mwtn;: 1 3 . " ., i'V . v 1 J I I "f ?-fr-- i 1 ' V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEKr-PHIL'ABELPHIA,' MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1920 IS ..V'tMf-: W J. " m m. m c wrij K 3 jISSb s r. . whlmsa L m ;jv (u ' .SPARE CHURCH BELLS, CARDINAL CRIES IN FEAR OF SEIZURE B Y FOE M m i W&lh ? VW 7. irlolUt KjUllVlil ICU, M.HIU XJllllVLS ill i-gli( JJti xszot illicit n kji.ii i j ituui iihw jliuiuvo v vni . JWS - ...- , Countrymen, bays Appeal to German Governor General of Belgium WlNTr.ll RKMIKTI WTNTTR nitSOKTH ATLANTIC riTV, N. .t. Tt, NT10 TITV. N. J. .J : ff Explanatory Comment fa m TT'WAS inevitable that Cardinal Mcrcier should be deeply and indignantly stirred by definite hints of a " have in a way become poetic symbols of the nation. In no country in Europe has the art of bell playing been brought to such perfection. Bells typify the ty national spirit. They are enriched by legendary lore. They have inspired poets at homo and abroad, old and new. Longfellow paid his tribute to the belfry of Brages. Emile Cammacrts, in hi3 impassioned poem of X tho carillons, revealed the soul of Belgium in travail and adversity. His refrain, "Ring, Belgium, ring!" "" thrilled the hearts of his countrymen in the tragic night of servitude. As musicians, the Belgians are widely known as oboe players. But their mastery of this lovely wood wind is less exclusive than their skill with the carillon. This is an arrangement for playing tunes upon a . set of bells by mechanical means. A keyboard resembling that of an organ is used and is to be found in "' virtually all the important Belgian churches. A set of from twenty to thirty or sixty to seventy bells is employed, giving a remarkably wide scope for melodies and harmonies and permitting performances in various keys. The carillons of Louvain and Bruges contain forty bells; tho carillon of Malines, the Cardinal's city, f has forty-four, while in the tower of the Antwerp Cathedral there are upward of ninety bells. The largest of these was cast in 1507. Charles V, at the height of his glory, stood sponsor for it. Tho Cardinal was speaking for a profoundly sincere national sentiment when, even apart from their religious significance, he defended the bells and stood firm for their inviolacy. Cardinal Merciers Story Including hi correspondence with tho German authorities in Belgium during the war, 1914 to 1918, edited by Profenior Fernand Mayence of Louvain University and translated by the Bene dictine Monks of St. Augustine's, Ramsgate, England, Continuation of Cardinal Mender's letter to Baron von Falkenhausen. T T BEG the competent authority to make known to - us once and for all whtther or not it will allow us to send Belgian priests in communion with their bishops to help our countrymen. f, If it answers in tho affirmative, it will thereby supply proofs of its respect for religious liberty and ? we shall thankfully hasten to the aid of our aban- doned brethren. But in case of a negative Teply, I would ask your Excellency to no longer allow censored Flemish news papers of the extremist section (flamingant) and cer tain dishonest individuals hiding behind their German protectors both at Gottingen and here, full liberty ' to calumniate me by alleging that if Flemish prison- ,4- crs in Germany are deprived of Flemish confessors and preachers, it is only because Malines has an arch ly bishop who is an enemy of the language and indiffer J ent to the religious needs of the Flemish people. I have reason to believe that a letter treating of 'Z confidential ecclesiastical affairs, addressed to the head chaplain of the German army in Berlin, has not reached him. Will your Excellency allow me to bend " him a copy in a sealed envelope and yourself insure its safe arrival at its destination? I shall be exceed- ingly obliged if you will do mo this favor. Accept, sir, the assurance of my sincere esteem. (Signed) D. J. CARDINAL MEKU1EH, Archbishop of Malines. I ' Refuses to Send Letters e Political Department of the Government General of Belgium, Brussels, Aug. 17, 1917. w To His Eminence Cardinal Mcrcier, Archbishop of Malines. The Governor General, after reading your Emi nence's letter of the 1st inst., told me that he did not intend to answer it himself. I have just come back "t, to Brussels. On my return his Excellency drew my attention to the necessity of dealing in detail with !? certain points raised by your letter and this I hasten i to do. First. As, regards Sister Celine's pension, the Governor General has already declared to your Emi nence that no German authority has compelled the - superioress of the Poor Servants of Mary Immacu " late to contribute 2000 marks toward Sister Celine's maintenance in the Ursulinc convent. According to further information received, we have nothing to add to this declaration. Second. In this same letter of July 26 the "i Governor General already observed that the prosccu ' Hon of the sisters of the Congregation of Mary Im maculate could in no wise be looked