Si t fit wyjm 1W .T" yl K 4n EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, EKIDAY, JANUARY 30, 3020 flE MIDDLE TEMPLE MURDER : A Detective Story by J. S. Fletcher I ' ii,url!ilt- 1110. "rnl A- Knbvf. "ffl'iiit, III the I'ubllo Ledger CO. SYNOI'SIS 1 .,...! Unnrao. a young London JJipnpcr man, returning home fiom i..m veering into the corner of an w '"l".r Inclination reveals a lTdt'id, muidcred, It seemed. In nVton. JiairUtcr, King'? Hatch It rclon cm- c mini. At Tl'templc, London." mis '"" ,..'. i -- rt... w.. iff hoJel hO IffflJITrcc as tfufli-. .uui- .L Jfe rcccirrd u' out visitor, in Ktll'dicssed man with a gray .ri lie ncurt jor ic-iism ciiiu om- rm a fl"u;". "i "".' - -' TTIfinm U'c!if(r .jn'i a View on inn tyiicii lie ted) JO" nils ? "V, oiiml 'had. yi't'am II c&r r.r. i jiiiino iit-r o Muihuiii unite iitWiitf in the House of Common the JSoftlic,iiuider,a,idofMarl,iry' "fu..;.,,! n Hi! anntaruuic of a tall Zrlt.drtiied inan-titrtinii Aulmoie, ,, n rhcu left the House taacthu: kitliiw further information, tipmjio Susils the hotel heepu. Wo Lies him a shining pictc of totte-a Sawoitil-""'"1 ' '"" r'' .mitrr testifies to having seen a 11 . Lr Bl these "stones'' m hit loom vktlcAutmotr u'v visiting him. Ayl lore iidmits to having hlioien Aim u miller o years mm, ' "' "' ,t 5,1 irAat couee;(idii 7ic Knew It tin. inow 1 huio something to eommu'li Mlctoltathhuili," thinks Spai go, and iris out for Scotland Yard. (AM) 1IHHK If CONTINUKS) CHAl'TKU VIH The Man From tlic Safe Deposit Sl'AItGO found ltnthbiny silting alone to a small., Honiewhut dismal upail Wfnt, which wus chiefly rcmnrlnblo for (ho buMtic-liUc paucity of its fur ntsulngs ami its iudcfiuublc air of, so crep. There was a plain writing tabic anil a haul chair or two; a map ot MDilon, much discolored, ou (ho vail; A few faded phQloKvaphs- of 'eminent bijuih In the world of crime and n similar number of vcll'thumbed boojc) o,t icf- (rQnce. The deteotivo himself, when HpniKO was vhown fii to him, was Seat ed nt the table, OirwiiiR an unli0'lited eigai, and cnsiiged in the apparently simksi taslc of drawing liioioshphics on sn.ips of paper. No looled up iim the journalist tuttyed and held out his land. , , , ''Well. I congratulate ou nn what yoU stilt U in the Watchman thW morn ing," lie fraid. "Made extru Rood read ing, I thought. They did riaht to let voti tacklo that job. Hoing straight through with it now', I suppose. Mr. Srnrgor' . , , . Spirgo dropped into the chair near et to Ilathburj'h right hand. lie lighted a cigarette and, hnius blown out a whiff of fcinoKe, nodded his head in" a fashion which indicated that the detccti o might consider his question answered in the uffirmntUc. "Look here." he said. "Wo settled yestcrdn. didn't we, that u and t arc to consider ourseHcs pnitners, ns it were, in this job? That's all right," lie tontiuued as Kalhbur nodded very ouictl. "Very well lmc jou made ap fiiithcr progress?" Itntlilmij put his thumbs in the arm holes if his waistcoat and. le.iuing back in his chair, shook his head. Trnnklj, I haven't." he replied. "0 course, theie's a lot being done iqjlic usual oHicinl loutine wav. Wo'w nifn out making arious 'inqiiifieST TVe'rr innuiriug about Marbui'soyugc to Kngland. All that we know up to now is that