rrj ' i t . jr" V it v ' , r . V "J ' 4 . , 11H 4 I l.i : EVENING? PUBLIC DEDaERr-PHIIADELPHIA', MONDAY, JANUARY' 26, 1920 -GAME OF BLUFF' IS THE LATEST INTRODUCTION IN'THE BOXING GAME BY J.PATRICK KILBANE , . . V ! - .. I . -r-.lr. G&EA t TENNIS PL a y is PROMISED FOR 1920 l International Clash Likely, but Without , This Help Conflict Among Veterans anil Youngsters Should Provide Busy Sedson on Courts By GUANTL.AND 111012 (CovvrloM, 1910, all rlohto reserved) J come homo to rest, wearied down by the fight, JJut ever the winds of the world were in flight, And they whispered to mc of an outlying sen And a far trail that led through the depths of the night To name and to fame and the crown of tho fray ' 'J'o the gleam of tho dream of the laurel-won way, To the tramping of feet in ihofar city's street Whero the far gathered legions arc marching today To call of the luglc tho roll of the drum With tho winds of the world ever whispciing "Oomcl" I went forth to gather the crown of the fight, Hut ever the winds of the world were in flight, And they whispered of home and the scent of. the Uam And a far tiail that led where the morning was light : To tho lot woodland beat through the byways of old, To tho dream of a gleam of a meadow of gold, To the bells, ever ringing, of thrushes sweet singing, And songs where the rivery rippha unfold. O winds of the world, is there no way to Know The contentment that fell to a hid long ago'! Golf Mail Box THK brutality of boxing has been an overplayed Institution. Most box ing matches nro upt even rougb. The game has spffcred mainly from tho in ability of'so many promoters, managers and fighters to understand why nny sport should be upon tho level. That viewpoint, too, can be corrected in time. THEKU is also such a thing as over trying. Babe Ruth may feel it in cumbent upon bis high -priced fnmo to deliver $15,000 or .$20,000 worth ot home runs every day, and in that case he may begin to skid. Living up to $125,000 worth of reputation is no tpongy affair. t t t YOU may recall bow long itj took "Jttibc" Marquard to livo dovju his $11,000 reputation nnd get started again. And tho bamo overadvortibcd fate otcrtook Marty O'Toolc, uf now distant memory. Tennis for 190 THE impetus which turf tennis, picked up last slimmer und early fall will develop increasing volume this next priug and summer. There will un doubtedly be an international clash of importance, but even without this help the conflict among Johnston, Williams, Tildcu, Murray, Kumagac and the crop of joung stars coming on will round out the busiest season listed on the docket. As great n player as William M. Johnston is, tho Californian will have even keener opposition to face with the chanco that Dick Williams will como upon ouo of his best years. Norman Brookes has great faitli in Garland's ability to take a high place in the gamo nnd this joung btar may be another high hurdle that will have to be taken. ftTTTJGGINS bothered where to play -El Itulh in the outfield." And other managers are bothered wbcro to play their outfield for Huth. IT SE13MS ti trifle out of gear to have ii wrestling championbbip where ouc of the names in not composed nlmost entirely of Cs. 5Cs and Xs. Is our for eign talent skidding? "Watch Sister pass Cobb this next beasou," writes Ii. h. J. Consider our lamps trimmed and adjusted. ) Old Time Fellow "Old Time Fellow" they spolc of him. And it wasn't because his eyes were din' Or his hair was gray or his step was slow They linked his life to the Long Ago: And it wasn't because of his wrinkled face Or the statf he boro through the market place Nor the weight of age that had bent him down As ho made his way through the busy town. They called him so because in the fight Tie still believed that "the right" was right, Whether it conquered or whether it lost, Whether it failed or it paid the cost; That simple honor and simple truth Were still worth something in man or youth ; That worth and station within the fold Should stand for more than a crest of gold. Because ho believed in his simple guilo There were other things in life worth while Than tho flashy wealth and the flashy fame Of those about him who played the game; Than the