Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 11, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 20, Image 20

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    sSfwji '?!
lJr v as Mrr'
. T iA. vv "h .v. jm .r i
Letters to the Editor on Current Topics
Her,) Is Melodrama!
fc To s IMIIor 0 the Bvtndio PuMlo Ledger'
IJ Sir Aa a personal friend of "Illm"
IK Qump, I remember In his childhood days,
y a certain tall and beautiful lady namely
the "Lady In Black" vvl'h In I
h" lK slMllnB throuBh her veins whoso hua
it g; band was In possession of largo diamond
W, ik. mines In southern Australia.
V j Now, irs you will well remember, our
j, " friend, "Unc'o Him," Is the owner of a
,. large and lustrous diamond, mounted
4 . In sold In tlu shape of u bc.irfpln This
diamond, oJ which I spe"ik, was pre-
sented to "Ulm" by the Lady In Black"
with the entitled luck put on this stonii
. by "Lucy Luck," a witch with vast re-
- pute as a ' godded of luck (This Lucy
- was also known as the 'Witch In
StrS?!?,1".'! ?, VrrsS,erntei?n("5hmiy
Si?!!n?. .,WS?-i,n,MnA,r,,SSX: '
w' ,A' i. it i. " tv" .hrU. nf .h- I
was to bury It with tho body of the
donor, in a dl'tint spot In Australia,
and If he did not complv with these com
mands tho Witch In Black" would
Imunt the professor
As dear old "Blm' Is 'verv good
"hcarted, nnd desired to bet Andy 'Might''
u os not care to let this dlimond out
fof his hands but als.0 fears If said dia
mond U not buried in the spot men
tioned this 'haunt will worry him to
"Blm,' fearing his relations will hear
of his unreliability suddenly departs fo
Australia to burv the diimond (but as
I have found out later as soon as said
diamond Is burled a sudden wea"h " "'
be Inherited by the burler, I know
"Blm" will be able to do much fjr
Upon burvinir the diamond "Blm ' is
presented with the deed to tho largest
of the diamond mines owned bv tho
"Laoy in Black s husband same presen
tation is made by the haunt, whom
"Bim" thought his enemy.
Ajidy, gaining much confldnc wth
"Uncle Bim" extracts this story, from
which to complete our mjstery, ou
can plcturlze
A Gump Enthusiast,
1243 South Hanson Street,
West Philadelphia, Pa.
Peepln' Lizzie and Andy's Bottle
To the Editor o the Eienlva Puhlic Ledger
Sir Upon reading the Evemvo
TuBuo LLDOEli I came across the
funny pdge in which ou had ' The i
Gumns' As Mr Smith aks us readers
to solve tne mjsteri, l draw out me ioi
lowlnir solution
As there is a bottle of some alco
holic drink right beside Mr Gump. I
thlnK he must have been drinking some
and thus imagines he sees ' old pepm
Lizzie, as jou call it I suppose th'
Dottle contains liquor Vi'e all know that j
alcohol has such peculiar effects on the
Users. Theiefore. this is a logical bo
lutlon for such a mvster, although it
may not be the same solution as Mr
Farrell Pa Feb 9
All Right, Little Girl
To the Editor of the iieniiio Public Ledger'
Sir Today (Thursdaj ) I saw tho
piece o news in th Li-doer baying a
present of a signed picture in colors of
tho Gumps family will be given to the
first reader who sends i correct solution
of the mystery of the Woman in Black,"
so I am making an effort
Thl Is the. story
This face at the window is the face
who is acqua'nted with Uncle Blm He
must know who It ii. because, he acted
so queerly sine It began appearing at
the window, and it started when he was I
""there. First, Andv -aw it then Min
t-n Chester and then Uncle Blm
TOeht after he saw it he announc-d his
Intention of leaving, this face had ome-
thinff to do w Ith it The face is not the I
'face of a spiritual being, but the face
OI a living person Tpe Hat Is not I
haun'ed They are going to do some '
harm to Uncle Blm Either that thev ,
will get hlb fortune bv killing him or
that he did something to them and hv
are getting even (aa we s ij ) The face
Is still appearing at the window ,o that
they will get uneasv and inquire of the,
Whereabtiuts ot UncitS Bim and llnd that
be 1m dead.
T nrrt nlAtn A.iru nlrl .nrl I am 111!
T1!!. r ,-. ,1 i- ti.. i ct.1 rpt.t r I
Vrtnitr" iu n L.i . Jt.. . ",.r,,i i i jm
Know- is a detective stpiy ami Js I am
micicBitru in iiict; bLUilfH k am luiiuttiufi
It If I am not correct with mj story
you could rjut It In the back of the
XEDoen with the Gumps picture, but do '
not addrebs me with mv vvnole name
Yours respectfully. V B
P. S I think tho face is the face of
a, man
You Will Know By and By
To the Editor of the Evening Pub'ic Ledger
Sir We get the Lldoeii everi eve
ning In which I alwavs look after the
I think that the ladj at the window is
Uncle Blm s wife who is after his
monej and he does not want her to
know- it and that li why t nele Blm left
and now she knowb that Andj has some
and Is after his now
And anynav if mine is not right will
you please tell us who It is at the win
dow 1 am verv anxious to Know who
'it Is and I guess everybody else is
anxious to know nd 1 would like to
have a picture of the Gumps' familv, but
I wish this is right. Yours truly
Ago eleven jears
Mr. Slick's Face
To the Editor of the Lvenmg Public Ltdger
Hr I am a great follower of jour
"artoons and enjoy them better than any
other In regard to the face at the win
dow It is ms Idea that It is Mr Slick
tne Wild Canarv. Agent, who came
around to see If Andy had received any
money irom dear Uncle Blm
T nm ,
your raithful follower,
624 Walnut street Coatesville Pa
Thank You, Hortense!
To the I dltor of the Evening Vublu Ledger
S!lr T tlilnl. tVul j t-rrvttti if ttteti vt.rp
, .... ..... . I.-.. , t.i t.. I
K"'t1i! .: T...'"""" '.".""."'" ..
tho window and thev thought that some
one had come in to haunt them . that is
what I think the face at the window is
I love to rp.id the Gumps , they are so
comical I hope I get the picture for
I would like to ice It Write and tell
me whether I am going to get It I
nm a little girl eight -.oars old I am in
the Fourth B Grade Good-bv
I hope to get it
Uncle Blm's Wife
To the Vdttnr nt die l tuttinn Piiblir .rrfoer'
TO Vie Latter or the Lvenuig ruaiie ueag-r
lr Inclose please find the solution to i
the mysterj of the face at the window.
It is Uncle BUnn wife who he mar-
.1,1 In A,,ulrll 1 ,lerto,l r,r,i tull
Ing the Gumps of his secret
She has shadowed linn from Austra-,
11a to the Gumps home Uncle Blm
seeing the face and recognizing it even
In Its shroud of black makes a hasty
exit, to tho great amazement of the
For Meicy's Sake!
To the Editor ot the Rv. i ig Public Ledger
Meanwhile I nolo li.m i wife has -.
... . .
Our Illustrated descrlptlvo literature "Tin
ld Uellable" mailed free on request Pa
,,tron should contract t onre to secur,
Uitesn from tholia early liatrhes
' llav your Incubating done by enwrts
romprtmeuta holding lbu tggs. (0 50
r;B Juf M
1 (LarKest Itatcherv In tho City)
i.i" W(W MllMirt MUecL Vhllauelphl'i. I'.
Mr-The mvbterloUH face at the win- ury I un-ralThuri . 2 p m par-nts' resi 'l a"a 'r'e&ld Ua hedral Ce n PHIadil. m.s. Church of Holy Name 10 a n, M:iX-tBmybV'vlivei8lolVo in
dow Is u dofcertid wife of Uncle HIiu'h denco 1H14 Philip st Int Ownniount Cm 'r.f m ' um -aln New' Cathodral Ccm. Auto service. otoVNOR reb lu ' of nnouinonla
tT,LrZ7rwyLXZ ofU:.lcVh:!c7oyd0,b; 3onc.NvUrUanLAhJu
about four or live vearw Uncle Bim got J, ""f, ufx Kensington Coumil No 0, f.JP -"B" Mt p,,) Cm ,..-, &rin?nt iriiate
all of tho inoiiov toKetiicr and left his Cin. innatus Lodge I O O V all other or- Ler"0nn I'eb 0 DOROTIIV, daughter of . LABKIN leb 0. ALgRED .f'AnLISIjB "VurkSk -Feb 10 nOSALIA n wife
Wife with two htldren nml little or no ganUatlons of which he was a number. In j0n and ,Ina Korr aged ti years Rela- Usband of late JI. ha Gray uLrUn aged f j nVJj!irKerf formreiy or ... N 0
money und went to Australia and every vlted jo '"'t'7n'ies.Mt,,huHran(111,ieJma ,n ' lives and rlend,mplted to funeral serves rv;laVnur.and12aonp8 m' IS.1," nU"KV rLf.''ral Kv?rf,lV'-.B """'t ','!
once In a while came uu to the state to 1 0N - ",Vi-reh 0 ILL .M. husband ft e'n3aPmaV' call Thura eve. P ' ton .t I'rlend. may call Wed , 8 to 10 p. Jlf-J 'ttlnuanveer "'ovSook Coronymdlirmoi t
see Andy, Mln ami Chester, maybe , of Catharine Donnallo aH II Relatives rrAefiTrv Feb U WlLLIAM OARTY Sr m Int fcllomo M B Churchyard Dela- , Kf nU," "V.Tv.rvcIm nSrSdai. '
Mffcun i 'in i ave lnt private
r&STlW&Vy JS1. HOWKS t Pottsvllle Pa Feb (
ftftnoSllCl -L he, ' CLIAAHUTH O daughter or lute John un
VlU'MhSiivVal i. C Annl Howes Relatives and friends Invite
vviinnffliNipjr . -.. , . funiTJl slslfr s resiuenie virs
BsGHII'sV viaoroii' i.
MuB runic
huntlnp for him, and a few months ago
s-e. pot In touch with Mln's mother and
arranged the nlehtlv nimnaceH to the
refrigerator. In which the. eating was
;my a nunu sue really conve-scil with
Uncle Blm's wife, and now they arc con
spiring against Undo Blm It was thev,
vho sent the tel gram to Uncle Blm lie
Is to go to New York and there ne u
o bo caught In the meantime, the face
i stalng there to see that the suk
"Icions of the Gumps are not aroused
"lease have Chester In some way llnd
them out and just save Uncle Dim n.
time and have Min Andv and rbeT
so with Undo Blm to Australia and live
In spl-ndor and richeb Have them dres
In silk satin, elet and furs and dia
monds galore to wear and ever thing
'"' a fain '"oWf alher " Halo" ,e,n" SK
rP nwnd the world and meet mother
use ilk
an." n lnt0. trouble again, nnd for mercy
sakes homething ecltlng like n murder
nnd a tragedv secret doors and wild
noises, etc , Hoping that this solution
Is tho correct one, I am, slnceiily jours,
Age twelve
A Guess and a Query
To the Editor of the Eicnlni; Putillc Ledger
Sir Some time ago Mln's aunt was to
visit her, but as time went on nothing
,is ss d ibout her
I read about the mster of the woman
in black and a prize was offered to the
one who solved tho mvUery I believe
the woman In black Is Mln's aunt Yours
P S Why did tho man who lived on
the top floor move? RUTH COHEN.
