WH"'..fl-.tflJ i ,ft . i( ' 'V ' EVENING PtfBMO LBD"G-fe'R-PHIljii)iBPHiA.V AuONBAY, tfANUil ij i i v iiiii .wW. T. 5-.' J rcB sV H M .4 . 3 G MEN LEGION HA COUNTY UN Organization Roprosents f Flovnn Pi-iqtq With Msmhar. ships Totaling 4000 OTHER ACTIVITIES OF BODY Camden county. New Jersey, has de Teloped n county organization of the Amcri"'ti Legion. It consists of eleven post representatives, anr its functions are similar to those of the Phlla delphia county com mittee This announcement Tas made today b' Horace F. Richter. of Merchantville. N .T., the adjutant In Camden county He is also the com mander of Frederick V. Grigg l'ost, No. 68, of that town. In the Camden county posts of the Legion, explained Mr. Richter, the wel fare officer has charge of emploment, insurance and legal aid. Ho is au thorized by the post to appoiut capable assistants to perform the duties of these offices. He is responsible for everything pertaining to the welfare of the com rades in tho post, and if it becomes necessary to choose subcommittees Jo carry out important work, he is cm- 1 powered to do so. . Anotner omciui is ;i muum'j " fictr, whose duty it is to provide re freshments for all entertainments and -l r..rtfinc f tho 1int. hC l)03t i chaplain is the head of the educational i work of the posts in the county, i Several Philadelphia county posts t omn i.oifnri! officers, who will co-operate with tho newl created Ue Vaxtment of Welfare in this city. round It a Necessity nr, T;ioririr nointed out that the I posts 'of the Legion in Camdon county i iA ..:.. .. i Kio i,n Vp a count! nave iquuu iw ,u....- - - - :..iiAn tn Mhich matters may oe 'T..;i hra the posts. i have been unable to obtain results. It J j -1, ,-.lhlr. throuch the county ' organization to co-ordinate the efforts of the various rusi mm cu.v.,. "... formity in the county. There arc ton white and one colored posts in Cam den county. . , ... . The total membership of the Legion in Camden county aggregates about 4000 A drive to increase this number is now being conducted and it is au i-:0t.i th.if Hip total will be m.- i terially changed. The posts there have been experiencing the samp difficult J that has confronted the Philadelphia ? organization due to the change in due!, i usu i..t.c. arn fnllpfl unon to nay subsequent to January 1. l?-0. Henry II. Houston Po-t No. o. of Qexmantown. has devised a plan of canvassing the present membership tor dues before undertaking the matter ot I enrolling new members, xnis piau is. considered the most advisable course. . .:- it ,t-ilt i-tmriintee that tile mem- .oi Tohr. kiw heen enrolled in the post will continue their membership in the ' great inajontj of cases lected by Post No. 270 at its meeting Friday evening. iec urinncny wn; prevail" is the sentiment tins nai ie conveys. It is the second large pst in tne city to enuose . T,ri plmracter rather than in mem ory of a particular comrade who died ' on tne cem ot uulwc utjjjomm i Franklin Post o. 405, of which Dr. 1 r. AhVintt. of the TnhnrsitY of "fL ) Pennsylvania Laboratory of Hjgienr, i,iyl3 commander, is another post with : such a name -nn. i nm nf Tinff!, Arlltn ""Americanization has become more than a mere word to Post olO, of Tioga. Dr. William E. Raken, the post commander, is the chairman of a commltte of five on Americanization in that icinity. This committee will work with the community service in Tioga ; the Tioga Business Men's As sociation and committees representing the foreign elements in Tioga and Nlcetown The committee will worn for the Americanization nf all persons of foreign birth who become citizens. F. Lexible Tightwad says: "VOU would have friend wife sew up a hole im your change pocket, mighty quick. "How about stopping those air leaks between your window frames, door frames and walls? They waste coal, money I stopj em permanently. 