'''F11- ' "lr7:v1 "N WV fix-. Wviiu, wiflwi'fik.rtvi. !" . t -NUk-nr" .OLG EVENING lXJBIiTC LEDGER-mLDELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1920 -V NEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS ; fti; , I ft- B r ! If ir m s i'i . P RT w Jl Mi n-T l. y u sBlw Kfbr " Wm&Np US?' .Bjjg" . WE OFFER Foreign Securities OF THE FOLLOWING Cities and Governments t French 5s French 4s Belgian 5s British 4s British 5s Italian 5s German 4s City of Berlin 4s City of Hamburg 4s City of Frankfort 4s City of Dresden 4s At present price the above securities appear very nt Iractlve. An Improvement In the foreign Mflianice mnrknt would result In n Hiibstan tlal profit In thus issues. FULL DETAILS VPON rtEQUDST ' Farson, Son & Co. Member New Tork Stork Exchange 115 Broadway, New York MARKET VERY NERVOUS; PRICE MOVEMENT FEVERISH Quick Rally on Short Covering After Urgent Liquidation Car ried List to IS'aiv Low Levels -M - 1 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS i Jula Consumers Power Co. General & Refunding Mortgage Ten Year 7 Gold Bonds Price 98 and interest Yielding over 7.28 7 Serial Gold Debentures At prices to yield about 7.75 Complete circulars on these, a Uracil Issues sent on request lor T. E -282. TkNationalGiy Company Correspondent Offices In over CO Cities Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut Street Atlantic City Challonte Block 1ZZS Boardwalk Now York, Feb 1 1 Today's stock market Amis iu ii higkl) nervous con dition and price movements were fevor lish with wide and violent fluctuations. ! During the morning the market was ! swept by another wave of liquidation of most urgent character. tarrying the prices of the active tnilroad and in dustrial shares to the lowest levels of the year The uigcnt selling movement spent its force by mid-day nnd with the rcdurttnn I of the call loan rate to l! per cent and " mut'ii inure noerai supply nt funds at that rate there was an exten sive covering of the short interest. Those operations not only brought a complete recovery of the early losses I but carried some of the more iietive is sues above last night's closing level. Possibility of some favorable develop ment turning up over the holiday had the effect of influencing the reaction uo pnrty to cut down their commit ments materially. Otherwise the de mand was very limited and the sustain ing power of the market feeble. The forenoon session was marked by stead., selling, which Iva reported to be very largeh for the western account. Heavy selling, however, was reported bv the rjrlncipal wire houses from all the interior centers, reflecting tho inability to meet demands on impaired margins. It was generally felt before the open ing that the character of today's mar ket would depend largely on the re spouse to the marginal calls sent out last night. iTudging from the veritable flood of liquidation which was encoun tered atter the opening, the majority were cither unable to furnish additional margin or had decided to let go. It was reasoned out by some observ cis today that the slump in security values in the last foil) -eight hours was a natural sequence or the crumbling nway of roaikct value-., which has been in progress since last November, with only moderate interruptions in the shape of irregular rallies at times iu the in tervening period The declines ot the last ten days were so extensive that many specula tive accounts have been crippled, and it was assumed that holders of many of the highly speculative issues must sell if the declining movement reached greater extensions. The character of the trading yesterday afternoon in the last hour and during the best part of the forenoon today Indicated clearly the necessity to sell became imperative. Developments which usually govern the price of stocks, as money rates and foreign exchange, apparently ceased to have any direct influence. Prospects of an extension of the threatened strike of the railroad cmplojes of the country was, of course, a disturbing element, but was not altogether n factor in the ureent character of the selling, which. os stated clearly, indicated further elim ination of weakened accounts. The semidemoralization which caused the further slump in security values did not develop its full force until the end of the first hour. During the. early part of the session, prices moved back and forth in an errntjc fashion, irregular rallies succeeding moderate declines nt the opening. Clams among the representative shares, however, were soou effaced when liquidation of specialties was actively resumed. General Motors, for instance, not only cancelled its gain, but fell to ii new low for the movement, the same being true of many of the speculative stocks. Losses ranged from II to 8 points among the industrials of various classes. Later the weakness extended to the shipping group, with declines of 1 to .'