r r"1" l' Pi ' used Automobiles "Used "-"Abused" 1 here is a great distinction in all used machines defined by the prefix of AB. uscd machines go somewhere to rest more or less permanently, but they do not rest on our sales floor. The sale of a carefully used machine in sound mechanical condition is legitimate. The sale of an abused machine is not. We make no profit on used machines yve buy when we sell them. We bought simply to sell a Peerless. Peerless methods. and reputation stands back of used machines for sale on our floor. They make good, or we do. Booklet "Buying a Used Car With Safety" tells all about it. Send for it. The following, examined and passed by our engineers, represent par value: Peerless Sedan, Coupe, 4-passcngcr Road ster and Touring Car. Buick. Roadster and Tourtng Car. Franklin 5-passenger Sedan, Type 8; Road ster, 9-B. Paice 5-passenger Touring Car. Studebaker 7-passenger Touring Car. Dodge 5-passenger Touring Car. Cadillac Touring, Models 51-53. Oldsmodile Touring and others. GIRARD AUTOMOBILE CO. "Peeress Qars 23I4 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA A Used Car That's Worth All You Pay t'4. j"jfc?te 7 "- Plan V " ,vw There arc no "grab bag" used cars on the Sweeten sales floor. Every machine has a definitefurichangeablc value, based on the amount we allowed the former owner for it, plus the cost of all repairs we've made to put the .car in good running order. K No matter how limited your automobile knowl edge, you can be absolutely assured that the Sweeten price represents the real value of the car you buy a price that is consistent in every way with its condition. Send for our "Used Car Bulletin" containing attractive list of used cars of known value. Sweeten Used Car Clearing House 338-340 North Broad Street (- ($g QUALITY " rr.r is m niii TrmrillK pqul to t rj.ntl new shov. st no r nplendld iuipm'ni will to." i Mi e STUTZ 101S Hearrat nienaia mechanical bhipe run 18 00 mila erjulpr,d lth Lord, tires and extras MLRCHR 1M0 Tour tits ery cUbij used 1 months A-l mrrnanlfMl condition, ery powerful A iwp UUICKS 1)I1 is - K Tourlnu ara Lou pes Sedan. and Itcidstera 4 and oi moiVln exiel Ifnt cindltu n Urire variet to telect from dodoes nun is . n sedans Tourlnc Cars md Hnadrtfrs ?er ir In ci ( 1 ent eon htltn fulli efiulp !d in udlt b etran rlf to MS J')-'." vvnosAL tfiii riuh Hoadster 4 ptss rry cJasv eftuipped y ith v In k i-r lx ird tln 2 extra wheel and tires bumpt r p it light nd Up .of ra A sii-ip rtj rp"Ml I II jfjfjfo VALUE LOW PRICES B nt a nit 1919 Paige rite-passenger touring r with winter ip. in nrst-class rijnihtfon guaranteed. ,-nwne i-rewion JH77 J It r UN p " , ,. 1917 Buick Roadster In firil-class condition n til sell for S1).',0 VirllaA J Mara lis Suma. ct Wissa h'ekon Philadelphia Dodge Touring Car ' uih winttr top in r ood condition. itrin, ti.2t Plume Mlrn- 'HI Tlll'CKU rederal Iludfnru Turds for sale eao. oerhauled and In good runnlnct omlllliai. Apulv Atlantic Reflnlnx Co 3144 t'wl. live t)illwd"lnhia Pa 0 I.ULANDS, all models all years Indud lli 4Vlft iirsL-riHMM ronii some as low as ffttHli elllur utd Uertandi and parts and trwv xruiii mo saint, nriiii nine i'uyineiiiB Nn vf. OtrUnd Harper Co , 16-9 Arcb y ipSilP USED AUTOMOBILES The purchase of a used car in too many cases is like the pur chase of a "grab-bagM at a fair you don't know what you're buv- ing until it's paid for, and then it's too late. CORSON'S Wuik n our salesrooms and take jour pick jf anj ca- from our slock of 1000 tars, and vou will llnd Qualltj. Vuluo and Ix Prices 'h prtdomlnatlnt,- features of our cars )N l.NTrjVT TLTI.M.S .RRAGLD -ADII L( S 10JIMS 4 hdans loupes rourlni: t iri mirl I peedsterH, 1-pass Urso varletj eery i 'r in excellent bhap- at Interestlns I Tirlres I rRWKLINb niO-lH Kf-danR Roadsteri! i Touring CarB. A I j ondltlon, readj for . Immediate service narjMlna HUDSONH 1010 lft-17 speedsters Hjdana Tourlnj, Cars and Cabriolets tip - top mechanical condition CHANDLERS 1010-13 I Speedsters 4 paps , Tourtng Cars t.e iHns and Coupe UrzpFt arlptj in i the city mechanical ly perfect Will sdc- I riflce . PAIGG 1010 Speedster 4 paes equal to new algo 101S-17 Touring 1 Cars and Roadsters A L (ondltlon, fully equipped I sTl'DKHAKERS 1020 I 10-1S Tourln? tiir and Hnadsterfl ( and cl models I A 1 condition fulb equipped, ay low rt3 Gorson's Automobile Exchange 238-240 N. Broad Street l fand Tor I'i 'Pit SALE rranklln sedan . rt.. ,1 n iui. wire wheels and fullv ecjulnoed real ' nr-iPfiinllL In nKl i n ,. . Hy"J'lTu real -"aTlie'x'c'.lle ntllon' Ve, B" '' tt rtprlce 5474 Apply 11 s Itltl, . ' ICJIBVUOLBT 400 vMih uinter inclosure" I n'r'ZUT M; ' Hroad at W""!. 