www".-? mwi'-?i vi" i4'; .: m-rfy ' i v i " c ' , w ai UVISNlNGr 13UJ3L10 LEDUEli-PHILADELPHIA, FlUpAY, FEBIIUAliY 13, li)20 -'t I. B. ENDICOTT, Sit MAKER DEAD Was Massachusetts Food Ad ministrator and Managed Pub-, lie Safety Committee SETTLED LABOR DISPUTES ' r jiy the Associated Press Boston. Feb. 13. Henry B. Bncll--tt wcnltliy Hlioe manufacturer, state food mlinlnlitrntor ami executive , man, wr of the MuBRncluiRotts committee on public wifely durloB the war. who was Vldclv known ns nu arbitrator of la ta -disputes, died nt a hospital In llrookline last niKht. Ho returned from the South a few days ago when an linos developed, requiring nu opera tion. Death was unexpected mid was directly due to,men!nKitis. Mr. fcntll cott wnx sixty-six years old. Mr Undleott was cousidercd one ot the bijrsest pctsonal forces in the state hiring the war. Hi.4 success in settling labor ditpiites was said to be unparal leled l're.idout Wilson personally complimented Mr. Kndicott ou his ef forts during the war and appointed him n member of the industrial conference which met in Washington last Octo ber. ' i a member of the firm of Endicott, .Tohnsou & Co., he was, one of the largest employers of labor m the coun try nud uas said never to havo bad a drikc in his factories. Mr. Kndicott was born in Dcdhnm mi'il always maintained a residence in that town. Ho first entered the wool business in Boston and Inter became In terested iu leather. Besides his in terest in several large shoe factories, ho conducted tanueries in Maine and in this htatc. Ah state food administrator nud ex tcutie mauager of the Massachusetts committee on public safety during the war, Mr. llndieott met with marked success. So closely did he apply him self to this work that when he resigned three dujs after the armistice was signed he said he hud not visited his biMne-s office once during the period oi that service. .,,'., Mr. llmlicott is survived by a widow, a sou and two daughters. eurqpTquitsbuying MEAT; PRICE TO DROP Slump Expected Since France and England Have Cut Pur chases in United States A Chicago, Feb. 13. A slump in meat bitting by England and France is likely tn cause a decided drop iu prices, pro vision dealers predict. France has withdrawn from the pork market en tirclv, and England has fol'owed n whole-ale cancellation of pork orders last week by nu nlmost complete cessa tion of meat orders. Germany, it is said, wants to place h lnrga order for pork, but cannot do so because of the present situation of foreign exchange J therefore, she is not. expected to havo much influence in the, market. Washington, Keb. 33. Imports from the Vuited States of sugar, canned meats, condensed milk, butter and hce-.e will be prohibited by the Italian f!o eminent iu its effort to deal with the exchange situation, according 'to "fficuil advices to the Department of Commerce. Exportable capital -will be placed at once under more bevere control, the advices said, adding that "it will be extremely difficult to sell to Italians American manufactured goods thut by any possible construction admit of clas tilication as luxuries." WILL IMPROVE VILLAGE . Natalie to Get Community House and Library Shamolilii, I'u., Feb. 13. The il lsge of Natalie, an anthracite town, owned by the Madeira-Hill mining interest-, will be first in the region to foci the new era of thiugs ns practiced u. torpoiations. Every house, will be wired for electricity and a bathtub put in. Work has nlready been started on tho