-- & -V"' (I n" - A .: y i sr -. :ffiiilir DANGER IN WATER EVENING 'PUBLIC- IDGERliAI)EriPHIAV MONDAY,' JANUARY 26, 1920 University Hygiene Professor Questions Reports Students Are III From Drinking It THOUSANDS VISIT SPRING Despite the fact that city physician" declare analysis of the city water dis rinses nothinp which might cause nick ?". TmninTiits of llluess said to be rauscd by the water continue to come from all parts of the city. Physician continue to warn their patients not to drink the water. .,.,,, The Fairmount Park spring is visited by thousands every day who arc alarmed by the taste of the city water. In discussing the matter today Dr 0. Lincoln Furbusb, director of nubile health, declared fears regarding the water are groundless. "Wo have been making analyses of Ibe water every night and morning," be 6iid, "and so far have discovered absolutely nothing that would lead us to believo the reported cases of sick ness due to the water. In fact, some of the reports come from families where bottled water is used exclusively. Nat urally, persons who became ill through tome cause unknown to them are liable lo attribute it to the drinking water, due to its present unnatural taste." Continue Analysis Doctor Furbush said the aualysls of the water supply would be continued ind every effort made to discover the muse of the sickness. When asked whether it was possible the water tnight bo responsible for the reported spread of influenza, he cited cities iu other sec tions of the country where tho disease is mnr Drevalent. "l'ou can readily bee." he fald, "tnat tne disease is hoc conuueu to Philadelphia alone." Yesterday it was reported that be tween 10 nnd 23 per cent of the btudents enrolled in tho undergraduate depart ments of the University of Pennsylvania tad been stricken with indigestion during the last weeK. Tno students, it is miiu, are inclined to regard their illness as coincident with tho many rumors of an epidemic of stomach and intestinal trou ble causeu Dy me poor conuuion 01 lue city's water supply. , Due to Freezing Ou the other hand, Dr. A. C. Abbott, bead 01 me department of hygiene ut the Unit entity, declared he had beard .no reports of sickness among the student body. In discussing the unnutural tasto of the city's water, ho said It was u condition which exists almost every winter, when tho river is frozen over. Park guards said today tho rush for spring water during' tho last few days has been unprecedented, although frequently at this season of tho year tho Park springs nro liberally patronized. Tho principal springs iu tho Park 'are at George's Hill, Belmont Plateau; Edgcly, near Woodford guardhouse; at Six Oaks, near the Diamond street en trance, nnd close to tho Columbia ave nue entrance. HAS NEW GRAVITY THEORY Profcsaor Bowehcr, Visitor Here, Calls It Push, Not Pull Gravity is not pull; it is push. That is the theory of Prof. C. A. 'iowsher, scientist, philosopher aud couomist, formerly of the University )f Illinois. In taking exception to the generally ccepted theory of Sir Isaac Newton "rofessor Bon slier udvances the theory hat tho hidden force that causes an object thrown Into tho air to return violently is lines ot ctnercai mo tions." Tho scientist's investigations have at tracted tho attention of experts' at the University of Pennsylvania. Ho is visiting this city today. BOND THOMAS OIES LI JNG SLEEP VICTI1VI Death of Brother of College Head Stirs no to Isolate Bryn Mawr Dr. Flox-Gorm WAS HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW RABBI HELLER'S FAREWELL Kenesetli Israel Assistant Receives Gift and Good Wishes Ilabbl James G. Heller, assistant to Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf at Temple Kenesetli Israel, preached his farewell sermon yesterday morning prior to his departure last night for Little Itock, Ark. Ilubbl Krauskopf ulbo spoke. He paid a glowing tribute lo Rabbi Heller's services as assistant rabbi und Sunday school superintendent during the three years of his berviccs in this city. Joseph Hagedoru presented a gold watch to the departing clergyman as a gift from the congregation. Muslcalc for Teachers' Fund A bridge party, muMcalc uud tea will be given at tho Itltz-CarHou