EsSaStfl "WW mm!m fFSro If? ',( , vv..,- , - ,y--.-, ,-? HFHfflqtft. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUAKY 3(J, 1920 'IP NEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLDNEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS H tm KIUSS HtlMi i?U4 ZK3 SSfi? f I II Consolidated Gas Co. of New York Tho Vivo Year Secured 7 Convertible Oold Bonds oC tho Company will constitute its only bonded debt. Net EnminRS of the System in 1910 more than twice all interest charge, including this issue. Estimated population served exceeds 4,000,000. Price: Par and Interest, Yielding 7 Circular on trniirat tor PIJSTl TheNationalGty Company eorrtW'dent afflcea in over St CUim Philadelphia --U21 Chestnut Street Atlantic City--ChalfonU Block 1225 Boardwalk UNDERTONE STRONG DESPITE CONFLICTING INFLUENCES i ! Urgent Demand for Call Loans Over ITcek-End Forced Kate I to III Per Cent NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS WHWWryigj Investments Based on 5 Established Records In the last analysis, consistent earning power provides the best protection for any security. We shall be glad to give ; on request the record of earnings of any im portant corporation and also supply data regarding the man- Ncu York. .Inn. :'.(). Today's mnr- I opening. Aside front General Motors, kot continued to drift along in about which forfeited n small part fyM ., . , , ., day s l.'.-tioint ndvnnee, anil t rurlplo the Mime tnnnner a. tinted in t,he tin- KJ' , 0if(,h ,n(1, , , ,loilllj., ,lricP mediate preceding sessions. The move- fluctuations wore limited to fractious. ment was somewhat conflicting yet the undertone nt nil times was distinctly strong, mid. ns noted In the preceding sessions, the least resistance was again encountered on the buying side. The trading in the general list con tinued under the natural restraint of tho high rates (or money and the scarcity of funds for stock market poses. On the other hand, som the liovvorful clmuos mid nonls, par tii'iilarly in the motor group and their accessories, again moved up quotations with ii degree of confidence that was little short oT surprising. Yostrrdav's Hurry in call loan rates fnrcsli.-irtnvv'oil another tleht money iiiiikI-.I ....lot i,i,.iai nLtiAdinllt' ill V'ioW ' . . 1.1 1 ,. I iruil,. a ...,,.- v-.-, ....,. - - agement, debt, etc. bonded In tltn (imminent shares, n D-POint rise in A'irginlo Iron and I -point rise in llnilvvny Steel Spring were the only noteworthy features. Before the end of the first half hour prices steadied when the motor group started up again, with Cicnernl Motors and Chandler Motors attaining new i,i.-li lnw.u tnr tlin nresent movement. '"",; Tho independent steel shares followed ,. I close on the heels of the automobile. stocks, making good progress m tie second hour. At the same time the equipment and shipping shares nyiycd irregulnrlv forward with the utilities. Foremost among the latter were Amer ican Telephone and Consolidated Ons. i Tho oils and tobacco shares were in- i of the fact that all loans carry over i active and irregular, although some oi until Monday. According to the hoard the lower-priced lnemuers ot tnc Riom reports, there was big demand for i retrieved sonic of the ground lost in the nuiiiev before the loan market opened, i preceding sessions. The rails, as repre-, and the supply much under tho amount seated by Southern l'ncihe and Leading required. The opening rate was es- . threw off some of their apathy at mod- tahlished nt 1- per cent, and even at erate advances. this prohibitive rate a great many of There was the usual partial forfeiture tin' speculative interests were evidently nf ,hp ,m)rnitig improvement in the fa doing a great deal of squirming in male- ' minr niiddav reaction following the ing their loau arratigemeuts. ostnblishmont.'of 12 per cent call loan To ton it over fresh weakness de- I . nmt f,.Ui .lonrossion in forcien ex- veloped in the foreign exchange markets. cun,Be. i which undoubtedly was influenced to a Tho n,.v (ll ,nc demand for call large degree by Secretary (,las s ntti- l,non(lv om. ,-;., ,veek-end und the rcla- I tilde toward further credit exlensmns to i (iv(lK: V(,a,trjPt,.d amount of available I Europe. Supplementing those disturbing (xmd's was demonstrated when tlie cnll influeuce was tho outlook ot a dead- ratc Wils forced up to 10 per cent in! lock in Congress over the rnilroad legis-i tip afternoon. While some of the' latiou and the disappearing hopes of an ' rnruer Bnins were dissipated, the mar early compromise ou tho peace treaty. .p continued to give a remarkably In the face of these conditions which , good account of itself, as indicated in i ordinarily would have meant lower ti10 perceptible strengthening of posi- I prices, the market simply wavered and tiou of the investment rails and high- , turned dull, then steadied under the in- class industrials ou very light dealings. tluence of the fresh forward swing in I (-au money rose to 'JO per cent, the i the automobile group. j high record of the month, in the final I Then- were few features of interest , hour, but steels, equipments and ship- , presented in the dull and irregular pings made further advances. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Jiiin&ita .m I'.irfc ,v((rfe IJrrhangn Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New TorU U-'viau Scran ton STOCK STRONG Philadelphia Markets AS MONEY SOARS .SECUEIT1ES YJE MAKE u specialty of Listed and Unlisted Securities in the Pittsburgh market. Direct Private Wire Moore, Leonard & Lynch ( nlimun Nrwliall. Mtr. IViU-t'iirlton Hotel 1:J40 Walnut St. Nrn Vol! Plllsbursh, 1U Cre.iiii..y Kri'k UinlJini mi;mi'-i;s .'CK I'Ull.MMIt.l'lll A PtTTS IOIII M'li'h '..i'HA.iJi;s Confident Buying Locomotive Made That Stock Stand Out GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT IlecrtDts, 23. 