WT' 7 W" i,Ai' , M ft- - f" '. r f f T 'J' i'MV r'n J ,57' "'.mi,,., -..; i- .i -f 'i :.'-'5" l1 fi ' "-. v JUST EVENING PUBLIC LEDaEEr-PHItyADBLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1920 IX GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE fancy Wynne Tells of Many Happenings in Society. She Hears of 'the Proposed Memorial to Captain Howard H. Henry Tivo Teas for John Drew W-.S dciightcd yesterday to hear that . ill- IVainmnn hrtfl llpr fni.r VtaM : arrived from tforkshlrc, "n-i , i nnd will upend some time EDglatli Sirs Wnlnnmn'H mother, $,. whcclcr' at rcmbroke' "(" VinmHH. you remember, was ..... foirlstlne Wheeler, the youngest "i.t,. Wheeler family, sue marneu 'll Philip Wuinmnn ubout fifteen & r?w. and ho was killed early Ju to war, long before our entrance into Wi- viil ho Mrs. Wainman' nrsrt .Mt home slileo then, and her family ' S frlVnds rejoice .that they may sec frAc,n. k C In most nttrnctlve. ,'lr and rather small, with light curly S She l a ulster, you know, of Sim" Dick Elliot. Mrs. George Thayer, !' Henry Norris, CouuteHs Pnppcn Jifi, & and 'Aleck Wheeler. ttU'E vou heard that It has been do- U cided to bnll!L dormitory t Princeton in ineiuvrj "i " w.,. k .(lied while serving In the world ? r? J Keinley Mitchell made the .......... ,lnt' nf twn npn .tDOiincemi-uv. .j "r.iS C r. ... Vi rlnvntoil tn Hriinl from wdioi i "v "-."--,-Tt,r; Si. lo have charge o raiding funds !.' .'LVtifiir the memorial, the revenue for .MhftM In tne name oi uiiui iu.jrt gttfwiBMt of salaries of the teach- Statt ami i"u r"u" "" " 'it."!...!., TInnrr was thfi SOU of Ml. ,nd Mrs. Bayard Henry and was widc htawn as 0DC o PrfnMfp'j foot Kintars. He was always noted for Sf . & aohievomenta at St. Paul's a " All. Amnrlriiii mil cnoscu u. " ,v - ,,,.,- :- uit n, pi v,','"." v -inST Xas graduated from there in IDOf He married Miss May Drcxe.l Fell, cond daughter of Mrs. Alexander Van nSsselacr by her first marriage, short- u -ffaf Mf WHS UfUUUUVCU! w i. Melr known in banking club and busi "M .cirelea in this city and was a Seneral favorite. ...(- iAnt n f lit fi eria on a tkootiDg expedition and not having a strone heart ho was not allowed to go to the front, but was madt a member IKlsfor General Biddle's Btaff In Eng- ln"-during the war, und died tliere in February. 1019, from a heart attack brought on uy overwore. A moie popular imiu "- found nud It beems nunc u im.iub " ute to his memory that home memorial be built iu his name: tnja WUjIj have two opportunities iu liVmcet John Drew this week. The drama committee ot tbo Art finance ia tints a tea lor mm ims imiiuuuu .... ?,,. Tmtll hnlf nftpr five o'clock and On Friday tlic Charlotta Cushman Club will giro a tea in ms uouor uutiub ic time n"iirs, tour untu uib-uhu. The reception committee of the Art Alliance includes Mrs. William vooq- ardArnett. .Mrs. jasper icates ""- ton, ink. unaries irancis riuiiua, Mrs. litis Skinner, Mrs. Cornelius ti.rmenn. Mr. Winthron Sargent and Dr. Horace Howard Kuruess, Jr. nREPARB yourselves, my dears, for Mi- another rummage t-ale! This time it is for the St. Nicholas JJay nursery wd it is to be held tomorrow, Friday and Saturday at 1309 Walnut street. Tho St. XldmlnB Dav Nursery cares for the little colored kiddie3, whose mothers are obliged to go out and work by the day. The Nursery is, I under stand, greatly in need of funds, for the II. C. of L. nffects everything these days. Milk has gone up terribly and, o( course, there arc many other things needed besides milk. Mrs. Charles H. "Jowell is president of the Nursery. I hear tuat many articles ot tim- lre.a'8 ana women's wear tout uru rnnrl novi- hnvn been civen to the Bale. (il60 woolen goods for men and quite a niimV,i.tt P 1,1 ninrtnn nf inicolrv. AlrS. Iui IT rioHiinr. Jr.. is .chairman ot itbe affair and will be assisted by Mrs. C. Wiliucr Middletou, Mrs. Henry Birtol Brazier, Mrs. David M. bins, Mrs Guilliaemo Acttscu, Jr., Mrs. Henry Paul Baily, .Airs. .Henry L. Busch. Mrs. William B. Chamberlain, I Mrs. Edward Bcrwind Chase. Mrs. N. Myers Pitler. Mrs. William H. George, Mrs. John S. C. Harvey, Mrs. Na- thamel Knowles, Jlrs. Sidney JInson, Mrs. Walter Masscy, Mrs. J. Ernest Uicnards, Jlra. Alexander sciiers, Mrs. Normau Grey and Mrs. Albert Whiting. rilEV live in one of our close -by fctirmrlx. nnd it's vrrv h.afe to let them day out-of-doors while Mother or Mary can keen an eve ou them. The other daj Mother was anxious to have a letter mailed and f.o she told Kitty ind Georgie they could go to the corner 11 iney were very, very careiui ana put the letter in tho hox for her. Off they fctarteJ, very important, holding hands nd the precious letter very tight. When they arrived at the box, how ever, alas, they could not reach up far