3320 N. CHEVROLLT 100 touring run only IJOll fused U Kr .Mr Htrlffllnj a ur a 1 V"'1 " CHLVROLnT all models imrmdlau de lherj cars taken in trade easy piyments authorized deakr neer c ostd t has N l-nravth n.'ll N Hroad st ' 6TIT NEARLY ALL MODELS THOR I ni'lllll.Y OVERHAl'LllU un,l nVtfii; ISIIED, MANY HAUOAINS SEE Mr Mao. ARTlll'lt MTt'T. AtlKSfY mill N IIRfiAD 191H IiHJUD roadster absolutely fully equipped! perfect condition Phone Llan erih B In evening. " EYENJNGP tTJBHO USED AUTOMOBILES V'o Iinxo a complete, assortment of used Mnrmona for Immediate deliv ery. They ore thorouithly over hauled, repainted and In perfect con ditlon. Buy now at winter prices. Spring prices will bo much higher. Other Cars of different makes: 1017 Hupmobilo Touring. 1918 Standard 8, Touring. 1918 Ford Coupe, elcc. lights and s tarter. 1918 Hupmobilo, 6-pass. Touring. 1919 Hupmobilo Roadster 1917 Standard 8. 1918 Peerless Limousine. 1916 Kissel Kar Touring. 1914 Stearns-Knight Touring. 1913 Locomobile "-18" 7 - pass. Limousine, elcc. lights, starter. 1912 Pierce-Arrow; 2 bodies. 191' Cole 8 Touring. Deferred payments if desired. CLARKE D. HUNTER, JMgr. Used Car Dcpt. Phone Poplar 79-70 THE FANNING HATCH COMPANY 720-22 N. BROAD ST. Marmon Distributors Phone Poplar 70-70 Paige "6-51" 1917 Touring Car becn pissenEcr: A-l condition, one cparo tire: run-7000 miles price $1,100 Thono Wjomlnc 4HS0 3 WD AMI! closing out our used car stock to make room for our 1020 models: cars Include demonstrntors. tourings, roadsters, sedans etc all cars thoroughly oerhauled repainted and fully guiranteed: price $0 tip. attractHe time payments, open eenlnKS, Sunday bv appointment l'hono Poplar 07JO. Poplar HOI lorrain auto co lath and Valrmount ae 1916 BUICK Big-Six Touring In ffOod condition, will sell for $600 SCHANDLIN DIAMOND 1410 J OVERLAND 1010, Model 00. good condition barcaln, $57' Phono Poplar 0000. M7 N Urotd st HOOMS WANTED WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, second floor, norm oi c.iraru avc , ease or Broad st . ror lism nouHeKeepiue, eive rates and full Information In replving. M 408. Lidgr Office OlOOMS FOB BENT CHESTNUT. 20J4 rurnlshcd room with private bath, reference HANDSOMELY furnl-hed rooms, hot-water h't. elec orlv famlh Ph I-ocust B3 11 V 'PINE bT . lhlu Meelv furnished bedroom, with twin beds also largo parlor with bah-v grand plann ll'lll S . 05 Front rooms single or com municating, running water, heated, re I onab!c : : l.'.TH S , 247 Room" electric ll(,ht. steam li-at housekeeping ' Apply In rear idTii N it (iioni:i, RUU1C) Up lo date furn rooms ileitrlu, h -w heat dally ami vvfcklv rat" mm to stations, gio,l h ron incilMtlons for trwvellng p.ople BOABDINO C2D T N .114 Rooms and board for a married couple or single men, also lady boarder. $3 per week, also table boarders, $1 ppr week WEST I'llILMlEU'HIA PI.NF SI 4110 Warm cheerful house: i continuous hot water guod table refer ancei Mls Hnnl Phone Raring &07 APABTMENTS M'MtTMLN'T HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a speilalltv hherwood Apt Agencv -J"i S Ilrrud st Some verv I attractive furn apt somp housekeeping I 6PRUCB ST 2UJJ flnele and en suite, prl- I ate bttn up u nrt-piaies norinern c-t ....- Aiiftrlr. Mcht crpntlenipn eh ctrlc llcht gentlemen NKW apTrtm"iit for rent unfurnished J rooms, nam i.ucnen launnrj juimor sirvlce, West Phlla 4hth st L or 12 car Walnut st Address C 413 ledger Offcle T0 rooms tllf bath ami Kitchenette, all modern ions Onlslud In mahoffanv and white 423J l hetlnu t Preston 2702 J APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED LnfurniMicd apartment, 0 or 7 rooms 2 halh. Oermantnwn or West Philadelphia from prll 1 P bJI, Led.