nH; 5 ' ,- s i W J." ( EVEN1K PUBlM' LbbBIt--PEI5Al)BLPHlAi MONDAY, JANUARY1 26, 1920 1 ) r M' WEATHER Fair Band plays at 9; Organ at WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 5 II, 11:00 ana a;ou Chlmei at Noon Store Opens at 9 The Last Week of Our Business Year Brings Good Opportunities to Save This Week Is the Last of January ' It is the last week of our business year. We close our 1919 business books next Saturday night. Scattered all over the Store are many things to close out this week at cost and less because they are the remnants of lots that we shall not reorder. Every day we have reductions somewhere through the Store of lots that we do not wish to save Up to use as sales bargains. We like our customers to get unexpected surprises and to have these advantages of lowered prices without being jammed with overcrowded aisles. ' y Signed Jan. 26, 1920. QM mm The Loveliest of Spring Dresses Arrive for Young Women Piquant and so new in their fashions that they might have just stepped out of a French fashion magazine! Best of all, they are so wear able and they can bo put on im mediately and sec good service before Spring actually starts in. For instance, there is a num ber of the smartest littlo dark blue silk taffetas, quite original in their lines. They would be just the thing for afternoons, the matinee and so on, and later for street wear. The prices are ?39.50 to $47.50. Then a group of the most be witching afternoon dresses, such as Georgette crepes,, usually beaded; blue taffetas, one with goffered striped ribbon as a trimming; another in a change able taffeta, ashes of lose color, with the side puffing caught up with ribbon rosettes and a wired loop on the other side. Theie are many of these dresses, all different, from ?47.G0 to $115. Finally some exquisite eve ning gowns. One of turquoise blue crepe de chine, embroidered in silver, has crystal bead trim ming. Another is a lovely jade 1 r lh -Second Floor, Chestnut) green with white beads and stitching. These prices go from ?85 to ?155. Women's Fine Coats in a Clearaway $57.50 to $135 Ileally delightful things of a conservative sort, but we are too much Interested in Spring coats to want them around any longer. The cloths are the soft, lovely silvertones, evoras, bolivias, velours and duvctynes in taupes, browns and darker colors. The styles are the straight lined, distinguished styles that cannot be copied in cheaper fabrics, and the weight is such that women can wear them with separate fur neckpieces now, and without furs when the fiist Spring days come in. Also there is a saving of $10 to S25 on every coat. (First Hoor, Central) The January Sale of Furs For the few people who do not know it, we repeat the pleasant information that all the neckpieces and muffs in the Fur Sale are reduced to half of regular prices. The furs include : Sable Fisher Ermine Mink Heaver Opossum Mole Stone Marten Nutria Skunk Fox Lynx Wolf Squirrel (Second Floor, Chestnut) New Embroidered Georgette Flouncings Nothing could be prettier or a better solution of the gown problem to the woman who has her gowns made to order. The flouncings are embroidered with self-colored ribbosine, and sometimes have cut-work in addition to the embroidery. Some are em broidered with self-colored silk and gold or silver thread. The colors are navy, brown, white, flesh, black and taupe; the widths 0 inches, and the prices $8 to $16 a yard. Also it may be mentioned that it takes only from 3& to 4 yards for gown. (Main Floor, Central) 100 Women's Cloth Skirts Are Now $12.75 Each Gabardine, French serges and a few broadcloths, in navy and black. They are nil of tho typo known as dress skirts, fine in quality and finely made, but sizes are broken and we wish to see the last of them. (Unt Floor, Central) LARGE ! UNDERMUSLINS INTHE WHITE SALE Nightgowns, $2.26 to $3.85. Corsat covers, 65c and 75c. &?rge petticoats, $1.85 to $5. Short petticoats, $1.25 to $2.60. INEXPENSIVE ' CORSETS 250 topless corsets in pink ma terial are $1.60 each. 631 corsets of pink brochc, top less with clastic inserts at $2. 