EFSSTZ3B3 IkSl '-. t ; hi i' , -., a c i :m ANSWER DUTCH : Inoteonex-kaiser s , :U EVENING TtJBiaCO EDE-PpilMDELPHlA; MONDAY, JAltUABY 26, 1920 d w, "Ambassadors' Council Prepares for Reply to Refusal to Surrender William GERMANS PROTEST WAR CRIME TRIALS "Revenge!" Cry at Mass-Meot-ing U. S. Applauded for Keep ing Aloof From Demand f HOLDS INITIAL MEETING ! tlio Assorlalcd Tress ft 1'aris. .Tan IV.. The rcp!i lo UiCeuKc! Berlin, Jau. i.U (By A. I1 A innst-meeting iu protest ngalust the ex tradition by the Allies of Germans who are wonted for trial was held yesterday l).v patriotic societies in the Circus Iiusrh. A large crowd attended. Mar garet Ueliui. conservative member of the Assembly, one of the bpeakers. was ntcrrupted by cries of "Jeenge! He she re- tradition issue. BOASTS SOVIETS CANF IGHT WORLD 'Not jet. not yet, ..refusal of the Dutch Oo erm.icst to tmcu, lie 1'Otietit. a , , , , , , , , ,in A Nnliorml Liberal member of the comply with the demand of Uc Allies j Assembly declared that, although the fjfor the surrender of former Emperor peace treaty obligated Germany to sur fs "William nnn the first subject discussed render the desired men, the promise was ".i -i it., i..us,.i ,..oi. r.f tho tuill and void before the "Supremo j today at the iuit ml meeting of the jU(lgc,. dcmaudc( that tuc g0cru. J council of ambassador, created to carrv m(;ut usc tllc utmost force iu resisting 5 on the unfinished routine worl; of the the attempt to extradite the men. The ' Supreme Conned of the Peace Confer- chairman of the meeting as applauded ence which disbanded lust week when he announced that the United ' It was decided that the Trench legal ?l"5P.VwT '"JU1UB u,oot lrum luc CJ- J experts available should go Into nil as I pects of the ease and prepare the re--' idy. which probabh will be submitted ' lor approval of the council early next week. ! The discussion iu the council did not , disclose the trend of opinion among the 1 members further than that it appeared to be the view that the legal phase of 'the question hud become the chief one 1j Tl.e council was presided over bj ,1'remier Milleraud Hugh C. Wallace, the American ambassador, wis present 'tvUIi flip nflit.p mnmhor.s n Hip llf.dv ! , After disposing for the cav of the ex tradition question the council decider" fto give the representatives of the .Tugo- Slavs four dajs additional time to re ply regarding the proposed compromise , on tne Adriatic question, including tlie disposition of 1'iume. This carries the question along until Wednesdaj . The council received a letter from Stanislas l'atelc, Polish minister of for eign affairs, calling attention to the posslbilitj of u strong uggresMvc move ment bj the liolsheviki against Polish territory anil rccmimeudiug that a plan .be adopted for defensive measures. The letter usked that the question be culled to the attention of Marshal Foch. The council also had before it a note from the German plenipotentiaries raising certain points regarding the make-up of the boundarj commissions provided for bv the treaty of Ver sailles. The questions were raised b' the Germans because of the nonrjtilieu tion of the treat bj the United States and the consequent lack of American members on the commissions as pro vided for bv the peace document. The nbsence of the Americans also raised the question as to the prcsulepej of tne commissions to coutrol the plebis- Organizations So Strong, Need No Supporting International Revolutions, Envoy States HAVE HUGE STORE OF GOLD By the Associated Press Washington, Jan. 20. Russian soviet organizations have become "strong enough to light the world," Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, soviet agent to the United States, told a Senate investigat ing committee today. Because of this, he said, the Soviets have ceased to urge international revo lution to support them. The Russian Soviets have "between S4.