tlm after noon for the purpose- of creating a fund to pay Increased salaries to the home teachers of the Pennsylvania Home Teaching Society and Free Circulating Library for the Blind. The affair this afternoon will be directed by Mrs. L. Wcb3ltr Fox, president of tho society; Mrs. B. O. Shakespeare aud Mrs. Charles A. Potter. The society einplojs sccn teuchcrs, six of whom are blind or partially blind. Three arc on duty in this city nnd four arc traveling through the state. ,I)VKItTINEMKNT AUVKKTISKMUNT The new store of Fritz & La Rue, Inc., 1C15 Chestnut street, is shown in the illustration heading these columns. ' Tho illustration gives you but a faint idea of tho size of tho building, for there are five floors, which give excellent facilities for tho display! of the fine floor coverings handled by this house. This firm, has long been known as an importer and retailer of the finest Oriental rugs, and handles also the best qualities of domestic rugs and carpets. Tho store has lecently been removed to this new location, which is just outside tho congested shopping district of the city. ownA v&c&jfo rpHOSE who possess .i silver scrv-- ice that has been in the family through several generations are fortunate, indeed. It is valuable not only for its beauty and, utility but as well for cherish. 1 associa tions. Many families arc treasur ing just such silver, purchased fram Bailey, Banks & Biddle Company, or Bailey & Company, as it was then, in the days when Philadel phia wag the capital of the United Stats. It is still possible to have tho patterns reproduced in .pieces matching tho original silver service, and, indeed, many of the most incer cstinjr silver tea and dinner services at Bailey's are reproductions of these colonial patterns. A reproduction matching her old silver would be much appreciated as an anniversary gift by the friend who possesses such a silver service. TTNLESS you have seen one of u the Gift-Baskets of luscious fruits put up by Henry R. Hallowell & Son, Broad street below Chestnut, you could only faintly picture to yourself the beauty of the baskets and the exquisite arrangement of the wonderful fruits, wjth their vary ing tones of color. As an artist Works to malo his canvas ner- fect, adding here and changing there, subtly contrasting colors, but never leaving one that clashes, so these ex perts in tho delicate art of arranging fruits produce their masterpieces. The finest of fancy Japanese and Chinese baskets and hampers are Used, soma hand painted, others plain or in susudaki, or a soft green finish. Ab gifts for any occasion they are unsurpassed and can be sent any where out of town by parcel post, special delivery, or delivered in town by their truck. MOST of us appreciate a gift of sweets at any time, and a box of sweets that will be ap preciated for its novelty as well as for its deliciousness is one of glace dates and figs u new confection at iahn & McDonnell's. They arc de licious und different. Glace nuts are Rood, too, and like all of Yahn & Mc Donnell's candies, they aro prepared at 1508 Chestnut street. A hand Palnted box with theso glace fruits or nuts would inako a delightful re membrance for St. Valentine's day. Have you tasted Yahn & McDonnell's ico cream ? Some day when yoi stop m for a box of candy sit down at ono of those attractive littlo wicker tables and try it, I know you will appro bate this littlo tip, for just now it (s so rarely that ono finds really good -u tjcum unywnerc. TLTALP the tasto of a good cup of coffee is due to tho coffee pot in which it is made. A good coffee pot improves even the poorest quality of coffee and makes the best quality taste better. Percolators are a decided improvement over the old type of pot, in which the coffee is boiled, und at the storo of J. Frank lin Miller. 1fi1f rtiaatnuf ct,.nf where they seem to have every known uipumius ior Drawing Americas lavuriie Dreaiaast beverage, 1 saw some very good-looking and practical percolators. There are alcohol and electric percolators, besides those for USe on VOUr Stove. Onn nlenrrin no.