i. -'V 'n ! " . i i ' . " n s .- V V I II ' ' " i it- 5 tl l 1. "" , r V - x. EVENING rUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920 mm- mm km ?-. mm?t n t ' T ' It 4, .i.r i 'i.t.f fiN . ioivii r .i mtfp f iff Mm Mill till j t -' ItFtfi1 'a" IUIPMEML BONDS Railroad Tank Car Marine FREEMAN & COMPANY Member New Yrrti nct. Evcli.lme 31 PINE ST. NEW ORK Private Wire to New York Call Lombard 4380 nAILROAD, INDUSTRIAL, PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS LIST ON REQUEST MARTIN & CO. (All WALNUT ST. THE TURN 'oFThTtTde THE TIME TO BUY BONDS IS WHEN THE PRICE IS LOW AND THE YIELD IS HIGH. THAT TIME IS NOW. TUDY THE EVIDENCE. SEND FOH YOUR COPY Or "THE TURN OF THS TIDE." BAKER, AYLiHG & YOUNG LAND TITLE CUILMNG BOSTON PHILADELPHIA Evpert Preparation and Review of INCOME TAX RETURNS pi corporation? partnerships Indlvlduals.etc. Corporation Tax Service Co. 003 Krai Estate "Iru!t Hide. Phone Filbert 531(1 or Race 2flt7 TIN WTMI. INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO. CONSOLHMTI V MORI (.1 VI, SINKING I'CND i O.W I.RlIIR I ROM' The Kaultable I rut Lono.in of V m Aork. successor to t olrnml Tru-' t omoan as Trustee under Intern i iniiul l'aMrr t'rni nany. JIortEa; d.itid ImiMrv .1 l'n) . herebv Invites ofCi-r to th" ""Inkln- Fuml for the Mp of bonds Nsu'd unner ti mortaazi to phaiit th" sum of Two II n -dred and net nine Thou.anU Tour Hum dred and Thlrtv-K DolUrs and Vive Cenf ' $20SM3(S 01) Ronds offprcd at the lotM-s rices tvlll bo cirn nrpfprenc1 Sealed offers will be opened at the offlf flf thn undrrined No ::7 Will stre, i ( New York cil at twelve o , lock noon on ; lebruarv 1, 1040 and should be indors-.l1 "Offers for the bnlp of Honds to the ! ternatlonal Paoer Lompanv -sinking Fund The richt Is reserved to relict am and tl offers. THE EQlITvRir Rt-,T COMPANY C KliW YORK Tni-fe Bv LYMAN ItHOVIn:s ice Preldnt Dated Npvv York luniiarv ij h.'(1 'IIIOMA. ( lll.l.M.l: ( ().. FIRST MORTdVf.K C,rr SIMJIMJ 1TN1) ' 1(1I II I1I)ND DCl; AllJfsT 1. 1'I2 Notice Is herebv Riven that Rond. os 'i 14. 30 48 fiT fit rJ 131 1SII 14J 147 ISO. 1S3 154 1B.V 1-.-I. L't1 -J-.'l JJJ 227 238. 241 24(1 25.1 25S 27(1 27'l 2SI J'H 290 for Sinno each liav been drawn frr re demption out of the monevs In the Inl. lne Fund In accordance with th provisions of the mortsaBe date,l usust 1. 1014. se curinff the same aTU vvill bo paid at 102' and accrued infieii it th offlcp or the trustee. I'ou-th and ("hetnut sts Phlladnl ' phla. as of Tcbrua- 1 lO-'O on which date Interest thrron censes BROWN KROS CO Trustees. , Phllad'Jphla Jnnuii-v 12 10 JO. ". Propnsnls SEALED PROPOSALS Notite Is herphv Btven that sealed competitive bids villi be I received by the secretar of tho schoo i i. ! trlct or the borouih of om rorce" on or bv' 7.30 o'clock p m on ti.e 2fith Jh if i, iiary. 1020. at the office jf the tccretarv ?n tho old High School hnldinc oi 1 "orirl Pa., for ah Issua of co'ip.in bonds reclstpr able as to principal ard Interest at onti,E of holder, to the amour, o' twenty thou.ani (J20.O0O) dollars to b. dUed December l 1010. free of all taxes of Ihe Stat, of pjnn ylvanla and to bear 'nteiest at the rate nf five per cent per annum, pas able ., annually, at tho depositarv of the Old Fanr. Discount and Deposit Bank Old Forite p , bonds to the amount of ten thousand (Sl'o imi , dollars, and numbered from one to ten i elusive to be due In ttn years bonds to lh amount of ten thousand (S10.000) dollar. nd numbered from eleven to tvv.ntv inri.i elve. to be dux In twenty vears n hid. to be accompanied by u certified check t, the amount of five per cent of the orico b'd payable to the treasurer of th. school di trial jt. the borough ur Old rorce co5d' tloneoTthat the successful bidder will d. liver the price bid upon notice that the bonds are ready 'or delivery othervvls check will be forfeited and become tho prop. I arty of the school district of the borou"h o' ' Old Forge I The school district of the borough of Old ! Forge, by Its Board of School Dlrecto-s re 1 serves the rlrtt to reject anv and all bids I OT8SVTOi!S; or Tnc nbJfeH. Br JOHN P ATREg Spcretarv ' 3P PROPOSALS I'OR (itMILI.VE, Oil l ,a and Oreases Raw Materials and Paint. Branch Offlc. of the Quartermaster O.npral .1 Director of Purchase and Stunce Regular Supplies Division JIun'tlons nmidlnnr Wash. initon. D C Sealed nrooosals wl'i be r.. ' celved here uptil 10 a m I ehniarv 8, inn I and then oi-n d for furnl hlntj casollne' I kerosene ubriratlnt.- oils fuel oils and ' arreases required bv the armv during prll ' May end June 1020 Furthe- 'nformatlon I en application Dividends j PHILLIPS ! PETROLEUM CO. A!! ho'ders of Phillips Petroleum fompanv sto k of record a of " bruirv 2 1020 nurantv Irut ronipan. of Nw Toi k will rntil nne share of add i onal stocU for ftch (han owned and of record on that date ThH la In apcouianre, with action tal en at the torU holders moetm L,f Januar 14 1920 Ftorl-holders ar i;que'ted to hae "to 1 tranferrd to their own name wuhoiit dela 71 i: KOOP.MA Tiea-i rniunnM'inv i.iri: inmramk com- l'NV Januarv 'Jl 1020 At a msetlnc of the Board of Dlre tors of the Philadelphia T Ife Insurance t'ompam held this day a dividend of lv (0) per cent on tho capital storp of th comninv Has de clared rav ili'c Tehriiin ". 