M r (just gossip about people 'Nancy Wynne Talks About Many Things House- warming in Palm Beach Engagements T rtEAlt tl"1 thcGurucc Jlunns house I down ut l'al, ,I,cncl1 is a11 f!n" 7t.i nml tliev liml a hourcwarm pg 1 oe I think tlint lioiiHewnrniliiB i, Vhac been a doubly joyou one, ,F .. nn ltnoW Onruep was nmoiiR XcV tlm UplaiiP that wni lout ff the V lorl'fa roast. Thoc were nnx ? - ,nnri before those men turned up, l , hhO I Mrs. Munii have Ills' hnfo M,d k !"l the completion of their 1 n colehrat..'. The Paul Denckla Jnu .Vtn"pii the MuunV former lht or the ret f the season. M.r. Mi Mm C ur es Munn are bulldlus u jt is tinisheil jet. llfVSN'T it sad that the Thayer baby Welled and do Vud'denly. too? You. iVo' hi was the" Kcoml son of Mr. nS Mrs. John 1). Thajcr; Hd, und was "lyab"ut eleven daB old. He vran ucb S Clthv baby, tdo, but nbout three 'I four das" i ago. I believe, developed Tem'c co'd "hich 'turned to pneu i. nml he d ed on Monday. Mrs. ffi,i"w Cawitt. was ill. So tat foctimritcly is better now. The M 1 had been named Alexander Cassatt Thler! after Loin's grandfather. Lois has had such u sad winter, for Sknow her grandmother". Mrs. Can 'Sit lied just a short time ago. For- tout y she ha, another baby. John B. Thayer. 4th, and he is about two years old. . THK Plays and Players are going to rive n "tea chest" ou Sunday after ,, nt 4 o'clock. Isn't that attractive? lTundlvctV chatty and tea-fu 1. "ll the active members and I BbBoolo itc flayers are invited to come. Mrs Rob ert C. Geddes. Jr., is chairman of the Affair, and I think ifs going to be most .deligbttul. mill) engagement of Charlotte Brown I . wr Frnzlcr makes the second .7r..mi.iir in the Frazier family in h . Jounced early in January Francis being Vrt'H brother. Then the Kev. Robert V Frnzier was married in September to' Luelhi Edwards, of Brooklyn, anil they are living out in i South Dako i. oi , it down in .South ?", M "?, h.ia., ,, L'rnnpis 1'raziEi, " " pt mxeii tin v.ueii Mtv.. ------- .. s.inu. Yippinla. ceoKranuj For I having been terribly thrilling to me. Kw:;ouMnTyon thlni that OUla- J &'nd'tiVoc1i;UeionViu West Virginia southerners, irgiuiaus come ut ou with an ax I HEAP, that everybody who went to the Contemporary Club meeting on Monday night was j-cry mucii ecucu r ,i,n .lisfiiKuini? between Doctor Ncnbold. of the I'nivcrsity, and Mr. Jo-t-pph llinu, of New York. Mr. Hinn. you know, is the man who has offered n reward to niiv one who can mnKe a really, truly spook appear. He "s"'l' that the whole tiling is a fake mid Doc tor Newbohl did not agree with him. Eur) body is so interested in the Con temporary Club now anyhow. You know, a numbr of years ago when per sons hud extra tickets for it they hart to throw them away or bribe persons to go with them because the meetings were so dull. But now you can't get tickets for anything, and persons just fall over themselves to go. I suppose the moral is that well, I don't know nU T itinnlil hntllpr nhnilt. tllP mOml. I'd rather take the time congratulating !u upon the fact that yesicrua.v Mum storm put one over on itself and turned to sunshine, even if it did last long enough to disappoint the grip pa tients who thought that ut last they would get out of the house und walk around the block. NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Imitations Iiao been issueii for two Junior I'indiicllii Dances, ut the Merion Golf Club, on Saturday evening, April 10, uud Tuesday, June 22 Tlie com mittee consists of Mrs. Matthew Baird, Tr Mrs. Thomas G. Ashtou. Mrs. Horace Bullock, Mrs. II. Bartol Brazier, Mrs. Isaac Clothier, Jr., Mrs. James Carstairs, Mrs. Percy II. Chirk. Mrs. Wwin II, Filler, Mrs. Burrows