stab and blow of friend from behind To gain the way or attain the end Than the trickery and the savage greed Which stood for the universal creed. "Old Time Fellow" they called him so ll'iosc iiacc teas back in tho Long Ago. j Stamina Again TXTHEN it comes ro stamina in sport "' there is the matter of William M. Johnston. This tennis star is in no way a hutky citizen, and there have been occasions when he almost wilted after the laFt joust was over. But it is to be remembered that lie has beemed to grow itrongcr and stronger, even through a bard championship tournament, and at the finish had reached Ms top speed. As we suggested a chort while back, it was onlv a few hours ago, apparently, that Ed Itoush's great catch broke up tho last world scries game. And yet within the next three weeks the first flutter ot pitching wings Will be heard taking the southern route. The old Doe is picking up increased speed each pass ing yenr. Discussion continues relative to tho series bf articles running on the subject of "How to l'lrty Golf" as told by tho local stars. Some theories arc brutally knocked on tho bend, others defended, nnd further explanations asked for on others. These letters will be printed from time to time, and golf ers am at liberty to air their opinious nnd theories through this column. How Does Ho Do It? To the Got L'Aller: Was murh Interested to read about Qtnrxe lioltner's method of nlaylnir out of ditches, rrom watching him play In tho champion ship last year. I had an Idoa ho Just played naturally and did not study out lili Earns beforehand, ns shown It tho nrtlrlo. I wish you would rsK Mr. lloffner now how ho putts. If ho knows so woll how ho makes shots out of n ditch, I Would Ilka to know how ho can Just walk up to a ball on the sreen and hole out as easily ns If there was a magnet on in oau and in me noip. A ruunc linksjiam. Philadelphia, Jan 24, 1020. Sharwood Defended .4 tha Coll Eiltr.r: Tn rpnlv In n. tplt,., niihltnhed In lour paper on January 21 by A. B, Tymlo, I tx-s to state that Mr. A. S. Tymle iwent olt half-cocked with rcsrard to Mr. Sharwood s theory of lceeplnc tho shoulder still. You know that Mr. Sharwood. with his ability, would not offer a, statement for publication which sounded as ludicrous as Mr. Tymlo tried to mako It appear. I oiler a defense fnr Mr. Sharwood. Hero It Is: At tho top of tho back swlnu, when the body has vloted on tho hips, the position of tho left shoulder is on a. perpendicular plane with tho left eyo nnd the ball. Therefore, In starling tho downward swlnff do not make It a simultaneous movement or body, shoulders and arms, hut brlrnt tho club flown as far as possible with the arms alone, keep ing tho left ulinSldcr Ptlll. ,,... u!.., .,.. i.i .in? t mitn the body in correctly behind the stroke. .It prevents the swaying Into tho bait with the body, thereby reducing to u minimum tho common errors of topping and shnnklng u ball, "also makes you snap tho club Into tho ball wltli tne wrists ana arms so iietuao.. - ft. '.. .i., i. H , ,r.et tbunrV Vet TrC- sented In your paper certainly for one wno has mastered the fundamentals ot a kou stroke. fincern'v. , . ' -m t I'ine volley uoit tiup, v-n.-iin.iiiu... ... -. Takes Another Fling To tha dolt r.ditor; I havo bifnro mo your Iskuo of the btli., . . . . m a . -- t- .1. ! sirp lit 1 II A vim reiercnss iu which "-..'! . r Kreater weight In connection with photo wo. "Tfie contention n to ball bclntf cifflit Inchns In ndvanco of rmser )B in " correct, nn I 1ihp ston some tlaerfl m . i i i i t. it t .lm r not MllR uau. pcluuho )ou uro uili. - In regard 'a certain plavers ,i.i.-i- Now as to photo No. S. and rUculnrly with regard lo which leg carries tho frenter weight. I muht again contend that tho ar ticle. e-en thouKli nppwied bv tho pro. mentioned. Is entirely wrong In stating tnat the weight (which means the sr.ater .part or will qjy that the weight Is on th back foot trig it foot) Insteid or. on iocwmu '."rtiritV,! foot), when plaer 1h In position Indicated ;. .' . ,. ...... n.. ... iw la bent, and tn liv puoio. V. urn um ii-i. i. - L. ... right leg Is at tho angle, shown '" J'hoto. the weight, on account pi leu, ;""'."