10JII to etotl -holdera pf fi oril ,t lie nq. of business .Tanuarv Jl 1!20 r-nd thvt the stock trans fer books b closed on Januurv 21 and re opened on Februarv 1 Checks HI ha .aall.dr fl . Tfa. ur ' Till. IIIIOMM, TKlr (UMP. I'hllidelnlili The Board of rIre ,ori of the f'olonl il Tnmt C'ompanv ins this dav UUared a res lllar quart" v 1 vi'ond of two per lent and n extra diw'l I ' one.linlf per ent on t' e eapltal t' ' 'he Cumnanv nayshlp Feh roaiT '- WZ0. to stockholtlera of r.uord Januarv 2llh 1''2 and has transfrred the mm of J2S oon from I'ndivlded Profits to Surplus Ai i-ount maklns that Account oouo I H DVVIDSOV Tr Secretary January Vti10gn NOTIf'F Till TIIVMOMJ HE A COM, COMI'NV "II Mvll t Street Wilmlne ton. Del I" "" Iwentj sevc itli quai terly dividTid of njv, on th nr'ferrifi capital stock of the Oirnpnnv m IVIiriiarj 1st nevt. tj -'n Uhidde-H of leturd January 2Bth. 11-0 I lie, ks will be innllod "'" c wm rr.R iiAti. Fi easurer piTiTIH LPI1IA. ,lNl RV 8, 10o. The Board jf Dlrbrtora ut I'eun IrafTiii Comimnr l;v this div- doclarcd a .eml. anniml dlihleml of Si "id tin evtri ftlviilriitl of li both payable I ebruary 2 10'MI to utocKholHers of rtord lanuarv 15 1020 hetlia w'll be mailed .uid t-ansfei books temaln open ,, .. VI Kit I T M HRV Ir.-.ur.r Nnntuil rieitlims irPMM -.(ri.l'" TRl sT (OMPNY III rlllLAIII'.LPIIIV Januarv 20 I'tjo At the ittnuhl Nleeiluz of Ktoiltnolders o' the Peonlo- 1 1 ul Co of Phi' idelphlt the follow inc vvne munlmouslv eietteij ilircctors tu serve f. r tin nsuln'r three veirs Simon Abi alums llairluonl' Ilea Oeorce t llovvl.er Robert Hit. hie Ji oh II Huliin Januarv 21 1121 Vt a ub-.enuent meeting of the board of directors of the People's Trun i n of Phlla lelphla held thin das tha fallowing officers were unauiinouslv re elected Oeore f Uovhi-r Prcsldept Harrison" Head Vice President Joseph 11 Rubin Ire President William B Vrnoi'ian Secreturv A'lrerf.urei winiAi wiiUAMil VIliiOMAS " retars Annual Meeting Tt55 WARsIICK IRON AND STEEL TH. Annual Meetlnir ut the alcckholdera ef the Warwick Imn and Steel Company will da held In the Philadelphia office of the rompauy. No. B23 Chestnut .treet. Tuesday. i, a Fcbrturr 10, 1BJ0. at a o'clock p. m.. for ' tin election of a. board ot dlrcclors. to servo lor th. ensuing sear. Transfer hooks of the company will close ' Mrry W- -nd rj-pj figffiTfap. TrM HH')lli KKt, l,HT.TK CO. fj, i "s- StiicU.old.rif meetln in olfe. ot vWllilarw llUtltt- Plsh.r. Rteph.rt Ojlrard BARGAIN DAYS IN BONDS Railroad Issue at the Lowest in Fifty Year. ier Ut Submit Offering! EDWARD V. KANE & CO. Morris Building Gen. Amer. Tank Car EQUIP. Gs Free of Peona. State Tax Free of Normal Income Tax Price to Net 6.23 Circular on request Townsend Whelen & Co. 505 Chestnut St. GE0.A.HUHN&S0NS STOCKS AND MINDS Members of lh Philadelphia, New tork and Chicago Stock Exchanges New Tork Cotton Excbang. Commission Orders Executed In All the Principal Markets HLLLEVUE COURT ULUU. 1418 Walnat St. NEW TORK CIFFIPE 111 Broadway. New York ?t.y MB$HGftHEA.; i V .524 Walnut St. a lOBBiim A'SPECIALT I KELLY'S ! Open Day & Night Oysters in Every Style I PLANKED SHAD DINNER, 60c WANTED $50,000 For a First Mortgage at 6 For a Term of Five Years on a Property on Chestnut St. Just 'Sold for $110,000 Rented to a Large National Corporation for a Term of Years at $12,000 per Annum Address P 229, Ledger Office (Jhas. J. Webb & Co. Wool and Cotton Yarns 116 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL PLATES AND SHEETS Pottstown, Pa. Phila. Office, Ull Morris Building lMVIIRO: MITICFO fc?5l the io hit or common pleas '- No. 4 for the Count of 1'hlladelphiu. I ttrrter or I'uDlicillon in uivTie. To Sarah dean, late of No 2419 North ,"th btreet Pnlladelphla. Mi-'rea& Georu. Oeai br v our husband, has tiled a libel in the Couit of common P es N'o 4 of Philadelphia Counts of Jun-Term 1018 No 0.10.1 prajins a d'vorce asulnst jou Now ou are hereby notlfku and require 1 to appear In s ild Court on o h-fore Moudav, the 2d da of rebruarj next, to answer the . omplalnt ot said Gtorie Gears sr . and in Jefault of such appeai anc sou will be liable to have a divorie srarted In sour absence HARRY C RANSI.ET Sheriff of Phila.Ielphll ff3:SiN HIE COLRT OI' COVIMON PLt-'- Nil, for the Count of Philadelphia. Order nt Publication in Divorce To Lather Hauser. late of Vaness avenue i and EdUs street. San trancisuo cam Wnereas Harrv Hauser, vour husband has (lied a libel in the Court of commo'i PUas No 1 of Philadelphia Cojnts of September Term 1010. No Sol prajins I divorce against sou. Now ou are herebv notified and u quired to apptur in Raid I ' ourt on or before Motidar. the 2d dav or lebruarr next, to answer the complaint of said Parrs liaus r, and In default of su;h appdranie vou will bo liable to have a divoiie ranud in viur absence liARRV" C RANSI.ET I sheriff of