he was certainh n passenger on n liner which landed at Houthampton in an oi dance with what he told those people at the Anglo-Orient, thut ho left the hip in the usual win and was un derfloml to talce the tiuiu to touu as ho did That's all. There's nothiug in that We'e cabled to Melbourne fm an) news of him from there. Hut I c rect little fiom that." "All right." said Spargo. "And me on doing jou, joursclfV liWHuse if we're to shaic facts I must know what nn partner's uftev. Ju&t now jou seem to be drawiug." Itathburj laughed. "Well, to tell jou the truth," he taiil, "when I want to work things out I enrap nito this loom it's quiet, ns Toil fee and I siiibhle un thing on l'SJiei while 1 think. I was figuring ou 11 net sti i, mid " "On jou sec if" asked Spurgo, iuiekl Well- I want to (mil the man who ent with Marburj to thut hotel," re I'lnd Kuthbuij. "ItMenis to me " hpaigo iMiggid lus linger at his fel lff lontrnci. THE GUMPS One of Andy's Little Tricks wm m C'opjrlelit. If2" 'V Th Tribune Co,( Bu Sidncft Smith 1 vo found him," ho Mild, "ThnP what I wrote that article for to iiud him. I know it Would find him. I've hoor had nny training in your sort of woik, but I know that urtlcle, would get iiim. And it has got him." Hnthbiiry accorded the jottrnaliet a look of odmlt ation. ''Hood 1" he said. "And-who is net ' "I'll (HI you the story," answered hpargo, "anil In n sunimury. This morning n man named Webster, u fur mer, n isitor tu London, came to me nt the ofhee, mid. said that being at the House of Commons last night lie wit nessed n meeting between Mm bury and n mini who was ivlduitly u member of rarlinmcnt, and saw them go awny to gether, t showed him an album of photographs of the preaent metnbcis, nnd he imiuedliitely iccognlied the por trait of onu of thciu us the man in qiieH thill. I thereupon took the poittuit to the Auglii-Uricut Hotel Mis. Wulters also nt once ucognied it us Unit of the man who enmo to the hotel with Mnr but j, stopped with him u while in his room, nud left with him. The mun ii Mr. Stephen Aylmorc, the member for Uiookmlnster." Itntlibury expressed his feelings iu a sharp thistle. "I know him I" he gaid. "Of louibc-r1! rcftieinber Mrs. Walter.s's descuvtiiui now. Hut his in a fnmilhr tvpe tall, giav-beurdcd, well-dressed. Tin! well, we'll kine to see Mr. Ajl uioie at once." "I'c seen him," said Spargo. "NatuinlJj 1 Tor jou see. Mrs. Walt irs gave me a bit more evidence. This luuriiing tlmv found a loowJ dliimond on the, tloor of Number M, and after it was found the waiter who took the drinks up to Mm bury and his guest 4hat night icmembored thut when he, entered the room the two gentlemen wcre'looking at it pupet full of similar objects. Ho then I went on to sec Mr. Aljtuore. You know young .llrcton, the barrister? you met him with inc, jou lemcmbcr? "The joung fellow whose name nnd address were found on Marbuij." re plied Itathburj'. "I remember." "Breton is engaged to Ajlmoro's daughter," continued S'pargo. "Bre ton took mo to Avlmorc'8 club. And Ajlmmc gives n plalu, straightforward nicoiiiit ot the matter which he's grant ed me have to piinti Itidears up a lot of things. Ajlmorc knew Mulburr over twuitv jiarsngo. He lost sight of him. The; met lucidentallj in the lobbj of the House on the