Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 06, 1920, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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"J' "V, 'MV (' IV
IVjlW t LJ '
8BV. ' 1
Princess Anno Taking Water
Rapidly Off Rockaway Point.
Rush Rescue, Captain Pleads
New York. Teh 0 -Ulv A. TM
The steamship l'linees" Anne of the
Old Dominion line. onrr.vliiK thiity-two
pas'cnRern nntl n crow nf .eentv-to
from Norfolk, Vit . to Now Ynik. rnn
aground one mile off the 'ont nt Itook
nway 1'oint on Lone T0and in n henvv
storm early toilnv nnd sent out SOS
ralte for nssistnneo Tiirh from nimy
transport hindquarters nt IToboUeu
' wrecking tugs nnd :i police patrol boat
went to the aid of tho stranded veel
Wireless reports ald tint Captain
Scay. of the Princes Anno, had been
Mriously injured, but no details weie
Kiven. The vessel's position was ronvid
ered serious on nrcount of the R.ile that
had lashed the coast for the past two
days. A stiff northerly wind and biting
rain added discomfort to the situation
Members of the toast guard at Roik
nwa Beach endoaored toi launch a boat
to go to the steamship, but gnw up the
attempt when giant lollcis neaiH bat
tered the craft to nicies
Advices from tho sti muled ship sent
throush const guard observers shortly
after 10 a in wotc tnai ino mm was.
badly strained through tho pounding of
the surf nnd that No It hold was full
of water, but there was no wtttei m
holds 1 or 2
The sea was running high nnd word
has been sent to the co ist guard to ci d i
all available assistance
The keeper of the Uockaway station
reported that lie had loaded his smf
boat onto n laiger essel and would put '
cut around ItooUawav Point to deep
water where the 'lifeboat would he
launched to approach tho strnnded ship
from the off-shore side.
Two navv tugs and a i oast guaid
cutter nre standing by the disabled ship
and other vessels were appioaihing liu
Ash Collection Put Off
to Speed Snow Removal
I'oMponement of "ash day" until
Monday is urged by Donald M.
Hepburn, chief of tho liiueau of
Street Cleaning.
Mr. Hepburn sajs his bureau will
hne its hands full in the effort to
clean the streets after the big snow
Htorm Ashes, he says, ennnot bo
collected todin oi tomorrow If put
out by householdeis, ami would to
main uncollected ocr Sundaj,
heavj dninnge between this city nnd the
Delnwnro Capes. The wiud last night
tins still high, but had shifted to the
noithwost, and unless there is another
change no further damage is expected.
At J.ongport nboul 'J,iO feet of tho
new sea wall, which i ost .fL'OO.OOO, was
parti wiecked Wnter pounded through
and sevoial houses weic battered down
bv the bienkors
The gnater portion of the Ventnor
Citv. I.ongport nnd Margate Citi
boardwalks were washed nwnv, while
a section of the boardwalk in this citv
between Vermont nnd Ilhode Island
avenues was wrecked.
I ho Absocon and l.onenort bniite-
at (Is, (omiecting Atlantic Citv with the
mainland, were under several feet of
watei In tlicvuptown section of this
eiiv msenients mm streets were flooded
nnd ninnv lesidcnts were driven from
their homes. Hoats and trucks were
used to convey them to places of snfetv
About twenty foot of tho boardwalk
nt Cape May was wrecked nnd the
binch boulevard was partly mined.
Ships nt tho Delaware capes wero
lard hit bv the stoim. Keports from
l.ewcs. Del , said seveial vessels were
turn fiom their moorings, two of them
going aground nnd the others being
bndh damaged The schooner Charles
Whittiinore, Haiti, for Camden, N. J.,
and tho vacht Priscilln parted all lines
and wont aground on a bar The Prt--oila
had n hole stove in her starboard
bow above the water-line.
Hoston. 1'eh G (Hj A. IM All
omrgies were directed in Now England
todav to recovering from the effects of
llie severest blizzard in n decade. With
transportation demoralized and tele
phone and telegiaph sen ice consider
nblv impaired, industrial and eoinmu
nit.v life was parnljzed, except in
northern Vermont, which nlone was
spared the fur of the storm
'I ho snow was tvventv inches in
dontli nnd drifted badly. Nearly
tlmtv trains were reported stalled
throughout New I'nglnnd last night, tho
majority in tho vicinity of this city.
Among them was tho Merchants' Limited
from New York, stalled seven miles
outside, Providence.