-er Office HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS N ATTItALTUn " Olt.NEll I OCATION Just belnc nipleted six housekeeping apartments lu thre and four rooms plus kltchmttle and tialli located at 1810 Sprlns Oardtn st. tS E cor at liOth), they com bine mn nw auJ attractive features nhlch "111 alpl to sou, Inspection tor dUIly lnltKl 1'or full mformatlon upply to 8HEIIWOOD AI'AMTMCNT AOENCT 22R S Broad t Fhonf Wal 317 PISE ST 1810 Mcely furnished house Ijpplnir apartment with all modern con- nlinees rnrnn iocust nin OIIEEN &T .028 Kurn hskptr. apts . prli. batns. " vr muuwi up oee janitor APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan i chelilv am: AND MORRIS bT GERMANTOWN ' 20 MINinTb TO RROAD faT STATION j Furnish en bid unfurnished aulteg I I BARTRAM APARTMENTS I 33D AND CHESTNUT 9T3. A few apartment larce rooms with bath. 1 for rent lther for tli winter or soar dlnlrg room sertlco unexcelled. . HOTEL COLONIAL spnuri. , AT 11 TH hT Sl-ct apartment famlb hotel. In the center of the cltv operatlnir on the American plan our table wll please the moat exacting r PITMAN HAKVn Jr Manager 'fiTfj TBAfy Sflth and Chestnut To sublet furnished to Oct 1 m longer hotel apart 1 ment 2 rooms an 1 bath TilKllTn.n HOTEL "J-'"" H Hroad st A sootl place to lUe while in Phllaclt plua FURNISHED APAKTMENTS ,- rtN PTS cen loc by week If detlrnl bherwood Apt Aseno 2J5 8 Hruad st I BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE I CITY "',M ORATS PERRY AVE 1 aton S " rnoms ani bath thoroughly renocated a I iBlit will finance M E JJ Hrletl 3'ith ani Wharton sts 300 HOUSES POP. SVLE. all sections J100 OOWn liaiHIlc-c name uc ii KFSNFDY 40(1 S Van Pttlt st 5!1 CAIIPKN TER ST 'I wo stor 7 ruoir " dwelling rccentl renovated possisaluu I NELSON DICK 111 H L mil 'I III Hldg IMM POSSESSION I200 iwrclie bed rooms in ""ue, ""J"'1,",. n 1 iv. Chestnut Wiirster 31104 Gi-r own 1, I IMMEDIATE poss 3."il3 N Sjdenham st "newly painted and reno 11 nns t bath 3 u JARDELLA Jr 142(1 t hestnut s! COLORED tenants can buy homes all sec tlOnS l,r,f "."". .'...' - vait.c ag rin KKN'N'EDY 41111 S Van Pelt st ." r.-.!-!. .,..(. aUa "I'M . 'tt t '. . " MlllNHHCfUai: JJd and Kltzwaler ....',.. fiinpi:.NTi:u 7 rooms and hath t-..,i """de , - 77 order Immediate possession. I270O SIIINEHOUSE .'-'d and Pltzwater l'iul (iXl'ORD ST btore and duelling 10 fjUKi J f Cfoward Co toth & Jeftprstin I jkm N 111 PH Eleo llghis hot water hiat irarage Glenn. IM7 Columbia uv I JU-..I N IIHOAD C.r el.r lights , , I hPit garage (jLI.NN 1 ,17 I nlumbla "iin.-i N HROAD- 13 ; nns J baths ISxli..' flne home GLI.NN 1 ,17 Columbia ave Tm.i j.-.os DIAMOND Ml Porch ' roam. I elec lights GLEN'V 1'il7 ( olumbla Y YOU WANT to buy or sell properties, See t,; 'iii.iiiiiii 71 V Print n i.t SE CORliroad f Notris II w"h't ,e( i..ht ?ur hne ni Glenn 1117 Columbia 2005 N HROAD- 12 rooms )! baths, lliiocon .in inn. largo lot Glenn, 1517 Co umbla r marmonJ 5i y r EBIlUER-.PHjrADEtPHIA; FRfficOMDBtfUAEY 13, 1920 HEAI, ESTATE FOB SALE CITY SOLD TO sr.TTLU ESTATE S. E. corner 18th and Vine sts. 231 N. 3d at. 144-140 N. 3d t. llS-117.110 N. 3d at. 124 N. Sd st. 230 Arch st. 31 Bank at. O. C. SKIDCL. & CO., INC. 4th and Callowhlll ata. Has Your Broker Made a Profit for You? List jour real estate with this office: and toe assured of service and satisfaction. .JULIUS S LAM. 424 Wldener bid-. Member Philadelphia Ileal ICatate Board 1610-12 PINE ST. nuns through to Waverly at : lncludlnr 4 dwellings In rears excellent apartment site. harry j koehleii tv co . 1420 Chestnut st. Phono Locust 6703 Or F X Deliinv, West Kml Hldg 2700-Blk. Germantown Av. Modern Btore and arts : Immediate nosse-wlon APOTIIAKKR . DROWN 311 Walnut. Lombard 8738 WE HAVE ROW OF HOUSES 8 rooms, tile bath and hallway, porches, W. SHARPNACK ST., OTN. Pries Intere.t Inir for quick sale. APOTIIAKEIt BROWN. DAHQAIN Only 4BO0j worth JG800; corner house, porch front. 0 rooms, bath modern room for Baraeo or could bo made Into store, would make an excellent location for dell ratessen builness, early possession: act ciuik KHUN & LOW13RY. 0th and Rock- laiiu FRONT AND WALNUT Business property with 8 fronts at $12 BOO Inlde houses In this block sell from $15,000 to SIS 000 M hbtz & bOM. inc . BOO Liberty nidg J4O00 for 3 story dwellings, 22d aboe Dau phin St : brownstone fronts: wntild cot over $0000 to build, apartments would ray iierc, mil iiiiuiiuu ou. acDernemy, lii.'a Chestnut st. Mullrtlng T.ots. Factory Sllra. rtc. 7.000 sq ft. Central! siding. 18 000 so. tt. Kensington district, aiding. .17 non so ft. Central: sldlnr. 45.000 sq ft Central-aiding. IVi acres Central, aiding. 