It Is the Landlady!
To the Editor ot the Evening Public Ledger
Sir I think the face at the window
in the Gump family Is the lnndladj
Wenonah, N J.
P O Bo 273
Wicked Uncle Blm!
To the hditor of the Evening Public Ledger
Sir And and Mln will soon find out
t'nc Bim has been misappropriating
mone He Is in charge of a large es
tate, and as the missing heiress has just
returned to claim her own he has real
ized the fact bv the face at the window
aim naa departed in a ru-h bhe 1 after
,''" iF ms incnery un ' wim will .Mm
and that mothe--ln-law do "to poor
And " It is good-bv Uncle Blm
S603 Angora avenue 'Wet Phila
Lost Without Paper
To the .Editor of the dciilm; Public icdocr'
oir i saw jour article in tne "vening
Piper about the Gumps and I have been
solving the mjstery for some time
1 think that Uncle Bim hah married
this ladv and then did not want hei, and
she knows he has a lot of monev and bhe
wants the monev Hoping my answer is
right Yours truly,
414 Oak Lane Wayne, Pa
PS I enjov Min" and "Andi" -ver
much When mv father does not bring
the paper home I am lost
Former Bronx Assemblyman Gets 5
to 10 Years as Anarchist
New Yoilt, I-b. 11 (III A 1'.)
Five to ten veats. ill tato ptiiou was
the entente mipoveil in the SupicuiL
Coutt toil.o on Hinjiimu Gitlow.
forwill. I5.,n. armblju an, convicted
, .10i ,.,., ti1(, tutc criminal uu irehv
0I !'" ic situc , criminal uuarcuj
st" lte . . . . . ,
im 111.11,0 m- uit ir-i u oi nuun
ti(Hoc.ttin Mie ovet tin on nf government
b fotce
published in Hcvo'utioniiiv
.Ke f
which Gitlow was business
VriCI.rY At Milltown N
Feb 0
GEriRUDE H wif of Kel&o C Acklev ana
d lushter ot ite T s Himmond ReUtlvo
anJ trlind, ,nUtj to funeral servkes Fri ,
p m
ritv N
ly tiilou nouge ave , Aiianuc
J Int Harleigh Cem Camden. ,
VLLEN" At 1744 N 15th st Feb 0,
juhv allv ueiatives ami irienas l.
D Biker Post. No SOAR invited to
funeral servl r Thurs 3pm chapel of
Andrew J Balr & son nh and l'Uh st.
Int private West LiurU Hill Cem
ALLEN Feb 8 NELLIE wlfn of Gen
J Allen (nee Nlcho &on) Relatives and
friends invited to funeral services Thurs
2 P ill J015 N Tine st Int Mt Peace
Cem Friends may call Wtd 8 to lu p m
ARDIS On Feb 0 1020 ELLV. D
ARDIS daughter of late W Wright H and
Anni A Ardls Relatives and friends In
vlted to funeral service on Thursday, at
'J p m at residence 3038 Hazel ave. Int.
private Arlington Cemttr
ATKINS Feb 0 GEORGE B. wife ot
Edward B Atkins Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral services Thurs , 10 i m
-.401 Westford road Olnev Int Nortliwood
Cem Friends mai cull Wed . 8 to 10 p in
AFTENREITII Feb 7 of influenza
LARA wife . f Eugene Autenrelth nged 43
r unerai Thurs 1 p in husbands resi
dence 001 vv Sterner st Int private,
Northwood Cem
BAKER Of pneumonia, Feb "
CHARLLS II son of Annie and late John
Baker aged 13 Funeral Thurs 1pm
-031 W Indiana ave. Int private Ncrth
wood Cem
BVLDI Feb s of influenza pneumonia
ROSE daughter of Charles C A and
Louise E Baldi aged 27 Funeral services
private 310 Green lane. Int. private Omit
BALLINGER Pudd-nlv. on Feb 0 in
Washington D C. ELSIE MacKEOWN.
w fe of T leutenant Coirmander I N L Bal
lii ger Due no'i a of funeral will be given
from residence of her aunt Mrs William b.
L)od Ctermantown P3
li vmccii.i.v i eo ttt vuiuv
wife of
JeremUh Barsuglid Funeral Fri 8
1 son a residence Ferdinand J Birsuglla 3(,09
W hltbv ave Requiem high mass Church of
I Most Blessed sa( rament 0am Int Hol
Cross Cem Relatives and frunds all so
cieties of which she was u member, in
1 vlted to attend
I BARTHOLOMEW Feb 10 of pneu
Imonli LHARLLS nibODOKL son of David
T und lato Bertha Bartholomew aged 27
Funeral Fri 2pm "ttio 1, Llpplncott st
Int nrlvnte
BEAN -Feb 7. MARY WRIGHT, wife of
Lewis U 1'ean ltelatlves und friends in
vlted to service" Thurs 12 30 p in . resi.
nee of daughte Mrs W B Fox 47
State rd Cvnwvd Pa Int Morris Ccm,
Phoenlxvllle Pa Truin leaves Broad St.
Station ut 11 31 a m
BEESLEY Of pneumonia Feb 8 ED
WIN 2tF t usband of V llzabeth Beesley (nee
CornweP) and son of Elizabeth anaTlate Wil
liam Beesiev aged 44 Funeral service.
Thurs 2pm 1824 E Oakdalo st. Int
private Greenwood (K of P ) Cem Member
Lincoln Ntst No 1831 O O O . and em
plove Water Bureau Lardner s Point.
t.r.T T tV.f.DU A lt'..t.lnvlnn T f"
0f pneumonia leb II hLSIL MacKEOWN!
wire of Lit ulenant commander 1 M Ij.
nMllnB L. s N- anJ jauBhter of Mr.
James MacKeown I unerai services Thurs
11 a m aunt n residence Mrs William S
Ll.tvd .MT 1 W Harvey st Germantown
BENNETT t (ape May N J Feb 8
JOHN I" BENNETT aged 70 Services at
his late home l.ui -wew iorg uve cape
May N J rhuts 1 30 p. m Int Cold
bpnni' ( em
BEN.-iON Thursday. Teb 3. 1020 MARY
C ALI EN widow of Charles M Benson
at.ed 8 J years I"uneril services were held
last (Tuesdav) evening at her lato residence
01 E Duv.il st Germsntown Interment pri
vate tins (Wednesday) evening
BLAKLLY Of pneumonia Feb 8
iii-i.i-n ii daughter of Henry and Cath
erine Hlakely (nee Bader). aeed 18 member
and friends invited to srvlcj-s I rl 1 30 p
' ,,";, J, J ir.kl.rtto iSSBi
I maj i all Thura eve
I10VVHUI. reb S of onumonla MARY
O widow of William It noswell and daugn
tr nt lata Thomas H and Mhtv U Gntdey
l'unerai Thurs 2 t in 5842 Baltimore
undy 418 Fairvtevv st Pottsvllle. Pa.
Thurs 8 30 a m Holemn high mass or
requiem bt Patrick s Church 10 a m Int
bt Patrick a Cem
KRTS UOWUIth at ISIS Pine st Duo no
tlce of funeral vvill be glvt-n
hr husband of Jeannette Ilrookg (nee Hoff
ner) aged 67 Relatives and friends Mellta
Lodge No 29S V und A M Jerusalem
II A Chapter No J Mary Commundery
No 31 K T Alasonlc Veterans Joppa
Council No 4B I.u Lu Temple Mystic
Hlirlne trustees of the Trinity Lutheran
ill 1. .... T.l.ll., 1(hI., -., Imrii&ft ..
fnnfrol Krt P ni S0J3 . Uroad et.
Efrteili?' Evangelical Lutheran Church of
StRlS'i!,' 8,?.m tn '"'iirch grounds
i.2i 0WN 1- "i BERTHA, wlte-ef Ben
JJ. MnJBrow."' "Eed 53 Relatives Hnd friends
LlVi1 to.'uneral services, Fri. 10 n m.
parlors Morris Rosenberg's Son 2009 N.
Broad st Int private.
liULhMAN Of pneumonia. Feb 0 rest
'i'n,ce t brother, chnrles w aross noo
Jf"V?arr ,$ ,S "v"' MA1,lT1IA ""."liV
I ?L J?J"fi, U"c.5mS "',DP?ci.?' .
nun vv
daughter of Daniel G nnd late Mary Gross
A-uuvioi services ana ini private, uoyies
town Fa , Fri
iniVT-LER.r"I'.h . n of pneumonia. CATH
. , ," w,f". "f ,ohn Butler and daughter
of John and Cithnrlnc Qutglej Funeral,
Thurs in a tn L"i Osborne st Wlssa
hlrkon Int bt John the Baptist Cem
riSAiVi!v,i-i?J.T",!', " or lobar Pneumonia,
Cfc.( ILIA STELLA wife of Lawrence Calla
han and diughter of Harvey and Mary
fcchu tz need, Jl Funeral Thurs J p m .
parents resident" 8"2 13 Westmoreland st.
Int nrlwi'e Northwood Ccm
CAMPBELL V h R .innv h,tt.f,n
:mcllne S Cimplwll .. fcnii; , rf
n,! frt. ni.. i j lW
Pa , Thurs 2pm
mt c-helten llllla Cem
cf lt Thnm-vs and Mi v Cernev
ir. ".urn -r.H'ncs iirrt fi"",n art lnvltrd,
Thurs , S 30 a 111., 2433 S ltancroft st bol-
', "nasi of rectulem nt hutch of St,
, rC.'i,RS,V.I:'vrIb ,7' nt Aharon mn WIL
LIAM VV hUSbanit rrf Annln Tl Punlev
K;iVurr?Lani?, i ?IP, J..:?Ph. !
lSIFlPl CflrSlflV TtAllltltaa nn.l f.Un.t. In
vlted to funeral, Thurs , 8 30 a m daugh
ter's residence. Mrs James Gallagher 241S
J!"1?.'.!' IJn'emn high reciulem mas bt
Kllzabelh i Church to a m Int New
Cfl i.n.' " n tn f,.na;
CLAOHORN Of Influenaa at the Gunter
ii'."''"" !H.A si ann iiaitimore ave
Feb 10 HENRY SHERHKRD, son of Olivia
und late J I.awrence Claghorn Fun rnl
r.rl.,,ln i"1,HlP iri - p m. ouver li
COLEMAN Of pneumonH Feb
v MI -
chall J husbind of Ellle r Coleman
i uiicrHi jaurs n a m . fii vvvalualn
avcy l'hlla Int Holy Cross Cem
'"' t-TJN . rvt, 10 of innu.n
PETER FRANrm son e m. ..i.. i.f -
Peter Column Fune al bat S10 a m
J".1 alra" SI ni private New Cathe
dral Cem
COLLOM Fph n nrAT?T.rc: t. &.....1 j
Rebecci W Collom nged 81 Rplatlvn
and friends invited to funeral Fri .