'Ask for book. Let us estimate. IItHlGnT ICaupw Compavy-Iwc IQO y Jc 18 S. Seventh St. Mi' ', ,',.1 & ? " J f ffft. i.,,',r2 JsJKcSwJ .WwT sf i ccTSjg dfc 5 Ag BRIGHT'S DISEASE Why Suffer Longer? Drink Mountain Valley Water The 'uw cwa"n a.ater f-om Endorsed b Ph- Mountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St. rhone Walnut 3407 fened -if e C'jos Hotels (-nf- a' P n n dlnlnr cars in d v frit c aes srocerb druse s' -r' or direct by us. OT l'1M i WJlNK DOOK3 Bound and Xjacla Leaf LTTHOaiUPJirNG ntmL PHIPPS INSTITUTE TYPIST G OES ONDIETTO GAIN WEIGHT Girl Also Seelis to Show That System of Economical Feeding for Growing Children Will Serve Adults as Well Ono of the girl stenographers at Henry Phlpps Institute, seeing the suc cess of the institute's menus in building up undernourished children, has adopted the Phipps diet, in the hope of gaining three and three-quarter pounds. She is underweight that much. Tho girl is twenty jcars old and weighs 112J4 pounds. She started on the Phipps diet last Saturday and intends to eat exactly what is provided for growing children in the nutrition clinic of the institute. Economical foods are used there as sub titutes for milk and other foods that mve. advanced so greatly in price as to 'c out of reach of the poor. Some question has been raised as to he advantage of the Phipps diet, par- ictilarly when adopted by adults. One jf the stenographer's ideas is to show WILL LAUNCH WOOD BOOM Phlladelphlans to Meet to Urge Army Men for President Supporters of General Leonard Wood will meet this afternoon at the Kiti Carlton Hotel to plan ways of winning for him the Republican nomination for President. Both the regular and the progressive branches of the Republican party will be represented. A few Dem ocrats will also be present. Major H. R. Hogan, who s-crved in the Marine Corps during the war, sent out the call for today's meeting. Bayard Henry is looked upon as the leader of tho movement in this city. He was present with Thomas Robins, Gifford Pinchot and others' at a re cent meeting held in the Union League, at which the Wood candidacy was dis cussed from the political point of mow. BIG LOAN FOR CHELTENHAM Residents to Decide on $1,150,000 Outlay for Schools Residents of Cheltenham township Tennessee Co, Trcn, & R R Co Fairfield, Alabama American Industrial Roofing Tile If you are interested in getting a new building, you will want to know why firms like those listed below choose American Cement Tile for their roofs. Our booklet, "Data Sheets" will tell you. Union 3w Itch & Slcnal Co., Swlssvale. Pa. Crucible Steel Co, Syracuse, N. Y Harrlon. N J, Midland, Pa Park Drop Force Co., Cleveland, Ohio Mar Drllllnc Machine Co., AVron, O. Gen'l Electric Co .Schenectady, N.Y. Lafayette Collect, Eatton, Pa. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co, Akron, Ohio imorlrnn (CementlieMfg-Ca B!4 Ulrrer Building, Pittiburgh SO Church St. 801 Otii BUr. New York Philadelphia 509 Brevrn.Marx Bids. Birmingham EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY To Own a AT A PRICE 'eo than vnany new inferior cars. f have a rebuilt and rcttnlshed JLARMOf. equipped with slip covers .nd new Cord tires. We can eio pfrchaser choice of paint. Guar anteed equal to new In perform ance and durability. Deferred payments if desired, X Uemcntratlon mil Cflnrtnce loo See Mr. Hunter The Fanning-Hatch Co. 720 N. Broad St. Poplar 7670 itiiiiiigniftiiiiimiiHiin 'jtar Hat Ipnngs, J.rk 3 cias Lithography Makes a Better Impression "yiLVT part of your organisation which comes In contact with your customer must be representative, whether it bo man. bulldinjr or stationery. A neat, dignified