t-Mji Zl ?V im V 'h it A .. .EVENIHG' PUBLIC LEDGBR-PHlUADELPHtA, HTJK&DAY, FEBRUARY 1 19.20 'iff.'." i " J. r TW!MGRmmmWFWWFp'J . .. -f ' v ' , i . .-!" ,t-" :. a, WELFARE WORKERS ' OF SIM CONFER Representatives From All Parts of Pennsylvania Discuss Civic Problems at Roacling PROMINENT MEN SPEAK Ken-Huff. IVIi. II!.-'I'll- owuinj? sm slon "C Hip IVnusylvmiln niiifproiiee mi Foritil welfare whh held in tlio Ilorlj-lilrp HotH Itc-rc Uils iiflerlinnii, with .",0(1 rpi rrcnlulivp I'ivlc worker present from all ii.irls f tin1 Htutr. Vliilop .Mm l Slimrroi- dellvere.1 the ..lilti-s f vvelrcmp I""' Governor Wil inm ' Sirlil llie ii'ienlni: mlilrPm. Dr. IMvv'l Mill-tin. Mute ((iiiiml(-sloti"p (if ,'Wiin .IIsCii-mmI '"I'Iip I'POKruiu of Hie iinli. DmiiPtnirnt of Health, mid Dr. rliirl'"' ' "I'tfiPl'l. 'f l'liltiwlelnhlii. matiaKini: director of the National Tube" iilu is Aesoemtinn. !.okp on "Hciltli I'roiiKitlon r.nd Prevention of Tiibr"i,illp,i." 'flip nfto-iionn nipetiiiR mled with disens-ion of "Honxlnis in ffdnllon t- Hciilth." led by John 3. MuruH. 'peretary of the tenpniput ,ouv eoininlltee. Clmrltv Organization gorj.-tv. of Xevv York city. This pvpiiIiib the presiilPtit k lultlresi ill h delivered by .lames S. Hrberllns. mperinteiiileiit of the lllta T. CuVti- Junior Republic at Redington. "Olnn's Uxperienee With n Children's Velfiire Department" will be told by p WilliaiiiM. (llreelor of the oliil Hrpn i welfare dennrtnient of the Ohio Muti Hoard of rhnrltle. The focsioim ih, cniifepence will rontuuie ove Fridnv and Sntiinlay, with papers by nolahie welfare workers from this state anil elsewhere, HAT SOLVES MYSTERIES Identifies Suicide From Bridge is Missing Rich Brazilian Youth New Yoilf. Keb. 12. M.Weries of tlic disappe.iranec of a young nrnziliun of a vm enlth family and ii speetneu Inr 'iiieide 1j a man from the bridge at 23tti stier wliieh crows Spujten fiiiwll creel- have been solved, invest! pjl'ins leli(e. lij the discovery that tliev nr (rally the same case. fmm indications round by, tho 5,11 miller Detective Aucncy and veri fied lit tli police and :i legal repre trnliitivp in his fjmilj, the man who (lNir.ii-cd, Ilenrj ('. Doriu. of Ulo do Jiiueii-'i, llmiK ltlin-clt fiom the iridse . A.cnniltiS to VVUIIUtil ll. lirmiv. an, attornev , who cares for the Doria inter- j nts lie.-e, Ilenrj ('. Doria. twenl.v lliree xeiirs old. was the son of ('liaiw Durin. ,i millionaire land owiir li vin-y I in Ifio. He came here about a jrar tgo to tiiih electrical cnKiiiecriu-.'. At 7 a. in IVbniaiy " Doria, lifter a lestlos-, uiu-lit, left the apartment of n fpllow euiintryniau, 1. Hcbello. ut .5-1) West Illtli street. That was tli.e last! seen of hi m I At !i o'clock that morning four men Bear the Sputcu DuMil bridse sav u, man of sliuMlt fiiurc lean oep the rail , drop a small nanuuag. wnu-i s,.... , winch mi n ic Thou (lie i.iau climbed me ran ami jjmpod off Joseph Ilradlc, Jr.. and John' Hradj. Jr., put out in it boat, but were unable to iiiul the body They picked up the Hiiciile's new derbv hut. Det,vclic liarned it was bought by a joung llr.i 7ilinn who gave his name in Doiia. N'fitlier Hip toly nor the bag lian been found. SEA WALL FOR SHORE Will Protect $1,000,000 Building V upcration manned in iniet uistncc MUnllc lily, leli. rj Atlantic , Citv - first sea wall is to b" located iu tlic Inlet district, between Madison and Atlantic avenues, according to an lioiiiifcnicnt made by .loliu Hackney, citj- eiigiuecr. The promised ep: wall is designed to prutr-et the SI, 000, 000 investment wliieli P.piijainin Fox plans to carry out on Maine avenue, between Oram mcre place and Atlantic avenue, lie wruilv acquired Hie land from the Dr. IMviril Hcdlne estate, lie will shortly wet two of tin- largest apartment hnii " in the cilj . Jacob Illsw, n n etensie property ownir in the Inlet district and ni expe-t on t,o,-t walls who. was consulted it jHi -tun prior to the erection of the ,i wall there, said jestertlay he fawned Hie sooallocl tooth sen wall foi the Inlei 'I'hih