frr .sr EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920 T-4 ' JLtt Wm MM 111 m YJ".! f '. 6t. 111 w?r l fjf wwm t BRITISH-AMERICAN IrynnMnry Hied Company 1st 3s. 1037 SHIP CO. TO CHANGE NAME I nVbT Coal A okr Onnipmv ?). lt41 '" -"J. IU unnnuu iimsi-. , Itniktiinl A Intrrurhin llnllniij n. lji - - i-oriiiiiiu in., i lent rower to nt. iuij tlntertno, tnlnr Full & Northern J, inili I ll..t. ....... . ... I r ...!... .1 1 n I .ll,.,llll',l,, II ll ,lll,lll, .11 '" ' .' i Frniiajlt mil Mn(r A Ponrr In .1. !'" i Shit lis, 11111 v I'V-IUI lllt-i-liug iu nit- iiiuvi""" ip ii nil commerce i-vaviRuiiou ur- lUfAlUJ LUlYir-ANI, LIIYIUW .V,W,,iJc,,,i'r Sir i?" fir" S-. 5i American Ship and Commerce Stock JrflTfcETO HOLDERS OF SHARE WAR- "" Jt",Tr"uoATr,iUhi 8: ; hoders Vote on Proposal Feb. 14 jm; Tn ncAoin enn nnniNARY . ' '".- is., ileht.i l-owrr. ?-. to Holders vote on proposal i-eu. it SHARES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a iC of tie MembfM of the Company .heldftin the Twtatr-icventh day of January, 12), after the pajsinp; of a Reiolulicn'for Jiftr&ilng the Capital of the Company by the creation of additional Ordinary Sham, ' it vra resolved: Lake superior Cnriinr'ilon lt 5i HH noration stockholders will be held I'cb Samuel K. Phillips & Co. runry 14 in New York, to vote on a Aliiiibrn riiHnilel.ilil s,U Milii.M.e , piopoal to cllUIIRL' till-lllimc Of tllo colli- 5ii J (HiStmi r Minm to Kerr Navigation Corporation. 7 .. .",, ., , The American Ship and Commerce .. .LxiL",.L"I"",.1" "nl .." ."' . Nniicntion Corimrution I tho company INCOME TAX KlUKINlf,,,u-d to Like over the ships of the That out of the M'd additional Shiirc" f mrporntlnns partnerships nd 1 ct, K rr interests ill behalf of tin' Ainfllenti Jinn tne otlitr unissued urciiniii j -mii- o ( .ul ui;rigjwniii'nyivim'i.iHiwii iv - -.v. i aip ami louiiuercu i,iuiuiti uuu. .viut-i -fr tho tlliio tielnc of tho Company there , p.. r- qrv?P Co I" Shin and Commerce owns 70,000 ilmNn or about the Tenth do oC 1-eb- -OiporailOIl 18 service V-O. . i t tn, f m nno h.iu"4 of marr. 1020. t) offered to the'Memh."- 0oa Kr,l Entile Trust Hide. ,. (i " Tt stnc'i of Anierieau S ill, ami on tho iteirisipr of Ordln.u s yiiaichold- ilinm i in . rt .r iim .'17 ;'ifi " -toct ot Anuricnn i up ami of .Innu lommeiee .aigaiiou i. orporuiiou out- 'hare "" " itnndltiir VINANt'IAI. l I ir tlin Tt .ititv.liTllth ilav trv liiin niiii iiin hnlilers of WarrantH to Hearer for Ordlnar. Sh.ires in the sanio dato uow sliaici In the pro nprttrn or one thnre tor tun io -m-i-nsr Ordhiirv Aharon (IpiorliiK !mre- 'hlch are not pompleti multiple f t ttnd.Tiot nlUmlnc I iteifd -harei uuu Share Warrant I Hearer to b idd'a Ofrethcr foi thi DUM of .icc.ptance) laid' bv them at tlie prko of tl P-' lhare pajnblo t . one of Uie HinUeis ho Cimpony in I i nilon on the a -rj 'inee cf tlm offei n.nul on tlio Secitli day of Vpill M-'o mil that nueh ..rfo xs niado us to In Id. rn iif reslstored orill nry Mmn 1" notln speelninu tli lumln.1 of rhjis- t ill I1IAI1MI11V xiiTin: TO Till' Mill mils III- Pill WlllSTV niiiri:n iimi',im mi: ft it rii iitiM, iimi nitT iiiini- (i(ll (Hill) IIOMIS. Ill I. MV I tin tM M IMII'I! Mllf. Il.(.l. Ol tiih l'or viion r . ui,ni.iui' imi- fN MIK.1MV (OKI'ORTION. 