! points and still later to 'the rail roads, which yielded 1 to over 4 points, with the greater weakness developing in such recognized stable leaders as Union Pacific. Southern Pacific and Reading. A jiillv of more substantial propor tion occuried in curly afternoon when call money was in abundant supply at G per cent: Extreme losses of the morning were largely recovered mid some of the high grade industrials, equipments and oils were carried 1 to 4 points over yes terday's tinal prices. The rally was overcome in the last hour, absence of buying power provok ing fresh bearish aggression. FORCE OF SELLING Philadelphia Stocks MOVEMENT SPEN Tl Sinking Fund Preferred Stock Price to Yield 8.10 Company has no bonded debt. Earn ings several times divi d e n d requirements. About 7,000 retail dealers undercontract assure broad distribu tion for products, the demand for which is established. Company is one of the best known in this country and is rapidly acquir ing a world-wide repu tation. Write for Descriptive Circular Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Htmbsrs Neu York Stock ExclarQ Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Tork New Low Levels and Easier Money Rates Attracted Con- j fident Buying MORE FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE .. .... . Hleh -i,p Allia Ins - war ... 0 1r Am Strs. SIKH, 1'OAm as. fi()s 2.") tAtchison 7S4 123 tBaldwiu Loc pf.100 KiO Urill J O. 45 20 ICuba Ca Sugar.. 42 '4 770 El Stor.,112 4 Gen Asp. 84 11 do pf...l2S r.o i c x a. ;i7 CO Kcv Tel. 10 3410 Lk Sup.. 153 Leh Xuv. TOLeli Val. 0 Lit Schyl. SO tM id vale. 12C O Kisenlr 00 "!).- Pa II R. 40 Col'hila Co cum pf. 32ij J001 Phil Elec 23 303 P Ii T tc 22V. Ixm Close Ner chce it JO"S (12 41 '4 41 44 ,1S1'. fiOVl 78 y 100 43 12U, 10S 84 123 37 10 10 til1.. 41 41 44 00 40U (i 38 50 78ft 4- 100 43 1 42 108 7 84 8 123 15 37 4-1 10 y4 lGYi 01 41 41 4-1 " 44- 60 .. 4014 32?t 24 22y4 32 24 'U, .10 PI, Tract 00 00 00 4- U 332 tReading. GG'I 05 04$ tf 30 Ton Bel.. 2 2-"jJ, 2.. 2 . 2& 34 200 Ton Min. 2 ;j-' un Trae. 31M. 1007 U (J I... r.2?4 52 52 V. 22 CCX .1 .183 1821a lsaS 111 2K0tU 8 Stl 07 07 97 .. 200 tW'bash 7U, 714 714 1WJ4S 3Cir. 30 30.. IS West C. 74 74 " 74 .. IXet chancre made bv comparison wirh last sale on New Tork Stock Exchange ipii sales, lo.joa sharps ramiurfii uith Thus rar this week, 1 tlAffnd llllrf II Aa1 01 I B7 '- ". .... rtai?s In t liiOd 2 Am HONDS llluh I,ow Close Net chre. Boston Scranton LIBERTY BONDS $50, $100, $1000 ' Bought Sold Recommended for Investment Newburger, Henderson & Lofb nvNKrns 1410 CHESTNUT STREET Members ? TorU anil 1'hUadclnlilj Stock r-tfhanKPS 80 oy.. 07 " 01 1 Kennecott Copper 7s tt Th nn'v nMlcftion of this It one company 'J Aerag parn ngp durlnir past four years owr eevftn teen timB interest chartr-g on this Ippu. 1 Favor able reflmptlon trma A Security of Rare Quality Frederick Peirce & Co 1421 Chestnut St., PhiU. Safe investing w merelya matterof knowing inhere to buy your bonds. BARGAIN DAYS IN BONDS Railroad Issues at th Lottos ta Fifty Yr Let Vm Submit Offering EDWARD V. KANE & CO. Morri Building New York, Veb. 11 -The Xew York Evening Sun'"1 closing financial review today says: The storm which has been sweeping Over the financial markets for the last week abated in fury today, but not un til after the stock market fell to new low levels this morning. When the market opened it was still under the Influence of the heavy selling which proved so disastrous to prices in the last hour yesterday. For the first hour or so the list was very weak, and additional declines of 2 to 5 points were recorded on an ex fMulinslv heavy turn-over. At the low i figures reached buyers came into the market with more confidence than for simc time, simply because of the enor mous depreciation which has alreadv taken nlace in security quotations rather than because of any fundamental 4ios hares yesterday 'change in the financial outlook. Tin re "-M shares, isime was one decided improvement, noweer. and that was in the supply of mone available for call loans. The renewal figure was S per cent, compared with 10 per cent jesterriay and 17 per cent last week. By midday call, loans were obtainable at fi per cent. This represented such a marked relaxa tion from the tense condition which has prevailed for n fortnight that it im mediately steadied the stock market, causing n sharp rally from the bottom figures. In addition, the foreign ex change market turned slightly upward, with demand sterling at 3.3Ca4, upl noniN Francs were three centimes higher nt 14.48, while lire rallied 13 points to 1S.14. The motor and shipping shares were among the weakest on th decline. Snidebaker selling down 3 points to 84 and Marine preferred to 78. Selling ot railroad stocks was again n disturbing feature of the early dealings, the standard shares, such as I'nion Pacific, Southern Pacific, New York Central and Heading falling from 1 to 3 points. Heading went below 05 nnd Union . Pacific under 111 before the selling I halted. This selling was chiefly due to the strike threat and to reports from Washington lliat there would be op-nn'-itinn to the conference renort on the railroad lull, particularly the 5 per cent guarantee In export cinlns the complaint is growing that the United States has lost markets in various countries which we supplied during the war and which i it was hoped we would supply pr- ( manentlv. Naturally, foreign cus tomers are buying only the barest neces- j.. , r.sn it a Vmon icn rf Vio nnnftrmfll foreign exchange situntion. It is just speculation, was urged today by Henry tbLs development which the decline in A .Moehlcnpah, member of the Federal Gas S. Elee us. . 