is a vail with poiuU toil A'li. I 15m or. oily commissioner, jaul i'i ipic-titui of protecting the Inlet from has long been considered, He ex pectoil tlmt eventually the city would i "lupi Hod to bin Id a soli wall from the Km Palace Hotel to the lulet pavilini JUDGE T0FIGHT RAILROAD H. 0. Dechtel to Appear for Potts vllle Against Lehigh Company J'oHsville. Pel,. p.H O. P.echfoT, pre-nleni msc f Hie Scbuvlkill county r' will appear before the State "aib cad Commission iu behalf of this ff a king that the Lehigh Valley luiiioad Cu. be compelled to remove nnanti from West Maiket street, where i allr'nl the railroad has smiatlod. ,"Vouncil jcsteidny accepted Judge IM,tel s prnnev of his services. Judge lloehtcl said it was useless for t-otniui to cpcnd large sums tu pave that in h if thp ,..,iroad company were iwrmittcl to intrude on the street ami nianitaiu for n passageway under its "' s a narrow arch (hut is, lie said, (ousinnt meniiec to life, CHLORINE IN WATER HIT Waynesboro Residents Complain p"r9 Stream Has Been Polluted ttajnesboro, Pa Feb. 12. Vigorous rroiost against the placing in the local rine i!!pS?,y lnr?c luantities of clilo Ibe tit. ttC I'.V1''.".. l,y i'IHwib here to vat, , l IIr"lu' 'Pnrlmeut unless the " liemlcaT3 ",;''C', lu Mop Uh!us MMU.l""1r'' "iaW ,lrill, olioinls are 2 re, I r,"Yr V'1','''0'1 tllP V,,lori"C " lute? ""i'lcnts bore, say it has pol- Jure V'I'I'lJ' Ibat was previously ii-hi, . ., '"I1,1;1'0 ls frjfttul stream, "-hup Iu the Illno Wdgc mountains. valor 'i'ri.,vl' 'l0"1''1 " fl"urt "f be ","". mid mat unlets tho use 1 the ihiii. io .,.. i i t n, iwnee win ;.:"; '" : . U6C; the .n,n . '"'- "J '"- llt'Ullll Ot oinnumltv OLD T?nni?a iJADE LIKE NEW . P'lic Cement Will Stop Leak in Any Hoof n.i.'"'e lor Hotkltt Bell Pliona. Dlamanil 03 ROBERT A. MAYS Ullifr rri in I'aUtlnr nouflnr. It nor I'i ir. Coatlnit and Ktinilllnr 2352 North 21st Strcut IfigSf SlX All P. R. R. System to Be Reorganized Continued from I'iieb Onn Inc. retain their posttions in I'lillndcl pliia. but lunc the neope of tbelr nutbor Ity extended to include the lines west of rittsburcli. AV. II. Myers, director of the com pany, and vice president In chnrge of real estate, purclinses and insurance, retires under pension i-cgulntions after service of forty-four years. M. O. Ken tiedv.repident'vlce president of the Cum lieplnnd VnlleV dlBtrict, succeeds Mr. Myers, with the extended jtir.s-diction. Mr. Kennedy's old office ! nbolishetl. I Mr. County succeeds .Mr. Mjcrs as a director. M. II. Taylor, vice president in rliarcc of llnnnre and accounts for Hues west of I'ltliuurnli. retires under pension rules mid bis office is abolished, "l). T. MrCrfbe, who has been vice president in ImrKc of traffic in the wcst..lins re tired under pension rules, nud Mr. Dix on takes the western territory. Legal Ueparlmcnls Continue il. .T. Turner, senior vice president of the I'ennsjlvanla .lines west, continues ns executive officer at rittsburgli as virc president in charsc of corporate af fairs west ofMttsburRh.au office neces sary because of the large number of feparnte companies, l-'or'tbe tsiuuo rea son the legal departments !if both Pitts burgh and Philadelphia are continued as before. , Itobert ('. Wriulit will be limned to ns-slxt the vice president in charge of tniflie. with title of general traffic man ager, with offices here. The reorgani zntinn includes all Pennsylvania roads except the Long Island and the Mary land and Delaware. Mr. flea, in announcing H'O purposes and objects sought, said: "In nrepnilng to resume, after the lnpse of over two years, the operation of the lines constituting the Pennsyl vania Railroad sjstem, we appreciate fully the responsibility resting upon us, These lines, which serve thirteen srorei and a population of iiO.OOO.OOO people. como hack to their owners suftcriug, as is (he case with nearly everything el-s, from the stress anrt strain of four jears of war and the period of excessive costs and abnormal conditions uirougn wlucn we nave been