-0.000.000 and S000.000.000" iu the pub ic treasury. Martens said, which it was now desired to spend in foreigu countries on the purchase of necessities. There was now no gold in the hands of private biuks or individuals iu Russia, he added. Martens, who began his testimonv cite in the Tesehen territorj, ou the I last week just before the committee Czecho-Slovak-Polih frontier. It was j postponed its sessions, was the hrst pointed out that the French member witness to be called today. He will he would act, pending the qualification of followed bj members of his cmbnssv BOLSHEVISTS TAKE U. S. 1NPRIS0NER Eight, Officers and Several Rod Cross Workers, One a Woman, Captured CONSUL'S CABLE GARBLED the American member through the rati fication of the pact, should such action 'be taken by the United States Govern ment. Basle. Jun 2ti (Hy A. P.) M. Uezpalko, minister of labor iu the Ukrainian cabinet, has telegraphed to the Allied council at Paris aking that the blockade be lifted at least so far as it relates to drugs and sauitao material. He Bays this step is uecessarj to enable Ukraine to fight the epidemic of cholera and typhus now raging in that iouu jtry. Crow for Senator Boom Seems Lost staff, Particular interest was lent Mar tens's testimouj because of his state ment that he would testify to faets in volving Department of Justice agents in radical activities. Hy tlio Associated Press Chita, East Siberia, Jan. 10 (dc lajcd). Colonel lllunt aud seveu other American engineers. Miss Ford. Cap tain Charette aud sevtrul other mem bers of the American Red Cross, cud an entire Polish army, composed of former prisoners, hnve been captured bv the Bolshevists at Kliuchinskuyu, ac rordine to :i telegram received from Joseph 11. Ray, former American con sul at Irkutsk. The dispatch from Mr. Ray was sent from somewhere beyond Nizhuiudiusk January 14. It was somewhat garbled in transmission. Kliuchiuskuyn is on the trans-Siberian railroad, 100 miles west of Nizhniudinsk. The Czechs are tignting a rear-gunrd action with the Reds near Krasnovarsk. Bolshevism is gaining in Chita. Urncst L-. Harris, former American consul at Omsk, is still In Chitn The British, Japanese and French missions nud mini) members of the American Red Cioss have arrived iu Harbiu. Kliuchinskavu nnd Nizliuiildinsl; are west of Lnkal Baikal. G00 miles from the region of Verchneiidinsk, cast of Lake Baikal, where American and Czech troops recently were en gaged with General Semeuov's nuti Bolshcvist forces. The Poles captured undoubtedly arc prisoners taken by the Russian army early in the war and sent to Siberia. There, after the revolution and when the Czechs gnincd the ascendancy, they were armed and impressed into the anti-Bolshevist forces, as was done also with large numbers of Serb ians who had been piisouers of the Russians. A Bolshevist wireless communica tion received in London January 115 announced the capture by the Bolshe vist forces in the Krasnovarsk region of seventeen columns of Polish le gionaries, together with sixteen guns nnd 120,000 rifles. A dispatch, from Harbin January -O said there was an unconfirmed report in Harbin tliut the Bolshevists had destroved a Polish division near Krasnoyarsk. Washington. Jan. 2u iB A. P.) No renort regirding the capture bv the "Vshevik forcis of American railway u'gineers aud Red Cross workers ill Klinehiiiskav.i. Siberia, had been tc- i lived today by the State or War De partments or at uatioual headquarters of the Red Cross. The Colonel Blunt referred to in press disoatches as having