Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 30, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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f' ' li S.B
7 jm r,
J .
Compromise on Article X and
Monroe Doctrine Hoped for
at Conference
19-Year-0ld Laurens Hamilton
Said to Have Wed Woman
Past Thirty
Waahlujrtoii, .Tan. 30. The fate of
frjturo private negotiations between
Ptmocrntlc nml ltrpubllenn loaders to
effect a conipromNr- nn peace trenty
reservations rests In a large measure
on tlio outcome o today's scsslou of
the. bipartisan rnnferenco postponed uu
til today b the absence of Senator I.eti
root, Wisconsin, cue of the liepublican ,
The principals of the eoufrenee were
MnderMood to be well fortitWI with cn'n-
promise proposals aud a riRorous effort
to overcome objertinnx to the rpwvi. I
tlons reearilloK Article X and the Mod-
roe Doctrine was ejected. These n-e .
the only remaining ob&tne'cs to the
formation of a united nroersin desieued ! Warren one uuine
to clear the treaty out of the senate. '
Opposition to bringing the treatv ouee I
more into the open Senate i buhed.
fundamentally, senators hiiid. upon jo- '
Jitical considerations The first objec- j
tion is that it means stopping the Sen
ate's legislative maehlnerv at a time
when all possible wets consistent with
b&ttty is demanded if the essentials of n '
big legislative program are to be taken
care of in time to permit a recess next '
June for the national conventions of the .
two parties. These essentials include '
fourteen appropriation bills, which, in
addition to being needed to Keep the
government departments running, are '
held to be politically indispensable.
The Democrats are reluctant to clog
the legislative wheels by calling up the i
treaty, because that would also inter
fere with their campaign p'ans. Oue of i
the chief "talking points" of Demo
cratic orators is to bo the charge of in '
efficiency and do-nothingness by the lle
puhlican Coneres. i
There is another political objection to
the plan announced by Senator Hitch.
reck. It is that certain record votes
"might be forced upon senators which
would prove embarrassing, particularh '
to those who are peeking re-electiou I
nun anoiner oujecnon iiuvniiccu is
that bringing the treatv in before sitt
New Yorli, Jan. .'10. Societv was in'
terested yesterday In a published re
port of a wedding, in which the prin
cipals were said to be I.nureiH M
Hunilltou. nineteen x.irs old, grandson
of the late 3. 1. Morgan, and great- i
great -grandsou of Alexander Hamilton. J
and Mrs. Gregory Warren, reported to i
be In the early thirties.
Friends of .Aoung Ifnmtlton. when
they heard csterday of the tomance, I
were (juite sure that the counle hnd
selected New Hampshire because it is
the only statu in which the marriage
of u minor is sanctioned.
No one professed eeu to know whore
Hamilton met his bride. She is known
to have spent a wiek at the Hotel
ltitz-Cnrlton. She 'eft there on Jnu
uary L'O last Mom!a and the mar
riage is presumed to have taken place
tonic time since that date. Imiulr) at
the hotel elicited little information be
yond the statements that Mrs. War
ren, known there both lis Mr. Gre
gory Warren and as Mrs. Gertrude
Will Produce All Communica
tions Between Bolshevik Gov
ernment and Himself
pres-iiiiiabh boiug
that of her former husband and the
other her own was a handsome, tash
ioiiabl gowned womau. little pat
thirty, who lued at the hotel in somi
luxury, and who attracted no particu
lar attention while she was there,
A re
from Louisville K.. but bejutid that
hint of her origin, he, too, was i
uorant about her.
lt the Associated Tress
Washington, .Ian. !10 An offer to
nresent to the Senate committee inves
tigating I'.n'shevik prouaeanda in the
I'ni'ed States "true conies" "f all com
tmnieatlons between himself and the
Russian Soviet Government wis made
oilio bv l.udwig " A. K Martens.