-. colator had sugar bowl, cream pitcher ana iray to matcn. A. good-looking percolator, besides being most con venient, adds much to the attrac tiveness of your table. T HAD run over to the Stcinway x Warerooms, at 1111 Chestnut street, for a glimpse of my fa vorite New Edison machine, a Wil liam and Mary model, and was chat ting with one of the salesmen, when suddenly some one (evidently on the floor above, I thought, for that is where the pianos are) played the first part of that beautiful compo sition of Liszt's, the Second Hun garian ttiiapsoaie. i asked who was playing, for I realized that it was a masterly interpretation. "Why, that's Sergei Rachmaninoff on the New Edison,' answered the salesman. So realistic was tho sound that there seemed no difference be tween this re-creation and tho piano itself. And, indeed, there is no d ' ference, for this tone test has bce"n tried with the same result before large audiences. XT AVE y0U a valentine? If you -L,x have, of course, you aro plan ning to send him or her tho very prettiest card or booklet that vou can finrl in Pfillno1r,t,i mt, y . not too early to bo thinking about it. If I were not afraid that Gelett Burgess has included this in his' list of bromides I might remind you that "tho early bird catches the worm " Certainly, tho valentines at tho storo of Frank J. Curry, 812 Chestnut street, aro- too pretty to last very long. There are valentines suitable for father mother, sister, brother and sweet heart, as well as for tho friend who has a sense of humor. You should remember Curry's name when order ing dinner, dance, weddinc invita tions and the like. You will find tneir wont mosc satisJactory Dr. Simon Kleiner, director of the Rockefeller Institute, has been spurred to heroic efforts in determining and iso lating the germ of sleeping sickness as the result of the death from that malady of hm brother-in-law, Bond Thomas. air. 'inomas lay for three weeks in a State of comn In hlq nnmo In Plnln- field, N. J., until pneumonia set in nnd he died. Mr. Thomas was tho brother of Miss M. Cary Thomas, president of Dryu Mawr College, and of Prof. Henry M. Thomas, of Johns Hopkins University. Mr. Thomas died yesterday, uftcr the efforts of the two physicians proved of no avail. Death, striking so close to him, has spurred Doctor Flexner to re newed efforts In his medical research in tho hope that he may discover the Cause of this mysterious malady. According to Dr. V. C. Ard, of Plnln fi'3ld, N. J., Doctor Flexner has put as sistants to work in the Rockefeller In stitute experimenting on cultures taken from Bond Thomas. The gcrin has never been isolated and the medical profes sion, so far, knows nothing of the means lo combat its ravages. ISLAND DOES NOT EXIST rooi anij r.iMn TROUBLKA Inttantly rllrrc6 by our ptcla! area BiipporU, fitted nnd adjusted by expert. Our fleanlMi Elaetlc Rsilerr, the most comfortable support for vari cose veins, srrollea limbs, weak knees nnd ankles. Trusses, abdominal and athletic bhi.- orW of all kinds. Larrtit S'i.,ir,",J0,f 'J?n.l.ty appliances In the wort. Philadelphia Ortliopedls Co.. 40 N. ISth at Cat aut and keep for referenoe P. U, I T PUBLIC SPEAKING New class Now Farmlnc A short-term course In public speakln, eylf-expresslon. self-confldence. business! Enrllsh and all-around self-dovolopment. Eleven, consecutive Friday evenings, com- menclnc January S3, ut 8 p. m. Both sexes. Opentnc lecture free to public Call, write or phone Spruoa 8218 far Instructive tltratur NEFF COLLEGE 17M eiTESTNTJT ST. State Board Says Applicant's Land Was Visionary "tfew Providence Islaud" docs not exist. That is the decision handed down by tho state board of property to the ap plication of Frank M. Zellar, of this city, for title o owncrshipj Mr. Zcllar claimed tbu island ad joined Hog Island and was taken over by tho American International Ship building Corporation without authority. The corporation disputed the claim and said tho island was visionary. Tho board also named a board of sur veyors to look over tho land iu the vicinity of Hog Island which Is state property used by the corporation. The board will name a valuo for the cor poration to pay for the land. VETERANS PLAN REUNION Members of Company L. 315th, to Hold Banquet February 21 Members of Company L, SIGth Regi ment, plan a reunion to bo held Feb ruary 