passing. . Kcsponslbllitics Threefold "We recognize that our responsibility as managers is threefold : First, toward the public, the industries, the mines and the farms which must be served arid the interstate and foreign commerce to Bo accommodated on the system and through its terminals. Srcnnd, toward an army of more than a quarter of a million employes of all grudes, whoso welfare is inseparable from the success of this raihoad enterprise, third, to ward those citizens who directly,, or through their Iluuneiul Institutions, navu invested their savings aud resources in the creation and development of this railroad system, upon tliein wo inosi rely for continued sources of new cap ital to expnrid the system so that the growth of the country, its industries and its c'iporls uml imports may not be re -it noted. 'The Pennsylvania s.istem consists of about 12,000 miles of line in a ter ritory nieasuring in greatest extent Horn ea-iL to west about !)00 miles and from mil in to south i DO niilcs. In it are found praetloallj all Hit? (Ihersitics, of industry, agi iculttire, milling, commerce nud poiiulution known to our cftuutry. We be'levc il to lie in the highest tie ice ilesiranle that me ptiuuc ami cm- , . ,. .,:.,. () ti.it, ...Mlt tci. . . ,, . , ....nv,,!,:,,,,. tom.i. wilii'tU" icsiiunsilile cM'cutivo authority under whieli tlii.s i-ai'i-ii.id sjslciu is to be oneiated. and the diiectois and man ngcnicnt have pliinntd (he new orgnni .atiou aetoidinglj." WAR ON JERSEY GAMBLERS! - i Anti-Saloon League Finds a "Monte, Carlo" and Complains j New York. Feb. 12. -Samuel Wilson.' assistant .state superintendent of the I . . ,.,...,..,. ,,,,.,. u, fiov nll-r.UOOIl l.cniilie (Il ,-W .C'isu. i ,1-nor Cduuid I. I.dwnrds, charging that Ilud.-o'i county has become a veritable Monte Curio" and giving the nddresses ot three alleged poolrooms in Jersey City aud four in Htiboken. "I-'or mauy months," the letter said, "our state has been invaded by gangs of gamblers, driven out of New- York bv more elhcieut police supervision. They have been operating in P.eigen, Monmouth aud especially HntNon counties. "I have viiled ninny of these resoits in person, where hundred-, of men were playing the races, uud wildly betting at faro and crap tables; I have reported these conditions to iiia.vois, police chiefs, prosecutors and judges and to the public through (he preys." Mr. Wilson asserted, however, tli.it the lid" was now entirely off. Denmark's Victory Overwhelming ('iiiciilincr'Mi. l'fb. 12. (TS.V A. P.I I Denmark won an ovei wlielniing victory in I lie plebiscite held in tne province of Schlcswig by which the future status' of that district was determined, accord ing to official figures issued here tins morning. These ligincn show tlmt Din sli ndherents oust 75,0'i". votes while the (lermuus polled but 25, OS". Lcxiblc Tightwad says: "A1 IR lcalts good-bye! Pnnl Kill rm I mini t VUU. ..., t.v vis, ,, .. "I'm the cham- iiJ', pecn stopper of air VtAtrO lcalis between your win dow frames and walls Better get me on the job right away." y' Ask for our book Have us estimate. l( tAJyjFO COMPA-MYjlCn 18 S. Seventh St. DID YOU EVER USE SLOAN'S? Keep It Handy to Promote Prompt Ilclir-r Prom Rheumatic Pains uud Aches w HKN you know wliat Sloan's Liniment will do, ns thou sands) of men and women the world over know, you, too, will keep it hundy You will uso it for thosu "twinges of rhcuniatiz," for reliev ing that lumo back, muscle stiffness nnd soreness, aches, all sorts of ex ternal pains, und exposuro ufter niaths. Only takes a little, upplicd without rubbing. Soon penetrates, scatter int? tho congestion, bringing merciful relief to tho (hrobbing, jumping part. Three sizes 05ca 70c, $1.40. Any druggist has it. If noti we'd liko to know his name. km ) ffTCMj tiTOrl $&& EvairIight. a m WARNS PROSPERITY BE Comptroller "Williams Declares Big Monoy Figures Mean Noth ing Without More Production URGE HELP FOR EUROPE ly tlio Assoeiatcil Press Washington, Feb. 12. Warning that the prosperity and activity indicated