1" N i C .1 VJ S VfC-"- S EVENING PUBLIC LfiDGEK-PHILADELPHIA, IrtEHDAY, JANJJAKY 30, 1920 tt 10MMON SENSE PARTY AMERICA'S N$ED TODAY Proletariat Should Take Advantage of. Existing Condi- lions ana atari a i-amzee ncvoiunon, days Saturday Evening Post Writer rie following editorial is reprinted u-- SEIZE THE GOVERNMENT t revolutions nrc nil the rage in Eu j it.i. fito lipromtnc iultc fash- fcllble otcr here. Foreigners who ate irning-lct us hope only tempo- "ly-amoDg "s, and somo racn u born in Amcrlca-lhough tlicjr V . since become unnaturalized nrc taJlot ub follow the fashion, but iTL regard for our limitations. or iW"-?; has ccrim 1 1. fliiitn l !""- -.' , .,. v. .. unless we keep on inipui . IWM once been tried and failed conclusively, it shies away from it. That is why it is through with experiments in government ownership, socialism and communism. Hoclnllsts and their ilk ore lika those fchort sports who arc aluajs failing and ceaselessly explaining that they would hove, won if they hadn't eaten something for breakfast that disagreed with them; or if their opponent hadn't been n rude, jostling roughneck; or if the judges hadn't men uufnir; nn thing except the real icbrou that they arc not good enough to go the distance. Common t.enso tells us that the treat ment "f labor n n commodity, the ex ploitation nf inptl nml 1PRnnrf.ua fnr tha enrichment and aggrandizement of a fow u uio iimuntiou of opportunity, ure the wrong knd of conscrvntisin. Com mon sense with courage in office would soon find wnjs to crimp this brand ot conservatism. Common sense tells us that toleration of strikes that hold o gun to the head of the community, of Heds who plot against our government and of tho repetition of socialistic failures is tho wrong kind of radicalism. Common senso with courage in office would soon find wajs to abate this brand of radicalism. A common-sense, not n conservative or a radical, party is what Americans need nnd want. , The American wnv tins been to hnm- mcr from without, or moro often to let the other fellow do the hnmtnerlnir. To be proper rcolutionists our proletariat should adopt the Foster method and bore from within. With a good job of hammering nnd n good job of boring both parties can bo forced to stand on clear, simple, business platforms una to nominate trnlned 'common -sense business executives. Then it will not make any special difference which ticket tho voter marks. and political cowardice. Homo oi our big business men are willing .iy ji disc our national sofcty nnil tho integ rity of our Institutions In order to pile up dollars that will depreciate and turn into waste pnper like the Uusslau ruble if tbey aro permitted to continue their practices. Somo of our big labor leaders nrc willing to dlvldo and degrade tho coun try into classes in the name of tho brotherhood of man in order that they may prosper and rule. Some of our big politicians would tnnHmifl in alnn nun irrniin nn the wrist nnd to tnn thu other playfully on the cheek, throwing nn occasional kiss to tlm niitille. In order In hold office n little longer. If that public wants apj thing It must sturt something. Work Ueglns at Home Wo arc constantly getting letters from readers in which they wring their hands hclpltssly and usk what they can do. Fight. Do what the politicians do organize, pick your men nnd put them into the- primaries. Perhaps jou nic n member of n civic or n business men's association, n club, n grange, a chum- ber'of commerce, n Drowning society, a or some other group of men and women. If ndt. join ono or start one. If nn.v one tries to tell jou Hint jour organisa tion must not mix in politics ten mm he's a fool, nnd pro've It to him by his tax bills' or nny one of the concrete evidences of rotten buslucss in govern ment that you cun find ready to jour hand. The work of getting good gocrnmcnt, city, stnlc nnd national, of electing tho President and the Congress, begins iu jour block, jqur precinct and jour ward Tho time to begin Is light now. A few months more and it will be too late. The most important part oi the congressional and presidential election Is already under way. lou can send Hill Jones or John Smith or mayhap Herbert Hooker to Washington if yotiUoit try o put them into r feet, lfuh lump in and take n linnii. Judging by the limn becomes W) per cr ut of thoob. his work during the last fhc juuh unit ood iuliiiip.