I' Hip 3TledgbiPph:iSMi1:ia'? Tuesday, .otjbeuaby-T5 jBeatljs , . ., b 1 F. MORRIS, nuspanu ni JIF-Tiim (n BcW.ut), and son of S.iii na irienuj. ., n. Freeman pv rrf". i. -a.. ni "" ;p,"i ',;'? asA,,nf. ?(;m3 . isn'i"' ".Tvite. oreenmouii-. --"" u ...Jir',i,.in Wed.. 8 to 10 P. m. "-"' ,iwi,NEVILLER. Feb. 1, ELIZA. ' "ff.lW Ilium Alton, aged 77. psTH. Wo iai Invited to funeral, SoVm. 0010 NclSon "st.. Gin. Int. tr'v,ta'.tAMri.b 2. EMELINE. widow " ?,, Vnil Si Woodstock st. Int. prl-M-A.".: .-,?", call Wed.. 8 to 10 P. m. ""' iJ,.-. peh a. Elizabeth j.. aVRiHil T Atwood. nged 81. Rela- ?ri?nd Invited to fun.ral services tiTf J11 '" , iiijn Elmwood ave. Int. prl Wei. Vftena.' moV call Tues.. after 7 P. in. wW.I''.e?JS..h. 1. CATHERINE, daugh- Wj'ttiriirt and Mirlo Baldwin. aged l.i. '' 'fr.Jf funeral will be "'wn from Hj& Urenti 021 Electric avo.. Wyn- tote. Tf L ,..v r.ouia rAiMf.il DATES-''",, -'. ;;. ixula Bates. BATE?;, l-" LnStefl.. ..".".' "V!"ed-- 8P. m.. b.si " " rMWT3wiS:- : .nimril . Inure. . J ,.,.,,',. r-m.. Mt. uwrotown jnt' ",u ,. wed., 7:30 to 0 R. ?'W TeWcMnden 'every half- f'SV.f.l02ddnlV. t Bt.Vr.nels.lIOB. Dtdlii n N J 1 b.V-i HUMIi. WHO Ot 'W,'.'iri:Y;,A. mred 28. Relative ana rW.'lnlted to funeral, residence of liui '5'"r.rn Rock, near Hqrdentow-i. N. J.. nil. '"" ' "'n.,..i.n mi ut. Marys VSS.i Vrdentown,' N. J.. 0 a. m. Int. iWrrf -Feb. 2 at Old, Ladles' Home. WShUTi. ' ". Bny4jnTT. aged 81. tri nomln; '---"i lnvlted to funeral srv- Kl Wed. 10:30 a. m.. at Home, int, ...T.nMB rem .' tan. .'"",'., B 11 t.AimA It., daughter and Matilda Pnum and wife 'if" &"r7 e?,vlttI clatlvea and frlenda 1..S MP l'.irH LClll. iitltiuilliu .a "I .'"I Oth itiwed lupfl. eve. . .-- oTtv reb. - AwrtA wuinu ". BIltS'TiA.. i? - HKbtovn A. h en. ftired VrKiI Vi and friend, inUted to funeral, "l, 1 U m 1014 N Park ave. Int. Chel .f)BATllH nBATHH '"oHT'lNOs'-At Atlantic fltv. N. J.,Ib. Blfey.jl'8 ij... f rnHdinirinii nilllnaa, r c i. '"" v .---j::"- . .i.-j . !-J. 71 RMatUen ana inenus u viku . ISfV.1 rvice i Wed . 1 noon, chapel of "J'AckLbV -Wb 1, CATtOI.INn. widow Tlnotn? Buekley (nee Weeka). Rtla'H" ,'B Invited to funeral aervlces. Wed i S m, 731 Ann at Int. private. Odd Kel. I,J,' Cera, nemalna may La viewed Tues.. ''rIjrgHART Ian 31. MART IT., wife rf Tr" " Burehart and daughter ot limn and Anna Strain. Relatives and inrao. invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:8l a. nv. im N. 48ih Bt , w 1'nna. "; u ui i ; Church of Our Mother of Sorrowa ?r" t a. ni . P.m. I'.Wmilij.h n nnsn. wife of Dennis l,Ai-.w.i -. v. -. --.-,; . ,..,,. . fitnon. Iieame ana enu mv'u .u toiftt ThurB. 8:30 a. m'.. 52S New Market L Solemn renulem mass St. AuBUatlne'a Church 10 a m Int. Holy Cross Cm. CAKRICK Feb. -'. at 4.11 W RrlnghurKt .Otn. WILLIAM C CAItnifcK. Duo notice of funeral will be, Klven. CAVANAUOH Suddenly. Feb. 1 MfAtf.a 4 tntahnnrt nt Rnrhel and son of FiUr and la'le Annie Cavanaueh. Relatives ud rrUnie inuea iu tmiciai ...ud.. u.u.. m, ins i; uowen af. auiruiu IC-..U.CH. .. . .. ... .. A.w.. If. a. m. Int Holy Sepulchre Om. CHAJiruuui.iv.';. ni ou. ;", """V It, BrooKijn, iv ... Jan- . "( .! rftouls Chmpo''lllon and.daushter of Han bih .nil late Daniel Sullivan, native ot rounty Cork, Ireland, ud St. Funeral Wil.li m , residence of brother, Daniel SUl!Mn iiOl JRniua ave. cuit-uiii ..-.lutein inua Our Mother of Sorrows Church 0 a. n. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Relatives and Indi Inilted. Auto service. COLL Feb 1. SVRAH, daughter ot lata burn and Marv Coll Relatives and friends, Wtir Soc. ot St. Columba's Church. Invited ,t funeral. Wed 8 SO a. m . sister's, resl. tare Mm. James Kelly. 2442 N. 24th st. solemn requiem mans ?i. lommDia nurcn W a m Int Holy cross Cerr W.NWAY JM1I AU, l.JJAKLI m. Lun WAV. fnrme-K of T.ennl. Pa Relatives and friends lnlted to funeral serlces. Wed., 1 p in, omer II Hair Mia., m-u unesmui it Int private Northwood Cem. 'Brmitrlr nt AtlHntle Cltv. PC .T. , Relative!, Nil frlnds Invited to funeral services. frit. 11 m Oliver If Ualr Ride.. 1820 biettnut fit Int rrlnle uivva leo l jujin (.uw.r. nus 'ind df Jan. Couan (nen Hamilton). Rela ixj .nd friends Invited to funeral. Thurs ; tr m reaiaence nr son, leai &. Vinson si. iot.n tt ana wooaiana ave.i. int. in MorJab Cem Friends may call Wed., S to ClUl'li Jan 31 FRANK II . husband of JlUjn M and sfii of Oeorpe D. and Chrls um Cra'e aeed 29 Relatives and friends sv.ted to funeral services. Wed.. 2 p. m., 411 flechuood st Int. private. CRIJWLET Feb 1. ANNA, dauchter of UuU and late John B Crowley. Relatives m ir.enoj memoers ot Hoclalltv Church or ne Visitation Ladles' Auxiliary, No. 30. u. H imited to funeral Thurs , 8:30 p. roducnce of mother 2.1.'il N Howard Solemn renulem tnnua fhiir. u nf hn Hlltatlon R V M 10 rn In, TTnlu 'lOTlrtre Cem Auto funeral .CL'BRJ On Teb 1, 1020. HIH.r.N BAR. 5ARA. daushter of Samuel I,, and Margaret Jrnrjnee Lle) Relatives and friends, also Pitoih Chapter No 224. nastern Star, ara TO(0 to funeral serMres on Tuesday eve '..ir-if " "'flock from her late resldenre, WBEImwood avo West Philadelphia. Int. CURTIS Jnn 31 nrr-itAnrv t . WrSSZ I'" :VdJ:- " A A' husband of C. 'ti. vuri" ,neP Aiitausj ano son ot ri Tl and late Mary J. Curtis. Rela- 'iVi. W ."W- Amencsn Legion ot the iiS-uV"1 Po!-1 S2 1fil'- and Abraham JkoIj Camp No. 39. Dlv. of Fa. Sons of ..ji.i.B, jji.ueu io lunerni veu., p. rn.. Htr.' r.;sdnce, r,21) W, Tork St.. Int. nvate Frinnrl. rem nn I 'r..A. .... ' j,EL.T"Fb..1 ALICE V.. daughter of At, l ,'?ryJ c , Daly fnee Coulter) ?!.. i..f.n5 frlends. League of the Sacred ffini. ied t0 '"ncral. Thurs., 8:30 a. m , w ..- i t''rui3, w.o .. iotn st. 80 rS !JS? lU1"'- Baltimore. Md. PltahehFrf. r fb 1 J0H.N'l, husband of A".?'",1 .nd.n fi'herlne and .K"7,.1"?.?1?" D Less Relatives and It S..V. "'? w.iunerai Wed., to a m iL?!!3..a I"' New Cathedral Cem. rSTaJ'hnUDsaon: TRera,n,v2sf W' Phllsi!flnhla Flro Dept. RcHef 'wuinUT ?a-.oro1 ,nv,,el to funeral tele. A ih'i. T,,3? m" residence of 5, R.i.,i " and late Ann Margaret Din- "Sorr oS. A.p-i .m t, Ca"r ad above tm' f?i.i "rankford. Int. Cedar Hill i Friends may c.ill Wed. ift.r ? r, vi""Lv?"prankford 'ft?S H'V' ReTan'd u;!."r.l.."d to funer.ll Thurs. S-nfti m Solemn requiem mass CATHARINK . ..Ti.'?". " solemn i.K. 'siension 10 a. m. Int. prl- Btaab-.h1'? A-.?.Ir'JAnn Jr husband wi ui7.i "".!. ..n' iv-eny). He a Jth Di.f 'f !?."" ridelitv Club police of 'ml ti. U'teetlve Rureau. Invite,! tr. fn. te1ftnr47m,r,,StNM,a!ahchy.,s Bon...", "i 'nt Holv Senulchre Cem nusinnir. . SUSaDrKV- .'SSV'n'iff: if" Co lniii.H . n,ovf" pf Oenernl Proc-'I'k- vl.",, Tui. D,J!U!i ,Cem Remains .orth aP.'' hu.?an.d. of Anna T. DurtrU;u" ."'.."."-" nq lat nut Dutkunnv. v' .',vr'(ar" na late ,l,itPomehape1r''!j,l5?i Funeral prl M&tn NomiiSL" Jl K"?elsi.hatz 718 ".tt Do)lektn,,,wnr,'dA ThurB.. 1.30 p. Dl'isiT I'rW". "'. Pa Cm Auto serv Bna o " tu i MA milPUIrnn .. .iiiviLijiii in. II .r ' ..i'tUHi Ulflrtvti r ., . .""" ;i" JfiUTl f) 3ft" ' " i-?"1, UU1S11. Kj. .V.f". Ro n.r.vl" .tr,u. f.nce oi aaugn- it Hn v r.V" V 'M,c un. in 1 raster nt -Jii nit ini. 'aWAKpn W,d' CHRISTIAN. Coi7r : V-t '.'i'"?nger Relalivea and VB-j"? S; 5' :T11(0 t0 fl7- ; ". "ur o. i-o. MIT NOB e ''COS N g.i un"a I services. Wed, 2 n, Aft'i Tu" e"ve InA,prlevate- .I'fland. iflilT, ir.h ..... Au'. funeral 'iwiA widow" r w.Vi N- mbrey t Sft. Vl.Hve .A, :,-., S o.'Charle. : - " ..1 1 1 Tl T TI1T1 .Cm Vrfeni!1''?::'- 'nt. .North' Oeda'r .... uii lues., after 7 IRriu raMi uddenlv , ii . 5K..""'". ot AnnVh.ll."'wY,.Ji,'' . :.v. "lend. Kr.io."i-...-?"?,'j i;,." c'ATt'hapfy. 'mole a a r i. '!i No. 38, 'Vnibi A,.U .:v .M. H.i JUddorl hv'i'ruui niii, - .... .: ' iu.WH.touiu.rJl,,,.'''l1" .. '!'n. Lr' 41 4th ... .".." ."viupfl wed., l V.f lrv n.r" "K'lfAHD l! hus. J,'; 'led 31 "riMi1".".1 I'lnlev inee I ,k"1 "bom nui ' !a.veiiljr Father e1..mi lteMv.Ve", ".-- ii iai.. ..---- hi u iripimii Si ', ""'rii i"ri J' w" a member. .''?! Mt ,V ! r 2p tn ..iiir. vn.i. tfej A i "' t,,"""1"'" " '!!" W i-L.Ml'UA U. firth wlf. ," ir.V. .'.'A.and daughter 'of iviS isssss L't .K,It. 1821 Hv"ii..i"iV ".". nj. nemalna nuy bo vltvvuJ FISJtF.n. Feb I. MAROARET V.. dauh, c,r vi inie vviiuain ana lilizaoetn risnei. Relatives and friends, members of Kensing ton M, 15. Church and Sunday School, In vited to funeral eorvlccs, Thurs,, 2'P, . tn.. 1012 Marlburouaili st. Int. private. North Cedar lull Cem, FOIIBMAN. Feb. 2, JOANNA S., wlfo of William A, Foreman, aged 07. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services. Hat,. 