-if m r i 12 EATSSEJG PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, PEBEUAET 0, 1920, FR1DA Y'S MARKETING WOMAN'S EXCHANGE PRETTY UNDER WEAR AD VENTURES WITH A PURSE npJVTX V MRS. WILSON SUGGESTS MENUS FOR SUNDAY "And Gives Description of Various Vegetable Plants and How They pared Are Pre- Cinnamon Toast Is Deli cious for Breakfast and Can Be Easily Made in Short Time By MKS. M. A. WILSON (CopvHoht, ii:c bu Vn, 1 I. U'ilsoi. itoht' trtu icrf I 11 Ash Mrs. Wilson If you lime nuy rookery rirob lems, brioft tlicm to Jtrs. Wilson. Sho ulll be glnd to answer you througb these columns. No per sonal replies, however, can be Riven, Address questions 'to Mrs. M. A. WiNon, KVENINO Podlio Ledger, Philadelphia. THU .larnaieu ciirtinibtr. or the gher kin. i an oal shaped, light -crccti fruit from the West Indies. It has :i surface colored with llcr.li spikes or pricUos and it is us-d for piekiing. It is quite simitar to the cucumber. Horseradish is i cununon Kitchen herb, thaet loot of which is grated aud overed with tnegar It fiirni'hcs a pungent seasoning lit tnnn parts of Tjiirope the greens or tops of the vmng liorseradish 'ire used foi ci.okiug greens. To prepare the horseradish, pare the root and then grate and chut with n white wine vinegar and place in a bottle or iar that can be sealed se curely The cne half pint jar, all class, is ideal for keeping liorseradish. Many soups sauces gravies, stews' find goulashes arc improved when da- , rorcd with the prepared horseradish. llo sure to ufo nnl the white wine vinegar foi coveting the horseradish, for the cider and malt vinegars cause I it to become discolored Kale, sometimes called sea Kale, be longs to the spinach f.tmilj. It is Used I Jis a vegetabh green Kohl labi, tin nip. cabbage or Puti li turnip came originally from Hgvpt. thei have a nice i flavor and it is said that they are bet ! ter flavored than eithir the cabbage or, turnip. i Leek, or the flag omon. s,i vailed be pause of its. large flaglike leaves, tbieh run up fionj threadlike loots, is a member of the onion familj. The French cook and seive the leek the same as they cook asparagus. Lentil, a seed or bean, used daih among the working classes in Europe. I Is very nutritious and quite low priced. It is quite a favorite for helping to cut the Men ensr oi living Mushrooms, when served as a vege tabic or as a garnish, can be used in soups, stews, goulashes, sauce, etc.. and nearly all the musluooms on the mar ket are products, of cultivation in the hothouses Okra These green pods are original- I ly front the West Indies, wheio they , are used as a vegetable in guinboos. ' j. with stews, soups, etc T here arc three tiiniilnn rnlIAtiilC alii t 'One and onr half teaspoons of tall, Onr teaspoon of ichitr prppci. Three tablespoons of unshed riir. Simmer for fifteen minutes and then serve. To Cook Ye Olde-I'Mnc English Shin Beef Wipe the meat with a damp cloth and tl.en tie securelj with n string. Now put three-quarters cup of flour Into the meat (.'hop the suet line, place in a saucepau and render. When smoking hot add the meat and brown well Now adil the marrow bone uud Three carrpts, pared and rut in half, rour turnips, pnicd and cut in half, iS'ij- onions, Hcasantuq ui desired. I'oitr tups of boiling uatcr. Cook slowly for three hours and then lift to a hot platter and place tin vege tables as a gurnish. Add sullicient boiling water to make three cups of giav.v. Noodle Pudding Cook one package of noodles m one quart of bciling water fot ten minutes and then druic Now open one can of (oudeused milk and add one quart of warm water and stir until bleuded Add one egg and heal again. Flavor v ith vaiulla and nutmeg aud two table spoons of butter Turn in baking and bake in -low oven for thlitj-five minutes. Mrs. Wilson Answers Queries Please Tell Me What to Do By CYNTHIA Dainty Lingerie A Daily Fashion Talk by Florence Rose What She'd Do Dear Cjntliia t never wrote to you before, but 1 know jou're so kind to others I'm smc jou will print this let ter in your column for the girl who wants to know what the reader would do if she owned .$1,000,000. If 1 saw some one giving mo $1,000. 