iW ..V t - EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEB-'pHILADELPHIA; MONDAY, JANUARY 26 1920 U17 How To Trade In The Market and other rules and methods of interest to bus iness men are given in our free booklet, "The Invest, ors and Traders Guide." It tells: The General Rules of Trading. How to Give a Broker Instructions. Brokers' Commission Churges. How to Endorse a Stock Certificate. How1 to Use Collateral in Trading. How to Group Investments. The Deposit Requirements for Carrying Stocks on Account. The Rights or StocI- and Bond Holders, etc. Written in simple lan guage and easy examples given. No obligation. Edition limited. Call, 'phone or write at once. Ask for No. T. U.-682 JONES & BAKER SECURITIES Widcncr Blag;., Philadelphia Phanet Bill, Walnut 60G5 Keystone, Race 2290 Direct Private Wtrci Offices in 8 Principal Cities u A tn Tel 1000 , 4000 , 1000 0000 , . 1000 . 14000 6000 3000 1000 laAm Tel W nana sooo oooo 1000 8000 llflllll IIIIIIIMI1IIU OHIO RANGER OIL COMPANY Send for special report de scriptive of important nego tiations just completed. Traded in actively on Now York Curb. Bought Sold Quoted Fairman & Company DREXEL BLDG., PHILA. Established 1902 Wade, Templeton & Co. Wo item o H. Y. Storli Exchanga iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii; Pu Pont Chemical Preferred REED A. MORGAN & CO. WFST UND THUST DUJLD1NG Members of tho Phila Mock Kxi-h 1'INAltCIAI. fepoclul Meetings CSSMITItK IS HEKi:il GIM'.V TO Till! tJV Stockholders of tho A. II. Klrrtrlc Co. Uiat a ypecial meeting of said Stockholders vill b held at tho principal office of the said company In tie city of Philadelphia, P.i . rn Tuesday the 3d day of IVhruary A. 1). 1020. at 2 10 o'clock ii in., for tho purpose. el considering and of voting for the adoption or rejection of an agreement In writing for the merger of the co porate right powers framhlstH ind prh lieges of A U Klectric Cd with and into these of Penn Central Lltht and Power Co . which has been en tered Into by the Directors of both cor Watlons to the end that all the property, rlarhta frsnchlbes and privileges now by law vested In either of said co-poratiens, so to be merged chaU be transferred to and veited In Penn Central Light and Power Co Into which the said m-rger It to be made under the terms, stipulations and conditions In tho said agreement set forth nEHTHA MARX, Secretary Annual Meetings K5 01 net or run. ujtxriiiA TUUST COMPANY Philadelphia January 21 l!IJu. An Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of thla Compinv will be held nt thilr office en lutsda.v. lihruuo 10. 1030. at 1-' o'clock pi and on the same day on election will be leld between the hours of 12 u clock m and 1 o'clock p m . for Directors to serve dur Irz thu ensuing vear. H L. McCLOY. Secretary. 35 MERCHANTS' FUND The Annual Meeting of the members if this Society will be held on Tuesday. January 27, 1020, at 11.16 o'clock a m , at 119 South Fourth street, Room 200 CHAS. J, THOMSON. Secretary. Dltldendu Dividend Notice The tregular 2 monthly dividend to btockholdera of record February 1st lias been declared and will ba paid on February 15th at the prin cipal offlcos of the company, 139-141 South Broad Street, Philadelphia. Checks will bo mailed. Pcnn-Burkburnott Oil Co. D. C. Srott. Treasurer THE riTTSnUKOH AND w KST vikginia uaii,n,ii iinu'dsy PKCrBRKED DIVIDEND NUMB13H 11 Tf Uoa-d of Directors has declared a div ide' I of one find nne.hnlf (1l&r.l n,p rnl CV lift Preferred Htnk nt h Wnmnano rn- , quarter ended December 01, IB 10, pay- i"ie lenruur) 2S. 10X0, to stockholders of rrecord at the close of business on Feb- , b W 8UMMERKIEI.D. Secretary. Pittsburgh, January 12, 1020 rronosalp 2f I'KOl'OSALS 10K OAbOMNE. OILS t. t,"V0ii"i,",r7I".yr wnai ana Paints JJranch Office of the Quartermaster General. IJIrectar of Purchase and Storage, Regular tuppl ea Division Munitions Building Wash. Intion D C Sealed proposals will be re. teljed hero until 10 a m February IS. JBjS and then optnd for furnishing gasoline' kerosene .ubrlcatlqg oils, fuel oils and rreaaes required byihB army during April. May and June. 192o Further Information an application rm l'K01'OSLS FOK 11I.ANKKT8 oraie of the Quartermaster Oenernl. Clothing and Knulpage Division. Munitions Uulld. iiik wanningion, u u. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will bo recalled h,n until 1 1 nn 1 ,' ",.''?' 1, lUiO, for furnishing 180 Red Saddle llankels Information on request. PROPOSALS FOR HANDKERCHIEFS Of. IsJ.S1 ltu! Quartermaster acneral. clotn. n5 T.? e5uPee division Munitions liulld. eH,.iy.a'h.'"" f.n. P.