Sloan, Mrk. John Kenton Eisenbrey, Mrs. Arthur T Baugh, Mrs. Charles J. Me Ilhain. Mrs. George AV. Kcndrick, 3d, uud Mrs. Richard Norton, Mr. aud Mrs. George C. Thayer, of Rynetou, Villanova. will give u tea on Frida, October 14. to introduce to society their daughter, Miss Mary B. Thayer. Mrs, Theodore D. Starr, of Chestnut 'hi!, Ims issued invitntions for a "inner on Saturday evening, April 10, at till1 Acnrti Pltth. n hnnnr nf lipr daughter, Jiiss Charlotte C. Starr, one of next sra-ou's debutantes, before the saturdaj Ewuiug Dancing Class. mIru."'K' Mrs Frederick P. Kennedy, HI West Walnut lane, Germantown, Mi $je a dinner for their daughter, ' Camilla Kennedy, before the douce olch Mr and Mrs. Thomas S. Gates, ! ,: ol -uaitius. will give for their son, 'f. Thomas S. Gates, Jr.. on St. alentiu(' Day, at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. Mr and .Mrs. William Ernest Good ";. Jr. f Chestnut Hill, will give jnneyares, ,ilmce on April S, for their "suur, .uiss June . tioodmnu. Mr und Mrs. Stanley G. Flugg. Jr., fnlertained at dinner Monday evening' Glcuhrook, their home in Brv.d M?.JiiXhS,?ul,Kts 'neluded Mr. a$d IhS ".""."utcliln'on. Mr. and jfrs WZl TI,ri!'tn Coxc, Mr. and Mrs Anfiin,. t v'"'pln and Jlr. and Anthony L, Gcyclln. Irs. Ow Wen ,.' "". who were tk huve t tho , ... inr0f ll0110r aml mtlM of honor Klaatah ' ",'K' , ts,'turday, ft Miss the Itc- , , i1a1;1 MT,r,r s' 'la"thter of ad Mr 'vV , 'fj. UieI""'l tf Morris Cliurd, nfllurJI. S"CI""!'-, Jr. at the f li, Lu?1' ( lair SpcuhcT, a sister ef hn.i V, ".'"" w act an mud 'MliTi,"?;' . ."V, '.tllIe Mirrta. and maids 'Jorip l Moiris' wibc brides- 3m2Trhnty Leu' 4'M KllMi Cnftta .and MrL Francis 'U be at i,i1" i,th Mnetefcnth street. if.i."Lat ll0' luforma v L ti,..,i ' uea sent out. & M,I!lIet Gwlln. .laughter of Httd! ,L ta,. Ile''ry h. Gcyelln. of ii..""t II Qllnvn M.tlll i-'.. . William1 yL '"W0. "'' M. C.r.t.., wr' 0 kow Work. .-"1'iuiii and Mr ,w,i.l..., , M"inus. nt n. i"iiru v luri'ir -Mrs. 1 l'L7, 1ACut ' be wk " Wty (o be ftlveu ft Mrw, Lucia, Jlaffi to.,the ll,,lc&s of Mrs- Bflward W IM "'.WaHWngtottT and A f.!.i .l5C'lla. Morris, daugliterfMrs. lea-Clm on Sunday. Discussion Tlceho today at the Acorii Club will be Mrs. C. T. Ularkburu, Mrs. Thomas Cochran, Mrs. Homer Hlncs Nortoq, Mrs. Helen Sawyer. Mm. W. Price Aman, Mrs. George A. Vroom, Mrrf.' it. (J. Davis, Mrs. T. llolllngswortU Andrews and Mrs. J. Dixon Andrews. Mrs. IJecbe will be assisted in receiving by her mother, Mrs. George Do Bonne ville Kelm. 1U01 Porter street. Mr. and Mrs. Ditulcl P. W'ntcrs, of Quccu lane-, Gcrmantown, anuouuee tho engageinciit of their daughter. Miss Margery Helena Wutcrs, to Mr. Philip Khcrlil'in MucXally, of Eastou, Pa., and New York. , Mrs. Charles .Sinniclsson and her daughter, Miss Priscilla Slunickson, of Itoscmont, will leave on Monday to spend two weeks at Hot Springs, Viu ALONG ,THE MAIN LINE Miss Ruth II. Cross, of dynwyd, jvns given a kitchen shower on Saturday by Irs. Walter D. Cross and Miss Marie A. Cross. Those present were the 'Miss Helen Scott. Mist Mary Wilibn, Miss Mary Goodall, Miss Jane Giltillan. Miss Marion' Hawkins, Miss Helen Mnlier, Miy Helen Whitney, Miss Helen Dirks, Miss Mary Myers, Miss Margaret Jacobs, Miss Isabellc Jacobs, Miss Anno Whcaton, Miss Irene Tollluger, Miss .Rveline Sehofield, Miss Esther Schofield, Miss Doris Gilbert, Miss Emma, Hea, Miss Jano 'Cunningham. Mrs. H. Ilex Herder, Mrs. William Fenderson, Mrs. Edgar G. Cross, Mrs, William (5. Cross and Mrs. Emily S. Cross. GERMANTOWN Mrs. William II. Nuncrijde, of 0331 Butbridge street, Gcrmantown. an nounces the ctigOKoincnt of her daughter, Miss Adaline