1TKI Ml I 'IIIMt I. 1001. I h und. rylatu I hnlni; ele I'M t. re de m tin entlrp urn unt of I onds oxitstiindlnir of thp l-ii ul rnffrrtil to mil in pur huirn ( i f I1 itmr iih 7 of h in t i . i'h. n ' r. forr.d tihi.riti trivosnithn th it l l' Mur t. IIIJO. rtderi all of nnid tiond at tlio nilia tt tii . ii. ih. Ii i iv iliii. tuiri lhir wliieh the m"inber Wlth mu i lrl imi-ill Int ript. nt th- of- Y efi'l (ll lllld '-lati ll-' mac H ' 1B ""k i " ... " In ' ""rm' iru-iumnn-n .iu-ir nvViidi miMiient made on or be- Wn undtrsUmd recjulres that on or Iv ' .V V ' .V.,n A .1 ... It will i for Mi r 1 inpiion datr ild lwn l- mi 'ora tha above mention, d date It w ii , hv (i .j nrd tlnnillU , i , ,u. B deemed to be diilineu, anil as tJ nol" ,,nni .. nr-,Mi I for i ii.ntitlun ind jiv- r-j of Sinn to Hearer lot i ment at Hi i it e m f iid I olmnlili. Trust Ordlnarv sliaie Ki uih idvirtisemeiu comimm n Krnumn ? orx ' itv 18 tlie Dlrcitois 'hAll deem uovtsauic Such ndxertl-eniei t "bill ite 111. Widen, of ihii( Win ants tc Bearer fur irdln -v "-hau must In the tirft ti -Han c l on i be ton the Seventh day o, urll 1 I. 'poi'it with one of he Jla k r-i'ln I 1 n -n ui.-oprl.ifi ''oupun (to be lndliuud b tbo l'irei.- oril a .vlder if ovvncMh'p Pro-1 vlded ahiuvs in.' tin doles in .ill i. any of tlie btfir. m n oneJ cases m.t te-ej.ten led in a latir il if in the. lib" ute dlsii'ton oi tut Plm tors' i p luclt depi I't hfini; mad.' the I'ompanv hall be d t'i makw tn i in offei f the number of share to which be N . 'ul d nd the advi tl-t ment thnll require tbe Depoiltc-r in wery case t i f r h lih 'sn a iorm Tnttroet ml! . itk fim ml ufbi M 1 injn hi Bii l. m Is i .rrf.utid lor r dmiptlm on tlmt dat ni suili I m W rfMll (53F to be b thi Indftlluro of mirtttRiri Hbiiit r t i rt 1 to POiUIONT8 i OI.MMlti's CfirXMi. Us focAittiM a rt'rr i-mu-wv in coni'ou v rru 'i ksmiu n 11-s.a' r i l li old. 11 lUH lii-iunr ." 1 i.'ll INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY CONSOIU VTED MOUTaVGI. IVKlNO FLM1 i-ONVERlIIlin HONDS T1.-. CqultatU Trut Company of New Torfc ruccessor ti Colonial i rust Company. a Trutert unJer Internatloral Pp Cernpany Alortisrn dated Jan-Trj 1 noi. hereby Invites ofTH to the SlnKIrc; Tuna tor thn tt rf bnnh liued unJer sali in -,.- - .. - . ...,. .. .. , ..... rt .. T..-. ircahtanc, fo- ', .Uare3 uhlth n.U E'K r: .'. .."i'1rf,,.. iK'H bo supplied for th tmrpose jmd to pav 4r(,(1 , , Tiirij , Do'lsrs and rive Centi ho bum of tl in iiptet of each "hare ( ub 0J) ' oiids offered at the lowest accepted If In a i nse a Shareholdei rnets will bo t,iv 1 p et-renre shnli ..i.t wiM.irv li s u-riMitiinei aiu Srild offer" r 'U N' opened at the ofrr 'p'a,, f f '"he raf-l&tn; SoX Jie time pj llkd ui u. h extended tlnii , i,hnnrj S. two. nnl hnu d b Indorsed is mav be fWed vv tho Dlre-'ors u "Oteri for tho Pnle of r.ond t tlio In ilforesiild tl ofKr will be ueomod to be ttrrattoial Pip r Com ran v Sliklns "und " declinid i'u th- I'ireUMS m dlfpo-a , ,1Ji,ri-v't ri3r.d to reject any and of al! Miurei tu ' "ft. ted and 1 Tld f" , jut;' Vo rrrnr" TPfST COirPVN'T or Yithln h, pre'i r'bed tunc In rt'p. i-e NEV YORK Vrntpp Q such oiTers In -nd manner is thev pT I VMN RHO)r Vic- Prrslderx nay con-. I i r . i ( n ihi In'-res" P-J K v-ic innu-i t 1'iQti f thfc ''omianv I nt -uid Miarei" shall ,,.., (nmm. rn nrf- .ji. dei ' , luii -he reL.,ti' ... v ,4'i i r ' i'lXiiN." nn day of Vprl l. the natcnl 'w ' '-M ' ''co: n IIOM)- if the prlli jlai liait wh'ohuvc T nl nil! t ! 1 SI lie latei N't e. u .i-rcbv alien t.At rtond V . i To unble the rblr of hire war- ti iir . n u i in. ii'ii li- i' The Railroads The cuircnt number of our Mtuket Review contains a timely leading article on the Kiilroad situntion, followed by rnalyif of the investment po lt on of New York Central and Reading In addition to thee there i- much interesting; news and comment on issues of preient interest, including Cosden & Co. Submarine Boat General Asphalt Producers Refiners Serif on request for P-189 HUGHES &DIER Menilirrs Vhilnilelrliln Mink Kxrhiincro rittr-lniirli ttwk Y-.trhnnse , hit ik Iloiinl of lrile 1435 WALNUT STREET rim vdmviiix c Tuirk (mire. 50 llroad 'trcet M FOREIGN E LOANSSAYS GLASS Europe