000 1 would be so shocked 1 wouldn't be able ttropcn my ejes. l'KANCKS B. Isn't the Navy .Respected? Dear Onthia I would like you to' help me solve this mjsterious problem: j 1 am a joung girl and I do not make a praetiee of going with notbiug bill j sailors, but I have gone with tlnec who I have licjted me as kindlv as m brother would. Would jou kindh tell me wbj some people always have a knock for the bovs in the now and the'persons who go with them? The people should respect the boss who are just at the age that the should cnioy the life they give to the countrv. Why don't the people of this (ountrj encourage the bojg in the uav.v '! We would have a much better navj if the people did not talk so much I was nadlng a-'piecc in the Hvu m.no Prune Lr.norr. of the death of a girl, and for the simple reasou she j was sCpti last witli a sailor there are rumors goiug arouud that she was mur dered lij a sailor. I I beg jou to publish this in jour col- I umu. as 1 have been trjiug to solve this problem for two jears. I AN AMEIUUAN. I Speak up. teadeis Have jou found ' this tq be the case? Don't people re spect tne navv and Honor the men wlio have offeted then lives to their coun tij V Adventures With a Purse My Dear Mi. Wilson Will jou please answer mj questions and tell me what will keep pepper sauce from turning dark? I put up five jars aud it all turne-l dar.k. MRS. M. C. TN THI3 four short jcat of Sophic'b, jUbt tci tht snc is the sort of woman Fresh ones aie selling J- checkered career she has achieved who . ,iaintv uderthings, and it Mz"; P ' 'ir great-grandmotherhood. an accomplish- isn-t jjfo because she is dressed ex- Selected I eggs have tiro meut whiih bejond the shadow of a nonsiilr ? hncmisi. tlie woman iust rents n rimon to 00 centi doubt should be accompanied hv n so- Use white wine vinegar instead of,,ate !lm, diBnjficll bcaiiug and Serious I'ider vinegar. ..,,, c min.i n..t i i.. .i. """" ' '"" "'"" ""'s - . - ,:',... t ,,.f ..'., ii,nf ,-t.t there. In ma .onduct herself when niccntel with . icoliCi she cares els for these ' retailed at ."0 me gm wo uougnc uer nne, me pro- My Dear Mrs Wilson Will ou kindlj punt a working foimuia If c making marshmallows that lequiie gum aiabic in their lomposition? MUS. C. W. You would require special machinerv for beating the mixture, as it would '1W Dl.TUJ ,.-. , ,7 I , . ,. , t . , ,. popular varieties on llie market, name- i ue entirely too neavv ior ino ordinary if, snort beater. Mj dear Mis. Wilson Please give me an idea how to preserve apples and pears without using any sugar at all. as some members of my tnmilj do not use any sugar even with tea or roffeo. Thanking jou in advance, I am MRS. R. IT. Can the annlcs and nears. in the usual a law was enacted by which the weight manner, filling the jars with boiliug of all lopes of onions should lint he water, pears maj lie placed m iar iu less than four pounds net. This was (tini tois. halves or whole oi fill iars due to the fact that customers coin- with slewed apples or pears. Adjust plained that some lopes were shorter the i ubbers ami partially tighten tin than otliois. lids Process in hot-water bath for Planning a suggestive menu fm three j fortv mjnutrs. Seal and then store in nicals on Sunday: it0 usual manner BREAKFVST Baked Apru ols green loug green nnu wuiu rihhod Onions These well-known vegetables need verj little desciiptiou Thev aie Indispensable in looking There aie several varieties: White, or silver skin: yellow, red and the large Spanish or Bermuda onions In the olden times onions were s,,ld Jn the markets in ropes, aud in litil Cereal and Cream Cinnamon Toast Sirup Coffee DINNER Celerv Soup Te Olde-Tyme English hm of Beef AVith Vegetables Mashed Potatoes Celery Salad English Noodle Pudding. I'lint Sauce Coffee SUPPER Emince of Reef Potato Salad Cocoanut Cake Stewed Apricots The market basket will require Tea One pound of apricot. Ttco stalks nf celery. Four and onehalf pound ptrrr of shin beef. Piece of suet and marraic hone, Four carrots. Five turnip. One quart of onions. Onc-quartcr perl: of potatoes. One package of noodles. Three cgv. Two bouillon cubes Order the shin of beef eailj. telling the butcher vou want it with the bone In it; this will giv you a thick, oval hajied piece of meat To prepare the apricots, wash well in plenty of water and then sook over night in just enough water to eojor In the morning simmer slowly until ten