- C-8e.led proposals. ." "J.U0 rsceneo nere until 11 m . January 31, 10J0. for furnishing all ifut" p.ar.1 of HO.OOO white cotton handkir meta Information on reau.it , PABTNF.USII1P8 U3P HK CO-l'AHlNUHSllIF KXIHTINO tr. V?l.,n1 fl'1! 'j. Illtglns. trading In sorted K 2.' . . " wen dls U Kll?K,,,!i.,. ". ..T business, will (wu i pi" "'. "I.?,mc" 'ini na iaw- iMtW YORK BOND SALES Srimmnrr of VnAlvMniii Trnmnctlonn on New Vorh Hxthanr. Arrt Smelt & Ilet 5a 1000 .... 8,4 V4 Am Tel & Tel clt 4000 .... 7BVJ SOOO .... 7SVt 1000 .... 18 3000 .... 78 Am Tel & Tel 3s 1000 .... 31 Tel SB 82 tav 82 82 81 81 81 81 Tel 6a oo Yl 00 00 004 00 K. Anglo-French 11 5a 4000 SOOO 10000 3000 18000 7000 33000 1000 1000 1000 SOOO 1000 1S000 1000 10000 3000 12000 ioooo 1)3 IS ..00 . . OS 15 ,..00 ..110 . . 05 15 ,.. ooy4- ..00 . . 00 ..00 80 .. 00 IS .. 00 . . 00 15 ., 06 .. OS 15 05 1') Areotino Ilepub Da 4000 .... IVib tinour i. Cu I '-is 1000 .., 824 3000 2000 Atch T 10000 1000 1000 2000 4000 .. 83V . . 83 8 Ve 4a .. 77M .. 77 i .. 78 . . 774 774 Atch T & a Vo ajs 3000 .... 00 3000 .... 00 1000 .... 084 2000 .. . 00j Atch TranB S Us 2000 .... 7S'4 3000 .. 7S4 Atla Knox S. Cln 4a 3000 704 10000 ... 704 Baltimore S. Ohio cv 2000 2000 2000 15000 1000 1000 2000 10000 01 o4 01 01V4 00 SO 004 004 Ballmore . Ohio fd 1000 85 Balti S. Ohio J Via 2000 80J4 5000 .... 804 0000 . . . .' 80 0000 80 SOOO 80 Baltimore & Ohio 4s 3000 ... 61 looo .... 014 5000 .... flJ4 1000 .... 01 mnn .... 04-K. Baltimore &. Ohio Ga 1000 .1000 1000 1000 3000 0J, 04 034 03 044 Baltimore i Ohio 6s 1000 2000 27000 1000 25000 1000 85 85 87 'i 85 8104 84 r. Bait & O Sow 3 Vis 2000 71 Beth Steel Corp 1st 3000 . . 07& :inn . . 07 Beth Steel us of 36 2000 ... 8Va mnnn ... 8 Brook flip Tians 53 5000 ., 32 Brdy. 7th A RIl 4a 2000 55 BiOPlKiWV faybtcm 4h 3000 . S.vi BushT Term Bid 5b ooi) 70i Central Leather Du 2000 . . 0b I noil .. 06 Central Paciilc 1st 8000 .... 73 )i 3000 . . 7d'!4 1000 . .. 73-U IIII00 . . 7311 Cent RB of N J Ca 1000 ....1004 Chesapeak & O fd nun .. . 8514 CheB &. Olilo H 4is "00(1 .... 75 1 1 ChPB &. Olilo c 4M.S 1000-.. . 73 1000 . . . l-l'i 1000 .... 751 2000 .. . 734 1000 .... 7.14 Ches & Ohio cv 5s 1000 ... 78 Chi B &. Quincy 4a 2000 . . 08 3000 .... 15 3000 .... 05 4000 ... 05 6000 .... 05 5000 . . . 04 1000 .... 05 5000 ... 05 Chi & Crt West 4a mnn ... 54 Chi M & St P D 4a 1000 . . . 50 M & St P (d 4 Via 1000 .... 50 2000 .,.. 58 1000 .:.. 57 Chi Mil & St P 4a 1000 .... 8814 Chi M & St P cv 4 i 1000 1000 1000 J000 3000- 2000 1(100 07 674 07 0794 08 68 07 Chi & CWwest Rly 4a looo .... mvj Chi M & PURt S 4a 2000 ... 64 Chi Ilallwaja Car Cb 2000 . 70 Chi R I &. Pao fd 10000 .... 65 2000 .... 05 1000 ... 65 1000 .. . 65 4000 .... 05 1000 .... 05 0000 .... 00 (.li it I & 1'uc 4s 1000 ... 734 1000 .... 74 1000 .... 12 12000 .... 71 10000 .. . 71 Chi & W Ilfd RH la 1000 ... 58 2000 . . 58 Chile Copper 6a 2000 .... 81 10000 ... 81 6000 .... 81 1000 .... 81 1000 .... 81. 1000 .... 81 Chile Copper 7b 5000 ....103V 2000 ....105 C Govt Hu-K ny Ea 3000 .... 47 J000 .... 41 City ot Bordeaux ( , WOO .,., tlUt, "3 ioooo .... bi 20000 .... 02 City of Lyons B 6a 10000 .... 02 10000 .... 02 1000 .... 02 C ot Marseilles 6b 10000 .... 02 10000 .... 02 C of N Y 4b Of May '67 6000 .... 00 2000 ....100 3000 .... 004 C of .V Y 4 Vis of 63 8000 .... 00 2000 .... 0D QofSY 4 Via of 64 0000 .... 03 City of Toklo B 6s 10000 .... 02 City of Parla B 6s 3000 .... 02 AOOO .... 01 1000 ... 02 Clev C C & StL 4 Vi 0000 .... 73 Col G & Eleo Co 1st 2000 .... 85 5000 ,... 85 Colorado & So 4 Vis 2000 1000 72 754 Dom of C Sa of '21 1000 .... 08 1000 .... 08 3000 .... 08 10000 .... 08 Dom of Canada '-6 3000 .... 03 5000 .... 03 D of Canada of 29 6000 1000 4000 1000 1000 00 00 00 00 06 Dom of Canada. '31 1000 02 5000 ... 01 SOOO . . 02 Crie Rail Rd Cv A 2000 .... 33 Erie nil Co cv B 2000 .... 35 2000 ... 35 i:rlo nil uv. D 10000 . . . 344 Erlo General Lien 2000 0000 .... 10000 .... SOOO .... 1000 .... Erie RR Co 000 000 40 40 40 30 30 4s 52 63 Hocking Valley 4i 6000 Hudson 1000 , 4000 , 1000 7000 2000 00 Man fd . 58 . 68 . 68 68 . 58 Hud &. M RR Co in 5000 .... 15 10000 .... 10 Illlnola Central fd 5000 .... 72 111 Central 4b of '53 5000 .... 08 Illinois Central 5ts 1000 ... 02 III Central RIl 5 Ha 10000 .... 02 Imper Jap Govt 1st 1000 1000 3000 '4000 8000 75 74 74 71 ... 74 Imp Jap Got 2nd 1000 3000 . . 10000 .. 1000 .. 10000 . . SOOO . . 5000 . . Imp Jap looo . . 5000 , 2000 . . 3000 71 . . 74 . . 74 .. 74 . . 73 . . 73i . . 7.lJi Got 4a . . 00 . . 0 . 50 lli 50 Inte,r Aer Corp 5s 2000 ... 82 Inter Met Co 4s 1000 18 1000 . . 18 1(100 .. 