Must Depend dn" Own Resources Instead of U, S., Declares Secretary! SUGGESTS CUT IN CLAIMS lf the Assoclntel rrrjt Wnsliliiftnn. Jan. 110 Kiirone. in f-o far ns the Tinted States Oovernmcnt is concerned, mut rely upon her 0n re sources .in, retriovluK iinunclal equilib rium. This U the interpi elation here Ren erully of the letter Secretary of the Trenturj (iliss bus sent to n commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce of the I'nitiil Stili s, which sought n povern meiit rxiinv--ion on tin proposed inter national conference of financiers and commercial leader to di-cuns recon struction problems. In a blunt statement of the facts ns he see Hum, Mr. Glass tlechrod "the Ainericiin fioveriiinnt has done all thnt it iiihisnble nud practical to aid Kurop"," The" conference, he added would cerve "to cause confusion and revive hopes doomed to disappointment, of further government loan " the impossibility of United Stntes Got cinment action are clearly understood." 'If the people and RovcrnmcntR of lmropc," Mr. Glass declnred, "live jlthln their incomes, increase their production as much as possible, and limit their imports to actual necessities, forcijfn credits to cover adverse balances would most probably be supported by private investom nnd the demand to re Fort to ritlch Impracticable methods as Kovernme'rtt loans nnd bank 'credits would cease. "The American people should not, in iiiv opinion' be rnlled upon to finance, nud would not in my opinion respond to u deiriand that they flnancV, the re tiulremeiits of Ktirope in-so-fiir hs they H'sult from the failure to tnko necessary slips for the rehabilitation of 'credit. "There is no more locicnl or nrnc- tlcal step toward solvini; their own re- onstruction problems than for the Al lies to give value to their iudemnltv claims against Germany by t educing these claims to n determinate 'amount which Germnnj mav reasonably be ex pected to pa.v. The maintenhncc of claims which cannot be paid causes ap prehension and serves no useful pur pose." Since the sIkhIiik of the anniticc, Mr. Gins pointed out. the Treasury has made direct cash advances of $2. .'.S0.SSH.000 to the allied Governments ami in addition has made available1 Si.ili.lM.OOO to those governments through the purihni- of their curren cies in covering Cnited States expen ditures in Kurope. I$eides the United States has sold on credit approximately M'iS.-i.()00,0(K) in supplies nnd has ex tendi d approximated $100,000,000 lo relief as well as allowing to accrue $:i4,ll,000 in unpaid interest ou loans. LONDON STOCK MARKET Trade Hesitates Pending Action by Government on Foreign 'Exchange London, .Tan. 30. Pending definite action by the government on foreign exchange, hesitation was In evidence on the stock exchange today. The mnrkcts were miiet, with tlio usual week -cud conditions prevalent. The oil shares, which hod flattened in the Street over night, rallied, Shell Transport selling nt 13 0-10 nd Mex ican Kngles nt 11 0-10. The industrial department displayed the most activity and made tlio best showing. There wns n pause in the, gilt-edged section, but it improved from the lowest. Financial Briefs The averncre nihe nf twentv active The Treasury Department does not industrial stocks declined 0.30 per ccut I offer objection. Mr. Glass said, if the Chamber of Commerce of 'th" United Mates, wlmh has ihnige of the details of the conleiemo, wishes to name dele gates tu tin informal confctcuce, "pro vided the smpp and iharnctei and limi tations of sin h a confirmee as well as r -ants Uearei fo i 'r linarv s'huri Jo ubscrlbe for ibe i w snares to wnlcli hey are entitled tun must in the first nstaneo mil in m l'o tin Seventh day of pril 1 " i' posit Coupon N'o ?8 attached tn e ih rratit held bv hem as viden i .. i i.