2 P. m 411.1 N. Bth st. Int. Northwood Cem, FRF.MANN. Feb. I. nOOF.NH ROI. FRE MANN. .Relatives and friends Invited tn fu neral. Wed.. 7:30 a. m.. from II0S N. Perth st. Mass at tho Assumption Church 0 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. , OALC-SPBRRY. Feb. 2. TH5ATRICK t... wife ot Ignatius J. CJale and daughter of Hu gene nnd Alice Spcrrv, ngod 25. Relatives Hnd friends. Altar and Rosarv Society of St. Columba's Church. Invited to funeral, Thurs.. 8:30 a, m.. residence ot parents, 31)3.1 N, 10th St. Solemn requiem mass St. ColumbVs Church 10 a. m Int. Holv Reputchre Cem. OARRnTf. Jan. At. ROUCRT CHASE. son of Albert N. and Ethel V. Uarrclt. aged 10 days. OILLAN. Suddenly, Feb 2, JOHN A., husband of late Mary (lllloJi. Funeral. Sat.. 8:'10 a. m., 3840 Folsom st. Henulem hlah miss St. Agatha's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cress Cem Relatives and friends. Division mo. T. A. o. H.I Branch no. u i. C. 11. It., nnd Catholic Sons of Derry. In vited to nttend. aii.DNER. Feb. 1 nt S3o 9. 4th St.! JOSKPF1NE. widow of Harry dlldnor. Rela. lives and friends Invited to funeral services, Wed,, 1 :30 p. m , apartments Andrew Hbert's Sons. 258 8. 4th st, Int. German Luthernn Ceir), Auto cortege, (lOI.nF.N. Jan. 31. MAROARKT OOI.DEN (nee Cassldy). widow of Thomas Oolden Relatives and friends. Barred ll"art Confmternltv ot St. Ann's Church. Invited to funeral, Wed., 8.30 n. m , 203314 V. Le high ne. Solemn requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem. Auto funeral. GOODMAN. Jan. 31, ELIZABETH, daughter of Ernest and Elizabeth Goodman, aged 20. Relatives and ifrlends. members Gaston Presbyterian 8. H.: Victory Lodge, No. 4. D. of St. G.. Invited to funeral. Wed., 2 p. m parents' residence. 3120 N, Sheri dan st. Int. Lawnvlew rem. Remains may be viewed Tues , after J7 p. m. GORMAN. Feb. 2. 'JANE a. (nen Itona ghan). widow of Patrick Gorman, formerly of Germantown. Relatives and friends. Ladles' Auxiliary, No, 108, Knights of St, John. Invited to funeral, Thurs.. 8:80 a. m., residence of son-in-law, P. D. Holden, 3S00 Manayunk ave., Wissililckon, Solemn re quiem mass Immaculate Conception Cnurcn, Germantown, 10 a. in. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. GRANT. Feb 1. SAMUEL, son of Wil liam and Marv Grant (nee Doltn) Relatives and frlmds Invited to futerai. Thurs.. 8:30 a, in , realdence of slater. Mrs. Helen McOlll. 211 N. Ithan Bt. Solemn mass of reaulem Church of Our t.ndy of Victory 10 a. in, Int Holv Cross Cem ' GRANVILLE. Feb 1. WILLIAM1 II.. son of Marv Frances and late Theodore Gran ville. Relatives and friends employes West Fhlla. Passenger Tard. P. R.' It.. Invited to funeral. Wed., 8:30 a. m., brother's resl dence. Theodora Granville. 1038 Ruan St.. Frunkford. Mj.bs St. Joachim's Church 10 a, m. Int. St. Dominic's Cem. ORE1NER. Fib 1 MARGARET A . daughter of Margaret and Lite William L. Grelner. Relatives and frlendstinvlted to fu neral. Thurs.. 8:30 a. m.. residence of mother. 833 N. 39th st . West Philadelphia. Solemn high maBs of requiem St. Agatha a Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto iervlce. GRIMES. Feb. 1. DANIEL P.. Jr.. son of Donlel J and Elizabeth Grimes, aged 2.'. Relatives and friends invited to, funeral. Thurs.. 8 a. m U23 Vine st.. Camden. N. !. Hlch mnss Church of the Holv Namo 10 a. in. Int. Calvarv Cem. Auto scrvlro. .. , HAQliKT. At Ambler. Tk.. Feb. 1, EMMA MATILDA, daughter of late Jacob and Ell.a Schell Hagert Relatives and friends invited to funeral services. Thurs., It u. m Oliver H. Balr Bldg.. 1820 Chest nut st . Philadelphia, Inf. prlvatn. HAMILTON. Feb. 1. STUART, husband of Mary Hamilton (neo Hemphill). Relatives and friends invited to runeral services. Thurs . :i p. m , lit) W. Fisher's ave.. Olnev. Int Greenmount Cem Remains m,ay be leved Weil . 8 to 10 p m. HARDING. Feb. 1. ESTHER, daughter of late Michael and Annlo Harding (nee Rice). Relatives and friends, Leuguo of Sacred Heart, Altar and Bosary Society, Ladles' Tempcranro Society. Invited to fu- nernl Thtir. Rr.lrt . m 7"3 N. COth St. High mass of 'requiem Church of St. Francis Xavler 10 a. in. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto funei.il. , , , HARTNETT. Feb 1. JAMES A. 1IART- NETT. Relative and friends Invited to fnnwrnl WmH. LVI. 4. n n. m.. from 611 Railroad aenue, Rrrt Mawr. Solemn re qulim mass at tho Church of Crur Mother of Qood Counc'l. Int. St. Dennis's Cem. HASS13TT. Ket I, IM.Mf.li 1 nusoana of Margaret Hansen. Relatives and friends, etnnloveH Dooner's Hotel. Invited to funeralj JlRtr. V Tjrtr nve . Thurs.. S:30 a. m. Sol emn high mass of requlm Mt niepnen n Church to a. m. Int New catnenrui uem l.-ltelihnrir Miirm.. twiners rODV. Auto service. HENRY Jjll, 31. CATHERINE. HENRY (nee Skcrrett). formerly of 1M0 Cabo St.. widow of Harry Henry. Relatives and friends. Married Women's Modalitv nnd League of the Sacred Heart of the Clurrh of the Oesu. invited to funeral Wed.. 8:30 a m., residence of niece, Mrs. Catherine Mergen. 2241 Seybert st. High mass at Church of the Gesu 10 a. m. Int. New Ca thedral Cem. Auto funeral. HENRY. Feb. 1, at Prownlng's lane. Pell Mawr, N. J.. WILLIAM R.. so.- ot lato John and Sallle C. Henry. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed.. 2 li. m.. 4053 Catharine st.. PhlU. Tnt. prl ate Friends may call Tues . 8 to 10 p. m. HIDDEMEN. Jan. 31. WILLIAM 8.. husband of late Rachael Hlddemen. aged 72. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv ices. Wed.. 3 p. m.. apta, of Wm. H. Bat tersby, 3316 N. Droad st Int, Northwood rvm. Remains may bo viewed Tues., 8 to 10HPLDEBRAND Feb. 1 1020. ADOLPH. husband of Wlllielmlno Hlldebrand (nee Drcvvs) Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend funeral services. Thurs.. 2:30 p. m . at his late resldonce, 154 Wayne ave.. Hyvvood, Pi Interment private. Trlends may call Wed eve. , IIII.DEBRAND. Feb. 1. OTTO C . hus band of Ella Hlldebr.tnd. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs., 2 p.' in . 32 4 York ave. tnt. Greenmount Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed. eve. TexTs papers cony. HILFERTY. Feb t. of pneumonia. ROSE L daughter of late Peter and Elizabeth Hllferty. Funeral Wed . 0 a. m , 1100 Lind ley ave. Int. private Cathedral Cem. Auto service Remains may bo viewed Tues., 8 to "itlLTON Feb. 2. WILLIAM II.. husband of Sarah Wright Hilton, aged 70. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs. 1:30 p. in., 4307 Pechln st.. Ron borough. Int West Laurel Hill Cem. ri lends miv call Wed., after 7 n m HODSON Feb 1. JOHN, husband of Margaret Elizabeth Hodson. Relatives and friends, employes Henry Dlsston & Sons. In vited to funeral. Thurs.. 8-30 a m., 7210 Torresdale ave. Solemn high mass St Leo's Church 10 a. m. Int. St. Dominies' Cem, HOFSTAEDER. Feb. 1, of Influenza. MARY 13., wlfo of Frederick F, Hofstaeder snd daughter of Elizabeth and lato James UcBrlde, 2931 Gaul at. Funeral private. Rei atlves and friends, Sacred Heart Contra, ternlty and the B V M. Sodality of St. Ann's Church, invited to solemn requiem mass Church of the Nativity, Thurs.. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem. HUGHES. Feb. 2. ELLEN EDWARDS, widow of Jonathan Hughes, aged 70. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed , 7 p. m.. residence of daughter. Mrs. David J. Rrooks 69th and Race sts., Cobbs Creek Park, Philadelphia, Pa. Int Odd Fellows' Cem , Shenandoah. Pa., on arrival of train ...j. n.arflnv Tnrmlnnl 1030 u m Th.ira HUNT Feb. 1. LAURA 'ELLA, wife of Charles E Hunt and daughter of Frances and late William Maclndoe. Relatives and frlands Invited to funeral services. Thurs.. 2 p. m . husband's residence, 42 Stratford ave Aldan: Pa. Int. private, Laurel Hill Cem . Phlla 1SELL. Feb t VICTOR, son of Fred and Into Anna Isell. aged 12. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Wed . 2 p in , 500 W. Venango st. Int. private. Northwood Cl!JOHN Suddenly. ELLA LOUIS JOHN, of Pottsvllle, Pa., widow of Hanson Atkins John, of Media. Pa. Notice ot funeral later. JoilNSTON-WANAMAKER. Jan. 30. HARRIET WANAMAKER. widow of Frank W. Johnston and daughter of late Samuel and Susan L Wanamaker. Relatives and friends Invited to services, Wed., p , , at residence of son-in-law. William Latta Ilammersley, 0818 Morris st.. Germantown. Int. private JOHNSTON Feb. 2, nt 2M N 17th st . MARV M JOHNSTON. Due notice of fu neral vlll be given. JOHNSTON. Jan. 31. WILLIAM B.. hus band of Margaret Johnston and son of Rob ert and Mary Johnston, -aged 31. Relatives and friends. Painters' Local, No. (132. of Phlla., Invited to funeral services, Wed., p. in., parlors of David G Frankenneld & Sons. 322 N. 52d st. Int. Arlington Cem. JOL1NE On Jan 81. 1020. WILLIAM A JOLINE. aged 78 years. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p m . at late residence. 