3 ucres Kensington district; aiding 15 acres River front: siding. J ALAN MIDDLBTON. BQv WldenT TIM &ITE3. RAILROAD Ponni. nnd Heading, $2000 per aero and up. accordlos to loc . Inquire for terms Dleterlch, 737 Walnut st. Business Properties and Store N. E. Cor. 20th and Montgomery 1801-3-5-7 N. 20th St. lot 70x1:0 Exceptional Opportunity Tor speculator and Investor Foar stores on 20th st. and largo lot In rear. Good for second-hind furniture or junk business, suitable for earago business PRICE HEAL INTERESTING EDWARD ABRAMS '.2" Ural Kstale Tr nirtg Wnl 240 Wc hap ri 2-storv storen and duellings In two of thr Aery bet sections of tho city for salo at moderate prices both theao Bectlons are belnc ranldlv deloped as bust nesa centers, you can't roRslbly bo wrong; us alues are Increasing cxerv day, small anioAjnt of cash needed, take thlj opportunity to establish ourself In a buMnens nelpliborhood that has a brlsht future For details, visit Suite 303 Real Cstate Trust Building, Broad and Chestnut sts KIRHT AND hKl'OND KI.OOR4 for Ittflit ntanufus.turlns' purposes 2821-19 W. FLETCHER ST Anpl to owner. SATTl.KU's 'SJ4 w Dauphin st OWNER WILL SI1LI. ARCH hr. RUSINUSS PROrURTY ' West of Hth st - , IMMEUIATB POSSE's'SION' ' P 7J4 Ledger Office S W COH HTH and Columbia ne 17J 10 x44 Olenn l"l" Columbia licorle. Manufacturlnc Floors FACTORIES rAr AND TORY SITHS Even whore In Philadelphia LOUIS ,s QINSHl'RO 1201 Uiestnut st FACTORIES & SITES 1-TTON''A TOMI.TVqO.V LINCOLN qi.UO INDl'sTRIAL PLANTS, warehouses, acaut land railroad nnd water frontage. J I. STEVKNt-OV . SON S.!J Lnnd Title A n reh on be WAREHOUS-E TOR SALE t'entrtl. one square from rler front, heivih constructed warehouse. 80x100 ft , S Moors and basement sprinkler sstom eleitrli alirmi. I' 012 Ledger OfOce CTTn TRAI. One square from rher Troilt .uxhj feet i noors unu uuseineni l' yit '"1g''r ofrkP Stores and Dwellings 2il'l GERMANTOWN AVE through to real street sreat business block AUAMs 2741' Germantown ave CHEAP CORNER (IIJ1-9JJ Tlosa st) Kl(lO Immediate possession ADAMS, 2711) Ger mantown ave 2840 GERMANIOWN AVE Wide front deep lot ery special: Rood business loca tlon ADAMS 274H Germantown ae WEST l'llirlDKM'HIl 800 BLOCK P BOlh st . modern throughout price $71100. and. remember. CROSS stands for all that's Bood. 08th and Larch- wood ave , ..w- 017 s 4JD 3 story, I) rooms and bath h w h elee , hardwcod floors, Dutch 1ml flrnwii i''rrench Lincoln Bldg rilbert 407H tJ,s POWELTON AM-, - . stori ponh front anil rear yard colored, prke J3200 Urnn"& V'rench Lincoln Hldg rilbert 4 nc VER 45TH ND WALNt'T hTS J t rJ twin IneloBert porch and Baiaite 0 rooms 2 baths IhorouRhlv modern prlie J15 Ocid Brown r Trench l.lmuln Hldg I llb-rt 4I.7B UTI s 471H. .1 storv twin, good Londlllon . ellent proDosltlmi for party to make third floor finance, price Mono, terms to suit rtrnw n - Frem h Lincoln Hldg nihert IH7H 4000"ULOCK LANCASTER Store and 3 stj dwB . lot 20x100 to rear st with jrKB garage Emplro Tr Co . 44th and Lancaster lh HOUSES itOUU block Allman st I. rooms and bath, brick laundrj C o hllW'AIt: firiih st below Cheater Open Sun lay NEAR 60th and Market T-room mod hot- w iter heat elec light etc, first class con tood neighborhood J4700 Getty Su N l.u GASOLINE ALLEY Celling on a I A- GSTTIN6- OK. UEHCAP 6N THC VWf, HOV I ? f" ' JNtTHc Doc Cave You A OiPNT CeT Moc& A"1 W0ULOH T "feo ANy ,' ipi llNJ-Ji pio you? m Aeon Tfr Rbd cTot uoec h ?i3 cv 'HJ y 3?Sfibllli REAL ESTATE FOB SALE 1VIMT lIltIJlDKI.PIIIA west riiiiAnr.l.rmA r mmmmmm r, , Prices Have Not Reached Top If You Want to Buy Buy Immediately If You Want to Sell WAIT UNTIL TOU SEE JOHN M. C. ENBURG BaltlrnAve OEI.MANTOWN DISCRIMINATING BUYERS Have shown their appreciation of the Ideal Homes, Quality of the Material, unusual skill or workmanship and the Architectural beauty of the elevation and Interior plan. EVERY WOMAN Has complimented us most favorably on the practical udoptlon of her Ideas of a Homo of Comfort. , . . , Out of 08 houses tnrted last May but 80 can be completed for sprlne occupancy, TEN HAVE BEEN SOLD LEAVING BUT TWENTY HOUSES AS YOUR OPPORTUNITY WOODSTOCK STREET, SO FT. WIDE, CS00 Xorth. West of Limekiln Pike 1 square north of Chelten avenue, a transfer lino from Old York road, Germantown nnd Wayne avenues and Route 75: halt aquaro from the new John L. Klnsey School, most Ideal and finest In this country. Seven rooms, hardwood floors throughout; a new departure on porch Inclosure; terraced fronts, . WILLIAM H. LIE'BRICH BIHLDER Or HOMES IN THIS LOCALITY TOR LAST SEVEN YEARS MAIN OFFICE. 