by banking figures may become artificial nud deceptive was given today by John Kkclton Williams in his annual report as comptroller of the currency., Kemniltlng that in 1010 there was not a national bank failure Involving loss to depositors, and that the banking power uf the country has inct eased 000 per cent in the last thirty years, Mr. Williams said : "A large volume of money cannot menu increase of real wealth while there is decrease of production and the ac cumulation and movement of securities and currency represent abnormally in flated values put ou diminished supplies of essentials. "It is clear that no country can bi enriched by merely increasing prices of products produced aud conthuned by its own people. We inlght prosper for the moment if we could sell our products abroad, nt the higher prices and take payment in gold or in goods ot.nonnnl prices, but we gain nothing when we cell and buy at corresponding abnormal prices." All Ike gold In tlio world, aside from S:U.'J.-i,000.000 held by this country was estimated by the comntroller at .?(!,- 000.000.000 or only about -10 per cent of the credit balance of this country in the last six years, l'or that reason, lie urged, (hat this country slibnld adopt a policy of reasonable help and encour agement townrd debtor ( ountries with no assets immediately available, but haying fair prospects of being able to lay out if given time, Praiso, for thp nnrt nlnved br the 'natioual banks in financing the world luring a time ot stress was given un itintedly by the comptroller. He ex pressed hope that the consWvutive in fluence of the banks would lead manu facturers and business men to accept for the present smaller profits with a view to building up general prosperity and the habit of thrift and economy innong the masse-, of the people. TRADED HIS GUN FOR GAS Lieutenant Gave Up Automatic so Ho Could Help Smashhh Germans Washington. Peb. 12. If the ord nance department's accounts show (among other things) a deficit of one army automatic pistol (which they do), it is because Lieutenant Hillesley was badly in need of gas to drive the Amer ica r "heavy" tank into the dread) dented llindcnbuig line in the summer or 101S. Lieutenant 'Hillesley begged the chauffeur of an Australian commanding general s bountifully upholstered limou sine for the loan of his car for thirty minutes the general being temporarily absent. The chauffeur consented, after pocketing the American's big "."" automatic, and llilleslej returned with the car full of brimming gasoline and oil cans'. The general was mad. but Hillesley made his nick in the Ilindenbiirg line. and no court-martial followed. WAGE RISE FOR"TEACHERS Trenton Budget, aa Approved, Pro- vides Increase of $400 a Year Trenton. I-cb. 12. Aftera light on lin- m-in iiuumiuk iui an iuiivubv; in teacheis' salaries the bonrd of school e-tiinate jestertlay adopted the school budget for 1020. The appropriations total S1.20S.200, the first time in the hislory of the citv that tlio budget hus e coded the miiliou-dollar mark. The item as fluallv approved will pro vide each teacher with a Hat increase of $100 a year, ami there are 550 teachers. (-. '-m ID IJsJK a i(is. TriOP i 1"" these fa MAY DECEIVING ironer for what it costs you every month for a laundress by taking advantage of these easy terms of payment. Demonstrations at tho Electric Shop, 10th and Chestnut Street; 7 West Chelten Avenue, Germantown; 4600 Frankford Avenue; 9 South 40th Street. I'liilcctric cleaners u good-sized shipment have just arrived. This is your opportunity to get a really good electric cleaner at a moderate price. Easy payments. Philadelphia (CK)B.ectric(pmpany, v. a ar . i. a m In tune with 'something different.". Ferro Clothes. Exclusive patterns of finest quality. SUITS $26.50 to $68.50 were $30.00 to $75.00 Ferro Clothiers & Outfitters Agents for Rogers Pect Clothes Chestnut Street at Jumper. Will Ask Probe of Street Cleaning Colli Inucrl from Tnge Our Mlirn the weather permits, and their condition approved." Thomas