18 Inlere M Marino 6s 0000 . 034 3000 . 03 Inter Rap Trans fd 2000 .... 51 1000 . . 51 1000 . 51 Kan City & S Ry s 1000 .... 81 Kan C Term Ry 4s 8000 ... 71 Kings Co E RR 4s 1000 60 Lack Seel Co of '50 10000 ... 04 L S & M 4b ot '31 2000 ... 82 Long Island RIl fd lorfo , . . . 00 1000 .... 60 L & Nashville fc.'l 3s 5000 .... 50 Lorlllard Co 7s reg 100.0 1074 Loulb'o & Naslt 1b 4000 .... 81 2000 ... 80 Manhattan b'ta la 3000 . . . 58 Mich Cent RR D 4s 3000 .... 80 Mln St P &. Satilt Sto Mario All 4a 0000 . . . 85 Minn t St L RR 7s 2000 .... 73 Missouri Pag gm 4s 5000 .... 57 1000 . . 66 1000 .... 57 2000 . . 57 Mo Pacific 5b of 65 2000 .... 73 N Y Cent L S 3-5a 3000 . . 00 NYC & HR R ctf 43 6000 .... 68 NYCiHKR 3is 10000 .... 65 10000 . 60 8000 .. 66 1000 .. 66 1000 .... 60 NVCiliniHa 1000 .... 77 N Y C i. II R R 68 1000 .... 024 1000 . ..02 1000 ... 02 N Y N II & II R 6b 1000 .... 70 6000 .. . 70 N Y Railways 4s 1000 .... SOT, New Y Railways 5s 1000 ... 7 N Telephone 4 via 1000 .... 80 2000 . 80 N Y Telephones 6s 1000 .... 05 3000 .... 05 N Y V C & B R 1 4 1000 .... 37 Northern Pacific 4b 6000 .... 76 4000 ... 75 1000 .... 76 1000 .... 10 Northern Pao 4 Via 1000 .... 78 2000 . . 78 Norf & Western 4e 3000 . . 75 2000 .... 75 2000 ..t 75 4000 . . 75 Norf & West cv 6s 2000 ... 103 Norf & West cv 6s 15000 ....103 Oregon Short It 4s SOOO .... 82 Oregon Short la 6f 5000 apt 1000 .... 73 Pao O & Elect Es 6000 .... 83 6000 ...,'82 Penna nn gm 4 Vis 1000 .... 82 6000 .... 81 4000 .... 82 1000 .'. .. 82 Penna Railroad Ea 2000 .... 1)04 3000 .... 00 4000 .... 00 3000 .... 00 10000 .... 00 0000 ,.., 00s Pero Marquette 5s 1000 .... 86 2000 .... 80 lien 1 ig II II 1 1 ll 2000 .... 70 n I Ark & Lo 4 Vis 3000 .... 62 16000 .... 01 Seabil Air Lino aj 2000 37 4000 SOOO 6000 2000 1000 38 37 374 37 37 Southern Pacific fd 2000 . 1000 ., 4000 ., Southern 1000 ., .. 77 77 .. 77 Pacific T .. 72 SI 1. ft San Fran in 1000 41 1000 .... 41 2000 .... 41 StL & San Fran a 2000 .... 60 2000 .... 60 StLi. San Fran A 1000 .... 57 0000 .... 57 1000 .... 57 1000 .... 57 3000 .... 67 6000 .... 67 2000 .... 57 10000 .... 57 St L & S F RR B 1000 .... 68 St L & ban P gm Da 2000 .... 02 0000 ... 02 fit L & Swest RIl en 4000 ... 51 St L &. Swest RR 6s 2000 .... 57 1000 .... 57 Southern Paciilc fd 3000 .... 77 2000 .... 77 4 1000 70 Ki Southern Pac cv la 5000 80 Southern Paclno 4s 1000 .... 70 8000" 70 Southern Pac cv Ds 1000 ....10 J South Railways 4s 2000 .... 58 1000 .... 58 Southern Railwy 5s 1000 84 1000 81 St L I Mt & S R 4s 3000 .... 74 St L Iron Mt & S Rlv S. Gulf Dv 4s 1000 08 stp mil mi 4 via 1000 .... 90 Ht P M k M en 6s 5000 ....105 StPiKCHLlW 3000 .... (II Third Ae RIl aj 1000 .... 20 T Coal & I rt Co 5s 1000 ... 00 Union Pao n II cv 7000 .... 80 Mb HoDds oi5s... 08.02 Lib Ronda 1st la.. 01.118 Lib Itouds 'M -Is... 00.5)8 Lib TJonJ ls,t 4lis. 02.30 Lib Roods 2d 4',s.01.12 Lib llouils, .'Id 4V4b.03.U0 Lib Hoods 4th pl8. 01.50 Vic Note 3Ks....08.'i8 Vic Notes s 08.3S Union Paclflo rd 6000 .... 75 Union Pacific R 4s 7000 .... 83 3000 .... 83 Urrlon Paclflo nn 6b 6000 .... 83 Union Paclflo R 6s 3000 ,...10iv L K of G B At I 21 05 05 05 05 05 03 B &. 10000 . , 1000 ., 16000 . 5000 .. 0000 . , 3000 . U K of rcta of '22 3000 .... 04 2000 .... 04 100000 .... 01 1000 .... 04 1000 .... 01 U K of G B & rcta of '29 3000 3900 32000 10000 5000 8000 2000 10000 1000 2000 2000 SOOO 04 04 04 01 04 04 04 04 044 04 04 U K ot O B & 111 6000 , 1000 , 1000 . 1000 . 1000 . 1000 . 2000 . 12000 . 1000 . U R ot 18000 88 . . 80 .. 80 .. 80 .. 80 .. 80 .. 88 .. 88 . . 88 Fe en ct 27 U S of Mexico 4a 2000 .... 35 U 8 Real & Imp Ea 2000 .... 70 10000 .... 70 U S Rubber Co Ea 5000 .... 80 1000 .... 80 6000 .... 80 10000 .... 80 2000 .... 86 1000 .... 86 SOOO .... 86 3000 89 3000 80 U S S M &. Ref 6a 1000 ,...10J U S Smelt &. It 5s 1000 .... 72 U S Steel 6s 3000 084 1000 .... 08 1000 .... OS !i Utah P &. L Co Oa 1000 83 4000 83 Vir Car Chin Co 1st 10000 .... 044 7000 ... 04 Vlrglna niways 5s 6000 .. . 61 Vlr & South Wh en 15000 .... 60 2000 '00 ' West Electric Co Ea 2000 .... 07 Wist Maryland 4 s 1000 .... 50 Wesern Pacific la 2000 84 Wesern Union 4 Vis 5000 ... 70 Wilson Co c 1000 .... 05 Wilson Co lGt 1000 .... 08 1000 .... 98 SOOO 08 08.81 Dl.CS 00.08 02.10 00.00 03.20 01.20 08 31 08 30 08.00 01.08 00,70 02.30 01.02 oa.r.s 01.10 08.34 1)8.38 Combined Reserve Bank Report Washington, ,Iun. 20. The -uccklj report of Hie combined condition of the twehc Federal Hcserve banks, at the ilosc of business ou Trida, January 23, announced bj the Federal Ite&ene board, is ah follows (000 omitted) : itissoimcisa Jan 23 Gold coin duel certifi cates In ault. . 