project. A community house will take the place of the saloon and it is planned to lmxc it made a family gathering pace. There will ulso bo n public Horary All of the streets will be macadam -ed, and more than $50,000 will be spent to mako the villugc u town beau tiful, according to tho department heads The Madeira-Hill people own and operate the Natalie colliery. Bents vill not lisc. $20,000 IN BOOZE SEIZED Several Arrests Are Expected In Chester Before Week Ends Chester. Pa., lb. 13. Goxcrnment "puts, who hac been working in this it.v for the last four or live days satlicring data concerning the illicit sale of hard liquors-, huve confiscated -0,000 worth, it is claimed by men ho are in a position to know, but the federal agents will neither affirm nor deny the (statement. thJvhr,y,.nf,hJ,rc !00kin' u" violators. till .' ,ut tL,at is "' thc talktaB they sell ui i i Sevcral arrests are prom. !iPU with'" the next forty-eight hours. 'Y Us. mm.., .:? VJSH.1" BERWr m J 9XWALNU1 Xi- OBBwassreciAi "Apparel Oft Proclaims the Man"' Likewise the Motor Car TpHE Shelton Loams Auto- mobile Uphokjery Fab rics are distinctive or their exquisite body rich and tasteful designs and the en during service which they render. Their distinguished'eharacter assures a fitting selection for every type of car. TUE SEAL OF DISTINCTION SiDNtY Blumenthal y Co. Inc. ILWtunh Avenue, New York " M X. CHINA LOOKS TO AMERICA FOR AID, SAYS DR. ANCELL WGhian Missionary Says Country Was Never More Open for Western Influences in Education and Christianity Than Now "China never before ns so open for western influences, of education nud Christianity us sho is today, and she looks to America more thnu any other uation to give it to licr." This statement was made today by Dr. Frances Cnpello Ancell. wife of the Bcv. UenjoCiniu h. Ancell, D. D. Both arc Episcopal missionaries to Ynn Chow, China. Doctor Ancell is a grndunte of the Women's Medical College of this city and went to Soo Chow, China, more thuu twenty-two ycrs ngo to take charge of the hospital there under the direction of the I'rcsbytcrlnn Board of Missions. It was there she met the ltcv. Dr. Ancell. The ltcv. Dr. Ancell Is now in charge of a parish nnd is u professor in the Admiral Malum School at Yun Chow for bojs. Iu connection Svlth his school is n girls' school in which bis wife docs soinn tenchine. Dr. and Mrs. Auicll arrived in this ed in this net- foru clatives it country ou u leave of absence ear. They arc guests of rclnt lull Locust street. It has been their first trip homo iu scen jears nud- they -will return to duty iu tho field in August of this cur. "Most every one knows of the old superstitions which have hampered Chiun's progress through the nges; but her faith nttd trust iu Aincricu bus becu won by tho missionaries who have worked there until now she respects nnd loves America and our people," said Dr. .Frances Ancell, after explain ing her husband's and her xork umong the Chinese. "Another thing which makes her place her trust In us is that this country has never bartered for Chinese terri tory us most of -the other nations have, and she is at lust giowjug convinced that we only wish to help her. "The Chinese arc most interesting people to work among and when made Christians they are splendid ones. It is only Christianity that will drive away tho old ignornnt customs. You know it is customary in Ciiina never to permit the man and woman contemplating mar riage to see or know one unother until tho