21, In the Hotel Hanover. The affair will take the form of a dinner, and will bo the first meeting of the men who made up the company since their discharge from service. Scrgcaut Emil CURRYS DEVELOPING PRINTING AND ENLARGEMENTS TUI nean tfiunt' -. i i ' Beck. 1440 North Twenty-eighth street, secretary of tho dinner committee, is endeavoring to get In touch with all of the veterans of tho unit to have tbcin attend the affair. Tho toastmastcr will bo Lieutenant Theodore Kosen, and speakers -will in clude Major Francis Vt Lloyd, Cap tain Gcorgo Ti. Wright, Lieutenant John J. Ford und Lleutenunt Gcorgo Freeman. '.... i " Tho company lost thlrty-fivo men in action. Tbo man who commanded them at Camp Meade, W. Ward Picrson, formerly a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, was also killed in France. Ho was a major at tho time of his death. Ull . J LEATHER C-OOM'fRJWEDPKtffiES S 12 CHESTNUT ST. 1312 Rock Island, Ark: & Louisiana . First A'2s, 193 These bonds arc now selling on tho New York Exchange between 02 and 63. Yield at this level about 9.30. Wc feel that they present a nplendid investment oppor tunity at any figure under 70. All orders cxecalcd at Market Carstairs & Co. Members rlilladelphlo, mid New l'ork Stock ExchaDies 1419 Walnut Street 71 Broadway, N. "?. Wanted Everywhere FACTORY EXECUTIVES Trained men men of brains, lnlatlve and ability, fitted by their training to handle In every factory ataff thero aro many able men whoso only lack Is training tralnlnc In factory organization; In selecting and handling other men; In laying out and routing Work; In all tho broad new phases of factory management. Vou can take up now u three-months' course of Practical Training In . ., Modern Production Method , . . A production expert will have chargo of thp classroom, conferences and lectures. Opening meeting. Tuesday. February 3. r.t 7.30 o'clock Write, phono or call for full particulars. YMCA 14 2 1 ARCH STREET Shop in the Morning It Pays You Best! Because All Quantities Arc Limited as Listed Maxtfson & DeMatr? 1215 Chestnut Street Furs ii TniJTT' X. T A TITltl T J!.'l.... J.. J1.-I- .1 . i. V-ii jvuxu, nc.i uro utiJiuyiiiif jii niuir new oiorc, at ltilo Chestnut street, a number of new ruga from Asiti Minor. This is "io iirst shipment to leave Asiu Minor sinco 1915, and includes many ivifi8 "eauu' in coloring and design. They arc in sizea which can bo used with good efTect in Philadelphia's suburban and city houses. Your fino old p ii ' ur ruro painnngB, me Buyer inut hub uceix in me lamiJy for neratIons all theso deserve to have used in conjunction with them a noor covering that reflects tho same" tasto in its selection as that which awT y?iu nccJuire themselves. The salesmen at tho storo of Fritz & La If Ue a..L ,A Qualified, "through years of study, to assist you in selecting a rurr limt will harmonise with, your f urnishihga! , I at one-third off! at half price!! Topping the climax of the Greatest January Fur Sale ever held y in Philadelphia: Values in Genuine, Dependable Furs that we believe will not be available again for many years. To Buy Mow at one-third and one- half off, is the profitable thing Jo do, because wholesale costs point . to double present retail prices next year! Purchases Will Be Reserved in Oar Storage Vaults Until Next Fall on Payment of a Deposit. Payments lo Be Continued Monthly During the Spring and Summer. Here Are But a Few of the Many Specials! j Fur Coats . "p (2) '(0) (5) (1) (3) (4) (2) (6) (3) (3) (1) (1) (3) (4) (1) (1) (2) (4) (2) (5) (3) (3) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (2) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) Regularly Russian Pony.... 100.00 Australian Seal... 135.00 Marmot 150.0.0 Hair Seal 150.00 Taupe Coney 150.00 Muskrat 210.00 Nutria 235.00 Hudson Seal 225.00 Hudson Seal 295.00 Raccoon 295.00 Scotch Moleskin.. 375.00 Leopard 425.00 Nutural Squirrel.. 495.00 Jap Mink 495.00 Broadtail 75o!bO Caracul v . 750.00 Natural Mink. T.. 1350.00 Now 79.50 87.50 98.50 98.50 98.50 139.00 145.00 150.00 195.00 195,00 245.00 275.00 345.00 345.00 445.00 495.00 895.00 Fur Sets Taupe Wolf 49.00 Brown Wolf Taupo Fox. . Brown Fox. . Black Wolf. Skunk Beaver 49.00 59.00 79.00 75.00 89.00 75.00 Nutria 08.50 Gray Wolf 120.00 Natural Raccoon . . 