iTusa f 7 Ls .. . iJi-'U. ,.i... , 'WrW '. , . -' " T 1L'''". 'i--"- m -"W y'-'JT"' ' M, J"" Ht-l i ( " .. ,- M.-.,trtiji" '- r T EVENINa' PUBLIC tEDGEEr-PHIL'ABELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11V 1920 HtfT PRINCE OF WALES AT ITS HEAD, THE BOXING UNION SHOULD HAVE A ROYAL OUTLOO& r ' til CONTROL EVERYTHING WITH HURLER MA TTY You Never Call Telln Even After Warming Up, Whether Ball Is Going iVhere Yon Want to Place It, Says Famous Big Six Hy O UANTLAND IUCI3 (CovuAohL ,1PS0, all rtohts resrrvtd) ... 1 1-! i SOMi: time iiKO put tins myuuu turn up to ChrlHty Mnlhcwson : "Iu the oU tlaja. vlion yo'l ?re pitt-Alnu ,cll, "II illicit Htop the :ubl on M n j... 'llli four liltM und one run, hold UiK ""' . .1 . .1. i u.....i.,1.,iil flu li ruin rjl . tliom "" . ...i..i...nii mi inni'li sttirr n evrv. Ill n 111' K II I IIU1IIVIIII ' - - ' JT. i t br t har.1 by some tull-enVl ffl"cnlrivenfro,Vt1.cbox What W th" main rnii'c for tliuto sudden slumiM U,L . !.. Unit linln devolnif, or CI11...K11 '." ,"",,,,,: ..i... i.i . to niuuy bu-cDiiii, u " "' """ " Siv and four days later, .when still in fine roudition, be hammered out of the nnslnre hv ii weak-hiling lot? P ''It Is nil." Mi''' Matty. "" matter of control At least it uns in m.v ease. There were certain dujs when 1 t'ould n,t the ball exactly where I wanted it I lirli or low. mit the inside or the out Bidi eorner, and all without half-try- '""There were othcis when 1 felt just well n eei-. lle l "" ty1 "s much bpcwl. when my arm felt just as rtrotig. when eery curve I carried bad just as bis a break. Hut on these days I louldn-t quite get the stuff where I vantrd it to go. There was a lack of co-ordination that is frequently hard tQ nnlaln or hanl to understand. ou on v know that when jou are trying to V'li for the inside corner the ball sails J "r tl.e middle of the plate. And the larder ou trj the wilder you aie likely 10 RL " l!ej ond Dopins mlir.NI5 off dajs," eontiuued Matty, i "lilt viu suddenly. You may feel t lour best. Von may look for one of Tour gieate.-t games. You may have ncri thing in warming up. JSut after n f,.- 'balls are thrown iu the box jou mkMomIi leuliue that jour control is rtblding. 'Ihere a.e times when his nill lul for oiil an inning or two. Mit n, a rule wheu this feeling strikes a Ditcher he losr- all bis needed couttdenee, anil in attempting to make up by sheer jnocd or fast cunos for lost control he, of inline, gets wildrr than "It has frcqiieully hapiieued to me to to mil feeling off form, expecting to he hit haid. aud then have one of my best dav, and niulnl because on that day 1 loi'ild put the ha" where I wanted it to n I nilcrraleil Ingredient CONTUUIi is too often an uudcrriited ingredient. Slim Kallec iud less nerd than liny pitcher on his club and jet lie was the only Ited twirler able to win more than twenty games. Washington Walter Had World of Stuff in 1907, but Lost to Tigers "W. niO is heV" Sam Crawford, the slugging Tiger, asked of Davcy Jones IMniil lead-on" man. "I ibiuim." replied Dutcy in his bigh-piti-lied voi e ' !, be got?1 persisted Ham. 'Vm try to lind out. Mnjbe jou cau tec it go l, ; I couldn't," said Uavey. "W'hat'd they say the guy's name naV" uIed Dutch Schmidt, the IJe tioit fiitfhn. "I llnnk Sheridan called him Joltu on, ' snul t'obb. "One nf Bun's, bej '." com Biented the wilty (ieiuiany Sebucfcr. Uefore the 1007 season was over Ty Cobb, Sam Crawford and all the rest of the American League were pretty im-11 acquainted witb Walter Johnson, the, boj wonder from Idaho. Since Sam Crawford first asked what AVulter had on that Aucust dav of ll07 perhaps a tlioiiMind American l,eague ball play- crs liaie eudeatored to answer the ques tion. But I bey all were iu the. same boat wiili Dut"y Jones. The thing got by hi fat (hat no one ever has been lible In j-rt a good look lit it. Wultir Johnson didn't win bis first RJino