Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 26, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 9, Image 9

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State Commission Asks Gov
e'rnor to Havo Competent
Architect Head Builders '
An apptul for consideration ot urt
..well as utility in construction of
. proposed Phila.lelphia-Camdcn
iirld'ls-ninde in a letter scut bv the
Site Art Commission, fiom its head
quarters at 130 South Fifteenth street,
to Governor Sproul.
The commission nsks that au archi
tect bo .nnracd as head 9f the bridge
commission. , A , , . , ,
After trlllnK what should be done
to make the Delaware river bridge au
ornament to tho cities as well as a
useful lmprocement. the commission
points to the, Scbujlltill liver bridges as
horrible examples of what should not
be doue, saying:
"We have in Philadelphia over the
Bcbiivlkill for the Pennsylvnlu Rail
road and the Ttapid Transit Co. tau as
sortment of bridges which, for pure
cheapness, we believe cannot be
equaled Surely there is) nothing any
where more ugly or more unworthy of
i pleasant stream in Ha passage
through i metropolis Though we may
look 'forward to their disappearance at
the demand of a more discriminating
public tHSte, we cannot but regard the
rtort-sighted policy which created
"Inasmuch as this structure is to ex
tend bcyoud the bulkhead line nnd over
waterway, and since state funds arc
to be used m its construction, tnc coin
mission feels thnt this matter will ulti
mately fall, at least partially, within
its 1'nns.cl'ction," says the urt commis-
si"11, . ....
"The question of where,' meaning
locatiou, cau only bo answered after a
complete study of the city plan has
been made. The question of 'what' to
build, meaning size and tho kind of
Etructurc. can really only be nnswrcd
after a determination of the kind 'of
servic which the bridge will havo to
perform. Wo believe that more of the
success of the Delaware river bridge
project depends on tho right answer tn
these quwtions than on tho actual
ttructura' problem, of the how, which
Is to nir iniqd after all but a detail.
"We take the liberty of calling your
jttcnriou to tbeo aspects of the case.
We atk you to consider seriously the t
advisability of appointing as the head !
of the commission on design a man
ho. by his training, is competent to
ttudy the 'where' and 'what,' rather
than one eminently fitted as regards the
'tow.' "
Will Die When People Awake, Sayo
Social Psychologict I
Bolshevistic sentiment in tho United '
States will dio a natural death when J
the individual citizen takes an active ,
interest in national politics.
This was the thought of Director I
Herbert Melville, publicist and social I
psychologist, expressed at a meeting
in Clayton Hall under the auspices ot
the Friendship Liberal League last
"If the American citizen lnd made
his patriotism of mere acquiescence n
more intelligent, concrete and effective
initiative, he would be better prepared
to meet the present' national emer
gency " he said.
Will Be Under Supervision' of First
Presbyterian Church
A new community center for the pro
mulgation of educational, spiritual and
healthful recreations has been opened
in the Albert Barnes Memorial Build
ing. Seventh and Spruce streets.
The center is under the direct super
vision of the First Presbyterian Church.
The trustees of the Presbytery also are
supporting the institution.
Motion pictures, forums for men and
vomen, group parties for employed
men and women and an uttructively
furnished rest room are among the
comforts and pleasures afforded at the
MOUNTING on Muslin and
Cardboard of Maps, Posters
and Plans.
38 S. 6lh St, Phila.
Market 1900 Main 569
New Classes Begin Week of
January 26
Preparatory accounting first year.
Principles of accounting second
Advanced accounting problems
third year.
Cost accounting.
Accounting law.
All instructors are expert ac
countants. Office open for registration 9 A. M.
to 9 P. M.
A few free scholarships for dis
charged service men-
Central Branch. 1421 Arch SL
in f. mniM m.MJ Mil
Letterer Designer
An artist with ability to
originate highest class modern
borders, etc. He must possess
creative artistic ideas. Prac
tical, commercial experience Is
a requisite. Submit proof by
mail; write fully- An unusual s
opportunity with a Philadel.
phia organization.
Address B JSOlwIgfrr. Office,
Gimbel Brothers
Store Hours 9 ,to 5.30
For Tomorrow Tuesday
I his
M- m lift m
Ha nfltAf
It amounts to. this: Choose from three-quarters of a million dollars' worth of the world's
favored silks yes, choose fabric and garniture for Assembly gown, as assuredly as you would choose
silk for simplest blouse anch-
Save in a Wonderful Way
Let the emphasis of the Sale be on its variety its extensiveness and the charm oHhe silks..
Only right silks could-be worth your while; only fashionable silks could be "bargains" at even
a lowered price. "
Will you trust the evidence of your own eyes? Will you be guided by the verdict of Philadel
phia's best dressers, Philadelphia's best shoppers?
As a Silk Exposition this Sale is worth a day's journey to see!
Printed Satin Mantilla, in lovely de
signs for linings. Sale price a yard
Georgette Crepe, light and dark col
ors, including white and black. In the
sale at $2.95 a yard.
Washable Satins, in white and pale
pink. 35 inches wide. In the sale at
$2.90 a yard.