upon as an en 0. croachment on the domain of religion by the civil power. The sisters were convicted for infringements J of German decrees, viz., one sister for having retaind and circulated noncensored publications and for in sultinq Germans; another for insulting Germans and a third for being in possession of and circulating non censored publications, for insulting Germans and having no identity card. These are misdemeanors and well within the province of the civil tribunal and not of the ecclesi ' astical authorities. Offenses against the common law committed by ecclesiastics arc everywhere judged by ordinary tribunals. Th'rd. As regards the appointment of Belgian priests to internment camps in Germany, obviously we could only admit those priests who, in our judgment, could be trusted not to bring any nnti-Gcrman influ ' ence to bear upon the prisoners. The choice of these priests could, therefore, not be left exclusively to Bel gian bishops; it would have to be made in agreement with the competent German authorities. If no solu tion of this problem can be reached, the special cars of the prisoners must be left exclusively in the hands of German priests. There is nothing extraordinary in this, for neither in France nor in England are re- ligioua services for German prisoners intrusted to j priests sent from Germany. Besides the spiritual in- terests of Belgians interned in Germany have not hitherto been neglected; they have always been at tended to in a saliifactory manner. " Fourth. Your Eminence believes that a letter ad- r dressed by you to the head Catholic chaplain of the Prussian army, Doctor Joppen, of Berlin, ha.i not arrived at its destination. It must be noted, however, I that oa a sequel to a letter from your Eminence, the head chaplain has sent the Governor General a de tailed report on tiro Flemish priests. The presump tion is that the said letter is the one your Eminence fias in view and which therefore hae been duly re ceived. It is not possible for the Governor General K to transmit the sealed letters you fonvarded to him to their addresses. "' offer to your Eminence the expression of my elncere esteem. (Signed) LANCKEN. CHAPTER XLIV iriio Governor General Threatens to Seize the A Church Bells ",' 1 wA RUMOB had become current throughout occupied I Belgium thnt tho military authorities were about to fia du'rch bIla WHi (. f t m- i hb 1. tjwj ffr Ai jb Only One Hour rrom Philadelphia vvherc outdoor life can be fully enjoyed in an atmosphere of thor ough invigoration and health. You can promenade, or lido in the ahvayb-popular rolling chair, on tho famous marina boulevard tho Boardwalk; ride beside the ocean waves, play golf, bathe in real sea water, indoors; attend the theatres, linger on the piers, in fact leally forget that winter is here. The hotels- offer a charm of complete comfort and attractive as sociations. Reservations may be made by 'phone, wire, or mail. THE LEADING HOUSES ARE ALWAYS OPEN (Hotels are all American Plan, unless otherwise noted.) WIKTFJ1 m0UTH WAS111NOTON. n. 0. WardmanPqrkHofel Ctnntctleut Awe A IWoodltr Ho4 WASHINGTON, D. C. A wonderful combination of luxury omrort. Fifteen hundred (nil out) rooms, with prhate baths. Illustrated booklet and further par ticulars on request m.MT-it nrnn. Mna . Burlington Hotel American and European HOMELIKE. CLEAN, FEHFCT CUISINH 380 Itooms lvidi nath, S3 to S3 FIVI3 MINUTES FHOM EVE11VTI11NO Waslilntton. P. C. I Marlborough- Blenheim American and ruropenn Flans Joslah 'Whlto & Sons Co. Hotel Dennii Walter J Husby Hotel Strand r B. Off and II O Edwards The Shelbnme European Finn J Welkel Mbt Hotel Chelsea J. 13 Thompson & Co. Galen Hall Gulen Hull Co The Holmhurtt A II Darnell Hotel St. Charles VAw V Orosscupl Trustco Seaside House r F Cook n bons The Wiltshire Sanil Ellis, Owner I N. J l ollin. Jigr. Tliroush I'lillninn hcmIcc. without cliatiKr, 'Fhone Iim"! tlcktt iigent for complete train Information. y)ffiZnMi i ATS AMTlrriTV.N.J. i Ar Americaiv Plaa Hotel jof Dis(mcfioRMdRealComlart j I FIHEFROOP OARAGE. I I capacity 600. fVafferj:juzl)V ..(MlARLES 'U On THP nr-sr am ronu lever stories of real comfort wlthaix artvl. ronmont ofdiotirvct refln mant vitnout extravagance. AMMtCJUlPUN. AlWAYtfOPfM UTtTiATUOtw.TWnSr1AILtO. Ed vara E Groucap Vvitm oi.n FfiiNT CQMrtmT. va. OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CHAMBERLIN X riNB WINTER GOLF Swlmmlnr Pool. Hi 'utiFnA. Every ICuroDean Rtth an4 Trefttrmnt, writ QKO. F. ADAMS, Jtrortrfu AtvortMi Seafood 9? ropean f atraent. J cmKAmvATicn. rm. WHITELLDGE HOTEL gSE, Aner, r European plan. Golf, ruhlni els. A run. water In every room: privet fcatlH. nEnMUDA publication of an order to this effect, his Eminence, in conjunction with their Lordships, the Bishops of Namur and of Liege, expressed his fears to the Governor Gen eral and protested beforehand against sacrilegious acts, such as would be committed by seizing the bells. Archbishop's House, Malines, September 9, 1917. To His Excellency Baron von Falkenhausen, Governor