Tho frclitht nroblem wns considered
serious today, especially because of the
seven days' strike of freight handlers
here, which was ended yestordav. Jtail
rond officials aundunced that right-of-way
would bo'given to milk and other
perishable goods.
No vessel sailed from this port yes
terday nnd but one arrived, tho North
land from Vermouth. Vineyard Haven
nnd Nantucket were completely cut off
from the mainland.
Ocean City, Mil., Feb. W. The worst
storm in the history of tho Bonshoro
resort rated here nil yesterday nnd last
night Mayor 13. M. Scott estimates
the property loss at M00.O0O. More
than n dozen summer cottuces were
whollv or partially wrecked nnd half
n dozen summer hotels have been badly
I or tlie lirst time in the knovvledte
of anybody here the ocean has rolled
clear over tho town into Slnenuxent
l... rPlllI.A t .. A B.1mA f Al I...
iuu iiii-n- in uti jimii' ill lilt iuwu
jnot covcretl with nt least threo feet of
wilier, uuu iiiito in no uuiiuuig mac
lias escaped damage from the beating
of waves.
A broken wnter main which had de
prived the town of fresh drinking water
nil day was Tcpaircd last night,
Wlldwood, Cut Off From Mainland,
Is Swept by Heavy Gale
Wlldwood. N. J., Feb. 0. High
tidis yesterday tossed about thiitv boats
of tho Anglesea fishing fleet far inland,
and it is feared all of them will be
smashed to pieces One already has
boon wrecked wales continued to
sweep this section of the const last'
night i
Wildvvood is cut off from the mnin-!
Innd by tail, no trains having arrived
or departed dining the day. Two or
three small houses near the beach were
wrecked bv the tide, but asldo from
that no serious damage has been re
potted here
Maxwell nnd Arthur Booyc started into
tht bay when the tide began to fall to
search for tho craft. She wnB in charge
of Lconnid Leeds when tho storm broke,
Ho camo nshoro for help nnd tho storm
beenmo so violent that he could not
return to tho craft.
Only Slight Snow
Flurries Predicted
Contlnttnt from I'mre One
jocht Priscllla, arc off the end of the
iron pier. The Whlttcmoro is -Aground
on n s-ind bar. Both schooners were
bound for this port.
Outside the capes about twelve miles
southeast of tho Overfalls Lightship the
four-masted schooner Augustus W.
Snow, from Turks Island for lloston
with a cargo of salt, is lying nt nnehor
in distress. Word of her plight was
received bv wireless. Tugs will bo sent
out from the Delaware to tow tho help
less schooner. ,
The coal bnrgo Northern No, 11, in
tow of the tug Norfolk, broke nwny nnd
is adrift at sea with its crew of four
men. Efforts to get n line to her were
futile because of the heavy seas. The
coal barge Ueorgc It. Sltolfield broke
from its tow and is stranded near the
const-guard station at Sea Isle,
In Camden tiafhe conditions had been
gioatlv impioved last night when the
setbnek of tho storm's second outbreak
cc.me. Some of the lines to adjacent
communities, however, hnd not been
cleared during the day nnd Moores
tovvn, N. J., was completely isolated.
In the afternoon tho Public Service
Corporation succeeded in getting one
car through on Jhe Hnddpn Heights line,
which is heavily patronized by com
muters. Two patrolmen of the Tourth and
York streets station wero Incapacitated
last night in two accidents that resulted
In both of the patrolmen golpg to hos
pitals with fractured nrins.
Ilobert Marsh, n patrolman of 2224
North Knlrhill street, slipped jlnd fell
at Itccsc Rtrect and Lehigh avenue. Ho
was taken to the EpUcopal Hospital,
where it was found ho hnd suffered n
fractured left arm.
Thomas Hums, of the same station,
who resides at Ilnndolph street and
Siisnuchaiinn nvenuc. fell to tho Bldc-
walU on Third street below Berks. Ho
was taken to the Stetson Hospital,
whero tho physicians said his right arm
had been fractured.
Believe They Have Won Case to
Retain Their Jobs
Atlantic City, Teb. C Shorn vet
erans, angered over reports that city
commissioners propose to appeal to the
Court of Errors a decision by the Su
premo Court holding that cx-fightlng
men cannot be removed from public office
for political icasons or without a for
mal heariug, nre happy over a victory
without the firing ot a singlo shot.