1220,317 Gold settlement fund ill, too (Jold with foreign agencies 117,322 Total gold held by banks 770. HIS Gold with Federal Re- sene agents 1,120,201 Gold redemption fund with U a Treas.. 121,221 Total gold rctenes $2,026,650 LegHl tender, sl!er ttfs , sutoid'ry coin RI.24U Jan 16 Total rciencs f2,087.800 Hills discounted sc- tured by Gov, nar obligations ,. 1,386 313 All otn.r 707,110 BUlo bought In open market ... , 575,781) Total bills on hand $2,720,247 U S Goa. bonds... U b Victory notes U b certltlcates of indebtedness . , Total other earning assets . Bank premises . . Uncollected item (de duct fr gross dep ) Fle per cent redemp fund against V li bank notes . . All other resources. 27,016 0t 276,76,5 $212 110 151) 260 120 323 7S3.702 1,130 32( 118.830 $2,0-13,878 60,101 $2,101,281 1.331,151 71b (111 575,b75 $2.675,740 27.088 01 310,684 $3,033,112 10.4113 $3 022,524 10,461 1,022.633 1.116.852 12.130 5,483 12 863 Ml 63 Total resources , , $6,171,717 LIABILITIES $87,589 Capital paid In . . . Surplus . Goernment deposits Due to members re serve account Deferred aallabllity Items. , , , Other dep Incl for govt, credits . . . 120,120 00,448 1,859,140 705,782 O'i.OM $6,272,440 $87,520 120,120 34 6U0 1,013,561 840,854 107.800 254,811 24.402 $0,171,747 $6 272.446 Total rtoss deposits $2,840,476 Federal Res notes in actual circulation 2,814,227 federal Res Dank notes in circulation net liability ,. All other liabilities Inc for. gov. cred Total liabilities Ratio of total re serves to net de posit and Federal Reserve notes lia bilities combined. Ratio of gold re serves to Federal eare notes In cir culation ifter t ttng aside 35 against net deposit Uubllltles $2,035,013 2 840,870 258 4R" 20,523 14 8 51 0" 45 1 61 5 LONDON STOCK MARKET Sentiment In Industrial Department Cheerful Gilt-Edged Section Hard Ixindon, Jan. 20, There was a moderate accumulation of orders for se curities over the week-end and, he stock exchange markets generully were steady today. Homo rails were dull, but Grund Truuks were better because of the ap proaching meeting to consider the Can odiun tiovernment's offer for the pur chase of the road. Tbe oil group was checkered, senti ment in the Industrial department was cheerful. The gilt-ed(,e section was hard, and rubber issues were purchased. New York Meial Ivla rket New York. Jan, S6. Copper All months offered at lBUc. Market oust. IJ in months. 8 80 8.80c Market teJy. Enel ter4. SS'l.8- Jul,i Wo- January. February. 0 lofo.iot March, 0 7W vicf Awll Si STOCKS ON CURB SCANT SUPPLY Quptod Prices Nominal and Bids Not Executed Except at Sharp Advances OIL ISSUES ARE PROMINENT Nev York, Jan. 20. There wa u strong tone to tho triullng on the llroud street curb from the beginning of busi ness this morning with the most Im portant factor being the scant supply of stocks around current quotations. In fact, tho quoted prices glen were in most ouses nominal, and bids could not be executed cirept at sharp udvances. The oil stocks were most prominent, narth because of the announcement of n new well by the Simms Co., and It was 11 factor in causing un advance from lil'li to CO. (ieneral Asphalt was unother strong feiittirc, moving up from 110 to 118, and aierritt advanced to -1. International Petroleum runged from 08 to W. Cnrib Sjndicate was actively traded in ut -ii to 40. British-American Tobacco continued In stipplj , selling at 18 to ISVj. General Motors (now) was traded lu nt 32 to 31. Montgomery Ward was heavj, telling at !tS to 37'. There was pronounced pressure lor a time against urpneum uircuu, on which the trading was on a large scale, ciniing 11 decline to the new low of 32. New York Shipbuilding was strong, with sales at M 10 40. duo mm inc Boat was sold at 10 to 1V. iNnuHTrtriAi-N Illsh 11 . Vi . U'i IS'4 'life 117 32 151 Am Candy Am Marconi Am Safety Razor . . , British Amir Tob coup Car Light Columblu Cmerald . . , General Asphalt ... (Ieneral Motors Grape Ola nupp Motors. IK" Loiomohllo 24 Montgomery-Ward JS . .V Y Shtpbuild it Nor Am Taper 5H Perfection Tire 5 Radio Co 2S Republic Tire Rub 3', Submarine Poat .. . 10 Triangle Film USlillI .... 314 United Ret Candy .. um. United Profit Sharing. 2S United Plct Prod . . .. 1(1 Low Last It 11 5'4 5'i 11 11'. IS I8V1 2? 