2840 RIDUE AVENUE W KST PHILAtlKLrlllA BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES In the Overbrook Section From $3000 to $20,000 We tan finance th purchase of alt houses Edw. m. Moii graw Open eves until II o'clock. Belmont 8070 1012 S. 49th St. fAT .. cot i-r Aire Tarlor, dlnlne room kitchen, laundry, library, . ... n . . . ... Mhhvh Bl.P. l uearooms, a nains, parquetry- ,u.o, .- trlt lights, lot 35x133, 0 car lines to center of city, also Penna. Railroad. Possession conveniently arranged. 1 rice $10,000. Call at house, or aee D. V. REDDING D2D AND CHESTER AVE. N. W. Cor. 45 th & Sansom Sts. Attractho modern 3story porch front residence, exclusive location: possession. J1J 500 convenient terms If desired, I CARRY J. KOEHLER & CO 1420 Chestnut st Phono Locust A793, OR F XDFIANY. WEST BND RMSO "SPECULATORS" Twhe 3 story dwellings located In the 100 Woik N (I2d tt , U rooms lots 10x1.'.' Ilrst mortgages 3000. price J4800. rent MO will divide H. S. MILLER 'fclft (V) DlHcrlmlnatlng purchasers can yij,svsv HVa themselves of every mod i em appointment In this 3 story dwelling, with paramo L0 ft driveway; situated in West Philadelphia s most exclusive section, prompt possession EUGENE L. TOWNSEND 17 cor 4th and Baltlmoro ave IMMED. P0SS $5000 A rrv lf:lrablp corner room for pHruKP: vcll lccitecl, modern improvements, 1 bedrooms J. ,W. Camac & Co. v00)1S Mf SPECULATORS, ATTENTION! Mi2-L'4 '. 30.32-40 4J-44-4H-50 I.O-OJ .1123 M. I 27 "T 37-41-45-17 Reno st , prico s?J330 In 'iludlug mortgage to S1000 1 We hae an e( eptlon il list of homes tult- ahle for home buers. ,nss&wooD .tun ana Lnnnccllo Relmont Mill IMMEDIATE POSSESSION V R1D ST 500 HIOCK R STORY 12 ROOMS A-l CONDITION EDW. M., MOLL W1 HBI.MONT S070 JJoOO TO JS00O A larcn anil selecthe llbt of West Phlia roperues lor noiue uujers. E. & T. DOYLE CO. VK -T 1H1J Mi:itn of this ad Is olBlnallt NOT NOVELTY It is sincerity. Tho thought ful man will crasp It when I say If It's Real Instate Remember PROSS Slonds for all that's Good filth nnd Larchwood ae Hardware Store So?18., or bothi Lorjier proDerlv on ! li main streeta stock Jlxturea and bulldln W. EARL YONKER gL ' 4 DANDY INVESTMENT properties at rid and Hrown, '2 wtory, porch front, splendid ' condition the prlco la a bargain. Ilttlo runh renulred JULIUS fa LAM. I ji u 1.1. -. ' !Md " 'ct 5S7."0 Three stoi twin house perfn t con" ditlon thro'iithniit Dutch hull lertrlL Ucht Ti"0 AH DAICD o C"KT r. ni juo. i. Drtici oc own Halln n hl wtory brick dwcllincs. it rnnn rrrr ponh fronts lots 15 0x91. J"iOO e-ich L0FLAND (Jl WOODLAND AVE 421) AND .SPRUCE hTb stands alone: 3 stor rery modern Improvement. Rrnwn A. I rench Lincoln Hldg rilbert 4070 lluslness I'ropertles nnd Stores , 4912 BALTIMORE AVE. , Three story luslnes property formerly used 1 as cafe, modern in all appointments, offers a wonderful opportunltj for altering into . other-amdeni business, lot 25tIO0 ft , build in,," on ground floor 10O ft In depth. Imme diate possession 1 EUGENE L. TOWNSEND 1 btJ COR 40TH AND T1ALT1MQRI: AVE DEslRAHLi: HI'S PHOPPRTV COItVEU 6 1ST AND 'MARKET STS Lot ICI1D11 A money makei D. F. RYAN r.oos MARKET SP MODERN alores and apartments, roth ar,d llaltlmore ace , now ready for occur anc prlii Jllfit) twoatU-MMio ' ,tl' IOI1N T MVNOIT .lr TiOl naltlmore ace Slorea and Dwelllngg A Valuable Corner Store AND DWG NEAR 52 D & GIRARD AVE PARTICULARS OV REQUEhT H S MH l FR MD bT BK'. n. O. 1V11L,L,Ci LANCAbTEIl AVE Sjck Friend By KING Copyrltht, 1020. by th, Tribune Co. 34? ", ktvfftv m ' - BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE . OKKMANTOWN WKST I'llir.ADETJ-mA INVESTORS! OVERBROOK SECTION $9250 Each THE ROYAL POINCIANNA 621 1-6231 Jefferson Street MOD13RN APARTiiENT HOUSES CENTRAL PLANT HEAT THOMAS J. O'NEIL B721 Chester Avenue With or Without Gnrages iaeai Modern .Homes OVERBROOK FROM $2400 TO $16,000 Money to Loan on 2d MoitpiiKcs JOHN A. THOMAS 8024 Lansdowno aAe. Belmont 8S56 ., "n'n untn n'n in " .- unm onu ounuiiig inciuofa .lilZJ,i:iK 0Ines ft.7th antl Thomas I razlen open for Inspection dully and Sun . etr John T irllnnott. Jr. rOt BnUlmorn uv! M uniiwcu .-.(iim i.r. .' '": . " j, V. " .""