1129 Wallace at Interment private. West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Friends may call Tuesday evening. KEATON Feb 1 MARY C. widow of Jacob I, Keaton and daughter of late Martin and Marv Bowes. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral Thurs . 30 a. m.. resl dence of son-in-law, Moses Welnbeck 1334 N. 13th kt Solemn requiem mass St. Malachy's Church 10 a. ni. Int. private. Friends may all Wed . 8 to 10 p. m KEIM Jan 31. KARL R F.. son of Robert C and Wllhelmlna Kelm. aged 7 vears Relatives and friends invited to runeral. Wed. 1:10 u. m,. parents' resi dence 2012 W. Napu st Int. private. Friends mav call Tues eo KELLER At Lansdale. Pa . Jan 31, WALTER T . husband of Florence, R. Keller aged 31 Relatives Hnd friends, members or Shlloh Lodge, No 058, F and A M . I.u I ,u Temple. A A O. N M S . and Phlla Consistory. 32d Degree. North Wales lx'dg No 1110, I O O F . Charles W. lllgglns Council, No. 878, Jr. O V. A. M , invited to funeral services, at Evangelical l.utherun Church Lansdale. Pa . Wed . 2,30 p. m Int ,Greenlawn Cem, Remains may bo v evvei Tues . T-.iti to :aii p, ni KELLY At Mt. L'phralm. Jan. 31. MARY J. wife of Edward D. Kelly (nee Double). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, residence. Mt. Ephralm pike. Mt. Ephralm, N. J., Wed., 8:31) a. m. High mass of re quiem ft. Ross of Lima Church 10 a. m,, Haddon Heights. Int. Mt, Carmel Cem., Moorestown. N J Train leaves Chestnut St. wharf 8 u. m.. Reading division. KENNEDY. A solemn hlsh mass will bs celobrated in St. Michael's Church, 2d and Jrtfrrson sts.. Thurs.. Feb. R, 10 a. m., In memory of Mrs. Annie Kennedy, widow nf Jeremiah Kennedy, who was burled Feb 5, 1008. KNECHT Feb. 2. DOROTHY KNECitT, widow of Benedict Kneeht, aged 78. Rela. lives snd friends Invited to funeral. Thurs , 8.30 a. m , residence of son, August B, Kneeht, Tiol Grays ave. Solemn high mass Ht Clement's Church Psschalvllle, In a, m. Int. Hoy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. . KERR.--Jan. 81. JOHN JOSEPH, son ot John and Anns, Kerr (nee , McLaughlin). Relatives and ffrlends, Kaybula Catholic) Club, Invited to funeral, Thurs., H:30 a, in.. 2506 Carpenter st. Solemn high mass of nnATUB requiem at St. Anthony's Church 10 a, m. Int. at Holy Crosslcem. Auto service. . KERRIGAN. Jan. .10, JOSEPHINE n.. daughter of Michael T, and Mary T. Kerrigan (nee Jamison), aged 18. Relatives and friends. Lit Bros. Den. Hocletv. invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:30 a. m., resldenco. ot par ents. 1224 S. 20th st. Solemn high mass ot requiem St, Anthony's Church 10 a, m. Int, Holy. Cross Cem, Auto funeral. , KINKA1DB, Jan. at. NELLIE (nee Crawford), Wife of James Klnkalde. Rela tives rnirl frl.nit. Invited th funeral. WeV. P.P. m., residence of brother-in-law, Charles H, Joachim 2844 Mroro st. Int. Mt. Morlah v-em. jtemains may do viewea Aues,, Be tween R and 10 p. m. KRAMER. Jan. 31. MARY, wife of Charles Kramer, aged 62. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral survlces, Wed., 1:30 p. m., 4122 Market st. Int. private. Remnlns may ho viewed Tues. eve. KUGLER. Jan. 80. ELIZABETH, wife ot George W, Kugler. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:30 a. m., 17111 8. 10th st. Solemn mass of requiem at Annunciation Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Crnss Cem. juA.itu. Jan. si. makye.. wire of John II. Laird nnd daughter of James E. and Elizabeth J. Tolnn. 03011 Race st. Funeral Srlvate, Wed . n. in. Solemn requiem mass ur Lady of the Rosary Church 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem. LAMON Feb. 2, WILLIAM ENTREKIN. husband of Dagnar E, Lamon. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., 10 a. m daughter's residence.. 1341 8. 57th St. Int. private, Arlington Cem. Remains may bo viewed Wed., 8 to 10 p. m. LAVIN. On Jan. 31. 1020. ANDREW 3. LAVIN. of 1026 Porter at., son of the late Andrew and Marv Lavln. of Klottmagh, Countv Mavo. Ireland. Relatives and friends. also St. Monica's Holy Name and Altar Societies aro Invited to funeral, on Wed. morning, at 7:3o o'clock, from the residence of his brother-ln-isw, Mr. Jaa. ,T. Conlon, 2088 Bridge St., Frnnkford. Solemn high mass of requiem at St. Monica's Church 10 o clock. Int Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. LENIHAN. Fob. 1. MARY 13.. daughter of John and late Catherine Lenlhan. Rela tives and friends I' V. M. Sodality of St. Francis Xavler Chu.Jh. I.eaguo of Sacred Heart. Invited to funeral, Thurs.. 8:30 a. m . 1023 Norrls st Solemn high requiem mass St. F.1l7Hheth's Church 10 a. m Int. private, LEWKOWICZ. Feb. 1. HULDAH LEW KOWICZ (nee Kocster). at Sharon. Pa., wife of Dr. Isidore Lewkowlcz, formerly of Phlla. Notice ot funtral later at Phlla. MacRRIDE. Feb 1. TATRICK If. Mac BRIDE. husband of late Mary C. MacBrlde (nee Burns). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 7.30 n. m.. residence of daughter. Mrs. Lavlnla Meade. 130 N. Blth st. Requiem high mass Our Lady of Victory Church 0 a. m. Int Old Cathedral Cem. MARSHALL. Feb. 2. In tho German Prot estant Home. Lawndalo. LOUISA MAR SHALL, widow of John P. Marshall, aged 83. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral services. Wed.. 2 p. m , at Home. Int. private. Mt. Peaco Cem. MARTIN. Feb 1. FRANCES A. MAR TIN, wlfo of Howard Martin. Relatives and inenos invited to funeral, Thurs.. 12 m , 8020 Sansom at. Int. Eden Cem. Remains may he viewed Wed., 8 to 10:80 p. m. MARX Jan. 31, JOSEPH F.. husband of late Mary Reglna Marx. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8:30 a. m. 1542 S. 20th st. Solemn mass of reaulem St. Aloyslus's Church 10 n. m. Int. Now Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral. Oralt flowers. MATLACK. At Hsddonfleld. N. J.. Feb. 1. SARAH JANE MATLACK. aged 82. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs . 2 30 p. m.. 107 Walnut st., Haddon Held N, J, Jnt. private. Friends may call Wed. eve. MATONIS Feb. 1, JULIA L., wife of John Matonls, aged 37. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs.. 7:30 n. m., 618 W. Cumberland st. Solemn requiem mass St. Edward's Church 0 a. m. Int. Holy Sepul chre Cem. MoADASrs. Jan. 31. ETHEL daughter of William J. and Annie E. McAdams, aged 14. Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Wed 2 p. m., parents' residence, 2308 Tas ker st Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains may bo viewed Tues.. 8 to 10 p. m. McCULLOUGH Jnn 31. PATRICK hus band of Catherine McCullough, of county Tyrone. Ireland. Relatives and friends. St Edward's Holy Namo Soc , invited to fu neral Wed . 8:3(1 a. m 006 w. York st. Solemn requiem mass St. Edward's Church 10 a. m Int Holy Sepulchre Cem. McFADDEN. Feb. 2. PATRICK J . son of late Patrick McFadden and Ellen Dever. I.elatives ana menus, urnntte cutters' N. U.: Dlv. No. 4(1. A. O. II., all other or ganizations of which he was a member. In vited to funeral, Tri., .8:30 a. m.. 2828 Peltz st. (27th st. and Grays Ferry ave.). Solemn high mass of requiem St. Anthony's Church 10 h. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. MELLON. Feb. 1. WILLIAM A., hus band of the late S'arah Jano Mellon, of heart trouble, at Sea Girt N. J. Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Wed.. 2 n. m.. First Baptist Church, Trenton, N. J. int pnvaic. MICHIEL. Jan. 31. FRANCIS, husband of Catharine Mlchlel (nee. Mullen). Relatives and friends Holy Name Society of Holy Namo Church T. A B , Catholic societies of St. Michael's Church, employes of A J. Reach & Co.. Invited to funeral, Wed., 8:30 a. m. 1421 E O-cford st Solemn requiem mass Holy Namo Church 10 a. m. Int, Now Cathedral Cem Auto funeral. MESSIO. Feb 1. MARY E. MESSIO. daughter of lato Peter and Pauline Messlg. Funeral services Wed., 10 a. m.. Delaware CMILLON. Feb. 1. WILLIAM A., husband ot the late Sarah Jane Millon. at Sea Girt, N. J. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Wed.. 2 p. m.. from the First Baptist Church, Trenton, N. J. Int. private. MOORE Feb. 2. JOHN LEROY. son of Annie" M and lato John B. Moore. Further notice of funeral will bo given from 3527 Wpllarp et MURPHY Jan. 31. ELIZABETH DORO THY, daughter of Martha E. and lato John J Murphy (nee Smyth), aged 10. Relatives and friends, class of W20. Girls' Catholic High School. Invited to funeral, Wed.. 8 a. mJ residence of mother 1830 S 18th st. Solemn mass of requiem Church of St. Thomas Aquinas 0'30 a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. .Auto funeral. NEILL Fell. 1. JOHN. Sr.. husballil nf Marv Nelll and son of late John and Mary Neill. iteiatives ana inenas inviteo to iu neral Thurs , 8.30 a. m. 2317 R. Bancroft M. Mass of requiem Church of St Monica 10 a m Tnt Holv Cross Cem NEUBAt'ER Feb. 2. SIGMUND, hus band of Fannie K. Neubauer, aged 01. Rela fives and friends. William B. Schneider Lodge, No. 410, F. and A. M. : Rappaport Lodge. No. 33. I. O. F S. of I.; all other organizations of which he was a member, In vited to funeral services. Wed,, 10:30 a. m . 