-sh p lit one of the updcrmenti mlHiil. lamelv NATIONAL 1'(m Si i.Vt. UNION BANK uF I S'.l X1 IIflTHP sjavo Cou't ". v it Strund, Lc ndou V. C -, or 'j I.snopsgate liondoi E, C 2 T,OYDS BANK LI vilt KD Westml.utcr House, 7, Mlllhin.., s, ts , or Lorn bard Street Lo. uoi i3 C 3. THK LONDON TOIN" CITY AND MIDLAND HANK LIMITED. Wes leyan Hall. 1Vet in -tir. b' AV 1 or 5, Threndneedle M'M London n C 2 OUAKANTI TRIM- f"MPNY l)K NEW MRK t. L -ibard Street Lon don. E '' Upon si' b i 'K I 1 elng nad- the Company ha ' b de. med to make to ne ueposi'or .n ritte nt one uruinarv .'s ! LI ' l-n ua 1- mv is- .is i Ss LI4 '! 2S,- -JVS "J7 .TO i'DO for aiOOO f h lnt been d-u demt'lon out nf the monev tn tlia sirk in? Fund ii iti. rhii-i with tlie p v i, n. nf ihe n i- 'ii.-.1 rsltst I 1011 curttii; til n- r-d Mill h til i Ifi? m 1 in.r ' ' i 'rest At tv nfflc- eJ tl t-u"tee u- ) nnd Che-mii i-ta I 1 i -- 1 fib In ts if F'brj.ri 1 iao un wiji h j 0 nteresl ise'-!". ioi'" Tl'-te-.W lIRfiS f 1-1 Tn. te.t rll 1 Inrln 'irni.-i 1" 1l)"n nnnnl Meetlns v-. WARWICK innN VNI) STFLI. -W t CIVI1-N"V Tho Amiunl V line of th tockhidi- nf the Warwkk 1 'ti and Steel Cumin will be In 1 in tlf nhtladeljihW office of the conpanv. No 'Jl Cheitnut street Tnoday, lfliruurj 10. lll.'O it 2 o'elock p m for the lection if board of directors, to arie tor the iiisuin ye-ir Trunfer book of thn eompanv will cloi January 2Slh and reopen February ntu 1U20 11 F lSALLirv.Ni Set et.ri tl). Jai in iscn rhff M tfti .r.nual n e. n, of Hi -hoik holder! tf tt i compan 1 s h Id rtt 1 offlu J. - I'll i lumoul ttreit PhiiRk phln on Tue-id-. IVbriinr 10. 19J0. at 1J ocloik noon fai th I tion of a bt ird of dlieeiors for tli "inulnp- i-nr nnd for tne transaction of such ot'ier busini-i-s .-. ma be brouslib I fo . 'nen joskpii Mrvtonni" s- re- - ,a wciirorui .ii in..- ". uuc we"i""J lit rfiiU in Till si Share in rene t of evert two existinu 2' ' "'''1.V, llu. l-rtl -V. OViafuc. )vdlrt is fVi.a ilannsHrtP I l ' Ki a VlUllltU J w ill. 1 - liri't W tllV V"1V1 1 I Ft llgnorlns shares which are not complete nultlplcs "f tv,o and not allowing Rei:-. Istered Share and jhare V.'arrants to Bearer to be added toKothcr for tha pur. 'oses of Tceeptancel and the depositor must forthwith sign form of acceptance ind pa tht 'urn of II fo each chare accepted J"orms of appli ation can be ebtai'ic-d rorh the oiup n. fc Ollke at Wentmin ter House 7 Millbank s W 1, or the Companj s Office, at .'11 rifth Avenue, New Yorl: Coupons and acceptances must not lie Tansmitted to the Companj, s Hankers "hrough tlu rost but must bo lodged Tersonally or throusi t. Banker If any ""oupon accompanied bv- xn acceptance le not so deposited on or before the bev Wth day of April ne,t or such la er lata as the Board mav in any ca'-e JIow, tht offer shall b" deemed to be lecllncd and the right in respect of such -mare- vv irrant t participate n EST" iffer shall ie in I determine, and the nolder thereof shall have no claim in respect of this offer at-ainst tho Com 'iany or in Directors thereof The tinv shares when allotted will in due coure he lsiiel ab resistered Shares and iruj be --tihnnired later on t desired for share Warrants to Bearer upon pavmen' of tho usual fee and stamp dutv Registered Shares ind Share War "ants to Heai er f irn bt idil d Ij ?ether frr n . e tinti piirv ises BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY. LIMITED A m itr k v 'ti - , r, tjrv Dated CSt i i t ir AVesunirdtii ll Mil'laik Lon don s I Ul'llfK til' l'JllLAIlKI.rillV. IKt ST COVII'iSV P lilidt Iptaia Januai 24 1i20 n -i jal Meitlnff of tl-o stoekholterj cf th limptni M'b be held at their of fli on Tneila. leliruiry 10, luio at 12 o ctotk m nnd ot the same