! 10
V- i"1 , tram .1" P'"n Dunl.ird Meeting
"1 Sta "'"
COOK -Feb 0 ANNAT. wife of Patrick
II Conk nnd daughter Of lato Robert nnrt
t.i H. ' v"" 4 u- P '" xrain to Am-
Anna Dolo Ilelat vet and friends Invited
,-u .uncial Amirs o ow a m l'ol'7 .v yar
tain st Solemn requiem mass Church nf
Our Ladj of Merrj 10 a m Int. Hol
Jbemilrhre Cem
CORBETT Feb 0 MARY, widow of Den
nis Corbett Relitlves and friends Invited
to funeral Fri S la a m .1318 Yocum st .
vvest Phi'a Solemn nqulem mass Church
Most Precious fcacrament 10 a m Int Holy
Cross Cem Auto funeral
CORR Of Inllu tz i .tnd pneuminla nn
F b h 19J0, AONES wife of John Corr and
daughter of Thornii ind Marj Hi rlngton
of Charlestnwn LcunU Maio. I eland aged
19 veir FunT I prlv ite on Thurs mo-nine
at 10 o'clock, fnm her late residence,
' , Hon Mawr u lni. st
Denis's Cem.
COSTELLO Of pneumonia. Feb 10
THOMAS J husband cf Unity A Costalln.
at 3I)J2 N Broad st Funeril and Int pri-
.. t uii.c.ticiiwe oi lauiitj j
t-HUbSOV Feb 0 RACHEL A. (nee
Ward' widow of Edw ird Crosson Relatives
and frlen 's invited to funeral Prl R 30
I a m l!t3S7 Aramlngo ave Solemn reoulem
i mass st . Ann's Church 10 if Jn Int New
cathpflrai cem
, Ct-MMINS Feb 0 MARY, widow of
vviliiam Cummins Relatives and friends
Altar bocietv of the Isltatlon Church In
vited to funeral Fri . S 30 j. m , 2240 N
Howard st solemn Mch mass of requiem
( hiirch of the Visitation 10 u m Int
Holy Sepulchre Cem.
DALLAS Feb 'i of pneumonia ELIZA
BETH daughter nf John C and Lvdla H
Dallas and granddaughter of lite T lomas
and Elijaboth Dallas Funeral Fri a m .
r 1 fct of fat rr 1311 Vlden Rt Int
Milfo-d Del . on arrival of tnin leavlig
i -jum ot aia rnna . t .'o a m
Int prl-j
D'VIb Feb 10 EARL O son of Rea
trlce G and lato Samuel J Davl nged 17
mon'hs RelTtives ind friends invited to fu
neral services Thu-s 10 30 a in parents'
residence .010 N Bouvicr bt Int. Mt
Pea co Cem
DIEHL On Tcb 10. 1'120 WM ED
WARD DIEHL of Pneumonia Now Britain
Conn formerlv of Philadelphia son of the
late Margaretta Wetherill and Thomas I
Dlehl i
DIXON At Wayne Pa , Teb 8 ELIZA
BETH, widow of Thomas Perrj Dixon, aged
1 Relatives and friends invited to service
Thurs 2 p in Oliver II IUIr R.ds , 1820
Chfstnut t Phlla Int private
..i n xjut cbau uuu tiuuuiuer ot toepnine
and late Jjmes A Murphy Relatives and
friends H V M sodality of bt Francis of
Asslssi's Church Invited to funeral. 4412
Germantown av.. , Thurs s .10 a m High
mass of reaulem st Fr.intlw nf AcqIcmI a
unurcn iu a m lni lloly sepulchre Cem
DONNOLL Of pneumonia Teb 9
Kplatli ia nn,1 ri - ,. r' , nvitti Bfi ti-va i nnir iiu," w n ,i,., real.
II ! Va vitt "I ''''" No I ,ienee ot daughter Mrs Florence M Rich.
Fer S'n "nil n,K..?VtmoVtoSn U..Av.Chi?i rt y"n D-'nhln- st Oinev Tnt. nrhate
er .No lis Robert Morris Council. No 41 QR1FF1THS On Feb 10 1020 of bron
t Invito i J"r?,J9 1.rlb0 .No J? .' ?.,. U chn-pneumonla JOSEPH GRlrtlTHS. hus
"ove'anft I,uJSS,,5en' BW y"l" fcl" ?? Emily M. Orimths a,red 75 year.
... ..vr. ...... ... uui, , . unerai services on naiuniHy, ut i d. m .
tiair Ujdg lsjn chestnut st i"rlnds nnd Thur, 11 a m Ml" Spruce st """"
"lorlYe".' rn;at-oodrad,?'eiCan LC" HAVJ -Feb 'o DBlffHA?wlf. of Her-
CLARK Of ineumnVjR MJ S ."n,,,. man Hanau nnd moMer of Mrs A L Kop.
J widow of aC3S' lw,ii .'JIZA Pnhelm Relatives and friends. Krakauor
irlvltc Fri In m "to IH.'".3 Chevn Quetn Esther Lodge nvlted to serv-
EI!. .IS ' " x P "' 30 Paso st. Int t. ThUrs 2 i m . 1008 N. 7th st Int.
7l of Catharine Donnollv "Ino C Hutchinson . aged 35 Relatives and
"incral private s it in i friends, W oodbury Fire Dept , city officials
azier st Int' !l..l Woodbun Glow ester County Firemen's
azier st int bt Denis s A ,, and A M No s7 , 0 o. F ,
JAit t nusoanti or
1 (nee Ormond) Funeral
m iai i l razier
Cem Auto funeral
of Patrick Doughertv Uesidenie 3727 N
Carlisle bt Due notice of funeral wi 1 be
band of Idv Dowd (nee Kullman) and i-on
oe uennis ana nie Ann i uowd
aged 2it
HeUtivts and rrjemis L ntted I odf
rso oo
B of F E. and Reading It R Relief
Vsto Invited to funer.tl bit S 10 a m I parlors vt leffrlcs & Keates 1713 Atlantic
residence of father .10(1) ( olllns st Solemn .ave Mlinllt (Its. N J Int private
reinliem mass Church of the Nativity 10 a. j JONES Of pneumonia, ETHEL MAY,
m Int Holy Sepulchre Cem Paterson, N. wife of Alfred Lester Jones (nee Rank)
J papers copv I aged -t Member of the Ladies' Branch, No
Dl FTY Feb 0 of pneumonia MARY 20 Grrtnd rraternity Funeral Fri , 3 p, m
A wife of Alphonsus L Duftj daughter I Int irivdte Greenmount Cem.
of Mrs Ann McCann lliner il Thurs. 11 KANE 1 eb 0 of Influenza KATIIA
a m 1112 tilth ave Germantown (near I RIM- T KANE daughter of Catharine and
-1st st and Chcllen ave ) Int Holv Cross I late Jimes Kane Funeral Fri . 10 a
Un in mother s residence 1230 S. 23d st int.
DLNCJAN suduetuv J'eh n JOHN
JA' OBY husband of Vlaiv Duntan Rel
atives and rrlenui invited to funeral services,
residence of brother I ort Washington Pa ,
Fr 11 k ni Int nrlv Ue
EBY Feb 10 1V.DIA V. widow of
C C ement Eby Relatives and friends In
vited to service Fri 2 ji m 4301 Klng
sesslng ave tnt private Arlington Cem
EICKHOFF Feb li of influenza CLARA
b , wife of Gustav Elckhoff and daughter
of Anthonv and lato Anna It Wenzell aged
42 runeral services l rl 2 pm, BO03
Jjclison ot Fnnkford Int private
husband of Ida Yomer Llchhorn aged 03
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv
ices Fri ,2pm 1110 Colling, ave , West
Collingswood N J Friends may call Thurs
eve Int Mt Peace Cem Philadelphia.
ELSASSER Of pneumonia Feb 8. PAUL
M.. son of George ji and late Rebecca El-
sasser aged 3u I unerai services private.
r rl 1J a iu mine a leaiuenot-, fleeting
House road near 2d st pike Meadowbrook.
Pa Int prlvdte.
FARNHAM At W:,,.4 Rarre Pa on
aged So father of Mrs samu"! D Warriner
of this city i unerai Thurs 2pm
FERGLSON Of pneumonia Feb 10
Norrls st I unerai Thurt 2pm resi
dence of sister Mrs l.litn Chrlsts 3J27
Sprlntr Ciara--n si , jri private
VT'RYtlL Feb 8. ADOLPH F. husband
of Ellen Fevhl and son of Frederick O and
Louisa T Fehvl ac.ed 43 Relatives and
friends members or Kensington Council
No J A O S Engineers, Manumuskln
Tribe No 13 I O It M , Eagle Castle
No 2 K G L and Brewery Engineers
Union invited to funeral Thurs . 7 30 a
m 20J3 N Masctier st Requiem mass bt
Bonlfaclus a Church Dam Int. Most Holy
I iScHLR-Feb 0 of pneumonia MVE
I.OLISL wlfo of George H Fischer and
daughter of Mary and late Josepn A. liarrer
oi .viary ana idis joaepii a. iiarrer
Funeral services Fri, 1 p m, 3718
f'Vi.T,' ,",q "v"V, ;V rVm ' "
t-i .1. VTlG Feb I). THOMAS J . Sr .
husband of lato Sallle W Fleming aged S
Relatives and friends Welcome Circle No
" B of A Pottowottomlo Tribe No 94
1 O R M and Carpenters' and Joiners'
t'ni'n Local No J9J. Invited to funeral
s rvites daughter's residence Mrs Lldle
stjclous 020 Benson si , camoen. J
III 2 n m Int Harleigh Cem
t-i ,..