431 bush. Th ' irurki't iv as quiet lut st'Ady. Quotation: i"ar lots, in riport "levator, uoiernnifnt j finiidard lnsp"etlon Bta.ncl.in1 price. No. 1 reU winter. J2 ail. No 1 northern sprinp, '.'!: No. 1 hard winter $2 SO. No 1 red winter, sarltrlty. S2.37,; No. 1 red smutty.; No 1 red, garlicky and btnutty, i J2 t The United States tlniin rorpora nf RnlrlvAin Hon nurchaais of wheat are bnsd on the v. wu.vf . .i. f0;jUWln(r schedule or discounts: rso. .M-W wheat 3c under No. 1. No. 3 wheat Co under ' v.- I. No. 4 wheat 10c under No. 1. No 5 wheat lie under No. 1. t CORN" Receipts. 25.274 bush The mar ket was higher in sympathy with the West. Hut trade was quiet. We auofte. at. to qual ity and location, at SI ilSSi 1 ".". the latter for No 2 yellow . OAT-- Receipts. l.'l,S2 bush. There was an advani. of le due to liKht offerlncf. but demand wu. only moderat". We iuote. Car lots as to location No 2 white. M noVj 81.01: No. a white. t'fi-j cSTS! . No. 4 white, US's '8(IUc. KIJII'R IteoetnlB. nnnnrl tn t pack Demand was licht and there was ! no ihanse in prices. Quotations I'er 10 ,.fc. ,; pounds parked m 140-pound jute satrks ondltions p0ft winter stralcht western. S10 73M 11.2.'.: '10. oo. nearoy. 5l0.ri5ttr n; tiara winter. Sl.T t ir. .10. do. chert richt I 13.50S It. sprmff first clear. JlOiiilt. do. . 1 1 ' m.Tfn 1 X h thnrl n.lrtr-.f lli T ". traders were confronted by a dis- 181s 25' fanev sprinc ,.nd city mi!l ratunt. I lainuv uidiiuf. i ..iu lu.iu. UVE KLf"im was ouit but firm Quo tations. J10'S10 7e per barrel in sucl.s to quulitv. I' TRADING VERY NARROW New Yorli. .Inn. 20. The New York Sun's closing financial review today says : Monotonous speculative again obtained iu the securities market i 'g; As bus been the isic today along tressing shortnge of funds for market , operations. Compared with a renewal jot Jii per cent yesicruuy jur cun .e.., , pfTTEfl The market for tin- soods n tfwtnr's renewnl ti"ure was 1 tier cent, t lc hisher with a fair Jobhlnsr trade, un- itoaay s rem wilt n,uro u i- i idersrades were dull. The quotations: Solid- ! In the earlv afternoon the rate wa i packed creamery, fansy, hlgh-scorlny cood advanced in successive step; to WW '.,. o, "trai W arid then IS per cent. I lies? ligures , rreamf.ry Pnolce t0 anc.j fB,.,Hc. f,jr !n tell plainlv enough of tho obstacles i Rood ssertSe; prints jobblnir at 7274r which are being placed in the path of fo' '?'"- a"d ' for fair to choice. ,,.ii;,. niu. ent inns fur the advance M,Q!" There was a fair demand fur de- speculatne operations tor tin uuunc. , .raW, Mocj, and yrices r-uied steads. The Thai filet thill totltlV s loails CHl'rV OVer niuittionv were .in fnlli.wa' IV.a ..a nb-.r. the week-end had something to .do with p,IV.wSra"Vr,?i ?&, tnc higher rates and iiImi foreshadow -il flr,ls jH,,5n: rou jtorat-e eKit, as to qual- $30,000 f" South Carolina and Georgia R. R. Co. First Mortgage 5J4s Due May 1, 192D Guaranteed Principal and Intercut By tho Southern Railway By Endorsement ! Price: Market To Net about 5. 75' Biddle &. Henry 104 SOUTH 1 IFTHST. statement to ny. S14 lO'glo SO: ecteci rresh egss doxen infi lor jobblm; lots lower: fce. 70i 72c Bales nifi HOD i no SlilO oo noo ion 1.T00 no 4(190 'inn 500 .1100 loon loa 3700 700 .'00 ,M0 (.00 6J0 2000 soo -MOO 4700 .190 .1)0 090 jon ami (eld 1)0 300 2200 10.UJ0 15)0 400 lOtl lno 1S090 200 100 J00 90 CII0 400 (100 (iOo 0,11 400 10400 100 ton 800 1100 100 700 fiOO son 500 400 210 S90 200 r,oo .191) iS 100 200 10U 200 100 asoo K1U0 10(1 500U 400 490 200 400 :too ion 100 400 100 I.IOU aou 10H toon 1 1011 MOil 1.5 on 10(1 J 10(1 icon tn'ioo 400 1(1011 2.5(10 1 loon nju I tilt 2 Jli 990 100 IS'lll 2)0 Civ. In i 0 Ajax ltubber . Alaska Gold Mines .. AlllH-C'halmorB ... 7 AUIa-Chalmcrn pt M am lleet Sturnp . . Illnh Nl Hi' 4K S7 i n t Am llosch Mncneto ..132 .. Am Can A0fc 7 ,in Can pf J8?b 13 Am Car &. Pdy IBS "A 7 am Car & Ktly pf ...113 4 .m Cotton Oil ...... ol? so m Dnnf Syn UV4 Ant Hxprcs-t 07 7 Am Htdo & Ixathpt..UGJ8 6 Am Internnt Corp ...111 I Am-Taa Franco Unglne 14(4 3 Am Ijlnseed KfiH o Am Jaoeomotlvo too .. Am Ship Commerce. 23 W 4 Am Smelt te Ret .... 68yj 7 Am Smelt & net pf . . s :i Am Steel Koundrlea .. 45 10 Am Sumatra Tob .... 02Vi s Am Tel & Tel tno-H 20 Am Tobacco 200 H Am ,Tob .Seo temp ctfa. 08 ?a 7 Am Woolen t88 .. Am. Writing Paper pf. M? 4 Anaconda Copper ..a a 01 .. Ann Arbor H Ann Arbor pt 21 Assets lleollzatlon ... 414 .. Asso rry Goods fiO'.i Atch Top & Santa Ve. o2'.'a 7 At lantio Coast Ijlnit .. NOVS 10 Atl Gulf & W 1 S 3. ..lCSVi 3.50 Baldwin Ijocomotlvcrjli . . Baltimore & Ohio .... SI 4 Baltimore & Ohio pf.. 44 Yx .. Bethlehem Motors ... 29' 5 Bethlehem Steel 9V4 S Bethlehem Steel B ... OH'A .. Booth Fisheries l'4 .. Bklyn llapld Transit.. 11 10 Burns Bros tOOV .50 Butta Conner & Zinc. . 99i . Butte & .Superior Cop. 2 . . (uldo Central O & n. 2: California Pivcltlnc ... S. Canadian racina ....127U Central Leather S3T Cerro tie Pasco Cop. . . 55 ''i Chandler Motors ....IIVTb Chcsapealta & Ohio .. S4',a Chi Gt Western rf ... i CliI & Northwestern.. M Cht Bock Ial & Pac . . . '-'Ca fill R I & Paa 7"o pf.. ' Chi Mil & St Paulpf.. 52 Chile Copper 1S Chlno Copper 3'H Coca-Cola ;'S Colo ft Southern .... 331 Colorado Fuel & Iron. 10a Col Graphophono . . . Col Graphophono pt. Consolidated Gas . . . Consolidated Textile . aOVi Con Interstate Cal M. . in Consolidated Cigar . ("on Cisar pf Continental Can . . . Continental Candy . Cont Can pf Corn Products Bel. Crucible Steel CruelhlB Steel Of . . Cuba Can Sugar 50 ! 2 Cuba Cano Sugar pf.. :: Denver & Bio G pf . . . . 13 Del Lack & Western. .173'i Dome Mines I" & EUt Horn Coal 2?4 Emerson-Brantlng ... 27 Cinerson-Brantlne pf. 81 V Tandtcott-Johnson . ...1.MI Undlcott-Jolinson or . .1021S Kri "ft 01 i SO la . 