- clear f"""'""1 his- article in the Chijstmas iiumbci 'of then cumin ti ait men. 'J I" " get the Sattirdnj Evening Post It looks to n man up n tree us if Ilootci were on the leel. Formulate jour principles nnd then pick joiir man to make them operative. Principles lire eternally bigger than men, up to the point where nowhere without Iho second Wcll-mennlug people nro continually pnnoting the phrase :,''Wu inusl '"' mix in politics." Nothing git the tlcWl nnd thu corrupt politician n heartier laugh. Our besetting sns hnvo been business church sociable, n currcnt-oients class mln Inherited advantages ,f tODB . i .. ..,. in nour1. i I Hl It is quite impossioie iui w WM1 . ... .. - 1 ,, on l.nnoriinC 'ToTa re6-nlar revolution a la Itusse .re terribly handicapped by our r. are ""Vf .,. tf U s ckeninglj Americnn PJ'"'"'U, " nlrinrlat. nnd V'ZrZn nc " t'o oppress the rlthtI, , la'scs" ' Uan to be oppressed. .I ne to bo a Wdc .u- ,i,OP- ,"",' ,iiiv can earn o'B i,uJ' ," ;- !j!ia7un laby aconpetence, we fake afloJ to Hecp up the ap Wnnpp of be ug giound do-vn. Mtill, Vi ?he only Proletariat that we lioe Id " mS make the best of it. Theic n .'..;!, nl.lv he ii regular rcvolu- ftl osc who have only six pairs of !"i.i. ,.n,l lTudson-scul coats Srmnrphnbly bo u regular revoiu "'" t H ..tin lltlV 1 ot I hum: "" ', L l0?.KI"?B".. i; ,i.e tiairs and nain mosu '"; j 'm.. nf Hudson-seal , n iln.pn nail u bloodv uprising of rneuragainst'tbe drWen, .1 !1IM f V content with something less a" .?iC '.,?, best little upllfter.-, w,nK capes . "' ,"7, j, jr:vcrs 0 il pro cthini htrieiiiug, as our uese m "i" 'tttllmlnary to the onl, kind of ' '. ' ' ..!...! i,nt wn really need, IT ScVt hat tho American flag be ?nn up nnd that pre-s. pulpit and plat form all ou the proletariat to rise and , "0 he government at the next presi Kal election. For our grievances arc So, aUinst our form of government. xvhkh has proved itsclt tne innsiij" ret devised but again.t the iMbtloiaai vbo laigely select and run tho ifie.u,-vbo run the government. American Proletariat Inarticulate With the exception of inconsiderable jmnorltie. gioupod in tiglit organiza tions, that pursuj their selhsh aims re turdlcss of the larger good of tlie ma jority, the American proletariat, corn -nrwng iu great part tho farmers, banK m, merchants, laborers, editors, manu facturers, poets, clerks, preachers end professional men, have been quitc in rticulate politicalls They have, it is true, been given a chance to express tlifiirclves in cheers, speeches and pa rades, hut the politicians have expressed il , Ii 4. 2 Aim nmiiliilnfAC 'I fin wem;civcH nrhi ui ic taiiuiuuivo. . average oter is about as much a part of tbe game as a college cheer leader. And after 't is all over he can dance the boolr. if be craves further cxpres- flOD, The politicians will continue to rule until this properous proletariat of ours wales up to the fact that it is not po prosperous as it could and should be if it would devote a little attention to poli ties, especially before the primaries; until it rises and springs an Anierieau plan coup d'etat on the politicians. Several methods by which this icvo Jutlon may bo accomplished suggest themselves. The one most discussed is the foi mation of n third partj. Three years ago such a partv was in exist ence. Were it alive today and standing for what