in Ihe American League ; in fact, thi Dctioils climbed iuto first place ns a result of it lclur, met" the "Idaho nhrnoin, us lie then was called. But the nineteen ear-old boy let the Tigers know tliev weie in a bull gaino. Johnson pitelied bis first game in Washington on August L', 1007, und tin follow mg brief lead proclaimed tho fart to the world that baseball's! great est nitihoi- li-iil Imrli'il Ii 1st lmt inin Hip 1"i! Iciiguo ring. . ' Dttioit defeated Washington in both tuitions of a double-heuder hero todaj, ami wont into first place in tlie American League race. In the first Same Johnson, tho Idaho wonder. mode his debut with Washington, aud Pitched n good game. Seiver's effec "U'upss, however, enabled Detroit to ICmnoht jjjd. All rights reserved.) GOVERNMENT LUMBER SALE J''" "HI be bold nt the Ilillailelnlila .lMub.,re,l,r,,""rJr :'B 10'i0 ""' (1) 523,004 Bd. ft. Clenr Western , Spruce ) 428,989 Bd. ft. Clear North- eastern Spruce W 426,200 Bd. ft. . Spruce (kiln dried) W 43,230 Bd. ft. Birch Veneer ,,. (not glued) W 80,000 Bd. ft. Merchantable , Hemlock" JJ) 10,770 Bd. ft. Spanish Cedar lota consilnini'.518 Veen dlvIded ,nt0 yrloariu i"11- of Pne r more Stl fnin?U. ro.8Peotlv1 Purcliasera " Phigl?",' ,ll8 lumber by applying; SEi?,1alul. furthor Information "under in "et ,at t,le mco of Com" Mmber fe'l'L D; obnett. Senior ?"d Sale iS.d,.J Survey, Appraisal najider K! "" ,?-1 l"e o'l'ce of Com Mnber fc1"' D; obnett. Senior a"d Bale iSfrd,f Survey, Appraisal Nvy Yar5'aS.11.A,lr?r?ft Storehoua. Dhpne t?m'i Philadelphia, To, Tele ' 'TOO, Dickinson eaOa?TCton?inn xil '-- . T,.W.W.J f-l. mm EATEN MAJOR DOT He may not have had a lot-on the ball. but be could pitch into a tin cup ut sixty feet". Many a smart pitcher has known where u batter's weakness was, but this knowledge was of no vast help when be couldn't put the ball at the vulnerable sector. OIT Days TUB same thing goes for, all games. Off days arc rarely due to any phy sical weakness or Illness or lacjt of plij fiieal strength, although these occasions urjM'. They are due in the main to n cer f, in subtle lack of co-ordination that wi.ycks -coutroli ' You enn hit the baseball, tenuis ball or ,Vlf ball as bard and as far as cyer, but you can't make it go where you kuo1' v it belongs because your directing forci the same being a combination of braltt.i nerves aud muscle suddenly goes nj,lr'l . '. That Sinking Keeling TIIIW lack. of control, whether atbasc ball, tennis or golf, quite frequently comes fn om attempting loo much. The ai imseil pitcher suddenly desires to put n tiro on the ball than 'Walter 'Johnson i tid Alexander combined, with the result that he soon lias his catcher doing a si "inimy mixed up witb some ground and lofty tumbling. The same thing goes 1. vc the mun swinging a bat, rncket or gt 'If elub. There arc days when be can nwing with all he has. but in the main I v; must keep something in reserve. There is no v uore'depressiug feeling in sport than to It 3d that control has slip ped and the Ca 1 of the Wild has lured you off the prope r towpath. Kvcn nn Ineh Counts 0NI3 of the nut to reasons why Matty could win lorn twcuty-li to thlrtv-fivp ball rai oes it jear for about twelve or fourteen seasons was that on uiue days out of to; t he could splash bis fast one or the old fadeaway within an inch or tw'o of the it wuer under fire. He missed that corner V ' an inch in 10U with Baker tip for thuMthird strike (or so (he umpires ruled), an d that inch started Baker's runic and Mul 'ty's dowufall., He ncicr won a world ti Ties game there after. An inch isn't very ut ucb space, but it may mean as much as i t square mile on numerous occasions in s lort. And con trol means taking cure of ' the inches. If jou can take care of t '-he inches the square miles will take i ffc of them selves. Along Came Wk liter . WASHINGTON AMKItli "ANS A. i:. ' IT- ., i. Otis rijmiT, ir i a o '-' o o Bub danlrv. rl. . . . .1 0 n 1 0 0 Jim Di-Jehnnly lb., a 0 1 in 1 0 elms Jone-i, uf I I o' too lifureeNIII, L'h a O ' .