I'.o'shexlk representative in this covin -trv
Vormer Senator Hiudwi(U, of Geor
gia. Maitens's iittorne.v. said, however,
that it was- desired that some of the
'etters be consldeicd in eentio session
as the might "involve others, far be
vond the (. in trouh'e." He exp'ained
that he referred to those who assisted
in maintaining the communication be
tween the se'i-stved ambassador and
the soviet chiefs in Russia. Chairman
Mo'i" reserved decision as to an et
executive sessiou.
Names Firni3 Selling to ltolshevlkl
Conservative Groups of Politicians
I Will Unite to Control Situation
1 Madrid. Jan. SO.-tHy A. 1M Ru
mors were current after the adjourn -I
meat of the Cortes yesterdav that differ
ent conservative groups had agreed to i
' ie-unite and form a combination against
all other elements in the Cortes. '
i It wa said that former Premier
! Dato would make an announcement ril
ntive to thi step early next week, utid
I it wua indicated that It would probab'j ,
I settle the po'iticul troubles of Spam,
' at least for the present.
I The controversy between Juan de Ln
I Cierva. leader of the opposition purtv
i in the rtcs and the president of that
four senators have ngreed to a. set of ! bodv . which made n great sensation in
reservations would give the irreeoncil- I po'ltlcal circb-s Wednesday, was ijvvvi Mj
ables in both parties .in opportunity to' settled jesterdny AH the members wli
take advantage of t'u disorganization of walked out Wednesdav were in then
the treaty s friends and revive in the places and Senator Cierva asked t i.
country the opposition to certain pro- president to explain his action wlcn
visions which was stirred up in the first he refused to permit the npp.i-.
treaty debate. I tion leader to continue an address-
I want to take up witli vou the
.dative of the bridegroom said he. matter of the list of 1111 odd American
tood that Mrs. Warren hnd come business concerns with which Marten
iuu soviet uussia coma transact dum
nes.'' said the chairman
HarUwick theu presented a statement
of contracts, showing eight items, the
largest a contr-ict fm Sl.500.000 of
printing presses given the Iji-high Ma
chine Co.. I.ehighton. Va P.lias Iteilou
New York, contracted, according to t'u
li't. to s, II S;i.OOO,OOll worth of shoes,
Kis-chmnn iS. Co.. New ork, ..'!,0O0..
000 worth of underwear: Weinberg &
Vosner. New York. SIS.OOO.OOO worth of
machine tools: and llabioff Co., of Mil
waukee, 1,400,000 in shoes and ma
chine". Morris & Co.. Chicago packers, ou
January "-. executed an ngretment tc
furnish ."0.000,000 pounds of Too
pioducts" at prevailing market prices,
according to the statement One con
tract for $10.000.(K)0 given the N'u-
ional Storage Co., of New York, cov
ering "merchandise," had becu abvo
gated, It was said.
All of the contracts, Martens ex
) tuned, were conditional upon the Stntc
Department Issuing licenses to the firm"
mentioned. '
"1 have made no payments on these
ontracts except email ones to the ex
tent of 910,000." Martens said. "They
were' orders rather than contracts.,"'
As he was unable, to ship goods to
Russia Martens said the comparatively
small quantities delivered to him had
been stored.
Martens' Couriers Shot
Questioned as to how he iccclved his
funds, Maitens said couriers were sent
from Moscow "several tiiius u month.'
"Were they interrupted often?"
Chairman Moses asked.
"Several were caught aud shot in
Fluland," the witness said, "and
others were captured in German."
Senator Uraudegco, Connecticut
asked how many couriers had been sent.
After some hesitation Martens said
about tvvcnt.v had stinted from Moscow
and ten had reached him.
Mai tdis refused to tell how the
ourlers passed custom lines or to give
ihe names of the couriers -sent to him
ir b) him to Russia. He taid, however,
that io iur as ho knew none was an
American citizen.
Wilson's Cabinet Falls to Meet
Washington, Jan. SO. (lly A. P.)