to progressive party shouhl anrt in our national life if it were, as it "hould bo. headed by a broad minded, businesslike and determined American it would sweep the country at the next taction. lint it w as done to ripath bv its lenders when it no longer served their political purposes and am bitions; when they thought thev saw an easier and quicker chance to win with the old crowd. They could not stand the gaff. They were too shoit-sigbted to tee that in holding fast through de feat they would have been strengthened and prepared for victory. No doubt they meant to serve, but they were out to win. And so they lost the chance of century both to win and to serve. Tho Next Administration N'o third party that is formed around the ambitions of any mun, or any set of Jnen, or any class, or any interest, can g't anvwhere in America today. The rlovvly cystallizing purpose of the voter is to rid our politics of that particular form of unintelligent selfishness.' The JieTt President nnd the next Congress fhould take offico as one-term men. If lliej do that sincerely nnd courageously, refusing to nllow their acts to be in fluenced bv the hope of a second term, thev are likelv to be reelected. Hut on!) a President who is willing, to do things that will look like tulcid( to" the, politicians, only a Congress that is pre pared to kick down the Capitol stops anv interest or class that demands spe cial legislation nt the point of a gun rau give the country the, kind of an administration that it-wants. Essential But Simple Issues We need old -fashioned Americans in fibre, headed by a grim, determincdt business executive not men who jeek office for salary or position, but men vlin arc willing to sacrifice salary and position to take office. We; need yes and no men, not tbe if nnd perhaps fellows. There is an alternative, in fiict, two alternatives, to n third party the He Publican and the Democratic parties. Jloth stand for practically the same thing, though no one seems to know Just vvlin' it is. Let them coutinuc to stand for the same thing, but make it Miniething worth while, and then the tunntrj cannot lose. There are certain very big, funda iniutnl, ,but essentially simple issues Irefoie us. Theio Is only ono right Isliij on these issues, with small lump for an honest division of opinion among Americans. Iu tin fci'itlirmnt ot these questions there vvi' be no differences as, to details; but these nic business details and as such thev cull for the beit business brains nnd practice of the country, not for Politician-made"Viecutlc8 und leghw lutors. As things stand today our two great Parties nre simply traditions. Voting ir iiie candidates of one or tha otiiei )s lugely a matter of birth and habit. ' here U no good reason why tho voters fciioiilrt not stick to .their traditions, Provided thrv seize control of both Parties ai.d dictate their platfouns and the selection of their candidates. The suggestion that oue party should ljrt ome tadleal und one conservative does not go t,o tho root of the matter Average Americans of good under Handing ure neither rudical nor con nrvuthe in the sense in which the words ure commonly used today. They "land on 11 middle ground that demund the application of ordinary common Muse to our problems. Common euse in simply that quality hat Is the outgrowth 01 experience. It " Willing t try nnvthlutr once that counds plausible, hut vyieu a thine Ims, BONWIT TELLER & CO 0ciafSOnalnaSo CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET Final ying ut Side Before Stock Taking Absolute Clearance ..." io-- Women'sMisses'WinterApparel NO C. O. D.'S NO EXCHANGES NO CREDITS NO APPROVALS, The Entire Stocks, Without Reserve, in Women's ' and Misses' Winter Apparel Are Included WOMEN'S COATS & EVENING WRAPS 32,00 52.00 52.00 Cheviot & Plaid-back Polo Cloth Coats . . .Formerly to 59.50 Smart Chinchilla Cloth