., 'ii C1CI1 IIIOUKM Hi" IIVl ". I .1 ,-? Kent slightly raised The rlso of the .left heel Is not great enough to offset tho great bend tn tho left leg. . . ... ,,., ng. I snows ifge ai nnio """"-".-;:; equally distributed between left and right 'BFig. 2 shows left 1e made shorter, by lending, and therefore weight must shift to shorter leg when tho other lo at an angle, an shown In photo 2 in your ntwupafer. If jou will go to n scale company und put one foot on or.o solo and oi on an ctber. and get in position Indicated In photo -not forgetting that thrrlrht leg I at .m ansie. you m ima mv i" .. ... rlea the great-r wuUM-., You eannot escann tnis conclusion, renuruiroo ... ....-- .'y: C'uthbert or any ere else may say. Don t ofEoly Wng In'pos.tlon at tho lime club Is at top ot bnck Swing or eiai-uy u- """ In photo. Tho right leg is supporting e VPlicill UUL I1UL no hii " : . weight put behind the ball, to which SOU different Positions. Very truly. Philadelphia, Pa.. January U. l'J-0. Cuthbcrt nepeats Co the Unit I'tifor; Of 1-vte there has been a Booo. urui o. contnnersy aa lo tho distribution of tho weight at the top of the Bwlng. It is apparent Ih-U both feet inu.t sharu U. and experience has shown that some jlayers put a Uttlo more on tha r ght than tl.,yi.ft.PThS point 13 not Vtal to tho proper KBac,r .VhTwrn adjust" . elf plrtaST o YSV."rr "tho SUt Part of h. weight to tho left foot jus as the cub- head comes in coniuui k "",,""", i,, , , this Is done, an effectno follow throuRli. which adds considerably to tho length of the drive cannot bo effected rimra,.RT. Philadelphia. Pa . January 18, 1020. Drowns Release Players . A.) -tm... Ut Tniila Amerl. cans last night announced the : re lea of the K,W.lnVn "ia waived olKe..d Harold Ifada and Tom T,uknoalc to tho Io- bllo souuiern iieuu i- INDOOR GOLF SCHOOL DRA WS MANY CLIENTS Dave Cuthbcrt and Alex Duncan, Former Locals, Willi Instruct Beginners and Others British Pros j Definitely Coming Otlier Golf News ! Golf Ball on Trade, Conductor Stops Train and Woman Makes Shot Plnelmrst, N. 0., Jan. 26. Tho respect in which golf is bold in this community was demonstrated by u somewhat amusing but quite un usual incident in n tournament last week, in which the Silver Foils, the organization of women players, were participants. A railroad track runs along to tho left of tho first fairway of course No. 2. Ouo of u pair ot players, of which Mrs. Francis T. Keating, of Spring Lake, N. .7., waB one, drove nnd hooked her ball to tho railroad track. It bounded over tho rail and lodged in the sand between ties and between rails. A train was coming along at tho time, and tho wonmu who drovo the ball stopped near tbo track and waited for it to pass. Tho gallant conductor, however, who was standing on tho steps of a coach and saw the shot and tho player waiting, stepped up on tho plat form, yanked the ropo and tho train camo to a stop. IIo held it until tho fair golfer played tbo shot, and in response to her "Thank ypu, very much," he lifted Wb cap and replied, "Not at all lady." Then ho pulled tbo ropo again, and tho train went on. British Football Results Tendon. Jan. 2G. Football results Sat urday were: .loricsiiire. m: Cumberland, A. TVinateur Intcrnitlonal soccer results: Kngland, 0: Wain, 0. Kugby scores: County charanlonhlp Vorkshlte, 10; Cumberland, U Gloucester. 7 Homorset, 0. Lancashire, 33; Northumberland, C. Northern Union Bradford, fi: Batley. I. Harrow. 31: Brouchton. . Halifax 8: Old. ham. 3. Salford. fi: Ttochdale, 4. null, 33; .uramiey, ii, uunsier, I; swinton, n llud dersfleld. 0: JCelghley. O. Leeds. SO: Hull Kingston. 0. Dewsbury, 0: .Warrington. 5. Wlgan. 24. St. Helen'a rtecreatlon. 3. St. Helens, 12: Wines, 2 York, 8; Wakefield. 0. Kilmarnock. 2; Italth Hovers, 0. Scottish cup tie, Albion Hovers. 0; Dykehead, 0. Arma dale, 1: Clyde. 0. Aberdeen. 1: Cowden head, 1 Dundee. 1: Alrdrlconlans. 0. Bt. Mlsren, 2, ytevenson United I. Heart of Midlothian. Rj Nlthsdalo Wanderers. 1. Bant Fife, 4; Arthurlle. 0. Oarstoli. U, lllbernluns, 0. Greenock, 4: Forfar Athletic. 0. Lochgally United, 2: Clacknaucuddln. 0. Rsst Stirlingshire 0- Thornhlll, 0. Dun barton Harp, 0; Alloa Athletic. 