litht)rraphe4 letterhead is a most effective advertisement Like all Mann products, Mann's litho graphed letter-hoadr, etc., axa of the hleh $t quality. that the menus prepared at the Insti tute are of value to any ono who uses them. The menus nro not arbitrary, and it is probable that while she i" dieting to increase her veight she will cat more than the specified amounts. Hero is one of the daily menus: Breakfast Cup cocoa, half and half, sugar; four tablcspoonfuls oatmeal, sugar; two slices bread, two pats margarine. Jlidmornlng (10 wO) Four crackers, peanut butter; square sweet chocolate. Dinner Bowl pea soup, flour thickened ; tablcspoonful boiled mutton ; baked potato, margar ine; six tablcspoonfuls beets, bread, nut margarine, three dates. Midaftcr noon (3 :30) Half pint peanuts, cubic inch cheese, four crackers. Supper Four tablespoonfuls baked beans, slice bread, margarine. will vole on n $1,100,000 public loan for school improvement purposes on February 28. The present high school at Elkina Park for the district including Elkins Park, Melrose Park, Ogontz, Latham Park, Elkins Park Manor, Cheltenham, Ashbourne and other suburbs is too small for tho needs of the communities. Part of the big loan, if ratified, will go for the construction of a bigger and more modern high school. The re mainder will go for iniprotcments to existing school buildings. fcl 1 PI III ! rmiiiii fciiittiaa fcaat f ! a llllllal tifaiiiiia fciiimia aVU IXM IS'::":: hWiii- 3::j;::: .-.:- .:5i::r:ic fiZ&FjA 111 I I )mmikSi$$s3 ?fc?tt 111' VmluSfUTO pll aTkVAfiCrSff'A t " " Y r - - MJrtVvhQ afAT" " " 4r "! i - -Upavo " Am"""" 5M VS'oPOcm 1 1 Z " 'AilZ T.mm iV -- RSKw " ' 7Avt""",l) -- pH-:::: P:::::P:::::: . Aw"-" 'iA irmiij- -aniz ifSt " YA1 at Ztm .. I Yjt !!!!"? lJ itii--o.. . vA r 9VJ1 J5 --- - - -- . Vjt9 ' ia- " ' ----... . VwZr "Tnl - . 1 Altl I V-Vfi - -.----... 1 zr-i t 1 Uti ... r'4 if 1a -----. 'IfiTn ""i!! MM --, fli It fl at J VAW T ", rMTrnikTrrirTTrmrrrrnru 9wl I I.'&KV M - W MlimimaiaTliarani iiWiiiraaialiiliaaailaaaiaaajTaaaTiiaBMJ i iTWiiaalTiilTiaaai ill ITliiiiri zm mm alt. BEATEN PHYSICIAN FREED AT HEARING Magistrate Suggests That Both Sides Drop Case, but Victim of Assault Rofusos - BURKE HELD FOR COURT Dr. Samuel M. Morris, Jr., the phy sician assaulted in front of a South Third btrcct motion-picture theatre about ten days ago, was discharged yes terday by Magistrate Imber. After being brutally assaulted, the physician was arrested by Abraham Schwartz, a patrolman. John Burke, a witness who protested at the beating administered the prisoner, was arrested. Magistrate Imber held Burko in $300 bail for court. The hearing yesterday developed into an attempt to whitewash the patrolman, who is now under $1000 bail to await tb,e action of the grand jury, for the assault. Magistrate Imber suggested that both sides stop the prosecution. But Doctor Morris refused. He went on with the hearing and Doctor Morris was released. Burke was held after Magistrate Im ber said that be had been in trouble on numerous other occasions. Yesterday was Doctor Morris's first day out of the hospital since the attack. And he still showed signs of tho beat n " ) a aavt a liaaiaiiiiiiieiaiaaaal " aaDieiic ("i; ' ttlaaaalliaaiaiflllltll n ('aaaaaitiai i Aaaaaaaaa tlltaaaiitii i laaaaBf ; B(l jr"wv.w .va.aa aalBVHalvsa 0. SJ m fcm. aAW.Ii- kl MM UVKSKBXUUUUC&B sBuaaj9Euswi - xasxtisisES CKBrai uuactaaci: zsjsiGztzim AX! vftilvnwJrilfjlil filixi lmSS&BBKXKx8SlVt:taitBfiBtr 00 iHTWii"Vtv..!'',la"''''iSfWK2iw!rl 7eSTaW SWmttffftK89X9 9SXSSvvSSBSS&!aSv3iSKSaWKSsSX ih WlnWKmSA m 'irM SSsBe?8rHBSSA rfia!:::li '"W"'alSxi -OViCiBBSSTOssS w085 vmMWMtsm " .