."V "K numnier hi ti rnomu, GOth and Clicster. ODen MnnH.iv. wm nnu ' h , "' awuujca five , terrace, steam Wl.nnl. T"r.v.s;" '?.',"",y "". .'""". - ,....w.v .. . . ii rwi in iiiiiui t- v iiripii rsiinfinv 5 .Vr""-11 "H'TIIY AV . I larco rs . bth . .i - ili,,.',ir.,'Httri.nra throuBhout, h -w lit, elcc light J T ilnnolt Jr . fi'.Ol niltlmnre ;'inO trVFIl.f. r.TLM Chester sve jrt'OO 7L7 s jblll-Modern main street home Hlnnolt. Ir . B'iOI Hnltlmoro ae T Slnnnlt n.iQI Hiiltlm'e av. l'h WldlOTi QK I. M! CORNER RESIDENCE 'Exceptionally Good for Moderate-Priced Home Buyer Detached residence, containing 1 cham bers ; lareo lot ; tills Is a comfort able home, In good lepa'r, nnd Is of fcied at a ery low price ; posses sion In JO das. Sec This Defore Sold WM. H. WILSON & CO. Subuiban lteallors 700-01-02 Moirls Bulldlns Members Phlla Ileal IJstato Board J1FRAIVSTOMN GERMANTOWN MOUNT AIRY PELHAM CHESTNUT HILL A Suburban Community of Attractio Homes, Situuted Just Beyond the Beautiful Wisbahickon. ALL-STONE DWELLING ContulnlnR 7 chambers, 2 batlis; largo lot, with oid Blmdo trees; linniedUto pos session; jrooa location. ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL 7 chambers, slci-plng jjorcli. 3 batlis; t!-ear gaia?o; on largo lot, facorjlilu terms tuitl Immediate possession for quid: tJle. ON MAIN THOROUGHFARE Detuehed utone dwelling with 8 chambers and batlis; hot-water li at, elec tric ilyht, hardwood noors w,e, Have a Large List in All Philadelphia Juburbs WM. H. WILSON CO. Subuiban Realtors TOO-Ol-Ol! Jlorrm Building Members Phlla K n Estate Boa id SIDE YARD IK1MES unuu .1 nrl, i IromliVi'B-SioF ".,i nsss1 uTLntt,rwJajvw dry a tubs i a i ehctrlc. lot 37i-i7 it. slon Phom Germantown 2J.1.I " " IJ1.MEDIVTE POtb L Morelnnd m ,7. Slenn.jl.1 Mtu S.l thl liousl. i w' 'e .Posure, Dutch hall ill gas kitchen 2 bat" TflllV MA11MIU-M in .. . i iu itiiini i. " .'"'""ill lane, or J W GRAHAM Jr dj7 J and Title jlldg DEHIRM'LE propci 1, n v -.shlllnnd r,iJ.'J I south r..i parti lr" pi, 'u"eUf,i!i'-", Ml. AIRY Hillside uf Atlantic City i"-'""'e"1 ' N I OO N 4716 NORTH HTH qt . 4 HKDROOMH, ALL ( OVVKNlr'MCl'a EDW 'tD II HtlCKLIIV ly;i;XihN.if. W ,fc.-7 N 'IRDAD-Three alon r, bedrooms 2 baths price and terms attractlvo to riulik buver Da las t Hnrtlei JVnn m Brnail Wyoming H7I S72 ""r"e "! N oi.Nr.v 1541 UJUI)BN-llirj b-drooms near train and trollej, elcc hot aler hint Inspect bj appointment unlj, prco ,, WriV tractive to iiuick buer DALHH & l An-r I IEY 4700 N Hroad t.ilnl'n" Sll.SP 7.11 ROCKLAND - Mx garage, new. Immedlato possession inspect . P.,0'ntme.n,S.. UALIaAH 4 HARTLEY by 4700 N, Broad. Wyoming l71.872 "jlwIlCo".'""! Apply Uati' ." - BEAL ESTATE FOB BALE l'KNyBVT.VANlA HPnimitAW niimfiKHitwHnD ni'nn iiHiin.i!i im inmiiimi; twin ituij EVERYBODY KNOWS ; who Is In touch with the real estate market that It will bo cry,much dlfllcult to secure homes this spring than It is "right how." mwf WE WANT that wo can offer homes In all sections nomes in an sections of utiiifliAMTUwiv, .pisnna, MAIN LINE ni? CYNWTD, WYNNEFIELD, AND IN ALL SECTIONS OF TH13 HEArVrv ' The territory we cover Is no larttcr than the wide price rane- . olferlngs, . 8B ' out IF YOU a modern, up-to-dato, semi-detached home In a comenient location or without irarairo wo have a number of such offerings at $ln dim 71 tK nnn '"'"' to DETACHED HOMES $15,000 AND UPWARD of every kind and description We trust that you, if interested in . , .-af.nnv will hollAta Hint 11111 nfivortltinnionr la fr M,n ..... ln "ft 0 stlmulatlnB Interest in bujlnt?. but purchase value of your money Is 25 GREATER NOW mo.,, i. (.in if0 in tnr? cum nuuiiK. oHIce. that wo mav submtt a list to SMULLEN & BARRY BHOAD AND CHESTNUT (LIBERTY BLDQ.) Our Brokerage Scfvtcc' Will Please Yon ifi!nirjl7f!nr:i'r(iiirriiin!i!!ni!.i;nTi!Trrrii!;nimnnnii!irT!in1Tii:nrniiiiiiiir:n!Jnu!iJi:!iJjiF;ii i.nnnjii iiunuiriji'N P1.'NNS LV.VNIA SCnUKHAN OVERBROOK MERI0N v SECTION IB to 18 minutes by motor or P. R. It. Mam Lino serv ice to OJty Hall. An ideal residential section for tho business man who must have efficient and depend able commuting service. A home with modern ap pointments, 7 chambers, sleeping porch, 3 baths and playroom ; central plant heat; lot over ?i of an aero; owner leaving Phlla. MERI0N Corner property with south ern exposure; stone and plastered c o n s t r u ctlon ; honestly built, with