2300 N. 13th st. Int. Adath Jeshurun Cem. Omit flowers. NICOLAL Jan. 80. SOPHIA, widow of Christopher Nlcolal (nee Willauer). Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed . 2:30 p. m., 1338 Earl st. Int. private, Northwood Cem, Friends may call Tues,, 7 to 0 p. m. 1AT1 IlllSON. At 407 IV State st . Media. Feb. 2. ANNA IRWIN, wife of Henrv Harold Patterson, aged 30. Relatives and friends Invited to tunerai services. Thurs.. 2 p. m.. Oliver H. Balr Bldg.. 1820 Cheat nut at Philadelphia. Int. private PATTERSON. Feb. 2. MARGARET J. PATTERSON, of 4060 Chestnut St., sister of late Rev. R. M. Patterson. D. D.. LL. D. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv ices, wea., ii a. m.. uuver H. iiair mac., 1820 Chestnut st Int private. PE1PER. At Brooklyn. N. Y., on Feb. 1, ROSAnilNB, Infant daughter ot Rabbi ttllU .,,,(. ""'".SI .IV.I, U. UlUJAtJII, UliU granddaughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Koppel L.amD. oi iio n. j-ui si., mis city. PlIILIPPS At Jacksonville. Fla, Feb. 2. Rev. BERNARD PH1LIPPS. pastor of St Alovslui" Churrh. 2tli and Tasker ets. Due notice of funeral will be given. PHILLIPS Feb. 1 CHARLOTTE A., wlfo of Alexander C. Phllllos. also her sIb ter. nt Gloucester. N. J.. Feb. 2. JENNIE BOffBI.li, wife of Walter J. Howell. Rela tives and friends invited to funeral. Thurs , 1 p. m . 5807 Do Lancey st Int Arlington Cem Remains mav bo viewed Wed,, 8 to 10 n m Pittsburgh papers ropv PRICE. Of 328 S. 45th St.. Feb. 2, ED WARD PRICE. Jr.. husband of Mabel S Price Further notice ot funeral will be 8 PRICE. Feb. 1. SUSAN L. (nee Bowler) widow of Joseph Price, aged 81. Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Wed 2:30 p. m . 225 Roxborough ave., Roxborough. Int. private. West Laurel Hill Cem. Omit fliiwers. PRICfl. Feb. 1, WILLIAM SIMPSON, son of Mary E and late. William 8. Price. Relatives and friends, emcloyes of Luzerne enr barn. P. R. T Co.. Invited to funeral, Wed. 10:30 a in., 2240 N. 17th st. Int, Woodlands Cem. Friends may cull Tues., 7 to 0 p. m PURCELI.. Jan. 31. ROBERT, eon of James and Elizabeth Purcell (nee Lonergan). Relatives and friends Penn Treaty Nest of Owls Robert Greer Club of IRth Ward, em ployes Wm Cramp & Sons. Invited to funeral Thurs., 8.30 a in., resldenco nf parents. 2346 E Albert st. Solemn reaulem mass St. Ann's Church 10 am Int. Holv Cross Cem OIIINN Feb. 1. HANNAH C. dallirhter 'of late Dennis and Susanna Qulnn (nee Ver- lemlem Relatives una irlencis invited to funeral. Wed., 8.30 a, m., 5034 Market st. Solemn requiem mass Our Lady of Vlvtory Church. 10 o'clock Inti St. Dennis's Cem. RAEC1I. Of pneumonia, Fob. 1. IDA F .HARDER RAECH. v.lfe of Harry Raech and son of James R. and Alice F Barber Rela tives and friends invited to funeral services. Wed., 1 p. m.. 2128 8. Woodstock st. Int. Westminster Cem. Friends may call Tues., 8 to 10 p. m REINHARDT. Fen. 1, MARIE, wife nt Gottlieb Helnhardt (nee Fisher), aged 61, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 2 p. m., N. E. cor. Howard st. and Glrard uve. Int. German Lutheran Cem. Remains mav be viewed Tues, after 7 p. in. REYNOLDS Feb. 1. at Hldlev Park late nf 13th und Daunhln sts , ANNA, wife of Frank J Revnolds nnd daughter nf Carl nnd lato Kathrvn Kuebler. Relutlves and friends Invited to funeral services Wed , 2 n m.. apartments of Harold H Mulligan 10th Bt. nnd atrmintown uve. Int. Northwood Cem. Remains mav be viewed TueB. eve. UHOADS Jan 31 ANNA M. wife qt Dr. Warren I. Rhoads nnd daushter of late H Jones and Anna II. Moore. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed . 2. p, in . 11 E Baltimore ave.. Lansdowne. Fa. Int. Old St David's Cem R1GG Feb 2. ELEANOR M . wife of Ralph C Rlgg and daughter of Samuel and Susan Armstrong, aged 22 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8 p, m., 41)20 Keyaer st.. Qui. Int. private, Mt. Zlnn Com.. Pottstown, pa.. Thurs morn. ROD1N80N. Feb. 2. CHARLOTTE C . wife of James A. Robinson and daughter of Annie and late Harry W Foster. Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Thurs.. 7:30 a. m., BIOS Race st West Phlla. Solemn re quiem mass Church of Our Lady of Victory 0 s. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. ROBINSON. Jan. 81. JOHN P.. lmsrand of Emma V. Robinson (nee Heck), Relatives and friends Welcome Lodge, No. 230. I, o, O F., nnd Myrtle Wreath Lodge. No. 61, K. of V . Invltefl to funeral services. 2248 N. 21at at.. Wed,, 1.30 p. m. Jnt. Mt, Morlah Cem, Friends may call Tuts., after 7 p. m, . ROBINSON. Feb. 1, at R421 Ijoust t.. MARGARET II., daughter of Marv and late Robert J. Robinson, nged. 2.1. Relatives and irienos, Aisrtna w. crow uouncil, No, on. S. and D. of L.. Invlled to funeral. Thurs.. 2 p. m,. residence ot Mrs. Elizabeth Eshor, 2014 Falrmount ave. Inf. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains may bo viewed Wed, eve. ROBINSON. Feb, 1, at Vlneland, N. J.. THOMAS ROBINflofr. Relatives and" friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs., 1 p. m. residence of sister. Margaret J. Rcbinson, 520 N. 8d st,, Camden, N. J. Int. private. West Tiurel Hill Cem.. Phlla. ROWAND. Feb. 1. AnitAHAM huabsnil of Anna O. Rowand (nee Stone). Relatives and friends, Florence Lodge, No. 87. F. and A, M.. Invited to funeral, Thurs., 1 p, m., 001 Market St., Gloucester City. N, J. Int. Heddlng Cem. Friends may call wed. eve. . BAUERWEIN. Jan. 81. CATHERINE LAURA. Infant daughter of Frederick T.. and Matilda L. Rauerweln. aged 2 years S munins. jieiativos ana inenas invilea to lu- nefnl. Wed . 2 n. m.. Barents' r..t.1.... 5030 N. loth st. Int. private. Friends may call Tues. eve. .SAWYER. .Ion. 81. BRIDGET, widow ot Frank Sawyer. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral. Wed . 8 a. m . 8712 Calumet st.. Falls ot Schuvlklll. High mass St. Bridget's Church 0:30 a. m. Int West minster Cem. Auto tuners!. .SCHMIDT. Feb. 1. ERNST C. husband of Anna C. Schmidt (nee Kramer) Rela Uvea nnd friends, also Kenderton Lodge, No. 260. I. o. Of F.t John F. Reynolds Coun rll. No 143, O. of I. A., and employes and Relief Asso. of Fletcher Works. Invited to funeral services. Thurs. 1 n. m.. 4(102 N 18th st. Int. private, ivy Hill Cem. Friends mnv view remains wea.. 8 to hi p. m. wn T.TCOAT, APVETtTlHKMENT8 lUgs" notick is linnKuY oivf.n that an application will be made to the Governor of the state of Pennsylvania mi Monday, February 10, 1050, by Alexander w. Gerhab, Howard W. Ludlam, Jonathan I Grubb. Oswald J, Thlel. Richard A. Ober holUer and William A. Fecly. under the act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporation,.." nnnrnvert April 20. 1874. and tho supplements thereto, for tho charter ni nn .mended corporation to pe caueci Gerhab, I.udlum Co., Inc., the character and object of which Is to buy, sell, distribute and generally deal in coach, carriage, wagon, truck, autotruck nr.il Automobile hardware. parts, equipment, nppllances, supplies and accessories, and for that purpose to have nnd possess nnd enjoy All the rights, bene- iiis iiiiu, privileges Oi mo saiq act ui .nsaeiii bly and Its supplements. WILLIAM T. ALDRICH, Solicitor. HELP WANTED TJEMALE Omi.8 AND WOMEN. NOW IS THE TIM m TO SECURE A STEADY. GpODPAYlNO POSITION IN OUR NEW WEST WORKSl ROTH ASSEMBLERS AND MACHINE OF. ERATOR8 NEEDED. APPLY MD HT, EN TRANCE. ELECTRIC DENTAL HUILDING, 83D AND ARCH HTS. TAKE ELEVATOR TO FIFTH FLOOR. IL T. TAISTK CO.. 8201 ARCH ST SCITMlPTfl tan ftl WtT.T.TAIVt r- .. band of Mary Schmlea- (neo Waters). Rela tives ana inenas invited to runeral. wen., 7:30 a. m , 2057 N. 0th st. High mass St. Edward's Church 0 a. m. Int, Holy Sepul chre Cem, , BCHMUCKLE. .Tan. 31. FREDERICK, husband of Hannah Schmuckle (nee McCar thy), aged 67 Relatives and friends. Gen. Pershing Lodse. No, 1117. of Hammonton, N. J.. U. B. M. W. E. n. S. I,., invited to funeral, Wed . 2 r m.. 1012 S. 7th st.. Cam. den. N. J. Int. New Camden Cem. Friends mav call Tues.. after t p. m. 8C1IRADER. Jan. 30. HELEN, wife of John. F. Schrader and daughter of Carey Stadler (nee Reese) and late William Christ man. Relatives and friends, members of Free Church of St John. Emerald and Elk hart sts., Invited tn funeral. Wed.. 2 p. m.. 2145 E. Ann Bt Int. private. Belvue CtVt. Remains may bo viewed Tues., 8 to 10 p. m SEARCH. At Tardley, Pa Tebt 2. HENRY L. SEARCH, husband of Mary I.er ferts Search, aged 72. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, without further notice, residence of daughter. Mrs. J. M. Hartman, Yardlc, Pa,, Thurs., 2:15 p. m. Int. private. SEIDERS Feb 1 LINDA SEIDER3. aged 88. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral i-rrvlces, Wed , 2 p. m., from 1630 Falrmount ave Int. private, SELSER. Feb 1. ALICE M. 8ELSER, widow of Isaac R. Selser, aged 63. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral, resl denco of eon, Arthur G. Selser, 75 Mary st , uojiesiown, i-a., 'i nurs , xi tt. m. int. pri vate Neshamlny Cem. SIDDONS. At Islnnd Heights. N. J.. Feb. 2. JOSEPH SIDDONS, aged 70. Int. Wood lands Cem.. Phlla,, Wed . 10:30 a. m Wash ington Ledge. No, 59. F. and A. M. and Harmnnv chapter. Nn 52, Invited. SIMMONS. At Lake Worth. Fla . Jan. 30. 1020. WILLIAM F., son of Emma I.. nnd the late James S. Simmons, aged 33. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services. Wed , 8 p, m., at his late residence. 117 Frsi-er avo.. Colltngswood, N. J. Interment Mt. Pleasant Com., Mill vllle. N. J.. Thurs. SIMMS. Feb. 1 ELIZABETH, daughter of late William and Elizabeth Slmms. Rela tlves and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed 2pm residence nf brother-in-law, Franklin O Raudenbush. 6701 Marsden st., Taconv. Int. private Westminster Cem, Remains mav be viewed Tites . 7 to 0 p m SINGER. Feb. 1. CHARLES, husband of late Mary Singer (neo O'Donnell). Relatives and friends, all societies of which ho was a tiemler. Invited to funeral, Thurs., 0.30 a. m., residence of his brother, 252 Richmond st Int. Holv Cross Cem. SLACK. Feb. 2. JOHN T.. husband of Annie E. Slack. Residence. 2840 N. 21st st Du notlco of funeral will be given SMITH. Jan. 31. MAE E.. daughter of Anna E. Smith (nee Byrnes) and late James A. Smith. Relatives and friends, pupils of Holy Souls' Parochial School, invited to fu neral, Wed , 8:30 a. m . mother's residence. 3402 N. 10th st High mass of requiem cnurcn or Moiy i-wiis io a. m. int. private, Holv S.nutchro Cem Auto service. socKWKi.ii. At swedesnoro N. J., Fen. 2. FLORENCE M . wife of Herbert R. Sork- w.ll arel 2.1 Tiehiflve. un.1 frl.n.l. In. vlted to funeral services, parents' residence, Jonathan nnd Matilda Kirchheff Swedesboro. Thurs . 11 a m tnt Overlook Cem., Bridge- ton. N. J. Remains may De viewea at ceme 'sTELLWAGEN Feb 1. EMILIE STEI.L- WAGEN (nee Lauer) Relatives and friends invited to runeral services, wen., l p. m., parlors Edward Mack, 90(1 N. 6th st. Int private, Northwood Cem. Remains may be viewed Tues . 7 to 0 p. m. STEPHENS Feb 1 WILLIAM H.. hue hind of Anna Stephens (ne. Gearv). aged 37. Relatives and friends invited to funeral serv ioos. Thurs 2pm residence of father, Edwin L. Stephens. 558 Spruce Bt.. Camden. N. J lnr private STEVENS. On Feb. 1, 1020 DELIA, widow of Jos, W Stevens. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs., 8:30 n. m. from lato residence. 2102 S. Cecil St. 58th nnd Woodland ave). Solemn high mass of requiem Church of Most Blessed Sacrament 10 o'clock Auto funeral. STUART Of penumonla Teb. I, PAT RICK, husband ot late Bridget Stuart Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs . 11 a m. resldenco of son. Joseph Stuart, 2420 Lombard st Int. New Cathedral Cem. STULL. Jnn 31. JOHN II . son of Sam uel E and Anna tull and grandson of John IT nnd Sophie Stull, aged 26. Relatives nnd friends invited to funeral services, Thurs . 1 p m . residence of grandparents. 2101 17th st Int. private. Friends may call Wed eve. , , TAYLOR. At Veshlmlney Ta . Feb. 2. GEORGE J., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert I! Taylor aged 18 Relatives and friends in vited to funeral. Thurs. 1 v. m.. residence of parents, nnd nt Jarrettown M. E. Church. 2 n m Int adjolninir cem. TENER. Feb. 1 JULIA W.. widow of Henry B. Tener. Relatives and friends in vlted to funeral services, Thurs . 11 a m , residence of daughter, Mrs. Eleanor T, Shlll. 4421 N Rth st. Int private. TEUBNER. Jan. 2! WILLIAM J TEUBNER. son of late Herman, Sr.. and Emily Teubner. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services, Wed., 1'30 p. m., sister's residence. Mrs. William Drelsbach. 1400 Kalghns ave. Camden. N. J. Int. private. Friends and Washington Camp. No. 764, P. O. S. of A., may call Tues.. 7 '0THRELFALL Feb 1. JOHN H.. hus hand of Wlneford Threir.il!. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Wed.. 12 noon, residence. Cardlngton. Pa. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains mav bo viewed Tues., 8 to TOMLINSON. Jan 31. ALFRED R., hue. band of Rose Tomllnson (nee O'Connell). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:30 a. m 1327 8. 22d st. Solemn requiem mass St. Edpiond's Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. TRAENKLE. Jan. .11. HENRY TRAEN. KLE, husband of the late Charlotte Traen kle (nee Reler). aged 84. Relatives and friends. Co. F. 20th New York Vol.. In vited to funeral. Wed . 2 p. m.. 151B Still man st. Int. German Lutheran Cem. Omit flowers. Friends may call Tues. eve. Auto funeral. WANNER. Jan. 30. MARY MAY. wife ot Georgo W, Wanner, aged 22 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Wed.. 7:30 a. m . residence of father-in-law John Wanner. 628 Mover st High miss Church of the Holy Nsme 0 n m. Int private. WATERS On Feb 2. 1020. WILLIAM E.. husband ot Sus in C. Black Waters. Elklns Park, Pa aged hi. I-uneral services will bo held In St. Peter's Church, Smyrna. Del., upon arrival ot train leaving Ilroad St. Station 10:01. on Thurs, Feb. 5. Friends may call Wed. nfternoon at the residence of hts daughter. Mrs. R E. Denney, rark ave., opposite Elklns ave , Elkons Park, be tween 4 and 7. WEAVER. Suddenly, at 3648 Market st Feb. 2. ISAAC L , husband ot L'dna H Weaver, aged 69. Relatives and friends, ,., ii.. nnn. I KTn KGn r ... t William v iiiuwu. VWU1.V-. -". uuv, w, ui i . Invlled to funeral services Thurs.. 2 n in) Oliver H. Hair Rldg , 1820 Chestnut st. Int private lteinains nisv nj vi-w,g wea, eve WHITMAN Near Mendenhall, Pa., Jan. 31. MILDRED 11. WHITMAN (nee, Mendn. rail), wife of Frank E Whitman, aged 23 Funeral private, residence of parent. Milton Mendenhall, Thurs., 2 p. in. Int. Longvvood w'lT.T.TS. At ralmvra, N. J,, Feb S. MEACHEN W., husband of Ella V. Willi, (nee Parker) and .'tin of Rev. W. Ward and Emily Willis. Relatives and friends, Cove nant Lodge. No. 101, F and A. M.. nf Pal myra. N. J.; Excelsior Consistory, of Cam den, N. J., and Crescent Temple, A. A. O, N. M S , of Trenton, N. J., Invited to fu neral.' Thurs., 2 P. m.. 824 Columbia ave.. Patmyra. N. J Int Morgnrf Cem WOLLENSKY. Feb 2, PAULINA, daugh ter of Rudolph and Emma Wollensky, aged 2.1. Relatives and friends, members St Matthew's Lutheran Church, Invited to fu neral services Thurs.. 2 p. m.. parents' resl dence. 486 W. Cavuga st. Int. private. Northwood Cem. Remains may bs viewed Wed.. 7 to 0 p. m. WRIGHT Jon. 31 MINERVA K. WRIGHT (nee Luig). wife of William D. Wright. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Tues., 8 p. m. 183 Lafay. ette road. Audubon. N. J Further services Wed ,2pm. alster-ln-law's residence Mrs. V A. Koclwrsperger. 8821 W. Oxford at.. Phlla Int. private, Westminster Cem. YERKES. Jan. 31. ALBERT R.. Sr. husband ot Ada B. Yerkes (nee Buckman) and son of Kite William T and Maria Yerkes. aged 68. Relatives and friends In. vlted to runeral services. Wed., 3 p. m,, 1306 Ruscomb et,, Logan Int. private Northwood Cem. Friends may call Tues., after T P. m YOUNG. Feb 1 CLAYTON O. YOUNG, aged 68. Relatives and Mends Invlled to funeral services. Wed. p. in residence of brother 1710 Mooro st. Int. private. Friends mav call Tues, eve tfcSr IO WHOM IT MAV CONOKRM ;Br Notice Is hereby given that suit has been Instituted In the United States District Court for the Eastern District ot i-ennsyivsnia py tne united mates, to the the use of John R, Llverey, as of December Session, 1011). No 0682, against William Linker and Benjamin Linker, trading as William Linker Company, and Max Lip. senilis and Max Ilotbateln, upon the bond ot said defendants, given to the United States Government under a contract between the Navy Depsrtment and said William Linker Company for . an extension to the Emer gw.icy Barracks, Philadelphia Navy Yard, known as Contract 2024. All persons or companies furnishing) labor or material upon said contract nrn Twirmltted and herebv notified to intervene In such action as the Court mav order. In accordance with j-'eaerai act oi I'enruary 24, inua. u. TT8, amending Act ot August 18. 