der and then use a part of them for breakfast and the balance for supper Cinnamon Toast Cut the loaf of hiead in slices ono-half-inch thick and then plate in a mixing bowl One egg One and one hall cup nf ualei. One cup of flout One teaspoon of inlt. Two tablespoons of inui. One teaspoon of rmnamou. Beat to mix and then dip the slices of bread in this batter and frj quick ly until a golden blown in hot fa I t'eler Soup Remove the coarse outside branches of the celery, and with leaves chop fine Place in a saucepan and add Three jiih'i of rold unlet, One carrot, rut fine. One turnip, ut Hue. Three onions. One faggot of oup herb. Cook slowlv until the vegetables me oft, then rub through a sieve and h turn to the saucepan add My dear Mis, Wilson Will you please tell me how much lettuce and thicken will be needed to make salad for forty people'' Thanking you very much. I am C,. C. II. Use " Y'rit pounds nf rhirken. Three pounds of veal, rooked mlh rhicken. File pounds of cclrrii. Tico quarts of ialad drcssinq. ' gemtoi ol so manj little Sophies and Tommies, crouches and springs, rolls upon the floor with her feet waving wildlj m the air and tavoits and frol ics like her joungest grandchild. Mis tress Sophie, you see, is a sleek gray pussycat and our gift is a wee little mouse of catnip, which we purchased for ten cetrrst The antics of jour own pet cat. when confronted'with one of these mice, will afford jou lots of fun. There are a great many things about cooking of which I am totallj ignorant. Two things I am familiar with, how ever. One is the fact that there is a certain culinarj superiority in a dou, ble roaster, the other that there is a certain physical advantage in the use nf aluminum conking utensils. And so I bring this knowledge to bear on the aluminum double roasters I saw. and, adding two and two, announce my re sult as 51.40. This $1.40 is a special sale price for the double roasters, which arc of generoiLs proportions and which seem like a verv good purchase. Children love surprises 1 can re member that when I was in the tarlv I days of leading, writing and 'rithmctic .Most of these models arc made of llcsh-tolor crepe de thine. Lace and lino lurks trim one pretty .nightgown, while licmst lulling sufllccs for (he other. The combinations aio charming in llieir sevcie plainness, with the popular strap shauhleis DOESN'T it sometimes seem as if jou model that still holds the favorite place could tell just by the vv,aj a woman ("' H"1 "ell dressed woman, tallies heiself. hj the way she talks. Corvrlght 1020. by Jlorence nose. by her whole healing, whether or not she is a weaier of prettj, dai.it, EGGS DROP TO 70 CENTS fiugerie? Now here is a woman tripping I along the avenue covered from the tips Fresh Over Fifteen Cents Cheaper of her cats to her dainty ankles in a I Than on January 1 voluminous dtivet.vn wrap, ou can Ezcs nre toming down. at iO cents a from the price year eccs have dronncd from u.t ncnsivelv : because the woman just cents a tlozeu to hi cents. ahead of her who is wearing a sealskin . In New- York, prices are lower thau rn ii,nMi tn imiltiitn t.. snv I in Philadelphia, owing to the dump- that it must hnvc cost $2000 there is ing of cold storage eggs on the market ill iiiii, jutiucs i-Kn uic ucuig ai u cents n dozen. tliinrs And jou know jotnsclf that when jou nre dressed with dainty, well -fitting, silken lingerie, you have a feeling of well-being that you cannot help but ic fleet in your manuer. The simplest suit seems to "set" better. Your frocks are more comfortable. It gives you a feeling of being well dressed that you could never acquire by wearing much fine jew city or expensive ostrich feathers oi priceless sables. Please don't think that I am preaehi I'm just saying this to excuse? the gills you know who, even on a small tires' allowance, will insist on getting dainty underwear. Whv don't girls in theii position wear-knitted lisle? Good, sub stantial muslin "corset covers" and combinations would be well enough They don't show? What difference does it make so long as thoj nie clean and whole? Well, it makes a lot of difference, and although it is. of course, silly to put all . jour dress allowance into j-our under- I things I am entirely in svmpathy with the young woman who feels that she