General, Brussels. Sir For some time past a rumor has gained cur rency among the people giving lise to a very keen and painful impression on all sides. There is a ques tion, they say, of lemoving the bells from the churches. Our first impulse was to pay no attention to this rumor, especially as it w, ..ired to have little founda tion in fact, in view of the solemn assurances we had from time to time received from the German authorities, that during the time of occupation the rights of the chuich would be respected. But ceitain events gisc us cause for anxiety, especially the seiz ure of bells in the war zone No. 1 in occupied France; the taking away of bells used for civil purposes in certain districts of Belgium and lastly a bell which was used for worship has just been violently carried off from Magoster-lez-Laroche, without the local au thorities being advised or warned that this would be done. This last act, the result, no doubt, of'a mis take, was at once reported to the military Governor General of Luxemburg by the diocesan authorities of Namur, as being formally contrary to the decree of December 13, 1916, according to which objects be longing to churches and other buildings or places used for ecclesiastical purposes are exempt from seizure and delivery. "Do Not Shake Our Confidence" These incidents, Excellency, do not shake our confidence, but they fill us with apprehension and will serve to justify our Addressing ou a collective letter today to demand protection for the rights, of the church and ecclesiastical property a protection to which Article 4G of The Hague convention entitles us. Wc fear lest the prolongation of the war may some day threaten with danger the weighty interests of religion and Christian art, of which wc aie the nat ural guardians. We hope the German authorities will listen to our appeal. We conjure you to intercede with the higher command of the army, should the need ever rise. It is superfluous to repeat to your Ex cellency that it is the duty of the Belgian hierarchy to keep the patrimony of the church intact and to oppose eery act or attempt contrary thereto. Cath olic liturgy does not merely look upon bells as objects pertaining to worship; it has included them in the category of sacred vessels. Thc aie consecrated to divine worship through being anointed by the bishop and by the prayers of the church They must be re tained for their exclusively religious purposes and only used for sounding the praises of God and sum moning the faithful to praver. They cannot be alien ated without the consent of the ecclesiastical authori ties. Their removal, their being utilized for profane purposes, would be looked upon by our people as a sacrilege. Morcoer, how painful would it be for the faithful to think that the metal from which the hells are cast and which is as a rule provided b their generosity, might be converted into gun or ammuni tion for the use of a hostile army and might be des tined to carrj death into the ranks of their own coun trymen, their own children. We shall be happy to receive from your Excel lency a word to calm our fears and to enable us to pacify our sorely tried people. Ac -pt tho assurance of our sincere esteem. (Signed) D. J. CARDINAL MERCIER, Archbishop of Malines. (Signed) M. H. RUTTEN, Bishop of Namur, (Signed) TH. LOUIS HEYLEN. Bishop of Liege. The Governor General gave an evasive answer. Goivniment General of Belgium, Brussels September 29, 1917. To His Eminence Cardinal Mcrcier, Archbishop of Malines. In the letter you wrote mc on the 10th inst., your Eminence, in conjunction with their Lordships, the Bishops of Namur and Liege, expresses fears lest the bells in Belgian churches be seized. The hierarchy contemplates a case in which military ne cessities might had to tho execution of such meas ures. I am able to answer that so far there has been no reason for assuming any definite attitude as v gards the question raised in this appeal. I offer to your Eminence the expression of my sincere esteem. (Signed) VON FALKENHAUSEN, Lieutenant General. The Cardinal acknowledged the receipt of tho Gov ernor General's letter as follows: Archbishop's House, Malines, October 4, 1917. To His Excellency Baron Ton Talkenhausen, Governor General, Brussels. Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the re ceipt of your Excellency's letter of the 29th inst., with reference to tho preservation of hells conse crated to Catholic worship, and I thank you in tho names of my colleagues, the Bishops of Namur and Liege, and in my own, for having quieted our anxiety in this matter. Please accept our assurance of our sincere esteem. (Signed) D. J. CARDINAL MERCIER, Archbishop of Malines. Let us make Ton feel at ho la the "Cltr tf Robust Health" Hotel Morton Offn and Irslmn .ktv. Canncltv tM. xutrator, prlrai uiiur. rtc.i aivraj HOTEL BOSCOBEL gSr" tIC up weekly Phone 117 A K MAIUON. I AKEW OOI. N. .1. Try CLARENDON Hotel t Ar. near llrach otwn, 100 room, with hot nml U rtinnlntr watrri private batht rnpnltr S09. Writ for rutf booklet. Monroe IltitchlM l Park plau 0erIoolln ocean ft City l'ark J McII.WAIN CHAMPION Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. J. EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI TIONS. GOLF, RIDING AND SHELTERED WALKS. DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING. DDJMmi m?t?ir't' mrrv a HUHN & SONS. BROKERS. i rRAivK v. nhi'tt:. mor. 