1894, C. 280. F, F, DICKERMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 600 West End Trust Bldg. GIRLS AND WOMEN Wo havo-just in stalled another new. lot of maenlnes. also enlarged our assembling departments! now is tho opportune time for you to secure steady work with a modern, up-to-date, growing concern i experience not necessary! good pay for beginners, with rapid advancomentt take elovatea, surrace or suoway car io ata st. station. Apply factory office, JI. T. Palste t:o.. .i!Mn Arcn si. GIRLS Wanted to work In wallpaper factory! good wages: school privileges! good op portunity to advancement. BECKER. SMITH & PAGE Water and Snyder HELP WANTED FEMALE WEAVERS, experienced on fine fancy lPes; I Frledberger-Aaron Mfg. Co., 400O N. 18lh st, near Wayne Junction. GIRLS, over 10 years: stendv position: good wages: 48-hnur week. Frledberger-Aaron Mfg. Co., 4000 N. 18th st. near Wayne Junction. OIRLS to wrap and label bottles: a few swift workers: good wages: steady work: experienced. II. K. Wampolo & Co., 426 Falrmount ave. GIRLS to learn i to sew cushions In reed rhalrs: paid while learning. Ap. 244 S. 5 Hi ESTATE OF WITAIAM GREEN. OUGIt. lleCMlfml . Tetters tenia. mentary upon tho estate of William Green ongh, deceased having been granted to FI DELITY TRUST COMPANY, all persons Itf. debted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the name to present them, without delay, nt the office of th ald company, isos. oad-jji cnestnut Bt.. 1'nnaaeipnia. war. v. oust. President LOST AND FOUND RTTADS -Lost strine near! beads. .Ten. g very liberal reward and no questions asked: valued as family heirloom. Apply to Super- imgnufiu, ,oji, iwcigniiouso nq. CHAIN Lost, diamond chain with diamond heart pendant, bow knot at top of heart, all eet in platinum. Liberal reward If re turned to .1. E. Caldwell 4 Co.. Juniper and 1 nescnm sea. ORADUATE NURSES wanted for public health work: salary (10-H2n. Apply Bu reau of Child Hygiene. State Department of Health. Trenton, N. J. WOMAN A LARGE BALTIMORE MANU FACTURING CONFECTIONER RE QUIRES A THOROUGHLY CAPABLE AND EXPERIENCED WOMAN AS FORELADY, SHE MUST UNDERSTAND AND BE ABLE TO INSTRUCT LEARNERS IN CHOCO LATE DirriNO AND TACKING! TO A WOMAN WHO CAN QUALIFY IN THESE PARTICULARS WE OFFER A TERAIA NENT POSITION AND AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO TROVE HER WORTH: EXCELLENT SALARY TO THOROUGHLY COMPETENT TERSON. ADDRESS B 001, LEDGER OFFICE. help wanted male , TOUNtT MA? wanted, accurate) at ngurV. i, for general oftler, woilci one- who Hvei.tnV N Phlln preferred, rcplr, stating age, perlonce nnd salary expected. I' 03, i ger Otriee . , TOUNG technical graduate- to work into )!- ' . irnn cxp, not necessary, gooci opporcunur, V 034 ledger Offlcp. General WOMAN for general housework: small fam ily; good homo to right party; highest wages paid. P 614. Ledger Office. EARRING Lost, long diamond earring, in or Just outside of Broad Street Theatre. Friday evening. Reward If returned to 2132 Spruce. Telephone locust 8022. MONEY Lost, between Reading Terminal and 13th snd Ludlow, roll ot money. Hmountlnx to J73. Return to S. O. C, 410 S. 16th. HELP WANTED FEMALE i Menders on white work IXPERB Oir 18. it) and 22 point ravel work Experienced on Hepworth & Wright Steady dial machines Also MENDERS AND LOOPERR to work on our bonus shift Hours 4:30 until 10 p. m. These aro alt steady well-paying positions Employment Office open until 10 P. m. NOTASEME HOSIERY CO. Oxford and Mascher sts. WOMAN wanted form cooking .and general housew-ork. no laundry- good wages. Mrs. Daffrou. 5820 Willows ave YARN INSPECTORS Wanted, n experi enced y&rn lrsnectors: steady work good wages. ApdIv Griswotd Worsted Co.. Darbv. Pennsylvania TOUNO I.ADY wanted by trust company: clerical experience necessary, stale salary. iJ ri33 logger uiiice. OREENEWALD'S HALES MANAGER t SI5.0()O vearfv atrslrht. B.ltsrV . We have several high-grade men under rnn slcleratlon for thin Very attractive opening, ' but tho Importance) nf this position nocessl , taies our securing the very nost maiervjii t obtainable, benre the Inquiry for a few more strictly high-grade men. Applicants for this position should be under 40 and possess all the essentials of sales managership, organizing and executive qiiaN Hies a man of parts and presence who enn show a previous earning capacity of 115.000 yearly and whoso previous experience has been In tho manufacturing. Industrial or commodity line; he must convincingly dem onstrate administrative tnlent and show clean record; $15,000 jcarly salary to thlf caliber of man. COMPTROLLER . , $6000 YEARLY, WITH AN INCREASE,, .J This high-class executive office position will consider Ivvo morn applicants who possess expert knowledge of up-to-dato office oraanl- ' r.stlnn nnd control, manufacturing cost Un1 statistical experience Is required and e knowledge of government reports. ACCOUNTANTS Seniors nnd Juniors, for C. V A toncow. Industrial, manufacturing, insurance An bnnklng corporations; also experienced cost accountants evstematlxers and statistical men. some ven attractive openings lor onie managers accountants bookkeepers In va rlniiM lines salaries rnnge up to 15000. 8TECRETARIES AND STENOGRAPHERS S'cretnry and stenographer, legal experience. Secretary and stenographer, export dept Secretary nnd stenographer with emp exp. Stenogropher and chief clerk mftf. corp. Stenographer, cotton yarn corporation Stenographer and bkpr . large mfg. company. Stenographer, stock broker's office. Applications for tho above from either men or women: applicants must possess actual business experience and have executive qual ities, wages from 1500 to $2O0 n year. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Industrial engineer competent to lay out YOUNG LADY for general office work, with i power-plsnt work and suggest Improvements some knowledge of bookkeeping, stute sal-on old plants superlutei ary P 234, Ledger Office. ARTIST who has had experience making fashion drawings. Room 259. 34 fl. 17th. ATTENDANTS WANTED APPLY TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE PHILA. GENERAL HOSPITAL. 31TH AND PINE STREETS. lOUNG WOMAN Intelligent. ambitious young woman of unimpeachable character nnd habits wanted by large national manu facturer M well-known grocery products, position will require sales work to the con sumer In connection with an extensive edu cational campaign; must bo willing to travel, reliable and determined to b" successful, salnrv nnd traveling expenses For the scung woman who can qualify nnd bo ac cepted for surety bond this is a good op portunity to liecome associated In clean, pleasant. Interesting outdoor work. Write full particulars about yourself. P 035, Ledger Office ' YOUNG WOMAN wanted in cost department in office of manufacturing company, cen trally located, work Involves trjnecrlhlne. workmen's time cards to office records; must wrlto neat, legiblo hand nnd have' an apti tude for figures; answer in own hind writing, staling age, experience and salary desired. B 715. Ledger Office mlent for sheet-metal plant, engineer on eonslructiou of oil-burning engines, foreman familiar with tools, fix tures, gauges mechanical engineer. Indus trial plant engineer nn structural work, convevors. electric hoists, bridge and build, Ing Btructure. engineer famtllnr with steel, re-enforcing concrete. fabricated steel: draftsman, me. hanlcal structural architect: . salaries up to $3000 tracers, detallers. power-plant engineers, some good openings for technical and college men, no openings In the building lino at this time. A Btrirtlv high-class employment service for office nnd power plHnt executives. Informa tion blsnk and booklet gratis. No enroll ment iJiarges No charge If not placed. Established same locality for 22 years. Both phones 250 S 11th. YOUNG MEN for Tailway mall clerks: JllO month: experience unnecessary. For fre; particulars examinations, write J. Leonard (former government examluer), 002 Equitable Itldg . Washington. . HOUSEKEEPER, working, wanted; suburbs; j in timny: no launary work. Address P 631), Ledger Office. IIOUSEWOJtK and cooking, neat reliable girl for apartment: small adult family. The Ppwelton. 30th and Powelton ae.. Apt. G .1. Preston 5917 W. HOUSEWORK airl or young woman for general housework: no washing; 4 In fam Uv. good wages 1804 W. Erlo aye UNDERTAKERS !, DIAMOND g CEMETERY T.OTS ARDSLlY BURIAL PARK Lots, all prices; reasonable terms, office. QlcnalJt, Pa, Both phones. Main BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING A SPLENDID VOCATION FOR BRIGHT YOUNG WOMEN HEALTHFUL AND CONGENIAL WORK COMMANDS GOOD PAY TREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS NOT REQUIRED 12 A WEEK FOR THE FIRST FOUR WEEKS THEN 13 AND RAPID ADVANCEMENT MANY OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION TO SUPERVISORY POSITIONS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A TELEPHONE OPERATOR CALL TO SEE MISS STEVENSON ANY WEEKDAY. 