L. 1'lnnagan, contractor for the district included between the north house lino of Lehigh avenue and the north house line of Poplar street and between the Delaware river and the east house line of Broad street, Bald : "Chief Hepburn's statement is too ridiculous to talk about. I went to sec him personally, and I find tlmt in mak ing his estimates he only figured tho number of men on tho streets. .That's like figuring only the men who get out a ewspaper and not considering tne price of machinery, the price of paper, of transportation, lighting autl so ou. Question of Ash Collection "He didn't consider that we have thirty to forty wngous on the streets along with the men. He didn't figurp that while we are cleaning the streets we are hauling ashes, too. He figured it would cost us $."21 u tiny to haul ashes, when, as a matter of fact, it costs more than $1000 a day. 1 sug gested to him that he study up the matter a bit. It's absurd for a man who's been on the job only about three weeks to talk the way he's been talk ing. "Take the matter of dumps alone. It used to be that we could get our dump ing ground free. Now it costs 510,000 to ?ir,000 for Hie dumping grounds and the owners arc holding them out ou us. The dumps are getting further and further away from the city, and the mere hauling costs more than ever. ' James Irviu, contractor for the Mec rnd district, comprising all that (iart el the city between Market street and lite C'nimtv Vru mi the KOllth and bC tween the Schujlkill river and the Cniintv line mi iho west, and including Thirtieth street from Market to Spring Garden street, said: "I'd like to make a 100 per cent profit just once in my life. I've never mane that much. I'd consider myself a mil lionaire if I made 25 per cent. Tills snow is plaviug havoc with the, cost of the business. Used to be we could load five and six carts of ashes a day ; these days we have to carry the ashes from the side streets to the wagons, and we load between two and three u day. In some places we have four horses pulling one car. That costs money." (Senilis Makes Itcply L'dward 1'. Heniiis, manager of the Dav id McMubon estate, contractors for the section comprising that district be tween the north house line of Lehigh avenue and the County line and the cast house line of Ilroud street and the .Schuylkill river; also the Kails of Scbuvlkill bridge and alt other hlghwny bridges crossing the Schuylkill river into this district, said : "Whv, it's absurd for a man who been in oflicc only three weeks to mnlte f. 'statement like that. It creates a bad impression : it makes the city and its officials look lidiculous. He only con sidered the tost of men used on the streets iu his estimates and ignored the expenses of equipment and the overhead charges. Why. I'd be happy if we made a profit of 10 to lr per cent." Andrew Peoples, of K. J. & A. Peo ples, contractors for district between the fflV fromLmertoSkim We. can outfit craft of. any size. Marino hard ware of every description. Anything for a boat F. Vanderherchen's Sons 7 North Water St., Phila. At the ''Sign of tho Ball" DIAMONDS GOLD SILVER BOUGHT "Trfsfnl" Tlio Time of lltcli Trices Pcnn Smeltinp; & Refining Wks. 'Tlio Old OoM Shop" 906 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. 1 I jLfM Special Easy Payment Terms on this Electric Ironer limited time onty, wc oner very easy terms of payment on the well-known and nationally advertised "Simplex" electric ironer. with the order and the balance in easy monthly payments. You can buy this electric REVISION IN PRICES your longing for OVERCOATS $33.50 to $78.50 were $40.00 to $85.00 & Co. Inc. north -house line of Lehigh avenue nnd tho county line, unci between the east liouee line of Ilroatl street and Hip west bouse lino ot Kensington avenue nud r ranuford crrek, said : "I eucss wo could nitike a whole lot more profit if our expenses were reduced, as Chief Hepburn seems to think, to merely the cost of hiring (ho lucor ot men, He hasn't taken Into considera tion out4 other nnd heavier expenses at all, I've been at this business for ten J ears now, nnd 1 got less today than I had when I started. I sure would wel come 10 per cent profit if it would only come my way.." Calls It "Absurd" "Absurd," saldfleorge '. Murray, of the contracting firm of Cunningham & Murray. 