every comfort for the house keeper; largo and beautiful living room, with open flrc placo; enclosed porch; 7 chambers and 2 batlis; largo lot with garage; easy terms can bo arranged. Wc Have a Large List in All Philadelphia Suburbs. WM. H. WILSON & CO. suburban rtKAirons 700-01-02 Morris Buldlng Members Phlla. lUal Ebtalo Board WAYNE or ST. DAVIDS These Suburbs are not ovorciowded, and arc beautiful bpots in which to live; with Penna. It. It. Slain Line Service. AT ST. DAVIDS An attractive hollow tiles dwelling with 7 c'lambeis and 3 baths. Largo lot, with 2-car garage. AT WAYNE A fctone, Emsrllsh-st le dwell ing containing C chambers and 2 baths; largo lot. We Have a Largo List in All Philadelphia Suburbs WM. H. WILSON & CO. Suburban Realtors 700-01-02 Morris Building Members Phlla K"itl Estate Board BALA-CYNWYD In tliis dcsirublt puburbun local lb we liae, in on of thf most attractho sections of cymvd a aton and frame dwelling un 2' acres of splendidly tlevuttd und Hl planted around con taining beautiful shade treeu TIRbT 1 JjOOH hall Ilvlnir room (lrHlne room,, sun parlor dlnlntr room, Kltcbnn, lavatory In basement. H13COND l'LOOIt. -1 bedrooniH I Imtli 1HIIID 1 X-OOIt. 3 bedroom 1 bath and larye etoro room: stable accommc dating 2 motorcais, with mun'a room, possession may be ar rant, ed to pult purchaser SAMUEL CWAGNEFf, Jr. CoinmrroHI Tuist niilff, lSth and MarUpt sis,, Plilu., Pa, QBNTLHUIAN S countn homo for sule beautiful rountry liomc -0' acres or ground 400 feet on rler front 14 feet ubot. hlsli tide, stone wall on uitlro frontage lrl" iiuufB iin immidi nun nrst noor musk rOOI 1SXD fiet. I irzo llbnrv (llnlncrr,.,,,. omblnatlon sun parlor and lireakfust room larKs rooms Kitchen Mlth addition rj-, feit of irarch sMhb Ixautirul lstu of rlor 1U larso liedrnoms billiard room, bath, anolc orchard, fruit trees and plenty of old shade, buittioubc fast mahogan speed lioi , caraK for a cars, horjo and co 1" Ma, LcUscr Office lUCAI. country suburban home, 20 iiiIUh out. ono snuaro fiom station located un beautiful Rancocas i reek stleet sldo hlsli pricet liedKc, beautiful lawn sloulnu don to creek, summer houses noathouso und Barage for two cars larte llvlnc room, II brarj dining room .' kitchens nnd laundrv becond lloor, 11 bedrooms and bath Onts t'lOOO cash required 1013 ledger Oflh fOt N'l UV SIJAT One of the most charmlns counlry seats In the I'hlladelph'a tubuibs l tres inillni land, old woods stream beautifully plat ed slnno niallBlon 1M ruims "i baths, all other con.cnientes, stone fanmr'u house, larco barn outbulldlnss lno 000 J M ntONT.ni.l.n ane l-a asimiihikm; AsHllutJllflU .' storj dctaihecl (Inns nnd bath immediate poss $5300 Mi Cor mirk MrCormlck Lincoln HI.Ib Hii.) VJll'ln" I'.rk C(lt.ll(,sli,i; UKANI) S: .brick ele, trldty, read for occupancy, JIJ0O lohkr L'olllncduii. Pa Hell and Kevstnrio nhnne. -"lile. runny 400 ll,,r0""'" hath .'-storv brlclt home. 4i"u all corns . Int JlxlQO n ""'" Lofland, 7121 Woodland Ave. hath. hot-water heat electric llchfi, -.m-. Lofland, 7121 Woodland Ave. ro i.t miKT ItlPOKWAY AVE near AhlaV:'ave sin. gle frame house, 7 rooms and bath J NB1.-.ON DICK DIM I.an.1 Tills i.l.w i'lJIMOH, near Ulmwood ave. brlclt and frame house, K rooms and bath J NKI.HOW niCK IMW ,nrt T''j, mHj. OM'ItllltOOK SIO.Si: IIDUhi; cement H-rrace ni porch larK Colonial hall. llnK rm II KC billiard and card rms dlnlnic rn kluhrn 8 bedrms white an, mah'y llnlsh tlir" in . nut h'dw il floors lavatory JI bathioonis double earoBe steam hi at fruni ctnipJi plant M MB ledger Ofllcc ' l-nlri,l SII.MtON mix ... I10',1': ANli rllllNUI.U HOMI Attractive detached corner nropoity. ij0 r.i. IS rooms porcelain bath, healer Sundry trays a porches caruKe, 2 noultrv hoiiua lot SOxSao: fruit and old shade! 118.000 ' MWUI'B & HON BUI Main st ' Hs'hi COHNKItl stono and shlnsla; hot. water heaT electric! room for mKi HSO0. COOKU' CollllUidalK. lltll and Knv.ton. ibooiil INVIlsrORh Nine 3-story homes ln"-Ed (pndltton, to settled estate, with larse lots price rlht If sold at onee Wrile on I v to S SHAW lgll Itldje ateDarhv i.y '" uuit.