duy the ceremony is actually per formed. Today among the Christian bojs and girls of our parish the bojs nnd girls arc permitted to see t-urli other nnd become ncqtiiiiuted under the proper chupcronagc. Whcu they lcine school "& M jitiaBaacaaBBg Nelson Vtlve Company Saving Coal for Nelson Valves NELSON Valves are favorably known throughout tie Nation. Famous, too, is the Automatic Fuel-Saver with its record for efficiency and economy. The Nelson Valve Company recently conducted a one month test of the Automatic Fuel-Saver. This valuable system that always supplies the right amount of oir-to the fuel bed, showed these results: "A saving of Wyb in our coal bill. Furthermore, on account of the balanced con dition of the draft, we are able to maintain a uniform pressure chart throughout the entire working period. Results are so satisfactory that we wished to write you about it." We will gladly send you upon request an interesting booklet that feivea further advantages of the Automatic Fuel-Saver. Write us now. Automatic Fuel Saving Co. Bulletin BulUini TtUphone: Spruce S8T4 AUTOMATIC BUILDERS' MILLWORK Doors. Sash. Mouldings, Columns, Etc. ;:; THE HANEY-WHITE CO. iji 17th nnd Glenwood Ave. ::j Plant ;;: Office and Warehouse :; 21st and Glenwood Ave. ijij Lists From Plans and 8 s Estimates Given F.nurATiONAf. Ilotll Kcien Our graduates aro In constant demand for cood-paylnc positions. Urese Shorthand. ih a.v. iMdv system. Comnlsta business and sceretarlal courses. Day and Nlht Classes. iniensitQ iruinins. r,nro any time. Call or wrlla for ful particulars and catalogue. I-1IIUV. IIUHIMSan COLUSGE nnu uoiirre oi commerce 1017 rhetnut Ht. 1-hlladelplila Slraycr's Business College Philadelphia's Greatest llnslntss School 807 t hetiiut Ht. l'hone Walnut 38 1 i'RIVATK I.K8S0N8 tn Ensllsh and JTrenchj esrarlenced woman teacher. SOU N. 23a t. T-hone Priplar '.'BOfl W. Young Men and Roy tntenslf Tutortnc for collet: ent. and lair, U.F.t rf. Vlah.r Preparatory. 115 B. Stth, KKMOroPS NOTIOEa CROWNtNO RAIXY ot Bchuylklll Itranch C. .. Birst prUren Church, 1Mb and I FIJejLSAVER I In i 1 B.fl many of them exchange letters. So, jou sec, tho light is 'gradually creeping through. "Mako as strong a pica as jou pos sibly can for missionaries, for tho op. portuno time is at hand. Never since the revolution iu 1010 have there been more marvelous opportunities for the Christian men nnd women who would help their less fortuuato brothers." 31 ST STATE" FOR SUFFRAGE Arizona Passes Amendment FIV! More Needed riiocniv, Ariz., Feb. 1.1. Itntiflcu tion of the woman suffrage amendment to thc federal constitution by u Bpeeiul session of the Arizona legislature was completed Inst night when the Hcnnto adopted the ratifying resolution fol lowing similar action bv the IIouxc je.storday nflernoon. Hoth branches fnade It. unanimous. All over the city arc Stores that once were Homes the owners find ing that thc change m cant very much in creased revenue. May we show you just how easy and how profitable it is to change that Home of jours into a Shop? We have clients who are waiting for Stores in certain neighborhoods and your property may be the very one they want! "pEAUtiRS CUu OtiKc, Lhcstnut at 13th Boulevard Oj?icc, Cor. Rising Sun Ave, Oak Lane OJlt-cOpvosite Station STKAM1IIIP NOTICES I'M'M'LiNis AMERICAN LINE Fust Stall .steamers NEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON New York ....Feb. 18 Mar. 20 Apr. 17 St. Paul Feb. 25 Mar. 27 Apr. 24 Philadelphia ..Mar. 3 Apr. 3 May 1 "NEW YORK HAMBURG Manchuria, Feb. 14Mongolia,Feb. 25 Philadelphia-Liverpool Rcgina Feb Apelles Feb, Kcketticut Feb, Havcrford Feb Philadelphia-GlasEow West Nohno Feb, 20 1 Western Ally Feb. 25 Philadelphia-Hamburg Oakland Feb. 17 West Cherow Feb. 28 RED STAR LINE NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON CHERBOURG ANTWERP Lapland Feb. 25 NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON- ANTWERP Ivroonland . . .Mar. 3 Apr. 10 Apr. 17 May 15 May 22 May 29 Finland .'