0. . Sacred Heart Wins Another The Sacred Heart Liltorarjr Institute term won Its second straight pocket billiard game In tho Weekly tournnment of h Vnnna. Men's Oathollo Union by defeating St. John's on th former's table by tho scoro of 100 to 77. Banton and Tumelty shot a good game for Sacred Heart while McMahan starred for tha losers. In the pinochle tournament ourcu xicari lost mree siraisni games. GOLDBLATT LEADS IN POINT SCORING South Philadelphia High For ward Has Total of 70, Followed by Lohr, Frankford, With 48 Hy SANDY TTIOLKS who have been annoyed nt the - sight of miscellaneous persons hurry ing along ice-crusted streets through tbo bltanrds and cold rains that havo been raging lately', with gold sticks concealed under heavy reefers or car ried openly, need not be alarmed. There is nothing unseemly about this flaunting of golf clubs at this time of year. Tho indoor golf schools arc flourishing and the clients arc numer ous. The latest to open is the one nt Gim bcls'. This promises to bo the most popular of all. Took a look the other day when the curtain went up and tho business-liko lay-out had all the divot marks of n machine to turn out hand-made golf ers to order. There are two netted alleys, with a bull's-eye drop at the far end, and u teeiug-off place where one enters tho golf factory, to be made into tho fin ished product. Dave Cuthbcrt, pro at Grand Merc, Canada, is foreman of one alley ; Alec Duncan, Chicago Golf Club pro, and brother of the famous George Duncan, Great Uritain, is boss of the other alley. You arc the raw material. They look you over, knock off n little here, put on a little there, pat you Into n nicely rounded form, whisper the RHAIi DOPE into your car, and -vou emerge u star golfer. It's simple, but it s good. I'"ine Teachers IJoth of these pros made a big lepu tatfon as teachers of tho gamo golf dur ing tho years that ilmv Miptit ti-nphlnt? the gnmc at Philadelphia clubs, and their reputation is well attested by the business they are doing already. Along with this comes 'the definite information that George Duncan, Abe Mitchell, Ted Itny Hurry Viirtioti. and possibly othois of the great professional players of the Kritish Isles will surly gmaMMtissB HP finSCll MAOHGIO H Tim niufrnr.t.innJt Of the Shoiv are over tho days are growing longer and good motorln weather will bo along in flvo or six weeks. Time to overhaul your motor be fore spring. A 53och Magneto will Insure hot. fat .sparks, rain or shine, cool daysNr warm days and a Zenith Carburetor, will feed the gas to the spark In Just tha right mix ture. After February 10th, wo will be able to offer you adltlonal facili ties in our new service building at 142S North llroad Bt. Motor Parts Company Columbia Storage Batteries Pedrick Piston Rings Zenith Carburetors Boich Magnetos MP Spark Plugs MP Cables 847 N. Broad St. Pbili. ggOHSHSSaS&ES 1 Wi iW Plan Industrial Baseball League CIuVbko, Jan. 20 Representative of fac tories In Central Western cities effected a "iPorary organliatlon of a new Industrial Jbll leagua here vestofday. Another rattling will ba held February 12. at which lime a schedule calling for home and, homa tries between eaoh of the teams will be "opted Plants In Dayton. Ohio; Alma, Mich.: East Chicago, Ind.l Janesvllle, Ilelolt, and KenoBha. Wis., and Decatur and Ke wanee, 111., were represented. ..Tr Klckard. it seems strange. Is not nlln for the Carpentler-Dempsey bout. .i.Jr.e.c,?ver"s 'rom tha Toledo affair, but ho uoemj't look tho same. SHOPS i GENTLEMEN umir PisTsutrroia or MANHATTAN SHIRTS Wll CHESTNUT 113 8. THIRTEENTH AUDITORIUM A. A. wjHLE?.,. Tuesday JJyentogr,' Jan. 27th t?y WUhN y Yeii'-)ifar i ' , f A it a n L A E L S Lowest Pricos in the City! Every Standard Brand ot Cigars. Cigarettes and Tobaccos . . ! Our Guarantee! Satisfaction or Money Hark Have You Hmokrd Our Madame nuttertly Yet? HKUK'H A SNA!' 151. YUTAN. 2 for 35a size. 4.UO I'rrferto ltayal. lloxes of 50. . . COM!: IN Si HISK MM 15. IlUTTliB I'l.V TOl'IO, lllunts or 1'erfrrto. 100 slie. Uoxes of $A f)f BO vu HAVANA nillllONS. 