- fi 1 Ohvo Altlzcr. S3 1 M 1 -'I 1 1 Hill Rhlpkp. Ill) I 0 I 3 3 0 -Ii'Clc lt.ivlen r I 1 0 1 0 t AI,TICIt!(lllNMIN, ; O 0 it 1 0 Tom Iluslies. r II II II (It 1 0 i'iirr tiii-niu-n-hip.. . o o o o oo tlliiriy OchrlUB 1 0 0 0 u 0 Totiils 211 ' 'J , 27 33,2 ' DIITUOIT AMUUICANK All. It. H. O A 13 T-ey Jones. If t o 0 II 0 0 Bill Couulilln. 3b. ... 1 0 0 n ti 1 Sam Cr.iHford, cf... -I 1 1 a " 0 T Cubb. rf t I 1 a 1 3 1 I'l'dp tlospmnn, lb,. 1 n u 8 I 0 Tom Downs. 2b ... 4 1 - I 1 i 0 1,' Schmidt, c. ... I 0 2 11 U " 1'h.iK O'l-pary u. ... I O 2 I 1 - IZi Sclt er, p.' I o 0 0 B 0 Totals :i a in 2 Battfd for .IIIIINSoy hi eluhtli 12 tuuueu ior nayaen in ninth Washington ..OOonoi no Optrolt OlOOOftOl tn Two U,iM IiIIb i Dolphanty. Itossman. Thrpc-badp Ml Mill. Homo run-iOraw ford Hits Oft 40HM,ON. (1 in s IniilnsB- Ilust.5! ,, I", I Jnnlmr, haorllU-n hits H(.jdpn HlankPiiRhlp SIoIpii baspi Dplplmiilv L,bb,i ,V 'If1'5 , I'oublp plays Cobb and HchmMti (.obb nnd ItOHsman. Left on bass Washlnstnn. it- Detroit, 7 First bso on lulls':!? JOHNSON. It Kpfvpr 4 Htruk out- Hy JOHNMIN, :)- UBheB, . Kever. 7? Umplips Mie-idun and llvan. Time ISO. CHALLENGE RACE JULY 15 International Yacht Event Is An nounced by Royal Ulster Club Iinilou. Feb. 11. Tho first race for the America's cup in the international regatta between Sir Thomas. LIptou's challenging yacht Shamrock IV and the New York Yacht Club's unnamed de fender will he tailed Thursday, July 15, according to tin announcement made hero today hy the Itoyal Ulster Yacht Club, of which Sir Thomas is a mem ber. Champion Herman Beats Solsberg St. I-oiiIh. Feb. 11, rclo Herman, ban-laiiiwpl.-ht champion, won .the newspaper decision over John Soisbcrir. of Hrooklin, IK an eight round bout hero lHt nleht. "I'll Try Anything Once"' Free Inspection SerTico Bring your car here our experts will inspect it and advise you with out charge or obligation Automobile Repairs Company of Philadelphia, Inc. 229-31 North Twenty-third Street rhon. Sprue 400 rare athletes LAND TWO FIRSTS Earl Eby Gets Leg on Post Trophy in Millrose In door Games THOMSON BREAKS RECORD IVnn's athletes fared well in the nn nual Mllimsc games staged in the spa flous Sladiion Square Garden iu New York last night. The Kcd and Hlue runners copped two first places and a fifth. Karl Vjby, tho speedy middle-distance runner, who holds the interallied 400 mcter title, dashed to a victory in the Millrose "(!00" und landed a leg on the 10. II. Post trophy. Kby made the distance in 1.10 2-5 seconds, benting Dave Caldwell, the former Cornell ath lete and rccordbrcakcr, to the tape by a good five jards. ' The relay team, coached by Lnwson Ilobertson. landed first lu the intercol legiate mile relay. Tho 1'cnn team was composed of Maxam. Captain (JustaJ son, Datis nnd Smith. The Quaker quartet did tjic mile in O.UO 4-5. Larry Brown Firth Larry Itrown' efforts were a trifle disappointing. The best be could get in the three-quarter mile invitation was fifth place. The rrfce was won by Mike Dcvanney, of Millrose, in 3.10 flat. Karl Thomson, the famous Dartmouth hurdler, set up a new world's mark in the seventy-yard low- hurdles, taking the jumps in 8 1-5 seconds. He had to beat bylvester, of Missouri, nnd Krtl mau, of Princeton, to get the record, lie equaled the world's mark of 8 2-5 seconds in his beat. The garden was packed from, boxes to rafters, more than 12,000 jamming the historic amphitheater. J. V. Scbloz, University of Missouri, created a, sensation in the 70-iard dash innovation linal wheu he equaled the world's record of 7 1 -5 seconds, held jo'iutjy by Scbeck. Archer, Cloughen, Drew and .T. Loomis. Jolo Itay Wins loie Itay, fresh from his victory iu the Hunter mile in liostou, merely 'toyed with the field In the