I'hilliriM Niinprrrlp. tn Mr. u. smart jstemniicr, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. William McLean, who "avo uecn visiting a number of th The Phi Theta Sigma Sorority of Germantown will give n St. Valentine dance at the Pclham Automobile Club this evening. Mr uud Iolert gte h were married last week in Summit Pres- Djtcrian uimrcli, have returned from tJluutiTL' ,Cit-v and '"" "t home at G!)' - - .. LANSDOWNE jjr. Edward Mcllinley is speudiug ,,?IrV..an1 Mrs AV- F- Ware and Miss Ella Ware will leave shortly for Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kelly are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, Susanne Kelly. Miss Katharine Desmond has hurt as her guest .Miss Doris Foster, of Edgc lnll. Pa. The engagement of Miss Henrietta U' v!r"t" p'. daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. O. . Justice, Jr., of Woodbury, N. J., to Dr. J. h. Itoborts, of LuumIowhc, ims been announced. ., 'l'h'. S: K Howard Mission Circle ot tlic lirst Preshytpriau Church met ou -Monday afternoon nt the church. DELAWARE COUNTY ,,Mrs- JJ'JwurdCannon Burton and Mrs William Booth Todd, who gave 1 i.teu on bat"ri'ay in lmnor of Mrs. Arthur Burton, Miss Marion Hawkins and Mis Christine Hawkins, were as sisted bv Miss Marian Oldham. Miss f?VColli,ns,-Jfrs- Ilocop Itallard, J,WS WeI?t- Misl A,ll1c Coch ran, Miss trances Kratz and Miss Sarah Sweeney. MISS Katharine Ubil, Mrs WVWMr?-John Iliw" fhi i J1: 0urviu Pf-'hled at the in,v i cA b,Vffct M,.nncr uml 'dance fol lowed for the receiving party and the lollowing add tionul guests : Mr. Andrew Buchanan Mr. ltobcrt Beatty, Mr! ur ' i !? ;Tt- h,T.sUlUB Hawkins, Mr. Alfi-C,,"- "ajvktnH, Mr. Boscoo 1 al ard, Mr. Daniel McCrndden, Mr! Wi . Burto?. ' Mr- Artll"r vl'- an.I .JI,rb-,Vlliam Taylor, of Media, entertained the Fortnightly Club ut dinner on Saturday evening. - Mrs. John Pomeroy, of RIdlev P-irl-cuterta ned at n birthday par yVr her son. Master Richard S. Pomeroy" 3d a few evenings ago. ' ' WEST PHILADELPHIA (hu JTa"'.CS IJ?msy Swain and Mrs. Stuart Dodge Jessup, of 428 South Forty-fourth street, will receive in formally this aiternoon and will be at home on Wednesday afternoons through February. No cards have been sent out. .. Miss Marjorle Armstrong, of 0734 Lansdowne avenue, was hostess at a small dpnee given at her home on Mon day evening. The guests Include vL .'llzabiith Daltou. Miss IT..ln t.-; steut, Jlr. and Mrs. A. D, Garber, S'r;., '" "?- A,V".,M-. Wlter ....,, ...m ..ii. weorgc jacKson. -Members of Alpha Phi Delta Fra ternity. .M(M Walnut street, will give a lireakfast immediately after the Ivy Dr and Mrs. R. S. Martin and .Vaughters,. of 740 Main street, Darbv itpent the week-end with relutives in itpent th itoadiug, Miss 1 Florence ltevburn. f r..:.. street. Darby, is visiting friends in Xlt'tUllUK. Friends o Mrs. Zona Baxter Bru iiell will regret to hear of her serious illness ut the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Baxter, U320 Wai nut street. wn yi mil 1302 Walnut Street OPENING .Wed., Feb. 11th A superb showing of Spring Gowns, Furs and Millinery present ing the grace, dignity and exclusiveness which have so firmly estab lished our leadership. EVENING PUBLIC LKDGEK-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY Photo by Fhoto-Crafters, .MISS MAKY TROTTER GOODMAN Who will bo the guest of honor at a theatro party and supper to bo given by her grandmother, Airs. Howard E. Seaver, tills evening NORTH PHILADELPHIA The annual missiouary cnterUut. of the Women's Society of the Lehigh Avenue Baptist Church will be held on Monday evening in the auditorium of the church. Mr. Arthur Strickland will give u monologue, "Liberty Lund," the story of the experiences of an emi grunt family in America. Miss Lu cinda Johnson will speak on the "Nw World Movement." The neighborhood is invited. An interesting entertainment will be given on Friday evening by the Glee Club of Hood College for Girls. Fred crick, Md., in Christ Reformed Church. Green street below Sixteenth. The uf fair is in charge of the Women's So rial Union of the Reformed Churches of Philadelphia and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mawson, of "T.