. . . .MarjlO Zecland Lapland ......Apr. 3May 8 June 12 Philadelphia-Antwerp Oakland Feb. 17 West Gambo Feb. 24 West Cherow' Feb. 28 Western Plains Mar. 2 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Philadelphia-London Western Star Feb. 12 Mohopac Feb. 15 Mackinaw Feb. 17 Western Maid Feb. 24 Eastern Shore March Holland America Line Philadelphia-Rotterdam Yseldyk Feb. 21 WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORK CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic Feb. 14Mar. 20IApr. 21 fLapland ....Feb.25l tTo Southampton, Cherbourg. Antwerp. NEW YORK UVERI-OOL Cedric .Mar. 6 Apr. 10 Baltic Mar. 13 Apr. 17 Celtic May 15 NEW YORK AZORES GIBRALTAR NAPLES GENOA Canopic Mar. 16 Crctic Mar. 31 INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY Passeurer Offlce. 131D Walnut St.. rhlla. Freight Offlce. 405-8 Boors. Bide.. I'hlla. EARN-LINE Incorporated 1801 (J. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "West Bridge" Feb. 12 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galera" . . .Loading SS "Coquina" Feb. 20 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St PHILADELPHIA, PA. STEAMSHIP TICKETS ESCORTED PARTIES SPECIAL CRUISES "TIIAVKL FltEK OTIOSI CAltR" tieaoquariers since ixsu. TWflpH TottrW Co . 8. 1ST! 1STO X BLIBL-Hl-sLZJ 13 fxS, 15 fl 17 fi fl 21 i 6 Councilman Dcvelln -Better v Continued improvement was noted this morning In the condition of Coun cilman .Tames A, Devlin, who is ill with pneumonia at lits home, G052 Over brook uvcutie. It in bollcved ho is now afcly pant tho crinls. It will be about n wbek, it wan xnld, before he will be able to leave his bed. 5yBiA Open an Account With Jhe Day and Night Bank We aro commercial, convenient and progressive, and cash checks, receive deposits and open accounts from 8.30 A. M. till midnight. Resources over $12,000,000. ' F RANKLIN TRUST CO. IBlliJlelow Market Hlrcet West l-hllii. Offices S2d mid Market St. WINTKK IIKSORTR AMir.VU.T.K. N. C. 'Land Oif The Sky fes'Srn&fzcciis JZJ'fiectjrJResori A VERITABLE SCENIC WONDERLAND In the "HEART OF THE BLUE RIDGE" Two hours by motor into Fisgah Forest, crossing Pisgali one mile high. Near Asheville are 61 peaks 6000 feet up. Ml. Mitchell, 6711 feet, highest peak cast of Rockies. 18-hole all turf Golf. Paved motor roads. Tennis, Horseback Sunshine of Dixie. j! Appalachians, fashionable Hotels, best in America. ror MANOR, GROVE PARK INN, LANGREN, SWANNANOA-BEKKEIiEY, MARGO nf, r a n .rx n, tx tm kl TiitrLnntF IJUAKUOFl KAUt'SKiry ATLANTIC CITV. X. J. ATLANTIC CITY. N.Ov 1 AivAmenicaiv Plaanotel of DisimdioaaiuillealCtoiivtort FIREPROOF CARAOE. capacity goo. HiifferAazBv ! BfHMsassUaasssl Otaaal H IHtitMMna ( CHARLES ON THC OGgAN t-'RGMt TTlovorv atortas of real ajcomrorr vyjirvarv ranmant of distinct n mont without ex travacanw. Lii&ATUWAiirtWSrWiCIS. EdwardBX)iicayffggr Pennsylvania Ave., close to Beach and Steel Pier, central location, always open Capacity 300. Private baths, runninc water in room. eleator, etc. Winter terms. Booklet. Albert It. Darnell THE PENNHURST Ocean and Michigan ave. Always open. Every appointment WM II HOOD. I.AKEWOOD. N. J. Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. J. EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI. TIONS. UUL., KllJlJNli AND SHELTERED WALKS. DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING. BRANCH OFFICE, GEO. A. HUHN & SONS. BROKERS. FRANK k. mums. JIOB. i mi iiiiii ii imii nu i ii i iiiimiiiinn hTi:AJISHIP NOTICES 1311 yjy tuy0j Red Star Line Resumes Sailings NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON ANTWERP The lari-e American riue Steamers "Kroonlond" nnd 'Tlnland" nnd the "Zeel.iiid." reeentljr tltted ns oll-burnera and thoroughly reconditioned and refurnished, will sail in (onjunctlon with the well-knonn steamer "Lapland." providing frequent and rnlnr passenger and freigut scrvleo betweru New lork. Southnmptou and Antwerp. , Sailings From New York "LAPLAND" "Feb. 25, Apr. 3, May S "KROONLAND" Mar. 3, Apr. 10, May 15 "FINLAND" Mar. 10, Apr. 17, May 22 "ZEELAND" May 29 'Calls at Cherbourg this tojage onlr. International Mercantile Marine Company RED STAR LINE GREEN STAR LINE GREEK-ADRIATIC PORTS Piraeus, Salonica and Trieste Other ports as Inducements offer. We will start receiving cargo at Pier 78 South ' Feb. 16 for American Steel Steamer "ZAREMB0" Sailing from Philadelphia FURTHER SAILINGS American Steel Steamer "HAZELHURST" . .About March 20 For Further Particulars Apply CHAS. KURZ & CO., Inc., Agents 10th Floor, Drexel Bldg., Phila. ' Phone: Lombard S104 Afoi'n 1520 SOUTH AMERICAN TO THE LANDS WHERE IT'S SUMMER NOW mfoArdDoT?tr,til.,BSfoBo,S,:, b' "" " zu FOR BUENOS AYRES. MOCCASIN (a), 8,000 tons displacement March 10 FOR RIO JANEIRO, SANTOS, MONTEVIDEO AND BUENOS AYRES CALLAO (a). 12.000 tons. March IS MARTHA WASHINGTON (b). 15,000 tons. March 30 HURON (b). 17.000 tons. April 20 () ltt Clua only, (b) lit, id s-nd 3d Olus. , For passat rates and otter particulars apply to arm Passenctr Agency or to MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE , rtMemtcr pepartment. .t benrer St.. Nw Trk. POWER PLANT FOR SALE 50 Kilowatt, self-contained, direct-connected engine and generator unit, comprising Skinner Engine and Western Electric Co.'s 400 ampere, 125,volt, direct-current gen erator; rheostat, circuit breaker, main switch, seven 100 ampere circuit switches, ammeter and volt-meter, all mounted o n two - panel marble switchboard with angle iron frame; also leads from generator to switch board. In excellent condition, run ning and in use. May be seen at N. W. Corner Vine and 17th Sts. For further information, upply 11 S. 16th St. I'lionr, hpruro 5171 HINTKR nUSORTS ASH UVI M.K. N. O. riding, mountain climbing. Crisp air of the Southern reservations, write BATTERY PARK, TERRACE. MuitrtUtd booklet, reif, li mmr s pltruurm, homtt, fciui agriculture. ASHEVILLE.N.C ATLANTIC CITY. N. .1. Let us niatie Ton feel at horns rn the "City ot Kobnst Uealth" Hotel Morton Ocean and Virginia are. Capacity 250. Elerntor, private bnthw, etc.; ahvay open Try CLARENDON Hotel Virginia. Ave. near Tleach Alwayn open: 100 rooms with hot and eold rnnnlnir writer: private baths, mntxitr 300. Writ fn" ntm hnrVlt Afnn" Trfpftn iUNNYMEDE 3. , Park place. Overlooks ocean City -L" Park. J. McII.WAIN CHAMPION. THF. WILTSHIRE, Virginia ae. and Beach. Capacity 850. Prlv. boths, runnlns water, etev,, eto Atner. Plan, 14 up d'ly. Bpeclal wkly. Hklt. SAM UEL. ELI.18. Owner: N J. COLLINS. Mar. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always own. Always ready. Terms mnd. trate. I'hone or write. M'. Walsh Duncan. HOTEL BOSCOBEL K" 115 up weekly. Phone 117. A. E. MARION wesuninsrer lo Kt . privalB bathB. run wittor; t!4 kly. . $2 SO up dally. C. Duhro WERXiathVlIAE. TA. SUNSET HALL 0,pe,n " w- Cn-- JWilWA-IS, .U-SUU ju, J,omo Omf0rtl crisp, dry air; beautiful mountain walks. Elelchlne. coastln;. etc. Not a sanatorium. GEO. S. GAUL. Mgr. . WnHNERS VILLE. PA. CLBABWATKB. FT.A. WHITELEDGE HOTEL sSEffSSS Amer. or European plan. Golf, (lshlntr, etc. b run. water In eery room: crlvata baths. WASHINGTON D. O. Burlington Hotel Amerirnn nnd Knropein HOMEI-IKH CLEAN, TEUFECT CUISINE 380 IIonnlH with Until. S3 tn $3 FIVr. MlNfTE FROM EVEnYTHINO WiiKhlnKton. D. O. hTIl.MSIIIP NOTICKS Passenger Odlce. 131!) Walnut M.. I'hlla. Freight Odlce. 405-6 Bourse Hide., Pbllu. PASSENGER SERVICE ENGLISH SHOPPERS' pWjL LUNCHEONS C' st )p When eliopplntt you wl f3 ' (551 Unit here refrwblnr lot S-S ?, OI '"' aalnir aeaarna " ' prlcra most moderate. . tf. Vi Menu rliansed dttllj ROOTVii 35,37 South 16th PAHCEL POST PAINT you can buy from Manufacturers at Uholrsale Prlccsi SI.SO, 82.110 unci S3.BO gni.i nil rolora. HtemiM. 37 K. IHIi t. 5000 STRONG MEN WANTED To Wear Our NKVERIP OVi:nAI.M PIggg $1,751 m,KtA $2.75 Value MAlf, OHIIKR.S ITT.I.En CAPITOI, UKPARTMENT STORE 417 MAUKKT HT PIHTA. GLASSES T .! Jb Jiannli. Low as lllC.t i.lO PHIIryOIII Dli . Art.flclnl Kycw Inserted, rrpnrrlntlnnn mini Writ or phone for nam plea and price C. SCHM1TT, Mir. ff U- FULL ' DRESS tu.i:i)o suits Prince Albert and Trock Coats, Black suits for alt occasions to hire TIIT I CD "th nnd Balnbrldso Sts. lVllL.LilHv Filbert 488 DIAMONDS BOUGHT OUIl MANY TCAnS OP KXPEIUENCB A OUR HONKST & nEtIAnLB METHODS IS YOUR GUAnANTKB. Many diamond? needed at onco to nil orders all alzes J4 to 10 caratn; will pay from 110 to 13500 each (cash). We mtist havo them and by aell InK your diamonds to ui YOU WILL AT LEAST BWC 10 to 40 PER CENT. Estates boueht. Est 10 scars. (Private) phono wau 714:1. Alsn nM nM allvAe. tilnt.ntim hOUKht. The Diamond Shop kCluril Ertelt's Victor Victrola SaInroom Latec Asaortment of Hecords Tlie Onlr Author- Iwd Healer on TCnrth Front Ptret I'll. KenslnMon 72B 135 JNorth Front St. 2135 1 i&lf now about Bi" SOME MONEY on DIAMONDS AND JETVELBTT RATES MW AS 1 tVALTERS' PAWNSITOr. 0O4 TINE ST. .BONDED TO CITY - WHO LOANS THE MOST MONEY ON DIAMONDS? Xrimest rates of Interest iliarced. Fridenberg's Loan Office 37 N 11th Uetween nibert OI 11. 11U1 nnd Arch N. W. Cor. 9th and Buttonwood BELLA ft ; RECORDS V Ii . 1 1 1 K RECORDS 1129 CHESTNUT IIKRK IS PROOF Knnp IJchlnliic Hair Renewer Tho best Hair Tohlo on tho marKet. Prevents danarum anci tho hair from falllne out. It makes the hblr grow. Absolute ly uuaranteed or money refund ed. Testimonials malted on request. 1 Bot. tl SI 75; 3 Bottles J.".. 0 Bottles 19 73. Por salo by drjigplstf Supplied by Smith,. Kline & French I". KOOI" JIl'O. CO. !. JY 11B N. Thlnl St.. Camden. N. J.. Somerset SweaterShop Cor. Somerset & Kensington Ave. liuy uircci irom uie raciurj All-Wool Link & Link Slipovers Dur Price $3-98 Keif. Re- tail Store Price. $6.98 Colors. Conn nint.. P.kfn. TurauoUfr, Sslm on. A m e r U'an Tlpauty, Oliini Blue. Send money order or check. Will send any where by parcel DOST. Don't hesitate, jpar money cheerfully rerunnpfi ir not entirely satisfactory JJ Furniture