enough. .Mother, hceiug this, was "bout to rail: "Never mind, Mother till couie," when flat down ou the rouud went Kill v. Hnil fitenniue lightly m her buck, George reached up to tho tax, d posited the letter and the. two arose aad camo walking back trium phantly to llotlicr. Jmving accom plished that wlilph tlinr wero sent to . NANCY Wl'NNE. ENGAGEMENT Mr ilnil At Tfmirv T. Tnlstp. of WD Einlea street, Germantown, an nounw the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Marion Gaskill Paiste. to Ueutinunt John H. Booth, Eon of Mrs. Joba Booth, of the Woodnortou Apart jMots, tiermantown. Lieutenant Booth M iust returned after twenty months' Jjnico overseas with bis regiment, the 'ourth Infantry. v SOCIAL ACTIVITIES lor at a dinner party, at tho nitz-Curl-Jti this evening, before the Junior uanee. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Maybin Hart 'Ms tvening. at their new home, 1(529 "cust fctreet. I Mr. J. Grier Bartol will act as best n at the wedding of his brother. Mr. R.,,i- ,v rioit unu .uibs jiuiaic "Mb, which will take placo on April ', inn uolm.... ...tn i ;, i r ,t i Il...t . "" "in luciuuQ dir. viinriea ffi Vv r; 1?cnjnnitn Bush. Jr., Mr. .--- itvisu wruyton. air. Horatio II. 21,1s' T "arclav McFii.Id.Mi, Mr. C. Wotiil ' Aiasiiur -mc- Mr n,l M... c,.. . 'Ikii n r ' ''" "tcveus uecKfccncr, Zf."e 'I!110'' I'101,0, "v HI entertain ut if ' " oaturdny evening, February . in honor of their rinnehror. Atlou - -,v..iiiuj ijvcinug saucing glass. "va. uiiioV ',.': ,"iu',v,u"J,' "i ,v"'a- rli'n. i ; '"' 'B0"e inviiutions lor ami Mrs. Stevens -'I in '!" ""'"rony cveuiuB, February LucrWti . ii . uiclr naiiBlter, Miss i S i K, ,':rcr' .H-.fo,r .,b ""b , - '"J vittuiuK 1uueiug V18SS ivar"'uma,rp I'- McUvuln, of tVilln '? "Mil Miort y issue Inrltnllnns tn m i h ,', llo,nof t her niece. Miss ICcte1' l lj,'foro "", '"'I'tl'lB Of !," hurlm Hti-wart AVurts's dinolng mtt' w.rl ,- ''"tuam, JO-Jll Hpruco 1 J-ffiHRK. 1fito visit ?her K!.vCi to. Miiwiiiik 'JL. Vli.i (Vile J ' """ v.'", '" -1 " Kathcrine Putnam, whose wedding took place last year. Tho wedding of SIlss Scvcn'a O. Moore, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. J. Hampton Moore, and Mr. II. Paul Bnrncs, of Ambler, will take place on March :t. nt nii,.n.n. l Ti;f.l Church, lOijrhtcenth street ntnl Columbia Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Badelitfc Boberts. of Grccnbank Farm, Boscmont, are miiij uu mnr nouocDoat oil Jliam . Fla., for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Page, of Bryn Jlawr, are staying nt Partridge Inn., Augusta,. Ga., for several weeks. Miss Edith Ilngerman, daughter of Air. and Mrs, Albert Hagcrman. of Oak Lane, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Ar thur h. Johnson, of Washington, who ''? Ms Myrtle M. Van Loan, of 4102 York road. Miss Edith Hagcr man will return about tho Bccond week in February. ?.Ir- and Airs. William B. McDon nell, of 103 South Thirty-eighth street, announce the marriniw nf n.nu ,i..i. ' tor, Miss Marie'A. McDonnell to fin -?!iR u1' 9raDgc "oldcri. U. S. N., of Pittsburgh at St. James' Cntholic iuurcn, xiiirty-cightu and Chestnut streets, this morning. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kravitz, of 1025 Wyoming avenue, gave a dlnuer Sunday evening in honor of Miss Edith Ber- man, daughter of Air. and Airs. L Bermnn, whose engagement to Mr. Irvin heldmnn has been announced. The guests were Air. nnd Mrs. Charles Kra- Xiz r- and Mrs. H. Kivitz, Air. and ' .K?,',-l?r,' M,!S? Ncttie Mhauder, Miss Clair Wilsky, JIJss Lillian Kolbcr nv'J' Ki,vi,?' JIr' B- KMte, Air. l Buster and Mr. Morris Kolber. rillr' And Mra- Harry M- Stnton, of two Uermantown avenue, announce the mnrriago of their daughter. Miss tutti yvrurii nrnrnn rn nm in.i i ham Gordon in St. Peter's Protestant iu9i:uiui vnurcn on li'rirtay evening. Januarv ".'. nt n-nri 'iv ' , . . uv iur. Tnomas P. Ticrney, of New "'"' announces tno marriage of his c?'n Ba Mario J- McEnroe, of 18 tTtA ""Yr3ulnc' lf" i,lr. J"iaunce A. McCarthy in Our Alother of Consolation Church, Chestnut Jlill, on Tuesday morning, .Tnnuary 20. at C :30 o'clock. Mr. and Airs. AlcCurthy have returned "'n their wedding trip to New York and Niagara Falls and are at home nt 18 East Gravers lane. Tho E. A. T. -S. f'liih. nf r.f.rm. town, at a recent meeting changed its name to Lo Circle. The next meeting ot tuc ciud will lie held nt the homo of Miss Evelyn Aucott on Thursday eve ning, February 5. Miss Carrie Khimcr, of C021 Chew street, will entertain iuformally at her homo tomorrow afternoon. Her guests, who will be members of the vounger school set. will include Miss Dorothy Wilbtn AT...C. AT. C.:.l. m -r ...f, ...i.oa .ikii j OIU.IU, 1113 lUug HBBl. J ''ijiM PmmBHmmmWBmWWM&m&imK mmmm&MBEMG!