, te-tiu-t
rntir aiier t o
to OJth st and walk west two squares.
i lyn.n In Newark N J , eb tt
AN Ml widow of 1'lerco I'ljnn fnee Dal
.rrl) formen v oi x us yi uin'" "
.MIf Thur, n 1(1 a m 031 N Ht
llernard st Solemn requiem mass pur
Mother of borrows' Church 10 am Int
Cathedral Cem Relatives and friends In
vited Auto service
OKMUNDEK Of pneumonia Feb 8
HAntiT .iFMnu, nt Inhti flemtinder (nes Cb-
Sr) Relatives and friends Rosary Society
n iiintu1 (Vhtirch
Urldesbarg Invited
to funeral. Thurs 8 am. i-OJJ Pratt st.
widow of John Hafgeant Oerhard Funeral
sVrvices Thurs 10 30 a m Church of St
Asaph Bala. Pa
GII.DKA -Of pneumonia Feb 7. WIL
LIAM R husband of Kilzabeth M Olldea
(nee Gallagher) and son of late Thomas and
llary Glldea Funeral Thurs . 10 30 a. in .
2210 Fltzwater t Int. private.
UILI.1A.MS At Collingswood, N J , Fab
10 JOHN FARn Jr aged S years Due
notice of funeral vein pa given.
rhttrrh ot 6ur Mother if Sorrow. U a. in
fnt Cathedral Ccm. o"ws u a. in
N'uJ'iL :?L:"-r,R" ie'o'l.A'VKn 0 "!
... . -. ,.-,. in s, wv ,.' (.'I.tvii Inaa .11 1 1IJ.1 u uu.uaiiu ". . .... .. ...tiimail I
uiu iritMiti; '"' . v..'"'-".- Mi.V 7010 S No 301. P. O S. of A . Protection Val invila to all
in ro"i'i"';."'0","""?. I.','.' ,l. iwhre Nn 24.i: I O. O I'.. Blaine Castle. - P .pi Irom nis
.btJwrsThVch HlghiTPark" 10 SoTiii. KG E. of o...t,n. .Pa . In. st vv ha nt
i . . tt. iTniv Cross cem lUKe eevdiea
17.,nBrnl ThUrB. 0 JU H m Udl IK Ol vr,w -- -,, , .. ,, , .
i.i. n.nli and Johanna Oleasn- Fu P m residence of son-in-law William Ko
Sera? Srliati Thurs 7'Jo "a m residence del 2203 N 8th -t. Int NortlmDoJ Cem
SrSipWThim.. L,Glea.on MST Lud U'r1,!'?AT'2VFeb.S 8.1 of" In'Suenra
Tnt rathedrnl Ccm,
aOETTC Fub. 10, QUSTAVK P.. hu-
bond of Irene D (Joette (lies Jackson), ltet-
atlves and friends emnloes of Curtis l'ub-
ilshlnir Co , the Beneficial Society of the
cipsniiicn 01 ma .uriia i -umiibiiiuis ,u , rum.
Chllds Circle, No. at ' II. of A. Invited to
funeral service. Sat , 2 P m , 2447 W. Tur-
inc rressmen's union, no 41 ueorne v,
ner st. Int Mt Pcne Cem atcmalns may
be viewed Fri. after 8 p m.
ULDUEHU Feb . jeambtte, widow
and friends Invited tn funeril, Thurs , 10 30
a mentis invueu in lunerii, inurs, iuw
m , (124 W. Cliveden ove , Uermantown.
ln( r'hnllnt, llllta r,amaln,V
a O U L D Y Of pneumonia, Feb. 7, Oliver II, Balr Bid. 1820 Chestnut st. Int.
CHAUI.uy N.. husband of Annie C. Oould Lafuetto cem ,
(nee Fltipatrlck) and son of late Harry and . MacDO.S'AI.O Of pneumonia In Norrls
Kirah aouldy Services Thurs . 2 p. m . B3I5 J?wn, r,a J'',cb.l' ALEXANDEil It . . son of
De Lancey Bt Int. prlva'e, Ternwood Cem "JJ'S ,lt SfacDonald. .aeed 23 nelatlves
QUEEN Feb 10. IDA VIP.OINIA. widow ??d,Ifrltnd,'', Invited tt runerjl from chapel
of Horace P. Green and daughter of lato 2,'," J KoKU"?hat,z, 7,s Swcde. "iv.??"
John and Mary. P. lleatty. Relative, and C1"'??" P Fri . 11 a, m Int private.
irienas. invited to lunerni Mryiee, rn., .'
P tn N L. cor. Jackson and Jefferson esT
Mpdln Pa Int nrlati?
OIUEVir -Feb li ot Influenia. LYDIA.
widow of Simuel V Orleves. ad 81. Fil-
7. ".., . .'.. "t' "' M " ?.
" ivii. III""'. "'"12 .?." '""'
Pimofdl aieilnna nn CifttrrlOV nf l n
at residence 'S427 Chestnuf st. Int. prl-
vateSWest Laurel Hill Cemetery,
F Qrog'aii (nte hnnaghan'). Relative and
rriendi lnvltrd to tunerai 'rnurs , H 10 a m ,
130'. N, 0th st Solemn requiem mass at St,
Michael's; Church, 10 a m. Int. private.
Auto fune-al
I!.IV. husband f h. lato Mi-? H?.ln..n th
HAINSWORTH On Feb 0, 1020. WIL
ltelatlves and frlerMs of the famlb, Conti
nental Lodge No 100 Order Sons of St.
George, urn respectfully invited to funeral
Thurs . 8 30 am. from the residence ot his
eon In-law Andrew A Brop.iy 2S30 N.
Front st Solemn requiem mass at the
'hurrh of Visitation 11 V, M at 10 a m
Hop SomiVre Cem
HALL Of pneumonln reb 8, FLOR
ENCE E , daughter of Penrose S .and late
u n..t --,' v... vt. Atni
1 fit. v i .,, ..v
-.. .. . , ! t'V.u .-r-f
irAvtrV pi T, , n J.mi, satiai?
HANLEleb of pneumonia. SARAIt
.. ilu 11 pS"'!, Xm nlsia?tf?i,Sfl.MeiV'
:"'"'!'r'-,8tp ?h,.S?.4.MVx"knc.fleV"-
I leeq
1 "err. untown
Int. Charles Uans Cpiu ,
lle?,d,lnJWn t
M VNNEQAN Ot pneumonia, at resi
dence rear of .t27 S Lawrence st Feb 7.
M V.RV. diughter of late Hugh and Eunice
Hanneean (nee Sweenej) Lolemn requiem
r- is ill n "sin ior repose or ner stmi tn
it. Mur's Church. Thurs. I) 30 a
neral will be private Tnurs 10 30
m ,
ni. r,0 r
i " uAKf -Feb 8 !' MARYr widow "ot James
I "' f 6 Rtla".",s a"d 'i'SSh'"."
to servicer ThJrs , J I. m. 4133 Chestnut
J5 s 4tn st Int lit
6t Int -,!rlV?.t'!
HVLN Of nneuinonli Tb 0 CATII-
RNF M daughter of Fredericka L and
late William F Ilniiii. Funeral Fri 3
.p m 133J Wigner avo Int. private at
1 nrt' -oil Cem
I HFI.SCH At 4024 N. 11th st . Feb O
I JULIA widow of Alfred Heks.cn Relatives
I nd frlendi Invited to serviLe.vThurs . 11
I a m. Oliver H Rjir B ds 1820 Chestnut,
''..."l.,," h,'.n?.1 (kcm . . .,'
' -A;ti'rtirv...u. -", .;'T-nr. w "x.t""'i
1 Services private. Thurs. 2 30
JitlO E Chelten ave . Germantown. Memher
of Lodge No 0 F. and A M , and Glrard
Assemblj, No 8, A S M. P. Int. Nortliwood
Pelitlvt-s and friends invited to funeral
Thurs S JO a ill funeral apartments of
VV J Revnolds 1821 Spring Garden st
High mass nt Cathedral 10 a. m Int
dihedral Cem
HOLLYTVOOD Feb. 7 of pneumonia.
EL1ZA1ILTH C wife of James .1 IJnlly
w od und diuqhter of Wltllvm end late Har
riet L Howe Relatives and friends Invited
to funeral Thurs , 12 30 p n , 2421 Man
ning st Int private. Holy Cross Ce n Auto
IIOTEN I en v oi innuenza. KATH-
AR1NE V wife of Philip Hooten. daughter
nt Trtsrnh nnd Katharine Hnolen Fttnernl
fri 8 JO a m. sao jasper st. int. uoiy
--r.. .i- .-- .. . - j:-r
senttlrhre Cem
HORNE 1 eb 8 of Influenza. CECELIA
C wife of Richard T Home 1 unerai.
Fri 'J i m 1730 N btlllman st. Int.
private llo'v Cress Cem
HURD Feb 0. TRANIC M . husband of
Luelli M Hurd (nee Mclvor) aged 43 Rel i
tliew nnd fr ends Invited to services. Fri .
3 30 p m 0203 Rulst ave Int. Mt. Morlah
cem i rienus iim t.ti nura. eve.
HUBERTY Feb 8 JOHN B , husband
of Elizabeth V Huberty Relatives nnd
friends Court Washington. No. OB. T. of
A . Irternatlonal Wood Carvers' Assn of
North America, Victor Co-operative Bene
ficial Assn . Invited to funeral Thurs , 8 a
m parents' residence 703 Hunter et ,
Gloucester Cits, N J High mass St. Mary.
Church U a. m int bi. iiarys ctm,
HURD Feb II, FRANK M. husband ot
Luella M Hurd (nee Mclvor). aged 43 Rel t
tlves nnd friends Invited to the service,
Fri 3 n in . at itJOl Bult ave Int. Jit
Morlah Ccm Friends may call Thursday
IU'HsT Of pneumonia Feb 10 JOHN
TOMPKINS husband of 1 thel stiles Hurst
and son of Annie E and late John 11 Hurst
Services 'lliurs , 8 3o a m 4007 N Marvlne
St. Int private West Laurel Hill Cem . Fri
HLTi m.-surs At ivoouDury .,. j , i el)
THOMAS on of lite James A nnd Cath
No 34 I' O H of V and L O O M , No
2Sl) of Woodbury, -v J , invited to funeral
Fri , 1 p m (il Delaware st , Woodburj-.
N' J Hit private Trlends maj call Thurs
7 to 0 p m
JONl s At Atlantic City N J Feb 0
i Dr JOHN ROsCOL bon of Laura Frone-
unlet viuun ana nusuana or Florence liouis
.TnneK 1 unerai services Thurs J n
' prlv.tle uoiy cross cein
KENYON Feb 7 BRIDGET wife ot
James Kcnvwi Relatives and friends,
Fplphanv Altar Socletv invited to funeral,
Ihurs S 10 a m 2406 8 11th st. Solemn
mass of reaulem Eoiohanv Church 10 a m
Int H i crn' Om
KERNAN Of pneumonia, Feb 0 MAT-
Tlicvv v nusDanu oi Agnes ivernan ueia.
tlves and friends 3lst Police District. Police
Ht neticUl Vfsn all other societies of which
he was a member invited to funeral, Tiiur. ,
10 a m .003 W. Harold st Int. private.