2 Bald Loco 1st 5s . . . 2 City 4s '43 7 Elec Ac Pea Tr 4s o Lk blip inc 5s o Lib isonds 4th 4s. 01.00 01.00 91.004-.30 SO OO'-j 07 . . 05 5S Ml 11(1 07 " til 5S 3 Pa geu 4s 80 J l'hila JSlee 1st 5s ... 90 C Read gen 4s 78?S 1 Un Ry Inv 5s 08 5 AVels Co 5s OsL, t0 00 7B 0S SO 1 00 . 4 784 S.. OS', '4 Bonds J39 000. comparpd with J67.700 yesterdav Thus far this week, $141 000 Same perlrd last tek JlL'l.bttO financIaTaidIfor europe is urged Scrutiny of Loans Suggested to Promote Production and Check Speculation Dallas, Tex., Feb. 11. Financial aid or Europe and restriction of domestic bank loans so as to denv funds for OIL FIELDS OF VENEZUELA AND COLOMBIA WITH MAP XM toofclet will gladly be furnished on regueat Geo. A. Huhn & Sons Btotks and Roods WtLkKVUK COVKT BUILDING 1418 Walnut tit.. I'Llla, JM, T. ontoe lit Broadway, !l . . St XonsliUn Hleel 1st. ( ruel Cull. Tr. H t nii ',? " , f. tt (Mauaum wi.jm -. lis Tracllun & Terminal fia. 105!l n. lUJil tin, IV3 I As, 1041 As. 111'.' I Sn. 103 I kwt. a 1'ower com so prri. siocn Samuel K. Phillips & Ce. 171 WW 1 ri 1 1 1 pi . JSVMK JkS.UUWC stoiks ha been discounting. When the worst is known the market will doubtless be well on its way to ward ouU( ipating a change for the better. The passing by the Senate of the oil land leasing bill, which has alreadv passed the House, and has only to be signed bv the President, will be of bene fit to man) of the smaller oil concerns and will stimulate the oil Industry in Woming and California. Weekly reviews of the iron and steel industry tell of insistent buying pres sure at advancing prices. Few pro ducers, however, have been nble to op erate ut better than SO per tent of ca pacity due to car, fuel aud labor short age. Tho market tinned very dull on the rallies and the improvement was not iin presolve A good part of the demand for stocks represented short covering 1'niled Stutes Steel held steady around 07, although subjected to heavy selling pressuie. In the final dealings the mar ket was irregular. Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Feb. 11. There was a fair request for spot cotton today with prices steady on the basis of an ad vance of 32 pointy for middling at "9 r4ri. The sales were 8000 bales. The receipts were 10,000 bales, including 400 bales American Futures were steadj iu Ihe early dealings Spot tiriivs were American middling fair. H3.70d good middling, 30.70d . fully Reserve Board, in an address before the Dallas group of the Texas State Bank , rs' Association. America's effort, Mr Moehlenpah said, should ho toward increased pro- ductiou and individual economy. Declaring that Europe's neds were food, raw material and credit. Mr. Morhlcnpah said these must be fur nished by America. I "Where else can our brothers get i it?" he asked. "The kind of men to whom we shall extend credit is the peasantry of France and Belgium, the kind of men who kept back the hordes of Germany. These people will pay their debts. liar their extremity?" Stiles 000 500 300 1S00 1200 Ji00 7.100 1100 400 100 3190 1000 coco 100 0400 ion 200 3700 100 rwo 3780 A0II coo 9800 moo 130 OlOn 100 300 7000 03 700 loo 0400 -'00 sou MOO 3700 300 300 7.S0O 31000 400 1G0O 500 11000 1)1) 930 - 100 3.WO 100 800 fivoo fiv'.vio ; too 2000 490 1000 ;ao :i.ion 36500 AOO 1B0O 1 600 7IS 300 TOO 100 l,no 1100 300 sou 100 14C0 100 100 4300 100 10400 100 1400 400 1930 3700 3000 .100 300 090 3900 300 900 300 2S00 1800 too 30011 1300 300 100 800 4400 300 1900 100 coo -oo 3000 MO ' 3930 330 13700 4300 500 3110 100 31)00 700 1030 3100 100 2.100 -.00 liOII 3100 200 200 1330 4100 1200 1800 400 1900 19700 200 1930 7400 .-,31) HO.) 100 3100 40 10 1100 ,' 13)0 !00 II JO 1130 200 2'1 )ll 1 1)0 2100 400 700 330O 200 33000 9100 02 1)0 DM0 300 S00 230 100 100 , 300 i. loo 100 100 I 3000 9000 Dlr. In I 8 6 .1 a 8 7 ID 7 4 .80 fi 7 4 C n 3 7 fi 7 4 7 S 3 7 7 10 8 30 C O ; 5 10 .50 t. High Adams Express 28 Advanca Itumolv .... 38 H Advance Kumely pf. . on AJax Rubber eg Alaska Gold Mines . 1&J Alaska Juneau O M . , 1 ;, Altls-Chalmors 40 Ji Am AbtIo Chem 8SJ4 Am Agrlo Chem pf . . 02?4 Am Bank Koto 40 ' Am Heet Surar 7gl4 Am Bosch Magneto ..113 Am Can , 44 Am Can pf tsi Am Car & Fdy m Am Car & Fdy pf , . ,114 Am Cotton Oil ts'A Am Drug Syn ..'..... J2H Am Express 9514 Ard Uldo & Leather.. 21 Am Hide & Leath pt.lOoU Am Ice , 304 Am Ice pf jsovi Am Internat Corp ... 01 W Am Linseed 77;', Am Linseed pf , no Am Locomotive ...... S8J4 Am Locomotive pf ...10416 Ani Malt & Grain ... 31 Am Ship & Commerce. 19 Am Smelt & Ret .... 10(4 Am Smelt & Ilcf pf .. 90 H Am Snuft 04 Am Steel Foundries,. 40 J. Am Steel Fdrles pf . . 93 Am Sugar Hef 124 Am Sumatra Tob ... 83(4 Am Tel & Tel . 97 Am Tobacco . .1 340 Am Tobacco pf new. . SS Am Tob Sec temp ctfs. 57 Am Woolen 12(i Am Writing- Paper pf. 4 8 Am Zlno Lead & Sra.. 10 Am Zinc L & Sm pf.. Sl't Anaconda Copper ...ofi!4 Assets Realization ... 34 Abso Dry Goods .f0 Associated OH 110 Ji Atch Top & Santa Fc. 78 Atch Top & S F pf... 70 !4 Atlantic Coast Line.. 85j2 Atl Gulf &. W I S S..144'i Baldwin Locomotive.. 