been captured wus believed at tlio War Department to be Frank Roscoo Blunt, of Plauo, 111., u member of the Stevens Hallway Com mission. At Rod Cross licndmtnrlers records Miovved thnt the Captain Charette in ferred to as captured, probably was Ld- vard Hercules Charette, u pharmacist of Stockton, Calif., who went over with Hii early detnehmcnt. There was no record of a "JUss Ford," ulso reported captured.' It wus ussumed she had 'oincd tl'C Red Cross staff, iu Siberia. Toliio. Jan. "JO. The dispatch of Japaneso re-cnforcemenlM to Siberia was unavoidably necessary to assist the Czechs nnd guard the extensive rail ways. Premier Hnra declared Satur day in replying to interpellations iu the lower house of the Diet. It was also necessary as a means of nssurlug the snfety of the Japanese garrison. There was uo reason to withdraw the Japanese troops, the premier added, simply because the Amcricaus were being withdrawn, the position of Jnpau and Chlua iu the Far Bast being fur different from that of the United. Stales or Great Britain. Also, ho pointed out, the future moves of the Bolshevists iu Siberia could not bo forecast. M. Uchida, the foreigu minister, also said that immediate withdrawal was impossible, because some of the Vladi vostok Koreans were supporting .the Korean independence movement, while others were conspiring with the Bol shevists against Japanese interests. M. Tanaka, the war minister, told the House that 1000 Japanese lives hnd blleu sacrificed in maintaining order in Siberia. Tokio and Washington dispatches last week indicated that the Japanese troops in Siberia would be withdrawn soon after the American forces left in Fcbruarj. From the dispatch ubovc, however, it would seem a definite decision has not yet been tuken. London. Jan. M. (.Bv A. P.) A wireless message from arsaw, un dated, gives a Bolshevik rumor that Red cavalry have entered Pcrsiu and ludia. , , , ,, An official statement issued by the soviet goverument ut Moscow savs the Bolshevik peasants' corps has reached the Chinese froutier iu the vicinity of Kobdo, on the western border of Mon golia. Helsingfors, Jan. '.215. Reports from Dorput say a revolt has broken out in the Red garrison at Moscow. Auother report suss the people's commissaries at Moscow have moved to Tver, owing to the spread ot tne plague. Senator La Follette In Hospital Ma-'ison. Wis., Jan. '. (By A. P.I As a result of an infection due to his teeth, Senator R. M. Lh Follette is iu a hnspitul at Rochester, Minn. His coti Vi ion is said to be not critical aud he is expected to return to his home the latter oart cf th week. DANNUNZIG CM!AMA LA A ARM II Concilio Nazionale di Fiumo Autorizza la Coscriziono di Cinquo Classi Published nni Distributed Under i t.n..ui nj. on. Authorised by the net of CWtober G. i mo j'osiomce oi rnna- 1317. on nto dclpuia, ru A. S. BUIltXSON. I'oetmastrr General. Trieste, "." gennuio II Concilio Nnzionnlc di Flume ha ntitorizzatt Gabrielc D'Aununzio per la coscrlzionc di cinuqc classi di cittadlni. Cio' o' stato dcliberato in scguito a richiestn del poeta-soldalo, chc ritieue la situnzione grave in vista del uego- ziati del Governo Itallano. Talo chiamata ul e nrmi Dotra ng- glungerc poche mlgliaia di uouiinl ulle lorze di u Anuunzio. Roma, 125 gennuio Commentando la richicstu decli Jucoslavl ner un ad- dlzionale periodo,dl tempo per rispoudere ucceniuuuo o respingcuiio u proposio compromesso sulla qucstlone Adnatica, L'ldea Nazionale cosi' scrivc: "Gli Jugosluvi desiderano prenderc vantaggin del rapporto chc il Presi deute AVilson e' coutrario al compro messo cd anehc per i'nttitudiue della Fraucia. Ussi sperauo di riuprlre la discussione e guadaguarc lemno c liuirc ,pcr nvcrn un nuovo coniproraosso