-.7 North Thirteenth street, will give a Valentine party on Saturday evening ut their home. Their guests win in clude Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baird, Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Cox, Mr. nud Mrs. Albert II. Tcteur, Mr. uud Mrs. Frederick ooi head and Mr. and Mrs. J. 1-rcdenek Greenwood.' The Fairhill Friends' Association will hold a meetine tomorrow evening at the Meeting House, Germantown uvenue and Cumbria street, to arrange u program of social entertainment for the remainder of the winter and spring. Mr and Mrs. Joseph L. Davidson, of "4(534 North Twelfth street, have as their guest during the week Mr. Da vidsou's sister, Mrs. Wilkin D. Stevens of West Virginia. Mrs. Davidson will give a small luncheon in her honor to diiv. The guests will be Mrs. W. II. S. Ba'temun. Mrs. Robert G. Cunninghum, Mrs. William Leuthermau, Mrs. W. B. Cotton, Mrs. E. F. Weaver, Mrs. J. Lewis Henry and Master J. Lewis Henry, Jr. Mr and Mrs. Noah L. Goldstein, "of 2207 North Myrtlewood street, nre being congratulated on the birth of a daughter on February 0. Miss Arlcnc Hutchinson, of Sixteenth anil Parrish streets, will give u lunch eon of twelve covers tomorrow after noon in honor of Miss Beatrice Allen, of Pittsburgh, who is visiting in this city for several w ecks. Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Ada R. Kamens, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Isaac Ka mens. of 1541 North Franklin stieet, to Mr. Morris A. Sarshik. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Hirsli have re turned from their wedding trip and arc living at 2110 Green street. Mrs. Ilirsh will be remembered as Miss Gladys N. Stern. Mrs. J. Herbert, of North Thirteenth street, will entertain at "oOO" ut her home tomorrow afternoon. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA There will be u Gumma Delta Psi Valentine dance at the Bellevue-Strat-ford North Gardens on Saturday night. A surprise party was held last Sat urday night in honor of Mr. Harry Yob lin by the members of tho Walton Club ut 2007 South Eighth street. Miss Josephine Bowmuu. of 2221 EB H m u, - a"" - Cantreli street, is spending the winter mouths in Florida. The Rancocas Club held their first reception in its new clubhouse at National Park, N. J., lust Friday evening. Among the guests were Mr. Joseph A. Culbertson, Mr. Lee Shar key, Mr. Joseph Hogen. Mr. George Kelly, Mr. Joseph Condon uud Mr. George O'Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hartman, of 2213 South Twentieth street, will spend the week-end at Asbury Park, N. J. r,.unrl Mli1, Thomas Traverse, of 2023 South Twentieth street, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Haines ut their home in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. II. Lewis Murphy will entertain at a dinner given at their home this evening, followed bv n thea tre party, in honor of their fifth wed ding anniversary. Their guests will include Miss J. Stuart. Miss C. Walsh Misses Shadle, Mr. O'Murroy, Miss u. Ivowleski and Mr. J. Stevenson. Mrs. Lorettn firinnntv fnrmn.lv P South Philadelphia, entertained the fol- vu BONWIT TELLER &,CQ Final