7f zx mm -"Mt) " A" , ft VJf KZ&" .ryv V w EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIXIAODEIiPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1920 Gov. URGES KANSAS PLAN Allen Believes Nation Could ....i.lt Unrest by Ualnrj Idea rhlcaxo, Feb. 13. Declaring lUo. rc .. formed Kansns Court of Indus fill ndatlbns to be a lone strldo toward tr ".fin rtf the country's industrial tin M,?lIb?nV, Governor Henry J. Allen, rt.sy.n addressing the Chicago Dar .' button "ast night, said ho bclibvcd A" "the thing done in ICannas could bo done in the nation at large." "Tho Kansas court," said the gov ernor, "is founded upon tho principle that government should havo tho same powe to protect society against the ruthless offenses of an industrial strife that it has always had to protect against recognized crime." Governor Allen outlined the work ings of tho tribunal, which he said was vested with power to detcrmino all in dustrial controversies which might "threaten to hinder, delay or suspend tho operation" of nuch industries as those affecting food, fuel, clothing and transportation. Kadlcal union leaders, realizing that Philadelphia Markets PROVISIONS The market was quiet And prices of lard were a shade easier. Quotation: Beef. In imuiLui uu.uii '"" "".iufc julMsets. amoked and a r-dr ed. Slci beef knuc the success of tho court would reduce i,i. . ,.i... .mi.Ji ..i i. a,ia Mr n, 1 -....,,. r H,le lnh ,1.A..".5 i .w sn tenders, smoked and nlr-drled. B2c. the law and declared it should be Ig. norcd, the governor Bald, but he be iteved It wouia be wcicomea Dy an son est, thinking working pcoplo. NEW ISSUE $2,500,000 American Hominy Company , First Mortgage 1 Serial Gold Bonds Dated Jaanary 1, 'i920. Due Serially, January 1, 1833, to January 1, 1929, inclusive. Redeemable At the option of the Company, as a whole or in part, on any interest date upon 30 days' published notice, at 100 and accrued interest, plus a . premium of one-half of(one per cent, for each year or fraction thereof of unexpired time, no redemption price to be less than 101. Interest payable without de duction for Federal income taxes now or 1 hereafter deductible at the source, not in excess of 2. Information eat forth in a letter from Mr. If. Bate, Jr., President of the Company, hoe been ttantnarUed by him ae follow . The American Hominy Company is the largest manufacturer in the United States of white corn food products, hominy, grits, corn meal, corn flour, and corn, oil, and also a very large manufacturer of rolled oats, oat products andT mixed feeds. The business has been in successful operation since 1902. These bonds will be secured by closed first mortgage on all the land, buildings, machinery and equipment of the Company, valued at $5,261,772. These properties consist of manufacturing plants at Indianapolis, Tcrre Haute, Mount Vernon and Greentown, Indiana; Decatur, Illinois, and Davenport and Keokuk, Iowa; (a por tion of the plant at Greentown, Indiana, being held under lease) ; also grain elevators at 23 points in Illinois and Indiana. The Company's financial statement of June 30, 1919, but adjusted to show the proceeds of the present financing, shows current assets of $3,296,860, and total assets of $8,318,088, with no debt except these bonds and $364,500 bonds of the issue of 1902, now called for payment, and for the payment of which funds will be deposited coincident with this issue. Net profits after liberal charges for depreciation, but before deduction of taxes, for the three years ended June 30, 1919, averaged $1,149,000 per annum. Net profits after taxes for the same period averaged $649,000 per annum. The maximum interest requirement of this issue is.