'jcnerxaxaneszssrTfmKimFw: "to nours from frost to (loiccrsT The Hamilton Hotel BERMUDA "The Queen of Winter Resort." The lareest and finest hotel on the Island and of fireproof construction modern In eaulpment and operation Oolf tennis, boatlnn. ridlnir. driving danclnc. nshlnr. bathing In the sea, class enclosed eun parlor 200 feet lone. Grill 400 out side rooms 250 with conne, tins bath all equlpocd with telephones two lera tors Hamilton Hotel Orchestra Odph Jan 10. HAMILTON HOTn, COMPANV. LTD Manacement of J A. BHKIUtARD TlookUt Cable addreie Hotel rermud PAItCEIr POST "SWEETAIR" i The modern method or Painless Extraction of TEETH "HAITI AH MA51CT" . . On. , fft l.ath HfMMlM without pain or danger ' ,.' Just ths thlner for nsrvon. "- no III efef follow Its use DR. MOSES S. E. Cor. 7th Sr Market SU. Form Tit; ah ntaff t firomtnent JTnntAtn LESTER d' PLAYER $440 rTff r 'jrmniirn i FIIEEI Bench,! 12 niuslc roup, j FREE toning for one Tear. Our terms are tho lowest and ore accent Lib erty Honda at lull Tame, oena for our cata logue. F. A. NORTH & CO. 1813 E. Allegheny At. 2130 N. Front St. 2ieatljs AT.TinTrsiiT" c..j.i., i IIULIINA AI.nniatlT (nee Packer), wlfo f Augustus Altorlirht, formerly of 2021 S. Bouvler st. lltelatlves and friends Invited to funeral. Tuea 8 10 u. in., father-in-law's ""Idjnce. John J. AlbrlKht. 2110 8 Carlisle st Solemn mass of requiem at St Monica's Cnu?cJ.,10 " m Int. Holy Cross fern. ALQILIl. Jan. 24. MICHAKU husband of lato Mary J. Aider, formerly of St. Irancls XaWer's parish, and son of late neVker5)" w7fcBi, SSBBMSTer' Relatives and frienVi. "i!:- fer7 ....'Wi uawla'a ChurCh. i jiti..vUI7, oelef Vl ! Lnt.9"haA?om,dl',u"rt,.il''.,'!tCK,c,,.l. I. cent ..,Llc'5i:t:-'n. 23. iiANiV-V. Wnte ' Ul tZJMrHM 11 lllrlr... - . V" '"MU J . L....I and societies of which h. w Jl" n fFiVSi1' -.!a7.?a,r,lrdn?!iind.:S?n services. Wed . a p m r.aJ" twin1, Int. Jit, Morluh Cem. "rJ?"4, Ced.r""' ove, "" l "cnOs may " , uuhjiajw. Jan 25 nnn. ' August Hormann (neo Ii.Tii "', vldow itelatlves and friend, r u??n,t le ?i' Michael's Lutheran " Chunh i Aw "? Ii neral. Thurs . S i" rn son . inVtC1' to f,h ' .aurence Imschwellc'r (nee (Sfi3- lt. Ilelatlves and friends Invited tJ tStm1i ices. Tues , 2 p m. 175J ; m. ""neral lert. prlvato. rorest urns' Cem rVa,1" ' St Mon , 8 to 10 p m anarimli.. '.""T all Stiles A Son 1417 k Su.o?5.-0' ,0 8 21 THiSte ..' of Hannah T. Ing esby lie. i? hv'H aired 74 ItelatlvJs "nd friend. PW" Honeflclal Boclely, n V mVSSM p'ii eresa;o Church: Holy Nam. .i"!y- !t i XIabrlel's Church' Va franer v.SS?1'17.. t rs and Color Mixers1 ' jifiS T it"n?, Irlnu societies ol 'which the dt'esed a,a1' S t!r,V,5vlJ?d funeral. Wed. aVn0.m",- C'hf'''""! Cem. Auto service. n Int- NL .JAHVIS Jan 22. aiconoB T t, i of Eleanor Jarvls Ttelatlve. i and t!?I Hellcf Asso of ths Dent of n.?rtlM' Tuxes employes of City Hall $&, Execut ve Cnmniltten of Tenih w.5f"w.,t1 rther societies if which he Vi."' Si mviiea to lunern services T,7. " .'""""r. rlen st Int prhate s-ni..". Sa rail Mnn u ,W -1"1' !02 N. Dsrle I r;nirTioAT. llolh 'exe rnH. n, jz .... .. .'., rarMi itii, - ov,im una jsiary a. Alter, licmiu-a ana vVV,-TS,r:rA,a' may can j0n 8 to irin i '' nJ. employes Jdhnson Ink Works, In- ,.,'ugKJNS At Atlantic City, N j V'J.i Mted to f uneral. Tues . 8 a. m son-in-law's . ?, ItUUECCA. K, daughter of lit', 'K' ' residence. James J. Carey, 2130 S 20th st Jvllllam and Itachel Judklns, of Cl,cln5" Solemn requiem mass at Hdmond's Cliurm I ? 'l , Helathes and friend, Si, " lTm,-vtInt' ""'y Cr0" Cm- iTTnnSr'j V'1' Fried. fiS ( AT,I,nV-Jln T .ii ntn trTrtf- T House. 42d st nnA TiA...Ai, -.7. .lcln h- UIM.RS1UE, r.. SUNLIT HALL Open all sear Cheer-w.-..- ..r.ww. fu) ,lome comforts; crlfp dr i!r bpauliful mountuin nlks. Sleikh np tln.r etc Vot a srtnatorltin I.EO b OAtL. Mer.WUn.NEKSVlLMI.HA iMii n ni nt m not'Ki.rnnn KICKS w fXaBBSA ymM SOLVEDlNV i Tho Problem "v ' &!' f European Travel yfffA y Tlie American Traveler ' . I in Europe 1920' j j I l "-end for this free booklet I JS ot prnilicill liifnrmntlnn i-j XwXX Vmcrlcnn llxprrs fSf Q "1 ravel Department E&V fJV Wnnimtlter's "Inln 1 1 yy rVVS.,,,"ln,'r s- Yntrinrr S.4 ALLEN, aned 75 " Cears HclatlveH and v?ir.' 0mlt flw"rs. Cincinnati, 0 ', L$. frlendB also Lodro No n 1 and A. M . copy. . " " PPI ", invited to funeral services, on Wednes r.4? hiTJIi 23, MonniS H -j-j fc.r,,,uvil, UL 1 O CIOCK, Ht ".'