02 . 82 '-i eN . 12' .1021, . 85 Is .22S . 0! Wis II 82 on 28 13 U uu 12 '!! ibiiii mis 1 mill 11 , iiiiiimnii ssn whmihiisiwimi 3 T1 V Imnds when prices T?l V Imnds when prices are low and lite yield is high. Vp lintean intereMinj; word about tlii- -itu:i1ion. VUI1 you hear it? Baker, Ayling & Young land lit It- Hide;. Boston I'ltiludelpliia a none too tiivorunie uaiiK morrow. Trading ou the exchange started off , with a fairly active buying movement i in the motors. Onins here amounted t,. 1 to 4 points. Aside from this group and it few indh idiml stock.-, the market I made little or no progress toward higher levels. When money rate-, started to -oar the sliht forenoon improvement lo-t and traders turned to the selling side. The market failed to move out of the rut in which it has been holding all week, how ever, and attempts to -tart an active selling movement were un.-uccessfiil. Confident bu.tiug of llalilwin Locomo tive mused that stock to -tund out dur iusr tho unsettlemeiit. The general run of steels and equipment;- made no 1111- nominal Wiwoneln. uhola-iwlk rtnta. ..,. ..I..I..W.. I'lMulina. icns lni'elir l;mcy, alVa traSc, fancy held speuitls h portant cltatigc liauing was uu ciy hul fair to sood 3i,la W31. . .loi.bintr proiesMowu uiiu 111 iiuiiiuisnuu unuum. In the la-t hour call money ro-e to Jll per cent, the higlie.-t point 1 cached this year. Thi- ligtire did not disturb the murker t" tiny great extent, its only influence being to "reduce trading to a -til smaller volume. Ilaldvviu Loco niotivc a- one nf the t'i'W active fea tures, crossing 120 for a 'gain of more than three points, Canadian Corpora -iii. n w-iw riiilieft nhnvp ."0 tnr n .l-nnint move. Taken as a whole, the .market Iduck'whtti 1'ekin. llua gave an lmprcKsive exhibition of sound- : ner, 4042p; do, Mucov. 2-i80c: eaen. nes. in th'. face of many discouraging XLilf'&LXl vJWe"S,0&; ' i f v t fiiMtsr . ""' ' " ' t w. ( sv. PROVISIONS Tude was nulet and larrely ui jouoini , cliaracter and some kinds were weaker. Tht followlni; were the quotations Ileef. in -eta. smoked and air-dried. nit . beef knuckles and tenders, smoked und air-dried ",2c. pork, family, .',2c hams. K. P. cured. ,oose, 27(iJ2Slc. do. skinned, .cose. 23'j if -3Ht: do. do. smoked. 2:14 fi 27VSc: hams, boiled, boneless, a7c. p.cnlc shoulder, h P. cUred, loose. 23c. do. Jmoked. -'4c. lel hee. in piikle, loose, 25c bieakfjit baron i.'2c. lard. 27c. DAIRY PRODUCTS CI-UUME Trade vrnp 6c"-c ;tnd pr ' e ?m iored buyers. Thi followinc ivisro the quo te lions New Tork. whole-milk rtats. held, tancc. 31 Wrasse: fancv hr!d specials li I c 1 . . i lild. lair to sood, 30' l&31c. current make. , i. neia. hishsr: ' sa es nt ian' til.j (iooas. aim 30'' POULTRY LIVE 'Crade was quiet nut . .- market ruled flrni on flue i'csiral.1 auii stock, which was atarre. The quotations Fo-.vls fme fat. weitfhin;; & mi. and over apiece. 42V-Uo: exceptional lot higher: fowls, me dium size. Good qualitv, Si40c; do, poor. :t.',3Tc: brnllins chickens, fancy, aoft-riiegt-"i. welchins lH: lbs. apiece, 42liV' urine chickens. aieraK" soft-meated. !fi 3sc; do. Inferior. 3fiD36c: staccy younf roosters. 20?l2Sc: old roosters, 24'2.'C; :! nt Jin 0i 390 ! . 200 o 100 6 ICO 7 Kill .5 1 eu .5') it I ('.ill 17DII 10(1 0 70U :no 4 1 1100 2 CI 00 I .25 (V0 . Erie 1st pt Krie 2d pf Famous PlayerB-L . . 8 Famous Play S?e pf. :i Freeport Texas . Flsk Rubber . . II General diem P. 7 General Cigar deb pt. SO u - General Electrlo .. .100 General Motors . . . .3i . General Motors pf ... si Vs il General Motors' vteb ov2 i Goodrich B F . 'O's 7 Goodrich B F pf. . . 3054 I Gt Northern Ore otfs '.I8ra 7 Great Northern pf.... 7'4 Gulf States Steel n 4 Hackell & Barker Car. 58 U 5 Uartman Corp 10394 llupji Motor Cai . 10 7 Illinois Central 88 'j Inspiration Con Con . Jtl-v Internum Con Corn 4 Inter Con Corp Pf " 3 Int Agricul Corp ... . 20 W lnt Asncul Corp pf. si int Harvester 120 Intermit Mot Truck .. 12 ' 4 lntl Mot Truck 1st in M lot Mer Marln lnt Mr Miirinu pf . Intel national Nlcltul Uiternaiional Papar international Salt Iron Products Corp , Kelly-Sps Tim Kenneeott Copper . Keystone Tire ci Kub. Lackawanna Steel . . Philadelphia Stocks "ii 117 21.. . 5 1 a 5(1',, . 50 7a .120 . 30 4, . 3"o . SI'i JtOST SI 1 40 87 8J. 120 55 U 08Ji ins 115 50 ,4 13J 07 K0?s 10914 Hi's 84. OSH 2.5 08 i 98 44 re !)l?4 99 20'l 07 H 55 !A 01 4 1014 2t 4Vs 5SI 81 ?i 8I6 l02'5 ItCVs 31 43'i as' 95 !79i 13 H 14 10014 OKa 25Ts 22 Ji el 14 1271', 02 ?i 55 III si to 23 U rtH 20 09 'J 51 V2 ls.i 301j, 37i'2 23 '. 4(1 U 51 14 91 80 30 I89i (12 82 (j s8 nj'a 102 le 84tB 2i3!i OMVa ID 1b S3 12!i 173H 121i 21 ?s 27 8 U'4 13.5! i 102 li 12 'a, 11 SI 8S'i 2li' !n 90 14 lb.5 311-Ji SI J-i so iS',4 90 14 38 74 s 105?4 i:.?4 88?s 50 !4 3't. ll"e 20 12 12 '4 so 3',4 SO'!. 24 'A -4'3 50 !, 50 135 '2 30n 37 '4 S3! 2 Today's Met f lose ChKC. dt Div. tn 1 4994 '.'4 87 V 01 J, t4 122 2 .55 li- 14 1)8 - '4 1 38 14 94 I 1151 , 50 i- 14 14 4 U 07 - 'I ! II6T0 ? , 110 94 L ItVa-t- yj I 85 T' ' 100 1 L 2514 rs , 08 12 94 8 I 15 4 M ' an l 90H ?S ! 200 H- I OS I 157 14 u : .5,5 9i- ' 01 1,4 11 4- Vz - 1 114 i 1 45 4 9i H V I 9i 7 14 I VI K2' -1- 1 AVz I. 4 VI 4 105 4 1211 J a 4 31 4 9SV4 98 Vi IOOI4- IVi !94 25Js 3 23 4-sll2- 1271s 02 T4 4 55 '2 112 54 IS 23 14 37 - 38 4-23V54-40 14 4 .52 ill Ml 30 -1894 02 lie 859i-- 220 15 99S'a 50 Vi J 83 9J -27 sm- 1351.4 10s 55 -r I'I'a 10 V 14- 81 H 4- 8n?44- 28 4 12 ?i 99 -r 81V5 4- -10V4 4-no'A- J89i 57 ',- i!l - 58 14 105 9-i 4- 1.5 94-- SR?s4 J II 14-r 4 U !'.' 20 -80 :9 Sales lion 400 .. 100 7 100 300 7 200 0 300 400 100 200 7 8800 0 15700 1.20 700 4 400 100 ,. 