Holy bepulchro Cem Auto funeral,
KlGLilN reb o MAKI. widow of John
Klggln Relatives and friends, also Di
vision No is Ladles' Auxiliary, A o II .
St AgneB s Ladls Ben Society, invited to
funeral Thurs , 8 30 a m . residence of
daughter in law. Catharine Klggtn (nee Bar
ron) IJJ. Itomaln st . Frankford Solemn
icqulem mass bt Joachim'. Church 10 a. m
Int St Dominic'. Cem
late, Stephen Decater and Catherine S
Kille funeral services Fri ,2pm 07
llarnxinv t Pennsgrove. N J Int River
view 1 mi Pennsgrove
KING Of pneumonia, Feb p WH LIAM
TCM1 PII son of Michael J and Sarah A
King (nee tannon) ui.ed 21 Funeral Ihurs ,
I) u in parents residence, 2S0U N W'ur
nock st Int uoiy wpuicnre uera
KMGHl' buddenlv
on Oth Inst Ht his
residence 4021 Pine st
.. .i. 1.1. ( utharlne W and Tt An,lrBlu.
Knight in his 6sth year ibervlccs and in-
Lritimit nrivate. Thurs . 12th in.t
KNOBUE Of penumonla, Feb 8 ROB
ERT F husband of Anna P Fries aged
33 Member of Washington Camp No 3S0
p ti 1 of A Columbia Circle. No 87 u
of A . II T of Pa.. Stonemen of the 2Stn
ward, and employes of E G Budd Mfg Co
Funeral Thurs . 3 JO p. m . 2301 w Oak
?ale ' low hh tVB')' lnt
mi 1'cau
, ", "V,,r Relatives and friends lnvlti
lou' v. !" ,M. m l! SSii 2?' -.
KltAYEll reo
0 MARIOJN. widow nf
to funeral, bat. J P.
Int North Cedar,iim cem aietnains may
.'em Jtemalns mVi
Ue viewer! r ri aiier '"..
KnhWSON Feb 8 RACHEL N wife
of Joseph VI Krevvson. aged 81 Relatives
snd friends Invited to funeral services
Thurs 2 p in residence of son In law,
FrederUk G Trout (120 N 4Sd st Int prl
int!. Fernwood Cem Remains may be
..iu..a.l Wed eve
' ; ... ' ' t-.u
IAC;ilJl'V. cn
if. n v rim. nt. int Drlvate. Arlington fVm
widow of 1'eter Iafferty KelntUes and
friends united to iunerai, inurn a 30
ra ca n i'H
cAuAVlNBL.Wowf .rrcderick I-
I V Z I" All Ui
Meir (nee Fltzpatrlck) runeral Fri 10 10
a in 1040 Belmont uve West Philadelphia
Int Cathedral Cem
LCV1IR Feb 10 LLLCN M wife of
late William iever uaeo ui i unerai jti
10 SO am 4734 Large t st .Frankford
LEVIS. Feb 9 EMELINE E . widow
nf Ezra Levis aged 00 Relatives and
friends invited to funeral Thurs 11 a m
residence of son in-law William Russell
103 N Monroe st Media Pi Int Private
OETT Relatives and friends invltid to serv
Ire Thurs 11 a m , Oliver II llilr Dldg
1820 Chestnut st Int. Riverside Cem Nor-
pliilnuin tin nn urrlval of train luvlnip
PhlU 1 07 p in ' Norristovvn Pa papers
copy ,
LlLlil I'en o Lie-xji i,ii.ui inee uoei
tie) widow or jonn cuiy agen nt ueia
i JANK; widow of Ilestore Llpplncotl, aged
. 1ncru, priVBte 6!i38 LocuJit ,t rullB,
8 of pneumonia L.
a .in, , hir ' lives and fr ends invited to runeral ihurs 1
Int. private, Mt Holly Cem., Mt. Holly, N. J
Mt, Holly pipers copy
L1VEZEY reb, n, llhawn at., Fox Cliasn
Philadelphia. I.AUHA, wife of John N
utry ineo llODensacK;, aReu
00. Duo
nonce or runeral will ha Klven
LOWvn Suaden y. Feb 0. OF.OIlOn
CinArLTJy. husband of Sara Haddock Lower.
Funeral sorvlceschapel of St. James's P. E.
Church, 22d and Walnut sts . 1'rl . 2 30 p.
m. int private.
PLIZA JANE dauahter of late John and
-uim jmk aausnter or inie jpnn ""
Marv Ann Lowry, iited 01 MelatUea and
frienHN Irntta tn . t.1. n Tfct.ra . 1(1 k
- .,; T : -r, v A '";..". nr. vvr MAT.TM.
p. ?UED0WA,nU "1 r State
unpral private, In .a in . o J-. iaio
' .Media. la Friends may call Thurs.. 7
t0,!AV o5V .. .. nnn
irALSEnn rh O nf nnrumonla. JOHN,
tlllslmnd nf Clenrirla ln1pH trip William-
son) ased R8 eon of lato Daniel S. and
l41ttl.cn M Malaea.1 Intn nf R2n Fpdftral St.
Kunernl F-l 2pm. 1033 Catharine st.
Int private.
MAHICl.KV Fh O .TAMES M. husband
of lato Emma P Markley, aged 74. Rela-
tlves and friends Invited to funeral services,
Oermnntown Brethren Church. Bail Ger-
ma "town nve .Sat . 2 3ft p m Friend'
may call Sat 12 to 1 p. m at residence of
Warren J Dean. 71)00 Oxford ave .- Fox
-, T - ,nn. n. .... ... t..
unase 1'niia
MAKi Feb 8 of pneumonia WALTER
L1STEV MARS husband of Margaret Mars
(nee Kelh), son nf Sarali and lato Martin
Mars Funeral Fri , 0 a m . 1805 S. 10th
et I"t Hlv Cross Cem
MAY. Feb 0, Captain WILLIAM, C.
MAY Relativei nnd friends Board of Di
rectors nnd employes Sixth National Bank:
Vessel Owners' and Captains' Association
Invited to funeral Thurs , 1 30 p m . 821
S. 48th st Services Calvary M E. Churqh.
48th and Baltimore ave, 2 p. m Int. prl
vat" husband of
McATEE Feb 10 J Q
f-t-e Relatives and friends
invited to services, Sat 11 a. in , 4820 Wai
rlngton ave Int, private
MCCARTHY reu a. DENNIS, husband
of late Marv McCnrthv, aged 72. Relatives
and friends Brlcklaers' Union Invited to
lunerui mur iu 11. in, rt-Biucuco 01 sun,
James McCarthi. 2105 Brldgn st . Frank-
fnrd Requiem high mass St. Dominic's
Cnre nam Int St Dominic's Cem
McCAW Feb 9 of pneumonia HELEN.
wlfenf Dav' 5'cCaw and daughter of Jom.
fnrri lldrttilom hlpti
nnd Mirv Ke iting (nee Coyle) Tunerat will
tako place sat , iu a in , parpnis residence,
871 N LH h st Int New Cathedral Cem
Auto funeril
vPKICKARD At nendln Ta . Feb
10 Itev JOHN A McCUICKAItn, aon of
James ani Martha McCrlclsartl. of 31T.1 N.
itn et rnunaeipMi iteerena ciersry. rei-
!'!? ".." V"u: '"' luuerwi in 01.
VS tL'rtlcSTglns 0 "o a m Ms., at
, " ' 3 int llSlv Cro.s Ceni Phil"
Trnln for Heading leaves Readllte Terminal
nt R Ifl
AIcDONOUOIt reb 0 JANE, wife of
John McDonough (nee Refolds) Relatives
and friends all societies of which she was
a member invited to funeral rrl., 8 30 a
in n"i4S Davon st Germantown. Solemn
high requiem mass Immaculate Conception
church Germantown. 10 a. m Int. Holy
sepulchre Cem
MclLIirNNY Feb 9 REBA. wife of J
Howard Mciirenn Relatives and friends.
"" " ou. " " ' ".."' "'. ""'.
J. invited to funeral services Thurs. 1 p
m . residence of uncle Frank White. 2860
N 7th bt Int. Brotherhood Cem., Mt.
Holly N J
McILVAIN At Woodbine East Downlnc
town P- Second Montff 0th J GIHSON
McILVVIV aged 73 Duo notice of funeral
MM - en
McOETTIGAN Feb 10 of pneumonia,
ANNA wife of Patrick McOettlgan (ne0
1 timber) Itinera! Fri . 10 a m , .13 Jeffer
ton tt , VV lanayunlc Int. private, West
minster Cem
MtGROGAN Feb 10 HUGH A husband
ot late MirBiret MrGrogan. Relatives and
friends Captain Walter S Newhall Post.
No 7, G A R Division No. 1. A. O H ,
of Camden N J invited to funeral. Bat ,
8 30 a m 11 W Oxford st Solemn re
quiem mass bt Michael's Church 10 a. m
Int Holv sepulchre Cem Auto service.
ttet.Kt'.iiijti rvu v. Ai,r..A. tjh:it tmn
MctlKhUUH reD v, ai.b.va.ueii son
, nn,,r. an,i Elizabeth McGregor and m,j
nnn nt lnte Charles and Ellen MrVV ililun,o
aged 4) Relatives and friends Invited t6 fu
neral bat 8 30 o m residence of parents
180rt E Ontario bt High mass Church of
Ascension 10 a m Int Holy Sepulchre
Ccm uto funeral
MeLAl GIILIN Of pneumonia Feb fi
Dr HVHRYA hubiind nt Ella McLaughlin
nco CJulnn) 1 "unerai Fri , 11 n ni . resi
dence of moth, r 3421 York road int prl
vate New Cathedral Cem Auto funeral
McLALGHLIN rel, 0. JOHN son of
Ella and late Dr Harrj A McLaughlin,
aged 2 e.rs 2 months Funeral Fri n
a in . residence of gr indmother. 3423 York
road Int privati. New Cathedral Cem
Auto funeral.
iMESbEMI R. aged 77. Relatives and friends',
r Oriental No 113. I. O O F., invited to fu
nerui er, ni.ro, --f " ' ' . irajuruco OI
son, Harry L Mebsemer. 2200 N 2Sth st.