0 A. M. TO 7 P. M. FIRST FLOOR, 103t ARCH ST. THE HELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. I LAUNDRY FEEDERS AND FOLDERS IN MANGLE ROOM APPLY MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT STREET LAUNDRY WORKERS AND SORTERS ALSO STARCHERS APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY J303 FILBERT ST. TOUNO WOMEN AS CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS F.XPER1ENCB NOT NECESSARY APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S ,. HELP WANTED MALE AGENTS ACCOUNTANTS, Exnerlencea senior ac countants wanted for staff of largo firm of publlo accountants; reply stating; age. ex perience and salary; no Juniors. P 431, Ledger Office. LAUNDRY SHIRT IRONERS. CUSTOM AND STOCK HAND WORK; HIGHEST PRICES MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT ST. MENDERS on white and colored cloth for men's ware, thclbourne Mills. 8th and Westmoreland sis ARTIST for general advertising Illustra tion If you have had practical experience call with samples Room 250. 34 S. 17th st BOOKKEEPER, take entlrn chnrge of books of largo soft-drink manufacturer In Dela ware. Apply by letter only, stating age. experience and salary to Warwick. Mitchell fc Co.. accountants 400 Morris Dldg . Phlla. ROOKKEEPER. competent double-entry; state age. experience, salary desired, re'f- erence. i- 414. i,eager cinice REPRESENTATIVE WANTED to handle our complete line of Are protec tion and safety devices and accessories, sueh as Ajax chemical lire engine on wheels, palls and buckets lanterns, fire-escapes and signs: every factory mill, store, mine, etc.. Is In the market for our extensive line; repre sentative wanted capable of earning J500O upward in annual rommtsalons Ajax Fire Engine Works. Bush Terminal Bldg., Brook lyn. N Y SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE WOMAN Ladles' collego graduate with sev 1 ral vears' business experience desires position as private or social secretary; satis factory references. Tt 912. Ledger Office, or phone Woodland 110 BILL CLERKS IN BOOKKEEPING DEPARTMENT APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S BINDERY GIRLS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSTj EXPERIENCED. STEADY POSITION. AP PLY FIRST FLOOR, FRANKLIN PRINT ING CO.. Bit LUDLOW ST. MOTHER'S HELPER wanted; good pay. good home. H 021. Ledger Office. N1GUT TELEPHONE OPERATORS We have places for a number of joung women between the ages of 21 and 28 for night work as Bell Telephone Operators Special high rates of nay are offered for this work. Surroundings are excellent: comfortatla rest rooms; good meals at low cost. See Miss Stevenson, first floor Bell Parkway Hldg.. 1631 Arch st. 9 a m. to 7 p. m. weekdays BOY. OVER 16. ACTIVE. INTELLIGENT AND AMBITIOUS. TO LEARN ADVER TISING AND HELLING. EXCELLENT CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT IN PAY XND POSITION. APPLY AFTER 2:30 p M. TO MR WESCOTT ADVERTISING DEPT.. PUBLIC LEDGER. BTH AND CHEbTNUT BOY for office work and errands goou chance for advancement, silary to start, TUBLIP LEDGER CO.. 6th and Chestnut sts. See Mr, Kirkman. BOY wanted for general work lri Targe office- excellent future for hov wtfi. in itiative and ambition. Apply eighth floor American Stores Co.. 406 Noble at. BOOKKEEPER THE PUBLIC LEDGER CO. DE SIRES THE SERVICES OF AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER TO OPERATE A HURROUGH'S POST 1NO MACHINE APPLY 6TH AND CHESTNUT STS VSK FOR MR WIEST BOOKKEEPER Office of an Iron company: reliability and competency essential; reply In own handwriting, giving ref.. exp., age and salary expected H 710. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPERS ALSO ASSISTANT ATPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S BUTTONHOLE WORKERS EXPERIENCED ON MEN'S FINE CLOTHFNG APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CHILDNURSE or nursery governess: chil dren 4 and 6 years; best wages; references. 3422 Powelton ave. Phone Preston 2533. CLERK Experienced office clerk: must be good writer, accurate at figures: able to operate typewriter; good salary; Protestant preferred Apply 0 and 11 N. Water at. CLERK In office of large corporation; good salary, ehort hours and excellent oppor tunity for advancement; state age and ex perlence P 405. Ledger Office comring cosrn minders wanted. APPLY S, B & H W. FLEISHER. INC.. 26TH AND REED STS NURSE or mothers helper, to assist with chamberwork and small, baby. Write to 236 Wdlrut st.. Philadelphia. OPERATOR, exp.. Infants' dresses, infants' white coats: steady ull jear, alq home work on dresses. Freund 1215 Market OPERATORS ON BLOUSES AND MIDDY BLOUSES APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED ON POWER MACHINES APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S OPERATORS on cretonne cushions for reed cnaira; yowgr mimhiiucs Apply '44 ,th BOYS with blocl" to run errands, after Kcji.M.i nuuie, in i-c iih ,,ver 111 vears Cahallerc Drug Co 52d snd Walnut sts ' BOYS We ray our bovs from $13 to $18 ner wesk: steady work: good opportunity Apply at once. Becker. Smith & Page Water and Snder ave. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ADVERTISING, detail or clerical work! voung married man would like to devote several hours 3 or 4 nights a week In an effort to offset the II. C. ot L. Address M 4'!R T.edrer Office TW APP ROYS ' O HOYS WANTED 10 RUN ERRANDS PLY FIFTH FLOOR. 606 CIinSTN'FT ST Due to Increased production we have positions open for the following. BENCH HANDS (EXPERIMENTAL) MILLWRIGHTS TUNCII PRESS HANDS (NIGHT) DIB SETTERS v "u'1" PRODUCTION CLERKS LABORERS APPLY ED G ItUni) MFG. ro 25th st and Hunting Park ave. SALESWOMAN Wonl-n's ready-to-wear specialty shop. C. A. Rowell. 5615-17 Ger mantown ave. I CLERIC for general office work in suburban I textile plant. Hatu -vperlence. p m," Ledger Office ELECTRICIAN wanted, conduit lighting and power. P 601. Ledger Oftlce. na ENGINEER wanted. 8 hours' work Second floor. 606 Chestnut st ' oecnd SCRUBWOMAN. $30 per menth: hours 3400 Chestnut st. FARMER, experienced, for 100-acre farm near Phlla.: wages and profit aharlir- rVr erences. H 909. Ledger Oftli e. """- ret- FIREMAN. mlddlM aged malried for still tending In nil retlnerv. Apply 2(128 Marrni st. east of I'rankford ave. above Hunt In". BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT AND CON STRUCTOR Open for engagement with builders or build ing operators: prefer suburban residences or large operation of first-class work: I am fa miliar with estimating from plans, both labor and materials and well acquainted with labor organizations and the handling of labor, available after February 1. B 833, Ledger Oftlce CARPENTER FOREMAN. Just completing; residence for private owner, desires elm llar pos - competent, rers M 509 ledger Off CHAUFFEUR, white, 32 married, wishes pos. private, livo on grounds free. $100 mo., mechanic, not afraid long hours; exp. on high-grade pars only. B 617, Ledger Oft COOK, butler. Japanese, first class, desires posttlon at general housework has best reference P. T . 1608 Vine Bt. ' EXECUTIVE position wanted: elec. rrad . exp in production and stationary engine work; 7 vears' terh division large mfg corp ; now employed, best refs D &30. Led Off. MAN with office exp . employed at present. wishes to better position, best ref. B 821. Ledger Office I PROD KM! and sunt. In the mfg. of metal I prod open for eng R 802. Ledger Office I PUKCHA&INO AGENT ard credit manager open Immediately for good connection: ex perienced in lion steel and associated Indus tries; 14 jears v-lth present firm, but desires t larger field personal and business refs. off I highest character M 434 Ledger Orflce. I YOUNG MAN. 24. as assistant with t!U ins. t co op Individual to learn title Insurance, has had exp-rience. B 823. Ledger Oftlce. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 'MRS ROGERS. 313 S 20th Excellent ' cooks, Prot , Cath.. chambermaids, par lormaids n-.t-c'ass Swedish and other laundresses Ir Cath. Infant nurses, take full charge French and German governesses, lady's maids, seamstresses, cooks for apts.. I butlers valets housemen, chauffeurs, gar deners ("ANADIVN. Irish Englisii cooks, cham- bermaids nouseien. cnauneurs. house work girls wish situations reference: also wanted, kltrhen maids, chlldnurses. mother's helpers, laundress.-., htmsework girls for roumrv Mrs. Kane 511 3. 