da sogna che non si prestl u tale giuoco, n dctrimenlo delta sua dlgnlta'." II Corrierc d'ltalla dice! "11 Oovcrno Itallnno deslderu che l'acccttnziono del compromesso du jiartc del (lovcrno ill Belgrudo upra un (icriodo di nmlciziu con le vkiuc uazioni, mil non o pos sibllo accordaro altro concessioni. oltre quelle ucccttutc dnH'Ou. Nltti ucl com promesso per il qualo il Prcsldcnto del Conslgllo dei Mlnlstrl si c' picgato ucl supremo inlcrcssc della pace. Pnrlgl, 20 gennaio II Concilio dcgll Ambasciatori. nomlnato per cspletaro il lavoro non ultimate dal Supremo Con cilia della Conferenza della pace, hanggi incominciato lo sife rlunlohi, Uno dei prlml ntti fn qucllo dl dare ul rappre senmuti della Jugoslavia altri quuttro glornl di tempo per rlspondcro rlguardo al compromesso rnggiunto dnllu Francia, Inghiltcrra ed Italia sulla qucstlone. Adrluticu, coraprendente nnche la solu ziouc per Flume, Cio' prolunghcra la qucstlone fino a mercoldl.' 11 Concilio ha ricevuto una lettcra.du Stanislao Tatek, mlnistro polacco per gli cstcri, con lc quale si richiama l'attenziouo sulla possibllita dl un forte movlmento- aggressivo del bolscevlchi contro il tcrritorlo della Polouia c rac coinanda che un piano sin udottato per una misura dlfensiva. . La lettera do manda chu sulla qucstlone slu rich; amata I'uttenzionc del Marcsciullo Foch. French Dockworkers Plan Strike Paris, Jau. 20. (By A. P.) The Council of the Federation ot 1'ort unu Dock Workers, which met iu Paris es- terday. decided to can a iweniy-iour-hour strike at all Atlantic ports to morrow, with n view to supporting strikers at the port of Lorient, Brit-tuny. Many Join New Class A largo number of Philadelphia clerks and bookkeepers have registered in n special purchasing course relnting to niodcra' industry and storekecping, which opens iu the School of Commerce of 'Temple University, February 4. Tho courso will cover n period o sixteen weeks, the classes meeting every Wed nesday night. Hospital Plans Moth.... ., . .The West Philadelphia Ho.""' Uospilal, Flfty-fourth streei .. Ull rard uvenuc, will establish n , .i"1, clinic about February . r n ,lhw'' ijiuv.ni.ui iviuonsiratlons in "'mrpi ,. gicne in tho hosnital. "ri, Sull h. bo held every .TneN'n "ln'a Wli wmjasy bout one hou'rrjaM Advertising Tlie field in which tlic young man of today lias his greatest oppor tunities. Capitalize your ideas and writing ability. Trained advertising men are in demand as never before and the remuneration is largo. Our advertising classes begin Wednesday evening, February 4, and will continue for 16 weeks. Fee moderate. The Instructor is a well-known advertising man. A few free scholarships for Discharged Service Men. YMCA CENTRAL BRANCH, 1421 ARCH STREET Continued from I'ase One 'titrated that he does not hesitate to op pose the forces of disorganization that are getting such a hold in this countrj . He represents no faction and he has no facia " Iia fcn ill 1 The same gentleman discounted the tncts will nave to pieuge tiieir consul 'popular idea that it would be impo'ile ueuts to vote against compulsion. More to nominate a Pennsylvania Renubli- over, there is no division between the Compulsory Army Plan Strikes Snag Continued from ruse One gressmen are not anxious to face thi issue. If universal training does not go through this time it w ill probably not get through nt nil. The circumstances are more favorable for it now thau thev will be likelv to be again. Members of Congress are not e-vplicitly pledged against it. In the next lougress then will p'robablv be many men pledged against it, if the issue remains open until next fall. The result of raising the issue is tha mnnj congressmen from the rural dis- Coal Warning- Willi on