.1" " i"ot,v ao. Int liANNlSrUR Jin "4 SHt i.Ai b widow of deorire Dannleter Itela !.J"? "S" frloids lnlted to funeral services, Wed 3p ni . Ill Maplewood avp . Qerman n . i."' liv HI" crn. Hemalns mav be lwed Tues evo. HATEh At PHSadena, 21th Inst. of l,nf umonla ALICE OIIANDIN 1JATEH, (Ijuehtcr of Samuel II and Hunnah Dntef of Cincinnati, sister of Miss Tannlo E. ,,"1?" ,of 'Nbw Yorlc- and of Mrs John II Mclnddcn, of Philadelphia Int at l'hlla delphlii. Notlco of funeral will be i ub Usherl later. IIOUD Jon. 2".. at N i:. rnr. 13th and Allecnpnv m. Ttr IPITl inn ri T-tn hu'band of Sirah Jlobb helntlvi-s and Our crnduaics are m constant demand for irinas, -uicnaei ArnoliI IOdero. No 10 1 good paylnB poiltlons Oreue Shorthand ihd.A. M . ind Cnrlnthi in Chapter. No 2"U tho easy speedy tsstem. Complete business I . A. M, InWted to funernl -ervlees Thuro , na secreiariAi iuurH. uny ana wicnt 1 7Ai' ni iiparimcnts or Harold B Multlean EI'va,eWM - ""' -rvl "Vu"e,and2 'prlCr S' . -Mr.' .VM": -Morris HosenbcrK's Son. snnn v V.h't int Mt Slnal Cem, "WI at,i,j.i jan 24, WILIJ1A t t..v . of Annie n r Uy (neo , McnladenV ad A1 Itelatlves and fr ends also St Mary f BeSi1 nUal Society, of Kcllyvllle, Division No A. O. II , and Clifton Heights Pir V. v1' LinWW funeral? TieVd1"." 8 a mC !? 438 Wnshlneton avo . riii! ti.i.I.: '!?.?( emn reiuljrrt mass at St Charles' Churrh hu'riSnd o lTllu Kffl'iV.1, "f iinj:B ' Al,.,,snR,Jd frlendi. ushlnaton Canra V 'in p n i'f a uninaion ramp ,, is ii n s ' t "arroiVBnte Caktic Nj V, i11 2 lv of M I' . emshnes of Henry 'fl ina Ktrg? ROCKLEDGE. FLORIDA, 199 miles south el Jtoktoimlie or. the Icdlsn River. High class, modern hotel, capaclt 300. Excellent golf, tennis, boating, fivhtng hunting etc Orchestra dancing 0PER JANUARY TO APRIL Uteriture end terms muled. Henry M. le eeh, Mfj, TOlIf. ClaeSP lntenslc tralnlnz l.nrnll 10th nnrl (Iprmnntnun nvo Tnt nrlmi. na . .,- r.-it .....r. .v i..;; .,-"..t. ----. .'. . -i--'"' ".r. ij tunc-. v-.., ui .Yiiiij lur lull tiartli ulars and catalogue riIII.. HL'SINKSs COLI.hC.H nnd College of Commerrr 1017 Chestnut St. 1'lillnilelnliln Post-Graduate School of Music and The Fine Arts iBoo locust sr. A fcfhoot for the deploplng of Artlsta Strayer's Business College I'lill ulelnliln's Greatest Itnsluess School S(I7 Clieslni't M. riinne Walnut sm ATl-ANTtC CITI Europe West Indies 1 California H Japan China Philippines Bermuda South America All World Travel Informiitiou w 1 1 h 1 eferenre to nny form of travel lj any part of ihr world is available at our ojlcej. is Travel Service Have you tir made a cluck li-t m tlic detail.- thai iini-t be looked aUtr in a tiip to fr.un.ijH. '" .Sailing dah , hotel atcomniodations, ltmeiary on tho other bide tlie-e are but a feu of the olnious things There ate many others, most of which require tlic services of an experienced oigania tion to .secure jour full enjoyment ol the trip. 'I hob. Cook iv Sou, -with secnty-niue years of exj)eiicnce, and a qreat host of trained employes, ;(re in an un cqualed position to render you that sen ice There is no charge for talk ing ner with us ynur tentative lans Tropical Cruises Feb. 7, 28 and March 27, by S. S "Pastorei" and S. S "Calamarea" of the "G l White Fleet" These favorite t.lners especially butlt for the Tropics have been chartered exclusively by us for 24-dnv cruises. Inclusive fares $425 up. Send for fully detailed and beau tifully illustrated booklet. hlllU iltf H hlJIH full California Escorted Tour leaving Tcbruary 3, the itinerary includes "Grand Canyon Southern California with its attractive und restful Const resorts San Francisco Apache Trail New Orleans." Similar tours February 10, March 2. Accommodations reserved at best hotels only. Inclusive cost $725. Far East A new series of individual tours and es corted Spring tours to Japan, China, Manila, etc., Teb 20. March 6, 0, 30 Bermuda Weekly tours by FURNESS BERMUDA L1NL Inclusive fares $123 up. South America THE MECCA OF OPPORTUNITY Our escorted tour February 17 from New j York offers just the occasion to visit South 5 America at the right time of tho year, whether traveling for pleasure or business. Carry Tonr funds In Safety Carry Cook's Travellers' Cheques First tre 18 U First in 1920 NEW JERSEY SCHOOL run ATYPICAL CHILDREN VKMMIK I'MtlvYV AY AND STJMMnj AVE. Mureite I'arl.. Atlintlc Cltj. N. J. A. selet chuol of adjustment where spe etalued lMlKKUml medical and educational treatment ii 1 training, combined with the lnlKoratlic qualities of Atlantic City cli mate stimulate tho rcreaust physical and rnentil ripvplupment In nenous and back ward chllclnn TIprilN sent tnion application MUSIC Minn Method of I'uinil lr Mtihlc nml Kiutmir I'iuno Darin At All Mush stores slUVMsllir (N( Is STEAMER From Philadelphia hailing in EARLY FEBRUARY for Marseilles and Genoa Apply to MUORY STEAMSHIP GO. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE 629 Chestnut St. Bell. Market S05D Eejslone. Main "8S New lork unite, l'lcr SO North Hirer leleulioue, Mirlni; 8buU mains mny bo viewed Weil , 7 30 to 0 JO P. m IIHANDT On Jnn 21 1020. KI.MIRA. widow of Toseph Uraridt Itelatlves and friends tmltcd to funeral on Weil , S,1 r, p . m frnrn her lato residence, 124t N. Irazlerst Int Ternwood Ctm Friends nuy call on Tuei fvc 8 to 10 p m -1II.ANDJ' A Itaddonlleld. N J. Jan. 21 C1KORUI1 " r"RANDP aged f.1 Rela tives and friends Yuba 'lrlbe. No. 278 I. O It M , Freedom 1-odge, No I) K r . of Hlackwuod IJ J . Wood bun Lodge No 2S0, LOOM. llen'B niblo Class of Grenloch. N J , InMt d to funeinl services Tues . 