Coats Forvierly to 69.50 Fur-trimmed Tinseltone Coats Forlnerly to 69.50 Tinseltone & Duvet de laine Coats, large jhawMur collars. Formerly 98.50 & 135.00 Fur-trimmed Velour & Bolivia Coats j. "Worombo" Pure Camel's Hair Coats Chiffon Velvet Evening Wraps... . c, . , Duvetyne, Broadtail & Lyons Velvet Coats Formerly up to 325.00 Chiffon Velvet Evening Wraps . . .Formerly to 295.00 Metal Brocade Evening Wraps. . . Formerly 395.00 & Jt65.00 Formerly 85.00 .Fqrmcrly to 125.00 . Formerly to 225.00 85.00 69.50 95.00 95.00 150.00 150.00 195.00 WOMEN'S FROCKS-AND GOWNS', Wool Jersey Dresses Taffeta, Satin & Velvet Frocks Chiffon, Lace & Satin Dresses Beaded Chiffon, Satin, Chiffon Velvet and Silk Tricolette Dresses '. Dance & Evening Gowns of Embroidered SatinT Taffeta 6: Chiffon Reduced to Reduced to Reduced to Reduced to Reduced to 25.00 s 44.00 35.00 65.00 65.00 r-WOMEN'S EVENING & DANCE FROCKS- 48.00 Formerly 85.00 to 150.00 Extraordinary Group, consisting of Chiffons, embroidered with pearls, embroidered Taffetas, Satins and Tulle. AH dainty and fresh in all the pastel shades. MISSES' COATS AND FROCKS Misses' Heavy Winter Coats Misses' Velour Coats, with or without fur. . . . Misses' Afternoon & Day Frocks , Misses' Evening Frocks (formerly to 89.50) , To Close Out Reduced to Reduced to Reduced to 28.00 40.00 34.00 50.00 110.00 JANUARY SALE OF FURS At 25 to 33l3 Reductions Trimmed Marmot Coats, Taupe nutria collar and cuffs, full ripple 30 inch model Formerly 1U5.00 Leopard Cat Coats,, collar, cufts and border of taupe marmot Formerly 165.00 ' 110.00 Taupe Nutria Coats, full loose 30-inch model. . . . Formerly 295.00 165.00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats, sport model, with squirrel or opossum la nfl collar Formerly 295.00 195.00 Hudson Seal Coats, full 30-inch model with cape collar, bell cuff and border of self fur Formerly 325.00 Scotch Mole Coats, full ripple 30-inch model. . . . Formerly 395.00 Natural Squirrel 'Coats, 30-inch full model Formerly 550.00 Natural Squirrel Coats, 36-inch full ripple model. .Formerly 595.00 245.00 250.00 350.00 450.00 MATCHED. FOX SETS Taupe, Kamchatka, and Black Fo Sets. Lucelle, Pointed Formerly 165.00 to' 195.00 85.00 to 110.00 Pointed, Taupe, Lucelle, Kamchatka and Black Fox Scarfs in solid animal and open silk lined effects. ' Formerly 85.00 io 145.00 16.50 to 85.00 WINTER MILLINERY TO CLOSE OUT 5.00 75 hate in an excellent variety of shapes and colors, suitable for all occasions of dress. Formerly up to 25.00 ' - SSSSTOUK nPKSH DAILY n A. M. ANI1 OI.OHI.S 0(00 J'. :,M.ir, a. i'iiom: on in; its vuami fe $4 White English $0 1 Q f"J Longcloth i J'xv Lr Piece of tfn yord. 36-lncli. xSaft finl.li Lit Drothcrs Vint floor. North HATS TRIM fM ED FREE OF CHARGE $12 Silk $5.98 Duvetyne' Ultra.faBhionable for suits arid dresses Odd shades. Lit Brothers First Vloor, South 9 S n ..SJ I -. 1 . LZ ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY PURCHASE ALL DAY :oc Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Remnants of $1 to $5 Wool Dress Goods, yd. 59c to $2.95 , Sprue wool poplin, velour, vooI taffeta, pltilcl nltiitlnc. t weeds, tvvo tono Kheplierd checks, liatlte, Ralmr iliiio and mohair, $1785 AH-Wool Navy $1 .37 Storm Serge i 3fi Iiit lica m Itln ! inrrlliim tulll. Ml UrothrrjH Klrnt rioor, South I rmn-a -sr-i n i . ma me - -m -ma, m ine Ma-oMhe-Monin bale mmas scores j of Unprecedented Bargains to the Front This One-Day Sale, Filled With Phenomenal Savings, Is a Fitting Wind-Up Indeed to a Month of Great Clearances! To immediately dispose of all broken lots, remnants, odds and ends and various full lines? slated for clearance, we have subtracted goodly amounts from prices already low. Save a third a half or more ! ' assVvivvsiiruiiiVcfWi'i I Special Offer Tomorrow! ! Hr WKf vH Xi Y LLOW TRADING STAM PS FREE To Every Purchaser of a Dollar's Worth or More Series." 