1,'MS Arch street, which docs cleaning in Hie Pirst district. "If what is said is trun, hundreds of men would come to this city and go into the con tracting business, Hepburn Is hardly warm on the job." Prank Curran, contractor for tho dis trict included between the north house line of Lehigh itveuue and the county line and between the west house line of Kensington avenue, the Delaware river, Frankford creek and the county line, said ; "ft was it verv foolish .statement for the chief to make. I'd be willing enough to e my business to uny one who could make as much out of it ns they say is being made out of it. I'd be willing to rent it out to them if they can do nn better with the business." Chief Hepburn's charges, as mnde public by (Jtorge Not McCain, through tho 1-:vi:m.ii Prnt.tr' Ltnoi-n, sturtlcd Citv Hall nnd politicians generally. In high administration circles there was a feeling that some approach was being made to the rclatiou between street cleaning and politics. This feature of the situation was re fened to by Chief Hepburn in his orig inal statement, when he said : "Street cleaning. I have discovered, is, under the Philadelphia system, n game of politics from start to finish. Kvery man. from the contractor down to the, laborer who cleans out a sewer inlet, tries to have or has :i political pull." Lukens Morrissey Ilcvcrl. N. .L. Feb. 12. Walter T. Lukens and Miss Sadie Morrissey were innrried in St. Paul's Church by ,the Itcv. Henry Itussi. Salesmanship Salesmen are needed ovcrj-vlicre. New companies are lormlng old concerns arc expanding and reaching out Into new tirrltorj- Now is tho tfmo to fret in tho selling g;nri Tfitnlng is neces sary. You must know how to ecll In order to m.iUo good New- sprlrr: class starts Friday, Feb ruary 'JO, T SO p. in. Kxpert instruc flnn. l-'i ph moderate. Detnlls on re. ouest A few free reholarslilps for ) Discharged kierx Ico Men ' fi Central Branch, 1421 Arch St. EXTRA 1 MANLTACTfREna . wit A IS ExTRlViWlNErVlSQTVsV Final Clearance Sale French, Shriner & Urner ens Broken Sizes Some Reduced as Low as $9.85 1340 Chestnut Street Stores Also in New York-, Brooklyn, Chicago, Kansas Cily and St. Paul with BLANK BOOKS Bound and Loose Leaf LITItOOnAPitiro PRINTING ENGRAVING OrFICE Stationery and Supplka MADAM, ARE YOU THEN SPECIFY SPEAR (Copuina and I Manifold I S y Papers J V Q DCT An a .SPEAR, llinoMHHei1er3 jf Slovc 'v lor every purpouV WE KNOW many women who, when they, dis cover that their new house did not contain Spear Heating and Cooking Appliances ordered those that were installed removed and Spears put in to take their place. There is a reason for this. The very name of SPEAR itself stands for the highest efficiency in both ranges and heaters. Send for our booklets or, bctlcr still, call and sec them in operation. JAMES SPEAR STOVE & HEATING CO. 1823 Market Street Spear Stoves mafd in I'hllartelpHta since DIG LEGION TO ASK U. S. FOR ' $1,900,000,000 Urges $50 Bonus for Every Month Each War Veteran Was in Service Indianapolis, Feb. 12. Ileversing the position taken at thn organizatibn enu tus at St. Louis and refusing longer to leave "with confidence to tho Congress the dlschirge'of this obligation," as the Minneapolis convention put it, tne ex ecutive committee or me American i.e. gion has come out flntfootedly for "ad justed compensation" for service men in the late war, amounting io more iiiuu Si.OOO.OOO.OOO. This amocnt would be distributed on (he basis of one 550 bond of n new issue for every month of service. The Legion wight have maintained its confidence that Congress would even (iinttv iln the riirht tliliin without the submission to it of n concrete demand It it had not been for the nction ot tlin Democratic