day an ele tlcn nll be held letueen the hour of 12 o'clock n nd 1 o eloik p m for Directors to sene durlnc ilia ennulnc year H L McCLOT Secretary Ctr??TICl.NN! M. MFET1NO OF Tllf - sioikholdern wf the J O llrlll wt 1 I held li tne peneral oflli e rf the i-r mr. Tl . llJd I i I ll VI .1 !!fl n.l .. Ihll. ine de plr i .n i.nriiiir 11, mid it u r To Corporations and Private Investors We offer full facilities in the one case for satisfaction of capital re quirements, in the other for the proper investment of surplus funds. We specialise in the many estab lished OHIO RUBBER, MOTOR and STEEL SECURITIES, which are listed only in Cleveland. OTIS & CO. Inveitment Bankers CLEVELAND Cintlnnntl Detroit Columbus Kron -ouusMnwn Omahu Denver Coluridn sprints VrmlVrs a7t principal exchanges Vn at- uirts to 'eadini tnaihetn to DOCTORS DRUGGISTS DENTISTS You'cin hye - "pirt ownenrup" with 700 ofhcr in your profenions in a going, GROWING Pharmaceutical Laboratory and modern s'u-itory plant which hts over $380,000 tangible audi which ii paying dtTidendi NOW. -Wiich hai increated its buiineit on NO fl -Secret Proprietarici Spccitllici and Pharmaceuticali a large per cent, in 1919. YOU can, by being owner of Ere harei or more, enjoy three profiti including a large saving in price in bonuies in dmdendt from profiti earned thru your inlereil in the source jf supply of the Products ycu pre scribe advise or sell. You can get a Dun or Bradstrtcl report on this $2,500,000 ACTIVE Corporation. WRITE for SPECIAL February BONUS offer to the Pro fession. MlIJUK FINANCE COMMITTEE Dm II S?0, I'nkllc Ledcer Ofllco jesterdav to Hll.tiO, while twentj rail roads declined U ;.. per tent to TIl.UU. Profits alter taxes of the Cliilds Co. i for the .venr ended November 30, 1010, amounted to Sl.537.373. That is equiv- I nlent, after deductions of 7 per cent preferred dividends, to $30. 7." a share , on the common stock. It compares with n surplus of $41ii,100. or i$."0 u share I on the common in 101S. Application has been made to the New ) York Stock Exchange to list United J States Itubber Co. $0,000,000 additional common stock, nud Loews, Inc., 12,W7 . shares additional capital stock without nominal or par value. The Xew York Subtrcasurj lost S31 ,000 to the banks yestcrdav, reduc ing the cash net gain since Uriday to ;s2,417,000. Chandler tv. Co. have prepared an in teresting circular letter giving a com- I prehensive and intelligent review of the j-it-uiii ku i-riiiut'iii. uouui uuu pointing out their possibilities us investments I Edward S. Lewis, formerly assistant cashier of tho Philadelphia National Hank, has been elected secretary -trcas urcr of N. G. Tavlor Co. ' Allocate 120,000 Tons of Steel Ralls Washington, .Ian. 30. At tho re-' i quest of the rnilioad administration,! acting Secretary Crow ell, of the War Department, todnv signed an order commandeering 120,000 tons of steel1 mils, to be allotted among rail mills, on the basis of their productive capa fitj. Compensation iu most cases will be decided luter, on the basis of actual I cost, plus a specified profit, but in a j few cases price agreements with the producers already have been reached. Penntylvnit Dy V" J3fech Work), New CumbetUnd. P Savings Average $90 Every Month THE Automatic Fuel -Saver is guaranteed to save from 5 to 20co of your coal bills. In many plants its effi ciency greatly ex ceeds this. A letter from the Penna. Dye & Bleach Works states : "We are more than sat isfied with this system as it gives us a greater efficiency of power than we have ever had in the history of the plant with other instal lations. Our average saving in the cost of fuel is about $90.00 each month. "We heartily indorse this system." Further advantages are given in an interesting booklet. Ask us to send it today. Automatic Fuel Saving Co. Bulletin Bedding Telephone; Spruce S874 GOVERNMENT BONDS Panatra coupon 2, 1830, Hid 100 inn Panama coupon as, 1B88..,...;00 I'anama registered . ivjh...iuu Pinnnu renistcrod 2s, 11)80, AlC 101 101 101 101 Panama coupon 8s, 1001... Panama rcaTstered 8. loal Philippine ?, 1084....... Philippine 4b, 11185,,..!.! I'hllinnlnn Am in on U 8 qov roiipon i1"ioilV!'