100 300 200 S00 ,2 000 ion 7 200 7 100 480 ion 1100 1.50 500 10 ' 400 K 70n inn too 100 2200 500 1400 1.500 400 1300 100 2800 COO 800 400 SU0 800 Hlzh 3 'a I 1 Vi M5 15 Ha 194 !4 12 t i-y4 80 - :in;4- 3094- 21 H- e5 1 ;p'0- .5(1 Ji- - i.:.5' 311 9s - 3SV5- Si!5- 1 Va 'e 34 3. I '.4 8000 7011 300 700 3800 990 ioon 1000 .ton .500 100 1U0 17700 100 100 2500 s 800 2200 100 100 34 OK 24001) 200 4100 IPO son 258(10 100 15UU tun 2!)t 210(1 1(10 :ion 000 100 100 200 :ioo 2800 000 1 200 ' 2.500 323ti ton 200 too ton (11)11 4 Milt 200U jao :ijii sun 50(1 72HII 10,1 too 10(1 3. 50 JO.'i'.'H nun 290 103(1(1 tlill'i I'll) 15C0 ;iO(i ton ton a'J i) inn 129 tun i;n 1 lino 10 jii :s7,iu ;.in 5JII il'JII Liggett Myers rts. . 10 Loft Corp .a. !J3 laotlllartl Tob pf 108 laoose-wilen Biscuit . . 07 Loose-Wiles 11 1st pf. 4 Mnckny Cos 00V5 Maxwell Motor 31 y. Maxwell Mot ctts .... 31 Maxwell Mot lBt pf . . . S May Dent Stores ....12.515 Mexican Petroleum ..100 Middle States Corp ... 41 H Mldvulo Steel A Ord.. 4958 Missouri Kan ft Tex. . 0 Minn is St Ii now.... 1314 Missouri Paclflo 2194 Missouri Pnclllo pf . . . , 40 54 Mulllns Body 4714 National Acmo .a a... 38 V4 Nat Atilllno & Chem.. 05 '4 JCat Anllino & Ch pf.. 8' 14 National Biscuit pf..U4 Nat Conduit & Cable.. 10 Vi National Lend SI Nat P. It of Mex Zd pt '4 Nevada Con Copper .. '10! New YorK Air Broke ,109 New York Central ... 09 New Yorlt N II & II.. 20a New York Ont & W. . 1714 Norfolk & Western .. 95 North American 57 14 Northern I'aclflo 78 Nova Scotia H ci C ... 71 OWn Prod H Bef 914 Ohio Cities Gaa 4794 .. Ontario Silver Mln... M?t .. Otis Steel 3814 4 , Pacltlo development .. 7394 0 Pan-Amer Petrol & T. 9SV4 .. Pan-Amer (B) 01 V4 3 Pennsylvania R R . . . . 435j Peoples Gb.3 Chicago.. 40 94 .. Pcro Marauetto ...... 29',4. 3 Philadelphia Co 40?'a .. Plercc-Arrovv Motor '. . 7194 . . Pierce OH 19 8 Pierce OU pf M 5 Pittsburgh Coal of Pa 01 .. Pittsburgh ftWV.,, 28!, 8 Pressed Steel Car ....100 6 Punta Alegre Sugar . . m94 8 Railway Steel Sprmt.. OOVi i Ray Consolidated Cop. 21?, 1 Reading 74H 2 Reading 2d pf 34?, Replogln Steel 4.5 !4 0 Republio Iron & Steel. 110V, 0 Republio Iron & S pf..l03?j 4 Repub Motor Truck .. 51 Vi .5U Royal Dutch NY .... 107 14 St L San Francisco. . 18 Saxon Motor I'JU . ...221 !i 8 Sears-Roebuck 7 Sears-Roebuck pf Shell Trans Tiadlnj Sinclair Consol Oil . 0 SIobs Shell S & I . . 0 Southern Paclllo . southern Railway . . 1 Stromberg Carl . . Studcbakcr 7 Studcbalter pf . f-'tutz Motor .1 Superior Steel Xenn Cop & Chem . Texas Co Texas Co 30 paid. . Texas Co full pd ... Texas & Pacific . . Third Avenue 8 Tidewater Oil Tidewater Oil rt . . Tobacco Products . . Transcontinental Oil .5 Trnn&us & AVms Steel. 02! 4 Union Bag & Paper . 91 Union OU a-3 !, Union Paclllu . . ..122?, Cntou Pacltlo pt 0794 United Alloy Steel ... 19 i United Fruit . . . . l"n Ry Investment . Un Ry Invest pt .'. . United Retail Stores. .. IT S C I P A Fdy . .5 URCIP & Fdy pt : U S Food Ptuduots 1 U r! lud Alcohol . . s U S Realty At HUP n 11 .1 ltubber . . 1 IT S Rubb.'i lot uf 0 U S SmeP. & Ret. . f S Smalt & Rof pf U .1 Steel . ... '. i It & Meet pf 0 Utah Copper Vanadium Cum 4 Va-Cuiultitii Ciietii 8 Va-Car Chcni pf 0 'a Iron Coal & Coke. Wabash Wabash pt "- Wells Fargo Exp .... 52 Western Maryland '' ?4 Western Pacinc pf ... 0 Western Union Tot ... 88 U Wcfctlnghousd A Ur...HS WcstUn;luiiise Ii 'c M. 631, Wheeling & L Erie... 12 Wliiii- Mutur d'-"4 Will- s ovvrlaud 2:1 Wilson .v: Co 74 ! Wuulivuitli I'' IV Lt'4 . . W'jillunuton I'uuui . ' 2 Bx-OMdcnd. 8 in 4 in .1 1 in tlo .. "S!5 . 12!4 . 7!5 ..100 74 21 "2 , 7794 .107 .101 ..13194 . 49 . llfs ..23315 .192 . .193 . . 30 14 . . 13 V0 . .295 . 20 !4 .. 30 Vi . 20 , ..1WIV5 . . UK, . 29 SJ, 21 . . 53 ?s !? . .l')7!-5 . 5U4 .I27!', 111 !, . . 7(1 14 . . 479 . tan . .1139, .. 71 ?4 . 53 il'M . .110 '2 91 8 r.ow 14J4 2294 108 07 09 on 31 H 30 3D 12.5 107 9, 3094 4SH 9 1314 2194 40 47 V4 38 01 87 V5 114 10V5 t;3 514 10 108's 0814 20 17 V5 95!4 57 V4 "T4 71 9 '8 nv, 894 37 V94 111 '4 1101-5 429, 33(5 28H 409, 502 19 9114 cot, 27 !4 1)9 " 88 SVj 21 74 ?, 31 4.51-5 1494 103 51 Vi 107 18', I8V2 22 IJ, 110 7!4 4094 58'4 :i 94 21 !4 707, 10.5 tm 13214 1 W il ?4 200 192 192 3.5 '4 13J, 205 20 14 a ovi 2.5V4 02 III 1294 12194 0794 in 14 191! 5 121, 28 Vi !8 19 (4 33 V5 17 . tllOi-i 61 !i 12514 III':, 50-14 47 I11SV4 II3I-, 31 49 w 11012 88 8 Today's Net riose Chue. 10 4- 94 2294 - Vk 108 - VA 07 - 2V5 90 89V4- 14 3114- Vx 30 J4- !4 59 - r 12-514- ii 100 4- V 41 V4- . 49J4 .. 9 12 V5- ri 2434 V5 40 94 li4 47V5- 14 38 - Vi 05 87V5- Vi 114 - 1 I0VJ4- V4 S3 - ',4 Sli 10 - ', 108 r 4- r, 09 20 4- 94 1714 4- 0.5 !4- 94 57154- !' 78 !4 71 - 9 'a- ' 47 V5- V4 8 - 37 -h V4 7394- 94 2?.i- V4 111 42 !4 39 V4- '4 i8a- 14 o - !4 71V4 4- 94 19 !i 1 !4 - !i 01 "7?4- 94 9'.il4t- l!5 88 14 994- 194 219,4- !', 73 H 4- 94 34- 14 1514 4- 14 Hd4- 2!4 103 4- lis 51 V4 - ai 107 Vi v, 1814 4- ' 18 V5 4- !, 221 -!i 110 11.5 FEW CHANGES MADE IN PRICES OF LOCAL STOCKS Taking Advantage of Exchange Situation, "Pemisy" (',, French Bonds Ahead of Maturity It would be necessary to go back to the dog days of mid-summer to find n parallel for the acute upnthy which hns fallen over the locnl market. The deal ings today were of the same Mnall dimensions and were practically void of feu tu re of Interest, Price vurintlotis, except in n few scattering instances, were confined within the smnllcst frac tional limits. The only fluctuation of consequence occurred in the Philadelphia Niitionnl Rank warrants, which, after opening .$! higher nt 101), dropped back to laiit night's closing Hi."