can't be content without some finery in the way of lingerie. Flesh color persists among women of taste in bpite of the green and blue aud rose aud mauve that jou see. For mv own part I think that there is nothing nicer than a good quality ot crepe do The Woman's Exchange Has Talent fop Dancing ro the Vdltar ol Woman's Taotl Dear Madam I am a girl of wwc years and I am tnking lessons in danc ing. Many peoplo say that I have n well-developed taleut. I ak you to g vo me ndvice as to where I should venture to try to find whether my talent is good, THE TWELVE-YEAR DANCER. Since jou are taking lessons, your teacher is the onoMvho can tell you where to go to continue jour work, hue is the only one who can tell you whetner you haVe enough talent to become a dancer. You might go to one of the ballet teachers who have studios here. You will find a list of dancing teachers iu the business directory of the tele phone book, and you can pick out a bnllet teacher aud go to him. if you do not rcl upon the teacher jou have. Two Girls Want to Swim To the Vdltor of Woman's Paoc! Dear Madam We arc steady readers ot your column and would appreciate it vcrv much if you would direct us to some swimming pool in the central part of this city wlicic the swimming lessons arc not too expensive. TWO GIRLS. In the business directory of the tele phone book, under "Swimming, ' you will find a list of swimming pools and instructors. There arc not many of them, but I am sure one of these, will i.. ,.,, ;m,t in ou. 'ou will have to call them up on' the telephone to find out 'nbout the hours ior gins unci nm charges. I hope you will enjoy your selves. Swimming is fine exercise and lots ot fun. Look in Night Extra To the rdllor of Tfoman's Paoe: Dear Madam: I always read the continued stories in the EveSino PtnrtJC Luntirr,. They arc clever and T cnioy reading them. Tne story cniuicu xuu ubufiu of Two Wotlds" was not in print Sat uidav (Jnnuarj J!D. according to in terested in this story? K. P. S. search, as 1 looked on every page tluoughout the paper, but it it was in print will jou please let mo know through the Woman's Page, on Tues day, February ,'t, on what page it made its appearance, as I am very much in- This slorv appeared on Page 4, iu the Night Etia edition of the paper, on Saturday. Your letter did not arrive in time to be answered on Tuesday. MOTHER NEVER RUNS OUT OF ANSWERS OR ENERGY To Give to Daddy and the Children Sho Can Always Manage to Be Interested in Several Things at Once MOTHER and Daddy and the two little ones boarded the trolley car nnd settled down with a Httlo flurry. The youngest was only four and very full of song ana uancc. ino uiucr i down, rested her head on the window back of her nnd took in all the beau tiful advertisements above the opposite windows. Daddy immediately stnrted 'describing a new tool that ho would like to have for his tool chest. "It's a beauty," he said, ns Mother listened attentively. "It works thte way," nnd he showed her with his hands. "Oh, jes," Mother answered under standingly, as she put out a restraining hand to keep Alice from climbiug off the scat. "It costs a good deal," Daddy went on, "And I told the man I didn't know whether I could nfford it now " "What does that bay, Mother?" Jane inquired dreamily. Aud so Mother looked up and read the verse ou the ad vertisement for chewing gum. Jane smiled politely, obviously gave up trjlng to understand what it meant nnd turned to the next picture. "How much was it?" Mother nsked, turning back to Daddy. No, she hadn't forgotten. Daddy hesitated hesitated too long. For the car had stopped, and the motormnn, getting off iu great excitement, discovered that a motorinnn on the car ahead had been taken sick. This roused great interest among the family. Daddy stood up to see what was coinri on. nnd Mother had both hands fuli keeping Alice on the sent. If Daddy could stand up, why shouldn't she? Jane had forgotten the advertise ments and in looking out the window had become absorbed in the pictures mode by the streaks on the glass. The excitement calmed down aud the car btartcd. TXrOTHER, who was sick," in i'l quired Jane, suddenly. Mother told her, moving her handbag out of reach of the exploring hands of Alice. "Well, &o I told the man I'd bo in in n dny or