Hodman Wanamaker, special, und won by at least uinety jardi, from II. C. Cuthill, IJostou A. A., and the rest of the field, which incllided Hob Crawford, the La fayette star; Gordon Nightingale, of New Hampshire State College, and Jimmy Coiinnlley. of Georgetown. Although liny had no opposition in the last half mile, he did the lVj-milc board course in the fabt time of 0 min utes, 52 1 -5 seconds. Pcnn finished second in the one-mile iutcrclub relay handicap, which wan won by Kuights of St. Authony. Mill rose A. A. was third. Hut for AV. Irwin's fall in the second relay, I'cnn would have won the race. Dewey Itod gers, former Northeast High btar, ran a remarkable race lor l'cuu. THIS wcek.'s pugilistic program at the Gcrniiiutowti A. A. will be held to night instead of Thursday night, which is the regular boxing evening at the Chetten and (Jermantown nveuues nrena. A featherweight bout between Frankic Farmer who will come up from Eliza beth, N. J., and Marty Kane, a local 1ad?vill be the feature fracas. Joe Dor scy aud Billy Devine meet iu the semi final. Other bouts are Kocky Ford vs. Joe Clarke, Kid Sharkey -x. Tommy Dunn and K. O. Doyle vs. l'ouug Frankic Dailey. If JutW Ilempsey sets the newspaper de cision oer the Army. Navv and Civilian Ho.ird of Boxlue Centred. It Is probable his next' opponent will be Georecs Carpentier. nol Martin irot J." fur his first bout. Put . hJt was before bo became a douxhboi', i jd that Man some tliuo ago. when five u'lcks vias a lot of doueh. p nilridlpwoiiclit bout between Charlcv O lelll. ct Kensington, and Johnny alii, of Yci ! I'l 'Je 'I16 headllner at the Cambria Fr lv n'tbt. Other bouts are Johnny Mar ,i, vs. Johnny Dougherty. Johnny Du?an vs. Youi 1 Harney Rellly. Younic Oriffo vs. Tony DanV ''8 a,1(1 Chivrlev O'lJaro vs. Jimmy Tonct ' j00 Orlm, the one-time and oriclnal Iron Man k In the milk business. Joe doesn't even ti tl "k'1' an more. .lohnil V Kay. from the sea-shere. wants to enme to Phlllv for bouts with bantams. Tho At lantlo c,iY iHi elect Kid Wagner. JacK Terry or Hilly Devine us an opponent. 1V1IIU 1 rsman writes Danny Frush la npen for a ftion naralnst Artie Iloot. Johnny Murray. Jo " " l'0- Alvle Jllllcr. Al abubert or any 123. "s Pounder. Willux IK V' on the flow: "Koep jour eio on Blllt Kramer Saturday niuht when ho bo-Ps Vt inklo McOulre. Then you will see just why I am so confident that KraniT SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPS AND SCRAPPERS f Tliis remark waamade by a prominent Pliilade lphia busi ness man who broui ?ht his car here last Wednesi iay after being "faked and ro, bbed," as he put it, by four different repair shops in ai many weeks. No proposition ever iced a more confirmed skeptic. This man did not believe tin it we were any different from ', the iest in fact, he didn't Hesi tate to tell us so. To make a long story sho, rt, three cars belonging to thi .e of his best friends are on ou v floor at the present time. H sent them here himself. Remembei all we ask is a trial. C.H.S.. STARS TO GO TO ARMY AND NAVY "Izzy" Harris Will Enroll at West Point and "Ed" Bennett Will Enter An napolis in June BRILLIANT GRIDDERS lly I'AUIj PUE1 rpHKY played together on the same fn!ln1t tnm Iflht .MnH 4 1, n .nnernn'tf iuvwuii i;uiii luni jidL, liiv Dinnuu e- interscholnstic league championship eleven. Next fall may lind them "friendly enemies" on opposite grid iron aggregations in the blue-ribbon fracas of the year, that between Army nnd Navy on the Polo Grounds, New York, the first Saturday after Thanks giving Day. , "Izzy" Harris and "Kd" Ucnnrtt, Central High School's brace of bril liant halfbacks in lfMO. both of whom have received their diplomas, were ap pointed respectively at West Point and Annapolis. They will be enrolled nt the academics next June. There is no one-year rule at tin naval institution, nor is there ouc ut the military school. . Hence both