$T75,0OO per annum. MATURITIES AND PRICES $ 250,000 due Jafiuary 1, 192399.34 and intere.t yielding 7 K 250,000 due January 1, 192499.15 and interest .yielding 7J4$fc 250,000 due January 1, 192598.97 and interest yielding li 250,000 due, January 1, 192698.80 and interest yielding 7 250,000 due January 1, 192798.65 and interest yielding 7 250,000 due January 1, 192898.50 and interest yielding 7 1,000,000 due January 1, 192998.37 and interest yielding 7 (Whan, ai and if iisuad and received) All legal detail to be subject to approval ef ceumtl. While not EUtLranleed, the Information contained herein 1 considered reliable. pork, family. B2cl hams, H, P. cured, loose, 2729c! do, skinned, loose, 28V4 OSSUcl do, do, smoked, 2n427'4c: hams, boiled, bone less. 39c: nlcnlc shoulders, H. P. cured, loose, 23c; breakfast bacon, 32c; lard, 20c, DAIRY PRObUCTS CUKUSi: Trade was quiet and the mar ket was barely steady. Quotations: New iorK, wnoie-miik nats, neia, rancy, iiiiji rancy held specials higher: held . lair 10 kooq, SiiWSOVio: current'mako nominal; Wisconsin, whole-milk nats, held, fancy. 81 (?32c: fancy held specials hlghcrf held, fair to flood, 30 M"ic: Jobbing- sales of fancy held Boods, )!yaac POULTRY LIVE-Supplies ttero fairly liberal nnd prices favored buyers under a Hint de mand. Wo auoto tho following prices: Fowls, fine, fat, welKhlnu r. lbs. and over apl,', 42fH4c: fowls, medium sire, (food quality. asffltOc; do. roor. 3n03Rc: broiling: chickens, fancy, enft-meaUd, weighing- 1V4 W2 lbs. apiece BOifSolSc: sprlnK chickens, average soft-meated, 40W42c; do. Inferior, ?-'JJ3Sci siKBKy. i;ttc: flUCKS, wnne i-ewui, ..v-i.-... inaian nunner. fliiKP.-c; uo. mumy. aOc; ireese. fat. 2f845o: do. average, SO a! ill.).., r.ft fir.rt. mlennn. old. ner pair, 55c; do, younp:..per pair, 4rr0c. FRE8H FRUITS Choice otock met with fair sale and values Kenerally wero steadily maintained as fol lows: Apples, per nl,, as 10 quftiuy. fiw do. per box. fl.C09a.SO. Cranberries per bbl., 8(rt; do. per crate , l.fior2.7ri. Oranires. riorlda. per box, f2.8(l 3.1. Tan gerines, i inriaa, per 's-dox, n.i'uu. wi frult. riorlda. per box, fl.r.nian.no. Straw berries, riorlda, per quart, 35oC. VEGETABLES Trfde was quiet, but the market ruled steady on choice stock of most descriptions. Quotations- White potatoes, Pennsylvania, per cwt.. f3.t)0 4,2.1. Sweet potatoes, south ern, per hamper $l2.afti do, Jersey. pr basket, tl ooai.Tfi. Cahbaste, New York. Danish. per tort. JfiOKRO:, do, lorlda, per hamper. fl.7n2. nnlnns, per 100-lb. sacks Yellow. No. 1, ir.gS.B0. LONDON STOCK MARKET ft George H. Burr & Co. Investment Securities 421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia , ork L'liicaco St. TiOuls .Hartford brattle Cleveland fan Francisco rittsburjh Halsey, Stuart & Co. IncorporaleU (successors to N. W. Halsey & Co., Chica8o Land Title Building, Philadelphia ('hicaro New York Itoston bt. IuU Detroit Minneapolis Mlluaukee Trade of YVeek-End Character Oil Group Lower London, I'ob. la. Oilt-odFtn invest ment iRMies lacitrd steadiness oi tfic stock exchange today, owing to tiKlit ne.ss in money, pending the redemption o exchequer bonds next veek. The oil group also made n poor showing nnd wan lower. Shell Transport was 12r;s and Mexican Kaglcs 10. Industrial shares were rhecrful, but there was some profit-taking In rub bers. fiencrally. the markets were quiet, with trading of n week-end character. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS nld Ask Cash liny U7 .(II Jim Duller -:! .2.1 MacNamara ri .e,ri illdway 12 1.1 .Mizpan uxt ti, in Montana 10 .13 North Star OS .10 rtcscuo Uula .