8a Jt Oft Ire. lioxes of (10. . "''"' lllllA. HAND MATin 3.7S .UpeclaU HIUnilBTTA ADMIUAI-S 15i Ue. Iloite of 25 2.75 for atilck fleun-up MAUAM1S nUTTE1I.Y I'ltlUK Ol' THE DAY ioo siio. 3.no 15o site. IfC Of) Holes of 50...... , " 15vrrr f'lr In tlio Ilo a rftnrescT joy h.mokk CIOAKK1T1M ON TUB JUMr PIKHMONTH. CIIITICIHTKIIXM. l.llt'MV HTKIK1W. Wt. ft fli 20, I7ci carton of 10 pkia. a-vF CAMKINi pkr. 17e car. 1 (i( Ion 10 ikss J..UW HHKKT CAI'OIIAM. We MOf. pkr. i carton 13 pkr... LADLeL d MM ITS. Gargge You can start your cur ANY cold morning as easily as in summer if you use AUTO KADIATOR AND GARAGE HEATER Heats your radiator and motor 1'IIIHT then your srage. Uses Kerosene. Approved by leading Insurance Companies. Tenth successful season. A snre purchase with our guarantee. .Must be aa repre sented or your money back. Come In and son demotistra. tlon In onr showrooms, ' ROSE MFG. CO. 010 Arch St., riillii. A'o Tn. stallation liequlrcul. Tha Winter Ntces oily, O, B. Patent ll.s.nl Can. Jf.la.fi Othsrs Pending , i Tf V JIcNIIJLICIC liivntlc. Tlioy will doubtless linvc move offers for cngdgamcntH than they will bo nblo to Handle, in tbo way of. exhi bition matclics and things, but it is hoped that Homo of the progrcssivo local clubs will get in early cuough to bcize ouc of. the chances. Many fans remember the day that Vardon nnd Itay ployed tho NicholN brothers out at Whitemarsn. There was a tremendous gallery there all day and the play made a big bit. Locals now regret all the more that the open championship was not bid for by Philadelphia, 'as .the event this year, which wus cltie here, promises to be the greatest ever. Another Onimet may be mudc overnight, qitien babe, ns the fel low Hajs. Hut the event will be played in far-off Ohio. At that, a number of fans discuss the chances of makiug the trip. 1'Icnty of Action There will be a good deal going for ward, anyhow, in Philadelphia next season for those who like to Btudy the play of the golfers with a reputation. Tbo Lesley, cup events will draw throngs and the eastern btnrs of the fair Bex will compete at the Cricket Club, also in tho Griscom tenm matches and for tho eastern championship. In connectiou with the Griscom cup matches, there now comes the proposal thot the intercity matches between New York and Philadelphia could appro priately be phijcd in conjuncticm with the above mentioned event. Philadelphia's nharp of the intnrcih h the mixed foursome. The stars of New York und Philudelphiu s women golfers would all be present and New York's men golfers would tloubtles thoroughly cujoy a chance fr play at that time aud could easily be pcr- suatletl to cuter til this time. The executive committee of the lo cal golf association has decided that the women's romntittpj should more properly handle the petition presented for the play. It is proposed that patt ners be chosen the t-amc as in othet mixed foursomes nnd the mntler of nr lunging the inntch is thus made erj easy and sans complications. SOUTHERN TEAM TOTAL 148 HARNESS MOGULS BUSY WILLIE LEWIS, BOXER, SHOT Ex-Middleweight Champion Wound ed In New York Cabaret NEW YOItK, Jan. i!0. "Willlo" Lewis was -laid to be much iiupnncd today by plij slcl.ms at the hi. Vin cent's Hospital. IIo is expected to rocoicr. New York. .Tnn. 26. Willie Lewis, formerly middleweight pugilist, accred ited with having brought Georges Car penter, the Trench champion, to the fore, wus hhot three time by a man in a cabaret here last night. He was taken to a hospital, where he is in a critical condition, Lewis wus wounded in the left side, left leg and left groin. IIo was in it telephone booth nt the lime of the shoot ing. His assailant und another man, who acted as look-out, escaped. The entertainers and others in the place w,ere too dazed by the sudden shots to lake up n chase. No motive for the shootiug could bo learned by the police. Lewis, who wbh one of the first prominent pugilists to introduce Amer ican boxing in France, encaged in many bouts in Paris and in Kugluud. lie wns defeated by Carpentier in 1H12. His last important bout was at Havana in 1015, when' he was knocked out b; Young Abeam. DOUBLES RACQUETS TITLE Locals Will Try to Come Back In Play Here at the End of the Week Prominent racquet players from Ne.v ort Chtcavo ami this city Mill inet nt the Philadelphia Racquet Club on