Philadelphia ! '.SSI-N Ull, COCRT OI' COMMON I'LI.Vs 4S V. a far the ronntv of l'lill.lildlilil.1. Order of Puo icatlon In Divori.e To Lillie R. Jacobs, late of brrlnslield Massachusetts: Vhtreas Waltei II. Jacobs sour husband has tiled a libel in tho Court of Common fleas No o of Philadelphia C'cunt of ieptember lean lulu No 3SS, prasmz a divorce aialns ou Now sou are hertb notlhed ind required lo appear In s.ild i ourt on or l.elore Moudii,v . the id i1.it of lehruuv next, to answer the complaint ot said Waller H Jacobs and In d fault of such appear .ince vou will be liable to have a divorce sranted In vour absence HARRY C RV.N3LEY Sher.ff ot Philadelphia trS55l- HIE LOL'Rl 01' CUM.MIIN l'Lhii l-al No. 4 for the County of Philadelphia. Ord.r of Publication In Dlvone To Illanton I). Klliev. lato of No 123r south oOih street Philadelphia VMicreis Viol t M .1 Kintev vour wlf tas tiled a libel m the l ourl of common 1'leas No t of Phil ulelphU Countv nf Jul r Term. 1910 No 115, praslntr a divorce asaluM vou Now sou are herebv uulihiu and lequii'd tu appear in slid C ou t on m bcfori Moml.13, the 2d day of 1 ehruari nevl to answer the complaint of s.ild iolet VI l Kinsev and in default of such app.arinie vou will bo liable to have, a divorce sianud In soui absence HARRY f RANSLET Sheriff of Phl'ailelphia r3ePl-N MIL Ctlt RT OF COMMON PI.K 'S- ,. j for tlr (omits of Philadelphia. Onlei of Puollcitlon In Dlvone. lo Sarah E. Miller, late nf Columbia, Pa : Whereas P.et-erra H. Neder, your wife, has riled a libel In the i ourt of common Pleas No 1 of Phi adelphia County of septembei Drra 1010 N'o 310. pravlng e divorce against ,ou Now vou are h- r.b notified and required to appear In said Court t'oult on or b.fuio Mondus, the 2d da.v of lbrimr nevt, to answer the complaint of said Leslie C Miller ahd In default of 'UCh appeai anee vou will be liable to have a divorce si amed in sour absence HARRY C RiNLCT , Sheriff of Philadelphia -IN THE COlR'l Of COMMON PLEXs No. ,1 for the t omits or Philadelphia. Order of Publication 'n Divorce lo lolin .1. Neder. late of i Imago. Ill i V, hereas Rebecca II Neder vour wife has tiied a llbi 1 in the Tourt of Common P.eas No .1 ol Philadelphia t'oun v of Sep ' lember Term 1010. No 210 praying a divorce against vou Now sou are herebv notified and required to appear In said Cojrt on or before .Mundas, the 2d dav of Peliruarv next, to answer tho complaint of said Rebecca ll Neder and In default of uch appearance ! vou will b.j liable to have a dlvoice granted in sour absence ' HARRY RNSn:Y Sheriff of Pullad'lnhia IN THE tOl'RT OF IOMMON PI i:s, No. 5 for the ounts of Phllmleliitili, Order of Publication in Divnre To Munlsalu Omast, late of No. 50 Olsmpic avenue, Ncvvtrlc N J Whereae Reglna Oszast sour vrlfe has filed a libel In the Court of Common Pleas No 5 of Pnlladelphla Countv, 0f June Term 1010 No 0031 praying a divorce against sou Now vou are hereby notlled and re lulled to appear In said Court on or before Monday, the 2d dav of Febraarr next, to answer the complaint of said Reglna Oszast and In default of such apptaranra you will be liable to have a divorce granted In sour absence. jjARRY C RANSLET Sheriff of Philadelphia usr IN THE COURT OF COMMON PI.EAS No. 1! for the County ef Phlladelnhl., uraer or ruoucauon in uivorce To Robert J. Smith, late of No L'351 WeBt Thompson street Philadelphia NVhereas, Carolina Hmlth vour wife has riled a libel In tie Court of Common Pleas No 2 of Philadelphia County of rieptember Term. 1010. No 192, praying o divorce against you Now sou are herebv notified and required to appear In said Court on or before Monday, th. til day of February next, to anewer the complaint of tha said Carolina Bmlth, nd In default of such, appearance you will b. llabl. to have a divorce granted f. your -HcHA nAN8TET N aVAtJlB 01 i'ClU'JCU-riH, llT'l lOMOUTs asheville. n. c. 'Land Ok The Sky ljmejrica'& Winter Tourist Headauarters of the Southern Appalachian, Eastern America's Climax In Alti- tude, Scenic Grandeur and Invigorating Climate The sparkling sunshine of "Way Down South In Dixie" with Its ozone-laden atmosphere makes Asheville the Ideal spot In nil Amcrlc.v for pleasure, rest, recreation, homes You'll he 'tickled to death" with these wonderful, forest covered mountains and alleys, the I'lsgah National l.'orcst and came itcbtu ana our pa irMi urenm. oi peatts over suuo teet nereauouts The 18-hole all-turf golf course of the Ashevllle Country v iuu on me slopes or ounset .Mountain. vvnn its iew or "Plsgah and the Hat" to the West, has a lure all its own For reservations write the MANOR.GROVE PARK 5WANNAN0A-BEHKLEV, MARGO TERRACE. illustrated booklet about this wonderland in mo -neart or tions, nomes, cuuure, orcnaraing, and tne note! ana Doaraing house list yours BOARDorTRADEc'rte ATLANTIC cm. N. .1. I ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. i An. American. Plaanotd i iof DistiRctioivaivdRv.'alComtdrt J FIRBPUOOP GARAGE. I , capacity coo. Hfrltrrj:J3uzlhr QHARLES ON fME OCCANrfRONTl m ievn stories oi real i-Jcorafort : wiihaix oryyi ronment of distinct rW mant itrkutcxtravaaancc. 