1! p in OHi H Dili lildB 1S2U Chestnut et I'hlluilelphlii Int prlvite Krlcnds niciy lev remain Hon eve uuumiNDom r jm ji rhonnNci: If tlutihhter of Trederlik 11 and I aura M HuldendorlT Hired 18 Diro nolke of funeril will h (,l".eii from parents' resldenco 2008 1- 1 letcher st nUltGOON't Jan 21 I.AI'IU II HCIt !OON. daughter of Thomas U and flora M UurcocTi. aged 20 HelatlveH and friends. Seno Waw Council No 241 D of P , invttpd to funeral 'lues, 2 v in parents residence, 1.11 H Willow aroo pike. Glen hide, Pi int priute Trlends may call Mon 7 to n p m CL1I01'V Jan 2 1. MAIUA widow of DaM.i C.ilhouii, nscd SI Itelathes and frl-nds Invited to services, Tues 2 p in.. r.sldenet of diugliter Mrs (.-.r.s illnk. 2J1 Lincoln ae Colllngdilr Ueluwaru t.ount l'a Int lit MorlJh Ce i CAURK'K- Jan 23 IlOERRf P. CAIt IllCK, aged CI ItelatUes nnd friends In- Ited to funeral ner ices, Tuen J ti m residence of nephew Charle-i M Lewis, 823 N st Camden, N. J, Int private, Vioodlnml Cem I'lill i suddenly nt llerwvn I'.i MAIIY wlfo of loin 1 rltli Cartwlrglit Kdatlvs anil fr.eiiiln I'ourt Iluet Knd No HI I' of of rhlli, .ml W)omlsHlni, Trllo of lierwju 1 O It M Invited o liiii'rul reldenip. Main ie llerw-n, Ta Tue"i Sorvltes ut tiouso I p m Int Old lald Cem ttcmalns may be Mewed Mon, 7 to p in I'M Vi; I.U1. 2 I rilANK W ton of hut IIp i; and Ute AMlllirn V Clint, aged 27 KelntUes nnd frlnidi Invited tu funernl serv icH In s 2 11 in, ttrtors of Duld O TprinkenrltM A Mont. .1-'-' N f.-'d at Int privute ( OX) Jun J-i SVHAII J widow of Henrv V Ooxe. Turther notice of funeral will In glien from b3l Preston st 1 RAllill 1 li .4 ll.MlM' widow nf Mllllaiii i n 1.1 and frlendH In lted to fumril ed 2 n m IlOO l)nrb road I linerth l)elawnr count Pa, Int Jit Moilah Cem Trlends mtv mil J ues . ve OALT Jan J"! Al.HKItT acri S"7rt S5"?r. eT,??;,"? Adam, V. "Int North Cedar H'U it rai..t"irP -rn'oA'V.1',!?6 'V-J C"S,t;,Ut l (-0McrKi)t,0rjanAU23 TvNB widow . I)A ls()"t n" "k j, -. Ill v Thomas JPcCuen .wed 70 Relatives anl vim Ji Vv i tv .,,.. K.:?r..r V ,i.7' 5;Ij,'. I friends Invited to funeral, Tues . J. P.m. ?-- : . "--iT.'.. .'. ....ii.ii.i .. nn i ,-,, u ,,...i. i int att TiTnrun i. to of Morton -'," r: "r ,, , , McLVOY-Oll Jan 24, 10.0 ANNA C MiUVOV wife uf Peter J McEvoy nl lUushler of John und late Marv IJvmi asl (! sejrs K-lntlves uud friends I ivlttd la funorul on Wed . nt h .10 a in froi'in dince of brother in law aeorgo W McCIJ J'U Wnshlnston vp Molemn requiem mail at St 1'hllip de Ncrl Church ID a ni Int. 210. uifinn wns mi;v work" Invlleil to funVrii servkes, Tues J p m . 3540 aeDilva "iS' i n- i ,e Helom dm Remains mav he vlewtj 7 III 10 Ii I" 7v.lG At 5730 Chester ave Jnn CHAItlKS W KINO formerly ,cf fiarb, Pi , husband of Esther Tailor Klnc mil ?- . Re,l'lUeA "ind 'fl'nds Orphiinn' r'? Lodge, I O O r, of Darbv Invited to il! nera I. Thurs . 2 i m . nHini- i ...1. law John D. Powers 1.810 Paschalt M, Int Sit. Zlon Cem Friends may call Vied artei . n m auio luneral LAWRFNCK Jul 21 DORA D0LSM LAtRHNCn ilviUKliter of IMen U and latl Trank P Dolnon Relatives and friends In vited to funeral service. Tuee 8 p m residence of brother-in-law l)r Ldnatd 0 Kottcamp 042 IZ Indiana ave Int prlvats. Houth Luurel Hill Oer . rt convenience it family Wed. morn LHAMINO In Schuylkill InwnFMn rw ter count Pt Jan 24, MARY E wife tt I John P I earning uged 07 Relatives anl friends Invited to funeral Valley inn lna Schuylkill township Chester county, Pa, ed , 0 u in Solemn roituiem mass St. Ann's Church Phocntwlllc, Va 10 a m. Int Holy bepuli-hrp Cem l'hlla Auto fa ieral Conveyances will meet train at Phoenltvllle leaving Reading Terminal 7.11 a. m I.KU-On Ian 21 1920 LOUIS It LEB husband of late Ellxabeth Lee need 80 iears Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral services, on Wed , at 2 p m , at latl residence, 1142 P B2d st Int privatr, Noi thwood Cem LEES Jan. 24 JOHN husband ot lata Margaret Lees aged Hi Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Tuen 2 pm. resldene of son-in-law Morris GoMberr 3010 N. Ctti st Int private Nortlivvood Cem LUOVARD Ian 2.1 JOHN 1' huaband ot Annie Leonard (nee O Connor) Dj notln of funeral will be given from 112 .'Rh st I ONC! Jnn 24, ALKXANDl.ll hunband of Citherliie Long IMutlves jnd friends in Mtol to funeial, Wtd 2 p ri residence ot sun In liw, fior;ro Hmllh 1.01 i 21st at Int rcniwoolCeni llemaln rna bo viewed 'lues nfter 7 10 p m LiNCH Ian -'4 HANN Mt widow of Patrick Lynch Itelatlves and friends In. vlted to funeral Thurs S 10 a m , 2M8 N 18th sr Solemn requiem mass St Colum ba h Churrh 10 a, m Int private MAI.LA1RATT Jun .'4 Mrs Ut LEV daughter of late Samuel and Ann Water, worth Mallatratt, aged 8.1 Relatives