evening preceding the nuiidii Murium told him that he wanted his iilviee about those rare things. Austiallnn diamonds, lie went buck with him to Ins hotel nnd spent a while with him: then they walked out together ns far as Waterloo Bridge, whole Ajltuur left him and went home, further, the seiiip of graj paper is ac counted for. Maibur.v wanted the ad dress of a small solicitor Avlmorc didn't know of one but told Murium that if he called on young Breton, he'd know, and would put him in the way to find one. Muiburj wroto Bicton's nd clteHs down. That's Avlmore's storv. Hut it's got an important ndditinn. Ajl more suvs that when he loft Mnrbury, Muiburv had on him a quantity of those diamonds in a vvushlcathcr bug, a lot of gold, and a bieast-poeket full of let ters and papers. Now there was noth ing nn him when he was found dead in Middle Temple Lane." ficsb HV UOb Bta lrAOU5lr4E WAS. BEEIH,NNORKlNi OVErrTlM&TMISWtEK MOYHBRDbAvK-rHIW Wtf.E OOY DoiNtr SHOpPlNfa- LONCHE-ON AND EVBRVtHlkCr To &A.Y' THttf CERTANlY WAS A CrOOD &QQK. - I OU iV COULDN'T GrO to' sue-Ep vjn.tiu wad fniswei ir.. ATfc- 4Us.H f '-itrMT MNNERiTHISEVErvllNCr JTHINK ILL. CtOTOTHE- KITCHEN AND r As SAvNDVN CM BEMrLE (30 TO B&B lAOTHBR CA.NT WMT rOR THE BQ T-AES WHHN UNCU-5, BINS COfAES sCK. V ESZHF H vnfa -- ti -a: w-r iil iA z . m i ' "'..a. n t nw. hi trBr 1 "J"-' mZKr MOVM I MQULb M i B:i'H WiWB&Z --(-mWI. -nSf-' itm c un.R.t. t mjisuJic w IHB . r-r-Sas tBI " ES--isiaeu' H A. ADiMklts. H . ' -ZZ-X IB Ssi( " V i-ii ..rY'rt"ruf-. ilircHFM AWft I H cwjmvaiicu vJrvtn P.MT M ' Cl H - Sli itrr AYSx V i (ta to B&rA Jl-- 5-Cs Hk 'i-usu st tiptoe Um w AZ -. n flin FT.!-!--? nvcr sin wiliMB lilt 1 x .1 PETEYHe Always Was Contrary liy C. A. Votffht -OU DCA.1? A0uTE-"tJHE SriTTHiuc'vMe cavj po To SCAsBEHlM.THE DOCTOR 5AN5-TATVJIU. CORE WIS HICCOUGHS Lef s "Twim- UP SOME- SCMeMp -That's T SwieAVi OP -&EWIMD HIH AMD.SM00T OFF i"tMe -ftevocvEri- uAU j&r" m chyt. rC ll SAn!-Cmc).Cwv1 )Y & V Wow Chk) Nol. 'M , y J m "C N TASTED BM CWICW m i mi 11 1 ' ' ' 1 tmm mm mmm i ' " ' " ' " i The Young Lady Across-the Way Spargo stopped and lighted cigarette. "That's all 1 know," he suid. "What do von uiiikc of it?" Hnthburj leaned back iu his ch'ur in his nniiiirentlv favorite attitude and stnied hard at the dusty cciliu-; above "Don't know,'"', he snfd. 'H brings fliim-y nn In n noint. certhinlv. Avl- niore nnd Mnrbury paited at AVaterloo Biidge verj lute. Wntciloo Bridge is prettv well net door to the Temple. But how did Murbuiy get into the Temple unobserved? We'-ve made every iuquuv, and we can't twice him iu nny wav as legard-! that movement. There's n clue for his going there in the bcrap of paper be.tiiug Breton's addicss. but even a Colonial would know that no business was done iu the Temple ut midnight, eh?" r iitl t ,( "Well," suid Spargo, "I've thought of oue or two thiugs. He muv have linnn mil. Ct tllOSR mCU Who like tO wander around at night. He may have fcccn--hc would see plenty of lights iu the Temple ut that hour: be muv have slipped in unobserved it's possible, it's quite possible. I once had u moonlight saunter in the Temple mvself after mid night, and had no difficulty about walking in and out. cither. Imt it Mill Inn y was murdered for the suhe of what