-. . .23 .2.1 Tonopsh Kxt 2'i 2? West End l's - West Tonopah 10 .12 DIVID12. STOCKS. Allied Divide .". . .02, Alto Divide flf lielcher 11 Itch Hur 03 Hroueh Divide' 20 Dlvido Ext 70' Divide Byndlcato 02 Dlvldn Coils 03 Dividend 12 Kaet Divide tf.1 Hasbrouck Divide 02 ItlKh Dlvido 02 llevert DIMdc 1.1 Heno Divide :02 Rosotta 03 Silver KIiir 03 Tenonah Dhldo 2': Tonopah Hasbrouck 12 Victory Divide 12 Verde Dlvido i 12 Zono 20 GOLDI'IUI-D STOCKS Atlanta 02 IJlae Dull 01 Jtooth 04 C O D 02 Combination Traction 03 Crackerjack nil Dtarnoudnd II 11 01 Daisy 01 Florence .2.1 Goldfleld Cons 12 Ooldflold Mereer , 0J Goldfleld Dev 12 Great liend 02 Jumbo Uxt oil Kewanas 02 I-ono Star 03 Oro 01 Red Hills 0.1 fellver Pick oil Spearhead 01 MISCELLANEOUS 1.70 The Price History of Every Stock traded in the New York Curb and in Boston, San Francisco, Salt Lake and other exchanges is given in the January issue of our Tree Broker's Hand Book Just out high and low prices for last month and entire years of 1919 and 1918, par, capital, divi dend rates of more than 800 securities. An invalu able guide for those who are planning to take ad vantage of the present technical position of the Market. Edition limited. Call, phone or write today Ask for No. E. F.-G92 JONES & BAKER SECimiTJES Widcncr Cldg., Philadelphia rkwci Ilell, Walnut 60G3 Keystone, Race 2290 Direct Private WVi r.t Ofliccs in 8 Principal Cities 2,500,000,000 Francs Belgian Government 5 Internal Premium Loan THESE bonds arc payable by the Belgian Government in francs. .In addition to the interest return and their redemption at a premium, they offer the American investor the possibility of a substantial profit through an appreciation in the value of the Belgian franc in the exchange market. .01 .00 .10 .OS !t!i .(It .0.1 .1.1 .0.1 .0.1 .o-i .17 .01 .0 .0.1 25i .1.1 .14 .1.1 .31 .01 .03 .00 .03 01 OS 02 .'l.l .311 It .01 .14. .03 .OS .04 04 .01 .0.1 .11 07 STEELT0N HOME GAS CO. FIRST MTGE. 5 BONDS Due July, 1925 An Underlying Closed Mortgage ! ' , . h Vl3 ntAVViWSyJTft iim-,miv .rMms avltxv vmu"i-...iMui"i - - i-r.mwa v.vr- VlltV- i liiiif iW.Qr!CT.i!lfliy,!aR- Ab ' k " kl - ACM '"V"'" ;ov'- 18S0 1872 4th &. Chestnut Sts. Resources $753,299 iayiir!t"SWv I iZ. L'aSaL' "',r 7th "V??. RC o 19081920 N. W. Cor. Broad &. Chestnut Sts. Resources $65,000,000 1 VER three-quarters of a century ago, in 1836, the year in which the United States arranged to liquidate its National Debt and divided its surplus revenue among the various States, this Company started business with a staff of 4 Employes and Resources of $300,000. It now has a staff of 340 Employes and Resources of more than $65,000,000; the result of the constructive policy' of the management and of business brought to it by reason of service rendered to its clients, who have left in its carp over 230 additional millions held by it in trust for them today. GIRARD TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS t'0.000,000 Broad & ' Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS, Pretident. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Amparo ... . Arizona United KJr n Mother I.ode Kcvtula llllls Nevada Hand Promontarlo Nevada Wonder Tecopa Mlntn? . White Cudh .1.1 . . .r,.i .02 .211 1'. t7 ... .10 .. .10 1.S0 .20 no .04 Ua 1.1 15 Hip siecllon Home (,n Co. Ins hern merged with the Dunpliln Co. (i;is Cn. The latter Is leaned until 2000 to the llttrriftuurc im Co., In which the UNITED CAS IMPROVEMENT CO. is largely interested I'liin; to u;i.n 6.50 FREE OF PENNA. STATE TAX flrscrfifii e f tivtrir on l!trut PARSLYBROS.&CO. BANKERS 1421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia mi:miii:k I'hllnileliiliiii Mini. I..M hnnce Coupon Bonds in denomination of 500 francs Interest from May 15, 1 920, payable May j 5, and November 1 5 Redeemable withrY) 75 years by annual drawings at 1 50 (750 francs for each 500 franc Bond) The Government has the option of retiring the entire issue after May 15, 1940 at a reduced premium Drawings March i , 1921, and , annually thereafter Premium and interest payable with out deduction for any Belgian taxes, present or future Under provisions'of the Peace Treaty and related agreements, the Belgian Govern ment is to be relieved of practically its en tire war debt incurred prior to the Armistice. In addition, it is to receive the first 2,500, 000,000 francs of payments from the Ger man reparation, to be applied in part toward liquidation of advances made to Belgium by Allied Governments since the Armistice. The