polish This DrcDaratlon has been used for over 30 years on tne rtljrheat prade PIANOS and FU11N1TORE and Is guaranteed to preserve the VAUNISH and prevent It turning FURNITURCi POLISH "OWAfn Vini W r-juAnrtmSTl1""6- proauces a rSlZ? Jester like new with fry it on your AUTOMOBILE Send 50c for one can 3 cans, $1 Postpaid If vnu are not cettlns the proper results out of your PLAYER-PlAi sour PLAYER-PIANO It needs the dirt drawn out of the Music Tracker with auction pump we are sole agents for the Gem Suction Pump For Player-Pianos The moat powerful and satisfactory puiqp on ths mar tlet. Guaranteed to draw the dirt and lint out of the plaer (tor slut one) tn le than 5 mfn. utta, Can be used on any pltjer. PIANOS TUNED PLAYERS ADJUSTED 7) ZOOO NEW liL "- :aMua.iiniwvn ;;sirE.Kiafiiise.L ,; !:i MUSIC ROLLS HOWAHDVffCENTl 5sgw "ft. jci r.. Mmk i&LWIfflMKKS82 AS5J wm'AiumwmuHi vxz- y fSIlif iwtMIHlHsVwsssssf mllW iUftWcwsM i iHJiHiUWiii'wB r HOWARD VINCENT I'ol'shlnc Done Quickly . i S5l Piano and , 'f Post j-m 836-838-840842-844-846 NORTH 6TII STk 1 K-17I I VG12 N. 9th I I Open Day & Night Oysters in Every Style Planked Shad Dinner, 00c wsrts M&nr . mm0atmm.a Msat sl t-sfcj thtaaakaaa a( aJAUa a pssahsta aMM aw sad as a-a 1 RIE-MUR SHIRT CO. 908 Chestnut St. "x'.'uVKie'T.to, Bamplea Sent Upon nequeet That Buy Anything from (lie leadlne stores of Phlla., 1VI1- STORE ORDERS mlntlon. Camden and Atlantic Cltr EasyTcrm FRAMBES & CLARK . 1112 Chestnut St., Phila. C1D Guarantee Tr. Illds.. Atlantto City 30 . Third ht.. Camden .ILU9YD1 "Reserves:" What You Need When You Build. A sea-captain figured that his vessel always made the ocean trip in six daysj so he. took on just six days' supply of coal and food and water, and was just ready to start, when two strong officers came with an ambulance and took him to tfye insane asylum, A ship crossing the ocean has no supply sta tions a sairo captain knows that he must carry ample reserves; but a builder who commands our great stocks of lumber can safely order just enough for his needs, for he knows that re serves are at hand for any emergency. We are commonly able to furnish more flooring and siding and shingles than you bar gained for, larger timbers and more of them if needed; and in a pinch we can often do more than we have promised in quick delivery. Some day you'll build. If you want the work finished on time, see that the lumber comes from LLOYD. William M. Lloyd Company THE LUMBER CENTRE 29th Street and Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED 18G8 SOUTHERN OFFICE CHARLOTTE, N. C. r n II moToriAis PHOTOPLAYS THRU COMPANY r 0FJMERICA AlUko l-'h. Morris & Fassyunk Ae. rt.OUKNCU KKKD In TiiK bTitruaiti: i:vi:ulasting" AIT CPUCMV rrankferd & Allegheny ALL.EAjnL.LN I jirtt Daily 2:15. Ees.at8. OLIVE THOMAS In "TUB GLORIOUS LADY" A D"M I f 02D S. THOMPSON STS. ArULHJ MATINEE DAILY OEUALDINC TAURAn In ( "THE WOULD AND ITS WOMAN" a rt- a r-M A laril CHESTNUT STS. rtKUrtUlft to A.M. to 11 :10 P.M. TOM MOORE In "THE GAY LOUD QUUX ' I T ICDIDn BROAD STRCET AM) DL.UnJJIKL' SLQUE1LNNAAVE ALICE-JOYCE Iti 'SLAVES Ot' PRIDE" ' BROADWAY BT fsill Jder Ae. P. M. ttft.T.tAM fAIlNUH 111 "W1NG& 01'' THE MORNING" C A X3WCW "-- MARKET STUCET LArl 1 UL jo .v. M. to 11:13 r. M lv.Tin:rtINK JIrcDONALD ill "THE THUNUEltUOLT" t-r IT Al Gtn. S. Maplenood Aves. COLUINIAL. .' :.10, 7 and 0 V. M. MAY ALLIhON In r.Mll AND WAnMErt" ElDOl,"'c;Q main &t- manayi'nk LlVlrKtJJ SIATINEU DAILY MAY ALLISON in TAin AND