12XXW" & "12XXX" ioorl iu any Yellow trading Stamp Book, no matter how many other, "Uxtra" btamps you may already have. All gbods purchased tomorrow will he charged on Februar Bill, payable in March! payabl fyp&nm1i,4iiirti4Hi) t Women's Misses' $32.50 Coats $21 Loose hanging or belted; topped with seal or kit coney collars and lined with Sol satiil or-cilk. Choose from tweeds, polo cloths and velours. All approved colors. -' Women's & Misses' $35 Top Coats, $25 Have bhawl or square collais of seal, opossum or kit coney. Sol satin or &ilk linings and cosy interlining!.. Silvertone, -elour dc laine, novelty coatings, and plain velour. Women's & Misses' $22.50 Dresses, $15 Serge, jersey, tafTeta and satin-and-Georgette combinations. Mt Hrothera SECOND l"LOOR Women's & Misses' $35 Tailored Suits, $23.75 Spoits, tailored and dressy btyles of bcrge, jersey or home spun. Navy, black, brown, tan, green and lose. Plain or fancy linings. Some handsomely trimmqd with braid. , Women's & Misses' $14.50 Skirts, $8.95 Of seige, in navy and black, plaids and novelty silk poplins. Women's $4 to High $ 051 AaB M I jbhoes y i Pnipiit. (oltskin. cunmetai anai Klazed idd, with kid or fahric tops Mllicarv and Louis lieclu. o mall 1 or plion orders iHLed. Men's $10 to $12 $75. Tan calf, patent colt cunmctul, tan and R-Iazed kid Ilfeh-Krado con struction and workmanship Big Girls' $4 '.o $1 QC $4.50 Shoes X ,I7iJ Patent coltsk'n and gunnictdl Lim ited lot. Boys' $3.50 to$4$0 QQ Shoes ...,. ; "VO Patent -.qollsltin and gunmetaL Sizes 9 to713V4- I.lt Brothers First Floor, rth HATS TRIMMED FKEtl H & 4Readyto-Wear Satin ) $ Hats ( Chic styles, of sood quality satin. n ntin raimblned with straw or! fur. Fancy straw ornaments ntvi ', metal pin trunniuig.. ) Ut Hrotners nri x-iuui. ...- -oS5 's $25 Conservative Overcoats Young Men's $25 Ulsterettes Special Price Tomorrow Only Conservative models in O.vfoid gray with velvet collar. Quarter lined. Single or double breasted ulsterettes; with belt and storm qollar. Young Men's 151 7 KA Suits l.OU MJu and $28 alues. Fancy cheviots and cub&imcicb. Boys' $8.50 Reefers, $5 Blue and gray cheviots. Sizes 1, 5 an'd G only. Merr's & Young j$Q.95 Mori's $15 Rain coals ' Guaranteed tainproof. Double texture. A rich tan in color. Boys' $2.50 $1 CA Washable Suits L ,ou Oliver Twst and Junior Nor folk styles in chambray, percale, madras and galatca. Sizes 2' to 7. . Lit brothers no Boys' $15 Suits, Two Pairs I'ants Belted Norfolks in cheviots and I tassimercs. bizes 7 to lb. SIXONU FLOOR 7TH ST Women's $2.50 Thread-Silk $1.79 Stockings l'ull-fcishioned Blick, white and colors. Imperfect Women's 55c Bur- OQe son Stockings JI7 BUck with niHco-split sole"" perfect Im- Women's $2 to $10 Silk Underwear. S1.19 to S7.98 nilsh-crade Italian and eloo silk hca, camisoles, envelope chemise and bloomers Itumplcd. pu Inll nr 1'hone Orders Filled on 'SSHfr Underwear. J T?v!$5?ro(her Fir?t Floor, South c?in T H. T I pxu Ult D1US. If H ! Special Corsets j Pink Mlk broihe Ixiw bust; lonir j-skirt Wnhlon boning- Sizes 22 to su Nn mull or plume order lilted. I It Hrotlirrt. hlTOND FLOOR. t j Less Than Half Price for Some! Remnants of $1.50 to $3 I IVIan c h tA 1 rr $8 Hats I j $1.29 Damask, 9gc lUUf ic - Men erized i $2.35 Sheets, $1.79 ! Aam1efi3 r cw. sivnf) Bleached rir unb'eacneo. NO While lot lasts, mall or nhone orders filled. l30c to 35c Doinestics, 24c (Remnants of 36-lnch bleached mus lin -ana- camonc; aiso jTiriuii un bleached sheotlnp,. Limited Army Blankets, each, $5.35 180' wool. ury. uovcrnment in- Bpectetl v , LIt-Ilrotlier First Floor, North Aluminum Ware $2.50 Rice Boilers, $1.88 2-quart size. $2 Preserving Kettles,$1.49 S-quart size. "Ark" Laundry . Soap, Ten 7c cakes 50 $6.45 1500 Bon Ami Heaters Gallon tank : odorless and smoke lsas device 10-inch wick tr'th inner drum. Only one to a