President Wi'son's cabinet did not hold
its tegular meeting todaj . While no
ofliol.il announcement was made, it was
understood that none of the officials
had nm m.ittrs of particular moment
to present.
White Russians L030 Big Ship
ping Center All Siboria at
Feet of Bolsheviki
By the Associated Tress
Vienna. Jan. 21) (delavrd). The cap
ture of Odessa by Vkrnlninii' forces
commanded by Gcuernl Pawlenka is
announced by the Ulcralnimi press
service". A committee of Ukrainian.
Russian and Jewish citizens succeedil
in restoring order, the ndvices stale,
and in improving the provisioning of the
citv and the administration of its af
fairs. Odessa, on the Itlaek Sea, Is the
largest shipp'ng point of Russia and is
one of the greatest grain centers in
the world. Its ponulation, which
prnbablv ex-eeols 000.000. mny be the
biggest of any citv in Uussia, although
in normal limes Odessa ranks third to
Pctrograd and Moscow. One-third of
the inhabitants of Odessa are Jews;
many are Germans.
In the days of the Oar most of
Southern Russia was known as the
Ukraine. This tciritory, which In
cludes Odessa, has been attempting to
set up n stablo government of Us own
for many months. Lured by Lcnlne's
promise of recegnitiont the Ukrainians
co-operated with the nrmles of soviet
Kussia iu1 tiie successful campaign
against General Deuikine, who opcrntcd
j iu this general region.
I The exact relationship between
Ukralnia and the Itiissiait soviet
government Is not known here. Dis
patches suggest that Ukralnia is some-
!what in sjmpnthy with the Bolshevik!
although not nctually in nlllance with
them. A iccent repoit stated that
Odessn had been can titled bv the Ittis-
sinn Bolsheviki .from the dwindling
anti-soviet forces, but this report was.
never coutirmed,
Honolulu. Jan. .10. (By A. P.)
Admiral Kolchak is reported to hnve
escaped from the Bolsheviki and to be
in hiding iu Manchuria, according to n
&&XMsGams m
are nil made in our
Model Kitchen
That explains the high quality
and reasonable prices.
Fancy Chocolates, 63c, lb.
929 Market St. 1232 Market St.
731 Market St. 9 No. 52d St.
Soy It With Hantcom's Caniy
Tokio dispatch to tho Japanese news-
japer iMppu JIJl here.
Tim social rcvolutiou which occurred
In Irkutsk nml which ousted Kolchak
transferred the governmental powers to
tho Bolsheviki, the cable added.
London. Jan. 30. (By A. P.)r-DIf-
fieultics of supply have probably stop
tied the ndvance of Bolshevik troops
along the Transslbcrian railroad west of
Irkutsk, according to ndvices to the
war office. All resistance seems to have
disappeared. DeUichnient ..ITr"!
to have reached the Chinese tST
southeast of Bllsk, ulnMe frontier
General Nicholas Yudenlteh
man.ler of the Russian northwf 2
'Enra r f Jt
advices from Beval, is said iTLn
ela ntinrters to have been reieV5d m"
. Private advices say Genernt v.7J.
esvilt of prP8sun;
British authorl-
itch was released as a result of pres.I
exerted by French aud British SiRS
ties at ncvai.
Good, warm woolen Blankets, with just a
small percentage of cotton; 5-inch solid
border of old rose, pink or blue and bound
with 3-inch silk taffeta ribbon.
Single Bed, $13.00 pair
Double Bed, $15.00 pair
Special Blankets Single-bed, $6.00 pr.
Double-bed size, ,$7.50 pr.