Hit private West Laurel Hill Cem
MILLblt reb 0 of influenza, MARIE
wife of William A Miller and daughter of
Fdward and Marv Parr Tunerai prlvnte
Fri. 10 a in 2 iUtl b Mildred st Int
HoH Cross Cem ,
of Jimes R Molcnv Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral Thurs S ,10 a. m 700s
Lansdowno ave boleinn requiem mass Our
I Denis's Ccm
l.dUV Ol ivui.ttij' vimivH aw a in ml bt
MOON'EY At 1515 S 10th St., Feb
MARGARET E daughter of late William
and Jane Moonev Relatives and friends in
vlted to services rrl , 1 30 p m , Oliver H,
Balr Bldg , 1820 Chestnut st. Int, private.
MOORE Feb '. THOMAS husband ot
Mary J. Moore, formerly of ft Clair Pa
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
Ihurs 2 r m 414 Lincoln ave.. Colling
dale Pa Int Mt Zlon Cem Remains ma
bo viewed Wed eve.
MORCINMER Feb 9 at Chester. MI
friends Dlv No 10 A O H , and employes
of Amerit in Steel Foundry Invited to fu
mral Ihurs 8 30 11 ni 2824 W 11th st.
Chester. Pi High mass of requiem at
Churcli of Resurrection 10 a m Int Im
mnculHte Heart Cem
MORISON Feb 0 of pneumonia, MARY
E daughter of George L and Margaret
Morlsou Funeral Thurs ,2pm, parents'
residence 1440 Ridge ave , Falls of Schuyl
kill Hit private. Mt Vernon Cem
P wife of Robert E Morrell br , and
diughter of the late Theodore and Anna
Maull aged 62 vcars Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral services on Fri after
noon at 2 o clock at her late residence. 30
Virginia ave Auuunor. in. j inr private,
Mt Morlah Cem Tr'tnds may call Thurs
I eve
Rib aged 00 Relatives and "friends invited
to services Thurs 3 p m , son-in-law's
residence William P. Graham. 4828 Walton
ave Int private.
MORROW Feb 10 MARY, widow of
John R Morrow (neo Sheetz) Relatives and
friends members E, Allegheny Ave, M E.
church, invited to funeral services. Sat,
3 30 p m , 3425 Braddock st. Int. North
Cidar Hill Cem
ROW sr , husband of Emellne Morrow (nee
McDanlels), aged 04. Relatives and friends
Blaine Cuuncll A M . Court Justice, F of
A Journevmerr Brlcklayars' Union K I B
A As io , 11 o Clock Club: bewer Inspectors,
Bureau of survey and 31st Ward Rep Exec
Committee Invited to funeral sorvlces Fri
2 p m 2032 Jasper st Int Nortliwood
em Remain may bo viewed Thurs , 8 to
lu p in
MOWI.ni Feb 10. 11I.IZAHETII widow
I of George W Mowlds aged 74 Relatives und
friends invited to funerdi services Thurs. I
p in residence or nephew, 'inomas vv
lackson 1018 Cooper st , Camden, N J
Int private Jit Vernon Cem , Phlla I rlends
mav tall Wed eve
Ml ERS At residence Mrs W m C
Hagerty, 1334 Pine bt . Feb 10, JENNIE
MV.LRS Notico of funeral later.
Services sat 3 p tn . Oliver II Balr Bldg.
18.0 Chestnut st Int. private Remains
may bo viewed Fri., 8 to 10 p m
wife of Howard B NelT and daughter of late
"e oi nowaru u ivu uiiu uuumiiiui ui isit
ij"uls una Amelia Esculctiom aged 37 IU
P' bervlces Thurs. 1 p m . .3442. D st
i ,nt Private Remains may bo viewed Wed
OTLnY In Now York city, Feb d. IDA
OrLLl (nee iiortle), mother of Florence
Otle Bif-rhoff and Laura Otley .Barrett.
Relatives und friends Invited to services,
IVi 2pm. Oliver II Hair Hide., 18J0
C heatnut bt . Philadelphia, lnt Uaat Cedar
UIU Cem.
UTIO On Fen H 1!20 WERNER, be
loved husband of Pauline Otto (nee Fries-
and tnenutt aisc Artiaans,
ttdeutscher Uenefl( lal So-
ena iunerai, on inurs ai
late residence lull) Irving
at rsortnwoou (Jem ne
ed on Wtd eve after 8
P ofE.V,-Kb 7. CUAnLKH W. V . bus
bin J of Annie Owen (nee Morgan) Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral services,
inura - u in . resiuencu ot lamer in-iaw,
f ' "SS1 RTlJBS&sftfirn TJlisii?1?
tives and friends, Falrhlll Circle, No 7,
L F. of A . and employes of Ueatty's Mill
Invltp.l tnNfiinpral services. Prl L1 n m
:ui unanna st ini privaio ureeumount
biaa or uiara i-aiierson ineo ninitn) and
ton of Robert and LI y I'attersnn Rela.
tlvesfand friends Invited to services. Sun ,
2pm, 2338 Tusker st Int Fernwood Cem
Funeral services, Thurs , II a in 1011
Spruce kt Int private Pieaso omit
PENNOCK Second Month 10th, at
Orange, N J . MARY II , wlfo of Joseph E
Pennock Notico of funeral later
PETERS or pnnumonlu rub
it riEn
W Jr son of Geo W and Llhble C . ag'd
27, a member of Harmony Lodge n0 m
F and A M Columbia Roial Arch Chapter
No 01 Jonpa Council No It) It and S,
M M Thlla Forest, No 10. T C of L.
und other organizations Funeral Thurs i
Northwood Cem
piBUCB. Of pneumonia, Feb . JAMBS,
p m -iiao .-j iioscnui si jni private,
Cem hrlends may call Thurs after 8 T m ' "avf" ,1Inh'0rr'0,ilIf1, J,?,.,m i,P D'l
PATTLRSON,Feb 10 ROBIIRT. hus- rar st., Ronborougli. Int. private, St. Mary's
husband of lato Jenny D. Tierce- Iun,e'R,
private. Fri.. 10 a. m , 2120 Mt. Vernon iL
ltelatlves and friends Invited to funeral. 1 rl
8 30 a m . rMMnrA fiihhKtmro rd . Clemen-
ton. Nl i, Hlirti, mass St. J"rnc!nr
Churej,, LaUrel Bprlngs N. J.. 0 3" a. m.
rOWELL Feb, 0. MART, widow of Ml
chael Powell. ltelatlves and friends Invited
to funeral, fiat.. 7 10 a. m . 1010 N. Front
- ,.- "' 'jwi"" ,UV liilT riihedriil
eentlon Church 0 a, in. Int. New Catnearai
st. ..solemn reoulem mass Immacuiaio .v-ra;
POWERg. Feb 8 EI.IZAUHTI1 ukjj
NER, wife ot John Powers, nelatlyes and
friends. B. V. M Sodality of St. Gabriel's
Church, Invited to funeral, Fri.. 8 30 a. m ,
2632 Wilder Bt. Solemn hlsli mass of re
tulcm Church of St. Gabriel 10 a. m. Int.
Holy Crocs Ccm. ,......
husband of lato Maria Frliwmejer. ad 83.
Relatives nnd friends Invited to funjra.l
Fri . 2 p m . 843 Watklns st Int. Fern-
QU1NN Feb 0, ELIZABETH, daughter
of late Hugh nnd Annie Dunleavy. Rela.
or late Hugh nnd Annie jjunieavjr. 'V5' '
s oV"whn,en,? ss-fe'i .rd
Clifton Heights Hlah mass
.Church. Kellyville. Pa., 1) a. m
Int. West.ara' ,"?,
I flrnA 'rhA.t. nniintv Pn. arrival of train
) leavln's Phlla 10 40 a m Friends may call
t Thurs 7 in in n m
menteR, husband of Amanda Rementor
nnrt nn kt loto .insenh Rementer. aged 80.
..'" .' " "-". . '.. .7.. .. ...I t Z
Relatives and rrienos invnea 10 runerni serv
ices, Thurs , 1 p. m , 3500 S. 0th st. Int.
Fernwood Cem.
RENN Belt 0. ItAIAII RENN. Rela-.
tlves and friends Brotherhood of Andrew
and rhliln of Lutheran Templo Church, in
vited to funeral services. Thur... 8 p m,
residence of brother-in-law II. C. Leamr.
520S Locust st Int, Fri. Sunbury, Pa
RHINE At Hatfield, Pa Feb 8. MAU
RICE P husband of Ella M Rhine (nee
Berkenstock) Hged 86 Relatives and friends
invited to funeral Sat , 1 p. m., Hatfield,
Pa Further services Evangelical Church
1 30 p m inc. union ccm , vvnitemaren,
RIDDLLL auoaeniv ieo. f. aixna j.
wife of Thomas S Riddel! and daughter of
lato Marshall and Rebecca Craig Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral services.
Thurs 1 p m 013S Addison st. Int. pri
vate Arlington Cem Trlends may call
W'ed after 7pm Auto service. -
RIKLIt buddenlv In Conshohocken. Pa .
Feb 0 ELIZABETH O . wire of Joseph
Itlker. aged 03 Relatives and friends in
vited to funeral from 217 11 8th ave ,
Conshohocken Pn , Sat., 2 p. m Int.
Riverside Cem Remains may bo viewed
Fri after 7pm ,
ROLLING Suddenly. Feb. 10. ALOY
SIUS J . son of Mary and lato Charles Roll
ing, aged 31 Relatives nnd friends Na
tional Federation Postal Employes. Local
Union No Ml, Union Postal Clerks' Bene
ficial bocietv Court Pride of Thurlow, Nn
2U9, F of A , Invited to funeral, Sat , 8 30
a m mother's residence, 2223 Greenwich
st Solemn high mass of requiem St. Aloy
slus s Church 10 a. in. Int. New Cathedral
Cem Auto service
HOOVE Y I) eh 0 of influenza MICHAEL
J ROONEY son of Martin and Ellen Rooney.
of County Oilwav, Ireland. Funeral Thurs.
0 11 m . 1102 S Ringgold st. (24th and
Reed sts ) Int private. Holy Cross Cem
ROOS Of pneumonia, Feb. U. PHILIP
PINA ROOS wife of Albert Roos (nco
Goelzer) aged 47. Relatives and friends,
congregation and Ladles' Socletv of st
Piul s Lv Luth Church Ladies' Society of
Teutonla Saencerbund. invited to funeral
services Thurs .2 p m . 041 W. bedgley
ave (Oth nnd Tioga sts ) Int. private.
Nortliwood Cem Remains may bo viewed
Serl H to 10 p m.
ROTHERMEL (nee Forrest) Feb 9. of
pneumonia, KATHRYN. wife of Gustav W.
Rothermel, aged 23 Funeral Fri , 0 30 a. m ,
parents' residence 4113 N. Franklin st. Int.