90.00 Black Lynx 125.00 Mink 125.00 Cross Fox. ........ 150.00 Alaska Black Fox 225.00 Natural Blue Fox. COO.OO Silver Fox 750.00 Natural Fisher... 750.00 Liberty Qon& and ft n J 21.50 24.50 29.50 39.50 44.50 44.50 19.50 54.50 59.50 59.50 71.50 79.50 98.50 145.00 395.00 475.00 495.00 Fur Scarfs Regularly (5) Taupe Wolf 19.00 (6) Brown Wolf 19.50 (4) Black Wolf 19.OO (6) Australian Seal. . . 29.00 (6) Natural Squirrel.. 29.00 (4) Black Fox 39.OO (2) Nutria '39.50 (5) Taupe Fox 37.50 (5) Brown Fox 37.50 (6) Black Lynx , . 49.00 (4) Hudson Seal...... 52.50 (3) Ermine 75.00 (3) Red Fox 67.50 (2) Cross Fox- 98.00 (2) Natural Fisher... 150.00 (1) Silver Fox 275.00 (2) Natural Blue Fox 250.00 Fur Muffs (3) Australian Seal.. 29.00 (2) Beaver 29.50 (3) Dyed Raccoon.... 31.50 (3) Hudson Seal .... 35.00 (2) Nutria 37.50 (1) Taupo Squirrel... 39.50 (3) Skunk 52.50 (2) Scotch Moleskin.. C7.50 Fur Stoles (5) Australian Seal... C9.00 (4) Hudson Seal 90.00 (2) Scotch Moleskin.. 100.00 (3) Jap Mink .'. lio.OO (1) Nutria 110.00 (2) Skunk 130.00 (2) Natural Squirrel.. 150.00 (3) Russian Kolinsky. 215.00 Now 9.50 9.50 9.50 14.50 11.50 19.50 19.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 34.50 35.00 44.50 49.50 74.50 175.00 175.00 14.50 19.50 19.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 34.50 44.50 34.50 59.50 04.50 69.50 09.50 84.50 98.50 145.00 Purchasing XgqnJ Orders Acceptec PTRI T7 W m ,111 114 o AWBRKE SALE OF I CLOTHIER FEBRUARY TAKBNEXT 1 II ! Ml W. w I," f FORirniE IMDAYrna Furniture Ready for Inspection und Comparison Thursday of This Week We believe that most, prospective Furniture purchasers will defer decision until they have determined to their full satisfaction where the best Furniture and the best values are to be found. 1 Every Single Piece and complete Suit in our large Furniture stock will be included in this year's February Sale at worthy reductions. 1$ This means de cided savings on prices already excep- A tinnallv low for Fur- niture of the high Strawbridge & Cloth ier character. Women's Raincoats Special at $18.50 Smart Top Coats of rubberized novelties and plain weaves, Can ton cloth and tweeds. Made with smart Convertible collar, and Rag lan sleeves with storm straps- at the hand. Strawlirldgo & ClolhIr Second Floor. Filbert Street IK91 T n IllaalaSaaaWV at " CJThe Furniture will )fe ready for inspection and comparison Thurs day Friday and Satur day, January 2 9, 3 0 and 31. $ Hundreds of fine pieces, of faultless design and work manship, will be arranged for con venient inspection each piece tagged with the former price and the reduced price. $ Thus establishing a basis upon which prospective purchasers may compare critically as to quality and prices passing judgment only after the "evi dence in the case" has been carefully weighed. btrawbrldeo & Clotlilcr 3d Floor The New Imported Homespun Suitings Have Arrived Hero arc the handsome new Homespun Suitings that arc so in vogue for smart sports suits and separate hkirts. Of that wonderfully durable texture for which British Homespuns are famed. It is a treat to see the beautiful new spring shades, blues, greens, browns and grays, distinctive mixed ef fects, sonic v,h a diagonal weave. In 54-inch width $5.00 a yard. Strawbridge Clothier Alslo 7. Centre So Much Interest in New Street Dresses of Fine Wool Twills The ncv serges and tricotincs that are so suit able for wear now, and just right for street wear, without a coat, later on. The smart model sketched ($40.00) shows the new fashion of contrasting bodice and skirt, the two-piece effect achieved by tucking the bodice with solid cord tucks and leaving the skirt plain. Another attractive model, in redingote style, js bound with tailored flat silk braid and has a very chic little embroidered vestee. Many other models, equally 'new and charming, in redingote, straight-line and , panel efTcctn, in navy blue and black. $35.00 to $50.00. Taffeta and Crepe de Chine Dresses, $22.50 and $30.00 Many loosely girdled straight-line effects, others with odd new tunics and showing the deep tucks or soft plaiting or herringbone stitching in the trim ming. An