lie had on him how did he inter with his muitlercr or murdcicrs in theie? Giiminnls don't hang about Middle Temple I.une." (CON'TlNUUl7T05tOUUOW) 4 .. - f ' THE QU V SMITHS, WHO WERU GENERALLY SUPPOSED TO HAVE RUIHED A LARGE ANTITY OF LIQUOR IN THEIR YARD : liy FONTAINE FOX "CAP" STUllBSNot a Manner liy Edwina DREAMLAND ADVENTURES THE GIANT OF MOVIELAND Uy DAIMV 1 he joung lady .iciuss Mie w iy bijs it must be lather ...ird ou 1'icsident Wilson to hive all bis tegiikn business anil politics be sides to look aftci when he's not ill .ill wU and she supposes he's iiughlv glad to have Mr. Brjan's help In his political work KETOKM FROM A Tvo WeKS TKlP DURING WHICH THEr CLOSED UP THEIR. HOUSE. ' 7 w - ' f e 01jS 'VXr!rf&C7iMVrv7!, VsJ tr lfc' , I", 't,' i r- v " C2H y .. i.err- tl'I; J if aXJZ'. v I MiTif'l Y 1 PI rM, 1 Us r-n FffilfKdSt s k5v iy fV j-J -, -- , i - e ' - '. ct--.v""i yr - rv- .iktAiwf r rnv Jt t -w- i. v .."" " jritt'Swat-' ...wrsf,SsC4j vst-.v-t: -- irr-- .. ; cHHsa&KK&,, " -v-- -s,-.'". ..- -il-'r s-:' v-s . -fez v3e?r' yffmr.ryr T. -w-, J..' - " T." 'O'V-Wr. ,-',!".llisfe1.!,:i . J'.l -K A Us p SURE-TftKE TH - WHOLE 5iC.rWRy I nARGARGT' I I COT IT "iPCCI'M.fy FER VOIjlJ' a. .. Yf'C " fc,'. , r,Mtsjr. !:..) Vilt H V '" X s.'"f,N ''', - - 7 ?. SL tow &-WAW'. AIN rA VA COT ANV , J fTT V MANNEf-VSy SOMEBODY'S ST E NOG Punishment fomrl-lii J i-O bv r bliL LcJtr Co By llaywaril fi'eggl, P'llhl, the Giant of the lloodij, and their animal and hud fricmls tako the jtlace of a mounw picture iroo)i that has the mcaslis. in mntuip the incline, Viany entcit me cuMie oj tlic (Haiti imu 1 angi.j CTIAI'TUU V Billj's During htunts GIANT nunCU TANGS surelj was a fearsome creature. lie looked like a monster bUe cowhoj. lie had .1 stringy black mustache, glaring ejes and long, sharp teeth It was these teeth which gave him his name ' My love bride, 1 omc to lnj urnis' toared Tierce Tungf, but I'cggy didn't iceept hlh invitation. She turned nud scooted. There was oulj oue wny to run, nnd that was into the castle, l'eggv 1 daited through the door and up a eir enlar ptnirwnj. Tierce Fangu lushed after hei. coin log up the btalrs time nt a time Itlght W11111I her he wus, with one luilg nun stretched out to lench her. when the jtairwaj entered a toner 100111 nud I'cggy ilodgvl thiough 11 limiovv wiudnvv out upon the roof of the ensile I'll ice T-lligs was so large he couldli t squcce through the.window, aud for u few miu I utcs she vmih safe. "ut Tierce Tuiigs laughed he was so jure he would get hei. lie Mini luck Jo the courtjurd and w hilled a long latso around his liead The roof of the castle was sleep and ffSE.v tcarcclv dared move for tear of tumbling to the ground. She couldn't ypdgo about, and almost before she knew Mnt was going on Tleicc Triugs had nt the, nooije of th" lasso through the ate nud arouud her shoulders, .'ut where were Billy nnd the others a,l this JimeV AVheu the hit (Is came i-ereecliluR tho uews that Tcggv hud "en captured by Giant l'lrico Tnngu, "HI', the Giant of tho Woods. Jlalhy nam am al tho anirnnle nnd birds rush-' up the bill to the castle moat. The Jrawbridgo vvub raided, and so tbey coiildn't get across. . "ut that didn't stop Billy. He dived '"to the ditch and nwiiin (o tho shullow J5a'r under