200 topless corsets of pretty, fancy brocho, pink and whito, are $3 each, ' Third Kwr, OkertiV , New Sports Millinery for the South ' Big, simple shapes, cliarming in their color and lightness. White ribbon hats, some with straw brims or crowns. White 07'gandie Hats. White silk hats cov ered with cotton crepe. Colored organdie hats. Straxo hats with big taffeta bows and occa sionally ' with brushed wool edges. Prices are $15 to $80. (Second Floor, Cltostnut) WOMEN'S RICH NEW SUEDF GLOVES AT $1.85 Tho particular interest of these new gloves is that they are made of the New Zealand suede, extraordi narily durable and fine and closely resembling mocha. One-clasp style, half-pique sewn, in gray only. (West Male) THE care of the complex ion is a more vital mat ter, if possible, during winter weather than at anu other time of the year. And a great many women are finding the method of facial massage used in the Salon de Beaute a very satisfactory one. Inci dentally, it is best to make appointments. (Third Floor, Chestnut) A GOOD COMPLEXION is often just care and tho .right kind of face creams. Queen Mary creams are not only pure, that goes without saying, but they are made up of exactly those substances that -the skin most craves to keep it, in health. Queen Mary Cleansing Cream, 60c and $1.20 a jar. Queen Mary Skin Cream, 60c and $1.20 a jar. Queen Mary Youth and Beauty Cream, 60c and $1.20 a jar. Queen Mary Wonderful Cold Cream, 30c and 60c n jar. (Main l'loor. Chestnut) A FEW fine shoes are still jOL to be had in the winter clearaway of the Exclusive Little Boot Shop. They are women's black and tan high shoes, lace and button, at $7.75 to $13.75. (First Floor, Market and Jnnlper) ABOUT SILK WAISTS GENERALLY Tailored crepes do chine in black, white and navy, at $9.50, and white and fiesh, ?9.75 to ?2Q. The finest are hand embroidered. Georgette crepe waists in white, flesh and street shades, $10.75 to $87.50. These are trimmed with braid, hand embroidery and real and imitation laces. (laird l'loor. Central) QUITE ENGLISH AND QUAINT ARE THESE NEW CHINTZES They have just landed from Eng land, and they are every bit as dainty and pretty as those that women were so enthusiastic over last year. Tiny multi-colored block figures or lily - of - tho - valley blossoms, closely printed on white grounds. They make up into charming Sum mer frocks, which have tho virtuo of both looking and being cool. Tho width is 32 inches nnd tho price 75c a yard. (Ilrst Floor, Chestnut) jrpIGURED cotton crepe JO kimonos, Empire style, are in rose-and-white, blue and'Wltite and lavender-and white. Price $Gj5Q. (Third Floor, Central) The Ambition to Own a Player-Piano is one of the most laudable of ambitions and means something more than the old' am bition to own a piano of any sort. In the days before the player -piano the piano was in demand largely for the pres tige that its possession gave one. Only a small minority could play it. But the player-piano is different. A player piano in your home is more than an impres sive piece of furniture. It is A Source, of Music whether you are a trained musician or do not know a note. In the Wanamaker Store are player and reproducing pianos of eight of the most famous makes in America. Chickering, S c h o m a c k e r, Emerson, Haines Bros., Linde man, Marshall and Wendell, J. C. Camp bell and'the celebrated Knabe. The price range is large and there are some instruments on the floors that will be sold at lowered prices. Among these is a group of new Emer son, Haines Bros., Marshall and Wendell Angelus and other player-pianos at $700 to $900, which is $50 or $75 less than their (Krjpttan Hall, Second rioor) I "Much Cry and Little Wool" is supposed to be an old saying of the sheep-shearers, expressive, no doubt, of plenty of noise, bleating and wordiness, but only a scanty clip. Much cry and little merchandise sums up many a store event, reminding one again of Lincoln's story of the river steamboat 'with such a powerful whistle that every time the whistle was blown the boat had to stop, the motive power being insufficient to keep both going at the same time. If we have raised "much cry" over this coming February Furniture Sale we want you to remember that we have the merchandise to show for it. "Much cry," undoubtedly, but with good reason, because of the abundance of the goods, notwithstanding all the alarms and forebodings of scarcity and what-not: There may be in fact, there is a shortage of desirable furniture in most places, but this Sale will bring more furniture than any sale we have ever held. And all of it' is furniture of the right