- , "flffljilpF "Twan 1 y F'WWJ KTM u . . 5 Euentng public Wzh&t PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920 es Fencing and Wrestling at Penn : School Boy Artists and Sculptor ,: Skating Stunt TWO white-tailed deer, with horn? locked, found dead in snow near Hr JaMgJBWHHHpyqra " i yj ' 3y5p$ IB ' Columbia Fulls, Montana. There was evidence of a ferocious combat. yn- ,0aiKJBBBBlOBMiWHwSBtMHBIBBIWjLMIII ' '"lllilliii il r Ljr I'hoio .Service OVER tho can on skates at Concourse Lake, Fairmount Park, to entertain the crovL .Lodger 1'lioto Service. CAN YOUR boy do tbi3? Siegfried Dortort and Samuel Sclmeidmann, loft to right, by using both hands, did this free-hand crayon work in lees than five minutes yesterday at the Public Industrial Art School. , MISS RQSE BOZZELLI, 722, FiUwater street, Philadelphia. Photographs for this back-page feature should be submitted through the mau, addressed to, tho .Beauty Corner, EVENING FiratlC Ledger. i Y I: I., Jk '- s 'u jm p -A - 3