!, then rallied to 107. The relatively wide spread in the quota tion n the last few davs In the trndlnc in these subscription privileges would I imiiuie a iiiurougn Cleaning up ot till' floating supply. t.iI'.cV.8,,"'nR orders appeared In Philadelphia Ilnpld Transit, causing the price to dccllneto 2P,j, a new low for the current movement. The loss, how ever, was subsequently restored, indlenl -ing underlying buying orders. Electric Storage Rattcry was offered a little more freely with most of the stock being taken nt lUTVj. AVheu this selling stopped stock rallied to R10. Moderate protit-tiiking sales carried American Stores to 41, an overnight decline of 7" cents. Ihe tlrst preferred stock sold nt, !)'-', or fiO cents under the previous sale. These recessions, however, carried little significance except to further em phasize the extreme narrowness of the current dealings. This was further at tested iu the fractional declines in American Gus, Lanston Monotype and Philadelphia Co. cumulative preferred, which were made on verv small deal ings. A great deal of interest was muiiifcst- iifti:S'P'f!l! f 11 .Y ". ' "'' in CI ll fn tou in advanlV''nn-cleinn. Freeh frnucs ;)', Wr ,' , f ",r inc which between r.O.OuO 0(m ' , 'iJ" 000 francs are outstaiidlug -n ' '"'' pany nn'tuni y is takliur , ,1,-, . r"m' the extremely l,v'ra "' "f , exchange on Paris, riuler n , T 'f illtlnm. if i..,. 1.1 .....: . ll f, eVerV olSH franeeSr' ina ly sold to French In en 1 , ffi mature dune 15. IDui, hut Ho,0 ngement has iiniioiineed its infenVu' to take them up , 15. Ui-f !..?a planner by which the redemtu 1 be flu..nce,l hn not becir; '; ,,; h presume, that lempurar.v lo ,,1 be nrrniiBed with the eotn.nn,H 0!ln,. An ofilcinl of one of the larger trn.t eonipanie'i. who has been ,. soclnted will, the steel i,l ' ; many years, iu vdicussK , ,. llution tiidttr. renin rknl II. ..1 ..' . f'1' able significance was to be nttaelirl) t" .Iiidge (Jnry.'B statement regarding , Li" steei prouuets and the,. " nt the ,it for wages grunted the laborer steel corporation's plants. It is conclusive proof.- , !,, of the con inued prosperit.v oftliesteei industry. For some t me I h, f.iV 1. .. 1 . ". . "h COllVinccll tho vine a.niv.,.. ..!.... , . --..-..... .... .j.,. . i,.ii,u,ir's i:j(i .... era of big business ahead of them u I inn sure of it. .Tudge's r.ind proves it. Much of the rMM "" I work will be supplied by the stool m uuoii.1 ui mis country. .Must of the larger companies are nlreadv booked to almost capacity, and you will !im when inpney mutters get bae kto normal Ihcr,. will be a scramble for the product of the steel mills from nil parts of the word." i!-i o 17 14 11.5 I1V5 l 71 123' 4 92' n815-L 1194- 78V5-1- 10014 4- 31 (4 -1- -- 100 4 101 J 33 Vi la 4 UTi . 203 4 192 19.1 -30 15 -1-13VJ- 205 : . 2.5 -r 02 91 3354 - I2IJS-T 0794 1 4D!4 101 !4 -l'Ji4-1SW 8I4 4 4 H7 107 - l'4 1 !20Vi . Ill i4 7015 47 94-t 115 II3V4 74 94 .52V2T on 94 - HIH2 ;- 91 IIIJ5 - 00 Sl4 118 4 53 7, i 11 .- -I 2 '4 II 71 (;:.', HIGH MONEY INDUCES I MAY AND JULY CORN SELLING OF COTTON! SAG ON PROFIT-TAKING Liverpool Weekly Statistics Re- j Economic Situation Checks Bus- fleet Further Active Lan cashire Consumption H iness Scarcity of Cars Con tinues Oats Firmer 9i "a COTTON- ItKI.T WKATIIKU roSDITIO.NS New Vork, .Tan. 30. Tho followltii; temperaturos wcro recorded In the cotton balt this mornins: Meniphis. 2S; Niisli. vllle, o0: Abilene and Knoxvlllc, 32; Okl.i hotnn. Fort Smith. Mttle Hock und Wll Tnlncton. 3; Chattanoora. 3d: Atlinta, 5S; shreveport, Pan Antonio -and Macon. 4o; if'ornu.) Chrlstl and Auirusta IL'; Vlcksbury, MontKomery. and Charlefcton, -11; .Merldlin. 'i'homasville mid Savannah. ualveston, -is; jiensoioca, f,n: new I liit.MN nnt.T wnATin:i:,1 vst I I'lilcnso. Jan. .in.- For Illinois 'vii.warl ! W Isconsln. Iowa, South liiUota. N-bia-ka I Knnsas and W.vomlnc Fair tnnlhi an,, sat 1 nrdav colder. Altnnesotn. "nrlh Dalinia ana I Montana Mo:t!i cloudy tonlsht und Satjr. day. I ChlciiRo. .Ian. P.O. lirief nvnlit-ult-ing occurred in .Ma.v and .lulv corn tn. til, UnitCaiUll, ll e-lil"4m liri.i, i"', ..... a ....... o'TOw'wMS'tae'hiV'ofJrtpiS: I?'. n'Kl thoy M,BBW af,or lmvin" tuin m .iioniKotnery ano -innipa; ,ut men iiiuucii strengtu. .iniiuarv scored n nt Tliouiiisvllle, .18 inch at Pensacola and , . . , ' .1)0 Inch at New Orleans and Meridian. good gain on covering by nervnui short?. Mo.-t of the news nfferting distant deliveries was bearish, including wolc Less in foreign exchange, larger re ceipts. lower' prices for hogs and favor- 194 M 9t 1 I N'ew Y01I.. .ran. .'SO. The cotton 1 market was dull and about steady to day, although prices were off from best under local silling based on the high 'able weather. money rate The South was u small The bad world-wide economic sitiin sellor' mi i-nllies ,imi ehpcliPil business. Scarcltj of ears sd Kr ou 11 Hun .continued to be reported. Liverpool weekly stati-tics relic.-. oil , whra( n. jilmrnl,olj, Ma!) Um M further active Lancashire coiisiiniptton. , jkioi- pro-pects for the winter crop. lie and an im rense in Liverpool exporis ceipts of grain nt Argentine ports arc nf America,., cotton to the ccm.inen, CS, dlffic'tifc. ,r0,,b,M Hxpoits for the day aggregated .'IS(,1 j Oats were firmer, with stn-nsili In bales, including ?'M to (Jrcat Urittiin ! the cash nrticlcs the bull factor There and ..."... to the continent. ' w,.s K"'"1 1'U.vinjr by investors lirjt Total exports thus far for the .cwm 1 !"'.".',,s "'''IT "ot held, owing tn urotit have been .'..(IW.H!) bales, compared.: -"K- Receipts showed no -ipe ol I with L'.ITL'.KIL' bales for the correspond- 1 1'n-kin!? up. January shorts ere 1 i.,.. ..,...i.i !.f .,.,. .nervous. " ' ... ' ... .... . .... AV l,ll,l,.r.laAliintif 1., ,.,lnLnni',a,Un oicn 11. in. . i". n m facilities in tlie I'ast, it was said, would si't'w iii r,'i nV:i " ".'! .11 He! ro'',"lt in " ,)Is lIr"l) '" ,hr oiitwanl ;I2.(II :rJ.-l.i il" ., III'. .11 :...W ;ii,,,n'm,'n, uu uu ex pin i -.iic- ,11111 ca '.".1. n I 'J.' 'JO '4 I 4Vj I March 1 May... juiy. . , OcioK I'revlous 1 orn (nsvv djlivcry) iio-e 11 urn 1.47 I.. 