Reductions Thursday Entire Remaining Winter Stock of Women's High-Class Coats WOMEN'S WINTER COATS Regular Prices 69.50 and 75.00 50.00 Developed in Tinseltone and Chinchilla cloth, in various shades of brown, taupe and reindeer. Plain tailored and fur-trimmed styles. WOMEN'S Featuring Bolivia and Velour in various shades. Heavily interlined and lined throughout with exceptional quality Peau de Cygne. WOMEN'S Attractive models in Tinseltone, Duvet de Laine and Peachbloom, with large round or shawl collar, and cuffs of taupe nutria, also some with bandings of Grey Squirrel, Hudson Sael and Rock Sable. : (WOMEN'S COAT DEPT.2ND FLOOR) lowing nt her homo on Sunday even ing: Miss Helen Coughlan, Miss Kay Coughian, Miss Agnes Kelly, Miss L-o-rcttu Darnlsh, JUss Agnes Darnlsb, Miss Bnrno Boyle, Miss Elanor V. Boyle, Mies Elinor Grinnan, Mr. Jack Bradley, Mr. George Randall, Mr. Billy Lewln. Mr. Phil Weldner, Mr. Jack Rjan, Mr. M. Mnrtin, Mr. James Carr, Mr. William Lonningan, Mr. F. McConaghy and Mr. nnd Irs. Harry Grinnan. Mr. James Dowllng, of 2332 South Bancroft street, announced the wed ding of his daughter, Miss Margaret M. Dowllng, to Mr. Jnmes J. Dowley. The ceremony took place in St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson, of Baltimore, arc the guests of Mrs. Nich olson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hammond, at their home, 2321 Lom bard street. Mr. and Mrs. II. Pritchett, of -108 Delaware avenue. Wilmington, arc be ing congratulated on tho birth of a daughter, Helen Audrey Pritchett. Mrs. Pritchett will bo remembered as Miss Helen Willlums. NAVY YARD NOTES w Colonel and Mrs. William O. Smith, 2401) South Twenty-first street, bpcut the week-end in New York. Captain and Mrs Laws, of Annapo lis, will visit Mrs. Laws's brother-in-law and sister, Lieutenant Commander rind Mrs. William Gowcr, at their home, 2018 Shunt street, this coming week. Friends of Mrs. Stern, wife of Com mander II. L. Stern, will be glad to hear that she is recovering from her re cent illness. Commander aud Mrs. R. C. Davis, 2502 South Twenty -second street, are spending a few days in Washington with Lieutenunt Commander and Mrs. Marshall E. Collins. TIOGA Mrs. George Grnvenstcin, 2d, will give n luncheon on Friday at her home. """" Vorth Hroid street, in honor of Miss Eleanor Louise Allsop, daughter nf Mr and Mrs. Thomas Allsop. of Steuton. whos inurriucc to Mr. Wil liam Henry Mcneke of this city will take place on the following day. Other guests win includ" Miss Adelaide All sop, Mrs. Frank Miller, of East Orange, N. J. ; Mrs. James A. Loder. of Wash ington, nnd Miss Frances Chattin, of Germantown. The Tioga Home Guards held their February social meeting yesterday afternoon nt the Church House, Tioga and Eighteenth streets, Mrs. C. Harrv Johnson, of 3(530 North Twenty -first street, entertained the following at cards on Monday nfter noon, at her home: Mrs. George Kane. Mrs. Norman Kelly. Mrs. William W. Stevenson. Mrs. Daniel llildrcth, Miss Aioerta ue l.ong, iiiss amored atcr ritt, Mrs. George Gravenstcin. 2d. Miss Ella Brunet, Mrs. Henry Hille brand, Mrs. Lester Pllieger nnd Mrs. Stanley Vnndcrslice. Mrs. W. A. Lum. of 1410 West Venango street, will entertain at lunch eon tomorrow with the following guests : Miss Emma Barringer, Mrs. Harry Barringer, Miss Ida Bowers, Mrs. Frank Gaskill, Mrs. William D. Chiimbers. Mrs. O. E. Snodgrass. Mrs. Edward Smith. Mrs. M. F. Becrhalter, Mrs. Walter Raffel and Mrs. William M. Brinkworth. LAWNDALE Miss Jlyrtle Ashtou, of Oxford ave nue, has returned from a three-week trip to -Itichmond, Va., where she has been visiting .friends. Mrs. John Recser. of 7.1-14 Tabor CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET FUR COLLARED COATS Regular Prices S5.00 and 89.50 65.00 FUR TRIMMED COATS Regular Prices 98.50 to 145.00 78.00 FEBRUARY l, 1920 street, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Ada Slcbcrt, of Wildwood, Va. Tho monthly meeting and smoker of the Burholmo Improvement Association will be held tomorrow evening. DOYLE8TOWN The Doylestown Athletic Club will give Its annual ball in tho Sixth Reg iment Armory on Tuesday evening, February 17. Cartls were issued yes terday. Many North Pcnn and Main Line persons attended tho dance at the Bucks County Country Club, nt Lang honic, given by the Jesse W.'Soby Post. American Legion. The commit tee in charge of the event was com posed of Mr. John Schmidt, Mr. Head ley White. Mr Ralph S. Ivlns, , Mr. Roscoe Lukcns and Mr. Lcou Burton. Congratulations Hro being received bv Mr. and Mrs. Michael Juniper, of Shcwel avenue, upon the birth ot n son. Miss Elizabeth Price has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Fabcr Miller at Norristown. Miss Julia B. Ij. Brasheurs enter tained nt a birthday party at her home, 43 Pine street. Mrs. William Johnston entertained the Saturday Card Club at her homo in Roslyn this week. Mr. William- C. Ryan nud Mr. Henry A. James will attend a banquet at the Manufacturers' Club. Philadelphia, to be given February 22 in honor of Mr. Wnrrcn G. Harding, of Ohio, and Mr. Philip P. Campbell, of Kansas. ROXBOROUGH Mrs. Matthew Dunlap, of 521 East Walnut lane, will g ve a card party tomorrow afternoon at her home, ims is one of the series of cntcrta Jnmenfa) being given by the members of the Uox borough Mothers' Club in aid of : the community service work of the club. Assisting Mrs. Dunlap me Mrs. Joseph Henry Ewlng. Mrs. "nrry Helms. Mrs. AV. Ilvntt Snjdcr. Mrs. Harry a k, Mrs. William Goshow. Mrs. Chares Keffer. Mrs. John Wooler. Mrs. V illmr Schofield. Mrs. Joseph Miles. Mrs. Ira Miller, Mrs. Elmer Priest. Mrs. Joseph Davenport. Mrs. Herbert Stafford Mrs. James uatson, nirs. .'"" Mrs. John C. Smith, Mrs. Irnnk Thomas. Mrs. William Rcid and Mrs. Robert Crawford. WISSAHICKON Tho Brotherhood of the Epiphany Lutheran Church will give a minstrel show followed by a dance on Friday eve ning nt Woodvale, the clubhouse of the American Bridge Co.'s Club. Mr. William Barnes will be the Interlocutor nnd the end men will be Mr. John Levins. Mr. Edson Hagenbucher, Mr. llulph Strieker and Mr. Arthur V ettou. Sneeiul features ot the program will in clude selections by n quurtet from the Lutheran Seminary. including Mr. Frederick Kntihel. Mr. Joseph Klcck ncr. Mr. 13. Druckenmiller and Mr. Andrew Tanner ;a short sketch by Mr. Florence Allcbach und Mr. .lolin iiugen bucher, and original songs by Mr. Italnh Siegley and Mr. Joseph Kelly. The affair Is in cnargu ot .ir. .1. Harrv Stcphan, president of the Brotherhood; Mr. Charles Maslin, vice president; .Mr. John ILigenbucher, secretary ; Mr. Frederick Woerucr, treasurer ; the B.er.Henry A. D.Wnckcr, rector of the church ; Mr. George Sheet3 and Mr. William Sivartz. The associa tion has fifty-eight members. Jewish Women Meet The Council of Jewish Women will give a luncheon for the Philadelphia sieetion next Wednesday at the Belle-vue-Stratford. Mrs. Max J. Margolis, president of the section, will lead "u round-table" discussion. MISS SEELER WEDS MR. G. F. GENTES Marriage Took Place at St. Luko's Chapel Yostorday Afternoon An interesting wedding took place yes terday afternoon In St. Luke's Chapel, when Miss Kutharinc Sccler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison G. Sccler, M0S Spruce street, became the bride of Mr. George Franklin Gentes, of Now York. The