Thursday. Prlday ami Saturday of this wIc The oc libIoii la the tournament for the national championship in doubles George Brooke and J. TV, Wear, of the home cluh, aro tho present title holders, haUnp won that distinction In 1010, when the luat pre-war tourney -nB held. The d ran In pa for tho first round follow: 11. A. (Jardenor nnd 13 It Rejnoldi, Chlcaco, s J W WVar and Jay Could Philadelphia llaciuet Club, at 1- o'clock, lu A. tourt C U. Pell nnd Stanley Mortimer. Nw York -b. H T (Inrdenor and HownrU Linn, Chicago, at 1- o'clock. In U court btanley Penrrsun and V J MKJtvnn, Philadelphia Itacquet Club. k. P T. Frc llughuyt.cn and V Cutting. Now York, at y P m., in A court Cramer Hobrtti and CharleH a Ilronilev, Phlladelplila Racquet lub v C Hatch and J. V Waterbury. New York at J i in , Jn U .ourt. Hauger Ski Champion Chippewa Vails, N.. Jan "JO Anders ITauner, of Dillon, Colorado, won the na tlonal eki Jumping championship cterday bv one-third of a point from Henr Hull, of Steamboat Springs, Col Tlauffcr nee u red 207 2-3 points. No records wero brutieu. an Hauffer'H lo k Htand Jump meanured only ll'.l fet. .?erre Jlenrlcknon, of Superior, AVls., national amateur dmnplon, topicd that class with 21 2-3 points Next frnturdu nhtlit Younir Chane v 111 box at til National Harold l'srebo will Iw tho person of tha second part I'AUL. l'RKr "I .k.l r?l.H, 1lt Tvlin ulll 1)0 lOSt tor tho South Philadelphia Ilish basket ball tram after February 1, because of Bruuuution, is maKinc a run-uwu " tho Interwholastic Icnj!Ue for indi vidual point-scorinc honors. In four sanies played, Label has netted a total nt in rn!nu ln,.liwl ilir 1 fi COfUS ffOni field nnd !W foul tosses. I.chr, of Frankford. and uoiuuinu. aa tied for tho number of free shots cased, while Leopold, captain of tbo Icoguc IcndinB South I'hilly five, is scttinc the pace for field pools. lie has a total of 18 '2 pointers Jor four games. O'llrien, Northeast High's star shooter, and laht j ear's league leader, is third in the list. His total of points is h". having made nine field goals and 27 fouls. South Philly is on top in total num ber of team points scored, with 148 for four games, as against Gl points for the opposition. West Philly is second with 107, ngninst 01. followed by North east. 10."i-SS; Central High, 84-80; Prankford High. 80-145, and German town High 70-120. Individual points scored to dale fol- ow: orano.p. Onldbtatl. South Phlla . 1 g " Ihr KrnnMord 5 H3 1? O Brlcn. Northpant J -' '' (lolJMHn. C II H ! " " Klue Ojrmaltoun 4 IT. .1 -' Kn-Ti. Wet 1'hlla -' iJi Hesfon South rhlla 4 14 -,2 Shan" NorthPHUt 3 1 . r,, Scharts C ii. S 8 i r,ii DfllnrlP, GerrnHntown s li -- Corfon rrartiford 11 . -- Youiik. West Phlla S ' r' Thornton. C. II S -. ' J Wclnvtrln South J'hlla J 7 . 1 Welch West Phlla 4 J Ji) Iturnmjpp Jerinautonn . .1.1- - Klhr N'orthcB '1 1 " - Elliott Weit l'hlla 2 i !". Hill NorlhPHft ...:...... a J J" Cllmore. FranUford J JJJ lin"o. TranldorO 4 .' .. 10 llreen South Phlla . . . t 1 . J WUherow. Woi-t Phlla - S 1 J Hamilton. Norllieaist . . . r. J bazr C II. a 1 a . l.uncren Ce.inanto n ... .1 . . ; MrnnfOll CUM. ... J . . j sluff'r. Germanlon V ; J Harrli faouth Phlla . . 1 1 r. I.dilouea, II a . . . I J .. - rvDell. West Phlla . . . 3 '-Uartz, Northeast - 1 - Ilaperen W8t PhlH - J r. Hobon Germanlon . ..1 1 ;; btPDliena. rrankford U 1 - Wharton rvanhford . . ,. i 1 r. - Kdllllltian. C. II S . . .4 0 . Ii Held Hermnntortii . . 4 n .. v sniMlte. Prankfonl -' " " Ilprzou. Northeast ' " nurlpy Clprinantown .1 O .. u Scliult. Northeast . t " j! Hull C H H . T H " S MeKenrK West Phlla . . I 0 . . 0 Teatus' soref- , . H P (' II H. W P N 13 l'hd. Gintn 37 11 'Jill l-l U '-'" ! r4."'. 4,t ti: II SO 20 14 SO IS 12-13 la-so .-:-. 17 27 2 J .'! 