.!l U H Gov registered 2s. lniiii 88 on no ...00 . .Inni' 1030. 100(, tt 2- .88 101 101 niOTOl'T-VYfl riioTorr.A-ta PHOTO PlAY THRU 'Company r ,0F1MERICA Tho following theatres obtain their picture auuKu mo oimium uompany of Araer. ica, which Is a gunrantoo of early showinj of tho finest productions. Ask for tho thcatr. In your locality obtaining pictures throueh tho Stanloy Company of America. AlL.v,k., 12th. Morris & raseyunK Are. Alnambra ut.Dallyat , nvgs.citfs o. "MALE AND FEMALE" A Dm I C 02D & -THOMPSON BTS. At U LLJ i MATINEE DA1L. "EVANGELINE" ADPAnlA 10TH & CIIfiSTNUT BTS. AKAU1A 10 A.M. to 11 :18 P.M. ALL-STAR CAST In TIIK HIX BEST CELLARS" ni t irrniDrs dhoad street and fcJLU t-Dl K1J SUSQUEHANNA AVE. NAZIMOVA In ."rirw rtnAT'' BROADWAY "Ti&iTftfr CHARLES RAY in,,,, "RED-HOT DOLLARS" - A OITrT 722 MARKET STREET CA1 1 1 UL. 10 A. M. to 11 il3 P. M. TOM MOOHE In "TODY'S BOW" i-M nMIAI Otn. t Maplewood Aves. CULUINIAL. 2 !30, T and 0 P. M. DOUGLAS FAIRnANKS In -WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL DY" CATDrjn'QQ MAIN ST . MANAYUMC LMrKt-O- MATINEE DAILY CONSTANCE RINNEY In "EUSTWHILE SUSAN'' rrAllf V THEATRE lail Market St rAMlLY 0 A. M to Midnight. DOLORES CASS1NELLI in "WEB OP DECEIT ' PALACE I81S0KmHr VERYWOMAN"10 e' PRINCESS 'VmxliirrT .-.. SSnJk?T- ,0 " r. m! .... ....m, ULiNEItATIO?,.'. REGENT RKWT R1AI Tf antMANiYww ... AvStN ST RUBY MAUKE.T0 T BLOW "HUMAN rntVfJiiXi . '".. . -llJltAl... SAVOY 12U WSet' HA M 10 Mlnvrn..- . ".will niAIlt.M n.. J.U "THE CLODHOPPER. STANLEY NORVC. 'A TALMADOK10." 15 P M XDAtKJHTERyxi.,:; FAIRMOUNT S65aT',ncS,Sa.5 OEI.ALDINB KARRAR In "PLAME OK THE DESERT" U CT THEATRE Helow Spruce DO 1 H O 1 MATINEE DAILY BESSIE BARRISCALE In "HECKON1NO ROADS" Tannhauser" L MacClaln. Soloist FRANKLIN TIimD Zg!SS ALICE BRADY In "THE FEAR MARKET" M,-fU,i Broad Bt. at Erie Great fNorttiern o10,6Mb,8:3o&iopm. CLARA KIMBALL YOt'NQ In "EYES OF YOUTH VICTORIA Mn?rrm BELMONT C2D above juniS BILLIE BURKE In "WANTED. A HUHHanti'. Tho NIXON-NIRDLINGER lilt-ATRES CEDAR 400T" & cEtAir7vFxF sKSRyn HATAKAWA In THE TO.NO MAN" COLISEUM MAI'KET BETWEn.,- VANOIB VALENTINr 1VNI-' wtH "WHEN IJEAltri-n. riiiiil l" - ".i l Liux'i IIVIDCDIAI ,,0TH & WALNUT BTS lMrt-KlAL. Mat, 210 Evgs. 7 & DOUOLAS FAIltnANKS I "WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" I CATMTD 1 ST LANCASTER AVE. Lt-AUt-rV MATINEE DAILY MvnrnN dwivs m "THE CINEMV. MURDER" rUEi-SAVER 9 H ' 4VW.t B Mtt iiilvMS- ,,Arx 8 I ID CD TV BROAD A COLUMBIA AV LltK 1 I MATINEE DAILY CON'STlVrC TATMADOE In "THE VIRTUOUS VAMP" 333 MARKET $7 Wi?F- MVY AI.LlOV In "FAIR AND WARMER" IXflrvrMTI 25 BOUTH ST. Orchestra. IVi'' '- Continuous 1 to 11. HENRY B WATTHAT.l. In THE LOVO ARM OP MANNISTER" OVERBROOKnAvrnFORD AVE NORMA TAT. MA DOE In "THE ISLE OP CONQUEST" 1'KAlNK.hORD 4713 I'WNKroHD MAROUERITE CLARK In NUE "A OIRI, NAMhD MuA".. "23V4 HOURS' "leave" LOCUST CLARA EVE1 OP YOUTH .Rn-.MiT'Yot;:'' "RVRi nu o;Aii. 'n NIXON B2D P.-WARKET STS VrnMnY7,M0 "HAMES AND DENTISTS RIVOLI 2D AND "ANPOM STS STRAND GEns'ANTOWN AVE ntr iVr VENM "RED-HOT nOLLUls ANGO WEST ALLEGHENY ETHEL CT AYTOV ln""csnt"' "MORE DEADLY THN TOE M M.r ;- ---. - - ---- -- ---.