anl frlendi, members of l'lrst Baptist Church. Invited to services Tues 3 p ni reldenc nf srin-ln-lavv. Robert H Hurst 9J4 E I CI elten ave. Germantown Int lvv IIIU 1 Cem Retrains may lo viewed Moti eve MANHOR Jun 21 JKVNIH widow ol I ( liarle II Mansur i id 02 Itelatlves and friends Invited to erlei Tueji . J p in, 32IO Mantui ave lilt Kernvvuod Cem ..IcARTH''R fluddenls, Jan .3 Wily L'.vM husband of I annle Mi Arthur (net T BAIT nirert JlJnna' Relatives and friends invited to hi' nnloves Pepcid n. rnl scrvlies Tues. J p in iOS8 B. f " V Adams el Int private North Cedar H'U Those Cook 225 South Broad Street Philadelphia Del to Pi Rnldtivei and friends invited in lunern t.ervites wen, .' p in, traml n.lrplt residence 14 1 N Paxson t , Wist Phllu Inl priv He Arlington Cim Rpmi Uns n hv In vli'wpd'lupi eve DEAR! 0 11 Jan 24 CHAISLOrir. A wlfi of I lionirtb Deirlnvc urful 71 Rela tives und friends invltnl to funeral M?rvlcea. vv pu i uii v in tain urisioi st Nieetown Int Njrthwuod tern Prlenils may cn'I 'litp t DPNTILRllI- It Jpn 21 MAROAItnTTK 11 wife uf (Iiorso (1 limbergir (nee Jlur ' lianna) Re'ativei and frierds members of l V II ii. . M limrial M 11 Chun h In vited tu fu iprnl eil 1 p m 2422 N iiouvler frt Rem linn may lie viewed lues s. tu id ji in int Hillside Cem l'uneral '"'ubni in J n .". mauy ij, nnvrov 17 It nl r i pi N- S. Pittsburgh, Pa it d 07 1 imral 'lues ID i m ini It M irlnli l ni pi'llaiielphlH i UI.MI-il In 2i III.LFN i; wMow nf M W UcM r ,imi1 82 Kuuernl services I I Itrn ' ll I .-P Ill-ilS.I Ul uaiiKiitpr TITS iv iiil'ii i ji iv iiiitiiuai pr jr I lard np Vlprlnri Pa PUUtjIIll Jun 24 SAI1AII A. ulilnn of John H Doughtv aged 7.1 Relatives ana friends Invite 1 tj cervices, resldtnee nf nn C 5 "1 nlri r.nlpra" r I 1 ,'. Uiwii 1H.4 Pirlt bou ovarii Cum a 1 3 L-aKe vjaiera .Jan. 22i'hn .n j rui n m int iiirieish c i m priPUUP iiihv i.iii vinn nil r 7 p Ul UI'HN At Moortaloi II N J, Ian JI nusband of M1.1v lluan (ne iipiinivpu nnn irienas hii L InenrrmrTteil 1191 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamcri General Cargo Regular service Philadelphia Manchester A. Steamer Feb. i Philadelphia Havana SS "Coquina" -Feb. 5' "yLZT-r&ir, .-. IHIT.TA MeMtHOV .. r .' Vr. ,.... i. m.- ..,! tifttv lsee '" of".St Patrick's Vhuffrr.-Wj. Heart inrl Proposition of th- Kaitli Soclett of St 1. Ilaabcth's Ch.irrh Invited to funeral. vvi sinn m 2220 Page et solemn rmlein mass St Illlzabeth's Church 10 a. !!. H-'ly.' r"'ia. lera,.,ku,"o.u,",,,-r,NNA ..S'iV I., rick MrWllllainn . ll'Utl"' 'I 'n?nJj- iinited to fun.r.1 -.- "n'tl Carpenter st Solemn r aulcin ra Ht Chirleis Church HJ u in mi v... dn 1 (em Auto funeral ' n . jlpORK -M , M?ore;ton N r Hr 'whit iri I Montll -nin MUMI-i '" .' T-7.VrV.iiy North High funeral fourtM., Mnorestn-vn n J , ninvp MUTTE1 MUfriil Jan SI I'Ol'IhE MU,"rl (lie. HelleUd) Relatives u m n-"'l , Vliea n lunrrni j u. ,'"'"",;- m lion mu.itown .uve Kcuulem ni ;7lhLr, a in i"1 " For rates and particulars apply lo Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. .i.-A ... T,m.l Tiips 7 30 a m ."-"? miintown uve Requiem it fiiclua s (.liunli 9 a m int rem NAUR juu;m i .. L...J . Vina NaT nusoanu u. --, ,u. i mil iritnus " ; ITU V -... .,.. i ... .. . ., . " .. .-- I -.".. ;.'.".". """ ......v. n,i -u ,,,.rf 77 x,ru I(Pauvrp i i cieiies ur vv-wn ne wis n in' m'l'i nv ted rVtiiiiv l not iln Water Newnail ' "'i ,,. lo f mural Wed 8 , in 77 1 Ndst -"AUva S P mSmbVri of tin 7.M 1 Vo'i IMoorett.wii N 1 Hiuli mnsH of ntiulniii1 , " mutci to funei-vl on W J SL 1 hure'i f Our of (,od . 11 1U ''"oi Vt at tip iVLrunii.t, 0 Job" r HKel in Ini lit CarniPl Cem .li'.. ,,,',. s.iibmu, h inna uv Int "' f.NNIs tan '24 JOHN V H liushm V",i. . , . "1 r litirri.i ii i nn iifi smn .t un-ui 10 ''."... a. L i ,,.-. -s. .1 jtrn Philadelphia to Poland, Germany and Mediterranean Ports ,,B,,T-,iRDVfziS,!lwJ,b ?. S. "Wisla" Sailed A Steamer Fob. 10 YOU II MI1URG BREMEN A Stermer Feb, 10 I'OR TRIFSTi:. ADRIATIC AND r.Ri:r:ic ports A Stenrnei Feb. 10 CHAS.KURZ&CO.,Inc. M.PNTS 1001 I1KI.M.I. 1II.DC.. PIIILA. r mnlxnl filflt Main ln I'tve end f rlv nds 1 No la I' II S of A I ami) No IIS W O W Invited to fu n r il firilns I to residence Id ave Les 11 r DpI 10 Pi Veil 1 p in Int Cedar Hill cem 1' ill 1 V Itiulr in i i ill Tuee 1 fir 7 j 11 full Chest'.- .'ho-t lino tiol ley Kl vniLRsroMl Ii No orl: nu I n .1 itusAl II. K of hU Po ulfi uf llpatinini Jain s ' vatli ri-tnni I s, mid dun-titi- nf Mrthi and lull 1 if ni H ! Curtnev ltulutivir nnd friends vvi,ii,. .,-..: . O""".. "."."- n TlPlat ves am Mithlis W riuldvvln frilndi invlltd to funeral servliesTue' L- 10 1. m iTiartments ot ""'r.',-Laurel tprshv laid N llroad st 1' e51 " Hill feni , ,, -,,. t Imsbspl St Cdiviuda 11 V M .""'a Rosarr .V...... ,.V.. v. ml Allnr ana -.'