((ei V' IIIJ wvaivliB,ef , ai aaeaataekaaelaAaat(ft aafa)aiaaatataaaffaaifelaB4vtta. balaatLT" . I PJ "' ' - "vi )atataiapaiaiaaa ., kB aivaitvaaittaitv. sob. ,Ti7 ",. etaoaai '"l ') (i ' let (iia)aaai i ) W( a i a a-aia.,'X?;; "?;"' m Z ' . . . jtT7-7i ?- j m2i ' """ fmm aiiaai 3v a a a ::::::::::::::.... :q:::::::; aa ,3a"aI ........ a B r ti ! .. at Bjiia " ?-?' iff f V fii sv- ; ; rtlr"" .t;:, la.. I!: u. k..aaaaaillllkllll aLa . ?! i"aa""Zataaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-:-:-:l:::::r::r:r.r;j3TV.-;: ing. His fa co was swollen and ho was weak. Speaking against Doctor Morris Schwartz said that some one hnd hit him, and he bad turned and, finding Doctor Morris in back of him, bad struck him. Other witnesses testified that tho at tack on Doctor Morris bad been un provoked and had followed a verbal tilt with the ticket seller at tho theatre. Lieutenant John F. Echtermeyer, po lice lieutenant in control of the Second and Christian streets station when the attack was made, is still under suspen sion for his action in failing to suspend Schwartz for the attack. WILL PUSH JANITOR'S CASE Tenchersor H allowed School Present Charges Before Board Today Miss Sara Weldlcr, principal, and other teachers of tho Hallowell School will appear before tho property com mittee of the Board of Education this afternoon to present their case against Thomas Walsh, janitor. The committee heard the caso once and refused to remove Walsh from the school. Miss Wcldler consequently re signed. Her resignation has not been accepted by the board, and her place has remained unfilled for more than a month. The matter was brought up again by the Women Teachers' Asso ciation. 800 strong, which has taken up Miss Wcidlcr's cause. Teachers claim Walsh has been im pudent; that he smokes in tho yard, where he is supposed to keep pupils from smoking; that ho curses the prin cipal in the presence of pupils, sneers and-tells her to "mind her own busi ness" when she remonstrntcs. The teachers infer that petty politics keep Walsh on the job, but the prop erty committee denies this. People of Philadelphia and surrounding: counties, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS The undersigned being duly accused of making: an excellent con fection known as Mason's PEAKS and hereinafter designated by the above-mentioned name. That Mason's. Molasses PEAKS are now placed on sale in the Commonwealth. That by virtue of the laws of this Commonwealth the right of trial is granted to all. It is stated and hereafter desired that each and every one re siding in the Commonwealth, or outlying parts thereof, consti tute, make and acclaim himself, or herself, a duly accredited judge, jury and witness as to the claims herein and hereafter stated. i It is also desired that each procure one of the aforesaid Mason's Molasses PEAKS and by a fair and impartial trial do render a verdict according to the evidence secured and to their judg ment as to the merits of the case. Evidence may be obtained front the stores and candy stands in the various parts of the Commonwealth in exchange for small coins of the realm. ALLEGATIONS That Mason's Molasses PEAKS are made from linest selected cocoanuts formed into sirupy mounds and dipped in chocolate. That Mason's Molasses PEAKS are wrapped in foil and wax paper, thus retaining their freshness and assuring their cleanli ness. That Mason's Molasses PEAKS have molasses as a sweetening medium and therefore, conserve sugar. That each party, after due investigation of these claims, do render a verdict according to their judgment. ai 18 m RETAILERS TO DENY 9M TODRUGGISTS Storo3 Will Not Be Supplied, but Whisky Is Available to Fight Influenza WILL SEEK NEW LICENSES Retail liquor dealers' will not supply liquor to druggists, regardless Of the price offered. This was decided yester day at a meeting of