjlsiigy Jy An
Ladies' 22385 Gift
TODAY and TOMOKnfW t what
97.05 Trill hu) nt Ol Ft ntort. It li a
wonderful bargain nnd If we tav no jou
"wnm.w h inra nf It hsi an a wa hAf hren
I' Mclllnr wntchen for 82 rrnrn and w kno
n xcrpfionai isjua iiki tnin it uounu
to be a qtilrW aellrr Thli wntrli It n
rMTuLdr ladles or man jrenmntred ifotd
ttllfd ee, with 7-Jevpel nwrfment, which
If has been tlmrd. rejrnlaleil and aJJastrd
fc i -. ..11
retMix lffT " r are iuii u
lbe ivatche with the povltlre under
t&ndlnjr lhat If nns Jeireler will offer
rrou one a rood for 1n than SIS nr If
. JDAYS you are iiiMatunrci lin toot pnr.
- haae. brine It back and Tour 97.05 will
b proroptr refunded. Mall orders filled.
? linr it Included ft few other teraDtlnc
i ,lefttU 'or those who want solid cold
j niv iu"i
Clearance Sale Tomorrow
Women's and Misses' Dresses
Smart Jersey cloth and serge dresses, straightline
and coatee effects; tailored, embroidered, braided
and button trimmed models. Reduced to
Chestnut and 12th Sts.
Will Close Out Tomorrow Saturday
At Extraordinary Price Reductions
('i ,-m Holld U-K
f MM Holld 14-K
I V& oIM 14-K
VV trli for
VVetcli for
KMOk halia l-n
HI Polia H-K
AlUl lblld 14, U
Gold lVatcli for
Gold VV.Irh far
(lolrt VVatrh for
(Solil Mntch far
R.'jKe ti-Jtmr Uotd Hllt VV.tcb for
y-lilread Watches at Lowest Prices
m ii J
185 Girls' Smart Winter Coats
Smartly fashioned of zibeline, -velveteen and silvertone polo
cloth. Belted models, tailored or fur trimmed, lined throughout.
$22.50 Girls' Tailored Coats Reduced to ... 15.00
$32.50 Girls' Tailored Coats Reduced to ... 20.00
$39.75 Girls' Fur Collar Coats Reduced to ..-29.75
$52.50 Girls' Velveteen Coats Reduced to ..-39.75
L 262&5&zi2iZZd; Street.
O" Darlington's sell Furniture en suite? Yes, indeed-. In the
Fpkrnarv Sal w have some excellent values. For the bed
room, Queen Anne Mahogany Suite, 4 pieces, special at $235.00;
Adam Mahogany Suite, 11 pieces, special at $795.00; Heppelwhite
Mahogany Suite, 9 pieces, special at $875.00; Colonial Mahogany
Suite, 4 pieces, special at 335.00. For the dining room, William
and Mary Suite of 1 Opieces, special at $750.00; Queen Anne Mahog
any Suite, 1 0 pieces, special at $695.00; Sheraton Mahogany Suite;
10 pieces, special at $790.00; Queen Anne Walnut Suite, 10 pieces,
special at $560.00; Decorated Breakfast Room Suite, 8 pieces,
special at $295.00.
YOMEN'S Full-fashioned Silk
"" Hosiery with mercerized
lisle top3 i nd soles; reinforced
heels and toes; excellent weight;
white, black, cordovan, navy,
gray; specially priced at $2.25.
j ITTLE Girls' Chambray
' Bloomer Dresses in pink, blue,
tan; round, flat collar and cuffs
with plaited white ruffles, finished
with sash and patch pockets of
self material; sizes 2 to 6 years;
specially priced at $3.85.
Y?iO MEN'S Silk-and-Fibre
"" Sample Hosiery, semi-fashioned,
good weight; bronze, gold,
tan, gray and pink; price $1.35;
worth on an average, a dollar
P ROCKS for little girls of 2 to
6; washable chambray, ging
ham and poplin; several styles;
former prices $4.00 to $7.00
now $2.95 to $4.25.
17 OR Saturday we shall have
ready a lot of Veilings to
be sold at the very special price of
42c a yard. Careful comparison
has been made in several other
stores of similar qualities and we
found them selling at 60c to 75c,
so that you can see this presents
a real saving. Ten different
styles; four shades black, navy,
brown, taupe. With the windiest
part of the year just ahead of us,
. one must be amply prepared with
At 42c Yard
This means that you can get three
good Veils at about the price you
would regularly pay for two.
A SMALL close-out of Women's
Wool Sports Hose in light
gray and o::ford gray; some im
ported ones included; former
prices up to $2.75; on sale now
at $1.65.
BOYS' and Girls Winter Coata
of serge and heather cloth,
lined throughout and finished with
belt; sizes 2 to 10 years; former
prices $15.00 to $29.00 now
$8.00 to $13.50; sizes 2 to 10
years; only a small lot.
MEN'S $1.50 Ribbed Wool
Hose, short- lines grouped
together for quick close-out at 95c.
WINTER Suits and Coats for
women and misses have
been sharply reduced for quick
clearance. Exceptional savings
can pc effected by buying these,
garments now.
JLE sell a surprisingly large number of good Umbrellas. Doubt
less one reason for this is that we can often offer such ex
ceptionally good values, as, for instance, in a lot of 275. which has
just come in. They were due several months ago and were bought
before some of the recent very pronounced cost advances. Our
price is $7.75, and the women who get them can choose from an
excellent assortment of handles and the following shades in the
silk covers black, navy, green, purple, taupe, brown.
lseau Dieu
I j AVE you seen L'Oiseau Bleu, the neW
Moonglo Satin? This is Maeterlinck's
conception of happiness in so far as color can
express that emotion. It is truly a wonderful
shade of blue for smart Spring Frocks.
New Pastel Jersey
V N all-wool material, 54 inches wide, in
white, pink and apricot; particularly
adapted for sports apparel and high in favor
for smocks $5.50 a yard. Navy Serges, 42 to
54 inches wide, at prices ranging from $2.75 to
$8.75 a yard.
V JFi ra'"iwV Iff' I 'iH i 1 ' fc"VJfT7in!s
HERE will undoubtedly be a great demand for high-grade
Sports and Motor Apparel this season, and we are making
ample preparation to meet that demand. These garments will
be conveniently grouped together on the Second Floor Suits,
Coats, Hats, Sweaters, Hose, Blouses, Skirts, Riding Habits, both
women's and misses.' The assortment is not yet complete, but
there is already assembled many things which will interest you.
Particularly noteworthy just now are the Sweaters. Prices for
DAR-TEX Suits start at $28.50.
iu.iv!tM)Lite!!. jv ..iiiil'K - .. .' ,.i.wtot m. frfi WW W..). .- ,.