'HI i.u;: --ili I eircumstuucp. MONEY-LENDING RATES NICW YOII Mnn'y on call opeucrt toduv at 1- per cent for lending and renew nig. .Money i- reported dose today, offer ings on call at the IJ per cent renewal rate being moderate. On industrial loans for sixty and nmet.v da.vs, S'.j per cent was bid. Some loans bud been re- ji ported tit per cnt. j riime bank acceptances ore quoted at 1 1 ."ni per cent for ninety days fur member ij bill-. l niai-ciiitilai nflnaii ,s slnu u-ith Inonl hanker quoting tiCdU'a per cent. Call loans 011 prime bank acceptances aic unchanged at .1 per cent. r Executive Wants lNTKimi.U null 1 iiiiiitlrtl. 1 in... - v hit Pliil (Ifliihm ltii- rtrn mint Him In int4TfNll in HikIIiie n iHihlliun Mtth int;li( fitlurf for u rt'rntly ilUrli.irufil Vrmy Ollirer. pliyoiralU 111. l'hJljnJrhliian. tif cornl cliururtrr ninl iirmm i-xinuiUi iliilltv. iilh fpiirleri" f irn' lmiiits, i-ttriemo hi flnanrr tinil munuuiiiK fiiiplujr;, In ttiv J.ati i-t. A11.T pttri f I . ir nrll If iwMir 1 tr t,rtiM'4 1. in jtlr.irlitp. Hulnrlnl ni, Will m.-ldr-r .my Itrlii'n x, ' i'1 i,i""hji .mi .'lMtnm, rrlnll t!Miu or -.hIm ii mi;. I rmTtit jrruiluut II uin I nicrr (Klltr. BARGAIN DAYS IN BONDS RallrunJ hue at the Loweit in Fifty Year, Let V Submit OIToringt EDWARD V. KANE & CO. Morris Building HIILAI)I'XI'III. Call. per cent; lime. (1 per cent: commercial paper, liner in six month-. Ii per ceut , LONDON .Money is quoted at :.i.j p,r cent. Discount .rates, short bill 17, per 1 cut : three month bills ,V'ii per i en I. ( NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET 1 New Yorlt. .Ian. .'10. - There or indi cations that shippers in are -bowing u disposition to sell coffee and i v a- reported thi- morning on the njfTcii CM-Iiange tluit iitl.OOO bags nf lio "s had been solil in the cont and freight market at 'JOc, sterling credit. which is !. tn 21 1 points below the close iu the option market ye-terdM.v. . 'l'his bruushl mil trude selling and liquidntion thin morning, and values I around mid-day were about 25 to :I0 points net lower. .March selling nt l, ;;u. Muy nt 15.3. nud July nt lfi.ftf. nlrl MiunsT. per pair. -loSSOc I'FtKSSEr, was 111 fair demand and t'rm inijer small supplies .,f tine stock, guota.lon l-'mvlP. fresh-killed dr-i.lcked In Iwixes W-llfhlllK 4 ll'K. anr ever apiece. mOic, weihiOK III., lbs. ao'uUlli. leish!')ff 0 UlS . Wwa-li-. fowls, fresll-l.r.led in bbl . ,1 pi Led, uciathinir 1 lbs jnd oicr apl.i e, :;!ic , ncufhlrig a's 10 :I4S4.V.: veurliivs; :; n,tf :,'itX' ,, id roo-tcrs, dr-plek.-d, 27c, i.r.i.i. .i-, Jer&ci, dr.-picked. .",511 rtll-. : do. n-d.n-jr narl'. drv-plcked. 5035c; lu.jilers. , iv, stern, dry-picked, u'eighinx 1''(i2 lbs apl.Tc. 4s.",llc. roafttnitf clie kens, uevtcr, , 'O-plcked in bbls. w"l(tbln- 4 Ihs und ui,r .ipjecc aoflSii wvllnns 04 lbs aplec, . I :14 'a J.V : w..hin 3 lbs. apiece. 34'X5. HeiBhlnv -'U lbs. apiece, 4112,. western orn-fed hiikvns. 12 to box, 17 lbs ai,,l , under to do.. iht lh.. lo4c, Is to 2t bi. to do.. pr lb. 45t4sc. 2.5 (o 30 lbs to do.. ' pir lp. . 10042c. 31 to 80 lbs. to doa.. per! II, 85 ink; 37 to 4J lbs to (ioz.. per lb.. I K".93no; 43 to 47 lbs to don., per lb., 8ri Hoc. 4S lbs. and over to don.. 3SB40c, capons, n'rutrrn. welching fciKlu lbs apleca, BS W.14e; some heavier stocks hitfhor. wi ivhinir 7 lbs apiece. .1HK,2-; v.vltrhtna; 04' ll lbs apiece, isciic; turkeis, Ieuwaro and Maryland, fancy title: ,j0 Virginia, and other ti.arby fancy. .IHOoBc, do nearby, fair to Kod .'.ttr.l.'K , do west i rn spring- fain v . r.S'd.Vic. tan to good, ."..Itr.lSc: old torn"-. 48c. du.ks, vicstern. 38 S 40c- geese western. fanc 30&3'.'i do fair tu uood MUti'r. jli.-l. 1,1iv i 'lose 171 A Ilia I us war ... '''" ""j ""s S Alliu Ins 2:: 2.'t 2!'. 100 Am Strs. II II U 2d do pref. 2 li'J U2 .in Am Ons. ."t 'il ."l 12:51 HI lStor..l.". 127 13(1 I'm Key Tel. IF-, 1I, 1195 120 LK S Cp 2(i-s 20as 20 mi Lans M. st1.. s'a St'3 :.- "Lob Nnv H2:l, (!2:, O'-'-f- 1.! North Nat ll'b war 2.s', 211, 2'i U21 Pa It It- !'-":. I2, -12'... 14(1 i'h I'.k w.lU.l Uii HI.' .. 75 1'hiln Co cum pf. "" '14 ';l." 120 l'h Klec. 2.', 2.V., 2."iK 771 1' It T t. 24", 2l's 2 !'!,.. in I'bll Tr. U1 01 til -r 2:Ton .Mln. ,:'s :-s 2!is.. I,".S i; (! I.. "il:S 54 51 Ml War IftS -S-. si Si-. 10 Wegt C.. 75 75 75 .. Kk dividend tod t.h Xatv tl Sal. sm HUM)-. SI 01)1) lll'.ll I.OW I 'I; ' CifV I -U ''l"s '.'l"ll Ul"H--12 Leli Vill IU.1IMIU lOO's UMJI-T- 1 Lib I'.onds 4th IMs. OLIO OLIO 01.10 i:i I'm gen 5s. i'd1. Oil 00 a a .., ...l ...1 1 do roll -I'is "1 ' i i'I'i iij.'j.. U-iit Mfl.lSftl.-i 10. ',-ni ushtr. in '' .-i.'JJ: heavy pac-klnit eow. 'noA,!j'..V.,i 4in. tiackinc sows'.i. SI" .-'ten ' "I LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Clilcado. Jan 30 '' S""'1", i-.-..,, , ,. .,.. I.,.,, tir.rn ton. tl. iKav'rirMilS'Sh. .ri.V-um . ISl.a Net lljalt ,hse. , l.-.'J." 14.10: packing sows reus pigs. 118.75ll 7.1 1'A.TTt.K Kecelpts. soul) head. Steady. Ueef steers, iiiedium und ne.ivy, ehoue and prune MSMi'tli i"i. '"'d.iim noil uoo.l. ill -....ft 1-. 'I, ..iiia. . . SO illfil 11 .ill. llcht cool and choiu. sl.lti lil.'J.": common and medium. Iei8. butcher cattle, heifers. S 7.1(Tf 13 nil. euv s , 7., 11 iniiers und cutters. r, fiMi 7.",. (.ill calves. lh ,i 111 SO. fder si'frs. Ssil2.2.'i: sleeker ttecr. S7.:V,4ilil s.-.. SliniCl I'ei-elnth. fli'in liead s'l-adi Lambs, H10O21.43: culls and common, lid 1-7.1l evves, innliuin .eied and cluti, . 110.75 13. SO culls and common. ill".',". rilUliiirsh. J.n an. HOaS lteyiDt. IPiOO head Jlishn Henvlen, J1fl.Hr.tSc lit. .3 h'av ynrliers, Jtn2.-io.1H.85; llsht korkers and plus. 11(1 2S 10.60. ,, SIItlKP AND liAlttlS necelpts. .'.00 head Steady. Top sheen. 111. SO! top lambs. 