-A-sagg DADW RIDC.E AVE i DAUPHIN ST. rAlP Mat 2 1IS Evir fl 45 to 11. PAULINE FREDERICK in "BONDS OE LOVE" EUREKA 40TII & MARKET 6TS. MATINEE DMLI NAZIMOVA In 'Tllhi HllA-i-- JEFFERS6N 2n 20th Daiinhln st MATHTii m.. MAURtCE TOTOVEUR'S "VICTORY" Completo chart uhowlne proirams for tin week appear Saturday evenlnir and Sunday. IX '.WA.AAxy!;A'VtftSB BUILDERS' MILLWORK :i tn lor ill ii-c on or and suth o'htr Iu iies .,. toniH b'tort said i itins HENRV t t U'r- i ir li Esl.lNi, hi-crittir rZgriin I'KNVsll.UMl ACVUEVIV OF THE I im: vet. Th tnnual M.'tiie 'f the tccl' 11 for the lectlun or i preF d rt and dlrp t ors Mill t hld tin, Acidni Itbrnir i, 1U3C, al 3 o ' kiik JOHN ANDREW MER P i r i r rj' riiw NM M. no kh ilrs ' virr mm. in- Tilt Dlllll I.lllitliir Vnn. i o win i nia al ' f c nrnif ni ti , omrii Alpp'T nd 1 ulln "t li j Ini-ilU. IVliruu 111 I!) '(I. n IH S,l.s! VLK Si, ret tri I L- Salesmen Good bond ciicnmrn are wanted by erery bond house Are jou In apositiou to name jour price or accept one3 Our flp Lttion Court' i f Iniettmenti and Security .sliiii(i-the course thrt u beine UKd. by h mdreds of iuc fitful bond Mletmen todo -will notonli circ you the information ou need lo be of real service to tour 1 1 rnti hut will give you a training in lei urilv Selling tbit will practical! insure vour success It contains the informal op which distin guishes the Eo'nl silejmaa from the order laker A request will hr na an Outline of Omirte and copy of ll hat te Ini'itor Like$ in a Bond Ualeeman. gratis IVrjte for Bulletin 34 G BAUSON INSTITUTE Wormirly Inicstment Bankers Bureau) Wellesley Dills, Mass. ikvn uvwi: i,srTi: cci wtiik KldvrH lilrieti'lif In oftl e 0f l ham Blunter riKhi-r Stephen G'rard Bids. TufMiir. iii iii. 10:0. nt ; iy p iu DMdrnili Doors, Sash, Mouldings, ' Columns, Etc. THE HANEY-WHITE CO. !:.; Plant ;!; 1 7th and Glenwood Ave. i-'j Office and Warehoctt ',: 21st and Glenwood Ave, !;; Lists From Plans and j:;i Estimates Given :'j .saw:: f.wj. TELEPHONE SALESMAN Experienced man who has successful record in belling securities over telephone. Man who can follow leads and pro duce results. Perma nent position with com mission brokerage house planning expan sion. Straight salary. Heplies in confidence. Address Box B (532. Ledger Office Test Crew Levick motor oil right from the driver's seat Any novice can test the quality of the oil he puts into a motor. It requires no testing device or chemical lab oratory. The one biggest benefit a motorist derives from quality oil is also its test lasting power. Lubricants break down (or carbon ize) from heat. The better quality a. lubricant possesses the longer it resists heat, and consequently the longer it lasts. The next time you put in oil make a note of the mileage it yields then test Crew Levick oil exactly the same way. You'll be surprised that there could be such a difference in' lubri cants on this: score you'll notice also that your engine is smoother and is perhaps a little keener. Try it and see it's a point worth proving, for it affects your pocket book and your pleasure in driving. rrlll. I l.HKill COM, M MI(.riO. X CIIVIPVNV On fl.U . .li 'ila J,ill p ni, ni in rn l r i t mii ttr-rji th . ay d i iiuirt r!v ilMiii-ti l oi tmi ttf prr t-n t 'SI Ir slum ii t -ilti. iuck f i -nn in I i ah, i P 1 ruan s I.u r Hi.ckhill r is r, uiM-ni ii ts, f th- mi im it U . u K i inn Jii 11 i i-H i I i r wil b ina It-d to 1 ii It. uli i ti p rtu.n it In 1 "rd " HEVRV H I KAi; s. -ta- Railroad Tank Car Marine FREEMAN & COMPANY Llembera New York Mn.k Fxcliange St VlV ST. NhtV VOKK Private Wirs to New York Call Lombard 4380 ir'ri:iii.UM (iii, wit com k:E' ron-'oaviiiiN. t a nie lirK if Ih loird of llrec -- ' the Penilvl ini t f 111 anil ( i)Vi- I rj - fl, n li 1 tl is da lli r w n. -la- regular dividend rf ' oer cent out of tne , i tiiuilut d arnlnift5 rd sun'luf if th ,rr nn pa i-le n" Pehriiary 111. 