19th. Phone Spruce 3401 ' W A NT CX t'omp help In 'pvery capacity. references required 1911) Ralnbrldge st MRS Nlcholls 230 S 20th Wanted, cooks waitresses, pirlor maids, govern's. nurses. FIXER Experienced sewing machine fixer capable of keeping In repair underweii sewfing machine. Including Wilcox aibhn flatlocks: good salarj. Apply, stating exoeri? ence nnd references, to Vesta Underwear l'o Providence. It I -..Tear COOK, white: family 3 adults. Narberth 331 J. Telephone CREAM DIPPERS.- EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER S EMBROIDERERS, experienced In hand em broidery on hosiery; may take work home, loarners instructed In the mill from 8 to 4.30; paid while learning. Employment De partment. Notaseme Hosiery Co,,. Oxford and Mascher. EXPERIENCED 'WAITIVESS for southern resort hotel: good wages: R. R. fare paid; chance to spend 2 months south. Address at once, stating experience. COURT INN, CAMDEN. S C. GIRL, with some experience handling lacea, embroideries; assist forrtadv infants' dresses: steady; make herself useful. Freund. 1215 Market. THE AMERICAN PUW.BT CO. 4200 WISSAHICKON AVE, WANTS FEMALE OPERATORS. SMALL ASSEMBLING AND PUNCH TRUSSES ATPLY AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE GIRL, with some exp, handling laces, em- broideries; ass't forelady infants' dresses; steady; make h self useful. Freund. 1215 Mkt. , GIRI, Sew buttons on children's dresses; make herself useful; good opening; pleasant ! surrounuings. i.Teunq. l-is siantcr. GIRL, rew buttoni on child's dresses: make herself useful, good opening, pleasant sur roundings. Freund. 1215 Market. GIRL and woman, wait on counter; good wages, lodging, board 247 S. 15th. GIRLS WANTED OOOD PAY EXTJtA BONUS For clean, light factory Inspecting CONOENIAL. REFINED GIRLS to work with Pleasant surroundings Matron in attendance RECREATION ROOM NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY But girls must not be under 18 years of age Apply at once ATLAS HALL CO. 4th at. and Glenwood ave. OIRLS, 16 AND OVER. IN PACK, ING DEPARTMENT DRIED FRUIT BUSINESS: NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY; GOOD WAQES. CALL READY FOR WORK. 130 S, FRONT ST. STENOGRAPHER Christian, with general sales office experience In equipment or machinery line, 'or permanent position with excellent prospects. I,akewood Engineering Co 1084 fVlrterer Rldg STENOGRAPHER for large office, must be experienced Bhort hours: good opportunity for advancement: salary $18 per week P 631 ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER for general work by auto"- mobile manufacturer, excellent opportunity for capable person; $20 to start. P 622. ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, must be quick und accurate; hours 8-30 to 5 and 1 O'clock Saturday. JI K Mulford Co.. 426 S 18th st STENOGRAPHER and typewriter; high school graduate: must be experienced. Williams. Brown i. Earle. Inc., 018 Cheat nut st. STENOGRAPHER Young lady, capable, ex perienced, state wages and qualifications. II. K Wqmpole ft Co.. 425 Falrmount ave BTENOaRAPHER. must be quick and ac curate, for large office: good salary: short hours. P 420, Ledger Office. TYPIST. EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAitAKEK'H WARPERS In ribbon department: learners taken) steady work; 48-hour week. Frted berger.Aaron Mfg. Co 46U0 N, 18th at.." near Wayne Junction, FURNITURE FINISHERS EXPERIENCED ON FINE WORK APPLY WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE "u' '- 22D AND WASHINGTON AVENUE LABORERS wanted, long job. steady work Apply, on Job. Sears-Roebuck operation! Irwin ft I-lghton. contractors Roorevelt Boulevard and Asjlum pike. Take Frank- ford car, transfa.- on 75 top.ikland Cent LABORERS. 14c; overtime and SundivT 66c. furo paid, abuut $31 week, hoarding nccommodatlon. Du Pont Co. 1221 Arch st LABORERS wanted. 15 men, report ready for work at 50o. per hour Apply Nltroge- nous Chemlc.il Co.. 35th and Morris sts LINOTYPU OPER VTOItS Union orrice. day or night work steady posi tion, good living accommodations at reason able cost assured: d il'y and Sunday nnper in New- Jersey Ask for Mr Hun ut Informa tion Desk. Collonade Hotel, between 0 and 9. Tuesday evening. February 3. MACHINIST, accust. to overhaul and repair machine tools. Apply Eastern Machinery & Equlj'mcnt Co . 2d &. Atlantic ave . Cninden. MACHINIST wanted on engine lathes lJr production work Apply Schoen Jacksn.i Co Water and Mtffltn sts MACHINISTS A N D BOILERMAKERS WANTED BY IKE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD APPLY TO In GOULD SUPERIN1ENDENT MOTIVE POWER. RICHMOND VA , H. M HROW.V fcHOP SUPERINTENDENT HUNTINGTON W VA . OR W V HOHc)N MASTER MECHANIC COVINGTON KES'TUCKY. MEN experienced in handling ' irdvvnre siok and stock records permvii. nt positions with opportunity for ulianieniont. state age, education, previous .-xpenence and sal arv expected in first loiter M 306. Ledger Office. MILLWRIGHTS Fiftv erecting millwrights wanted, highest wages, 8 hours a day Saturday 4 hours. Apply Trankrord Araenai immedlatelv. In person, SALESMAN Wanted, Iron and steel sulee man: must have a complete knowledge in buying and selling of finished Iron and sieei products; must b absolutely first-class man I 628, Ledger Office ,an TAILORS AND TAILOR FINtSHERS EXPERIENCED ON INDIES' SUITS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S TINSMITHS wanted, preferably those famii- lar with dairy work. Apply Chester Dairy Sup. Co., Chester. Pa , or 53t Alter st eve. WANTED Mold loftsmen experienced In high-class shin construction Downey Shipbuilding L'orpora tlon. Maten Island New York -"" WANTED Foreman for staking machine dept. In glared kid leather factory. J. J. O'Connor. 0"7 Summer st.. Lynn. Masj WORSTED YAl'fN SAI.ESMA"n ' Yarn house controlling entire production most reliable spinner requires Phlla. sales tnan with large established trade and now ur recently emplojed In similar lupirlty party that does measure up to above will in considered, apply In confidence, coiiiinfsilou II 903, lodger Office BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MINING AND MANUFACTURING riant In eastern Penno desires n. partner with som capital . one who is capable of, organizing stock company to finance same foe increase of production M 501. Ledger Office ARE YOF this man' Honest, good person- ilttv initiative industrious enthusiastic, wl o knows h"c7v to sell high-grade special ties but who wants a real opportunity Io build fur the future If ou can measure UP to these qualifications call Locust 5777 IF YOUR success qualities are greater than our negative qtialltlis. If jou tan apply them effective . IP vou have the nervo to stick for results, 'here is an opportunity in tills new business Telephone for detail". Locust 577" or Raee 1597 BY INVESTING $3000 sou can create an extensive manufacturing business, that such developments con be solved Is the Im portant fi-lor to realize a reasonable for tune In tho near future B 031. Ledger Office YOUNG MAN. South Afrlcin with estab lished connections would like to associate ' with reputable manufacturer who desires to be engaged in the export business B 73S. I.ecrg, r Offlr ' YOUNG MAN Mouth African, with nitab lished ronnectinna would Jllte to associate, with reputable manufacturer that desires ta be engaged In the export business. R 733. LO. REAL ESTATE or insurance man with of fice for partnership with New York firm; . good nioposltlon Write II L Shtdd, 131 W 129th st , New York cltv SIXTEEN'-r.OOM apartment house, excellent location lut 175 ft deep, opens on street, Pnpl,ir73ttr i GARAGE for lent. Broad and Columbia ave" c pn, nv ,', , ii- Apply Kahn & Green- herg 14.'1 Ub'.tnut sjt DYKING and ' leaning store, good location. 222U N Rro 1 BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT rO-Htlvlv hiub-i4t dull rrlf(( for tour i niftmi". any mr from ' to 10 mratH, non pay hshr .il---- -Vd K..irj pititinum nnd llvr hn 113 ht Kst.iifi .n-jiilit (prlv ) V.nt 10 -ara The Diamond Shop in,? .i",.," DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY H1STK -PIUCK NO OliJVA V P.iwn Tii ii ". for Dlamondi Jlnuiht KHI.I-Y & i'O 032 CHKBTNVT rT Buifft IM -2 Ov r t hi I da' Itei.taurant tVivaU DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W, SMITH. 717 SANSOM ST. CELESTE (.A TELLE, racial, scalp treat.! 10 n ni to 0 p m , closed Hun 305 8. nth ELECTRir TREATMENT, also manlcurls Office, 4 142 M a rket st , second floer. Rl'HHKIt GOODS ot all descriptions ' re paired, Andrew T, Hrchjtt, BOj B. 22i st ELECTRIC treatment ft Manicuring, Room 1(1-, Heed Bldg.. 1216 Fllbsrt St. Loc, 806? 11111 ini IT Hidx and loan asam-latln. h..L... c ash at once Preston R. I,eo. 131 S lg t h I BRAHn and enamel beds rtfinlsbsd like new estimates free Keenan. 3101 Ludlow s( OLD GOLD Ati'l PAID for ulil gold, silver and antlna clocks. Rogers. 45 S. I7th. - Io,t lill. SiS a," J ?, wf-v.