109 Yi Baldwin Loco pf 90 V2 Baltimore & Ohio ... 29 Y Baltimore & Ohio pf. 13. Barrett 110?4 Batopllas Mining .... 1 , Bethlehem Motors ... 1D& Bethlehem Steel B . . 88 Bethlehem Stl 8 pf.. 110(4 Booth Fisheries 10H Bklyn Rapid Transit. 11 Bklyn It T ctfs of dep 7fr Brooklyn Union Gas . 5S7S Brims Term & R R . . 11 Burns Bros 100 Butte Copper & Zlno.. 81. Butte & Superior Cop 33J'0 Buttorlck 10 Caddo Central O & R. 18 !6 California Packlne ... "7J California Petroleum . . 30 14 California Petrol pf . . 05(4 Calumet & Arizona .. fiOH Canadian Pacifies . ...110U Casa J I Thresh M pf. 97 4 Central Leather 70(4 Central Leather pf . . .105 j, Cerro de Pasco Cop. . 47 Chandler Motors ....128ft Chesapeake .& Ohio .. 40H . . Chi Mil & St Paul ... 33J4 ., Chi Mil & St Paul pf . . 49 . . Chicago Gt Western.. 794 2 Chi at Western pf .. 31 J 7 Chi & Northwestern . . 78 Yz .. Chi Rock Isl & Pac . . 34 Y, C Chi R I & Pao 6 pt. 0 7 Chi R I & Pao 1 Pf 07 8 Chi Pneumatlo Tool . 84 .. Chile Copper 1CU 3 Chlno Copper 34 ?8 8 Cluett Peabody .... 87 . . Coca-Cola ... , . . . . , . .. tS7 51 3 Colorado Fuel & Iron. 37 Yz Colo & Southern . .2014 4 Colo & South 1st pf . . SO 6 Columb Gas & Elec. .1 56 1 Col Graphophone .... 30 4 Comp-Tab Record . . 49 7 Consolidated Gas .... 78 7 Con Cigar pf 79& 3 Consolidated Textile . 37 .. Con Interstate Cal M. 17 i 1 Continental Candy . . . 11 7 Continental Can .... 79 K, Corn Products Ret .. 7914 " Corn Products Ref pf.104 13 Crucible Steel 21394 .. Cuba Cane Sugar ... 4314 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pf . . 80 9 Delaware & Hudson . . 90 Denver fr Rio Grande 0(4 .. Denver & Rio G pf ... 10 1 Dome Mines . . 11 3 Elk Horn Coal .. .. 22 J. fi Endlcott-Johnson .. .13314 7 Endlcott-Johnson pf .10054 .. Erie Ui . Erie let pf 18b . Erie 2d pf . . .. 13 8 Famous Players-L ... fiaj. Famous Players rts . 80 3 Federal Mln & Sm pf . 28 Yz :i Freeport Texas .... 23 's . . Flsk Rubber 30 2 Gaston Wms & Wig . 13 General Cigar . . . :fl 4 10 7 2 10 ! 7 4 8 I 0 7 General Cigar deb pf.. 85 H General Electric . . .l.!-i 12 General Motors 250 J4 fi General Motors pf 78 0 General Motors deb .. 71?. 0 Goodrich B F 09 H 7 Goodrloh BFpf,, . 91H Granby Consol M & S 40 .. Gray fi. Davis :VA 4 Gt Northern Ore ctfs. 33a4 7 Great Northern pf . . 70 . . Greene Cananea Cop 32 Gulf States Steel 03 5 Hartman Corp . .. 8814 4 Haskell & Barker Car. S3'i 1 Hupp Moftr Car ..'... 13U 7 Illinois Central . ... 82 '4 0 Inspiration Con Cop. 1 Interboro Con Corp . 39j Inter Con Corp ! 10 14 . . Int Agrlcul Corp ... 15 fi Int Agrlcul Corp pf .. 7014 0 Int Harvester 11814 3.M Int Mot Tr 1st pt . . .70 . . Int Mer Marine 2914 6 Int Mer Marino pf ... 7914 .. International Nickel . 20 .. International Paper . 7514 0 Internat Paper pt 7414 Iron Products Corp 447 Jewel Tea . 15 h Jewel Tea pf 3') t Jones Bros Tea 2314 .. Kan City Southern 1414 4 Kclly-Spg Tire . ...11314 8 Kelly-SpE T 8 pf .. 1)0 Kelsey Wheel . . ' i Kennecott Copper .... 38 1.30 Keystone Tire & Rub. 27 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Declaring that the war, finauciallv. has just begun." Mr. Moehlcnpah urged n campaign of education "to stop1 the people in their debauch, their sprees, their extravagant living audi spending." tills leshon must dp put uiio pruc r w Wooluorth Co . regular quartern of W ih r rnt 011 preferred, paalil,. April 1 to Mock ot rerord March 10 Union 'Pacific. 2V6 PT rtnt on ronunon m,nd regular semi-annual of 2 per cent on preftrrfd. both payable April 1 to stock of recorW Alaith 13 Atlas Pov.der Co , remilur nu-irterly i.t :i pr tint on common, payable Marrh lo to Mix U of record F bruary 2S huiiih l'orto III30 Suear Co nitular auir terl of 0 per cent on common and 2 it rml r.n Tirpfpf-tLtl. both rayable April 1 lu we forget them in 1 stock nt r'cord March 10 we iurei uiciii iu Cerio PaMO (;OPper f , quartern ot II, parable Marcn 1 10 atom 01 recoru ivi ruary 20. National Cloak and Suit Co . rerular quir terly $1.73 on prefe-red. payable March 2 to Moik of record Tebruary 20 lx)w 25 38 Yz no C8 in 3814 82 811 40 78 109 42 0514 125 114 44 12 0514- 19 104. 38 ?s 53 88 7014 so 85 ?4 10414 3114 1714 88 90 94 411 91 123H 8014 COW 235 95 514 120)4 45K 14 51 54 9; 314 48 ?4 llOh 70 702 84 HO 14 100 9914 28 ; 4214 110 U4 1715 rSJ4 10914 lOJi 104 ' 55 0 100 8 2214 15 IS 77?i 28 H MV4 59T4 11514 0714 73 105 ft 45 JS 124 40 sou T 714 21 77 23 h 4 05 83 1!4 53 87 37 3t,'4 20 50 64 381'8 40 75J4 70)4 27 10 34 1114 79 11 104 207 Yt 42)4 79 ?b 89J1 !4 9 10 a4 21 lib 14 100 1034 is 1.1 C5 85 27 J, 2H4 537, 12 55 85 18314 245 77 71 08 94'4 40 13U 31 14 Oh 14 31 5014 87 '1 52 14 1314 8114 50 31 314 10 11 G"l 114)4 It 2714 78 20 7314 7214 43 15 h 30 h S3 14 11 11334 1)3 03 37 31 2534 Today's Net Close Cturo. 3534- 34 3814- 114 OR 1 08-2 1V4- H 1J4 3814- 3 8334- IV m, 0 40. 4- 14 79 100 4 42 314 0514- Js 12514- 314 114 31 4414- US 12y4- 05)4 1 21 104 - 294 38J4- 114 5!4 614 88 314 7C14- 194 901 8014 2H 104M- 1J4 3114- Yz 1714- l?i 58 1J4 9014 4- 14 04-1 40J4 !4 01 - 1 124 80H- 354 34- 94 235 5 05 - '4 65H- J4 120(4- l?4 4591- 94 1514 1 61 - 2' 5514 4- )4 3)4 49 5a ?4 110J4- 714 7714- 14 :!4- 3a 8414- 2 14114- 14 107 - 14 9914 14 28 ?s- 114 4214- Us 110 3 114 .. 