10o t it c l ill--! of rtfffl Ht th" riw - i i3 ne u u I uruar 1 1 '-" " l ii w rkis Pr n r Kiiuar - U' . THE OIRlI NATIOVVI, BVrj PhiludelphU Pi Jin .7 mo Thn Board of Directors has th n da. Je rl red i iuarterl dividend r S er lent I5SI, paiabl. February i, 1H3U, to .ck Iu ! It rs -if record wt tno ilobt of ousinaj jji jurj. "7 pS1 i n-tf a wi 1 ta mailed C M ASHTON il le- t S V LBV y Advice Tr ti, i ronf I i ntHiia a 1 uml 1 no w rk on ti ol f fTi ir a Mtbra- 4 both min- nioiHht a rr.l I NT A lMT.c; . ( X.-1 V- Vr -i-k-iAIA ' KSSJii i,hU' niiustru i nit riuniania ' " ' M,w "- 7 nanUal ami oi uiuihk A '.. . m. i .. iimiiii nf .ilimir five ti MHMUH."1. i.'i""1' - - I. ..wiMlunililiiieil I Vi At, plica' lon bv mail ontalnlnif a full .Statement of edu atnn mil experlepie Ktogetlier with lelte ,r rei n nm ml t in I'hwllld "4 lliai u 11 '"e ' lilinii-fil ill ri rfore Feirur 7th L FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION T" ltllklllllKtUII l Edw. G. Budd Mfg. Co. 1st 6s Aug. li 1928-1931 f V- I'mnaj'Ii-nUi. sf ym-niI rri income iiu, oti uppllcaiian. Circular on Rtqwt PrnpoiiN Bureau of Highways Department of Public Works Philadelphia s il ' proiMiualu ill I r i' if 1 ud in. ii J In Uojm .'HI CH Hull ut 12 o loilc in on ru.uluy lebruir IDIh injti for Paving with Asphalt (Assessment Work) Repaving with Asphalt Repaving with Redressed Granite Block Repaving with Wood Block Improvement of Adams Avenue Improvement of Country Roadb Curb and Footway Work (Proper ty Owners to Pay) i oniracto-s will bo required to ntniih with Hi. Att of July ISth ni7 retain n Workmen a t'npenaitlon Innuran" aid proof 11IU-.I t f irnl.hed the t par n n I ihe al I i i i im t r that he , tlie pri lei 3 iif J V I an I li 1 i j H 1 al lilt tn r unl.r ir jr J , i, , th r fr in JOHN- i ws- is l r. tor Inquire at Room Sit.' I it Hil Yours is go--which? Do If so, it will MIITM Itslllps ftt DISSOLUTION MlTIt EN01 ll F.'ls u-1 hereby elven mlh.i' VI Mind and V ; Morris, tr-dlne a VI Wind A Co. and an - ind Slorrli, ha dissolved partnership - on Januiry 7 1IJ0 All p ranna liavlr.i; 1 claims igalnst either of the above firms cirltfii,alln before that date are request d - n....n, t ut cnce In ticrsnn ar hv Z rti'atereil nialL o th upJerJlsned woo - : Lav. bjen appri'Hl ..att?L"l" tn-fact, "To Those About to Build." You know Punch's famous "Advice to Those About to Many Don't!" Well, prophets of that sort are always ready with the same advice to those about to build. It sounds very wise and prudent but is it? No business stands still, ing forward or backward you need a new building? pay to build it, and you will lose money if you don t. But perhaps you are competent to do your own deciding. If so, you are just the soit of person who will appreciate the help of a com petent lumber organization one that is al ways ready with very large stocks on hand, able to get more quickly, accustomed to prompt action, able and willing in a pinch to do a little more than it has promised. We deal not in advice, but in lumber. Some day you'll build. If you want the work fin ished on time, sec that the lumber cornea from LLOYD. William M. Lloyd Company THE I.rMBKIl CBNTRB. 29th Street and Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia ESTABLISHED isus SOUTHERN OFFICE CHAlTLOTTE. V C l Wherever you see the Crew Levick diamond you can buy these Crew Levick products. Motor Oil Cup Grease Special gear compound Auto Soap v Gasoline Crew Levicik Compeiy Philadelphia Boston New York Syracuse j$m afflRi SubMdiwyCilw, StiYict2ff& OracfikGxmhfi 'htftxlpmclwxzs ardrefimscfafl .i.TaH Hl"l IICVULKU, A.1 VTlNEailAD. Xkmtmad Whelen & Co. illllllllll!!!ll!!llllllllllllllllllllllllH , 87 B. Ud iSl! rmannin i. Attsllani-'M mmmmwmmmmmmm