&WMll&'U ' 1 1 iiii 1 1 wKBrn " '""" t mr , v , s'7r '',r i3tL j &'.' A', ,j'.'iVm?JiUi$- Photo by raoto-Crafters 3IUS. CHAKLES M. TOUNO Who was Miss Mary Coates, daughter of Mrs. Joseph U. Walnwrlght, of 321 South Twenty-second street, before her marriage on Saturday ,'orie Peel. Miss Mildred Shcrtzer nnd Miss Alice Van Artbdalcn. The Theta Sigma Upsilon fraternity has planned a dance to be givcu at the Polham Club on Friday evening, Feb ruary 27. Miss Katharine Williams entertained tho members of tho Delta Delta Soror ity. Eda Chapter, at her homo on Sat urday afternoon. Guests included Miss vioictto .Barrett, aiHs Mildred Wil loiighby, Aliss Louise Firmin, Aliss Elizabeth Littlewood, Miss Alice Lau rent, Miss Alargueritc Whartmnn, Aliss Dorothy Christy. Miss Isabel Chanell, Miss Susanno Bergcr and Miss Anne Eastburn. LANSDOWNE Mr. and Airs. George Schilling' enter tained with cards and dancing at their home on North Owen avenuo on Satur day pvening. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. John (S Hnllahau, Air. and Mrs. Guy Williams, Air. and Airs. Edward T. Collins, Mr. und Airs. Harry Steteer, Air. und Airs. Harry Coxe, Mr. nud Mrs. Joseph Williams, Air. and Airs. A. T. nenry, Air. and Airs. Coslett. Airs. Catharine Chambers, Mrs. Charles E. Evans, Air. and Mrs. Charles ShurtlefT, Mr. John Bowers and Mr. Brook Paiste. Miss Mary Lovett gave a tea at her homo on Saturday afternoon for the members of Delta Omega Phi, who arc graduates of Notre Dame Academy. Her guests were Miss Helen Boothy, Miss Helen Adler, Aliss Agnes Barton. Miss Katharine Hudders, Aliss Alary .uuiucrin, ansa juary itney, Miss Win ifred Thomas, Miss Agnes Perrot, Jibs Katharine O'Donneli. Miss Mary Skclley, Miss Agnes Flannigan, Aliss Alary Lovett and Aliss Aladclinc Cavag uaro. Tho Epworth League of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, met at Aliss Alary Chambers's home on Saturday evening. The Associated Charities of Delaware county will hold their annual public meeting on Alonday evening, February 2. at the Twentieth Century Club. Air. Bobert Splllano will address the meeting. The bocial committco of St. John's Episcopal Church will meet nt the home of Airs. Andrew J. uavis ou iridoy afternoon. Tho Lansdowno branch of the Society for tho Prevention ot Jrueity to Ani mals will give a dance at the Tweu tiethCentury Club on Tuesday evening, February 10. DELAWARE COUNTY Airs. Fred Taylor Tusey and Aliss Charlotto Puscy, of Limn, aro visiting friends in Kalamazoo, Alich. Miss Honoro Mcrcur Cahall, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cahall, entertained at dinner on Alonday eve ning nt her home. HilWde, Walllng ford, in honor of Alias Eleanor Koous. Air. nnd Mrs. T. I'llwood Allison, of Wellington!, urn cruising ou their houscboiit through Florida waters. Airs. George It. Unlivery, of Nine teenth htreet. Chester, gave an after noon tea on Friday, from 3 to 5 o'clock. Airs. W. Irving Farqubarson and Airs. Alexander B. Geary, members of the Women's Club of Mcdiu, wero guests ut tho aunlversary luncheon of tho Norwood Club last week. NEW JERSEY NOTES Air. and Mrs. Hugh II. Miller, who hpent a fortnight at Plnehurst, N. C have returned to their homo iu Edgo watcr Paik. Lieutenant J. A. Altirnhr. of the Thirty-fourth Division, U. S. A., nnd Dr. II. I. Smith, or unicna, in., were guests of Mr. William F. Kaudcrcs, of Brldgeton, over tho week end. The many friends of Mis, Jnmes P. Ilooncy, of Delaneo, will regret to hear of her serious Illness. Tim William A. Cortright. Jr.. Post. fin. lit!. Americau Leclou. of Bovcrly. will glvo o dauco iu tbo Mason'c Templo ou Wednesday evening, February 4, in Itivcrton, going to Alonticello, Fla., to remain until spring. Airs. Harry Biddle, of Biverton, is spenumg a lortuigui m Atlantic Uity. Air. Sclden It. Probasco, of East union street, iiuriingtou, is spending Some time at Lakcwood. Air. Probasco lias left for a fortnight's stay in South Carolina. Aliss Gertrude Ehrct, of the Pino Tops, in lidgcwater Park, lias gone to New York for a several weeks' stay. Aliss Huzcl Williams who has been visiting her sister. Airs. II. L. Adams, o the Bed Brick in Woodland, bu3 re turned to New York. Air. and Mrs. A. K. Le Less have opened their country home, tho Tnm crack Stock Farm, in Edgcwutcr Park, where they will spend the winter. A card party nnd dance will be given in the Elks' Home, Burlington, on February 9 for tbo benefit of the Aged AVoman's Home. WISSAHICKON Air. Harry D. Beicheldifer. of 4102 Terrace street, is spending a few weeks at Palm Beach, Fla. Class No. 11 of the Bible School of the Wissahickon Alcthodist Episcopal Church. Terrace and Salaignac streets. will present the three-act comedy "Lost a unapcronc tomorrow evening in the lecture hall of tho church. The affa'r Is in charge of Airs. Boy Green, and the' cast will include Miss Virginia Brown. Miss Florence Ottinger, Aliss Anna Taylor, Aliss Mildred Haley, Aliss Edith Haley, Aliss Daisy I'airhurst, Miss Lillian Allller, Aliss Buth Smith, Miss Evelyn Stewart, Air. I'nymond Van Aiken, Mr. Virgil Cooper, Air. William North, Air. Harper Pierson, Mr. William Alissimcr aud Mr. Horace Ottinger. STRAWBERRY MANSION Mr. aud Mrs. C. Knrtman, 1828 Na trona street, entertained on Saturday evening for Mrs. Kartman's bister, Aliss Elizabeth Krupniek. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Katz, of New York ; Miss Annette Goldfarb, Dr. S. Swartz, Miss Cecilia Coopcrsmith, Mr. Albert Kartman, Miss Betty Luckerman, Air. B. Krupniek, Miss Belle Poplow, Miss Francis Ntedlcman, Aliss Sara Axlcr, Mr. B. Halpcrn, Aliss Alable Smeyno, Mrs J. Frankel, Mr. Harry Lodge, Mrs. II. Sherman, Air. B. Chalfln, Miss Frances ChalUn and Miss Bcba Chalfln. Mr. and Mrs. A. Babinowitz, of 1821 North Thlrty-tbiT.1 street, an nounce tho engagement of their daugh ter, Aliss Alary Babinowitz, to Air. Benjamin Silbermau, of Atlautic City. Mr. and Airs. Ezra Bruduo, of Cleve land, O,, are tho guests of Air. und Airs. L. 13. Hess, of the Plaza Apart ments. A package party was given ou Sunday evening by the Sisterhood of the B'nai Jeshurun Congregation, the proceeds of which will bo used to purchase u mov-ing-picturo machine for the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Block, ot 103:5 North Thirty-third street, bailed on Wednesday for Now Orleans. From there they will go to California, makiug many stops on the way. JflliHraVKlli WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Airs. Bollin II. Aleycrs. of tho Rutland Apartments, entertained Ion Saturday night at dinner nud cards. 1 'Pllnii" rritnutta innliiddil "Mi ni.il lli-o Wendell Tredick, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Standbridgc, Miss Evelyn Stand bridge and Mr. F. Edward Nolan. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of this city, announce the marriage of their daughter. Aliss Eleanor Thclma Davis, to Air. George Scott Wallace, on Wed nesday, January 7, at the Marble Col legiate Church, New York. Air. and Mrs. Wallace will be ut home after Juno 1 at 25 North SIxtv-third streqt. Miss Edwina Dingee Alalpass. 4."!1S Spruce street, who will be married to Air. John Walter "Miller, of Cincinnati, on February 0 will entertain at lunch eon nt the Union League today, fol lowed by a theatre party. The jtuests will be tho bridesmaids and will in clude: Miss Hclcne Leohurdt. Mrs. Lawrence Lewis Stevens, Aliss Alay Amvaerter and Miss Edith Garctt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Garvin, of 5419 Locust street, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, January 21. Air. Luigi A. Barili, of New York, was tho guest over the week-end of his brother and sister-in-law. Air. and Mrs. Eltoro Patti Barili, D115 Locust street. Mrs. Afaude L. Perkins, of Forty bixth and Walnut streets, announced the engagement of her daughter. Aliss Dor othy Alaude Perkins, to Air. Edgar Dun bar Morris, son of Air. and Airs. J. S. Morris, of this city, at it luncheon Sat urday, at the Bellcvue-Stratford. The guests included: Airs. .T. S. Morris, Airs. Ralph Mull, Miss Eleanor Chris tine. Aliss Martha Bowman, Aliss Anita Smith. Aliss Dorothy Zurn. Aliss Emma McDowell. Miss Dorothy AIcClccs, Aliss Mary Little, Miss Alary AlcCoweu, Alias Gladys McCowen, Miss Laura Alc Coweu, Airs, llazlctt Hall and Airs. Taylor Hall. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Tho Moana Country Club will give its annual dance this evening at AIc Crca's Academy. A fcvV members of a local musical comedy will be in' at tendance as guests of the club. MISS EVKIAN J. LYON Of 4339 North Ninth street, who will leave early In February for an ffMleflnlte tiay in California' i TIOGA Miss Buth Maxwell, of S239 North Sydenham street, will give a luncheon followed by cards on Saturday for the members of tbo Phi Kappa Club. Her guests will include Miss Inez Landls. Miss Bessie Eplctt, Aliss Mario Fisher, Airs. Byron Biley. Mrs. Puul Dor, Miss Edith Hoppuck, Miss Buth Bbi;crs, Aliss Hitn Beuton. Aliss Esther Kihler Aliss Alarian Dectz, Aliss Nan Hoggs UU( U.L0. II 1U1U1U OL'llH. . Tho friends of Miss Gertrude Kio facr, of Twenty-third and Tioga btreets, will be glad to hear that she has recovered from her recent accident. ROXBOROUGH Mrs. John J. Foulkrod, Jr., of 451 Lyceum inenue, chuperoncd the follow ing from Boxborough over the week-end in Annapolis. Aid., Aliss Tsabel Foulk rod, Miss Dorothy KccJy und Miss Cathariuo Cox. Air. David Hey, Air. Richard Hev. Mr. Jumes Ashworth, Air. Edmund Kecly. Air. Ellwood