1814 !4 so J4 r, 109J4 31 low- H 1034 H 1- 14 55 0 - Ji 100 - 24 8 2314- 91 15 - 3 18)4- 14 11- Yz 20 314 t!5!4 . . 69?,- 14 117 - 1J4 7914- 31 314- 334 106J4- Vt 4014- VA 135 334 48)4- 31 1034- 114 48-1 154- 'A 3131 78 1 2334 H 414- 414 05 - 5, 832 15J4 - 34 34 - 1 873 37 - t 3714 20J44- 14 50 14 64 - 134 38J4 34 40 - Vt ISYi 7914- 14 M4- 34 1714 14 1114- 14 79 - 1(4 H- 34 101 20s 1 43 - (j o - (4 90 1 14 - !', 14- 34 1034 -14' 2131- 14 11814- 63b 100J4 14 1034- 1J4 18 - (4 13 4 14 05 - 3 8 - lT's 27 J.- 114 23 14 2334- 114 1334 34 50 1 85 3 153(4 -B1J4 238 ' 8)4 77 - 314 7191 4- 91 (.8 54 934- y lo - 3)4 33(4- 191 34(4- 1(4 00 3(4 31 1 50(4- 3J4 91- 91 63(4- 231 13 9s 4- (4 1.114- 1)4 5034- 34 314 .. 10 - )4 14 - 314 70(44- 14 11414- 3 753 38K 14 78y4- 314 20 . - 14 7414- 34 7414 4- 14 4 31-2- 1)4 1514 4- 1 3934- 134 23(4- U4 14-14 115 -L 2 99 - 14 09 1 2794- 14 2534- 134 Dlv. In I 0 tSalfR 4000 100 800 1400 3.10 1000 . . 2300 3 5100 200 100 800 400 100 200 200 500 300 300 1.75 1400 2000 900 600 18400 10 S00 3 013900 1.20 12100 600 1700 900 100 100 4430 900 00 900 3000 3700' 100 100 100 7 400 1100 300 7 1C00 1C0 7 1200 300 COO 1.50 000 10 3400 6 000 330 2.60 100 3.50 , , 1,lBh Lackawanna steel 7314 Lake Erie & W pf 16 Loo Rubber A Tire... 30 Lehigh Valley 4134 Liggett & Myers rts.. 1614 Loewe Co 2G34 Loft Corp 10(4 Looso-Wllos Biscuit ..4514 Looso-Wlles B 2d pf .113 Lorillard Tobacco ...16131 Louisville & Nashvlllo.100 Mackay Cos ... ... 05 Mackay Cos pf . . .01 Martin Parry 25 Manatt Sugar Ill Manhattan Elev guar.i 41 Manhattan Shirt ... 28 Maxwell Motor ... . - 25 Maxwell Mot ctfs .... 25 Maxwoll Mot 1st pf .. 4994 Max Mot 1st pf ctfs. . 4834 Mexican Petroleum ..1C14 Miami Copper 22 Middle States Corp ..3114 Alldvalo Steel & Ord.. J4 . Minn & St L new .... 10(4 . Missouri Knn & Tex,. 734 Mo Kan& Tex pf .... U)i 1 Minn St P & S St M-. 5 4 MBtI'S St M L L. 60(4 . Missouri Paclflo 22(4 . Missouri Paclflo pf . . 37 3 Montana Power . . 02 JMulllns Body . .41 0 National Acmo 7 . Nat Aniline & Chem.. 6314 "73 National Biscuit 114J4 5 National Cloak & S . . 71 7 National Cloak pf . . 97 . Nat Conduit & Cable.. 894 Nat Enam & Stamp.. 71)4 7 Nat Enam & St pt . . .101(4 Nat. Lead Co 7514 7 National Load pf ....100,14 Nat, R R of Mex 2d pf 4 Ml -cw ur rex & aicx . 40 Nevada Con Copper . . 14 14 New York Air Brake . 9sJ4 New York Central ... 60 New York r & St Ii . 25 New. York Dock 0700 COO 290 100 4000 2700 4800 100 7230 800 700 1400 0-10 600 100 11100 3000 1000 4600 800 6700 100 1700 11200 200 3000 200 1500 1C0O 100 100 100 1200 2600 1100 3000 700 2500 7400 900 100 18000 400 400 5300 3200 US 400 1400 1300 sno 1000 300 300 100 3700 35700 1100 22500- 100 4200 200 100 39000 1000 1700 800 3500 6C0O 3300 4400 8800 1100 300 3200 100 11000 300 700 400 100 3000 100 200 11600 100 200 1700 0100 ' 1300 19790 1200 200 113130 1030 2101) 100 1000 100 300 4300 3000 - 800 200 2200 200 100 3330 1100 200 6700 200 9300 100 200 1900 e 1 j 6 7 5 4 .50 .50 8.70 32 New York Dock pf . . 45 New York N II & H . . 24(4 New York Ont & W. . . 10 Norfolk & Western ..00)4 North American . 63 Northern Paclflo 70 Nova Scotia S & C . 53)4 Ohio Cities Gas 4214 Ohio Fuel Supply . . 4034 Okla Prod & Rof 7J4 Ontario Silver Mln... 7 Otis Elevator 120 54 Otis Steel 3014 Owens Bottling Mach. 53H I'aclflo Mull . . 30 IS Pacific Tel & Tel ... 3731 Pan-Amer Potro .. . 7034 Pan-Amor (B) . .. .7194 PaTlsh & Bingham . . 40 Pennsylvania R R ... 4034 Peoples Gas Chicago.. 3734 Peru Marquettp 25(4 Pettlbone Mullckln Co. 35 Philadelphia Co 35 Plerce-Arrow Motor . 65 Plerce-Arrow Mot pf . 99 Pierce OH 1034 Pierco Oil pf .- B0 Pittsburgh C of P... 54 Pittsburgh & W Va. . . 224 Pittsburgh Coal pf... 80(4 Pitts & W Va pf 70 Pitt C C & St L .. .53 Pond Creek Coal .... 10(4 Pressed Steel Car ... 89 Pullman Ill (4 Pupta Alegre Sugar . 80 Railway Steel Spring-. 09 Ray Consolidated Cop. 131 Reading CO Remlngtdn Typewrit . C9J4 Reploglo Steel 30 Republic Iron & Steel. 104 Republio Iron & S pf.lC094 Repub Motor Truck . . 45 (4 Royal Dutch NY .... 95(4 St L San FranciEco... 10(4 St L San Fran pt . 3114 St L Southwestern . .14(4 St L Southwest pf . . . 26 St Joseph Lead . 15V4 Saxon Motor 15)4 Scaboanl Air Line... 631 Seaboard Air Lino pf. 131 Shattuck Ariz Cop ... 11 Shell Trans Trading.. 7831 Sinclair Consol Oil .. 3034 Sloss Sheff S & I .... 68(4 Sputhern Pacific .... 8031 South T R Sugar . .205 Southern Rallwav ... 18(4 faoutnern itaiiway pf . Standard Milling Studebakcr Stutz Motor . Stromberg Carb . Superior Steel Tenn Cop & Chem . . Texas Co Texas & Pacific . . . Tobacco Products . . 70 7 Transcontinental Oil.. 21 J4 Transuo & WniB Steel. 55)4 5434 Twin City R T . . 30 2S14 Union Oil 2831 2S Underwood Typewrit .17o 170 Union Pacific 11114 11034 Union Paclflo pf 004 eo' United Alloy Steel ... 4.114 4015 United Drug 13.191 132(4 United Drug 1st pf.. 5014 50J4 United Fruit 179 170 Un Ry Investment . . 054 914 Un Ry Investm pf . . . 22 33 United Retail Stores . . 71 OS ITSCIPi Fdy 10 K; U S C I P & Fdy pf . . 45 45 U 8 Food Products.. 57 5S U S Ind Alcohol 8814 83 U S Roalty & Imp. . 4334 43 U 3 Rubber 93 94 U S Smelt & Ref 6391 til U S Smelt & Ref pf . . 