the castle wall. Then the 'llaut of the Wnnil suam nerosi lo ioill i'.'S- '-Tbe Giont of the Wcioiji lifted y on his shoulders, hut oven .then "U'J couldn't 1 each (he toll of the 11. Hplusli! Hplusli! Splash! "alky win. Billy Goal und Johnny Bull fol Wed them, nnd. autck us cats. UUo "'.ouatii in 11 clrfus, they built n ru. "U'J Ualk ani wui- l Uto bottpiA; the Giant stood upon him, on tho GiantV shouldeis was Billy Goat and 011 Bill. Goat's head stood Billj. But even then Billy louldn't lc'ioh, the top of the wall, though 11 rope blowiug out fioln n belfrv winclevv wus only 11 tew feet above his head. Then Johunv Bull leaped on Balks Sam's buck. The Giant tossed Johnny up to Billv. mid Billy lifted Johnny un til the bulldog's teeth caught in the lope bunging from the belfiy. Johnny Bull took 11 111 111 grip, and Billv began to climb up over hlni Ah he grubbed .lohnhv the lope jerked the clapper uf the i-ii st 1" iildrm bell and n slmrp ilung ran thiough the i.istlc. Thib clung c.iine just as Giant Tierce Tangs laoed Teggj. It so startled him he (hopped the lasso. Quick as scut Tegg.v pulled the rope out of Tieree Tnngs'h'irnch. Billv gained the top of the wall and ran along it until he nunc to the castle Itself Up lie climbed the lough stoiu wall, clinging to ivv anil jutting slemes like 11 hum, 111 IIJ in less nine mini 11 takes to tell he wus beside Tcggv, In another iniiuilo he was lowering her lo the vviill bj iiiean.s of the lasso. When she was safe on the wall he climbed rlnuii tin' l mid loliieil her. Ihi'i stuiteil along the wail 10 icntn tho pviamld luude by tho Giant ot (lie Wooils anil tlic uuiniais, phi nium Tieice Tangs was climbing up the ivj on the wall lo heiiil them off Aerobb the lite Ii from them was 11 telephone pole Bills whirled the lasso arouud his head ami scut oue end over the pole. He tied Ihc.otlier end to an iron spike in the wall and theie wus a tight lope read foi them to walk acioss to bUlctj. Giant TIcri'o Tangs' lingeis were nl reiidj clutching the top of the wall Buug! Bung! Billy brought his heels down sinurtlj on the Giant's lingers, und with u surprised howl Ficice l.ungs tumbled to Urn ground. Billv took' Tcgjy on his shoulders nnd started ucross the tight rope. Ho sway ed back und forth iiud nearly tumbled off into tho ditch. It wus pluin he couldn't' trust himself und Peegy on the jope without 11 balance polo. But suddenly Billy found his sway ing hands supported on either side buppurtcel just enough bo he could wulk, Without- losing' hll balance They were i,,,i.i ,, In 1 hi' hh'ils. Thus allied. Bill) pairicd Tcgty out upou tho swuying 1 ope. Giant y1 ' ! 1 T" 7 i v V-J 7V vW V 1- fc : , & r-s A . ' , ri KV 'J4, A X V ' 5 i rsn yj-iv -- -- . " i i vij, w OH oear: IM ORRV i l Doai't SIM6 for the PF?isoAjej?s im The peaiitemtiar-t aajv WUItc ' "wi"" s- 1 a I use-d lb 5img For Them EVERV SUAIOAV ifrr I -p- & WH blbTou DUIT? T DID IHE PI?lSOAlERS COAPi-AIAJ IT WASN'T -Jim Their seajtemce? VA " f " DOR&TPiY DARNITThe Dark Has No Terrors for Dorothy Now e l) rislii in." I ill I 11 S nii.alr lnr BJ CUIS. McMqtlUH Tqinorruvi : n tuitiMe. Flcrft ) 1 i WELL AREM't rsiOw Go AND KISS ( .L .VOU GOIMCJ i- T--Yoor?UNCL I : , II 1 vJ ''-Vtr- ' ' '- feZZ CHMMtMAUfy vil I) - ft -i f ffi m HI 1 - i