kind ; furniture good enough to carry the reputation and the record which have made Wanamaker furniture sales the greatest retail sales in the world. Do you realize how near it is to the first day for seeing the goods? Thursday Next, January 29 Only Three Days Off The first of three days of advance presentation, when all the displays will be ready for viewing and selection and everything will be ready for you to see with your own eyes that if we have made "much cry" there is no gainsaying the reason. The goods are here and no mistake about it. . f (Tilth. Sixth and Serentu Floors) "Please Sell Me Those Trunks Back9 Said the Maker and he offered us a price 15 per cent over what we had paid for them. But we wouldn't 'do it; we are going to sell them to our cus tomers, and AT NO ADVANCE IN PRICE. Extra-strong wardrobe trunks, three-ply basswood, fiber-covered and fiber interlined; extra-heavy binding and heavy hardware; brocade lined. Equipped with ten hangers suitablo for men's or women's apparel. Price for this lot only, $65 each; or with special locking device, ?67.50. (Fourth Floor, Central) Good New Quilts Reinforce the Selling of Blankets News of quilts and blankets is the most comforting reading wo know of for a harsh January day. Wo just wish we could bo suro of getting somo moro of theso newly arrived wool-filled quilts to sell for tho price now marked on them $16. They have sateen coverings with figured centers and plain borders. Dut tho fact is, these aro tho last we shall have for an indefinito Soriod to sell at this price, so that ! you want one you will need to select it without delay. The arrival of theso quilts has given an added interest to tho sell ing of blankets at specially low prices. People who braved the ice and slush to get some of theso con sidered thcrasolvcs well rewarded. And well they might, because thero is u largo saving from our own regular prices on overy pair. ' White blankots of mixed wool and cotton, with pink or bluo bor ders and wide silk bindings; single bed slue, $10 and $12 a pair; double bed silo, ?12 a pair; extra large, $15 and ?16 a pair. White blankets of mixed wool and cotton, with pink, rose or bluo borders and wide silk binding, single-bed size, $15 a pair; double bed size, $18 a pair. (Sixth Floor. Central) Women's $7.50 Pumps of Real Beauty They aro tho long vamp, narrow toe, turn solo style so much liked by young women, particularly to wear with spats. Heels aro both high and baby Louis models. Leathers aro patent leathor and dull black calfskia. uncommonly goop; snoaa tar tho prjcs, V'l'i ' iV:", FLOWERED COTTON PETTICOATS The last lot went so fast that wo nro glad enough to havo anothpr Isnipmem. Price $1.50 each. (TUrd X-tr. Ceafeal) SOME GOOD DOMESTIC RUGS AT LOWERED PRICES Still a limited lot re maining in the January clearaway. Wilton Rugs 9x12 ft., $78.50 and $129. 8.3x10.6 ft, $127.50. Axminster Rugs 9x12 ft, $63.50. Tapestry Brussels Rugs 9x12 ft, $32.50. 11.3x12 ft, $46.50. (Serentli Floor. Cheitnut) J Now, Sir, While You Can Get Good Shirts for $2.15 ttanUeduSnpgriycesd"8e " diDE TheSe are about a third less amonSgfthemff ShirtS With a' g0od N"""""" seersucker stripes At the same time you can choose from a lot of fine four-in-han neckties at $1, which is a third to a half less than regular. 4 (Main Floor. Market) , Men's Handkerchiefs of Airplane Linen hems0trotaUdoqzSi&ache " ' CUt SizC and with na (West Aisle) A New Shipment of Men's Dressing Gases brings some fine ones at $13.50 and $15. WnoiFfi?Lar of .black lons-jH-ain. leather with tan leather linings and black fittings, and are unusually good for the prices. "ntngs ana (Main l'loor, Cheitnut) The New Chinese Weaves in the Oriental Rug Sale Are Very Handsome Pieces note. ittSi5S "0t to thoM inUScW0?a f , Ti Chine.80 carpets which have come newly into the Oriental rujr sale aro chloflv of this latter order. They show floral conceits of a particularly attfactivo kfnrf nn grounds of golden hue, or ultramarine, or a blue of a milder tonof attractive kind on it is a good while since we have had so charming a lot of theso rn nii nf f,iAi. than a ffiSSSSt SSSTiSS J"4 "' 47B WS, " If - m i!fc?2?r.& , (HoTenlh Floor Central) &m 1 Jl 11 - VI A '1 51 ?l JL. Y r J "II -U1 f 1 it VH lf fl V tf i i . , rtk '""t T J . i.f ,tQ .'i it j?.g. ' J4- I & s n "r. . n o- $p VfrxMV . ML .i i "