45 45 U S Steel 9734 H. U P Steel pf 11014 HOI', Utah Copper 70'A 70 Utah See 914 0 If . Va-CaVolIna Chem . . U GO,, Va-Car Chem pf . . . .10814 H U Va Iron Coal & Coke 80 I j . . Vanadium Corp 46 l?; . . Wabash 7Ts - 7 . . AVabash pf 31 91 7 -o (4 Wells Fargo Exp . . 499! 40, Western Maryland . . 99 a Western Paclflo 31(4 -uy, 7 Westing-house A Br 109 10a 4 Westlnghouso E & M. 50(4 4334 4 Wheeling & L Erie .. 19 ji Wheel & L Erie pf ... IB 10 White Motor 53 31 5 Wilson & Co .. . CP.f 4 8Si4 1 Willys-Overland .... 2 3454 7 Willys-Overland pf . ftfiji 80J4 8 Woolworth F W 1 ) jjo Worthlngton Pump .. 7,0 71(4 1 .74 'c 0 20 'fi 8 7 6 4 3 io 8 10 4 4 7 .50 10 8 8 8 0 .60 5 7 Ii 4 8 6 Low 70 10 28 4034 1014 25(4 1714 4514 113 150 98 03 fil 24 108 40 28 20 30(4 -4714 47(4 1G1 2134 2834 44 10 7(4 894 65 B0J4 21 36 02 .18 3594 47 114J4 7094 87 894 70 09J4 74 100(5 414 3014 1414 95 65 21 30 46 23 10 90(4 63 GS 60 94 4091 4034 7 634 122 2954 5294 35)4 3794 7214 G8!4 38J4 40 30 24 35 3514 !94 S 14 1!4 MI4 63)4 2114 83)4 70 63 1G 8014 110 79)5 89(4 19 64 94 7 39 100 100(4 15 9494 14J4 34 11 21 15(4 1431 6(4 13(4 11 70 34 35 r,5?4 f.S(4 311:. 18 Today' n Net Close Chee. 7094- 314 10 -234 28 - 214 4034- 14 1014 .. 20(4- 14 1714- 1M 46(4- 194 112 - 3(4 160 2)4 082 65 61 - 1 241 108(4- 54 11 1 38 3 20 . 594 204- 614 40(1 48 J4 160144- 21J4-30344-44 1014- 794 94 1 M !4 154 1 V 14 0(4- 394 654 5014 4- 14 21 - 194 3614- 14 63 H 383 37 94 47 - 014 lit 4- J4 7094- 071 8944- Va 70944- 94 99)4- 214 71 - VA 10014- 114 414- 94 391 Va 14(4- 94 05-5 rsi4- 1 24 3 30 4i 5 2394- U4 1G 1 90)4.. 53 - 15 69-1 5314- J4 41 - 2(4 1094- U4 754- Va 634- 34 123 3 2034 t 94 314- Va 3614 1?4 379-t- 15 7214- 214 69 - 214 3814- 1 40(4- 14 3G 3 ,24 J4- 14 355 35)4 J4 6194 3J4 08)4 14 1G(4 14 to - 134 63(4- 94 3394 4- (4 80(4 14 70 - 0(4 52 - 3 1G Hi S0y4- 3(4 11034.. 7814- 134 89 J4 1J4 1914 14 OS,- 114 07 7J4 392 100 3(4 100(4 IYa 45 - (J 9514 14 1694- 91 34 - H 14J4 394 34 - 31 1514- (4 1491- 14 GW- (4 1314- 14 11 J4 7834 S?i 3594- 14 07 - 3(4 80 (.5 1(4 205 25 1814- 34 MUCH WEAKER TONE HOWN BY ACTIVE LOCfiL STOCKS Electric Storage Battery and Lake Sup arior Corporation Wcr the Softer Spots of tithe List The tone of the locnl market was weaker than has been observed for somo time. There appeared to be quite a good deal of belated liquidation, much of which apparently was the outcome of impaired marginal speculative accounts in the New York stocks. The drRstic marking down of security values in tho larger market within the last ten. days has played havoc with marginal ac counts and made liquidation in many cases compulsory. This was strongly suggested In the pronounced weakness which developed in Electric Storage Battery and Lake Superior; both issues, according to re cent reports, were bought heavily for 8n Nsu' Ynrk account. The market for Ulectrlc Storage Battery, as in thri rase of all the high -priced specialtieiA, was found to he exceedingly tnin. v.u very moderate liquidation the pnui was forced down $4 to 111, mokinr; a net loss of $7 for the week, The selling movement in Lake f) u perior was on a larger scale with o: ver 1200 shares coming on the market lin ing the two hours of the tr Wring, which depressed the price to the Ir.wcst in over two years to 10. Apprehension over the rallroa A labor situation was reflected in tlr fresh weakness in Pennsylvania Bail juad and J Lehigh Valley, both yielding ii. polnlj' unacr '.-yestcrdav's linal quotations xne. general list developed a distinct drooring tendency as the morning nto gresi il, which was to be expected u view of the unsettling nentimentnl n. fluc'iee of the further slaughter of mar. Itet values ou the big exchange, iu ces jkons, however, except in a few, in. str.n'ccs, were confined to sntnll frac. tl's. Insurance Company of Xorth A Jncrlca losl.fl, declining to 37. Unittd 1 lallroads of New Jersey, on a s,mall ' ."ransaction, dropped $2.00 from ih. previous sale to 182'j. , m ' Declines of VI to Vj were made br if American Stores, Lehigh NaviEation I Philadelphia Httpid Transit and UoiUii I Ons Improvement. The market for the General Asphalt shnres was again found to be very lim itcd and the price in both issue's vvj carried dow'n to a closer parity with the curb inurket quotation. This mmm a further drop of $8 in the common to 81 nnd $10.50 in the preferred In !'x A number of stocks seldom trnH jj I made tneir appearance in xnc attcrnpon indicating the widespread desire to eaih in as much us possible. Price changes were not Important, but in most caset concessions were made from the preyj. ous Fales. FIRMER TONE IN THE COTTON WARKET Much of Trading Represented Covering for O'r the Holiday COTTON PELT TVKAT1 O 1R CONDITIONS New York Tcb 11. ' J he following- tem peratures were recorded, in the cotton belt this morolns: ICnoxvl'je and Oklahoma City. 38: Nashville. 3S " Abilene and Chat tanooga. 40. Fort Sm' i and Atlanta. 12. Little notk and Aljjusta, 44; Memphis and Macon. 4s: Cha floiton. fi2i Jackson ville. Galveston and .Savannah. 04: Cor pus Chrlstl and Tan fjn.. R8. and Now Or leans. ,18. There wi rfi 01 Inch cf precipi tation at Wllmineto g ,02 at San Antonio. Fort Smith. Little ' tfclc. Chattanooga and Charleston 08 ot Oilahoma Cits'. 