1 4 'il NO RISE IN STEEL PRICES Quotations to Remain Unchanged Despite Advance In Laborers' Wages New York. .Inn. "0. There is no present intention nn the part of the I'nited States Steel Corporation, or its subsidiaries, to increase the selling price and lor eiuvUy. f'terliiig was '..c of their products. I-.lbcrt 11. tliiry. 'above the early forecast level, at ",50f chairman of the board, declared tulluj . , fur demand and a". 51 for cables, riancs .Mr. Cin-v ninde this tutement when ! and lire were lower. I nine cable asked whether this coutc would be 1!!.."0 , taken to meet the 10 per cent wn::i' check increase tn ilnj laborers, effect ire I'cli- i ruitrj 1. winch the cnrporatinn author- Trade Active on Paris Bourse izcii je-renmy. n is ex pccicii ii.i.toiu ,,..!t i "n m ...Ill 1 .Ill 1... .!. ....I... ..I.!..,. ..Ill t I airiS, .11111. .,U. I i lie II i in , .1,. in ii.i lie i ii lc. i nil ii ii iy 'add S21.00O.OilO tn tl ompniiy's an- , I iditil payroll. JUV lata May . Jul.- . J'orK Jun May ...l!0.llj Laid Hay ...23.3(1 Julv .:. 23.70 Hlbs May ...20.r,0 July .... Did. taVaUi. 33'. 7Sj I. IK' 1.37's 1.33't sl't 71!', 1 10 l :is 1 "-' t 47 t c 'courage shippers to take nit fresh con tracts. FOREIGN EXCHANGE It was a-setted that exporter- luii New York, Jan. .10. The foreign ex- obtainctl funds to pay for their pur change market opened weak this morn- l;-lin-es. and that they were not affected ing, it being only partially attributed 1 liv "" demoralization iu foreign et In Secretary 'of the Treasury (.lass's change. stntenient of the attitude of the "overn- I.e.idlus fuuues rHneed as f. ment toward foreign credits. .Marks. , wheh had been (.noted yesterday;..n high as 1.07, were reported after the 'May .opening this morning at l.lh. Iy4 , Oilier ipiotutlons : l'j Diinand sterling I!. 51, i-uble-. :i.r.l -i : . 7-s fianc cable-. 1.:.2. clucks Ki.22; lire I cabb's 15. IS. checks 15.50; Swiss cables i ."..117. checks'.l; guilder cables IIS1,, checks '& : pe-cta caiiics i-i.-hi, eliecks IS.".!); Stockholm cables 10.C.O, checks 10.50; Christianin cables 17.75, checks 17.00; Copenhagen cables JO. 15, cheeks ! Hi j llelgian cables 1!!.tlS, checks 111.70: , marks LIS; Austrian kronen 00. .'15. , In the iifteniQnn. llelgian ev;chiinge, i which had been quoted earlier down to III .(i.i. was reported at I.!. 1.. for cablet i.o- 1 47-. 1.3.-.', 1 32, ,S3 :St .'3.11.". 21.0.. 20.(10 21.00 23.. 'in .;i.i!7 20.1.-, 20 So M .',0 .TJ.10 2.1 17 23 s". 2" .'.0 20 on 13 i.' n i Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, .Ian. ."0. Spot cm uu ,i. quiet today with prices easier on Hie basis of n decline of .".5 point- fir mil dliug at 2S..51. The sab- nere ,.00l Imlnu Tli,. nu'cinl. were OO.OO'l lian". including .".'i.OOO bales Aincicno !''" Checks !:.:.: lire cable; IWa". X'a iX. '', ' ,' M. s 15.02 .jnarjumdurnsoil at 1 .20. '.f Vi'l.l.! ? good middlin, nil .".vl . I fully middling 20.50(1 : middling 2- ..Hi , Hie increase brings the vuiges ot the fnlnr.s ,.0iit iin- : 5 per cent loan $' j. ! hibor.'is from .M.tJ to Si.OS for ten- j f,.lini. 70 centimes. The dollar wn lour 1111,1 , lie iimui,. 1 11 V mini- 1,1, r- r--t ititnaio. v v., Ian. no. CATTi.l. - , lime The ( curly pa.vroll nl the cor I'aris. .inn. .,0. 1 railing was very active on the Itourse today. Three per cent rente-, were ipioled at 5S francs 05 centimes; exchange uu London III SS lib pioted nl !" francs 17v .j centimes. low middling. 2"..7fid : good niilinaij. 22. Sid; ordinary, 21. Sid. CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS -i:r 1 1 i.u ' - (lilruen, tin crrnmery. SO,'1 die. i;ti(is t..w - n, SSV. '" .,(',': -r-linnt 1 mar'., llde 1 1 pis. t.Y .ll'll .' rte-oiots. 47S head. Mead) to easl'r. 1 .ilvet. a ' receipts 1200 head 11 lower, Jim--!. .... t HOaS-lteceiots. (,01111 he-id. "..-''.'. r,ne oner H.-dVi. Illl'I lll.x.i; mixi-a, nt... ! imration, with the increase will be .SI75.000.000. included. . " ri 1(1 .O- .....liara 1 1 fc-h. aln unA nlS. S 1 4 ! '..tSlfi.75.' rouaihs.' IlieilSS; stass. HO? , ii !.... ......... ..,.,.. MIlriKr ,.M i.,,.nMft iieeipi i . 1 I head, steads unchansed .Net Il FRESH FRUITS 7 1-10 I'hil Klec let 5, .'. . 02 00 ', 1 Head gen -U mi mi li- i I .March . . I Mac . I .Ii I., i s. pi, muer Test close ..1.1 81 M .1(1 ..1.1 7flw T l, on nv . .1.1 7J! sil Open 11 III IS - II sil 1 1 U'l 12 30 I, m IS 40 i s si BANK CLEARINGS ; i i : i ' ,ii ' .j , 7 s , i il i ii UI IISI.OI'. , 13 "Il 210 'BIS 1 I (110 433 ;... .ii iii.t 13,2(13,728 OU.llllt I'll.vlie sloe . met vvuh fair s:,l iinneralli Mere sti-auny neiu Appiel, pnr uoi pee lOk 1 1.30 It dti8.tu: do. per Florid. Per box Mono, fruit Alio alu UUotatlons. 14 tin; do, s. per bbl . .raf- 11. .101 3 Changes, i , in ran? Jpi r 'a i,. ii jaw a .,.-, Morlda. box. II US il I .1 lii.t M IjimI-. Jan 3d --ItOfiS ncelpls. 1S..1O0. Iiwer Hulk, lis 2.1 I 5 W. h-avy IH',5VC. 4B mal, s 1.1 SI) T 1.1 IIS Isht. 1.1.S0S 1.1 70 light lishts. $1.1013.50. heavy Into- I parklmt sows smooth it3 7.1W14: paekliut ', sows, rough. 13 2.113 7.1; pins. ll'.".'3'S U 1.12.1- .... " i ('ATT1.T. ne-eioii, 2(l(,il lieau suaov i (leef steers imdium nil h avy, cIioki. and (111 prime, 1I4 T.I 1 0 in. Hum and good, lll'o 14. SO; common Wn 10 7.1: IUM, C '"d and " I choice Jll ion 11 2.'. , .rer.ion and nv-dluni. s.a.1312.2.1. butcher cattle heifers. $7 7S"? IS- cows. $7 "Soil .In caruiers and cutters, I MftT .10, ve..l cahes llchl and handy -elsht. 113 li. 30: feeder steers. 1S.S0O1J. siucker sterrs. 7l0.r.n H1IEEI" llecelDt s" head. strong Lambs llT.T.Hiiii IS: culls and rommon. 1B1T2S. yearling wethers. J14..i(ni'in sil: ewes, medium and choice. 19 3013.2.1. culls Petal. VEGETABLES el ,-Hilling' were fair demand find slt.i.ii ft i it .. r UU'.tail.ihS' Mbit'- p,,t.,ti,c-, P. iinsjlv.niia per i u-i . 