advance In frrlcht rales nnd mine wnses there mut rame nn Increase in prlrr, or with u strike or suspension of work there must corao u shortage of supply. Be Wise Buy Noio Follow the Flag ;ATLANTIX FUELCo5 (Can for President ou the ground that the state is so overwhelmingly Repub lican, that inasmuch us Peunsvlvauia 4is certain to deliver her electoral vote to whoever mav be nominated on a Re publican protective tariff platform, and 'tis other powerful states are in the doubtful column, it would be the logic lot the situation to select u candidate jfrom one of the latter. Assumption Wrong, He Says "The assumption is eutirelv wrong," declared tho gentleman interviewed. "While it is true that Peunsjlvaniu is solidly Republican she occupies even iu (that u uuique position "She is surrounded by doubtful "Slates. States that have swung back and forth from Republicanism to Dem ocracy with disjpppintiug frequency iu ,recent jears. New nrk. Ohio. West (Virginia, Mur.vlaud, Delaware and New Jersey. ' "Peunsvlvauia has large interests in pvery one of these states, not controlling interests of tourse, but powerful indus trial claims, and one of them wojld ,1iave a greater persoual und iicighlwirl.v 'interest m a Peunsjlvaniu President than in one chosen from a Middle West doubtful hlate, or fiom the Far West. a "For that reason I icgard Governor Sproul not onh as an available but us si probable candidate for the presidency. Of one thing it is certain, there would ,bc less dillicultv or perhaps I should say greater faulitv, in financing his campaign than theie would be some others who are vitj prominently men tioned as lundidates for the chief inagistracv There are a number of men who would, I "in sure, on thur iudi vlduul respuusibihtj be ready at this moment to uutbrunte the cipeuses of a Sproul cjmpaigu If the Kendall diuuer is pritnurilv Intended us u boom for Senator Crow as a prospective mk lessor to Senator Knox I am of tin opinion that it will fail of its purpose If ou the other hand it is intendoi' us a launch of the Sproul candidacy for the presuliucv , it will have a men tuipmtjut bearing and mav bo the pebble that will start the ava Inuclie down ih iiiuuntaiuside of Re publican national politics. parties on this subject now. Democrats May React This will probably not remain Frank F. Mathers Ph.,t i Dickinson 1416 """'" , Woodland 478 , l S.W.Cor.lOtn&WiininttonAve. " J S2d bel. B.lUmore Ave. m"w 9 fflffiP The CADILLAC has always been the produc tion of a car of the highest possible quality at the low est possible price. CADILLACS thoroughly overhauled are guaranteed to have quality built in. When you buy a CADIL LAC you get an "Honest motor car." We also have a few us'cd cars of other makes. NEEL CADILLAC CO. Used Car Department 142 N. Broad St. hprucc 3-13 Keeping Up With the Joneses Sh h! It's a secret Or rather It AVAb n srerct. Dut Mr. Jones Is u. generous soul anil bus "let the. cat out of tlio bog." hllK Bets her meats nt tlio Market Street lleef Co. Thot'n why she atwajs bun (lOOD QUALITY und yet pays less for it than inferior erodes are soiling for elsewhere. Our enormous busi ness COMI'lir.S us to got fresh incuts every day. Finest Rump & Round Steaks, well trimmed, AA Top of Round Steak, no waste A lh Finest Rump, Round and Rib Roasts ) IfVV I Um City dressed Shoulders of Pork, any size. ... ( ftA 11 City dressed 1'resh Hams, any bize f Ow I Da 7 or 8 Cut Rib Roast fkm Fresh Country Sausage .. i in Nice lean Regular Skin Rack Hams Special fiVV lllsl Country Scrapple the best only 2. lbs. for 25c Empire Brand Boneless Bacon 33c lb. Half Smoked Sausage 4 '. . 