2 17'4 17W 115 llU'-i 31 .11 l'i iyt 101 15 21 24'J 37's 37'4 n 4T ,-,1-j 5i n r 214 2". r. 5'i 1-,T4 15'i V. 1 IB Si INDKI'KNDI-.NT Allen Alliance Alto Oas Amal Jaltl Boone Oil . . Boston Wyomlni? . . . Hurknett van Clcavo . Carlb Sjn . . . Cities Sen Ice "U ' ctfs Cosden & Co . Dominion .. Duquesne . , Engineers Petroleum . Ksmeralda Oil ... federal Oil Ollllland (Ilenrock Oil . Uuf Gillespie Home Oil Hudson Oil , Inter Petroleum ... Island Oil Lllngston , Magma Merrltt Oil Metropolitan Pet Omar Oil Phltllpa Petroleum Producer and Refiners, Red Rock Us an Oil bolt Creek Prpd hkelly Oil Simms Petroleum Southern States Spencer rVtroleum . . . . Texas Ranger Texas Co w I Trinity Oil rropk.il Oil OILS i ni, I? a. .. in . J2 RV .. u .. 21 .. 4 . . l's . . S3 14 . . tn .. is .. 1 . . 50 .. 12 a''l '.'. 18"? .. l's MIMNG AHs- Br Col Am Ifond Atlanta )!-her niudn neither DMde Extra. . Ills Ledgo Booth . .. .. Caled .Mill Can i-1n Cop . . . Cons VlrpmU , . . rresson Gold Divide Ext IJ1 tahador ... Hureka Croesus . . , 411 Mining ... . Golden Ulto Hp ... Gold Cons Gold Keuun-i . . . , Gold Merger Gc.'d Ulier 1'liK . . Gold Zone Jumbo I.xleniton . . Kno-c DHld) Louisiana Co McKlnley Darrah jMCMnrnart Magma (Jilef .... Varsh Mln Allied Puck 61 T T l! of " ! . . Belgian GoU rts of '23 C C C & -St L 6s .. Motherlode . Afurra M01 Neada Ophlr Mplsslng Onondagj Rex Cons .. . . Rochester Mlnei Sliver King Dlldo .. S Sliver Lead Success Mlu Tonopah Belmont Tonopah Cash Boy . . Tono Dlllde Tonopah Fit Ton-Jim tl Tonopah Rescue Lula. U S Cont United Eastern v" ctorv . . . . Wt End C White Caps White Caps i;xt Wilbert Russian 5 b . Russian O'sb !! :Iigh 1" 2k j 1l I'll IS I'll n .1 .1 1 3T 7"? 11 s 01 iV' "-'-i .I 4J U 24 ii J2 l'i es '-; 20 S 3', (, 8". 8's l'i .!' ID "!fi 54 8i 18S si '4 21 Low 1 3' 31 40 ii It k 1 1 2'3 t 1 31 fl 's (H 3 HI 2S 1(1 'l? io'5 41 11 ii H 24 i 7U l'i 4 SiVt 32 l'i OS 5 ft 20 4 I.', 8V-j D's 1 1 to 11s 51 IS ISM, Pi Las' It '' A ii 32 "4(i 1J4 7. 3 IS 1's 1 I I .1 4 31 7'? 11 61 8) nS 18S 87S no 7" .n US 2'4 11 IS 8 ft OS 4 10 it 31 oas 0 87 1, (10 75 3T US 2S 11 18 7 7 8'4 3S ft "nS 4 111 10 its 31 31 S3 0S D6S 87S HO 73 3"i US li"' 18 8 'i 7 3 (IS Vf si" '1' 1114 31 31 Philadelphia Marhats Proceeds nrc to bo devoted $100 per I share to capital unu zv 10 surpiur. jWarrants will bo sept out Tebruary 2, GRAIN AND FLOUR wtrr?AT- nA.in.H , Th market ruled ateadv. with little trading. Quotations: Car lots, In export elevator, government standard inspection, standard prices, No 1 reu winter, 12 aw: no 1 iioriuvm ,-., 12 8fl No. 1 hard vi Inter. 12 30! No 1 red winter, garlicky. $2.37l No. 1 red smutty, 12 OB, No. 1 red, garlicky and amuiiy, $2 34. Tho Unltecf States Oraln Corpora tion's purchases of wheat are bed on the following tchedulo of discounts: No. 2 wheat 3c under No 1. No- 3 wheat tic under No. 1. No 4 wheat 10c under No, 1, No u wheat 14o under No 1. CORN Receipts 14USf bushels. Demana as light, but prices ruled steady under small supplies. 0 quote new, as lo quality and location, at SI (10 1 70, tho latter for No 2 elliA OATS Retelpts -none, Tho market was quiet and unehonged, with light supplies We quota' Car lots, as to location No 2 white, H0'4rJli No 3 white, 08'4 000c. No 4 white. 1I7S SPSSr I'LOUrt Itecelnt. 1.R73 343 noilnds n sacks lJemand was light and prices showed no Important change Quotations: Per 1"0 ins pncKea in 140-111 ju.e sacks ott win ter straight western, MO 75011 25: do do, nearhv, SIO (1-,S)1, hard winter, straight n 26IJ 73. do, Dhort Patent, S1.1 76fl 14 21: spring llrst ilear. tlOill, do patenO $13 75014 5(1. xhorl nnlent. XI I 7R(t 15 50. flino spring and city mills patent, family brands, (13 r,0W II) , RIB TLOUR was quiet and steadj Quo. ntlons 110(310 25 per barrel, In sacks, as lo quality, PROVISIONS There was a light Jobbing trade and no Important change In prices. Quotations Ilecf in sets, smoked and air dried, 53c beef knuckles and tenders smoked and air dried 54c. uork family. C2c. hams. S P cured. loose, 27Q31e, do, skinned, loose 23Wi 2H'4o, do. do smoked. 2dVi8'S(i4c hams, boiled, boneless, 37c, picnic shoul drs, 8 I cured loose, 23c, do, smoked 24c. bellies In piLkle, loose. 23c, breakfast bacon, 33cL lard, 27c DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER was quet but steady, wth light offerings of line goo Is Tho following were tho quotations' Solid-packed creamery, fancy, high-scoring goods. 07tlc, ex'ru' ll- extra nrxtn fl3BI3c: MrstS. BSfJOlC. seconds 55057c. sweet creamery, choice to fancy, 68(!i70c, fair to good O0WO7c: prints Jobbing at 74(i?70c for fancy and, at 03 73c for fair to choice EGG& Hie market ruled steady on line eggs, but trade was quiet and supplies were fully equal lo requirements Quotations- Tree cases nearb) flrsts 121 bO per crate, nearby current receipts. 