17 17-31 22-27 17-2: 33 IS IS 3". HI II 4 Mil 30 26 20-30 WEST CATHOLIC WINS ' Defeats Catholic HUgh in League Game Score", 28-25 Wcht Philadelphia Catholic High School won its first guine in the Catholic Schools fiaskelball League bj defeating Roman Catholic High School on Satur day uight, 2S "o. Mullen was th M'iutillatiiis; plu.MT of both teams, buv iug scortd 18 of the 2S jioiuts for the winner. The second (hhiii of West Clitholic Also won, defeating the Catholic High Ucmtm-s, 11-10 Victrlx C. C. Wants Soccer Games Will Meet Wednesday and Thursday of This Week This week will bo a very busy one in light harness horse circles in Pennsyl vnuia, Vedncsday the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs will meet in annual fcesslon nt Pittsburgh, next Thursday the coal, iron nnd oil cir cuit nnd the Keystone short ship circuit will liold annual meetings in the same city, when their bchedtiles of racing will bo decided upon und officers chosen for the j car. President John C. Wclty, of the Nn tionnl Trotting Association has issued an official call for tbp board of review to meet at Canton, O., next Saturday, to take a referendum vote upon the "unshackling" rule pnssod nt the an nual meeting of the congress of tho Na tional Trotting As&oclntion lust month. t Skater Unable to Defend Title Jjike Platld, N. Y.. an 20 Injuries which Charles Jpwtniw eastern amateur sltatlnir champion, sustained In a race here a week airo will prevent him from partici pating In tho national amateur championship racea at Haranac Lake next Tuesday. Wed nesday and Thursday It wan officially an nounced today. J"trnw was thrown heavlW to the Ice. nnd knocked unconscious In dodg ing a chIM whlcnwandered on the coursp It Ii expected he wll' bo able to compete In the international amateur championships hero on February 18 and 10. MAYOR WILL ATTEND Many Prominent Guests for bports Writers Dinner February 5 Many prominent Eiiests hs,e Hlenlflcd their Intention to attend the. sixteenth annual din nrr or the HportlnB Writers' Association In. hhnor of (laxy Crnvalh nnd nanny Murphy, which will Ik! held on lira roof warden of th Npw Hotel lllnRhum Thursday cvcnlne, Feb. rusry ". at n p in Anions those who havo tent In their aa reptaneea In President Jampi W ClMnl!! ri1 , tho two honor (tm-sls. Mavor J. lluniptnu Moore, IJIrei'tor of Public Safety Jatnea T Cortelyou Pat Xloran. nmnimer of tho Hed world'n serlea champions! .lack Kelly, ama teur national rnwlnif ihamplon, John II Heydler, president of tho National LeaKtie; Lew Tendler. "Hud" Hopper caplaln of th I'enn football team I.awsnn Hobcrtson and J. Wood riatt ono ot riilladclphla'a lore '"Ti' wa.sCr,ueclded to Includo Hdward T Slotesbury, Joseph V Wldencr and Samuel, f Treasurer l.ouls N aohlsnTlth reported that thfi faithful have responded nobly ml aa tho association hai placed a limit of JOirv on tho dinars It Is advlsablo for IIiobs wn desire to mlnglo with tho cluh to remit at Jack Love Retains Tank Title Clrveland. Jan. 20 Jack Iivo. Pltts bureli Athletlo Association, retained hln title as 100jrd Indoor swimming cham pion of the Allegheny Mountain division. Amateur Athletic Union, by winning- tho eent last nUht In the Central T M. C. A tank roverln th dlstniiie In ono mlnutt and one second Wrltsht. of Krle. waa sec ond and Montgomery, of PlttsbtirKh. third ivt .t s water polo team defeated tha rieeland team 3 to 1. Detroit won tho tank mept from Cleveland and Columbus hy a wide maruln Cleveland waa accond and Columbus third I At all of these prominent places and at 6corcs ot olbcrs of equal nolc, it ik Vatima and not an expensive, straight Turkish cigarette that leads in sales : Atlantic City Tho Ambassador MarUwrough-Blculicuu Hotel Truymoro Chicago CongrcsB llolrl ' La Salic Hotel " " New York Dclmonico'a " ' Stock Excbango Hotel Vandcrbilr. ' Waldorf-Astoria Philadelphia JJelle ue-Stralfortl Ilitz-Carlton Slock Exchange University of Pcansylvaaist PUUburah Tort Pitt Hotel William Perm Hotel Washington The Capitol Building The New Willard fclwrebam Hotel cA- Tim Vic trK ( nthoUc riub n ant-atpur esorcor rlei n m cmlii lilto to arrnpp Karnes tn or untune! rottMille 1'oatpnvillo Headtni, ttr llmlniftim for Sunday Bnmpq jiwh lir sainrs ploa contmunlcato with J AV Per tin. "4.t"i V'ne itriet ' Summer blossoms Sfiy. all winter in Sgri i FATIMA A Sensible Cigarette l'IIOTOI'US rll(IT(ll'I.A.S PHOTO PIAYS THRU COrtPAHY r J3F5MERICA Go this winter Where children laugh at play and age lengthens its span. Where there arc miles of sunlit boulevards through the gcecn and gold of the orange groves. Where the bungalows arc rose-bowcred. En route visit the National Parks, National Monuments and other winter resorts. See Hawaii, too. Ask for information about Excursion Fares to certain winter resorts. i'.'