Har ris and Bennett would be eligible for the varsity the first year. All they have to do is make good. Both Should Make Good And there is no reason why Izzy shouldn't work himself into a berth at West Point, while Eddie docs the same thing at Crabtown. Coach Dr. Mut thew O'llricn, of Central High, believes that Harris and Uenucu arc two ot tne greatest halfbacks ever developed in Philadelphia. He should feel that way. too, because both young men showed wonderful ability on the football field tor tue Urimson aud Uold. Harris was selected as the other half back on the l!Jt! All-Scholastic eleven. Uennett was considered seriously for a similar job. While Iz.y made bis renutatioii on the chalked-off battle field because of his aggressiveness, Ed'b remarkable ability was based on his defensiveness. Uennett held down tbb right halfback job last year on Central's wonderful eleven. It was his third year as a regular on the varsity. Ed also was a member of the Mirrors' crew for two jears. He was elected- president of this year's graduating class nnd was Honor man. Harris Also Hall Player In 1015 Harris wus captain of the championship freshmen football team, and also played three years on the varsity eleven. Last year Izzy was one of Doctor O'Brien'H mainstays in the box ou his baseball team. Besides being vice prcsidcut of bis 6euior class, Har ris also was second honor man. Allen Goldstein, another star athlete who graduated from Central High this month and who will enter Dartmouth University in September, was chosen third honor man of his class. "Al" was the Crimson nnd Gold's left end would be no Dlcco of pie for Chamn Jtlko O'Dowd." Voiinc t'lianpy. alter recoverlnc from his attack of flu. ii In fine shape for lila bout Saturday nlirht at the National against Johnny Murray. Marpus llllllamg ellnchrd a Bood fighting wind-up. for Ihe Auditorium next Tuesday night when Sol O'Donnell taRes on WlUle McCioekey. Joe Tlplitr Isn't such a dumb cuy after all. Qet thli: "The reason I permitted Valeer to eock me on th chin witliout at temptlnff to protect mj"elf was hecauiu) his punches to the body hurt me more than his wallop? to the Jaw." nays Yuall Jue has ft pair of bunded hands and ho will bo un able to box fur six wecka. Jolinnr KUbune will liavo to wait until Kehruarv M Ix'foro ho will be able to bank J850II. the guarantee he Is to get for his match with Ilenney ValBor at Newark. N. J. Valger li down with the flu. and Joe Jacobs dfclded to postpone tho set-to from Febru ary 10. Corporal Japk Itlumenfcld, a welterweight, Is the latett puclllstlc arrival from Uncland Ko udmlts he la not a British champion. Jack Rutso will get a smell test at the Oljmpla Monday night when he meets Willie Jackson. A hearrweltht bout between Dave Bloom 'T'HE Roamer Coupe is always ready for service, as snug and comfortable on the coldest day as a sedan; as fresh and brac ing in, fair weather as a roadster. The unusual charm of the Roamer Coupe lies in its distinctive design and luxurious appointments as well as in the swift power of its silent motor. The Roamer Coupe answers every demand of the most exacting motorist. l'ilOMi fS FIAT MOTOR COMPANY . . 1827 Chestnut St,, Philadelphia, Pa. I WW , ' ,X. M, 1HK, v HS&' sKmSW H $$ ' m-w I Lrfd96i9E&&ttml'! mWS' ' NPfHHfilttKtftu ; foftffs mmmmrzzz' iwkw" v" a- vm IK r Wt Vtof$&8WV$l&. .sA'So ' . .4t& fgQw WW-, VS ' "K 1, w mm i KSi rfT?CTlrtiTrtv- ) Hft ff- . f - . ' jwWSS5ss3,Sf? B j) UD BtNNETT sO r y I - KcrK. MZW$&$&KtoL IIIS ' w I mmwryh' t 1 438 " . 1 . m".