121, western extra firsts, J1 luQil CO, firsts, J20 40 20 70: seconds M8 0010 50: cold-storage, eggs, as to quality. $14 10010 80. Inferior lots lower, fancy selected fresh eggs Job bing at 78B'S0c per dozen. CHEESE Tho mark'et was quiet and un changed Tho quotations New ork. whole milk flata held fancv J2H32WC. fancv held specials, higher, held, fair to good .11 U Jt'ic. fresh-made goods nominal Vviscpn sln whole-mlllt flats held.iancy. 3232'4i held fair to good 3K3l'4c, Jobbing sales of fancy held goods 3"30c POULTRY LIVE There was llttlo trading and the market showed no important change Quo tations' rowls fine fat. weighing S lbs and ov-r apiece J8w40c, fowls, medium size, good quality 3b0i7c. d0ji poor 32?; broiling chickens fancysoft-meated I f I1'" lngl'i2 1bs apiece 42 ;4jo sprint chick ens average soft-mcated 34 0J6c. do In ferlor. 31n.ijc. otaggy -oung roosters. .nP 2Sc. old roosters 24ffl2jc ducks white Pe kin. 4440c: do Indian Runner. '";' do" Mufco 28S110C geese fat. 42043c. do acraBc. J03V turkeys ,u,?nS' pigeons old per pair. 5ac. do. young, per pair 45(3Tnc DRESSED Fine desirable-sized stock ira well cleaned up ind ruled ilnn. with fowls 0 shado higher Tho quotations' Towls. fresh killed ury-plcked boxes weighing 4 lbs Jnn mer nW T'4c weUhlrig 34 lbs 3$zac. weighing 3 lbs 3334c. fowls, fresh-killed. In bbls , dry picked weighing 1 lbs , and over apiece 30c. weighing 3S lbs 8431c. weighing 1 lbs . 3133c: old roost ers, drj -picked 27c, broilers. Jersey, dry picked 5380o. do ordinary nearby dr plcked,' SOiffSIc, broilers. western, drj'-plclted weighing 1'4 E J lbs apiece. 480500, roast ing chickens western, drj packed. In bbls weighing 1 lb and oer apiece, 3ilS.lic. weighing 3'4 lbs apiece. 34J5c, ""lshlne 3 lbs. apiece 34 1"c. weighing 2'i lbs. apiece. 4142c, western corn-fed chickens, 111 to box 17 lbs and under to doz , per lb, 4548c, 18 to' 24 lbs to doz, per lb 4'i48c, 2'i to 30 lbs to doz , per lb 40CC 42c, .11 to 30 lbs to doz per lb , 31 ."(lc, 37 to 41 lbs , to doz , per lb , 316 36c: 43 to 47 lbs to do7 . per lb, 3530c, 48 lbs. and oor to doz 3840c' capons western weighing 810 Ibr. apiece, 53 51c, soma heavier stock higher: weighing 7 lbs apiece 118 12c: weighing 5Gpfl lbs apiece 48&60c turkes Del and Md , fancy OOo, do Va , and other nearbv fancy, 5860'-, do, nearbj fair to good 536lc, do western, spring, fancv, 5859c. do. do. fair to goo 5)W55c do old toms. 48a, ducks, western. t8Q,40c, geese western fancj, 3()3Jc. do, do. fair to good. 2.1 Financial Briefs ! 1 Pntrmrat. must hn made by clove of bush A managing committee, has been np- i UCSB jjarch 1. The New York subtreasury lost $2,- 27c. FRESH FRUITS Very llttlo doing becauso of cold weather We quote- Apples, per barrel as to qual ity MD 50: do per box. J1 503 40. Cran berries per barrel, JBS8 50, do, per crate l 50(93 Oranges, riorldi, per box, J2 25 (?V5 50 Tangerines Florida, per '4-box tl 75C.O-1 50 Grapefruit, Florida, per box, J2(6 4 55 VEGETABLES Cold weather preented business, and prices were largely nominal We quite White potatoes, Pennihania, per cwt M 4 bO do. New Tork per cwt. Jl 254 31 Sweet potatoes southern, per hamper, $1 21 (82 25., do Jere, per basket, tl 40 1 75 Cabbago New York, Danish per t" $100(3121 Onions per 100-pound sacks v Yellow. No 1. $5 250 BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE ew'lork, Jan 20 BUTTER firm Ro ceipts 2711 tubs Creamery, higliei thin extras 04'a S" 03c creamer, extras (02 &core file creamery firsts (88 to 01 score), WBiliHc packing rtock, current make No 2 12c. h-GGS fatearb Receipts 7100 cases Tresh gathered extras firsts 71S74c, firsts 71 S 7Jc. state Pennsvlanla and nearby western rennery whites, 7S82c; state, PennsyhanK and nearb henner browns extras, 77'S' 78e, do gathered browns and mixed color3, firsts to extras. 7170c CHEESE easy Receipts 753 boxes State whole milk, flats, held special 3232Sc do aeruge run SO'iifllHc stnte whole milk twins held, specials, 30S S 32c do aerage run, 20S Jlc LONDON METAL MARKET . . . . ' . -" emu. arirh r- ccUed at the .Ne York Metal Exchange tills morning quoted the following prices In Lon don toda Tin Spot. 3S9 5s an adan ot t- i'iiiirci tiss 15s an adMwic of tl slid btnilla f.'il Mr, vn J2 156 sales SllOt 80 I-US futures 020 inttv Rlnr.,, copper Spot, 117 17s 6d a giln of 2 17s im anu i 'ture- tun 1.1s an upturn of ! Saleu Sinl 11111 Inn. f, ,,.