two," Daddv was going on. "This is our street," Mother said, itanding up. And Daddy, finding him self with a jeik, started out. Mother stood up. guided Alice's jumpy Httlo feet to the .floor, interrupted her sone long enough to loll her to call Daddy to take her hand, broke the spell of Jatic'i reverie, nnd got them all snfely off tin- car. Mother had bad n busy trip, tj,,i then mother always has busy trips if, always been, "Mother, what do vn,. think about thnt?" uud "Mother, vvhn was?" and "Mother, whv did if" . "What docs that bay, Mother?" An! Mother always knows. She is never ex. pectcd to run out of answers for enei gotlc minds, never expected to be ton tired to attend to several things nt once. If she failed the bottom of tlir. world would drop out. The children don't know it, and Daddy doesn't realize it. They just take It for granted, whv shouldn't they turn to her for cverv thing? She's Mother, that's all. When she bears that magic name, children and Datldy ascribe to her all the powers of a airy godmother. And sometime, when the world is full of qucstioninc voices, pattering feet, mischlevou, hands and clnttcring tongues, I wonder if Mother ever yearns for that fairy cloak that would make her invisih,. just for n little, lcstful while? " To Wash Ribbon In washing ribbons spread them on a table or marble slab nnd scrub them well with sonpsuds to which a litili ammonia has been added. This tnethml will keep them from creasing and will help to remove the traces of t li oi r having been bowed or knotted. Never iron ribbons, as they become stiff ami hard; but after rinsing them well in clear water spread them out vciv smooth while still very wet on a sunny windowpane, mirror or a heatprl marble slab. Even n painted wall will nnswer nlraost the same purpose. Ther dry perfectly and look like new, beins also soft nud pliable as before rn, must be taken to place the wrong siri next the marble or glass. People's Home Journal. i i g .. m Introducing Our M WWMVJmiL I WWW i Very Best COFFEE H QP S NESES W SUMATRA BLEND - 48c lb. fl W T .- .- -IS I VJ 3 lbs. - - - $1.40 lr,' for the complexion. -t j J5J t ariT of oar .1 Stares Ejj ft A fragrant, cffeC- J Z ei w iuu iuoju,hui. -- j I i-r-ff i . njhv n jar smK Jgg, Z408FIIAHRTDAV 274IKENAV. J& f?J I, dcalcrVQ ijFish direct from ocean to youl rf, !! ,1 , II Wll II Hljl wo were tuugiii it ong, in one part oticuiue, which voio -u iuush utnu man which wo an piacoci our little heads i georgette. on our desks. And 1 never failed to The Question Corner Todaj'b Inquiries 1. What honor has been bestowed upon Miss Mnud Cleveland, of the Y. W. C A. overseas? 2 How did court plaster get its name? :;. What material can be used to make a pietty tlicssy sweater that is almost a blouse?' 1 In using alum what precaution should be taken? r What useful favors at a chil dren's party can be used during the affair and given to the ehil dien afterward? 0 Describe a novel way to make in vitations for a valentine partv Yesterday's Answers 1 Mis Agnes Olcason, of Boston i said to be the first woman who was over made manager of a hrst-elass hotel in the United States. . , , J "Atlantio" is a soft shade of peacock blue '.. A prettj suit of jersey cloth for spring is made in the sport style with a stole collar, cuffs and pockets of brushed wool I. Au unusual and attractive night gown is mnde with a round neck laced with black velvet ribbon like a medieval gown, and long sleeves that lace at the wrists ." The superstition connected with the wearing of sapphires is that the wearer will be proof against deceitful suitors, 0 A turned -up hat of black velvet or silk can be brightened up by the addition of a row of diamond -shaped patches of contrasting color look up hopcfullj afterward with the , thought that the tcaehei might have planned a surprise tor us to see ou looking up. Well, because, thcu, I main tain that little people love surprises, I want to tell Jpu about some surprise walnuts that would make lolly partj 1 favors, or a gift for the little girl or l boj who must stay in the house be cause nf a cold. These walnuts are made. I fancy, of papier machc. nnd each contains a funny little toj Then ' are a dozen in a boT which can be had for the small sum of twenty-five cents. Tu the sketch there are two night gowns. One is trimmed with laee and fine tucks and the other, a good waim weather model, is trimmed only with hemstitching. The two combinations uic to be found among the new models, ai though they nre much the same as usual and the underbodicc is the usual strap Cheese BUY Cheese Yonr Meats Wholesale Come to Our New Up-to-Datc Market Chuck Roast M st Rump Roast Okf L Butcher's Roast . . . Hamburger Steak . . 