- 1B't.iiwi. -, ,-' tfellir ' A n. dHP ALM GOLDSTEIN I on the championship eleven last year and lie was'Jicting captain of the bas ketball team. and Wlllio ClaWn at tho UIJou ne-t Tuesdav night li causing all borts of luterept in loal sportiritf circles, llooboo la one of Olavln's supporters, while Mlko Itusenthal is Bloom's backer Charley Upar ii taking no chances. He is working dillgetitlv for his match Monday nignt at me uiymni.i with Harry tKid), Brown. Joe T..V7h1i and Jack Wolfe are to box again. rinev win meet in Cleveland Febru ary 18. JOHNNY COULON TO SAIL Meets Lcdoux In Paris March 3 and Mav Flnlit WMH Cliicaso, lVb 11, Johnny Cou lon, former champion, matched lo box twrho rounds with Charles I.cdouv in Paris, JIurch V, left for Xew Yoik Uidii). He will sail Saturday. ' If Coulon defeatH Lcdoux lie will re ' main in France until Jimmy Wilde re turns to Kngliuii, he nuiiounccd. ' Coulon was aeeompauicd by his uncle I Fred Coulon. I ROBINS ENTERTAIN PHILLIESAT START Cravath's Club Opens 1920 Campaign at Brooklyn on April 14 ONLY 4 CONFLICTING DATES Gnvvy Cravntb and his hopeful Phils get away to o stait on the 11120 cam paign against the ltobins in Brooklyn April 1-1. Our National League ath letes will not make their bow to local fandom until April 22 when they tear up the soi of Broad and Huntingdon streets against the Dodgers. The initial games of the beason in Mr, llejiller's circuit, all on April Id, are as follows: Phillies at Brooklyn. Boston nt Xew York. Pittsburgb at St Louis. ( bicngo at Cincinnati. 'I'll" schedule has been raised to the normal leiffcth of 151 games for the first time in three seasons. The complcto list was made out for 1018. but had to be cut short. Last year only 140 gamca wcie dated. As iMtinl, trips will be made toward the West. The first Phillip invasion will start on May 10 at Pittsburgh. The Cravnthiaus appenr here during most of September, but wandpr awaj lor the closing games and end the sea son against the Giants in New York. There are only four conflicting dates in the entire schedule. These are May 0, June 117 September 5 and 2(i or each of which the Chicago National and American League teams arc play ing nt home. BIG GOLF BALL DEMAND Unprecedented Orders Indicate Rec ord-Breaking Links Play This Year Cliiriicn. Vvh. 11. An iinnrccoili'nlcil domunil for coif balls inilicatps then will be n rcfonl-brcaking jilay this year, according to mainifactiirprs liero. lio rcporti'il today that all factories an operating ut tun capacity anil a number arc workinc two and three shifts for the ttrst time in their history. Contracts Huh year specify balls must be delivered by June 1, although here tofore the firms have contracted with professionals for the years supply. niuUing deliveries throughout thj sea son. Improvement in construction has been made in a number of standard brands, it was said, and ifvas pre dicted balls -would wear better. Heavy demand last year necessitated aVsspeedy output and it was found that qTricJt- drymg paints did not. stanu up wen. This delect has beeu done away with this year in the drying of the balls. n 'Ni fv. rthe Cold Gargpe You cau start your car ANY cold morning as easily as in summer if you use AUTO RADIATOR AND GAUAGB HEATER Hents sour radiator and motor FIRST then yoar garsre. Uek Kerosene. Approed b lending Insurance Companies. Tentli HiiiceMsful season. A sufe purrlinse uldi our guarantee. Must be as repre. vented or your money baik. Come In and see ilemouitr. tlon in our sliotvrtioms. ROSE MFG. CO. "10 Arcli St.. riill.. "I . o i stallal on I'ni'initl H 'tt'er r r S t'a'tni it-s-o; I nn 2ii i' Others I'cml 'lin yy Sal gL. t i H Phillies' Schedule al Home and Abroad AT IIOMK April B2, 2.1. Zt Itrookljn. Alirli So, Slnj- 1, a. 4 New York, "ay. r, (1. 7. B HoMon. Mny .It (two khiiipm), .lunn 1 Boston, .luiin 2, :i, 4, A Ilrookltn. Juno H, 0, 10, 11 Oilmen, lunn Vi, 14, 15, Id I'lttxlHirEli, Tune 17, IS, 111 (tun ciimei) m, lapis. Jimp 81. S3. K3. 'J I Cincinnati, .lime 20, 20 (two cuinen). 28, 2D New lorlt. July 27. IU.. 20. 30 IMIUhnrrli. July 31, Alien 2. 3. 4 Chicago. Ainmnt n, 0 7 (tnn canir) (Inclnaatl. AllBUHt . 10. 11, 12 Ml. Louis. AugiiKt 10, 17 New York. Hpptnibpp 0 (two shuipnI, 7, H llrookfjn. Heiitemlipr . 