4HJCKAN PlK. ALWAYS (JPfN LiresATURtAwTransMAitto. EdMrdEXlroiiap7aiw Try CLARENDON Hotel TlrslnW Are. near Rrafh AlwiiT open; 100 rooms, with hot nnfl r.J rnnnltic WHter: in-lvnte bath-; rnpnrltr SOff. U"rlt for rutf. honklet. Jlonroa Ilntchlia HOENNHURST" r ,pan nnd Jllchignn av Alvvivsopen Everv annolntment WM R HOOD OLMB? HOTEL PenntvlvaniA Ave., cose to Beach and Steal Pier, central location, fclwayi ooen B Capacity 800. I'rirate baths, ninninc strr In mnma snldvatAr. tnLe. Wtntar tormi. Bool let. A'hrt II. Darnell Let ui make .sou feel ai lian. la th "City ef Robust Health" Hotel Morton Drean ucd Vlrslnla are. Carmrltt 2 SO EJevator. prUata hatha, etc.. nltnva ta. Park Place. cer!ooklnc Ocean and Cltf Ptrk: alwaya a pan J. Mcllwaln Ohanj THE WILTSHIRE Vlrjrlnta ave. and Eeach. Capacity 350 Prlv baths, runtilnff water, elev . etc. Amer. plan, M up d'ly. special wkly Uklt. SAM CGI. ELLIS. Owner: N J COLLINS. Mir. HOTEL BOSCOBEL &,"; UTi up weekly Phone 117 A E MARION Whninllr Av near Beach. 1 WeSHIUnsier to St.. prlvatu baths: Llev rur. ntpr 14 wkiv , - au up u.vu v liuhrr HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alwajaopen. Alwaa rpady. Terra mod irate. Phone or wrltb. M. Walah Uuncac EDl'CMTUINAI, Rolli seves Zuemik XJtn 'Si i uAj SCHOOL OF COMMERCE (36th Year) A post-graduate evening course in Accounting and Commercial L-aw will be started February 3, to prepare candidates for the State Board examinations for the degree of C. P. A. The sessions are held two evenings per week. Graduates of accredited accounting schools and practical accountants are eligible for admission. The enrollment is limited to thirty students. Appli cation must be made at once to TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad Street Below Berks, Philadelphia I , ,r craduates are In constant demand for i Vt.oiS-lns positions Oregc Shorthand ivT? rati, speedy system Complete business I 1 vi secretarial courses Day and Nleht anu classes intensive training Enron ans time can or write lor run tlVnS imiii. . m sinks', (oi.i.r.ci: .i? and College of Commeri e 101 I hestnnt s I'l.n rielnlil . Grossing the Canadian Pacific Rockies -jSJfy tho Grandest Winter Scenery in Amorlca MmWWMi Seen in luxurious comfort trains with compart- jjfiiriSKESM-M Visit where you choose this winter, from Call- mmSsSsKKl fornia to balmy Southern British Columbia. .SjSdHB I Newest resorts of this winter summerland are: ji sg&fBKm VICTORIA. B. Ciu the midst of verdant islands S HH with its golf grounds, drives, and the welcome of Jgj BQhV the sumptuous Empress Hotel, also 4tk jSSrWmA yAKCOUVER, B. C, bustling western city in R IcBh picturesque betting of mountains and sea. Here yK 'jESSKBl . the Vancouer Hotel of princely dimensions will jgaMMBjHHlH make tarrying a delight. Excellent golf courses. K 'wwPmiWBb CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY s SSKi I Tirst class hotels of metropolitan standard from WjaKMMWiBWjB Coast to Coast. Liberal stop-over privileges, HbIBhcsb9Sh9H lilt Jor DctcrtpUie Tour No 14' A bbbbSbbkjHHEswbHibbV ma!SKStlSSSfmtr-'rSS3KBMBtn 3Lfci2tiSSslliifeJMis 3HHaKeV,TKSer'j9Pl'RivV0inPilM SnieBPHMMlTWIP'wHiwvMniWV WINTER HEMORTM ASHKVII.I.K. N. O. IIJearjResort ed roads make seetng tliem by motoi INH.BATTERY PARK.LANCREN, the Blue nidge" for vaca ri Business, livestock, ajtrl- tor the asking V 4T r ASHEVILL.N.C IAKl:UOOI). N. J. Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. J. EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI. TIONS. GOLF, RIDING AND SHELTERED WALKS. DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING. BRANCH OFFICE, GEO. A. HUHN & SONS. BROKERS. frank r. sinrm mor. n v-iiiNf.Tiis, n. c. Burlington Hotel merlcan and Kuropenn HOME1 IKD C LEAN, PERrCT CUISINK 380 Rooms with Rnth. S3 to Si riVE MINI TI S TROM EVERYTHINQ Unslitngton. tl. C. WardmanParkHofel Connecticut Awe Woodley Roa4 WASHINGTON, D. C. A wonderful combination of Injury aa4 sjmfort fifteen hundred (all outaiatj I oome, wnh private baths. jnuuraiea Doouiet ana rurthtr par ticulars on reauemt FT.HKn TIYKR RTiinn WERNr.RSVH.r.K. PA. SUNSET HALL " Cheer- I ful home comforts, I rrlsp, drv air beautiful mountain walks, SleUhlns: runstinc etc Not a tanatorlum r.r.O S GAUL Mgr.WERNERSVII.LK. PA. CI.E,BVATEB. gLA. WHITELLDGE HOTEL srh" Amer. or European plan. Oolf, fl thine, at. ft run. water lo eery room; prUata aataa. rAMDKX IIKIOIITS. H. C. THE lmV?hJQtt ON CAMDEN U1EIGIITS , SOUTH CAROLINA Open January to May IS-HOLEGOLr POLO R1DINC.1 CL1MATB T EDMUND KRU.MBI10LZ Hi.n i'(iir niMiTiiti. va. OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CHAMBERL1N KINE WINTER OOLF Stvlmmtna Pool. Seafood 'tiin'ne. Kery Lurooiin Hath and Treatment. wrue GKO. F. ADAMS. Ucr, xorrreaa Aionroe. va. ED llC TION T. Roth sue. Strayer's Business College Philadelphia's Greatest Business School 807 Chestnut St. Phone Walnut 384 Winn Method of Popular Music and Ragtime Tlano Playlai At All Mn.lc Itore. x &H!Rl$tFMSBI fTOORDERW? ; 3 for $10.50 JffiES RIE-MUR SHIRT CO. 908 Chestnut St. &,,,,,, NEOLIN SOLES and O'Sullivan'i $1 7C Rubber Heeb ' BT MATERIAL UgBD WORK GUARANTEED Goodyear Shoe Repairing ai rn.nraiT TrtKsrr One New 1920 Buick Immediate Delivery K-45 5-Pass. Touring Address B-423 Ledger Office There are openings in nearly all branches for skilled mechanics. Steady work; good wages; excel lent working conditions, A large number of the ways are covered.- NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION CAMDEN, N. J. Apply at Employment Department at the Yard THE BALDWIN Locomotive Works PHILADELPHIA Steam, Electric and Internal Combustion LOCOMOTIVES STEAMSIHP NOTICES W0RYS.S.C0. A STEAMER From Philadelphia Sailing in EARLY FEBRUARY for Marseilles and Genoa Apply to KALLORY STEAMSHIP CO. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE 629 Chestnut St. Dell. Market 3059 Heyttone. Main S3 New lcrk office. I'irr SO North BItm- 'telephone, Bprlne KHUO EARN-LINE Inroronrntrd 1891 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular service Philadelphia Manchester A Steamer Feb. Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galera" . . . Jan. 22 SS "Coquina" Feb. S For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. BERMtJD. '40 hours from frost to flowers The Hamilton Hotel BERMUDA "The Queen of Winter Resort" Th. largest and finest hotel on the Islands and ot fireproof construction: modern In equipment and operation. Oolf, tennis, boating, rldlntr. driving, dancing, fishing, bathing In the sea, glass enclosed sua parlor 200 feet lone. Grill. 400 out side rooms 250 with connecting bath all equipped with telephones: twn eleva tors. Hamilton Hotel Orchestra Open Jan IS. HAMILTON HOTEL COMPANY. Up Management of J. A. BHERRARD Booklet Cable address Hotwl Twrmud BURN fy JIIU TKAVEIi "SO AtHome or YOU TRAVEL m Consult "Us About Your Itinerary and Tickets irntc or rnont American Express Travel DeDSrlmenl Wanamakrr's. Main Floor juniper ru. l.ntrunce rmia. i-a. eattj. HAiiux, ian .!, uatm.aii.ine. win nt ".J?"" T B..rr-. Aelatlvea and friend, n.nnM . . . . ... - nvlted to funeral. flion., B JU a m , J734 V 24th st . Solemn reaulem mass St. lumba's Church 10 a. m Int. private. Holy vy ociiuiciire cem FENN Jan 21 WILLIAM, husband of Reba Penn (nee Lyman) and son of George W and Mary CV Fenn (nee Klbby). aged 84 Relatives and friends, employes ot Alax Metal Co.. Invited to funeral services. Sat , 2pm. parents' residence, 3018 N. 3d st, Int private Remains may be vlowed Frl. eve , RENNETT .Tan " nnn a Tti-VMrtxT Relatlves and friends Invited to funeral serv- Ices Mon.. 10 do a m . Darlors of C. It. Hartranft. 3021 Germantown ave Int prl- vate Northwood Cem Friends may view re., ml!!.",liin.'',S ' m. DROADHELT Jan. 21. ALFRED DTtOADnKLT, Sr agkl 80 Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Sat 2 V I Xt'ufPQ 'teon, Alfred C Rroacbelt. Upper - u,iu.,,c., ,,n, .'iv.tiM, u.ian.ie tuuiu. Pa Int Media Cem IIURKE. Jan -.'0. nRIDGET, daughter of Richard and Catherine Burke (nee Mr- Grath) Relatives and frlenC.s League of nnc-ico iiB.il ui ine catueurai, invited 10. luiiEini, n, o.ou H ill tISU VVCOO St. Solemn requiem mass at th. Cathedral 10 ."'i-J'"'-.',0'y cro.s cem. Auto funeral. BUSTARD. Jam. 21 CHARLES, husband ot Fanny Bustard (net McCool) ReUtlvea and friends, member, of Sedgwick Castle No. 288. K a. K.: filar flpaiuiled Banner T.ndae. No. 05 T n. L, n R n rrf,. I No. 11, invited to (uacrai tirvil. Sat.. I ai. .i.i. im sis .LajRTTnTTTinfSKllJi-njsBW Hail .ni.i.ts us nrsTM-iil'llllllaWuirti I sr. MOTlBBlllllsis llisBgS.ac?sgT8swaaBrTJiasg ."-ts'7iPlJPBppREXs1Pfl nrcATnw p. ni.. 121 W Graver lane. Chestnut Hill. Int, Northwood Cem. CAMPBELL At .New Tork City, on Jan. 21, ROBERT W. CAMPBELL, ion of Eliza beth W. and late Thomas Campbell. Rela tives and friends, Potter Lrdtre. No. 441, r. and A. M.. Invited to service, Sat., 12 o'clock 'noon, at Oliver If. Hair Hid., 1820 Chestnut st., Phila. Int. Mt Morlah Cem. CAiivnn. Jan. 2, lucinda cAnvEn. aged 18. Relatives and friend Invited to funeral, without further notice, residence of sister, Mrs. Rachel ltubbnrd, Langhornc. Ilucks Co., Pa.. Sat., 2 p. m. Int, William i enn uri.i Boinerton. i-nua. CASS1DY. At Kansas cltv. Kan,. Jan. 20. JANE CAS8IDY, formcrlv of Coral at., Philadelphia widow of Patrick Cassldv anil daughter of Into Willlnm and Marv Parry (nee Carroll) formerly of Pottsvllle. Pa, Int. New Cathedral Com., on arrival of 0 a. m. train. Sat., from Kansas Cltv at Broad St. Station, rtAVAMATTntr Af 11.4..,.mK x. l'AI Jan. 21. ELIZARETII A., widow of James .1 Cavanaugh. aged fl4. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat,, 8:30 a, m., residence of aon-ln-lavv, Alexander Dries. 214 Water St., Ml. Holly, N, J, High mass of requiem Pacred Heart Church 0:30 a, m. Int. St. Mary's Cem. CLOUD. Jan. 21, NAOMI S. CLOUD, aged 24, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat., 12 noon, residence of Charles V. Paryock. B824 Alter St.. West Phila.. .n i at First Raptist Church, Woodbury, N. j 2.30 n. m. Int. Oreen Cem. I COOILL Jan, 20, WILLIAMINE CO- I OILL. aged 78, Relatives and friends In vited lo funeral services, Frl., 7:115 p. m. 