-. ilnn . Electrolytlo copper Spot, 122 10s and c I ",.., r1 J"A -'lt5,ul, in" Lead Spot. 40 5s off 7s fld, and futures 47 unchanged Spelter Spot, 58 10s a gain of 5s futures, 00 1,1s an adanee of 10s W Make Oar Bank Your Bank SSF J--jM "feAr-iV Come and get acquainted wth us. We want your account wo know you will want our sen-ice Back of this is strength, ability, experience, responsibility. We can be of mutual bene fit. OFFICISUSl A. F. Stelnlleld. Prenlrlenl A. H. Auerlmcii, Active Vice PresMent lVIUIam F. Krlebel, Cnahier I eon H. llnlslmer Kuln Kills. Harry I.arginun, ll, Llnslt und lldward Ost, Virv Vesldenfa Wolf llodek. CAairmati Board of Directors Phila. National Bank Warrants Bought Sold Quoted HENRY D. BOENNINQ & GO, STOCK EXCHANOE BUItDlNO Direct l'rlrat Telepfjone to Htv Yrk llpbrii 'tilla. Stock IVMlmur BUY THRIFT AND WAR SAVING STAMPS A safe and profitable luTeslment. A uermnent Investment featur UttVUed by your loyersrtueut. nnini,i S .lli-ort Hip ndin n stratirc iULBB 1X work of the Guaranty Trust Co.'h oper-1 p j, jjoral and John ,T. Calnc have atlons as an nld to the president. Thc(bncn rc.cifcled vice prcflldcuta of the committee which haB been selected con- Franklin Trust Co. sists of five vice presidents oi inc com nnnj Albert Breton, AV. V. Conway. n. W. Stetson, Hurold Stanley nnd l.Vnnela II. Slsson. SIcmbcr will be of equal rank and authority and will telcct a chairman from Its own membership each j car through the process of lota tion, Albert Hreton having been delect ed as chairman for the first lear. It is the belief that this method of organiza tion is desirable in order to meet the rapid growth of the company, which now musters a staff ot over I1S00 peo ple. Tho average price of' twruity active industrial stocks advanced 0.75 per cent on Saturday to 102.0o, while twenty railroads advanced 0.07 per cent to 74.a). 1 Stockholders of Itlttenhousc Trust Co. as of January 24 will have the right to subscribe to new stock at 5120 per .share to an n mount equal to their pres ent holdings. The capital stock is to be Increased from .$250,000 to .$.jOO,000 und par value of the shares from .$50 to $100 882.000 to the bnnka on Saturday, re ducing Uic cash net Bln bIuco lfrlday to .$300,000. Tho Pennsylvania Co. has called for redemption at the Glrard" Trust Co, ou June 15, 1020, tho cntiro issue of tho Pennsylvania Co. 3 per cent French franc loan of 1000 certificates, guaran teed by the Pennsylvania Ilallroud CoH nt par nnd nccrucd interest. r-Stock Salesmen- A New York llroherace House of unquestioned standing Is del used with Philadelphia Inquiries on a liliii-class, dividend-paying Mid-Continent oil security short ly to be traded In on the New York Curb, under exceptional market sponsorship. This bouse wants one or iwo suc cessful salesmen with established local cnnnrrtlons and credentials lo follow up and close sales In the l'litludelpbla territory, but wishes tn set In touch with the salertnan himself, not with any brolrerase bouse employing blm. There U a big opportunity for tbe right man wbo can l'Iiow results. Keply In confidence to tbe New York address below, when nn ap pointment will be arranged for a personal Interview with ne of the firm's representatives, at rhllndelphlH. Address P. C. B PoutoiTico Box 372 City Hall Station, New York City READJUSTMENT OF Maxwell Motor Company, Inc. AND OF Chalmers Motor Corporation To the Holders of MAXWELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC.: First Preferred stock! Second Preferred stocks Common stock, CHALMERS MOTOR COMPANY t H First Mortgage Six Per Cent lrlvo Year Gold Notts. CHALMERS MOTOR CORPORATION! Preferred stock; Common stock. and To the Holders of Certificates of Deposit issued under tho Plaa nnd Agreement of Readjustment, dated August 30, 1919, tor U above mentioned securities. Announcement is hereby made by the Committee as follows) The following amounts of securities have been deposited undav J 1617 1919 Fire Association OF, PHILADELPHIA N. W. Cor. 4th & WalnuT has given its policy holdera solid Indemnity for more than on hundrec rears and has never been so strong; financially aa now. Have you a policy In this aid and reliable Company? CHARTER PERPETUAL I. tho plan: Stock of Maxwell Motor -Company, Inc 66 per cent Notes of Chalmers Motor Company 11 per cent. Stock of Chalmers Motor Corporation 79 per cent. 2. The foregoing amounts of securities deposited, and particularly the amount of notes of Chalmers Jvlotor Company, are not in tho judgment of the Committee sufficient to enable it to declare tho Plan operative. 3. The Committee has been unable to secure from the Bankers a positive commitment for an extension of the time for the purchasa by the latter of the $10,000,000 of new Notes" referred to in tho Plan, and the agreement between the Bankers arid tho Committeo for the purclrdse of said Notes has therefore lapsed. 