City commissioners adjourned their
meeting yesterday without action upon
tho subject matter of tho burning con
troversy the question whether the Su
piemo Court's ruling restoring Frank
Shinncn, Spanish wnr veteran, to tho
offioo of chief of tho city Electrical Bu
reau, with back pay amounting to
51200, should be carried to the higher
From this it is inferred the commis
sioners will not widen the brench with
the -veterans, strongly aligned In Shln
ncn's support, by making technical
reasons the ground for nn nppeal.
$20,000 Craft Breaks Anchor Chain
Under Stress of Storm
Atlantic Cits. Feb. C The $20,000
yacht Delphlne. owned by Alfred Reed,
of Chelsen, Is adrift in the bay. having
broken her anchor chain during the
ttorm last night. Alfred Reed, Hit am
Havoc Wrought on
the Atlantic Coast
Continued from race One.
thousand that weie woiking agitated)
tho street cleaning department '
Manv winter indents of Coney Is j
land, where the storm and high tide did
thousands of dollars damage tn amuse
ment places and bungalows, left their
homes in hoats today, for theio wero
three feet of water in most nf the streets
Policemen visited marooned residents nf
bungalows to see if fond or othei aid i
was needed.
Hundrtds of pleasuio iiaft and fish '
lag boats nt Sheepshead baj woie
smashed or earned out tn sen
City Island, in Long Island Sound
which is part nf Now ork ntv u.is
marooned. Deep drifts , nused most of
the 2000 resident to stnv at honfe
Commuters living far nut on Long
Island wore unable to git to wmk in
Now York todaj as dufts bloi kod t he
trntks and nviny tiams wire stalled
One of tho novelties nf the storm
was the use of an army tank to pi si,
stalled ttollev cars
Atlantic Cilj. Feb i; i 5v P
Driven bv a gale which has nntimi il r
two davs. high tides swept tho southern ' .
New lorsev cont vosterdav musing
I Almond Bar i
Delicious Because All
K Best of Chocolate w' n!
I Chock-full of Almondsjy N
L. D. Berger Co., 59 N. 2d St.
Mult, llartttt SM. Jttylto-f, Main 40CS
Coal Troubles
are eliminated when you be
come a customer here. Be one
of the happy, contented usert.
Follow the Flag
i x.
Frank F. Mathers
rhonet Dick 1416, Wood 478
v S.W Cor 10th & Wtshinjlon Ave
I 52d bel Baltimore Ave
Inexpensive Gold Bracelet
Although moderatch oriccd.
the cases arc of very neat de
signs and arc fitted with move
ments which we can recom
mend. Among the collection is a
round watch of green gold, the
border beautifully chased
wrist-band of moire ribbon.
S. Kind & Sons, 1110 chestnut st.
Main Door for Men
Balcony for Bo.vs
2nd & 3rd Tloors for Women
Hoier & Spats 1st I'loor
Children's Department Dow nstairs
Repairing lth Floor
Seating Capacity
tor 600
.yaanwMitnii iy anf
Timely Advice
The man who wants shoes
should buy them NOW ior he
will surely pay more NOT
LESS next Fall. We are sel
ling shoes below replacement
prices from our large stocks
purchased a year ago.
irri ri uMiiil iiiiiiiim.i.iii.ii.i .i..
High Grade Shoes
Regular $12.00 Quality Every Pair
YOU will realize the big value as soon as you see
them. You will profit by purchasinfr a pair.
Every pair is a real Dalsimor Standard Quality
solid leather. Stylish as well as serviceable.
204-06-08 Market Street
Chestnut and 12th Sts.
Specials for Tomorrow
feN raKiik mr&L
Georgette Crepe Blouses
Sale Price
None Sent
C. O. D. or 4.85
Values to $7.90
No Mail
or Phone
Dainty models in white, flesh and dawn blue
in embroidered and lace trimmed models;
also net and crepe de chine blouses.
Lingerie Blouses . .
Georgette Blouses.
Reduced to
Reduced to
Roselle Silk Hosiery
None Sent
C. O. D. or
Sale Price
Actual Value, $2.25
No Mail
or Phone
Pure thread sillc hosiery in black, white
and desirable shades with lisle garter
top, double soles and high spliced heels.
m iL
One Model Illustrated
Wide wale corduroy
robes in full length and
breakfast coat models,
sash girdle and sailor
collar; lined throughout.