10 at Atlanta, .12 at N' ry Orleans and Savan nah. 24 at Shrev injrt, .30 at Pennarola, .40 at Thornasvlll l 42 at Macon. .46 at Montgomery, 48 ?Ji Aucusta and 00 at Vlcksburtf New York, Fr t. 11. The firmer tone of the market v fhich developed on near months coveriiijr between 12 and 1 o'clock continn e J in the early nfternoon, although busin e hs tnncred off somewhat. Sentiment r tr 1 to the later course of prices remain d bearish, however, and dfmand from the local clement nnd most or tne commas sion house business repre sented sbor' t s'overing for over the holi day rather 'than n reflection of any change in camion. Southern, advices icported & very general di j msition to hold the better grades of ,tton for an advance. Cotton exports f' I; the day aggregated lH..ir.5 bales, int fmling 184." to Great Britain, i:.7ft3 to ('France and 7!7 to tho Continent'. lest Today's 1100 1.30 2.30 close open a. in p. m. p March . 34.70 34.81) May r . 3J.30 32.40 82 02 32.34 32.43 July , 30..l." 30.40 30 IU 30 31 30.40 Oct f 2S.S2 'JS.4.ri 28.07 2S.30 28.40 CO RN DEVELOPED ' NOTABLE STRENGTH PARIS TRADING IRREGULAR Paris, Feb. 11. Trading was ir. regular on tho bourse today TJirrc per cent rentes, 57f 7i"c. llxchntige on Un. don, 48f 7,r)c. Five -per unt loan, 871' 05c. The dollar wns quntnl at 14f 47c. Cloversecd Tuleilo, O.. Feb 11. Ckners. (.ash. 135 DO: February. f:l" 0. $34.30: April, 34; October. 128, Prime, rash. J35: March. 15 Prima, cash, 1017 and HI18, 18 nun. H lis; .viarcn, in Hi, April J8.60. rnnis, March Aljlkr Timothy "i" I H.St. 5001 Slif, w ien Shorts Tried to Cover Market Ran Away From Them OVER 8 THE SECURITY: the Tirst Prfterred Strict., of anfi of the lars-U com pnnies of its kind in the United Mate A compnhy which in itaH Is h Iotrs nnd Important industry THE PRODUCT: pig iron, steel in gots, wire rods and all high grade strcl wire products RAW MATERIAL: the company con trola tt own ore supply Transpor tation facilities ore controlled by associated interests. NET ASSETS: in amount equualent to $267 for each share of First Pre ferred Stock, par value $100 NET EARNINGS: 4 1-3 times the annual dividend requirement of this Stock Circular h 220, descriptive of this offering, will be sent on request E. H. Rollins & Sons 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Boston New York Buffalo Albany Chicago. San Fximisco Wi fii',5 r.i!4- i I "r "?.. " - I Chicago. Feb 11.' .? ." SH-3J?, steady -stream of "" '"?? iur.4-ou .buying orders in the TA' aV ,,V, 3' and the market i ur nt- n " ) strength follow lug a we i ...r? -.: j a There was some selling tl .' '?"" 'S"??- V.i by recessions on the e - liiMa IV. 07 ,v.aj 'li--:i4 Mtt--"ss4 no .. iia 112 - n & ,'k'A- Yz cs - 14 tSYi- 3y nr, 5 35 - SH 83J4-4J4 411 83 H 4,i - Yz C694 - Hon Y Yz- Y4 tin?- Va 1084- v SO - 2 li- 1 Yt 21ft- Ya 4B 1 2114 109 -4 -10 18 -1.1 Ya - 09H- 2414- 80H- Vt 120 3 1Vz i u 194 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New -York, Feb. 11. The foreign ex- every dollar should tsjunt for produc tion and not a cent for sneculntlon." Although different plans to deflate credit are being advocated, the speaker declared that increased production and conservative regulation of credits should be Ihe present policy Tho I'.iliro foretell 1'innuee. law was i,i.uii,ir. ii.7flil: m dd nc. ab.MU : nraiseii by .Mr. Aiocnicupan, wno aiso low miodling, 2.40rl; gppd ordlnorj, 1 urgea entrance intp me reuerai ite 22.54d; and ordinaryr21.fc4d. ieerve Fjstem of eligible otate bnnkii, tice behind the counters of every bank," ' change market opening this morning he said. "Every loan should be . was- about nominal, due to the general analyzed and scrutinized to the end that delay in the arrival of cables. Quotations were approximately un changed from the .close of yesterday, and were as follows: Demand ster ling .'1.35. cahles ?-S0; franc cables 14.50. rhetks 14.52; lire cables 18.H0, checks 18.SI2; Swiss cables 5,08, checks 0,00 guilder cables 37. 'hecks !!7!H J pesetas cables 17.5fi. checks 17.-l.i ; Btncltholm cables 18.50, checks 18.3.1 j rhrkHnnla cables 17.40. checks 17.25: Copciihagen'cables 14,00, checks 14.75 ; Ilelgian cables 13.110, i-hccks 13.02; mnikH 1.0!5; Austrinn .0.'!. In the early afternoon the foreign I cxthangc market ranged stead), demaud I sterling selling nt 3.87VI and cables at I 3'!8. Francs were itionger at 14,43 I for cables nnd 14.45 for checks. Lire inbles advanced 30 points over the open 1 ing to 18; checks were ls.02 and inuiks 1 vveie 1.02. esterday's linal Quotations Sterling- Francs Lire Oull lers Demand., a .Wi 14 r.ri is 25 117 'UW Cables. S.38U 14V4H IS SO 87 70 Today's Oinnlnr Quotations Demand. .1 34 14 f.1 1H.82, 87 824 a a.VVa 14 .11 JH SO 87 7S Noon Quotations I Sterling I'ranca Lire Guilders Jl.Wn 14.47 Is 07 37l 3.37W 14 11 IS 0.", 37H Final Quotatloim Hterllnr; I-'rancs Lire Guilders Demand .87 14.40 18.04 37V, Cabltw . S.aTK 14.47 1S.02 J7H Cables Demand Cables BANK CLEARINGS Dank clear lnts today compared vflth cor. reeppndlna- dar last two years 1B20 Phii.v 7s.o7(i.an Ualllmoro 1,1 bnn..14ti Chleato N. York. 7il2,fi83.i!71 Ht. Louis 2S,025.8B1 Doston,. 