10. 1 I'lllsbursh. Npptpmbrr lit. It. in Cincinnati, heplpmlipr IB, 17, 18 Chlcneo. hpptpnilipr 20, 21, 22 Ht. bfpteiubrr 23, 24, 2,, (tuo ciiium) Hoston. AllltOAI) -April 14. IT,. 1(1. 17 llronUljn. April IS, 10. 20 New York. April 211. 27, 2K. 20 Hontmi. Slay 2 Brooklyn. Mtiy 0 ItrookUll. Muv 10, It, 12. 13 rltlalllircll. May 14. 1t. 10. 17 (Inclnimll. May IS. 10. 20. 21 St. Louis. JIII1V 22, 23, 21, 33 Cllll-UEO. mar 'zz, '., z,, :;. , inpuco. May 2. 20. :l Npw "lork. July 2, 3, t (two Kiimps) llrookvil, Julv ft (two Kiimpw) Nph ork.a July 7. 8. , 10 1'lllKliurcli. M July 12, 13, 14. ir Cinplmmll. Wh July 111, 17, IR, 10 St. I.nuln. ' iilay 2. 2. vm pw lork. HUI Jul J J Jul llllr 21. 221 23. 24. 23 Ch rilzo AtlSUHt 13. II Itno camex) Ito&ton. AliBlint I ft IlronUlyn. AumiH 10. 20, 21 I'KtHliurEli. Anirupt 23, 24, 2V-('lnrlnnntl. AumiKt 27. 28, 20 S(, LoulH. August 30, 31 t hlraco. Spptpniupr 3 Itrookbn. heptpinbpr 20, 30, llrlobcr 2 Ilolon. Octolifr 8pw lork. MERI0NJ30LFER WINS Hugh Wllloughby Vins in First Round for Florida Title Pnlm Ilach. Ilu.. Tb. 11 Hutch WII louehhy, Jr.. of the Merlon Cricket Club, put Jamrs Tt. ITydt. South Shore, out or tho South Florida championship In the firt round match plav. defeatttiK him 3 and 1. Both men are former holdprs of the title A fppture sai the dpfeat of tho present title holder, IT C. Clark Miopia, formerly a "WUmlnRton man, hv F. Clupp, Garden City, wno neat Mm l up. Htuart stiCKney, yes terday's medalist, waa u atrons factor as he, ployed out the bv holes, taking a medal More of C9, tho best the courso has done this j car. McCarthy Sold to Birmingham Clilfaco. Veb. 11. -Tho Columbus rlub, of the American AssocUitlon. has wild First Haspman McCnrth to th" Birmingham club, of tho Southern League. Prpsldent Joe 'linker, of Columbus, announced Burns Is Giant Holdout Utile I'.illn. V. V I'eli. 11 Gcorso Tlurnfi, left Holder of th New York Na tionals, announced vestPrday be had returned his contract unsigned. Ho paid be had been piven an Increase in salary, but that he did not consider it sufficient. E ARE selling both high shoes and Oxfords to men who are laying them aside as good invest ments for the future. W Sfe6erii)ali " 1420 Chestnut St. "WHra Only lh Bt Ik Good Saoub; nitnopi.As All 1 I'.'Hi Morris S. Passunk Ave. Alhambra Ma, uaiiafj. r.vEs.o:4ou l'ITIl-1. I l.ATTON in ,,..., "THE 1 HlltUIA I'll OMMANPiffiNT ALLEGHENY :?K'.SVI Allesheny 0. 8. ri 1 ,' Till lf AS It, "TIIK aiOlllOUS LADT" a n-vt i r Zzv & TiiojirsoN sts. APOLLO MAT1N13B DAILY the aim.1raoM'TiiiiV,,ouTSiDn'' n -" A rM A ClIKSTNl'T T.elow 1CTH ARCADIA 10 A. M to 11 :15 P. M. tom moouv; in . "TUG C1AY I.OHD Ql N T-,i i ipoiDn nnoAD h-uieet and BLUEBIKL) SI'QI lUIANNAAVK. ii:n Tiii r" i liw itoi t. bt" win': BROADWAY ".rS'A iTff A cnAvKniHU..bvouNa ii i. .snyJer Ave CAPITOL 10 A. M to 11:15 1'. M Minr jiu-v.;- MiNrnu in .anvi: or 'artncN habuis1 COLONIAL -j :.-.o. 7 hiiiI 0 P. M. uwui. r. ioi nNRLii'S ,l Mi iORV" EMPRESS MAIN fcT . MANAYUNK MAI im;u II ML.1 ,.r IH1 k MBtLU l"l"U r.vt; ji TOUTU" FA1RMOUNT -r-..Y 1 MALE AND FEMALE" r- a IV 111 V THIJATUIi lull -Maraei oi. FAMILY P A M to MldlllBht 1 .., uiYS nuni'ivwni.l. In U ' roIUUDDHN HUO.M" rTil C-T TIIUATItB Helow Spruce 56TH SI. MATINKIJ IIA1LY m-lllllli: V VI s" in ' T,,,; H'-VST" FRANKLIN TlllltD S. I'rrZWATBK oku. in eiuaiv JM'K PI" KIWII? m IN Vltl iNi J" - . Nl il,. ltroad Ht at Krle. Great Northern .. 7 ,, v, M niciiAiti) ii Mini M. I'vvtsj-a VoF.Dir.KS or KOUTfNIJ" IHJinrDIAI GOT'It t WALNUT KTH. 1MPLKIAL Mais, i: SO l'.MTS. 7 ft u CI.AHA KIMHAI.t. YOt NU III EYIJH IT YOUTH" i t- nrn Js-1' lawastisr avu. LLAUfc.r. MATINUU DAJI.Y r.TllKf, riAYTOV In "THE T1UHTW.NTH Cil.MMANnMnNT" I tnr-DTV IlItOAD f. roi.UMBIA AV LlDbrV. 1 I MATtNKi: DAILY ur.sin .im.s in "A nr.uuLAii Hint." 333 MARKET 7. 