J. Beattv. Air. William J. Piatt, Mr. Frederick Alcr rill Brecht aud Mr. Frederick S. Aletz ler form the committee in charge of the musical comedy to bo civen lomnrmw evening nt Woodvnle, tho clubhouse of tne American liriugc Co.'h Club, by the Junior Aid of St. Timothy's Hospi tal, of which Airs. John J. Foulkrod, Jr., is tho president, in aid of the hospital. Air. Barney Fischer and the Bala-Cynwyd players will give tho en tertainment. MANAYUNK The members of the Girls' Friendly Society of St, Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Alission, under tho direction of Ahs. Winthrop C. Nielson, pre sented in bong and tableaux tho "Ills', tory of the Girls' Friendly Society" last evening in the chapel lu AVcst Manayunk. The Hev. Albert H. Holt is rector of the mission. An interesting illustrated lecture, to which tho community is invited, will be given tomorrow evening in tho Ashland Public School, West Alannyunk, by Mr. Alike Dorizas, of the University of Pennsylvania, a Greek who knows his neigmior tno -ruru, ms subject will bo "Constantinople and tho Near East." NORRISTOWN Miss Margaret Puscy, of 1428 Powell street, entertained u cumber of the younger school bet at an informal dance at her home. Among tho guests were Miss Isabel Elsenberg, Aliss Elizabeth Elsenberg, Aliss Alary Cressman, Aliss Edna Shoemaker, Aliss Evelyn Stjer Miss Louise Parker, Alias Alayo Booid,' Aliss Cathariuo Pusey, Alibs Frumvv (.onnelly. Master Jack Geiger, Alastcr Robert Briinncr. Aluster ,0. Howurd Harry, MaHcr Uuls Smith, Master brauUlu Houbton nud Mastep aiduvy MISS M. M. MORGAN WEDSMR.G.R.REIMER Marriago Takes Place in Lu theran Church Murphy Leahy Nuptials A wedding of interest in Tioga nnd in Trcvosc, Pa., is that of Miss Myrtle M. Alorgan, daughter of Airs. Wilhcl minn Alorgan. of '330 North Fifteenth street, and Airs. George R. Reimcr, of Trcvosc, which will bo solemnized at 7 o'clock this evening in the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, Carlisle and Ontario streets, with the Rev. I. Walton Bobst officiating. Tho bride will wear n gown of cream-colored satin and rare lace, with her tullo veil caught with clusters of orange blos soms. Bride roses and sweet peas will bo carried. Miss Wilhclmlna Morgan, tho bride's sister, who will bo maid of honor, will wear a turquolsc-bluo satin gown with a.crcno hat to match, nnd will carry yellow roses and snnp dragons. Airs. Arthur Biles nnd Aliss Sara Ilcnsei, the bridesmaids, will wear satin gowns with rrepe hats to match, the former in orchid color und tho lat ter in yellow. Mr. Reimer will have for best man Air. Claude Rosenberry, of Rending, Pa., and his ushers will include Mr. Arthur Biles. Mr. P. Willard Reissc, Mr. Charles P. Miller and Mr. Clinton Y. Wiigus. Tho ceremony will bo fol lowed by a reception at the home of tho bride's mother. Mr. Reimcr and his brido will leave on u month's trip and will be nt home after March 1 at Trcvose. AIURPHY LEAHY A pretty wedding will take place thi4 afternoon nt 4 o'clock in the Corpus Christl Catholic Church, Twenty-ninth street nnd Allegheny avenue, when Miss Alary iQ. Leahy, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. James P. Leahy, of 2725 West Somerset street, will becomo the brido oi Mr. Leo 13. Murphy, or UMcngo. Tiio rector, the Rev. Henry A. Naylon, will perform tbo ceremony, which wil-be fol lowed by a reception at tho homo of tho bride's parents. The bride wil bo given in marriage by her iutncr and will wear her traveling suit of dark-blue cloth, with a hat to match. Her only attend ant will be her bister, Miss Lorctta Leahy. Air. Thomas Leahy, tho bride's brother, will bo best man. Mr. and Airs. Murphy will leavo for a tour through western New York, and will bo at borne after Alarch 1 at 2725 Somcr: set street. Tho bridegroom served over seas in the United States navy. The brido is a graduate of tho William Pcnn High School. FISHER NOLAN An attractive midwinter wedding was solemnized with the nuptial mass this morning in tho Church of tho Most Precious Blood, Twenty-ninth and Dia mond streets, when Miss Myrtle Nolan, daughter of Mrs. Frances Nolan, of 2930 Wcstmont street, was married to Air. Charles J. Fisher, of Rochelle ave nue. Wissahickon, with the Rev. Joseph L. J. Kirlin officiating. The bride wore n gown of whito batin und lace, with her tulle veil extending to tne nem of the court train. She was attended by Aliss AIntilda Fisher, sister of the bride groom, who wore a gown of turquoiso blue taffeta with a black tulle hat. Air. Thomas M. Fisher was bis brother's best man. After a breakfast at the homo of tho bride's mother, Air. and Mrs. Fisher left for n trip to coast resorts of Florida, aud upon their re turn they will be at home at 2950 Wcst mont street. HENDRICK