01.048,217 llaltlmors 13,b05,3l 1018 57 M2 481 II) Holiday 13.2RS 2115 Last year holiday i Holiday 472,001,007 I 25,213.1911 ,' 02.681 "01 4S.702.B8 k JiolldaV 0,074.7 J( Government Crop Weather Report Washlngti ,, ivb, 11 Government weekly wefa 0 icr report says i The week just closed -i.vas generally favorable lor winter gr , cut jn Ia,arly nil sec tions of t' (. country, drain fields were deeply i jrcrcd with snow or sleet in the mid jnl0 ttnu nort, Atlantic const states (,t the prevailing mild weather icducei rjn, snow (over In the northern portioi j 0f the principal winter wheat belt e jj a left bare many fields which 'i w 't'tfre t'ten covered. I i at is beginning to show improve ment , iD the lower Missouri valley, as r' H tit of the recent mild weather, aud the i lants havo greened considerably iu the , tentrnl great plains, while satis -'ft' tiny advance was made in extreme "O' Jf hern gieat plains area. There wns bo a ie improvement reported ulso in por. 'i'Jns of Ohio valley, where adverse '' ather conditions have prevailed much p tho season. Considerable See remains the fields in central and northern 7 )rtlotis of Ohio and Iowa Ttetallers rumrl that deliveries of spring shoes are coming through in fine shape, and express considerable gratification on the prompt fUlliur or their orders by manufacturers. I Iheie was a commission -house corn nit today. developed surprising aker tone early. ien, influenced urb Inst night. but the news wns bullish and the losses were promptly regained, and when shorts tried to cover the market ran away from them. Among the influences were further gains in the cash article, the holding policy of the country shipper nnd fnil ure of receipts to assume the propor tions looked for. It was asserted in u dispatch from Omaha that the railroad administration had refused to modify the car priority order. The approach- of spring has led many to give thought as to .what the uttitudc of the farmer will be toward putting in normal acre ages. Oats rallied with torn. The market started easier on selling by local in terests, but elevator, cash aud com mission houses purchased. Shorts also competed for the offerings, which were limited. Jtc-ceipts remained light, with stocks decreased, The visible supply iu the United States aud Canada is less than half that of a cr ago. Leading futures ranged aa follow s Corn (new delivery) Yea; Open Hleh Low Clce close May . 1 28 1 31 j, 1 27 1 SOli 1 ,iH July . . 1 20 1 2RH 1 24 1.28 1.33', Sept. .. 1.2S1 1 2SVs 1 21 l'SH Oats-r May . 78 78 78, 78 n 78 July .. 00' 71'i OS's 705 CO',4 l'ork May . . .34 37 35.10 34 33 34.80 34 25 July 34 75 3450 31.75 33 S3 Lard May ... ,21.25 2155 2110 21.4621.20 July .. .2127 21117 21.57 2191 21.70 lllbb May .18 41 18 57 18 30 18 47 M8.37 JuU 10 W IU 00 18 SO 10 00 IS. DO JJId MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YOKK Mono on call opened lending and leuewing at K per cent. The time money market was un changed toiluj , with little or no busi ness being transacted. On industrial loans 0(cj.0V.' per cent was quoted and some loans were made at 10 per cent. Itecently as high as 10'1 per cent was paid. The market on mixed securities was just us nominal as on industrials, with 88M; per cent. PHII-ADKU'inA-Call, (I per cent; time, 0 per cent; commercial paper, three to six months, 0 per cent Reserve Banks Discount Rates The first column gives rates for all periods up to and Including a fifteen day maturity, the second for a peiiod of sixteen to ninety days. The third and fourth columns cive rh mi., r. .11 ... e- ..,i. . ,--' ..." wi umtuuiiia jur ciiiiuieraj loans by government bonds or notes. com 1 paper 18 to no secured lays days II 0 8 H II 8 fl 8 0 8 8 II II 8 II 8 II 5 .1 0 8 Itoston . New York . Philadelphia , Richmond . . . Cleveland . Atlanta . Chicago 8t Louis Minneapolis LKansas City uail&H Ban Francisco 'Rates on outstandlne certificate. aeoteanes continue unchanged at 41 Govt, paper ir in? 15 days days 0W B'4 5V4 8Vs 314 .fitl 5 VI Bit 5li .8 5W 'bS '.. ' -o Of In. per WE Ol-TER Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Company Refunding Mtge. 6s Company serves a population of 1,300,000 In western New Yorl. Welsh Brothers 028 Chestnut Stii rrr I'liiiadelphls Lombard 1513 High-Grade Investment Securities JosepKW.Gross &Co. 1421 Chestnut St. Corirsponctti's Aldred & Company If you are a stockholder in the PHILADELPHIA COMPANY2 OR THE PITTSBURGH COAL CO. Communicate with us. STEWART & COMPANY 423-424 Lafayette Bldg. ' PHILADELPHIA t Stock Exchange house require' man in cashicrVi department ex perienced in bookkeepinff. C 316, Ledger Oflicc Stockweli, Wilson & Li Certified Public Accountants Land TiUe Bldg., Philadelphia ntiVAii: sunn, ,n bun. Woman with practical triilnini. '" l"Tli ness admlnlutratlon, d-sl-M " " r,. position with man of I"-'6 ""'" and nulrlna- executive ability v""", hn tactful mananement t Boab,mmlUeei dllnit appointments, lstters '"ii "" J et editorials, reports and analyses rellevlne man or ,,,,a,,J" rr IMO"- J GUARANTEED Railroad Bonds GEO. WILLIAM WALLACE 334 Land Title Building Spruce I 54 J r. PhiL. Suburban Ga &Iee' 5 Bonds F.&A-, 100 A. MORGAN- -, REED wrist BKo:"i,D' 4Mrtis k'- . JT..frt WB8T KNO TRUHT "iWSJST .v i . ,J i