19c lb. It Will Pay to Vitit the "Wonder Store of West Phila." MARKET ST. BEEF CO. coo, oooe MARKET cr ... Give your file clerk a course in filing our 1'ILINC; BOOK FREE Send for 54.pije book "Film s profeision for women" which howl the benefits of itudr in tli)t importtnt subject. Send one of your bright eirla (n school. Let us teach her the science nF filing the fundamental principles which underlie all filing systems day and even ing classes. An Al file culls for an Al file clerk! Give your file clerk the opportunity to enlarge her filing education and you wiil be rewarded by more efficient service. PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF FILING 910 Chestnut Street (Dept. E) Telephone Filbert 4436 Owned and managed by Library Bureau smaamkuBammmmami.ttwaumMMmmmkmaima&mMMTltg "I know something that will clearyour skirt "When my complexion wa3 red and rough, I was eo ashamed that I never had any fun. I imagined that people avoided me perhaps they did! But tho regular use of Reslnol Soap with a littlo Resinol Ointment just at first has given me back my clear, healthy skin. I wish you'd try it!" Besi g Keslnol Ointment and Resinol Soap also cleir H .sqbpsJP away dandruff and keep the hair healtlnr and H attiactive. tor trial tree, vmte to Dept, 2 R, Resinol, Baltimore, Md. H the case loufr The Democrats v ill prohablj loact to their old nositiou of opposition. The Rij.tu influence will be ugaiust conipuNiou. The issue i troubles-onic, not onl.v to congressmen who want to cotuo back, but to presidential candidates. Oni' of the most interesting ciueutioun of the iiimpaigu has been whether the coun tr would or would not accept a mili tary candidate for president. t'p to the prespnt fiencral Wood in spite of his Identification with the mili tary idea, has been the leading Repub lican candidate, at least among the pro- j pie. Latest reports indicate tual uis support in the West is weakening. The unti -militarist issue is begin ning to tell uguin.st him. He is the foremost advocate of universal training It a tight on the subject between the House and the Senate gives it more publieit.v. the stir iu the rural districts cannot fail to affect unfavorably his caudidac.v and that of General Pershing Hold Jarvis Funeral Today George Jarvis, for fifteen ears a clerk in the tax collector's ofbee, nnd active in politics iu the city, who died Thursdaj of npoplcej, was buried to day in l'orest Hills Cemetcr. He was u div isiou committeeman iu Third division of the Tenth ward for the last fourteen .veurs. He leaves a wife and four children. His home was ut 2i!'J North Daricu street. A PUBLIC CALL ANSWERED The Penny Profit Meat Store! Kstablislied for the Turpot of AsslolinE In Ilnlurlnff tlio Hish Cost of IJiinr HERE ARE SOME OF ITS PRICES FOR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TON. OF I1EKI TO nC hOLD CU111 Chuck Roast (Best Cut) per lb. 16-18c Bolar Roast per lb. 24c Lean Rolled Pot Roast per lb. 18c Stewing Beef (Brisket) per lb. 12V2C Hamburg Steak per lb. 18c Smoked Sausage per lb. 19c Fresh Shoulder ('"L.) -26c nmlv l.MIIX IlKGCUMl PWCL Ter lb. Lean Pork ( Tor Itod-.t EVl ClinMlrlm. fl'l. ilk ) il". i Stvli. Boneless Bacon ( ) ,24c 21c 27c IVr lb. Regular Ham 27c Picnic Hams (Smoked). 19c Cottage Hams 32c Skinback Hams 27c I'I.VNT Or OTIir.lt GOOD UAIMiAIN!) TOO l'er lb. Ter lh. Shoulders Yearling . . . . 32c I Selected Eggs (Pcrdoz.) 53c French Yearling Chops. .28c Oleomargarine 30-28c Stewing Lamb .... 3 lb. 25c Fresh Sausage 25c Chickens: Stewing, 33c Roasting, 38c ..tl. n n..r. HJ . O. ? ine renny rroru meai oiore RITTENH0USE BROS. Oiwt 8 to 0 r -M Closed 1 to a I M, 1'or Lunch S. W. Cor. 60th & Market Sts. The T'tirfffHt Hetu'l Irut .Store In IMilIa. Oppii Stturriuy Krr. Vntll 10;rt() No Iflltrlnc ( ash-Carry Vlan 'I I v i Uttt . SHSS" ...DC WkPKfl'.IIHI.tB) Protect Yourself and Family Against the FLU By Using RAJAH Tho Wonderful Germicide, In secticide, Disinfectant and Deodorizer Sold In a pint cans at Sue. pint IMIlb ut COc Alto Mid tu quart, gallon. 