Rich Satin Baronet and Acre of Sat
ins, in rich street and evening tints, also
black and white. In the sale at $4.90 a
Imprime Georgette Crepe, in charm
ing new designs and color combinations.
40 inches wide. In the sale at $3.58 a
New Foulard Silks, in pretty new de
signs, and plenty of the favorite navy
blue and black, combined with white. In
the sale at $2.68 a yard.
Colored Taffeta Silks, some in lovely
changeable effects. In the sale at $2.90
a yard.
White Wash Silks, yard wide, and
very durable. In the sale at $1.85 a
Striped Shirting Silks, in the well
known broadcloth weave. Colored stripes
on white grounds. In the salo at $3.58
a yard.
Striped Shirting Silks, in the famous
jersey weave, striking color combina
tions. In the sale at $3.90 a yard.
Black Taffeta Silks, 35 inches wide.
In the sale at $2.68 a yard.
Beautiful Sports Silks in the best lilt
ed weaves, plain colors, self colored
stripes and plaids. In the sale at $6.90
a yard.
Charmeuse Satins, in black and the
wanted colors. In tho salo at $4.90 a
Printed Foulard Silks, in new Paris
designs and colors. In the sale at $2.90
a yard.
Rosemary Sports Satins, in white
only. In the sale at $4.68 a yard.
Corded Shirtings, in white only silk
warp. In the sale at $1.25 a yard.
Pongee Silks, in natural colors. In
the sale at 68c a yard.
Chinese Pongee Silks, in natural
shade, 32 inches wide. In the sale at
$1.58 a yard.
Shantung Pongee Silks, 32 inches
wide. In the sale at $1.15 a yard.
Imported Black Satin Florence, from
a well-known maker. Yard wide. In
the sale at $3.90 a yard.
Foulard Silks, in beautiful colorings
and desgns, 40 inches wide. In the sale
at $3.90 a yard.
Double Width Crepes do Chine, in
all new light and dark colors, including
black. In the sale at $2.90 a yard.
Crepe Shirting SiUns, in attractive
styles. 32 inches wide. In the sale at
$3.90 a yard.
New Weave Tricolette, in navy blue
and black only . In the sale at $4.90 a
Tricolette, in the popular plain
weave, newest colors. Heavy quality.
In the sale at $6.38 a yard.
Satin Princess, in lovely new street
and evening shades. 35 inches wide. In
the sale at $2.90 a yard.
Sets New Standard in Value-Giving
It is new to have the whole range of beautiful furniture to choose from.
Not every piece here is reduced, but liberal groups of every style and period.
Mahogany, American walnut nothing too good to be included.
Glad to arrange to charge the purchase with many months in which to
complete payments.
iff Sisssnn
w Aik) fhffij w im
wKopi JSQ
Women's Dresses
Captured a Handful of Tricotines, With the
New Short, Flared Sleeve,' That We
Can Sell at
Although the original was a Paris model, and the-"first dupli
cates" cost fully double $49.75.
Midnight blue. Braid-embroidered from collarlesa neck to
hip-line. And there's a glint of gold here and there in the em
Save $125 on
1-r.l a . -&
i nese ouii.es
February Sale Price $325
Georgian suite as illustrated, in Amer
ican walnut, finest construction and finish,
54-inch top extension tables. Four pieces.
Save $150 on These Suites
suite as illus
trated, in wal
nut and ma
hogany, beau
tifully design
ed and fin
ished. Large
c h iffor obe.
Four pieces.
February sale
price $250.
Save $100 on These Suites
Luxurious suite as illustrat
ed, deep spring seats, spring
edge, backs, large davenport,
arm chair and rocker, loose
spring cushion seats, outside
backs covered in same materi
al. Three pieces. February sale
price f 350.
Brass Bedsteads and "Four Post
Wood Bedsteads unlimited stocks
Save $20 on These Bedsteads
r f S !
Bedstead as
illustrat e d,
3 - foot or
full sizes,
m a h ogany
v e n e e red
panel hea'd
boards, 4
inch turned
posts. Feb
ruary sate
price, $25.
Three Hundred All-Brass Bedsteads
ty aave $10 each
Bedsteads as
illustrat e d,
2-inch posts,
2 - inch top
rails, 1-inch
filling rods,
full size and
satin finish
only. Febru
ary sale-price,
$25 each.
Five Hundred All-Brass Bedsteads
Save $20 Each
AH brass bed
steads as il
lustrated, 2
inch continu
ous posts, 1
inch filling
rods, satin
finish and full
size only.
February sale
price, 520.
250 All-Brass Bedsteads
Save $15 Each
Bedstead as
illustrated, 2
inch posts, 2-
inch top rails,
4-inch corner
knobs. Itf
inch filling
rods, full size
and satin fin
i s h only.
February sale
price. $30.
Gimbels, Sixth floor
I III fTTa1 Bsar v r MnmPa
Another Handful at
Is divided between two utterly
unlike models.
One embroidered, in side
motifs, in that -wonderful new
moroccan red and in that won
derful new stitch.
The other with the self-tone
embroidery, massed entirely on
the skirt, and with buttons, but
tons everywhere.