-M.it tiiua.i.iMi 7 rooms and BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. rKNNSYf.VANIA-m-a imi:nni:nnBu,nii .uairuntinuummimii nntRLTnimjtiniiTiiTOflligEi YOU TO KNOW you a really remarkable Eolectton of attraotlte subum WANT that It Is an absolute fact nSffl dl lll j tu uihe ju iu communicate With .l meet your rermlremrnts un ! MERION All stono Colonial house 6 Itm bedrooms, 3 baths, hot.wat.r t ..' r'V'o ..llrtt. fcpap'ercd' "nd'U t. In excellent condlt on: Inmiedlats n.,i' Sl?nne!tCan L ""WW WYNNEWOOD Stono ami Hucco residence In bcit In. Shi 2S' "rst "oor- 1,a" l mlv Ulnlne room pantry, kitchen andlS ty- second floor 4 bedroomi . baths, third floor. 3 bedrooms. 1 batlT hot-water heal: saraBo for 1 cir possession this spOns " ARDMORE Knellsh style residence on Bleddyn r?aiV w.?". Paned: first floor. . cludlne llvlns room and den. 8 bS rooms, ; biths on second floor: 1 bedrooms and bath on third floor tftD0lohn"-iinCICr.lc l"",t- a.U moa 11 y 1 ' I,oaseaalt" about ST. DAVIDS Stono and brick stucco houc sootv. ern exposure, central plant heil electric llBht. In excellent condition cun bo seen by appointment BALA-CYNWYD Detached stono uml stwu ilwelllni with southern exposure Inclonj porch: first floor, hall, living rS dininic room, pantry, kitchen .ijd laundp . , second floor I bedroomi SSI,' 1ba.t,'h.tl,lrl, fl00''-.3 E! ana 1 hath: hot;water heat eledno 1 1I)"0 "0.500. possession M "building sites c are offering ery desirable twM. Inir sites sizes to suit purclnisir nn Main T. un oa t. 1 .'oci, Wo srjccializG ill tVlP TWmn T! il and Bala-Cynvyd section. Will be plqa&ed to send our list upon advice of your requirements. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. o-n jninmerciwi Trubt uld lBth and Afark-t Kfn new .innsF.v SF,Minm; ATl.AMTfr. niTV v... ..m.A.l H lijrnlshcd eottaBcs and aparimenul AVEHHTIck. "" " ""a Kar' 0308 ATLANTIC AVC buwoOD CltEhT CottaBe 1 square rnal kuL,,, o ueurauillB, launorj. IHtDllxl ""' heat, Bas and electrielly, taraee, Io?l W. w McKIM. Attorney. I.lberti Wit rKNNHll.VAXM V ION $13,000 Over 100 Am.. lA Mile Station & Balto. Pilel .'. 'V . .. """',. . bath 1 nrplnil fc., "i",',' surfoundpct by sliaded lj.il biru, ,14 stalls and complete bulldlne5.mil ...yuw... , nvica eiuiuer, inu iruit trees C P PlJTSnS & bON. DOS CHESTNUT ST I CIIOICB HUCK3 AND MOVTGOMEBI w rnni.-.T mmh-fj 'Houtha'm'mon n 12 it Afi'nKS" ' ,n"e ,n ''"Hon " Xeirtonl -..., .u-ivi-,,, Btun oweiuiitf, conteaieacH, 1 M.H, uu.uuuuiuKs narffain at lUiuu w Irf--tAa t- lM.A. Ll Al A - J " va(. (iiaKVl., nouinampion t'a BKAIi ESTATE WANTED WANT12D House to rent. 7 or S room!,cl ur uuisiac, .a to i.-n, ions; lease, K Al.t.ns ". M 3d It West Phila. Real Estate Co. nono n m.timouk a k TIIKIIU bTOIty nioderii houe In Wilt Philadelphia, south rt Market JSPOO jiioon Mrs C (1 Howl 1 ml tilbli-lotn 1 1 l'HU,I, l.siory rcs.dence tood condition west of 40th a of JIarket st , JiO.000 tt no QUO P 7J1 Ledger Office snmnnw bTONU HOUyi2 near train or trolley. II modern conveniences: prico about $05 Answer R17 Commercial 'Irust UulWlnil x iiiiauoipiua. BEAL ESTATE FOR KEN! citv TWOHrOIU building OOlW feet 2016 " I below .Marke , corner of little jtreet, Ijtjil nanapower elevator. Apply UUU.L. fi- cv 1 tv b uxn AUTO.MOUILB show rooms for rent, clesfl ablo locations Apply to Mr Gilbert, crl 1 QBs iuit,nes o , sjiht ana Maritct ma Tnctorles. Mnnufnciurlng Hoori 1 2,000 Sq. Ft. Kensington 10,000 sq ft , centra , Julv I 10 000 en ft , t si . c hi rv!c R " s'llltw Ma I 0700 bq ft.. Pima . i.iss atones lu noil in ft. waiemoat tenlrai, possession ARTHUR B. FRASLR 11115 Sinsom upruce 338, FLOORS Large Small ... .... n . ...mil. 19.. M 11-ltlST. Established IKSll r-.iMr'n a ipteWg I 3ijo rrtANKrono avj; sio ko iruiio 1 location. Key neaiu rtc i wy NK1V .IKIISKI STAMMiRJL oci:a n . 1 1 1 m..i. all Irnlns S . lOUU -C'.N lUilj-I tatu Sth nnil Q(-ii e SUMJiEH HOUSES m m: MOCNT DllrtUllT. Mi: -Vur"0f;'!.i,rl Mfirlsnn KlttaKO betWIC, hUlt' "'. J pwlinmliini.pool I ' "" m,W HI I llvlnit rooms i. open "'"" ., iirUiiiiii I I'or further particulars a vi - Uoston. MOKTG AGES . UullclInK association funJ tuH 50 e1i't'atr-teboufi,hV"caA".'.rVV $2000 EDW. M.MOLLJ- "iTorn oi..MiPitriMCiK Iniinedhue nellwiiii" J.MI $10UU Unseltlel eia """ DB.MPMUV & 1-0 LOANS. 1SHAL ' ti3I.l-J A .TV HI mJiil ".'? .V .-. Iill1 PPbANY i mun ' rpi - . -... ..A..nA... inV.1 VOU CAN liuiuic... ..-- -ON DIAMONDS ANK.Mr Illl.LI.ftS "nfifenoNJgR"! LncAnv MfiMFY- - "' JLrL 4 !!.'-" rf,i I.IASIOND3. w-Arciina 4 jpw"'vi " United States Loan Society .,rM.rk,!Nyi H ft I rl" ' ' Z ivrnTJP.V To LOAN . t 0 ,L