THOMPSON A pretty homo wedding .took place on Monday night nt 8 o'clock, tno Rev. Robert Hunter officiating, when Aliss Isabel Thompson, of 5813 AVillowh ave nue, was siven in marriage bv her father to Mr. AVallaco B. Hendrick. of 3053 Percy street. A reception followed immediately after tho ceremony. Tho bride wore u gown of ivory white batin and carried a shower bouquet of whito Bridu roses. Her sister. Airs. J. It. Kelly, who wore it beaded white georgette gown and carried pink rosc acted as matron of honor. Air. Hendrick had for his best man his brother, Mr. O. Hendrick.' AftPr nn extended wedding trip Air. and Mrs. Hendrick will be ut home ut C813 Willows avenue. DAVID STUR55 The marriage of Aliss Claire Lucille Sturz, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Alor ris Sturz. of 1S2S North Twentv-ei-rlitli street, to Mr. Charles nenry .David, of nuiuiuuic. win iuisu pmcc mis evening at 0:30 o'clock at tho Hotel Adelphia. Tbo ceremony will bo performed by the Rev. Alarviu Nathan. Tho brido will wear a gown of whito satin and silver nice witu tune yen unu carry u shower bouquet of lilies of tho valley nud or chids. She will be attended by Airs. Philip Havno as matron of honor, and tho bridesmaids will be her sister. Aliss Beatrice Sturz, Aliss Beatrice Tcitel bauni and Miss Lillian David and Alias Jean David, sisters of the bridegroom. Mrs. Ravno's gown will be of bilvcr and blue brocade with silver lace, while the bridesrauids' costumes will be of blue, orchid, pink und rose shot taffetas. Mr. Samuel David, brother of tho bride groom, will bo best man. while Aliss Alinnio Brocher and Alastcr Alorris Hrcchcr will act as llowor girl and page. After a four weeks' trip to New York and Atlantic City tho brido aud bride groom will live in Baltimore. SCHOOL CHILDREN PRESENT ECONOMY FASHION EXHIBIT Girls 12 lo 15 Years Old Strut by Comrades in Gotvns Made by Themselves and Costing From 89 Cents to 1$5.68 Tho magic touch of economy, plus originality with n llttlo energy thrown Id will enable any girl, regardless of the size of her purse, to bo nttrnctlve. This was proved nt the fnshlon show today at the William Cullcir Bryant Public School, Sixtieth street nnd Cedar avenue. Nineteen enthusiastic and most of 'em pretty gjrls, twelve to fifteen years old, appeared in their bclf-made creations. Most of them wero deservedly proud of the gowns and frocks in which they appeared. And some of their llttlo school boy sweethearts who were invited into the show were proud of them too for they applauded emphntically, when n girl from their own special btrcct ap peared on tho platform. The girls wero introduced by Miss Knthryn Dougherty, who cssajed the role of master of ceremonies with be coming dignity and poise. The price of the dress each girl wore also was announced uud unlike the world where money reigns favorite, the girl who woro the most economical dress Ubu ally got the most upplause. Some ot the girls wore dresses which were made at a total cost of eighty-four cents. The cost of the material for the most expensive dress was $5.08. The girls made the dresses durlug the special sewing periods under the direc tion of Miss Lisa Schumann. House NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Walter AlcCarthy, of 5020 North Twelfth street, is entertaining informally this afternoon at her home. Her guests include Mrs. William Do laney, Mrs. Frank Kenny, Mrs. A. H. Kmitli, Airs. Albert 1a uont, Mrs. Harry Seaman, Airs. James P. Cun ningham, Airs. Walter G. Hinds. Mis. Amoa Gcikler, Mrs. William White, Mrs. William Irvin, Airs. William F. Sherwood, Airs. Harry Ycagcr, Airs. Annie Cook and Aliss Josephine Lillie. Mrs. Owen Fullaway is entertaining the members of her sewing club ut luncheon today. Airs. Charles Haigh, Mrs. Allen Alonts, Airs. William Don aldson, Airs. Harold Stanley Stewart, Mrs. Christian Krunn, Airs. J. II. Dripps, Alls. Ralph Parkinson, Mrs. Ralph Humphreys. Airs. Thomas BI. Scholcy, Airs. C. C. Clegs. Airs. Hor ace Davis, Mrs. J. A. Ncufeld, Airs. Walter S. Bauer, Mrs. W. G. Clibbs, Alias Ida Dripps, Airs. Louis Biggard, Mrs. Paul Voight, Mrs. Walter Miller, Airs. Raynor Bowman, .Mrs. Harvey Cressman, Airs. J. II. Chadwick aud Mrs. Charles Thompson arc the guests. The friends of Air. Harry Frost, of 1249 Huntingdon btrcet, will bo glad to hear that he is convalescing from his recent serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. William Brnndeis and their daughter, Aliss Evelyn Brnndeis, of 1531 Poplar street, have isucd iti vitations for u dunce at the Bcllevuc Stratford on Tuesday evening, Febru ary 10. Mrs. Anna B. Scanlan, 1915 Green street, announces the engagement of her daughter. Aliss Sara Gertrude Scanlan, to Mr. Francis S. Friel. Air. Fricl served as n first lieutenant with the 304th Engineers, Seventy-ninth Divi sion, during the war. Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Smith, of 1923 Mnstcr street, have left for Aliaml, Fla., where they will spend the re mainder of the winter. Air. and Mrs. Alax Reinheimcr have returned to their home, S53 North Twenty-fourth street, from it trip to New York. Mr. and Airs. Charles Wintcrmitz, of 512 West 142.1 btrcct, New York, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Aliss Mndeliuu Stern. Wintcr mitz, to Air. Valentino L. Wilson, of 1...W iSortli Sixteenth street, this city, at an informal reception which was held on Sunday afternoon. Air. Alortou Oppenhcimer and Airs. Elmer Simon were among those assisting in receiv ing. Mis Gertrude Hewing, of North Six teenth street, will entertain the mem bers of her sewing circle ou Thursday. Mr. and Airs. David Wallace Mayer, of Richmond, Va., arc receiving con gratulations on tho birth of a daughter, Saru Virginia Alaycr. Airs. Alayer, before her marriage, was Aliss Harriet Leyssigcr, daughter' of Mr. and Airs. Nathaniel Leyssigcr. Mrs. Joseph II. Rubin gave a lunch eon last Wedneday at the Arcadia in honor of Airs. Jacob 1 Locb, of New York, who, with Air. Locb, is on a visit hero iu this city. Mr. aud Alri. Isaac Plant, of the Hotel Alujestic, entertained the visitors nt a dinner at tho lJcllovuc-Strntford, also, on Wed nesday. Air. and Airs. Jacob Locb Langs dorf, ot 1809 Spring GaWlen street, en tertained Air. and Mrs. Jacob V. Locb, of New York, at dinner. Covers were laid for eighteen guests. Invitations have been issued by Mrs. 1J. Siedcubach, of the Lenox Apart ments, and her daughters, Airs. Ida Stcppacher nnd Airs. Clarence L. Aloy crs, for a luncheon, followed by bridgo, at the Mercantile Club on Wednesday, February 1. gowns, sport dresses, pnrty frocks and other creations wero shown. Tho fol lowing participated lu the bhow: Kathcrine Eyerly, Dorothy Lough head, Edith Vaienclu, Josephine Moore. Florence Goodyear. Aladelino Snyder, Bentrlco McClellan, Ellse Myers, Knth ryn Grovcr, Dora Sklar, Alberta Schncc, Anna Cohen, Edith Oliver, Florence Herman, Genevieve Berry, Louise Bower, Emma Whltely, Kath ryn Freeman uud Evelyn Gable, H0TELWALT0N ROOF GARDEN Every Evening This Week The MISSES DONG FONG GUE and MOY FONG SAN "Those CiiinBO Olrln" in Their Conception of American Artists. DYER and SANDS Two Qlrla From the Land ot Ilarmonv. MINA SCHALL The rcraonallty Girl. MADGE and ETHEL WARD Ballroom Dancing. WILL CRUTCHFIELD A Prairie Brcezo. Dancing Begins at 8:30 P. M. ntTOBNR Q. MIM.BR. Mr. mMh Market St. t. I6U1. II A. M. to llllB P.M. JOSEPH M adHENCK PreMnU NORMA TALMADGE Jn Plcturizod Version of Novel "A Daughter of Two Worlds" Next Week "HACK TO GOD'S COUNTlir" iai-A(i 12H MARKET 8TREET 10 A. M. 12, i'. 3 MB, CMC. 7M5, 0.30 P, M. first nnd Hxcliialvo Presentation TIIU liEAUTV riCTUIUS SOPREMK Y7ALNUT Mat- Toroor.. S5c. 50c, 75c. Wnl'',u NIGHTS AT 8:15. -r. r-iiinnr unnn Lomwiy 1 " 1 1 FISKEO'HARA Beata NOW in "Down Limerick Way" METROPOLITAN OPiatA HOUSE Metropolitan Opera Company, N. Y. n" TUES. EVG., FEB. 3, at 8 L7f I Mmeo. K Uracola "- Kaston. Cordon, az. Scottl. Dldur. By (1st time here) CLEOPATRA'S NIGHT Mmcs. Alda. Gordon. K .11. Mra. Kingston, Plcco, D'Anirelo. Condfr-tr , Mr. Papl. Seata 110S Chestnut St. Wal. 4424 ; Hhcp 67. EITH'S "VIE" QUINN & CO. The- Lant Word In Jazz Art Dorothy Shoemaker & Co. In a One-Act Playlet, "LIFE" Patrlcola; Herbert Clifton: Swor Bro. Do Marcst & Collette, and Other. PHILADELPHIA'S FOREMOST THEATRE3 BROAD Mat. Today t r,XH5AJK.DIENCE HAD THOUnLE IN 9I?TT,1.G1TS "HEATH BETWEEN LAUGHTER." North American. SAM II. HARRIS Presents WILLIAM COLLIER In "The Hottentot" A new farce by Victor Mapea & Wm. Collier NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW MARIE DRESSLER In Ilor Cyclona of Mlrtli Tillie's Nightmare FORREST"4.!Sf uayats.15 RAYMOND HITCHCOCK In his latest musical revue HITCHY-KOO OF 1919 100 ENTERTAINERS CHORUS OF 40 UNDER 20 GARRICK MAT. TODAY tx, .., VOS. P.L s :0 , """.. jjuuc..' a liAUiilllu HIT Adapted From the Htase Play Triumph. The most compelling lov story ever toM. USyA.y eminent cast of principals: also iuu ut" tllB .MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN t. i,r. . IN' TIin WORLD Aold Crowdg. Attend Morning PorfonnanceB. , ARCADIA in a ri'CKTNUT DELOW 10TH X ill-!!;. nA-- is- 0!'r'. 