Monday, January 26, 1920 f f Gimbel Brothers ' "jj
ilk Sab k Vk Kpvpbiioil fifii
1111 udiv id d lie vittimii Wh ; i
9jK9fB al spangled trimming in striking ' I II
K linea of sapphin hearfcof-J?ranctt , I 11 'V
O and lilac. & V K
Then from the ornEance of col- !1 Kr
or tho fashion swings to jet, in A ll V !
designs that show the hand of an m M V IV
artist. All widths from shoulder m m
strap to panels. K U 1 l
At $1 te f3S a yard. WifB 'm I 4
Gimbele. Dress Trimmrngi V Jill I vH I'
First floor J-&1 I7C fl J '
Taffeta Empire, in all the wanted
light and dark shades, with plenty of
navy blue. 35 inches wide. In the
sale at $2.68 a yard.
Satin Mcssalino, in all desirable col
ors, and black. 35 inches wide. Near
ly half price at a yard, $1.68.
Crepe Moteor, 40 inches wide, in
black and a full line of colors. In, the
salo at $3.68 a yard.
Social Satin, in all the wanted light
and dark colors. 35 inches wide. In tha
salo at $2.68 a yard.
Satine Daphinc, in plain and dhango
able colorings. In the sale at $&6&a
GeoTgette Crepe, In all colors and
black. In the sale at $2.38 a yard.
Radieuse Jaffeta, 40 Inches wide, in
light and dark colors, and black. 40
inches wide. In the salo at $3.95 a
Satin Charmeuse, the fashionable
dress fabric. 40 inches wide. In black,
navy and street colors. In the salo at
$3.90 a yard.
Gimbels, Second floor
The New Brown
Tricotines Special
at $65
With embroidery in brown sun
motifs, with the "rays" in gold.
Taffetas Special
at $29.75
A tie-around model with the
sweetest little pleatings edging
the waist and extending over tSe
-Salons of Dress. Third floor.
Women's Coats Some Genius
Added Sleeves to a Glengarry Scarf
and "Cordica Coatees" Result
Prices: $16.75, $18.75, $19.75 and $25
Scotch plaids and big, bold checks. With fringe; all with
narrow leather belts and all with the famous turn-back fronts.
Fabric-Fur Coatees Clearance
Priced $29.75 and $35
Just About Half-Price
Made of the famous Ungava
seal "fabric" fur and "Baffin
seal" fabric fur.
Those at $29.75 are in typi-
l fcal "Bobby" lengths and styles.
Those at $35 are in that pret
ty three-quarter length.
Fur-trimmed fabric-fur "spe
cials" begin at $45.
Gimbels, Salons of Dress,
Third floor
Women's Natural Gray
Squirrel Furs All Reduced
; i i
Fashionable, because one of the prettiest, most beeonrfnff
"frames" a woman's beauty can have.
Graceful Capes now $59.75 to
Stoles some with the Spanish
style ball-fringe now $97.50 to
Collars cute, fascinating, irre
sistible, inexpensive! now $32.50
to $75.
Muffs to match now $47.50 to! 155 to 168
Every Kind and Color of Fox
All Sharply Reduced
Cross fox Sets now $179 and
Brown fox Sets now $79, $105
and $125.
Taupe fox Sets now $89, $105,
$119 and $125.
Blacfe-dVetl fox 8ets
$87.50, $97J50, $T1S. $133 i
Silver-pointed fens Set now
Natural etWer fox Sear&4tMr
$115 to $339.
Natural oloe fox Segyfa aaw
Cross fox Scarfs now 88T.50
to $185.
Red fox Scarfs now 32S.S0 to
Brown fox Scarfs now $S8J7S
to $132.60.
Taupe fox Scarfs aow 92&7S
to $87.50.
Black-dyed ftsx Scarfs how $33
to $69.
Gimbals, Fur Salons,
1000 More Pairs of Dainty Net Curtain
Workroom-Made Special at $1.80 a Pair
S5f 15?dx"StyI ' th S? ?j?yi ralance hang ,between A"5 Ptished-apart curtains-special at $1.95 a pair.
Yes of the now-famous FUet-delphia net-filet-mesh; ere amy-tintcd; made to hang straight!
Filet-Net Lace Panels at $1.65 Eadh-Half-Price
and Full-Size
Hand-Drawn Curtains Special at $5, $5.50 and $6
a Pair About Half Price
Scrim, voile and Marquisette
Not a scran of laee- not a touch of anvfiinc ,Tt nnt;-u. -a
the handwork that makes "quality" into "charm 1"
A Thousand Yards of Cretonne at 65c
Just Half Price
42 patterns biff little stripes closely covered desiens bi
effective "things.
Full fifty tnchea wide.
Full two-and-a-half yards lone
Fascinating; patterns.
Remnants of Curtaining Now 20c to $2.50 Esuch
Every sort from net to scrim and lace nd TOxdra
Both snowy white and creamy tinti.
1000 More Workroom-Made
Shades Below Half-Price
Every color one to six of a coloring. Guaranteed rollers. Full siie.
at 75c
Gimbels, Upholstery Store, Fifth flaw
n t, . y . '' .'' J ' t ' l I