Holy Sepulchre Cem.
husband of Marv A RoUnbehler (nee McMon
age) Relstlves and friends Invited to fu
neril 'lhuis 8 30 u. ni , son-in-law's resi
dence Chas bcheeser, 3170 Memphis st.
Solemn requiem mass Nativity B V M
Church 10 11 m Int. Holv Sepulchre Cem.
SCVNK Feb 111, of influenza MARY E ,
wife of Jo'm S Scank aged 31 Funeral
bat. 2 pm, father-in-law's residence Ben
jamin bcank, O024 Torresdalo ave , Wlssi
nomlng SCHEFFLLE Of pneumonia Feb 0,
MARGARET, daughter of Wllber and Mar
garet biheufele (nee Furev), aged 4 mo 16
dajs Funeral Thurs ,2pm. 2310 bwaln
st lni private uoiy cross com
srHl.l.lNlNGER Feb 0. JOSEPir A.
husband of Marie Schleinlngcr (nee Brier)
ltelatlves ana irienas employes iruaenllal
Life Insurance Co, Phlla District No 1.
invited to funeral. Fri 8 30 a m, 4158 N.
8th st Solemn requiem high mass st
Henry's Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Sepulchro
Cem Auto funeral
SCOTT Of pneumonia Feb 10. MAR
GARF.T A . sister of Katharine II. Scott
(neo Duddi) Funeral Sat. 10 a. m. 1814
W Norrls et. Int. private. New Cathedral
se.viu.n reo.i ccuuiv wne ot Daniel
Sexton ng d 42 Relatives and friends in.
vlted to funeral, Thurs ,8a m . parlors
of William Rowen 307 E Glrard ave. Sol
ern high mass St Michael's Church 0am
Int Holv iross cem.
SHU VDER Feb 0 of 2420 V. 17th ot ,
ANNIE L, wife of William w. bhrader
(nee Lynch) Solemn high mass Our Lady
of Mercy Church Fri , 10 a m Int pri
vate1 SIEGEL Suddenly Feb 7. OSCAR n .
son of Clara and late Oscar Siegel, aged 10
Relatives and friends Jr. Order of Moose
Camden Terminal employes Brotherhood of
Railway Clerks, invited to funeral services
Thurs 2pm mother's residence, 734 Vine
st , Camden N. J Int. private. Arlington
Cem Friends may view remains Wed . 7 to
HILLEY At Nortllfleld N J . Feb 6
WILLIAM SILLEY. aged 77 Relatives and
friends Invited to runeral residence, Tllton
mad, Northlleld N J , Thurs ,2pm. Int.
Zlon Cem
S1MPKINR Feb 8. MARY E. wlfo of
Richard K blmpklns and daughter of John
B and Lllzvbeth Vlckery (nee Clampffer).
aged 40 ltelatlves ami friends. Silver Cres
t ent Council, No 3 D of L . and Takota
Council, No 220 D of P , invited to fu
neral services. Thurs . 2 p ni . 2302 N 28th
st Int private. Remains may bo viewed
Wed 8 to 10 p ni
SMITH On Feb n 1820 of lobar pneu
monia, IDA MAY SMITH, daughter of late
John and Elizabeth Smith Funeral services
on baturday at 3 p m , at residence 6631
canon si near inomas ave int private.
Mt Morlah Cemetery
SMITH rob 8, EMMA B wlfo of Ed
gar M, Smith (nee Clark) Relatives nnd
friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs , 1
P ra , 5443 N. 8th st . Olney. Int. private
Remains may be viewed Wed . 7 to 0 p m.
SMITH Feb U. JOHN VI husband of
Lillian Smith, ated HI Relatives and
irienas vv nue c.iepnani c;iud, invited to
funeral services. Fri 2 p m . 1123 W.
Colona st Int. private. Greenmount Ccm
Fl lends mav call Thurs after 8pm
SNIVELY. Of pneumonia . Feb 10,
HELEN B , wife of George W. Snlvely and
daughter of lato Richard and Sarah Tyre,
at 240S S Percy et. Duo notice of funeral
will bo given.
SN'YDER Feb 10 of pneumonia. EL9IB
LAWRENCE wlfa of Melvln T bnsder and
oaubnicr 01 Aiexanaer. jr. and Annie Law
rence Funeral private. Fri ,3pm R It
Bringhurst & Co , 1021 Arch st. Int. private.
SPAETH Fob 0, at Clearwater Fla In
pastor of St Mark s Lutheran Church. Wil
llamsport Pa . son of the late Rev. A.
Spaeth Tuner il services at St Johdnnls s
Lutheran Church. 15th below Poplar st .
Friday afternoon at 2 o clock. Interment
aurii son 01 ucrman u and Laura stein
hart (nee Montgomery), aged 18 Relatives
and friends invited to funeral Sat . 7 10
a m residence 01 parents t'.'O Lawnslde
ave Collingswood, N J High mass St
John's R C Church dam Int. Holy
t ross Cem Friends may call Fri , after
' p m .
MUVVAUT. ot pneumonia, on leb U
1020 ,MAR wife of William Stewart (nee
wasni aKtu iu cais iunerai inurs arter
roon, ot Z o clock from husband s residence
J4H8 Braddock bt Int private
STEWART vvedow of 'Ihomas Mcintosh
me in Mi-ea n
HTINSON rel) 0 of S033 C st. "WIL-
iiji, uusuana oi iaie jcacnel Htlnson (nee
Hatty) Relatives and friends, members 12th
U P Church invited to funeral, Fri . 2 p.
m , parlors IS C Hhull, 1830 IJ bomerset
st Int North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may
be viewed Ihurs , 7 to 0 p m
(pep Crowley), wife of John E Sullivan.
Relatives and friends'. H, V M Sodality
bt Charles's Church Invited to funeral.
Thurs . 8 30 a m . 2104 Christian st Solemn
requiem mass St Charles's Church 10 o. in.
Int Holy Cross Cem
NnT .,?" l '."'"i 'IrldBet und John Sweeney
aged 28 .Relatives and friends Invited o
funeral 1'rl 8.30 a m . lost u n.nB.,.
st Solemn requiem mass Church of St. Ld-
,,iui,u a, hi jui uoiy cross cem
TAYLOR Feb 10. 4810 Springfield an
MARGARET a wife of Frank H. Tay"r
Due notice of funeral will hn ,-K.,
-A",?,",,1 ? .'.. WALl EK W ; husband
"i i, , V. """ nice uaroineri and so-i
of W Infield S and la Emma H Thomas
Lelatlves and friends letter carriers of Cam
den Postofflce Invited to funeral services
IhurB 8 n in 30 Volans st Merchant
vllle N I Int (lulpli Ceni Pa . Fri Soon
THOMPWN At 210 H 4'Jd -(rr".V.00S
r.I.I.IS DUNN. Iiusband cf Miv t ii..;
Thompson and father of Marjory La Monte
jiiuiui'suu s"i uu services privato Int
Round Brook, N J New York, Now Jersey
ard Norfolk Va papers coi y.
TOWNSMD Feb II. r.H44 Hiil.,... ..
Oermantown. GEORGK TOWNSEND aged
IIS Relatives and friends Edward VII
Lodge. No 454, Sons of Bt George, invited
to funeral services, Fri 1 p m , apart
ments of Kirk t Nice. B301 Oermantown
r civiumiiiunii (us, LiiiiaiC
1 RACY -Of Dneumonln nn Puh a 1.1ns.
KTTA T wife of Kduard Tracy ' JrunePal
onjbun IS-J?P .m fr.om hue band a
COIue-li.r luti .. ,iuiia HI Jill PriVflti
,L,n.AcV E U B T1"?!' - of pneumonia
iiiw.iuio, buii w. iicicii una iaie
w',:,,.Wo ..,,
.TJ"".?.? T"?
10 of Influenza, JOHN
I nt l?mm.i l- n.J. ,v'"l
ANDKUVV husband of Emma F Trite. irS
son of George R and Rebecca Trltis (nee
King) aged 32 l'unerai private Hat
p m 73 ljaycocK uve., vv
l'hlla mt
Fernwooa cem lie was u
Woodland Council, No 170, O
member of
"' I. A.i
Washington Camp. No f, P. O. S of A.j
Manden Tribe. No. 110. I, O. It. M.. and
E Fels & Co . and a member of Elmwood
M. C Church . . .
TRU1TT. At Ridley Park. Pa . Feb 8.
JOHN C husband of Sarah Trultt, of Phil
adelphia, Relatives and friends Invited to
service, Thura , 1 p. m., Oliver . II. Balr
Blda-., 1820 Chestnut at. Int private.
VANDEaRHT. reb 7, DVA. daughter
of Charles and late Susan Vandegrlft ltela
tlves anf friends, Invited to funeral. Thurs.
2 3o p m . from her home, Five rolnts.
Palmyra, N..J. Remains may be viewed
Wed. eve. Conveyances will wait at Pal-
m?.W.",'.0D.."lJ5.?.p-ffi. n Mini...
A , daughter of latn Oeortro and Minnie II.
vvani, aged 23 1 unerai services iuto.
10 an 3112 N 18th st. Int ptlvate.
WALKER Of Tansboro N. J.i Feb, 0,
THOMAS WALKER, aged 22 Relatives and
friends, Rose Lodge, No. 81, Shepherds of
Bethlehem of Tansboro, and the Phlla. and
Readins. Relief Ass'n, Invited to services.
Thurs , 1 p. m.. Tansboro, N. Ji Remains
may be viewed Wed. evo. Int. Berlin Cem ,
Berlin, N. J. . . . ,. .
wlfn nf rhrliTioDher Ward and dauchter of
WAKU r o u or pneumonia., ini.t.
vvatsoV Feb II. ANNA T widow of
Oliver C. Watson. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral. Thurs., 8 30 a m , 00 13.
Nyack ave , Lansdowne, Pa. Solemn re
quiem high mass St Philomena'o Church 10
.... . n...l..l. fwn IhI I .mill..
m lni Dl. ClltlllUO D vcm i iwnjiiiiv,
fWEGNER Of pneumonia Feb 7,
CHARLES E WEGNER husband of Elsie
Wegner and son of Addle and late Lowlo
Weguer nged 31. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral. Thurs , 3 p m,, residence
of mother. Mrs. Frances Mlors. 1708 N.
Gratz st Int Olenvvood Cem. Remains
m.v h. view"! Wred , 8 tn in p m.