1008 k2sinui Sffigg
Bladder and Stomach Troubles
Why Suffer Longer? Drink
Valley Water
J'aaoi' ' .rotne iV'ulrr from mar Hot S2rlngs,
Mountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St.
l'honr Walnut 3107
t-iliiit Cubs, llotols r-vfps and P II tl dining
M b flrat-tiusB grocers, tlrustflsts, etc , fir direct Vjy u
"T'lI'mMlLuilnui Tmi WMTTilJTrirr
I ! Xm U"i W Sav It With nn.rnm', CaA WF
'1 "i ' '" '-M'liiMi.-Mii iu: ' W I i
iRIlS j i 7ne .Safc m m 'Drug Stores
!k iirr.'!1! h
ete February List of
gpiIKjl MalESi'KiBna ffl-'FiU HBBUH K9 VU m TBI US VII AH I'R fl',H ILS'IJB I' 'O
j The Largest Shoe Retailers in the World, Wc Can't lie Undersold
Stores in all the
Principal Cities
iwiw ilT jf Mk
mi jm. r & w
I Going! Going!! G ?j
ALMOST yone, but not quite. The last week's Pre- 3
H Inventory Sale made big inroads in our stocks, but here
are a few suggestions in
Shoes For Men,
Women and Children
Men's Tan Work Bluchers $3.48
Men's Tan Scout Shoes S2.78
Boys' Tan Scout Shoes $2.48
Womens Plain-Toe Comfort Shoes $3.98
Women's Black Satin Evening I'umps $3.98
Women's Black Calf High-Heel Lace, broken
Sizes S3-19
Misses' Brown Calf Cloth-Top Lace, Sizes
life to 2 $2.
Groning Girls' Gunmctal Low-Heel Lace. $4.48
Children's Mahogany Lace, Sizes 3-j to 11..S2.98
Children's Gunmctal Lace, Sizes 8'j to II. $2.9S
Odds and Ends of All Rubber
Goods to Be Closed Out at
Low Prices !
Men's Arctics, one buckle $1 ,48
Men's Roll-Edge Short Boots $2.98 I
"W" f mJi
Song' Hits
1 Gre Her Thet Al Jolson A-2835
Don't Talce Adr.nUee of My Good Nature, Fred Whitehouie i 6Sc
Prohibition B'aei . . . ,
Taxation Blue . . . , ,
Bleu My Swenee River Home I I
I Lot My Heart in Dixieland . .
I Know What It Means to Be Lonetomo
I Never Knew .
Uncle Jo ill and the Fire Department
Ihe Courtship of Uncle
Nora Bayes lA-2823
Nora Bayes ) 85c
Harry Fox A-2828
Harry Fox 85e
George Meaderl A-2626
George Meader 85c
Cal Stewart
Joh and Aunt Nancy
Cal ateivart and Ada Jones
Bye-Low Campbell and Burr lA-2827
I'll Alwayt Be Waiting for You . . Charles Harrison 85c
Jut for Mo and Mary ..... Henry Burr 1 A-2830
Amone Uio Whispering Pine . . . Henry Burr J eSc
Rinjt . . . Lewis James and Charles Harrison 1A-2829
Let the Ret of the World Go By . Campbell and Burr 85c
Still Undecided Virginia Asher and Homer A. Rodeheaver ) . ni-ii
When I Look in Hi. Face ... A'3
Virginia Asiier and Homer A.Rodeheaver J
Smile, Dear ...... Charles Harrison 1A-2831
Not in a Thoutand Years . . . Charles Harrison 85c
Canta Pe Me ... Riccardo Stracciari 76101 $1.00
Gems from Opera
E il Sol dell'Anima, from "Rigoletto" 4961G
Charles Haclett and Maria Barrientos . . I $2.00
Lullaby, fiom "Erramie"
William TpII Overture, Part 1
William Tell Overture, Part 2
William Tell Overture, Part 3
William Tell Overture, Part 4
Hulda Lashanska 78356 $1.00
Columbia Orchestra A-6129
Columbia Orchestra f $1.25
Columbia Orchestra 1 A-6130
Columbia Orchestra $1.25
Good News While It Lasts!
1000 Pairs of
Women's & Children's
Left From Last Week's
Specials, to lie Closed
Out at $2 and $3. Also
a Few Paii-s of Men's
Shoes at $3.