WARMER FAIRMOUNT S01t?A1S,SAtLv ETHEL CLAYTON In "THE TH1UTEENTH COMMANDMENT 'AIII V THEATRE 1311 Market St. rAlVllLiI u A. M. to Midnight EDITH HOHIIKTS In THE Tnil'LEHS" CIT'LI CT THEA'IKB Helow Spruce DO In Ol. MATINKE DAILY JIY HlHAND'S O'lHEK Wire" L Maci LAIN, Organist FRANKLIN T,,mD Sw;AJJig SESSL'E HAVAKAWA In THE llEljOAR PRINCE" P.rent-Nnrtripni "rnad St. at Erie. threat iNorinem a0 us.Btso&ior.z ALICE TOADY In "THE FEAR MARKET' IMDCPIAT C0TI1 K WALNUT bTS llVlrn.rlMl-. Mam : ::o Eg. 7 fc o lt.VTHERINrJ Mmi DONALD In "THE THUNPEItllOLT" I IT AniTD sb7 t LANCASTER AVU LOUli.r MATINEE DAILY CHARLFS RAY In RED-HOT DOLLARS'' 1 inCDTV BROAD & COLUMBIA AV LIDLIM I MATINEE DAILY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNU In "EYES 01' YOU1II" 333 MARKET SWS.TOSS? RICHARD HARDINO DAVIH'H "SOLDIERS OV rORTUNE" AlOrMTI 4-5 SOUTH ST Orcheatra ilJLJILLj Cnntlmi.mi 1 to 11. DOtiar.AH V'AIRRANKH In WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL IIY" JEFFERSON Uill & Dauphin Btx. MATINEE DAILY 1 EUREKA "7" W!11& &?Ly PARK iISM ARBUCKLE In "THE UARAOE" wi-oii.llf.WlU 1 Increase Your Incintt Wc 'havo available for investment a Guaranteed First Mortgage Railroad , Bond, selling for- $640. Pays $45 per year inter est and will bo worth ;, $1000 in fourteen years. Particulars on Request W Carstairs & Go. nvettment Securities members rhtladelpbls) and New York Stock ISxchanies 1419 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. 71 Broadway, N. Y. Us, rilOTOPLuVYS Thc following theatres obtain their pictures through tho STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatro in your locality obtaining pictures through thc Stanley Company of America. OVERBROOK,g?n-K?8: 'ORD AVE. ALICE JOYCi: In "SLAVES OP PRIDE' PAI APR 114 MARKET STREET I .f-AlVJ. tO A. M. to 11.15 P. M "EVERYWOMAN" PRINIPr's 101S MARKET STREET I IXtnV-CLCW X.30A M. to 11:10 P. lit GERALDINB PARRAR In ' "FLAME OF THE DESERT" RFP.FNT M.VRKET ST. Below 17Th 1X1-Vali,V 4'i A- M to 11 P. M. BRYANT WASIIDimW '10O MUCH JOHNSON" RIAI TO GERMAN-TOWN AVE. kt . kl . AT TULPEHOCKEN ST CLARA KIMHALL YOUNG In "EYES Or YOUTH" RI IRY M.UIKET fcT BELOW 7TH lxyJ'-,l m A M to 11.15 r. M. RUTH STONEHOL'SE In "RED VIPER" SAVOY 3:U MARKET STREET ur-v v J i 8 A M, TO jiiDNICj,,t PEOGY IIYLAND In "FAITH" STANI FY MARKET ABOVE 16TH ..nnraTn VJlS -S21? . " "BELOVED CHEATER. LOG OF U-35." VICTORIA MAriKET ST AB. 0TH VR.1UK1A . , , r .ouipp.w, TOV MIX In "THE FBTTD" Tho NIXON-NIRDLINCER w THEATRES BELMONT C2D ADOVB MAR1CBT . DOUOLAS Mael.EAN and DORIS M'AY In "WIIA'PS YOUR HUSBAND DOING?" CEDAR T" CEDAR AVENUE , ANITA STEWART In 'Siva OF THE MOTHERS" COLISFUM MARKET BETWEEN ' IvusTAn cA9.h AND wai THE SIX BEST CELLARS" FRANKFORD 4T15 ggnn' Im ETHEL CL.VYTON In "THE THIRTEENTH COMMANDMENT" IUMB0 ,F1MlNT, ST & OIRARD AVE ,,, J U1V1DU JuntboJu..c lor, .on i Frankford Vk "tJCARLET DAYS" ft LOCUST r;?D. AN'?,LOCUT BTREETfl' LUtUJ 1 Mat. 1 :W. 3:30. Evra.0 :30 toll STAIt CART In "SIX BEST CELLARS" NIXON MD AND M.VHKET STS. 1 '" -' IK T AWT. Q Hill V COMEDY. "PIPE DREAMS' AND PRIZES RIVOI I C2D AND HANSOM BTS. "IV MARY PICKro'RAT'fnEB DA,W "HEART O- THE HILLS" ' STR AND 'OERMANTOWN AVH. ' nonrn, wAr,TO,T,YENANao 'THE TREE OF KNOWLEDQE" WEST ALLEGHENY " DOROTHY DAr.TON tf"'b" HIH WIFli'M ntlEND ComDleta cbart .howlnr tirftvraow V ettA fa t-i vl hn , i '51 'y..! 4- ',"l fl i i-pr- f tr-t. - tr. "a 4 howart noawonTH in ' "KEH1ND TUE DOOR'! wetk apptar Satuntay lu(.r,io4ir.;( 1 ? a h ,r