'slater's. home. Mrs. J. C, Stlnson, 324 Mon mouth st,, Qlouceater N. J, Also services Sat., 10 a. m.. M, E. Church, Paiilsboro. N, .T. Int, private. COMLT. On Fifth-day. First Month 22d, 1020. ANNA ELIZA, widow of John ft Comly. In her 70th year. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, on Second-day, 2(lth Inst,, at 2, p. m at eon's residence. I.e Roy Comly, 413 Walnut St., Jenklntown Pa. Int. private. COON'ET. Jan. 21. SARAH, widow of Michael Cooney. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral. Sat,, 8 30 a m., 1417 N. Corlles st. High mass Church of the Most Precious Blood 10 a. m. Int. private. New Cathedral Cem, Auto service. CORCORAN. Jan. 20, DELLA. wife of Lawrence Corcoran, late ot 883 E. Madison st, Relatives and friends invited to funeral Sat., 8 30 a, m.. residence of sister, Mrs Annie Robinson. 3120 E, Memphis st. Mass at Church of Nativity 10 a, m, Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. CURTIS Jan. 20, ELIZABETH F. wife of EdwInvL. Curtis, aged B6. Relatives and friends Invited to funerl, Sat., 2 p. rn late residence, Poquesslng avo., Somerton Phila. Int, Wm. Penn Cem. Train for Som erton leaves Reading Terminal 1:02 n. m DALTON. Jan. 22 THOMAS f husband of Marie Dalton. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral, Mon., 7 30 a m., residence of son, Josenh C. Dalton. 2310 s 3d st High mass of reaulem St, Philip's Church 0 a n Int Holv Cross Cem DEMrKE. Jan. 22. FRANK DEMFKD, husband of Emma Demfke (neo Tlmmi nged 57. neiatlves and trends, members of German Eva-.sr, Luth. Emanuel Church. 4th and Carpenter Ms., Invited to services I Mon., 1 p m., 1028 Sns-der ave. Remains may bo viewed Sun, eve. Int NorUivvood i Cem DEVLIN. Jan 21. JOSEPH H husband of late Mary C. Devlin (nee Mays), aged 0B. Jieiauves auu iiiviiu?, employes Of U 5 Arsenal, invited to funeral. Sat., 8.30 a m 2837 N. Rosehlll st. Solemn requiem mas's Church of the Visitation of B. V. M. 10 n m. Int. private, DIX. Jan 10. ERNEST J son of Annie C. and late Ernest J. Dlx Relatives and friends. Battery A, 108th Field Artlllerv: I B of E. W.. No. 452, of tho New York Shipbuilding Co, Invited to funeral, Stt , 8 30 a. m., residence of mother, 000 S loth st. Mass St, Elizabeth's Episcopal Church 10 a m Int Mt. Motlah Cem. DOUGHERTY Jan. 21 MARGARET F . wlte of James r. Dougherty. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, resldenco of hus band Mulllca Hill. N J Sat.. 9 a. fit High mass Holy Name Jesus Church, JIulltca Hill. N. J.. 10 a m. Int. Holy Name Cem. DOUGHERTY. Jan. 'JI. CHARLES B.. 1 husband of Margaret M. Dougherty (nee I Burns). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Mon.. 8 30 a. m. 4118 Haverford I ave. Solemn high mass of requiem St James's Church 10 a. m Int. Cathedral Cem. Auto service nnimiiEMT Jan. "2. livna v.,..v.j of Annie Dougherty (nee Logue). Relatives and friends, emploves of Olrard Estate In vlted to funeral Tues . 8-30 n. m. 814 N Pennock st. Solemn requiem mass St. rran cle Xavler's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral DUNCAN Suddenly, at Wilson. Pa.. Jan. 21. ALEXANDER G.. husband of Helen Duncan (nee MacFarlane). aged 43. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services Sit . 2 p m . parlors ot O. W. Dlckes i- Son 2209 Frankford ave. Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem DUNKEL Jan. 21. ALFRED, husband of Mary Dunkel. Relatives and frlenda In vited to funeral. Sat., 8 30 a. m., 4301 Walnut st. High mass of requiem St. James's Church. 3Sth and Chestnut sts., 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. ELLIOTT. Jan. 21, GEORGE D., Jr., son ot George D. and Ethel J. Elliott, aged 2 nt residence of grandrarents, Mr, and Mrs A. NV. Ycung, 8115 Oxford st. Funeral serv ices will be held this evening at 8 o'clock. ETCHMAN. Jan. 20, FERDINAND, Sr husband o' laf EU-. Etchman Relatives and friends, employes of Alexander Adair Lumber Co . Invited to funeral. Sat., 8'30 a. m.. residence of son, 1538 N. 13th st Solemn requiem mass St. Malachy'a Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem, Auto funeral. iFAURE. Jan. 20. ANNA C, wife of Werner Faure (nee Vnege). aged 81. Rela tives and friends. Holy Family, Altar Society-, Ladles' Aid of St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, German-American Ladles' Beneficial Society. Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8 a. m. 102S W. Cambria st. Solemn reaulem m.: St, Bonaventura'B Church 0.30 a. m. Int. ' Holv Sepulchre Cem riNLEY. Tan. 22, MARGARET BRAN NAN, wife of Robert Finley. nged 70 Rel atives and friends Invited to funeral services Tues., 11 a, m.. 215 Rlrch at, Camden! N J. Int. private, Mt. Morlah Cem , Phila GALLAGHER. Jon. 21, JAMES J., son of late Andrew and Martha Gallagher. Rel- I iratlon of the Faith fine f r-h....!. -I P? Transflguratlon, Invited to- funeral, Mon 8 30 a. m., residence of Bister, Miss Sarah Gallagher. 