- Sorlet es ' -lirT.lvf Nu. U.1 A , ffi vlt.d to funeral Tues 8 1( ' J Ei t i tu fjHjral 'Vul u in rmldence i( (m 1 irtli st solemn leuuitiii ;',,s1uiy Cro ' ml s Uiurili 10 a, m nu "u" Mis !: r h IJ iv I' l.'U V ISth i-t I'hllild'l i tna .uleinii iiouiepi mat's churcli of tho in t in auto xuncral PI UFt Jan '1 ANNA liln nf Inl. 1 i rrv i nil duuzht r of lute Rienn and sfiir jint luvtur Relativiu und frl'tids lnvitrd luni rai vv po - p m ,111.1 nt iirtvale Remains nuv bo ", ti 111 n m nWlM'-Jan L'l MARY A luuchter ban I et OPDTKI1-J.1. SI 8AMIU li, . . , S. HlTPll Di '",,,.4 1 UrUIIVIi"MH" - - ---, c Kt ail'" ' late iv.'Ci.l M Oudvke "' ' iri, Wed . and friend. Invited 13 funeril service pf, n .' t. in .170(1 Raw le ft Tatonv h '.'' William Jnri jern brother l . N '.'Id h Samuel J Orr. of South S2J ' .Jprlcei vleividTu.s I Ruves and friends Inv ted o mf i Wed . 1(1 a m . Oliver It '' riah c"" a .iu..- i .. . '.i-..... . int Alt Mortan v . f Catherine and lite Andrew rrujtio of I -r7nds mj.1 view remaltn Tuen "c roshpr county lllsu Irelund Rnlullves tu II 3d .. mr wife0' n.l friends Invited to fuiiTal Wed , H a m ' OTT -Jan 23 JHANVll L "JJ.-Zi, ,nl 17.0 N. .Mil Snleiiiii hiuli miss of it .oeorYe 1' Ott and dauehter .f fiIian.,rWJj lulein t Holy Truss Cem lllizabctn i I hurch It n m rltArmrl Jan '.'. (C i HslT (SIC Vnt tliis beautiful tropical island ami enjoy Uip Vbt winter trip you have oer ha J. Quaint Spanish forts and churches. Pictu-f-quo puople. .Splendid motor roads. All outdoor sports tit luxurious new Condado-Vandurbilt Hotel. 18 DAY CRUISE ALL EXPENSES $125 takes ou t'l anil urounil the 1st mil In larre rimifnrlnl vessels rnlllnif ut prlorliml port and retiirnliir to New lurk, mine the slruraer us lour hotel fur the entire trip. Writ') for sailing lllustruied tmukltt PORTO RICO LINE Pauansar Dspartmsnt 1 1 Oroadwa j, Now York, AND f - fl UP le 1 - JI "WSSHajajpiw,, nOpHMfcMMi EMIM Ideal Winter Vacation Rttort FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Vdvl, twin trrew p.ilutl il hteuuiera Sailintf from New "iork S.S."F0RTH1LT0N" 11 000 Tons l)l lacement Ian 'S I'eh 7 IS il S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" 1 1 0u0 Tons Displacement leb HI i8 March 0 1.1 SO 21 No passports reciulred for Ilermuda l'nr further partltulars apply to FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 1 urrini Ufiiifcf hlthall Ht Nw York KELLY'S 12 n. 9th Opcr, Day & Night Oyitcrs in Evwy Style PLANKED SHAi? DINNER, ife Auto funernl '.'. WILLIAM 1 bus ud uf Jessie 11 Kruties HlatlvM miH flinds, ulso Court Lawrence J pmlth, No .11 I' of A und Pant Chit fa Rangers' Association I ndv l.lvliiiistonn l-udge, No .18, S und 11 Unergi-tle t hnmber K of Y , Quaker City Lodge No 5H7 llrotherhond of Itullvvuy Clerks nnd emplnjes of the P, R I R Invited to funeral Tues Ha m , Ie.27 S Jil st Holenin requiem mass at Church of tile Sacred Heart liJO a in Int private ClLr.NJ? Jan 21. WILIJAW son of tho lati. John and June tllenn, formerly of 701 ,-v nun et Relative anil friends Invltnl to funeral services Wtd 0 a m , 1530 Pair mount ave Int prlvute Remains may be vlewet rues 7 to 0 n in UHAUAM Jsn .'1 CORNUIJA R widow of Isaac M (Jrnhuiii llilutlvcs ami frltiiils Invited to fun"ral serViees Tues 1 n m realdeneo or J W Vkltars J7JS Itldire u vl Int llarlrlBli Cem Camden IfAlK.VN Jan 22 HRIDOKT 1IARC1AN Relatives nml friends ull eoiletlvs ot which she vuh a member Invited to funeral Tues H .10 h in residence pf W J MrQoIdrlcIt 012(1 Uermuntown avo mile. Church of the Immai in Int Old Cathedi IIARVHY Jan IIARVC'V Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Weil n an a m .'4ft .N Lawrence at bolcmn requiem muss Ht Augustine's Church t(i a rr Int Holv Cross rem. HATCH. On Jan. SIS. 1020. EDWARD, husband of MallmU H, Hatch. Relatives ana friends, also Wm. L. blklns Lodge, No. 04U r. and A. JI., and employes City Con troller's Ofllcs are. Invited to funeral sarv Ices, on Wednesday aftsrnoon, at 2 o'clock, at .his lato residence, 1003 Diamond it, IpW private. ' HA.Tf?U.In !.1 ut Wii.lililB.nB tuna. h.v--' "3'x..r--rf r," j-r."viw,3-.'T. ..of iiiamuvTTi. .iiouion n., vjaow" or V"1 l llii Inh Ul.ul... ... ..4 -..-i. - , MHkmmt Mitwn und'. t... vm nu Pai-rut Ileiaiivr .""-, m . Invited to furerul rvUe " Jnt prl ,. ,r ii.,...uFru ut (iermuiiiowii PRIOIJ Jun -'1 JAMRS N.,.,",i,f, ui AIlcoH Price" (nre Warrv ,'lf',r.',V" friends K I ii a v ;,'-w Ashdalei' '!. Tu"!..1 Srlv'atc "tVeenmount PrV-nds may call Mori eve auj; V'QmO. .. ayi'!'t-J.a".r.i.,Ucer relatlvea J '.'. -".. ...'.j' . ..nuriil TUes " w inenui iii-i.c. .. .-,-,- . i,ii.. hi. Church of tha Qesu iiiin a"" ""fnllovved M vln.,offlc. will healn u 30 a m foil o reoulem mass 10 ,,nn-WfcviVK U'"N I.H?r';JMVf other " QUIN-.-Jan .,21 WW,' gnj (,!. SLtniSar dath'He, oe..y. No ft a cXvihT.r.t.V-barii.nW.M Vi ! I to '."Z i JVI .ill n ave 'td.leinn rrqulem mass i-Se. b 80 a in., residence of ""..-""pull :mmaculuto Conception lu u A"?"' jr.. 301 N h ,' Jufi l7 alhedrul Cem rhurch it Our UW ?f. vlc.f.'?i lan 25 , KATHHIUNB. A , ur?. "lenls'i Cem. Auto funeral I., 'wielaw i ana Int. orlv. rM "'. "j.XiTaJ . .inrhter'a reians?' - I .""'i'W'illTia. 300 S. iSthJtaal n."ri.A Ulrlch. 300 -f 1 f tvl- JKth '" - ''li. Sr - .if L - r-