7:4tJ. "" I. M. All-Star Cast In First Presentation of "Six Best Cellars" A Timely Parumount-Artrrift Picture Adapted Fro,,, th Magazine Story Uy HolHorthy Hall and Hugh Kahler V I c T o rTa MARKET STREET ABOVg 0TII l A WM. -A6ffeM",, CAPIT01 li, ir 7.?1 MARKET STREET J-4 10 A. M.. 1 2, 43. r, MB. 7M5. O.SO P. M. Clara Kimba I Young "isvks of YOUTH" YOUTH" NIXON'S C 0 L O N I A I. pp. .jneiien, Z!in, 70 -' Douglas Fairbanks wi tn cioaoir . Roll Py RFHPMT MA5KET OT- Bei. lrrn lVCiVlEllN 1 DOUGLAS MACLEAN "W1.1T.H -Vrt.rr, t... DORIS MAY In whath 1QUR HUSBAND POINOT" 11 A. M. to It P. M. MAIIKET STREET . .T JUNIPER CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE "Broadway Higgins" c,0um11 Impcrla, Totsuwarl Japs; Oriental Novelty. BROADWAY o"1 Snyder Ave. TO. 2:15. OM5 and n P.M. 1 om Drown s baxophone Four 'potwonh "BEHIND THE DOOR CROSS KEYS MARKET ST.. Bel. COtt. ..... 2 !30, 7 and O P. M. WM. L.AMPE & CO. om PHILADELPHIA'S LEADING THEATRES Direction of lye A J. J. SHUBERT SAM S. Ol ,. f NIGHTS AT 8:13 Broad Bel. "JUUDerC MATS. TODAY Locust SAT LAST 4 NIGHTS $1 MAT. TODAY MAT. SATURDAY WHM with ANDREW TOMBE3 Limited Engagement for Four Weeks Only Beginning Monday, Feb. 2d GREENWICH ; VILLAGE FOLLIES A Revusical Comedy of New York's Quartier Latin ' With FRANCES WHITE, iAmr.a ivattm, TED LEWIS. ADA IXIRMAN. L HERMAN AND ill MOADErL3IJS MiTlaT' MAIL ORDER . ANNOUNCEMENT (Wore the puWic sale of f-atp which oponu tomorrow at the box office of the Sara 8. Miutart Theatr. money order-. or ch'cku mado payable to the .iTOBuier, cam t. Bnubert Koi. -f t. . Th"re. will be honored. "rhy-a J3 ao: BilMnv. 22n "" ; lYfo, Saturday NlShts Orchestra. 3 30: R...J5ai'-.,!5:-i2.T?. J?-?". i .. .. oaiurcay .Matinees Orchestra.. J2.20. . 'ni. i.u.j, si 10 J1.6S IC,!-?!? Ii yS WU(oW T VRTP NIG'lTa AT 8:20 $1.00 MAT. TODAY Season's Supreme Success ALICE BRADY PERSONALLY, IN "FOREVER AFTER" TMtli N. Y. Cast and Production ior. niiiBHiiEhiai George Allen 1214 Chestnut Street 9 1214 Inc. Advance Spring Millinery Suitable for Wear Now These Hats are cleverly designed to be equally appropriate for wear now and in the Spring Many Clever Models at $10.00 Tref ousse French Kid Gloves Tho Trefousse Glovo is about tho best French make and tho following prices aro 25 ro less than tho regular Spring lino will be. Overseam, $3.25 pair Pique Kid, $3.50 and $1.00 pair' Pique Suede, $3.50 and $1.00 pair 8-Button Overseam Kid white and black $4.50 pair. 8-Button Pique Kid while and black $4.75 pair. 8-Button Suede gray, white, black $4.25 pair. Tooth and Nail Brushes, 25c Theso aro Puro Bristle Tooth Brushes with Bone or Trans women a " d,ffcrC,,t !h-lPpii-i- for men "nd The Nail Brushes Are Pure Bristle The Practical and Serviceable Kind i W fji Last Time Sat. Night. Feb. 7 Seats Now for All Remalnlne Performances MAT. TOMOil. PHILADELPHIA 17th & Do Lanccy. NIGHTS at ?.:!0 Special Announcement ! ! By Popular Request ARTHUR HOPKINS Will Presmt JOHN DREW "THE CAT-B1RD" The V.-ua.,nrilMaEntaC.,medy For One More Week Beginning Monday, Feb. 2 ACADEMY OF MUSIC TATNI8Grr Tuesday Evg., Feb. 3, at 8:20 SIR OLIVER LODGE LAST LECTfRE Of i-EniES "THE DESTINY OF MAN" Tickets, 75o to JS. 1110 Chestnut tit AHFT PWI NIGHTS AT 8:15 -UHL-r-r-U $1 Mat. Tome POSITIVELY LAST 6 TIME3 FLORENCE J MOORE Tho Worl'I'H r.lnill'Bt C'rl in .ha nurida l'uniileiit Frco BREAKFAST IN BED Beg. Mon. Seats Tomorrow Mail Orders NOW The Crimson Alibi Monarch of Melodramas With N. Y. Cast and Production. CHESTNUT ST. opkraousk NIOIITS AT 8.1S LAST 4 NIGHTS $1 MAT. TODAY MAT. SATURDAY F. Ray ComatoJ. and Morrla Geet Preicnt IheROSE of CHINA :h most boauttful munleal Play In ArnnrlcM. Not. th. rant Prank Mointyre. "ecu innlnsharn. q?car Shaw. Jane Richard,! Academy of Music Thursday i:vc. JANUARY DilTrr The Choral Society ov ruiLA. Henry Gordon Thunder. Conductor. Rra.c5. Ifm. Bonrano Member. Philadelphia Orehe.tra Tickets at llepne's. 1110 Chestnut Street 7Sc. SI.OO. l.r0 and JSOO. Dlnn- King Olaf (dear) ACADEMY Of jrUSIC Boston Won.. l.-b. . at 8 15 Symphony soioit Orchestra , KREISLER Plcrro Monteux Tickets now tf ,) ot Conductor Heppe'e, 1UO Chestnut St ORPHEUM ""' ToniorniwrasSr MAK DESMOND (HRimKlU") jt-r? 35c rOn X- 7.L irrr..v.. ah Tim nr.wiToi.ivii JtKKr PBU V Tim l-TintNALMAODAI.ltvie.. Dumont's & "nmelt J, WIpIi Mln- Or POPULAR PRIcIItIJI VlfQ Fort Burg-Doll Captured Th r runn.nsharn. Ofcar Shaw. Jane Richardson Beg. Mon., SEATS TOMOR. A Musical Play Different SOMEBODY'S SWEETHEART A lauehlnc, tuneful, rolllcldnr hit of 4 A weeks tn New York 13 weeks in ChlcaatL infl. rant nnil Ifnntr.ri,.nl. u i" ." u,c"". " . ". 1 ' 'M'"" iwmi, AfAUtJlI l.tUl.U. AIT, I'eb. 0, at OlOO. &C0RT0T Tlitt' Hcppos. 1 1 10 Chest. , !,GO, , 7f, Individual Instruction Exrluehe Mrthod Mirrored Htudlo 4 DANCING LESSgNS $5 A TEACHER FQajPH PUPIL, W'l CORTISSOZSCHOOL PEOPLES 7a4r-"ls?7 20th Century Maids 1570 Cbtstnui "rrjca BOO 'Ixicuit 0183 :i 'ifil 1 S ' "I m sa m t m 'kl fi H ': V P- 'JW.,0. 0. FJtterjhas clotted Jrnl Tr,.T wwa v s T t 8 ti i ffc ,ir. TrocadrQ""iowvriu, ' . M V-X' !'- . 1 "M , ""' wafljoin j " li . ,