Dance Music
Art Hickman's Orchestra from the St. Trancis Hotel, San
Francisco, traveled all the way to New York to make
these 8 cxclusne Columbia dance records:
My Baby'i Aimi-Fox-trot fom 'Tollies of 1919" .
On the Streets of Cairo One-step ....
Pexgr Fox-trot ', .
Tell Mo Why Fox-trot
The Hesitating Blue Medley Fovtror ....
Introdunns "Beale Street Blues" and "Hesitation Blues"
Those Drafting Bluet Medley Fox-trot
Introducing "St. Francis Blues" and "Tishiiningo Blues"
Patches Fox-trot A-2814
Sweel and Low Walt.: ( 85c
Pretty Little Rainbow Medley Waltz Prince's Orchestra 1A-61 32
Dreamy Alabama Medley Waltx . Prince's Orchestra $1.25
J 85c
Instrumental Music
Mall Orders Promptly Filled
jfV s b a s a k si
. .r m Ajw Urm fcrLT CJ'
N. Eighth Street
Own nidar 'til 8 r,
baturday 'III 10 r.
War Dance (Cheyenne Indians) Columbia Orchestra . m-.,
n n.nr. d-.... n. iji l a-oiji
11 Columbia Orchestra )
flU lCtt. Shoe RtteUer the World, We Can't Pe yndtnold j
iltmdmrd MU.U a
Hay Harrest . . Russian BalalaiVa Orchestra 1E-4440
At a Ruttian Inn . Russian Balalaika Orchestra I 85c
Eili, Eili-VKJin Sclo . . Toscha Seidel 49526 $1.50
Polish Dance in E Flat Minor Piano Solo 1
Percy Grainger 1 A-6128
To the Sorinttime Piano Solo Percy Grainger $1.50
One More Day, My John Piano Solo Percy Gra.nger J
Temperamental Rsg Accordion Solo . Guido Deiro A-2834
Lola One-step Accordion Solo . Guido Deiro ) 85c
Lasaus Trombone .... Columbia Band '
Mist TromSone . , , Columbia Band
Introducing Trombone Specialty by Leo Zimmerman
Assembly March .... Columbia Band A-6127
Fire Drill Gallop .... Columbia Band f $1.25
Any Columbia Dealer will gladly play any Columbia Record .
you desire on the Columbia Grafonola
Wm Columbl Ktcord, on 3a Im thi JOih an J 20th f Eixry Month
(Formerly Riker-Hegerman)
.oney Dayin
Drugs, Remedies and
Toilet Needs at
Low Cut Prices
g Prices
100 Aspirin Tablets (U. D. Co.) . .69
25c Beecham'p Liver Pills . . 22
60c Bromo Seltzer ... .45
$1.20 Bromo Seltzer . . ' . .83
60c California Syrup of Figs . . .42
25c Carter's Liver Pills .14
35c Castoria 29
50c Cuticura Ointment ... .42
25c Cuticura Soap .20
$1.00 Danderine ... .79
50c Dioxogen ... .40
60c Doan's Kidney Pills . . .53
50c D. and R. Cold Cream .38
75c D. and R. Cold Cream . .75
$1.00 Eskay's Food ... .65
$1.00 Father John's Medicine . . .90
$1.50 Fellow's Syrup Hypo . . 1.12
35c Freezone Corn Remedy . . ,33
25c Frostilla ... .20
30c Gets Its Corn Remedy . . .27
60c Glyco Thymoline . . .49
$1.25 Grey's Glycerine Tonic . . 1.19
30c Grove's L. B. Q. Tablets . . .24
$1.10 Gude's Pepto-Mangan .99
25c Hill's Cascara Quinine . . .24
50c Hind's Cream 37
$1.00 Horlick's Malted Milk . . .79
50c Java Face Powder .36
$1.20 Kilmer's Swamp Root . . .92
35c Kolynos Paste y .21
$1.00 Lavoris .93
75c La Blache Face Powder .53
10c Lifebuoy Soap . .09
$1-00 Listerine .... 73
15c Lux Soap . 2 for .25
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder .18
50c Mennen's Shaving Cream .45
Mennen's Borated Plain Powder .25
75c Mellen's Food .69
$1-00 Mentholatum Ointment .89
Musterole Ointment .50
50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil .39