Rev. D. McC. Steel per formed tho ceremony, which was at tended by only the immediate members of tho family. The bride's attendants were Mrs. C. Crcsson Wistcr, Mrs. Howard ,T. Wcstncy, of Atluntic City ; Mtss Edith M. Smythe, Miss Margaret Montgomery, Miss Catharine BIcklcy, Miss Mnrjoric Yongc, of New York; Miss Angela Da Costa Ncwbold. MibS niargarct do O. Cruice, Miss Edna Louise Hagert, Miss Mary Fassoux Lelper, Miss Frances Wayne Leiper, Miss Eleanor W. Arnett, Miss Char lotte Fahnestock and Miss Elizabeth Pilsbury. Mr. Albert S. Bard acted as best man A reception followed nt the Acorn Club. QUIGLET SMITH k??3 Loet,t? S7-.ith' of soc Somerset Mf,H vmI Mr DanicI Quig'ey, 3415 .tiount Vernon street, were married this m.rm5s,at 'c Church of St. Edward ;.'." s-uuiessor, raiBHtU and York street. .... yu.,,,, i-igniu nun lorK streets. lie bride was attended by her cousin, M - i.i'niy ,8Tm,lth', as mM f honor! Mr. Phillip McPoyle was best man. A reception at the bride's home followed the weddiuij. Upon their return from uweddini; journey to, Washington they will be at home at .'111C Mount Vernon street NORRISTOWN An interesting early spring wedding will take Place in Trinity Lutheran intr'-on , Wednesdav afternoon. March 10. when Miss Elinor Virginia Buckley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Buckler, of 204 Kant: .Tnr.nl,. Dnf and Mr. David Montgomery Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bauer, of 1412 Powell street, will be married. The rector of the church, tho Itev. Aden B. Macintosh, will officiate at the mar riage ceremony. At the dance given Saturday evening ul iuu uojiue (jiud iiousc tile patron esses were Mrs. Howard K. Begur, Mrs. John F. Dettrn, Mrs. AV. Harri son Yerkes, Mrs. William II. Siing- lult and Miss Helen G. Siingluff. One of the largest social events of the club will be a bal masque, which will be given on onrove '.Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 17. MARIE DRESSLER NIGHT The Famous Comedienne, Funnier Than Ever, Will Add Zest to the PIERROT REVUE on the WALTON ROOF TOMORROW EVENING. Pretty Girls, Catchy Songs, Stunning Costumes, Clever Dances and the Only MARIE DRESSLER! Thursday Evening WALTON ROOF PHILADELPHIA'S FOHEMOST THEATRES BROAD MAT. TODAY AMERICA'S GREATEST CofuDIENNrP MARIE DRESSLER IN HER CYCLONE OP MIRTH "TILLIE'S NIGHTMARE" NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW Robert B. Mantell MONDAY rrnsDAY "RICHELIEU" "HAMLET" 'ROMEO and Jl'LlET" WED MAT. ,..t..?U5?.r.1-iMr.WL ind ' LEIBER r 1 r-ni J A I lllil "KlVfl I Uinii cmit ' v -' vc SATURDAY NIGHT "MAPHETir ."RICHARD III' GARRICK MAT. TODAY EVGS., 8:15 R I . .9 T F -se r r r, .1 a im a AND HER GANG tn "A Pparh f n ,.r-i . f . sh." N. Y. Times. blsie Jams at Her Best and She's the Best Ever." FORREST Mat. Today at 2 . VIC. I ITS ATS SHARP NO ONE SEATKD DURING PRELUDE KLAW & ERLANGER'S COLOSSAL Vl:W PRODUCTION ica Emm Pergonal Dlnctlon of A L ERLANGER PHILADELPHLALhaLy Nights at 8:30. Holiday Mat. Tomorrow. Matinee Lincoln's Illrthday & Sat. 2.30 "Rm i ovq byA clar Comriv by CLARE KUM- .-,,, 'I:IV author of WILD "Good Gracious, An- -. t nabelle," "A Sue- UA 1 tesaful Calamity," ttc. with Roland Young "J'1 supyr- a latlva Cait Pageant of Ausp,cr,(.mmunUr Wnmannnnrl ACADEMY OF MUSIC OmannOOa nanclnB After Prorram MONDAY nVENINU, FEI1RUARY 1U Tlrketa at Heppe', BOo to 1 60. orpheum iryrvrsa. tsL8 MAGGIE PEPPER FEBRUARY 10 "THK FIVE MILLION" Dumont'a & Cmmett J. Welch MlnitreU uunioiu a A11C 4 pj HTREETH AllUll s UTII HTREETH )utr Prlca Matinee Today "CS ' Nighty, Naughty Fcttyl a- i-opuir itko watinn LUit Wlt c( Scream . ai Ktt tt.hl ) !. .. . .dldlW M5W CODY In Mrit Showln of I THE BELOVED CHEATER v AMi Attraction Flnt Presentation Log of Submarine U-35" i And Initial Amnrlcunlnltlsn Fratur ."TUB LAND Of OPPOtlTONITT" et Week -TUB WILLOW THEE" PALACE 10 4a.?L ,'.? - aa- r,:R! TUB. 0:30 P. M, TTilMWeflt Beauty picture Supreme "EVERYWOMAN" Tremendoua Cast 100 Auxiliaries t ARCADIA in a .CHESTNUT BKLOW 10TH 10 A. M., 12, a, 314C, C:40, 7.4B. 0:.10 T. M. TOM MOORE ...... . In Plcturlzatfon of Play "THE GAY LORD QUEX" ? Hy Blr Arthur Wine Plnero ,., V I C TORIA' Wnrliet Ktrfft Above Ninth x TOM MIX" in 'THE FEUD" .