8THKET TFIEATnn I A M to 11 15 P.M. WIM.IAV 1'AllNtlM in "WINOH OK THE MOItNINQ" , KyirTM7I 23 SOUTH ST. Orrhefltra MUUCIj Contlnuoun 1 to 11. VIOLA DANA In PLBASn 0T MATtllFCD" I I I I II I. I I I I rrmri A 40T1I MAItKKT BTS. U.VJ rv.crv- mvtinki: UAII.V uniKi: in "WANTKD-A llfHHAND- f THRO X f ) COMPANY J JEFFERSON 8Mhk,WSAf& " . 8UHJK 1IAYAKAWA In ' "tllH 'IONU MAN" , BAT MURRAY v in nn. Bantams Put On Hard Bout and Promise Action for . Jimmy Wildo WILLIE ALLEN IS VICTOR When little Mr. .Teems Wilde, who (lies the I'nlon Jack in pugilistic strattsr, invades Philadelphia ho is going to flu'ir nt least two of the smaller gentlemen of the gloves who will be able to make him step fast. They are Untiling Mur ray. Italian, nnd Ilauk McGovcrn Irish. Of course there arc n number of other petit pugs who will clamor for' meetings with the- ISritisbcr, so be roajj be assured of till t-orls of action, Murray and Mc(!ocrn are mentioned' in tliis instancy for the simple reasortl that fhey exchanged socks in the hcadr , liner last night at tho Auditorium. It was n regular little sltigfcst for tbB entire eighteen minutes and kept Kctn eree Lou CJriiiison on the jump. Be cause be landed oftcticr nnd with tHa cleaner punches Murray was entitled to? the decision. Hut Ihe Dattlcr knew he wus in the battlu aij the way. A left hook served Murray in good' stead. It was his best blow. Timc-andr again be stopped Hunk as ho came boring in with a bcmicirclo southpaw sock. However, when McOovern got to close quarters ho held his own witliv the slugging Murray. Willie Allen, who used to box under the name of Hattling Tefky. made his' return appearance in tho rinz bv dc feating Lew Stinger, the veteran Little Italy iron man. Stinger proved lie still was as rugged as ccr, as Allen was unable to stop the rushing, tcaring-in Italian. Willie displayed a good leffc jab. a swell hook and a- crashing right, cross. Young Buck Fleming also put on n.1 pippin contest. By n sixth-round rally? Buck was able to leave the ring a win ner over Jack I'crry. For live rounds the little fellows slugged each other around the ring with honors about even, then in the final frame Billy Silverman's protege broko tho deadlock. Tommy Lucas made Al Frazce quit in the second round and Jimmy Welsh knocked out Al Kid Gross in the second. rnoTun.T3 4f I FJ ' X I jBHii' i 'if The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early bhowing of the finest pioductions. Askfor the thcatro in your locality obtaining pictures, through the Stanley Company of America. OVERBROOK.Ev'rA'rx CD i.'rinri vfe m i - r i i MM In "WIND THIM'AINT GI11L" PAF APR 1-'H MAItKKT' STltrjET 1 "-V-;!- ut A M lo tl 15 11. AI "EVERYWOMAN" PRINCFSS 30'8 B'AnKi;r stiieet MALE AND FEMALE" REGENT J,An,KtTAr r,7 1? -TOO ML'i-It JOIFNSON" R I ALTO OUIIMANTOWN AVE. "TJin riPIJED JtANFAl- - , ' in RUBY MARK;T r nurxjw Tnr wan'ii:d itt"5iiAn' SAVOY "Jl "-M2T hTitl!LT ' . ".II BILO" STANLEY f'TVP01'" 1I1T" VICTORIA JV!-, 1 tii; ri.i'D" TU NIXON-NIRDLINGER Oja THEATRES BELMONT &-'u AHOVI; aiAiiiCCT JT.,rH,ffiV!JKnr5,Jfial!. CEDAR 0TH "All AvTIriuS nWWiAilKri'V ' COLISEUM MAm"'T HKTWP? .. AM1V STnWA.,WANU " "sin-. ovjrU2JiQTUn-- .. FRANKFORD 4m 'i'pom hTAIl i-AKr l MKNU "nil. M Ill.HT U'l.l.AFlS" IUMB0 'H"', S'' "KAI AVB "Mill DltAiillV J'AlNTtll"' LOCUST ..ln''Sf1 KTVU l AHT In B ""'loll . "IV IIIJST I'RF.LAUB" NIXON r'"'D ANU tA1KKT'"Hm in ijaiimj i-:,c- 7an,'. ' IIK1II Hi'IJKD RIVOI I C"D AN1) "ANHOM HTH. DAILt "IIIJAKT O' Till! HILLS'. VTR AND ocHSlAovN avh. J 1 IVnllLI AT VJJNANTIO nrVlll.AH Miirt.lUN Hli.l riflllM mat ? "WliATH YOUK HtsnANt) iiqinqt'' WEST ALLEGHENY 25th MAIttO.M 1JAVIKH I,,' Alleihenjr "fill; L'INKMA MUHDKIl" I I llll. II ! I ., PARI IWXIB AVI3, . I DAUPHIN UT. ii Km. u is to ii i-n-vt-K Mat '.' 1 noimrtT WAiiwirK i "Tin: 'run: op KNowi,Bpais' pomrlelo chart (bowlnf protrami tor th week aptwara Eaturjax cvanlnilpiud Ovadyv V4 r ii Krt'3 mn 15 t mm m. 1 m m m. m M! 1 ,A,,,Ai Sl