caucus of tho House and certain Republican leaders in declaring against universal military training, which the Legion emphatically sup ports. This action, following (he long delay and alleged "side-stepping" in dcnling with the soldiers land settlement Dins, brought matters to a head, and at the meeting here Tuesday afternoon the ex ecutive committee having the day be fore sent the Democratic caucus a futile protest against a declaration against universal training unanimously voted to put the adjustment of compensa tion, or bonus, us it was formerly called, up to Concress in definite form. m HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER FOR COAL Mtn prlnrlpli constant Bflfc P)7: 2 to 30 gallon, le. Heati rltor. teo. Thr la notk ijit Jujt as trood Frea Book. Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2nd KELLY'S12 N- 9th Open Day & Night Oysters in Every Style Planked Shad Dinner, 60c LEATHER BELTING 1 Government Used Ii"ronlInuciJ nftfr comnlfilnK Mar coo- iraitt, uuaramtrd bjme as new, CIII1I JOS. PAULUS & CO. Mfrrs. Drltlac nnd Utlllne Drtssliur 2307-11 Potter St, Plula Pa. Iveimlnetoii 2oGl East 41 AND RETAILORS "jMv Shoes Our Own Bindery our own Paper Mills QUH factor,' includes a complete copying bcok und bindery and to further Insure thn quality and uniformity of Mann Copy, ins Books we opcrato our own paper mills at Lanibcrtville, New Jersey. Mann's "SUE.V-KING" Manifold ideal for tlio looso carbon copy. paper n For more than 7t ycara Mann Offlee Stationery has been the standard In qual ity and value WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Xew York Offices: 261 Broadway. Founded in ISiS GOING TO BUILD? RANGES AND HEATERS Is Four Child's Home Life Happy? The old-fashioned joys of childhood have suc cumbed to modern living conditions. Dad's old swimming hole is gone, along with many other m healthy childhood pleasures, while new and ques tionable forms of diversions for children have taken their places. While their young minds are in a form ative period while their characters are forming do you give them the refining influences of music in the home? What does your home mean to your children? With a good phonograph, wouldn't it be more attractive to them and to you? H and Fit Your N t That is all you need to put any make of these phonographs in your home. All of these machines will play any disc record without extra attachments. The tone volume can be easily modified, while they are running, and without changing the needle. Com pare them side by side at North's. &z0i The Quality Phonograph No needles to change; instead, the famous Sap phire Ball that plays with out wear to itself or your records. All models and wood-finishes are in stock. 14 hi 'k&jsejSw tifiHi S Imsl H f jffi" 11818 Hanover Unusually handsome cabinet work, in many woods, and in standard and unique styles. This instru ment is not made on a quantity basis, and the ut most care is exercised in making each one perfect in every detail. F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Gentlemen: Please send me booklet and com plete description of the famous Supertone Phonograph ft Hanover Phonograph Fl Palhe Phonograph rn nnd details of easy-payment, plan without interest or extras. Marl, with an N. stle In lvhn1!! jou ore Interested. N; nine Address OTHER F. A. WEST PHILA. :I02 South 52d Street KENSINGTON 1813-15 E. Allegheny Ave. MANAYUNK 4 4378 Main Street CHESTER 312 Kdgniont Ave. CAMDEN DOWN Balance on Easy Terms , to Suit Your Convenience Pocketbooh Supertone Especially popular as a dance instrument, because of its great volume of tone, clear, full and sweet. Large solid mahogany cabinets with spacious record com partment. This machine is beautifully finished on all four sides, and represents great value for the prices asked. I've. IjtIc. ;-li-20 NORTH STORES NORTH PHILA. J13G North Front Street NORRISTOWN U28 West Main Street It HADING 15 North 5th Street TRENTON 209 East State Street 8J1 Broadway lv 33Vto!!fmjffiaBBPI !, M 1 x! m f ji m m i- -vif t, fArf'