the Retail Liquor Dealers' Association in Grand Fra ternity Hall, and their sentiments re flect those of tho wholesalers. In connection with this action it was asserted also that druggists hero arc now changing their minds about selling whisky. Whilo the wholesale dealers say they will not supply druggists, they say un limited quantities of liquor will be available to fight influenza should need arise. Joseph P. Kerrigan, president of Gallagher & Burton, wholesalers, said all wholesalers would respond in an emergency. At the meeting of the retail associa tion yesterday members wore advised to tako out licenses during the coming year and to file their intentions of ap plying for a license for 1021, so ns to bo prepared for tho reopening of busi ness bhould prohibition bo declared in valid. Tho meeting, held behind closed In witness whereof is attached the signature of the manufacturer. Mason, Au & Magenheimer Confectionery Mfg. Co. - 28 Henry Street Brooklyn, N. Y. n?T TBSSk doors, was presided over by freil Bon ner, vice president ot tho. association, It was said by one member yesterday' that in (Jnicago, where tne luuuenza epidemic has gained somo headway, the pcoplo nro paying ho high as 575 a quart for unpedigrccd whisky that Is diluted with water. The Cop on the Corner rnH' p'lltlcal 'gamo In town here r'mlnds me o' th measles," says Maggie as sho .reads th latest gossip fr'm th rialto. "Bccaus' o' the rash doln'o o th' rival factions, I s'pose," vintur's I, seekln' t' steal her thund'r, so t' speak. "Nothin like that nt all," snaps she. "What I was goln' t' remark whin ye butt'd in, was no soon'r is soothln' harmony thought t be settl'd whin ugly spots break out on unsusplct'd portions o th' body politick." "Viry ably put, Maggie," says I. agrecin' llko a well-thraln'd married man. " 'TIs romor'd Hampy is on th war path agin, paint'd up f'r action' n' wieldln' th' big tommyhawk. He's afther scalps for shure. this time." "Th' Injuns in th' Vara tep-eo had bctt'r keep their war bonnets close t' their hair." says Maggie. "I under stand th' May'r is thrainin' his bow V nrrer on th' highly dlcorat'd wig wam o' Uncles Dave Martin 'n' Lane. Thim big chiefs have powwow'd wit th' Vare Apaches 'n' r'fus'd t' recignizc Hampy as th' real niedicln man." "They'll have f swollo' th' bltt'r dose ho's cook'd up f'r thim jus' th' same," says Maggie. "Th warcry is 'Noquart'r.' Th' fight'll ke'ep up, I hears, till th' last Vare bravo bites th' diiht. 'Twill be rt thrilliu' battle." " 'Twould bo. more cxcltin' if they'd let some senhon'd Cght'rs jump into the' k set-to. The' new charfr'nTT "I fi LWe?.C0 d a' high vV ""I hp sldo lines while th" be dry fo I th' season u in .!.. .. cst Md'.?I "Th' rn -i n , ?Fle' "Go wy ritw' ,8"I. "R'mimVr yTirTonf 8S?S " While it muAurtVL"HS whin th' din o' battle is10),1.01! 5 3 0 aro V put y'r hand, w ou4t back, r'tire V th' rear ? J ,hlni ft soft seat." ac n Ptoy'allfJ Immediate Deliyfirioc Thor Washers Thov boners HOOVER Vacuum Cleaners aMUMTq jaiSilSSEBl JBB"4gi 1719 Chestnut St. ELECTRIC SSKgog n n 1 siifr n n n n n n a a ! Illli "IB n-aiBPalia"J -. ' CM (iiiiimi (it ri : - talBllaaaa.. H luaiiii Kimiiii rv iiiiim III III Ml n n n ::iA Tal n r r n n n n Fl a C a a I I Laaaaaaaa lata " Uiiiiiiiiiii EfUSIAIXUSa Z"ZZZZ1Z ::: ::::,:?: :!5s ? a aVaB "- aa.aaf III . a. - . m m I :::?Ui: - Ml MUKTZKQ ENGIUVINa owicb Stationery ad Supplies 'feSSS mmm -ll-'.:i WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 629 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. New York Offices: S61 Broadway. Founded in 1SJ,8 n" SaaaVaBaBl 5SSS3SSa.a.353SaISaiaia"""";-;;l-1 I Usss: r A TO .Aaaa ataatapal M-..fc.aaaaaaa ,aaaa Xaaaaa r a.. 4S.".V" -"1'ii".,.. 1 i '-. c it t ".! n a itir ...rrr a