customer No jnnii or phone order llllrd JJt nrotheri THIRD n.OOR New Soft Shapeb for Spring j Mado in Philadelphia by one of tho foremost hat factories in America Sllcrhtlv imperfect (iooil quality fur felt in popular j "'rirst Floor, 7th Bt. 79 I I bilk VelVetS, yd. 69C I I 'U "''" rirst Floor, North ! Suitablo lengths for millhier .ind j J ...... . , J I trimmings, o mail or ilione orderi.. ! ' .Oc Bai'imlpv Pi-hrIi Ii . j I.H Mrothevs-K.m Mcr. South ",?nen "S $1.65 Cork Linoleum 87c Pour yards wide So. vd. . . T. .on.. p.un 1? inrria nf n. nat tern. Please brlnp sizes Nono sold to dealers i mull or phone orders filled. 85c Jute Tapestry Brussels Stair Carpet, yard 62c 27 inch Cut ftom full roll I.lt Ilrothers FOl'nTII FLOOR Lace Curtains Also Curtain Ends and Curtain Nets.. Slightlj Imperfect $1 & $1.25 Lace CQc J Curtains, each ' 2H to 3 yards lone met urus sels and novelty designs. 60c to $1 Curtain Ends & Curtains, each 39c Scrim and Nottingham lace lts to 2 yards long Lit Ilrothers THIRD FLOOR Men's $8 to $1 0 Cardican j Jackets & I $0 QtS $3 Waists, $1.98 I Noelty ollea and Milped poliRees i There are white with Rra blue, i Kpltl or preen stripes among- thoj color effects wondcrfulh attmrllvoj "tjles lleRUlar anil etru hlr-. I I.lt rtrotliern SECOND FLOOR I A. noted mill's entire ntoelv of !m-nerfertloni.. i Slnclo oi .Rouble breasted with or wltliocrfcaan.tr Btst eratlo wool j In black aiSjSi feu sray Limited IcrUantitJ N'o mall or phone orders. I. i azjai) J'able Cloths, $1.98 J UfiitiKhid To yaxds lone j JU n i rued d.imahk ! I.H llrotlier First Moor, North Voiles 48 !75c Printed i i Whito uith checks, Btrlncs and Jdots, printed in pink, blue, laven Idfr preen Rjray or black 48 Inch J Ml Ilrothers First Floor. North (Men's $1.25&$1.50fiQc llnrlM-Khirts JVJi Ecni cotton Derb ribbed Neaily ill sizes First Floor, 7th St Women's $2 $ 1 A Q & $3 Gloves J j K)d . cape Somo slow handling o mull or pliniin nruerfi tilled. IU nroth.. -First Floor itli St I $3 Flannelette Night bowns, .c$y . Striped FncN stitching and braid trlmminc Hizes IB and 17 No mull lor phone orders. SU OMI FLOOR im niJ c:iij lKAV -vrivt-X 111CU Watch ) $17.35 Bracelets lasrs cuaranteed 10 eals p0r I feet timekeeper- Hxtra f,mall jai.li etenslon link bracelet t I.lt llrotliert. -First Floor, South Clearance of S6.98 in SIS j Trimmed ) $$ i HATS ( & Choose Now From This Wonderful $500,000 Stock of Furniture for the February Sale I Sale to A. M. I Plentiful choice of recent niod ehj in rich panne and Lions ivchet All fushionahlo ,-nl ITht'le nrt tmhiino t,,. n loll brim and largo dressy types M I lliw v Salon, Tllr,j j,.,oor Vfe.- ; ::; y-vi.n Our This $85 Mission Living Room Suite $69.75 Four pieces in Jncobean oak; mis sion design. Three pieces havo automobile beats and side chair has slip sent. All genuine leather. This Buffet $79.50 Value Cl-lnch $69.75 $89.75 Value This $30 Princess Dresser $22.50 . J-inch GO-llicll $79.75 Colonial design, In quar tered oak. I'lankr top, two top drawers, two elosetx und large linen drawer. Patent or oval mirror, case. Golden oak. $30&$35 $1Q QC Wooden Beds ; 1V Oddj and ends. Colonial, Adam, "William and Mary, and somo straight line effects. I.H llrother FOUrtTH FLOOH 1 "m i Bwmfc t 1 aaanHMiin f'FrrXl $2.50 House-i .89 Dresses ( tr ped and licrkcd prrua.lc ulfo hainbrav No mull or phone urilxr filled I.H llrotliert SKfON'D Fl.OOil ;$29.75 Fur Scarts JM.njihurlan 'Wolf 15 Animal Btyle. 55193 French ! Seiil C.nsii Capo collar utnl e'eep cuffs I.H llrtlitTSi:C0NlJ FL.OOII 110 Clearance of Children's $6.50 lo $12.50 Coats 3, 5 & 6.95 10 A. M. Sale HcHt blylea and materials Hlzm 2 to C No mnll or phone order filled. I I.lt Ilrollier HUCOMJ FIQUH IJIf New Kr.lBurnnt llet of Kterrtlilnc t lwt Vrlcen Sevenllt Tluor of Our New Uulldlnf.ItU Market BU. w a ' M v.1 i Hi 1 VJ i 1 ' 1 Mk i tV- -4 jf. 4' FTe?W'WP - -