-.., A?,e?'.'.TheI'ani1 of Opportunity" t Woal( I -SHOULD A WOMAN TKLL!" ' CAPITOL. m . ,. IS1 MAHKET STREET 10 A. M., 12, 2, 3 145, SUB, T:45. 0:30 P. M. O MAIIY MILES MINTEK In i Anne of Green Gables" DT7r"T7TT tAKKCT ST. Bel. 17TH rVCjVjEiiN 1 BRYANT WASHBURN In '""-' -TOO MUCII JOHNSON" 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. MARKET STREET AT JUNIPER CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HORACE GOLDIN & CO. Burns & Klsscn In "Hungarian llhap tdy" RROADVtAY Broad and Snyder Ave. uiwnuwni 2.,r .4r( and "TOO MANY HUSBANDS" Clara Kimball Young ''",. CROSS KEYS uanpm.M. ootu spgY "GOING SOME" rillLADELPnLVH LEAPINO THEATRES uirection LEE J. J siiuuukt bam SHUBERT nights, sns S. "UDtlM Pop. Mat.' wS Tnr. Mat. Tndjiv .1 A Revuslcal Comedy ot N. Y.'s Latin Quartler tf with FRANCES WHITE and n JAMES WATTS. TED LEWIS, K ADA rORMAN, AL HERMAN AND B 20 FAMOUS ARTISTS' MODELS ' r VR IP Laat 4 Nights at 8:20 L. I Il ?i.oo Mat. Today nt 2:20 ALICEBRADY WILL SPREAD THE DOCTRINE OF LINCOLN AMERICANISM WITH A SPECIAL HOLIDAY MAT. TOMORROW Lincoln's i "iviuiuw w niKTHDAY in DWEN DAVIS' GREAT AMERICAN PLAT 38 "FOREVER AFTER" T week Seats Tomor. jorders NOW WILLIAM HODGE IN HIS BIGGEST SUCCESS 'The Guest of Honor . Ar)PI DUI Nichta at 8:15 Sharp . LSliLil ni No one seated durlne ' Prologue HOLIDAY MAT. TOMOR. Tho Monarch of Melodramas THE CRIMSON ALIBI With Original Cast and Production CHESTNUT ST opera house T..f. ;: f,V EIGHTS AT 8:15 MAT. TODAY. Best S-ats $1 Ac. launed by thn Public nnd Prois THE SEASON'S MUSICAL SUCCESS SOMEBODY'S SWEETHEART WITH A 100 CAST TOE-TICKLIN' TUNES LAUGH-LADEN LINES and the Beat Slnglre Chorus In Town WALNUT 'onleht at S 30 r-U-INU 1 JJat Tomor., .JCo j,0Ci 73c t FISKE 0'HARA "DOWN LIMERICK WAY" Hear Mr. O'Har.i s New Song Hits NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW TWIN res? Br- T- O LANGUAGE WITH K U S LOIS ROLAND AND 1- ' SAME ORIGINAL CAST E I T H ' S Frank Dobson & Sirens A Melanco of Mlnh and Merriment ALLAN ROGERS Dlstlmrulvhrd American Tenor 70TO, WILTON SISTERS; MAY WIHTII & CO Tremndous S'irroundlne Show! METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Mon. FEB. 1 6 AT 'VI'Y CONCERT IN l' Eve. " 8 PIIIL.V. THIS SEASON i. GALU-CURCI ; Seats "v Sale Prices .?". 1 1 08 CHESTNUT STREET uv, fiiVUi METROPOLITAN- OPERA HOUSE MlrrROI'OLlTAN OPERA COMPANY, N. Y. lHI.I..V.V....i.1 w. A..... VUU Alii, iH, TUES. r-r y, n ' FARRA 17 AT ii XJ-J k I II ADA COXD. ' 8 MORANZONl TUES. v-T rr r-r i-f S,MKS I'ARRAR EVG. FEB. THE OPERA TH" SENSATION OF THE YEAR Tt v .... ..uv t. ...... .,.,, tiac of. ACADEMT FRI. AFT. FEII. 20. AT 0:00. CHOPIN PIANO RECITAL 1)Y GABRILOWITSCH TlcltotB. 2. l.r.0. 1, 75c. Hcppe'a, UlV Chfltnut Street. A DANCING LESSON rf " A Teacher for Each Pupil $J Individual Instruction Exclusive Method Mirrored Studio 1530 Chestnut OFFICE SOD Locust 3 IKS CORTISSOZ SCHOOL . . . , Walnut an. 8U. Mat-Today C A INO SOCIAL MAIDS VrlUll J With INA HATWOOU and I1LUCH LANDOrV T 1 Kens.' Av. A ' Cumberland reOPleS "Hello America" v-"fr With LEWIH DODt fRbCADERO 'TONBANUPiLLXri 1 "m I- 'd yj 1 A H tt rt t It L 'IT b St IJ A . j-