""wmtrrirOf nneumonla. Feb. 9 EDWIN
FOSTER, husband of Jessie A. Welch jind
son of Den T. and Gertrude F. Welch, aged
21. Service Thurs . 3.30 p. m . parents' resi
dence. 0115 Pine st. Int. private, Arlington
Wircvr Of rineumonta. Feb 0. LILLIAN
M wife of Georgo West and daughter ot
Mary and late Charles Nevvklrk. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs . 2
p. m . 132 Oregon ave. Int. Trinity Luth-
erWIIirTAKER Suddenly, at St Teters
v,r Fla . Feb 0. JOHN HAMMAMM
WHITTAKER. Funeral services St. Paul s
Church. Chestnut Hill. Wed . 2 p. ni. Int.
Pr..Y,R.. T1T Of nnalimAMlii T-rtV. O TtTrtSfAQ
hmhand nf Janet Wllev (neo Ter.atnl
anil son of David M. and late Mary Wiley,
aged to. i uncrui oci vib omi.. v m ,
'104 E Cambria st. Int. private. lie was
n member of lerusalem Lodge. No 006. v.
Slid A M. ana an officer of the 21th Police
"vOLTGEN Feb 0. of pneumonia
BYRON, husband of Clara Woltgen (nee
Morgan) and son of Elizabeth Relchel and
late John Woltgen Funeral services Thurs,
2 p. m , G1C6 FarrlBh st. Int. private, Mt.
Verron Com
WORRELL Al Mt Holly, N J.. Fob 10.
AUBREY S WORRELL, aged 30. Rela
tives ana menus invueu 10 iunerai, T1 ,
2 30 p m 40 Rldgway st , Mt. Holly. N. J.
lnt Baptist Cem
ivni.TJCS Feb 0 of pneumonln. tiv.
RON husband of Clara Woltjen (nee Mor
irnn) and son of Elizabeth Relchel and late
John Woltlen Funeral services, Thurs , 2
yi m , MOB Parrish st. Int. private. Mt.
vernon cem
BRACELET- Lost, gold bracelet, diamond
and sappnire. ai nenevue-siratrord. or
Snellenburg's between 1130 and 15.10.
Tuesdav Reward Locust 2361
BREASTPIN Lost, round solid gold breast
pin with round ball-shaped center. Tues
dav In West .Philadelphia on the way to
fijd st Reward if returned to 0820 Carpen-
PJN Lost, large rolled owx pin represent
ing sneii, jiwuuii'u in soiii uoerai reward.
Miss H. stone Pembrovo East, Bryn Mawr
college Bryn Mawr
PUP Lost Airedale pup reward.
102 W.
anarprracK bi , uermantown
$12 per week to etart
$13 In four .weeks
Extra pay for evening and night work
Rapid advancement
Splendid arrangements for recreation
Best meals at little cost
Protection against loss of pay
In case of illness
without cost to you.
Freo medical advice
Call to see or write to
Miss Stevenson
1631 Arch st.
BILL CLERK A largo manufacturing; eon
oern In the center of the city, requires
tho services of a thoroughly competent bill
clerk, a young woman who Is un accurate
typist and who has hud 2 or 1 1 years' ex.
perience, reply. Btatlng experience and sal
ury expected C 11R Ledger Office
CHAMBERWORK and waiting, white. Apply
after 6pm. 2132 Pine st "' '
CIIILDNURSE. English preferred, for child
of B years, reference required. B.1M -i.
,lne Overbrook
v -eart Mir ..,
The Public Ledger Co desires a
voung woman with high school cdu.
cutlon or Its equivalent who is good
flvo 'abirnv1'11 BOma cxe;"
CLERK In office of large corporation! good
salary, short hours and exiellont oooor-
perience P 405. Ledger Office
COOK VV nnted good plain cook, white for
family of 4 porsons. convenient to hnth
railroad stations and trollejs aBB2 m0-"1
C P . 26 Summit st . Chestnut Hill liu
phone Chestnut Hill r,5! ' ' lele"
while. Call 1817
Our ad looked good to her u4JAlons
She came to see about It
Our Jrb looked good to her.
She took It.
?w ,sh.B JaHT7 e'1 ,he came.
This la the story of several
expert operators
How about you7
Employment Office 7th and Sati.om i.
I niPimVir nnarntn 1 ...
V, V, , . ...' ruu position ror re
a.kUfboer 'v'tr' Wai'.ac1.'aV"10- 70 Uul"" ".
FEEDERS on power die stamping presses
801 hinsom st fourth floor """es.
OIRL inted for light housework: 4 aduhi
Appn.y,a2,5i,JyNe.0033dPa.V mU8t '-voVefe?cdUcl?
UIRL High school girl, particular work
good future C 333 Wm, nm" WOrK
ledger Offlc.
good pat ,T'Xrn bonus
Kor clean light ,
fsctory inspecting
, to work with
Pleasant surroundings
Matron In attendance
But girls must not be under
IU years of age
, ..Apply at once
4th st and Ulenwood av.
Desirable positions are open In our dspii-.
depumnent for girls ovef 18 year, Sf .Sf
J14 iwr week to start, cleanf light ???!
pleasant hours, rest rooms. ' J'rk'
h.mploymint Office '
Foot of Reed street.
GIRLS, $14,25 to start, levirnlnie to ....
some of our light machines. We wlpill'c
you how After you become skilled mi
make more money on piece work, ou? ."?
tory s second to none for exee lent wjrki
conditions. Our girls aro ot th .-;"
class. You will llko It her" Vor gir7. Il"
are employed n the daytime our emtJ?."
ment office will bo open Thursday SH"
7 to 0. on Tebruary 12th and FebrusS ilff'
It may pay you to call and see If ? '?
better your conditions. Mm"" u,?Ju 0
Tacony at Orthodox st (403 Tacwy .?V
"A good place to work." cony ,()
. . , . OUtLB
wanted to work in wallpaper faetetn
good wages: school prlvileesi oM J2
portunlty for advancement.
Water and Snyder.
Opportunity to make
good wages from the start
453 York ave , between 4th and Rlh
above Willow, oftico second floor.
It. lo 18. for Ilrht, clean factory work
Good wages: steady work
S10 N. 12th St.. sixth floor
01.RL.? .AND WOMEN We have Just in.
stalled another new lot rf machines alia
enlarged our assembling departments: Sm
is the opportune time for you to seSJrs
steady work with a modern, up-to-d.t.
growing concern: experience not neceasarV:
good pay for b-glnners. with rapid advine.:
ment: take elevated, surface or subway ett
? Sr,".''. 8J?Ut'n- Apply factory off".
II T Palste Co 3201 Arch st
GIRLS' over 16 yearstaleadv position: rooa
wages: 48 hour week1 lledberger-Ai!
Mfg Co 4800 N 18th at nr vV.yg.11
LAUNDRESS, white, wanted first 3 dav. r
week. Call S. E. cor. Seminole 2nd firt!
well or phone Chestnut Hill 418. "
MENDERS on men's wear, fancy worsteds
and white work. Shackamaxon "fius
Allegheny and Hancock """,
MENDERS on white and colored cloth fee
men'a wear. Shelbourne Mills li .ni
Westmoreland sts ' -1 aM
Experienced girls on
Apply Office, second floor
402 York ave.
between 4th and Oth, above Willow
Wo have places for a number of young
women between the ages of 2t and 28
for, night work as Bell Telephone
Special high rates of pay are offered
for this work.
Surroundings are excellent: comfortable
rest rooms, good meals at low cost
See Miss Stevenson, first floor
Bell Parkway Rldg , 1031 Arch bt
0 a. m to 7 p. m. weekdays
OPERATORS experienced Infants' dresses
Infants' whlto coats, steady all jjt: alio
home work on dresses. Freund. 121B Mar
ket ,
SPOOLER! on cotton and mercerized
varn: big wages, worth while to inves
tigate: steady work: 48 hour week
Frledberger-Aaron MfC. Co . 4600 N
18th st . near Wayne Junction.
STENOGRAPHER Christian. "h general
Bales office experience In tiulpment or
machinery lino for permanent.' sltion with
excellent prospects Lakewood Engineering
Co 1034 Wldener Bldg ,
STENOGRAPHER, with high school educa
tion or equivalent. nd J years' steno
graphic experience Please call at Room
704 Morris Bldg for Interview
STENOGRAPHER experienced, fsmlllir
with general offico work- state age, ex
perience etc B 021 Iiiger Office .
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, rapid ana
nccurato, must possess Initiative and tic; ,
opportunity to advance. P. O Box 1401,
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper; must
have experience' no other ned appl)
Gofdvear Rubber Co 820 Chestnut st
TELEPHONE OPERATOR for large rnanu
facturtng concern in southern part of cur
lo operate switchboard and assist cljrlca
work: one residing In southern part cf city
preferred: give reference, state experience .
Apply Ledger Branch. 100. lflth and Moore
enced on telepljne, to solicit savertlilng,
will ray salary and bonus. Ask for MI'j
Parker. Classified Department, Public Ledge:
Co Oth and Chestnut sts ,
WEAVERS on tapes and learners for all
work: good pay and bonuses: steady ana
light work 2224 N. 8th st
WOMAN wanted for cooking and dowinW'J
work foreign or American Protestant: no
laundry: salary $50 per month: small """"
Main Line Address C 311, Ledger Office
enced yarn Inspectors, steady work re
wages Apply Qrlswold Worsted Co , DarOT.
YOUNO LADY to do tiling and general eleil
cat work. Apply Alax Metal Co , 1 raw
ford ave. and Richmond st. ,
YOUNG WOMAN An opportunity tat
competent young woman with some Knoj'
edge of typewriting and book work, splenjw
chance for advancement to one i who is
curate at figures, state age. experience swi
salary: references are required. 1 '
ledger Office
YOUNG WOMAN for bllllnr department.
with some knowledge of adding mMiii"-
Williams. Brown ft Euri fits Chestnut .
ntfrms.. STENOGS . CLERKS' jsu.io-
ing of large, tinanclal institution, bj
have good practical "'''""'"J'echan
electrlo service. Ejiieral B I around rnec
leal ability: give full particulars "
nresent and past employers: state salary "
ilred: a good position for mo .
Apply M UQI. ienger unioc
BOLTMAKEIl for Acme and Jl"lnJfun,roYB
chine: 720 an hour, state age. rum.
rar nops vviimin.iuii r
BOOKKEEPER. Smpetent aS't.
sUta age, experience, salary dealreo,
erence ' in looser c-i ---
BOY Neat, intelligent bov wanted ,",
cf editor- roust be 16 5!,Llnc'meBt.
posit on and good Prospects for advjnceiu
See Mrs drier. Room 800. Publlo Ledger c
6th and Chestnut .In -"'
We psy our bors from JS '8 'Jnfty!
week: steady work: eood opptunjir
Apply at once, Becker, Smith A
Water end Snyder ave.
JMVfi&tiMf a
. .Jt..j ,wJLt&..ii2.
fllfJVt, wfc J- . nkrtMrrt
sstJiT. "i'
4 f.