4 2u'e I on i). New Iforli per cvvt . 14 10 4 1.2.1 Sue, t in, tt.iocs. -o'jOiern. per hamper. $1 2Si 2 H.I do. Jsrsev. per bskt II. .101 1 7.1. i'.ilbi..-c. N. w York and Danish, per ton, tHo'HtS dc. Flurkla per hamper. 12 snf3 Onlens, p, r lOO-lb. sacks, yellow. No. 1, JO'iiU.l'C Reserve Banks' Discount Rates The llrt column gives rates for nil I .md common. 15id serln.s! I periods up to lllui including u tlltenn- , drape- rttty tnuturity, the second for n period of t 'sixteen to nitiety dills. The third and1 . , , ,, . ,, . i-i. nsvies. ii iii-i i.i iii.-.jiuuii.. fourth columns give the rates for dis-' is is, iiclus 11 1.0.1 1.1 111. peck , ,. counts of collateral loans secured by msrtu 112.1. ms is;'i is.tis. L ''.."".'' t lin.wli, .ot 1 i'4T11.f'. lli'i"li.i .2.11111 heart govern roeut bonds or notes. Court paper in 10 uu LONDON METAL MARKET notion Nw York Philadelphia Illctimoivl Cleveland . . A'lanta ... Chicago . . 8t. taoijls . Minneapolis Kansas Clt: nalliiH Ban rraneifco 18 days . . u .. 0 . . (I ... 4. :: A ii 4'4 4'i i'5 i"i days 0 O 0 o'1 I 4!i Govt paper in to on IS iy d..y Mi 4' ,a a 4i WO l4 :m o 44 4 r. r. .4.?; Itates on outstanding- certtricates of In- dehlednrss continue unchaneed at I, per cent. New York. Jan 30. rable advices re reived at ihe New York inslnl emnge this mnrtilnc ouoted prices In London ss fol Imvs: Tin sipot. 3K.'S 6s, off 1.1s futures, C3S3 lUs. down 10s. atul straight 3- Ss, a loss of 1.1s Hales Spot. 1(1 ions, and futures 4 In ions SUwndard Copper Spot, rOk 17. I-I 11 ,lrnli nf 11 1. t.A I ... f,;,. . urn 12. .id io. ;f n iv; ,,;; BAR SILVER -la "S spoi mo luiw ,a rui'ics i.',in tu,,s .. , . , , Klenrol ' ic opp. r s,,ni flj.i 10s and I I .mill "' i lilt bar silver w.l.-, (I in futures H2I 10a iw; tr ,0s i.ejd Spot tin New ork murket today at u decline S, ' , V "Z". '."" "-:" V,L .'"V 'y,e."n". of P. cents, fit SI..H". (IU, Ui... J.ui. 3U IluOS fte 'elpls. 30011 hrad MiKhir. Hulk. 114 7.K' i... neavies. in ii.-i .., it'niuin. ei . .o.i pr.cKin? sows. Weak Ibnvv bi"f -I'-efs, chol'c ,md prime, Sl.1.2.1 ii" Hum ami koo.1 811.2.10 1S.2',. i.imuinn. .10 .'.Oft II 2-1. light. KOOil .'Hid ilium- 111 'o 10. common aid medium. ss.'.M (HI- but, he- mttle. heifers. !I3.S.1 cons 1(1 7Si 12 Sd. c .men. and cutlers. 17 tf13 2.l: cove... 10.7.1' t.'.. 10: canners and cutters, 1.12.107; veal calves. Slid 17. feeder steers. IS.2SW13. Hooker Meers. IB..1OQ10.0O. SHKBP It'ceints. liesd. Nomlnnllv sleadr. I.mb. J1SB21. culls and common tlS.noWIT 7.'"' yearling wethers. 1 13. 2.1 fi IS: ewes, J llllis 4i 13, culls and mnmou SS.'.'.ltv 10.3.1; hr-edln ewes IhfillSH. feeder lamtn. 11.1.2518 2-1. RAILROAD EARNINGS ILLINOIS i IAT1IM. I ie, . mb , gruus l, I uf' r l it- S orr .lertt c 12 months fi-WJ In .London, I '"V" "''"r, '""f vo ii :i7i r :'H no ".o-i 171 (i.l ',( .illtl 421 107'. .ifi.r.7i 3,737,231 N,8IT,Ha 4.1U1.7U0 4.718.ilflii Charters Filed Dover, Del,. .Ian, 110. Cliaiier.s ltl.,1 ( here today were: I Hack New llnghiiul . TheiUrcs. Inc., 510,000,000. to own and ' operate theatres and other amusement j places. T. L. Croleaii. .M. A. Ilrucc, S. II. Dill, local Wiuniiiigton. Del., i incoiporntois. fnuinirrcin! riuiuice Corporation. S5. 500.0(10, to deal in ami I with stocks, bonds, etc William 11,1 Slater, Niinico. Mich. ; IMwaril II. , Icliivnnti:, Ilenr.v .1. Holt, lira ml l!ap Ids, .Mich., incorporator... .un Arbur , Machine Corporation. S,"., 000, 000. tn manufacture and sell im plements, etc T. L. Croteau, M. A. Hniee. S. L. DIM, local Wilmiugton. i Del., incorporators. I BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New York. Jun Itecelpts. 3.1S3 tubs extras, (lav, tulle, lirstn. 1.4-4 41 7.'c, make. No. 2. 12c KdOfi - Irregular. llecelpu, (..123 eases. Kresh-gntliered. estrft llrsts. Ut'tlllSc; du tlrst, HOffil.'ic. state. I'rmi-'lvnti'a und bv western hennery, white, (lrpt i,, .xir-, 7ij7Sc. do. biown. exiru, Uu il (!'.) . do' -laihereil urmvii and mined cjlors. first t xtra. ASAilTe. llU:i:isl-Kasv. Jtccelpls, 101,1 beyes Stale, whole milk, fiats, held, sow I. Is. ntu Vit2r; do. a vera go run, .".O'uHIc; stale whole milk. Iwlns, held, sielals, Zoh 31'ic; do. average run. 2itT30'-o. , DIVIDENDS DECLARED Lima Iicomnllvn Works, rjusrlcily li per cent on preferred, p,i.n,i,ii l'Ybru.irY M to rtock of re. orl .lunuarv 31. .1. t) While Kngin. erlna ' lor, 'lllarteriy I, per ccoi on pref. rred, pi.y ahle Mnrcli 1 to stoelf of record Kepruarj It Plilladelphfii i'o semiannual 21 iter cent on ,. per i-i'i,i ,rfiiririi, i'hvi.oic jarcn 1 t( stock of record I'ebruary 10. I nenerai t neinurai in. tiuarterly .' per ,ieut on cnmninu, imrablo Mutch 1 to stoik of rerord M'bruary 2d. 1 (Irrat Lake Dredgs and Hock Co nur lerl: ' per cent, osyeble Kebruary 18 to s-oek o' record Kebrva,r 10- 30 llfTTKIi- J.-Iriui.i' I'reamerv. higher iluui extlll (ti2 score). o:ic. packing stock. aurr.-ni Have You a Trust to Be Executed? Business men who desire their witOu'i' tc lie. carried out to the letter seek ii tnuslco to whom .such a task muy bo safely committed. Experienced trust company e.eeuli'rv. versed in the making and care oi' profitable in vestments, take upon themselves the dischar.i'p of obligation that life-long friends may be unable to me. Whether it be as executor, administrator, guardian or trustee the Co.ntinental-Equitab!'' Title and Trust Company i:; prepared to execute for its clients any business trust of any majr-niliide.- Continental-' Equitable Title and Trust Company Twclfili Street above Llicsliiut I'lIILADiai'HIA $1,000,000 Capital $1,000,000 Surplm OVER $10,000,000 DEPOSITS cut 71IH 1.70 iiiiliimiiiiiiiiiiiM 81 272 711 ciwiirt- .."'i " "" "uaa ui its, ana ,,i ij,,, 1 l y i futures, tot down ins 'the price whs Nl(, down 'vl. in ouiB 13. SI-' il !) r -s- i ?w sMi-i