?i".rirvn.lfarn,hh .TL"KV.',"7'1"'" nd other winter resort booklets, on r.qu.st l,.t th. JSSti i,.. .? n-VlV.f W..pl"n r?,ur..triRrror "PP'y tht "t Consolidated ticket onlcs or ad. ohiX-AVfliT'.K!!? Ureaii' Un4rt"rt.tl"Lt" "Urod Administration. 6 Transportation Bide.. CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE, 1539 Chestnut St., 1'hila. ia. UNITgDSrATES - RA1LRQM) -Admimstratton - The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee oAjeurly showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. AU..nk... 12th, Morris & Pacajunli Avo. Alnamura Mat.OaUyatS; Uves u.404tt IlOBfcKT V KRV H'K in "an ac i ii)evt;. iiom;moon ' Apm I O 5-r THOMPSON STS. ArULLU MATINUB DAILY VMIA SlTl.WArtT In "MIMiTIlUI'MNT GIKI." ARCADIA ..ril a CUBSTNUT tnaANT wxbimruN in aura fcix hijst imjulaus" tji t n?niDr broau stiiuut and rJLUll.DlKlJ .SISQITEHANNA AVE. VNtTA STEW MIT In 'MIND-TJIK PAINT Gim." PAI APF VJli MAIIKUT BTUUBT -V,?t7r, ,J1A M to1.15P.U. L.VERYWOMAN" PRINCFSS ,018 M-UIKET hTREBT ' i IU11V.U30 jj so A jj , n 15 ,, y. K'HOHUh LYPMNri I I ii, i:U Ol DUl-KU REGFNT MAHKIJT ! " 'o I7TU ...,. MHtMSAN-MAl w HA r s Via'lt mHUNH I)OIN7" RIAI Tn OCHMANTOWN avr ' "" w AT TUI PKIIOCKEN MucL,nAN-MAY "2:i'-j iioims i.ijave" ST. BROADWAY -B?Ai VSr- 1IOUART DOS WORTH in "HKH1ND THK DOOIl" - A DITrM "'-- MAH1CET STREET CAr 1 1 UL 10 A. M to 11 15 P. M CUVHA K1MI1M.I. AOUSG IN "i:K.S I'l' YOI TH" rrl AM! A I t,tn .1 Maplewo! Ae 0 7 und 0. P. M. norm an i 'aiiuhu m WJIKN Till! ( I.Ol'IS UUI.l. HY ST . MANAYUNK MATINEE DAILY FMPRESS MA,N "MALE AND FEMALE" RUBY SIAKrr st. ui;i.oxv 7th 1VUU1 10 A M toll;15P. Mi ..." "JVArtNEIt In " IIMNTIS'tl HHAIIOWS SAVOY'1"11 MAHKBT BTH15CT ' lJ..,..TYbA,?Tf.XP,n"UN,aaT his win.-s rm km" STANLEY 7 ;vu i voCTtMJWW VICTORIA ""I.'.fitf.n , "IM.MM 1-AItMM ,, 15I-' UIM.s op TUL Miikm'n,, FAIRMOUNT SMJSAVyS6KDIAiALVT El.AlNr 1IAMMKRS1K1N In "THIS rOL'NTUY fflL'HIN" T- A TVI M THEATKE 1311 Marktt St, rAMlLil o- M to MldnUht. KiLMA UllEMEK 111 "my iiimivni'S oriunt win: TTti I OT" THEATRE llelow Hpruce 3D IH jl- MATINEE DAILY SKr.1 E 1IAYVKAWV in "THE II.I.l'TllUtOS PRINCE ' HAROLD LUIYD III BUMrlMI INTO HIIOADWAT" fffcT'' NIXON-N1RDLINGER U THEATRES l-O AKIll IM THIRD & K1TZWATER FRAiNrvLllN okoa.v iiuma "WII.I IA.M IHIBPrjI.l. In VA1.1 EY OK TOMORROW" Great Northern ,fn .-,. 30 tun m. I I ARA KIMltXI.I. VUINO In EES OF YOUTH" 7iT7rvr"l A I i"'r" WALNl T STS IMPERIAL mu -i -in i:vt,,j. IIOIIII.AS KAHHIA.SKh ill "WHEN THE i-Ull'HH ROLL HY" 'r-.i t- AT-vCO IIST t. LANCASTER AVE. 1LADL.K MATINEE DAILY Y.'ALLAl I". RKID In ' HAWTHORNE V H A I inCDTV BROAD & COLUMBIA AV. LltJEK 1 I MATINEE DAILY WILLIAM lU'HUBI.L In THE LINCOLN H1UIIWAYMN 11 1 AI ADt'irT BTREET THEATRE 333 MAKrvil. 1 ha M to 11 :15P.M. rllAlll.KK IKV In "RED-HOT DOLUMIH l-tI 25 BOUT!! BT. Orrheitra. MUUtL Coullminuii 1 to 11. H15HHI 15 1IA1 AKAW In "THE TONC1 MAN 03d A IUverford OVERBROOK 'nI:r) hara in "THE LURL OK AJilllTION ' BELMONT -D AUOVU MAHKBT M I' ' RIIADY In THE l-LAR MARKET CEDAR U01'" & CKUAIl AVENui an'W.V'KtW'.UW. COLISEUM UAHKWfa?ZJS$iZ FRANKFORD im r"ZnzZ u .iiN,.'.,.t..VAJ:.'.'ViM in ' " ' ., i, , i j;"VT DRY" IUMBO " ",,bl; t O'rarJ Av.. M MO I'll hlliRIi In l'"Ml.lt,,A LOCUST ' 0i!D AND LOCtrIT HTHWirrr Mat- i .-w.n so EiJ..8'3or7? I'LARA K 'lOIINU In 3 ' ' HE EYES OK YOl'TII" NIXON WD AN gffifnm ill- I llli MUIIBI.E.VA In THE HEART OK Jl'ANITA' RIVOI I WiD ANU HANKOM BT8. "HROKKS' III TTKIU'LY" KXTTYJIHIII'C'KI.K In 'THE UARAOE" STRAND MAmowN Avk-r; TIIOHAH MEIIIHAN,, NAN0 MALE AND KEMALL WEST ALLEGHENY'S .VALRiii: in i nvisi it-a "VICTORY' r 1 1 ", ' '- t-CTtTTT " I I H I m .Mii "L".1 m 40TU & MARKET BT8. il, lln.hi UAILT ESSE FI IREKA OoUBlnn MaoLenn In "Twenty Thrr anil a Hlfliour' Lta " Arbucklg In "Hayated." '- .. JEFFERSON Vat00S&, nii.T.-fi TtlTUU-tA I. ''WANTKD A WJKI5 Te HAKK ,u"s AVE. A DAU17UK8T. POROTHY UAIIO.V in J' Ultt WIKE'JI KHIBND" Y Ooiptfrta rhst awlnv ro.rH Hr m .-: r.- .-.-r m i iimwam nyfiaiiyv. Ml if -f-i Vi J I i A . f M A ,s A I. ,.v