0-gallon cana, parrels, etc Mouth sprayer frco with each cin. 1'UU HALK HY CUOI.KY MDI.LIN i::il .Mnrket St. WM. 11. MAULK. INC. Slit Arch Ms. r. II. MIMILU CO. HI a -MurUtt Nt. Founded in 1865 The House that Heppe built C. J. Heppe & Son Downtown 1117-1110 Ches tnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets Mason & Hamlin, Weber, Hepps Pianos Aeolian Player-Pianos, Pianolas, Duo-Art Pianolas Victrolas Heppe Victrola Suggestions Music is the symbol of happiness and of all musical instruments, the Victrola is the most complete. Your home should have a Victrola ! Below are thr.ee Heppe suggestions. Settlement may be by cash or charge account or by our Rental-Payment Plan, by which all rent applies toward the purchase price. Call, phone or write for catalogs and full particulars. Victrola IV with four records $28 d2 Victrola VI with five records $39:25 Victrola IX with eight records $76-82 Downtown 1117-1119 Chestnut Street C. J. HEPPE & SON Founded In 1865 , One Price System Adopted In 158t Uptown Cth and Thompson Streets J Government Flour Makes Good Bread FLOUR men will tell you that United States Grain Corporation Standard Pure Wheat Flour makes good bread and superior biscuits, pastry and dough nuts. Your pocket-book will tell you that the prices of Grain Corporation Flour now on sale at retail in your community mean a real saving for you. UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION STANDARD PURE WHEAT FLOUR is selling around 6J2 cents a pound. It is made of this year's abundant crops of winter wheat and contains those desirable qualities usually found in higher-priced flours. Il is not a substitute nor is it a "Victory" or "War" flour. Ask your dealer for United States Grain Corporation Standard Pure Wheat Flour today. He can get it. These grocers carry it or have ordered and will sell on arrival : AMERICAN STORES GIRARD FAMILY STORES GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. Also Members of the GIRARD RETAIL GROCERS' ASSOCIATION and theFRANKFORD GROCERS' ASSOCIATION N. H. The Government is selling United Slates Grain Corporation Standard Pure Wheat Flour only where there is no similar flour similarlypriced. For further information write United States Grain Corporation II. D. IRWIN, Second Vice President 272 Boune Building, Philadelphia, Pa. The Corporation reserves tlie right to discontinue without notice tlie publication of liata of dealers liundlinc this (tour Inviting You to Our Virgin Wool Window Exhibit TN line with a bill now before Congress, which is calcu lated to compel dealers to label the clothing they sell as to whether it is virgin wool, part cotton or shoddy, we are making a special exhibit this week of virgin wool fabrics. The purposes back of the bill are: First To protect the clothing consumer. Second To foster into greater growth the sheep raising industry, now sadly inadequate throughout the world. . This exhibition is made in co-operation with Strong- H e w a t, manufacturers of woolen fabrics, who use none but virgin wools in their mills. Our Store for many years has sold clothing made from these virgin wool fabrics, and our tailors are now busily en gaged in making new virgin wool suits and top coats for spring and summer wear.' If you are interested in the pro duction of more wool, more lamD chops, more mutton and virgin wool clothing by all means conie to see this exhibition, which occupies the honor place in our windows. William H. Wanamaker , 1217-19 Chestnut St. , o Al S) .' ,. 1 ill.