Peace Treaty indicates the purpose, through reparation payments, to restore Belgium to her pre-war financial, industrial, and economic position. The diversified Belgian industry is rapidly regaining its normal production, which should enable Belgium to resume her prominent place in world trade. Without attempting to predict the future course of the market in Belgian exchange, it is logical to expect that the restoration of industry in Belgium and the increase in its exports will tend to improve its trade balance, and therefore its exchange position. At the present rate of Belgian exchange (February 11th, 13.50 to the dollar), a 500-franc bond would cost about $37.00 and with francs at the mint par of exchange, 5.188 francs to the dollar, a 500-franc bond at par would be worth about $96.50. GOVERNMENT BONDS Did Panama counon 2s. 103(1 loo Panama recliterert 2.i. 1030.. .100 Panama coupon 2a, 193S 10O Panama reiclstered 2s. 1H3&. . . .100 Panama coupon 3w. 1001 . . 88 Panama reulslered 3s, 10111 S8 Philippine 4a. 1H34 1)0 Philippine 4s. 11131 HO Philippine 4s 111311 110 U S GOt COUllOn 3, 11130. ...lOllta Asl; 101 101 101 101 1)1 01 n.i H.1 n.i lot U S Oot reclatered 2s. 1030. . JOOVa 101 u s Oovt coupon 4a, 102.1... ion lor.a; U M Oovt reentered 4a, 102.1.. 10D 100'i Liverpool Cotton Lherpool, Fob. 1.1. Spot eotlou ia! quiet today, with price stonily on the basis of an advance of -10 points for middlins nt 20.0il. Tin- sales were fiOOO bnles.. The receipts were ,'14,500 bales all American. Futures were (ltiiet in the early dealings. Spot prices were: American, middlinc fair. P.4.02il ; Rood middling JU.nil; fully middling, .10.ri2d: miildliiiK, 2fl.07l : loiv mid ling, 2fi."7d ; good ordinary, 2.'.4'Jd. auil ordinary, 2.2A2&. DIVIDENDS DECLARED American P.xpress Co quarter!" (it 11 .10, ravnbl April 1 to stccU of recprd Feb ruary 28. United ClRar Slores Co of America, quar terly of lt per cent on preferred, navnule Mnrch 11 to otoclc of record Februsrv 27 National HiiKa.' Itefintncr Co. of New Jer sey, quarterly of 1 per cent payable April 1 to stock of record Mirch S fanhattan Shirt Co quarterly of fcr three and one-half cents on common, pa able JIarili 1 to atocli of record February 21. BAR SILVER llai silver was quoted ut rWJ4il in the London market toiltiv, a guilt of Hid. I CORPORATION Income and Excess Profits Tax Matters Export piopar.ition 1919 Returns Export Review 191719181919 Returns Consultations Conveniently arranged Phono: Filbcit LM50 Benjamin Robin. IFornifrlu wilh Hur Int. Iter Consulting Accountant 219 North American Buildinj I1VVII) l.lTvi.N. licklilrnl lljinisrr ;:fl3 im'i rtnttv istdj. trash , It 'i" York If TV Subscriptions will be received, subject to confirmation and allotment, on behalf of our Brussels Office for the account of the Belgian Government, at any of our offices," on and after February 13, 1920; books close in Belgium March 6, 1920. Price, 499 francs per 500 franc bond Subscribers tiuv nuke payment tn lull Jt rmir oi tubirnpiion or in mo instalments, it followi: loo francs at time of subscription; jyy trjno on Mjy t, 19:0 I'jvments shall be nude to us in Belgian francs. We are prepared to purchase Irsncs lor the ttibscnbet at current rate of exchange. In order to simplify the collection ot coupojts ind princip.il, bunds nuy be held in custody at ourj Brussels Ofiice, and the amounts collected uitr respeci to interest and principal remitted by check to holder, or deposited to his' account A nominal charge will be made tor this s;r vice. Receipts of Guaranty Trust Company of.Nci Vorl. will be delivered againi! pauticnt wnd bonds in tem porary or permanent form im!I be de'nered if, hen, and as issued and received Irom our KrusseN Office. Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway I 1FT11 A KNUE OFFICE F'lfth Avenue and 43rd Street LONDON LIVERPOOL. MADISON AVENLC Ol'MCE .Madison Aenue and 60th Street PARIS HAVRE BRUSSELS CLAYTON F. BANKS, Philadelphia Correspondent 121 Chestnut Street We tie net guarantee the itatemeitn and figure prttirfd herein, but tnei re taken trim siureei zvhsch ive believe tt be t curate. THE BALDWIN Locomotive Works PHILADELPHIA Steam, Electric and Internal Combustion LOCOMOTIVES BOND SALESMEN Stock Exchange lion-. can use services of 2 real be 1 1 salesmen for local territory; replies con fidential. C 409, Ledger Office Charles J. Webb & Co. Woof and Cotton Yarns 116 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Stockwell, Wilson & Linvill Certified Public Accountants Land Tide Bldg., Philadelphia WANTED If sou are an pxputl' .iitI rHll?p that you are handling too murh detail for tho but Intercuts of the romiwns nnd need h real assistant. I uoultl b" p'.useU to liae an Interview, with sou. lx tlnff that my qualifications v ll'l till ut t v AaiUble 'March I All replits ronliu. mini C J II, Ledger OIHeo NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL PLATES AND HEETS Pottslonn, Pa. Phila. Oflice, 1411 Morris Building . POSITION WANTED with firm having- agrlrullural holdlnis or connections, by colltce eraduate. with prao tlcat eiperlencs In farmlnt; HO oars oldi formerly captain. Veterinary Corps. U, 8, A. l'erspnal lntenlew desired. C 317,Publlc Ledger There are openings in nearly nil branches for skilled mechuhies. Steady work; good wages; excel lent working conditions. 'A large number of the ways are covered, NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION CAMDEN, N. J. Apply at Employment Department at the Yard 4T--,. - Money Market Conditions ' ' W52-JsS.r-' . fPv7s,S "!' suS8est l'ie wisdom of accumu " kMM' Qft i 'ntmS cash reserves for the pay- TftCAa J ment of INCOME TAXES and rMri'M ?Ti?r' V . ',mr?,vs " ? jSi m - WB& . A', , SES the necessity for open lines of bank credit for your future busi ness needs. We will allow special rates of interest on Tax Reserve Funds which can be gradually built up 7-" " to your requirements. The Colonial Trust Company Urmlicr Federal llenene System 13th and Market Streets LIBERTY BONDS Bought, Sold and Quoted ( all. Phour or ntc Liberty Bond Department West & Co. 1417 CHESTNUT STHEET Me rubor Belt, bpruce 250 gJlT-XfiSnn'BSa, gSKS . rtuc. 2900 Alnny. lime un timid h I.l.t of llt(b UnJ UudJ Correspuudeuca Inrltxl Sinking Fund Preferred Stock Price to Yield 8.10 Company has no bonded debt. Earn ings several times divi d c n d requirements. About 7,000 retail dealers under contract assure broad distribu tion for products, the demand for which is established. Company is one of the best known in this country and is rapidly acquir ing a world-wide repu tation. LVnfe for Descriptive Circular Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Members ,Vcu Vork xtork Uroiang Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New yor'r Hoitcn Kcranttn High-Grade Investment Securities JosepKW.Gross a.Co. 1421 Chestnut St. forrenpondenta A Id red c& Company AN ENGINEER in, hu 1) years' txperleme tlnlnn resenreli work, trltlnc report., tan nine anil e.tlniatlnjr for n large putillo ntllllj' rorpurattun lelre to rlianca hU pn.llion tor one ivllli n ureater .(uture, ' Collcca cruduale, ae 31, V C 119, Ledger Ofllcc Hmter fla 4 Hire. u. Bk. 1851 American (In a. l.lr,.. 6s. iOU l.ureme Vo. (iu i r.lee. Sa. 1049 lnillsnuiala or. Trae. Sa IBS PartUnd ll., I.t 4 yr, ft,. (942 I'eiin TaMIc Sertire U. 10 HENRY D. B0ENNING & CO. HTOCIC liXCirANOK HUILDING Dlreet PrlraU Telephone la New Terk WANTIiri, bj old.e.tablUieil Hlork lUrliunxe House, axperlxneeil clerk, (ioud oppnrlunilr (or ailvanceiaenl. All replies will be treated In itrlet tonfliienra, lleply lo I' XII, ledger Ofllif Vhat Iwve you to offer a young married man, ut present a traveling accountant for the government, wha dealrci a permanent location in Phil, adelpliln. Public utility tweferrrl. 'v J-XM m tf.ta 1 M "O jiifnuera ith;h as Hle.-W Kirlianae J'AtWrc C 122, LI- 0i4 . :Jau?"