Value $12.75
Appointed Chief of Attendance In
State Education 'Bureau
HarrlsburK, Veb. 0. W. M. Dent
son, of Susqticlinnnn county, for the
last nine jears a stale liigli school ln
spector, linn been promoted to the por
feltion of rliicf of tin' state bureau of
attendance in the Department of Pub,
lie Instruction us successor to Dr. II,
11. TMrlck, who resigned Inst mouth.
Mr. Denison is u graduate of Mon
trose Academy nnd Oolgntc CoUcrc.
Dr. Charles H. Fisher, professor of
(duration in Swiirthtnorc College nnd
in We't Chester State Normal School,
has been nppolntcd bv Superintendent
of Public Instruction 'Thomas I). Fino
gan nn assistant director of the bureau
of training and ccitlflcatlon of teachers.
He is n native of York nnd graduated
from York Collegiate Institute and
Lebanon Yalley College und the Uni
versity of Fcun3lanla.
Creation of Maryland Board to Curb
Promotion Schemes Propoted
Annapolli, Feb. 11. Henator llppler,
of Allegheny, Introduced in the Senate
csteiday his "hluo-sky law," nlmcd nt
the flotation of Worthless stock. The
mcaMito rtentes n ntnto nccuiHIch com
mission, consisting of the stale bank
(oinmlssloner, who Is to be president,
the attorney general or one of lis as
sistants and tht) stntc insmnnce com
missioner. It provides that no such company or
dealer shall offer securities for sale,
without first registering with the state,
commission. 'Co obtain permlsiion there'
must ho certified, under onth, infoimn
tlon desired relative to tho stock to be
Burlington Traffic Is Tied Up
Ilurllimloii. N. .!.. Feb. (1 Hlenm
and trolley traflic is delayed and eotm-
liy toads blocked hj tho oist sleet nnd
snowstorm nf llm jcar. Hi, in .7!
hour .vCHtcrdnv no dim limi (.? JUW
ret through on the Hurllncton nJ'"1!
Traction C. linn between iL"!
andlUotint Holly. Desp V,L "rJ
01 tho storm t lore was little ..S1
damage reported. ""'oa
: :
.For Int..
No Coil;..
A Nutritious Diet for ah a.
Quick Lunch at Home or Offie
Avoid Imitations and Snbtti(ate
Hi " " J " Mi
1 2X
C. J. Heppe & Son
Philadelphia Representatives
Duo-Art Pianola-Piano
The DUO-ART is an advanced
type of musical instrument far supe
rior to the regular type of player
piano. It is almost superhuman.
Even after you have heard the
DUO-ART you can hardly believe
it is true.
The DUO-ART will actually play
as Harold Bauer plays. It will play
the very selection that Bauer plays.
It is as truly Bauer that you hear as
when you actually hear Bauer at a
concert. You do hear Bauer.
Words fail in description you
must hear the Duo-Art to appreciate
its powers.
Come in and let us play it
for you.
Prices are from $795 up.
Made in the
folloxoing :
Sole Agents for the celebrated Mason & Hamlin and Weber ptafwi
- -a
..tfsi&iyj&zS: l 'S?2Z2.
4-ot gfegfey T7
hA ....:...
y , V . y ? . . 'JM.
'? .'(. M.'.K'f ,
v , . v. -te ' ..
" nrmmvtmrm ' ' iwmmnrrin - f-X-i, -."...,-. ,...-!. --tfe-?t2: !fSfJ
' i -. litllll A..--. .i i III . -,.,s I ' ill I" Mill
flliiMvAubaV- -1 sLflLLLiBiLLwI&fekt vtyst 'V&3$$'ilZjLuv'P s$JX&x ' miiiibbbbbibbLiBLbibHu iiBnLliikVlX 4v9LLlLLLLHkV
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Is Using The Autocar Truck
Chassis (14-2 ton)
$2300 97-inch wheelbasc
$2400 120-inch whtclbase
You know the narrow court between the Custom
J louse and the Drexel building. This Autocar
of The Federal Reserve Bank goes in there, de
livers its load, and is off without any backing
and manoeuvering.
Autocar short wheelbasc saves hours in crowded
traffic and congested loading and delivering
You can count on reliable delivery novice with
The Autocar. These Direct Factory Branches of
The Autocar Company are your asourance at
after-sale service.
"""- . -1. SiSSZ. J3WSS-
- fltrect focror Branehee of The Autocar Co., Ardmor; Pa.
' L&r u ,Jh s -.
4 .9 ft
4,1r i