10 Folluw the Crowd Real lbs. Sharp Cheese selected I'rbh (In urtonn) (I8r Dozen TOW I. (31b. av.) l'nncy S5r SEA FOOD Oleomnrcarlne. Nut Tlrandn 32e . 42o OYSTERS IIOWJfBV'b DEMGHT SHAD CLAMS MITfllE'I I 'C MIDVI7T ino 10 and 12 iiu i ViIUjUJu ij liirnaiaaiui iiiv) 5. Delaware Av. " T!il Is Our Only MnrUet 931 CHESTNUT STREET V Quality Meats at Prices I That Speak For Themselves! I Breast of Yearling LAMB in FANCY CHUCK ROAST 1? c lb. C lb. Rack Ck Yearling! LAMB jj Lean Beef Plate SHOULDER LAMB Iftt BOIL J.V- US. IIP ROAST Country Sausage MEAT Choice Lean Pot ROAST w Fresh fc HAMBURG I8 STEAK & FANCY fo, ROUND j ROAST 0 Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Editor of Woman's Page, or call Walnut r?000 fi names of shops where articles inner in Advcntuics with a 1'ui nay be purch Ved. FINAL as jik WKS YnU Automatic Cleaner Not Electric But Better Vo wir. KDrtnci or bltn Nothinr tn ret oat of ordr. aav to onrat will mirk 11 n riTT narttclfl of dirt rinat lint, ha.fr. ta. Mnr rMfiUlr iMnriF in otp M.OO" norarn Lt n demon trafr It In Tonr nnmf o obllmtlon t brjT Write rail ot Phone Market 1390 PASCHALL SALES CO. 15 S. 8TH ST., PHILA. And BrasriiftR Se Thotto D!r.rtrr SAIJlfKN WANTED i B f Tgmm. nr i i I SipiiRifflPBBV afjv Nole th H KBmPjPBKHHMMJA llandlrd yBPSjoSaBBv v& Bt 4Jy H I rt liuifjarci iui i""ni "" "-6" CiaBMb 7'ico bowllon rubei JT f healthful food f c1 For the kiddies I as vcll as a taabj 1 I dessert For the S , 1 whole Family. Popular Flavors g '. Chocolate V Golden Vanilla ry "Your Grocersttttf A Time-Saver for Dark, Cold Mornings 1 a nn fun mix ns doujh for breakfast Uieo9 Jark cold mornlnes By uslne T7I Miss rnncme PurePhoephate Bakunglbwder lou can mix brokfit dough thn night befoir nlaclnc It In the refrlnerator until bakine llmi Jind can b aura that the blaculta are solns tu bo delidou and u lleht aa af feather. 1 lb., net i.Vniifrii-ftror'c lb., net . I UUI UIUVWI , eTiaaBaHa I l PVaW I weight, 35c """' ","vw' "we'B"t, ZOc '?aakW. I Cle MP '- J MKL I4L ,4 IlllaT M I J&WrW gf$JI jflHKk JKtr. Jffy mm BBBaBaT ' " W' lUAfhinnRtitFrochlViGh SHAD Phila. J jatt .aaaaflaaaBw aaBBraaaV i3 jaaBBBaaa! bbbbbI BaaaH bbbbbb.bT ' tuitrHfn aPvC Hal 'WA'ZVES" $m aaaaaL waaj aaaaaaajp a jt.fl. Open Saturtlau Until p. M, 7 GIRLS! BEA UTIFY YOUR HAIR WITH "DANDERINI Set a. Small Bottle! Freshen Your Scalp! Stop Falling Hair! Remove Dandruff! Grow Lots of Wavy, Glossy, Beautiful Hair You Can! iteM).m4i Shoes forWhmea rOV talk about BARGAINS 1 those are positively the greatest that have been offered by any store in this city in a long, long time. They are worth $10 NOW and next season they will cost $12 identically the same qualities! And suc-li stunning shoes they are! Ele gant patent leather, with grey, black kid or buck tops, full cut Louis heels. See them that is all we ask SEE THEM and you will jump at the opportunity to buy them at this ridicu lously low price. This is our one, bier and ONLY Clearance Sale of the season ! COME TOMORROW SURE. JWar& SfW Sfaffi&Gft 12SII Market, between l.'lh and 13th. 32 H. Both bt near Market ilH 5"l,nBin Ae between York Cumberland. !I8 Kenilnittoii Ae., near Hart Lana I3 3S. 8th, near Cherry 8t. I3S South &t., near Bth IOI S. Bld.hit., near Cheatnut 2S10 N, lront, near Dauphin. 6fl2J tiermantuwn Ae.t near Cbelten. 1181 Houtll. between Uroad and lbth. 10H4 l4inrHter ATe., near 41at. 'JIH N. Hth. between Itace and Vine. 121 Market HI., between 4th and 6th. 4AU3 Frankfortl Ave., near Orthodox. z::B mare Are., near Columbia, Main ht.. Maourunk. ZHZ Gerrnantown Ae., between Botnertat k Cambria, 'JOaJaV mil V ffi "DANDERINE GROWS HAIR Ueddee doubllnr the beauty ot yonr lislr at once, you will bortlr Ond now Ualr, Qua and downy at flrat,- but really new hair irrowlne; all orer tUa acalp. t'oila lUtle. JKS jSBfr BaBaCanBBS3aV T -n ,. n i. rfj jJajaaB1-''''! . -r