4. The time for the deposit of securities under the Plan is hereby extended to and including JANUARY 31, 1920. If. prior to said date, sufficient additiorial deposits are received, tho Committeo will again endeavor tp effect arrangements for tho sale of tho $10,000,000 of Notes of the New Company. 5. Tho Committee believes that the prompt carrying out of tho Plan is of the utmost importance to security holders, and therefor urges the prompt deposit of their securities. Copies of the Plan and Agreement of Readjustment may ba obtained from the Secretary of the Committee, or from the office of the Maxwell Motor Company, Inc., Detroit, Michigan. Dated, New York, December 16, 1919. UARRY IIRONNEB, Chalrmsa, JAMKS o. UflAly. JOHN It. MORRON. 15f.TOW PAnitH. jtn,F.H s. nArHW. J ntr-ill CftAJ.MFRB. J. HORACE nARDlNO, C. B HUOHKI. Secretary. 80 Broadway. N. T City. Commltte. $25,000,000 Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation Ten Year Seven Per Cent. Convertible Debenture Bonds Dated January 1, 1920 Interest payable January 1 and July 1 Due January 1, 1930 'Convertible on and after January 1, 1922 (or sooner if at any time iwrmitted by taw) on the terms of the Indenture into common stock at $60 per slutrc Denominations $1,000, $500 and $100 Registrable as to principal GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Trustee needeemabte In whole or In part upon GO dais notice (durlne which period tho risht of comerslon ion tlnues) at a premium of 714', durlne the first fHe ieart of 0 during the sixth vear. nt 4 durlns tho seietith year, of 31 during the eighth year of 2i durlne the ninth rar, and of 1 thereafter, but th- ,riBht of redemption shall not be exercised until not lets than 00 daja after tho debenture bunds shall hae bcionie comertlble " 1 OUTSTANDING CAPITALIZATION Ten Year Tio Convertible Debenture Bonds $25,000,000 7Te Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock . par value $100 500,000 shares Common Stock without par value. 500,000 shares Reference is made to a letter of B. Braga Rionda, Esq., Vice-Presidciit of the Corporation, the salient points of ivhich are summarized below: (1) The Corporation is the largest single producer of raw sugar in the world, its output exceeding one-seventh of the entire production of the Island of Cuba. (2) The Corporation owns and operates sixteen fully equipped sugar mills with a present working capacity of about 5,000,000 bags (320 lbs.) of raw sugar, i'-.c output for 1916.1919 was 4,319,189 bags and the estimated output for 1919-1920 is 4,700,000 bags. (3) The Corporation has no bonded indebtedness other than these Deben- I ture Bonds. It covenants not to create any mortgage upon its present real property or plants so long as any of the Debenture Bonds are outstanding. (4) The purpose of the issue is to reimburse the tteasury of the Corpora- tion for capital expenditures heretofore made and to provide worldlier capital. h (5) The net tangible assets as of September 30, 1919 (after giving effect to the proceeds of sale of the Debenture Bonds), amounted to $99,587,302, or nearly four times the amount of this bond issue The properties could at present be duplicated only for a sum lareelv in excess of that figure. " ' (6) Operating profits, after taxes but before depreciation, have since or ganuation, December 31, 1915, averaged slightly under $10,000,000 rjer annum, equal to 5.71 times the annual interest on the Debenture Bonds. (7) The Corporation is obtaining for the current crop much higher prices than existed during the two years of Government control (these prices f. o. b. Cuban ports were 4 610 cents for 1917-1918 and 514 cents for 1918-1919). and it is therefore confidently expected that oarnincs for the current year will be greatly in excess of thode of any previous (8) The Debenture Bonds will on and after January 1. 1922 (or sooner if at any time permitted by law) be convertible, on the terms of and in accordance with the Indenture, into Common Stock at $00 per share. Legal matters incident to the issuance of Vie Debenture Bonds have been under thn supervision of Messrs. Sullivan & Cromwell for the corporation and Messrs. Cravat, I Henderson for ourselves. ""' v- Application will be made to list these bonds on the New York Stock Exchange, We recommend these Convertible Debenture Bonds for investment. Price 100 and accrued interest, yielding 7. J. & W. Seligman & Co. New York Hayden, Stone & o. New York Boston Halsey, Stuart & Co. (inc.) Chicago Philadelphia The above information is not guaranteed, but has been obtained from sources wo behevo to be accurate and reliable. n v Vj m O S ?Ca "Trias 5s - kU ; I. a A i i , -. rr d t ' ' I . r 1.V u. i