unusually good assortment in styles and colors. -ri Strawbrldse &. Clothier Second Floor, Market Street MmK ' I If ' tl llllfi i Fur Scarfs at Great Reductions Every Fin Scarf in our stock has been reduced the average reduction amounting to about one-third. To these we have added the remainder of a speciaj purchase, some at even greater reductions. These reductions affect every piece of Fur in our stocks. choicest ot our single exclusive models, including the fine from the least expensive to the Fur (Joats. Tne model sketcneu (.ou.uu; is developed in tive single pieces, include NATURAL MINK CAPE COATKC Elaborately trimmed with tails 675.00. KOLINSKY SCARF Full-furred skins, closely resembling sable, made with high stonn collar $215.00. JAPANESE MARTEN SCARF Or 10 handsome full-size pelts, trimmed with many tails $850.00. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL COATEE Pure, clear gray skins 375.00. TAUPE NUTRIA COLLAR Fashion able model, finished with high rolling storm collar !$95.00. HUDSON SEAL COATEE Beauti fully made, in belted style, and finished with blended squirrel collar and cuffs $270.00. HUDSON SEAL CAPE SCARF Full furred pelts, and beautifujly lined $190.00. VfittPtfHtaY i II (H IS' a9 - --t s lawbi IdL Hudson Seal. Other attrac- NATURAL BLACK MUSKRAT SCARF With high storm collar $14o.00. NATURAL SKUNK SCARF Very smart model, trimmed with tails S165.00. HUDSON SEAL STOLE 14 inches wide and 77 inches long $150.00. x BLACK LYNX COLLAR Silky, long hair skins, made into a shaped collar effect $147.50. SABLE SQUIRREL CAPE COLLAR Very becoming model 105.00. NATURAL BEAVER SCARF A gen erous model, affording great .protection over shoulders and chest $100.00. RUSSIAN FITCH SHAPED FANCY SCARF $72.50. RUSSIAN SABLE ANIMAL SCARF Two full-size pelts $275.00. & Clothur Second Floor, filbert Street and Centre Perfect Congoleum Art Rugs At Less Than Some . Stores Have Asked for "Seconds" Please bear in mind that these are the Congoleum "Gold Seal" Art Rugs, extensively advertised by the manufacturers and well known to thousands of housewives. They are perfect in everv lespcct, and are hero in a wide assortment of attractive designs and colorings: These Prices are 30 lo JO per Cent. Less Than Regular List Prices Congoleum "Gold Seal" Rugs, J.c9 feet $3.50 Congoleum "Gold Seal" Rugs, 6x9 'feet $7.00 Congoleum "Gold Seal" Rugs, 7.0x9 feci $8 25 Congoleum "Gold Seal" Rugs,9.r0.ti fcetSlu 50 Congoleum "Gold Seal" Rugs, 9x12 feet $1 1.50 Every Rug bears the famous Gold Seal, and will be delivered in the original package as shipped from the mill. m-mtrcu in . hirawbridK, & iloihl, ! iv.urtl, riuor I ilbei-e'stre-t Men's Derby Hats In 1920 Spring Styles $3 .75 An advance-season purchase of about i!00 Derby Hats, at a price-concession that enables us to pasb a saving of one-third along to our customers. They are in five smart shapes for spring all in black. Strawbrldco flothler .!- ond 1 loor. Market Htrcet Kat Greeting Cards For All Occasions Who does not appreciate the good wishes of Greeting Curds from absent friends when birth days come? All kinds of dainty and novel Valentines-. jt . , I.f"raM',r'i aHRitiiier " 0,1,1 I tuUr Kilbert hlg&, Weat $34.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits With Two Pairs of Trousers YU IlilYt! UL'l rPfOlVPlI !inn hni. K..t ...il l:. -i i .,. . n .. - 7T ,?3i i 5? V V e .mu,tte,r 5Ll sizes- The collection consirts of smart single- and striped Ss The,;sSk0xf,i?i1f,lb, und more rvutiTO uesigis" n neat w flm,2; p t Suits W(?u,ld be excellont value at the price were we to cell them uSrte Xo? rl & P?i' ?t ousels to practical 'doS , WIV, ,,uti ,a luiiiurKuuie at .iiJ'i.ou. $31.50, $38.50 and $50 one-third! Smart Ulstery, Ulsterettea and $25.00 and $31.50. Stcin-BIoeh, Hart, $38.50 and $50.00. Strawbrlde t r loihicr- Second floor Etct Overcoats Reduced $25. In every case a clear saving of about conservative styles of excellent tailoring at Schaflner & Marx and "Alco" Overcoats at Market Street Eighth Street Filbert Street Strawbridge & Clothier J Market Street hth Htreet Filbert Btr US -ffirt 1 f u P .L ,S ' '1 ri , J n i ri tT tk . rr. i.l "aw fc . -3 -.., t . 4 M. 3 p . .v- , I . rf n, T,N' .'