25c Mum .23
$1.00 Nature's Herb Remedy ,90
$1.00 Newbro's Herpicide .95
$1-00 Nujol .86
$M0 Nuxated Iron .79
25c Packer's Tar Soap .20
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste ... .37
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste . . .39
50c Pape's Diapepsin , .43
Peroxide Hydrogen .25
12c Physician & Surgeon's Soap 3 for .30
Pinaud's Eau de Quinine ' .65
50c Phillip's Mill: Magnesia .43
$1.00 Pinkham's Comp. . . .87
25c Resinol Toilet Soap . .20
$1-00 Resinol Ointment .95
60c Sal Hepatica 40
$1.20 Sal Hepatica .- . .79
$1.50 Scott's Emulsion . . . 1,19
35c Sloan's Liniment . . .29
50c Tetlow's Pussy Willow Face Powder.45
$1.00 Vinol . .89
35c Woodbury Soap .20
Save on These
Table Needs
Friday and Saturday only, as an adver
tising attraction, we sell 2 packages for
practically the price of otic.
You save nearly half
And we particularly specify that you must
be pleased with these products, otherwise
you may at any time bring them back and
request a refund.
Breakfast Coffee
in one pound double parchment linedbags.
A very satisfying mild, fragrant blend
thoroughly roasted and ground.
Regular Price 55c g QO
Week-ends u for OiX,
Opeko Tea
Your choice of India Ceylon, Formosa
Oolong, English Breakfast or mixed in
half-pound cartons.
Reg. price 55c Week ends u for DOC
Breakfast Cocoa
Fine flavor-makes a rich, nourishing drink
in half-pound tins. Reg- .
ular price 39c Week-ends JU for 4vC
Cooking Chocolate
In cake form for making home candy or
cake dressing in half-pound cakes.
Reg. Price 35c Week-ends 2 for DOC
Mayonnaise Dressing
Excellent as a dressing for salads, meat
and fish. Just eggs, mustard, vinegar and
Reg. Price 38c Week-ends 2 for oyc
Wc can positively say that there is no
superior product on the market. A fine
smooth, rich, nourishing food product in
10 ounce jars. A f
Reg. Price 45c Week-ends for LOC
Chocolate-Covered .
0C 1D
A luscious big piece of snow white sugar
cream with just plenty of the best mint
flavor all enclosed in rich coated chocolate.
We regularly sell these Patties at 80c a
pound, but we have reduced them for
this special sale to 59c a pound.
for your old
Hot Water Bottle
To prove the superiority of the
Kanlleek Hot Water Boula, wo
willdurinciherntirarnonth of Jan
uary allcw 50c for any Hot Water
Bottle brought back to us, this
amount to bo applied against tho
purchase of a new Kanlleek Hot
Water Bottle.
KANTLEEK la made In onr own
Rubber Factory at New Haven. It
Is moulded from one piece if high
grade rubber, therefore, It cannot
leak. It is toft and pliable, and la
guaranteed to give Ht least 2 years
The Term
Commonly used and
abused in retail merchan
dising. In Liggett's adver
tising it is used guardedly,
and signifies a definite re
duction in price without
changing quality.
"Lunch at Our
Delicious Roll
Sandwiches 10c
Hot Coffee with Cream 10c
Hot Chocolate and
Whipped Cream lc
Sponge Cake 10c
You can get a good lunch
for 30c. Try it today.
'W! rhrttnnl Rlrett
IXIO Markrt Mrrrt
1511 (lit.lnut Mrtt
Ktlr anil nrouu pi""
SID Market turret
It South Bid Htrrtt
v.Ant Mnd urk IHlrreif
H ' - II
-- U