5816 Christian st Solemn re qulrm mass Church of the Transfiguration 10 a m. Int. Cathedra Cem. Auto service GALLAGHER. Jan. 20. ELIZABETH C GALLAGHER (nee Reardon). wife of John V Gallagher. Relatives and friends Altar Rosary societies of St. Francis Xavler's Church, Invited to funeral. Sat . 8 30 a m . S73 N 2Sth st. Solemn requiem mass St. Francis Xavler's Church 10 a. m. Int, Holy Cross. Auto service, GASKILL. Near Columbus N. J . Jan 22. SALLIE ATKINSON GASKILL, aged I 81. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, residence of brother-in-law, David Haines near Columbus. N, J.. Sat., 11 a. m. Int' Columbus. N. J. Autos will meet 0 a, m' train from Market at. ferry, Phila . and 0 "0 a, m train from Trenton at Horrtentnwn 1 T-,(yjrPP5rr-PC- ?, EDMUND WILLIAM L.INGSLAND. 2D. of Influenza, at Welhflen, China only son of late Oswald Carnmann Girtord. of Newark, N. J., and Frances KIngsland Mordecal, of Ardmore. Pa. G1LTINAN. Jan. 22. ELIZABETH M.. wife of David F. GMtlnan and daughter of tho late Charles and Elizabeth McKeone. Relatives and friends invited to funeral. i Mon., 8.30 a. m, 1810 S. 50th st. Solemn I mass of requiem Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament 10 a. m. Int, private. GOODWIN. Jan. 22. MARY L., wife of Charles P. Goodwin, aged 74 Relatives and friends tnvlted to service, Mon., 2 p. m., h- cor. Green and High sts., Clayton, N. J. Int. Clayton, N J. GRETH. Jan 20 CARRIE M . wife of J Matthew Greth and daughter of Louis C and Mary Gotthold. aged 31, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. rrr, residence of parents. 2423 N. 5th st. Int. prvate. Hillside Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl from 7 to 9 p. m , IIACKETT. Jan. 21. MARY A., widow of , Aaron J. Hackett. Relatives and friends in 1 vlted to funeral services, Mon., 2 p. m 241 Pine st. Int. private. Remains may be I viewed Sun,, 7 to 10 p. m. I HAGEL Jan. 21 CHRISTINE A., daugh ter ot Katharine and late John Hagel. Rela tlves and friends Invited to funeral nrv Ices Mon . 2pm. 1210 W. Glrard ave. In; private Friends may call Bun eve. ,:RAil?i.X;Su'3'!'!nlJ'' Jan- -- WILLIAM RORERSON. son of the late Johann R. and Elizabeth N Hagy. Funeral services and Int private at convenience of family. HANN'A Jan. 20. THOMAS HANNA, aged 75 Relatives and friends. Philadel phia Class, Associated Blblo Students, em ployes of Rlchl Bros Testing Machine Co.. Invited to funeral services Sat., 1'30 p m.. 2131 N. 0th st. Int. Chelten Hills Cem. Friends may call Frl , after 8 pm. HARTZELL. Jan. 21. AMANDA, wife of Nero II. Hartzell Relatives and friends, women a social union or lierormed Church, t Invited to funeral services. Mon., 2 p. m.. 3.130 N 15th st. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem 1 Frlenda may view remains Sun., after 7:d0 p m. . IIENKEL. Jan 20. MAY. wife of William Henkei and daughter of John and late Lena , Randall, need 23, Relatives and friends, Lady i"T.odge Circle, No. 1, F, O. R. Jr., Invited to funeral services. Sat , 3 p. m., residence of father. 4812 N. Marshall st. Int. Oreen- ( mount Cem. Frlende may view remains Frl., I 7,30 to 0 JO p, m HEWLETT Jan 20 ALFRED, husband - nt Elizabeth Hewlett. Relatives and friends. Chattahoochee Tribe. No. 17. I. O. R, M Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p m., 4M7 Oriscom St., Frankford Int. private. I l.UriUVVUUU CBIH. HOFMANN. Jan. "1 GOTTLIEB r hus. b KatharlnS' llofmYnn T.neT Schmld used 00. Relatives and friends, all orletle i or wnien lie was a member, invlteri tn ru. neral, Sun., 1 p. m.. 2518 N. Jessup st. Int. Hillside Cem, Remains may be viewed Sat., 8 to 10 p. m, HOPF. Suddenly. Jan. 20. TETER G., husband of Louisa Hopf. aged 80, Rela tives end frlenda Invited to funeral services. Sat., 1 p m 3521 O it, Int, Hillside Cem. Auto service. JOHNSON Jan 21, at RosemPnt. Pa. Dr. II. "P. JOHNbON. of Allenlowm N, J. iiemuve. ana irienas invueu in xunerai. from Baptist Church, Allentown, N. J 2 p m Int. Allentown Cern Hat,, KELLEY. Jan 20. HUGH P.. husband of Mary A Kelley Relatives and friends. Division No 45. B. of L E.. invited td funeral Sat 8:30 a m.. 82B Vj Mih .1 , West Philadelphia. Solemn mass ot reaulem Church ot St. Agatha 10 a. m Int private, St Denis's Cen Auto funeral. Omit flow i vie ,,..r,,,i,nii i.mi maijci, cupy t KEOWN, Jan. 20, WILLIAM J hus- ' band of Martha 1C. Keuwn. aged 08 nIa- tivea and friends. Liberty Lodge, No t. L. i I', of A . Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 V. in,, urnuueiu utv, ivusiyn, i'a int, prl vate KING. Jan. 21. WILLIAM T., son of Kmma ana late josepn mng. aged 7, Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat,, S fm . mother's residence, 474B Tacony st.. nt. Xorth Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., 8 P. Tn. , KIRK. Jam 21, HARAifJ.. nit ofiWII- WU i KUti JUMUVM iM irillUM DEATHS to funeral. Sat., HMO n, in., Eagle Hotel, West Chester pike, ltlqhimass St, Lawrence Church. Highland Parle, 10 a, m. Int. St. Denis's Cem. KNAPPIK. SMddenly, Jan. 20, JOSEPH KNAPPIK. arcd 40. Relatives nnd friends, Holy Family ot St, Bonltaclus' Church, Carpenters' union, all other societies. Invited to funeral, Sat,, 8:30 n. m., 1053 N, Maschcr st. High mass St. Bonlfaclua's Church, 10 a, m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem Auto fu neral. Remains may be viewed Frl., 7 to 9 "' LANDENRERGER. Jn. 22. MARY K widow of Charles It. Landenberger. Rela flven and friends Invited to seivlcc. Sun.. 1 p. m., 11(141 Lincoln drive, Otn. Int. private. LEWIS, Jan. 21. HARRY LEROY LEWIS, husband ot Hazel M Lewis, aged 2(1. Relatives and friends, NVftehlngton Camp. No. 540. ,P, O. S. of A., and Bel mont Council, No. 19, O. I, A.J employes of Quit Refining Co., Invited to services. Mon i 1:30 p. m,. parents' residence, 5510 Poplar st. Int. private. Remains may be vlowed Sun., after 8 p. m. . LOEB. Jan. 20, CHARLES EOIDIUS, husband of Julia Loeb (neo Faerber), aged 57. Relatives and friends, memhere of Lin coln Nest, No, 10.11, O. ot O. ; Saxonln Maennerchor, Invited to funeral, Sat., 7.30 a. m , 2308 N. Hope st. Requiem mass St. Bonlfaclus's Church 9 a, ni, Int. Most Holy Redeemer Cem. MAYBERRY Jan. 22, ISABELLA MAY- RERRY Relatives 'and friends Invited to funeral .tat . 1:30 n. m . 527 S 41st st. McALtSTER. Jan. 22. MARTHA A., wife of Zndock McAllater, taged 81, Relitlvcs and friends, all societies of which she was a member, Invited to funeral, Mon., 2 p. m., residence of son-tn-lnw, John H. McFarlln, 55 Amosland road, Norwood, Pa, Int, pri vate Frlenda may view remains Sun. eve. McCAFFRCY. Jan. 22, THOMAS I soil of Nicholas and Anna McCaffrey (nee Nolan). Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral. Mon , 8:30 a. tn.. residence of parents. 3223 N, 7th st, Solcmrr high reaulem mass St, Veronica's Church 10 a. m, Int. Holy Senulchro Cem. Auto service. McCORMICK. Jan. 21, FRANCIS R. McCORMICK. Relatives and friends, em ploves of Alexander Kerr t. Son. Eastern Star Lodge. No, 180, nnd Traveling Protec tive Association and members of St. Ste phen's Evangelical Lutheran Church, in vited to services, Frl.i 8 p. tn., 8218 Wallace St.. West Phila, Int. private. Reading pa pers copy. MCLAUGHLIN Jan. 22. HENRT. hus band ot late Matilda Kane McLaughlin. Relatives and friends. Cathedral T. A. B. Society, P. and R Veteran Employes' Asso . Invited to funeral. Mon., 8.30 a. m,, 1313 Brands wine st, Solemn high mass ot re aulem Church of the Assumption 10 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. Auto service MEYER Jan. 22. ANNA L. MEYER (nee Rledel). wife of Ernst Richard Meyer, aged 50. Relatives and frlendm. memhere nf nil societies to which she belonged. Invlfed to fu.J iiciui seivicBB, ami., : n. m . .luulf A. Dm St. Remains can be viewed Sat. eve, Int, pri vate, Oreenmount Cem MOHR. Jan. 20. SARAH J., widow of Lewis F, Mohr, of 4004 Spruce at. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. tn., residence of daughter, Mrs. M. Harves-. 0781 Hunter ave. Int. private, Arlington Cem. MORRIS. At Mlserlcordla Hospital, Jan. 21, MARGARET MORRIS, of Gallon-New-town-Stewart, Ireland Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Tues., 8 30 a, m,, Oliver H. Balr ldg.. 1820 Chestnut st. Solemn requiem mass Cathedral 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Ccin, O'CONNELL. Jan. 21, ANDREW F husband of Annie C. O'Connell. Relatives and friends. Holy Name Society o,thn Church of Our Mother of Sorrows, Invited to funeral, Monday, 8-30 a. tn., 4103 Gl rard ave. Solemn requiem mass Church of Our Mother of Sorrows, 10 a. m. Int. St. Agnes Ce., West Chester, Pa. Auto service. O'NEILL (nee Kcnsler). Jan. 19, EMMA V widow of Arthur r. O'Neill. Relatives and friends, all organizations of which she was a member, invited to funeral. Sat., 3 p. m., 10.12 Klngsesslng ave. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. PALMER. Of 1415 Pine t .Ton "2 MARY, widow of John H. Palmer. Rela tives and friends Invited to service. Sat.. 2 p. m.. Oliver II. JJalr Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut st int. private. POPE Jan 51 TCATTTAnTNn H. wife of W Cnnstnntlne Pope. Relatives and friends Invited to service. Sat., 1:30 p. m., 1110 S. 48th at Int. private PUTRAT.. .Tan. 01 . r-TTAnTT-a Mn nt late Job Putral nnd Flora Jollev, aged 0T. Relatives and friends, Hellman Council, No. 277, O. I. A.: Maurice Hohlseld Castle. No. 25, A. OK. M. C and Ycung Men's Asso., Invited to funeral. Sat., 2 p. m., 4183 Ridge ave.. Falls of Srhuvlklll. Int. nrlvate. Green wood (K. of P.) Cem. hake. Jan. in. at I.oncacro Hotel, pnlla delphla. JAMES LEWIS RAKE. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl,. 2 p. m., parlors of Theo C. Anman. 247 Penn at., Readlne Pa. Int. prlv Me Omit flowers REED. Jan. 19. WILLIAM H , husband of late Hannah R Reed. Relatives and friends, Camp No. 481, P. O. S, of A.; em ploses P R. T.. Rldgo ave. barn, Invited to funeral. Sat.. 1:30 p. m, 2051 N. Frank lin st. Int. private. Friends may call Frl. eve. REEVES. Jan. 18 CHARLES HENRY REEVES son of late Charles W. and Louisa Gauntt Reeves aged 05. Relatives and friends. The Gideons and all other organiza tions of which he was n member. Invited to eervlce Sat.. 2 p. m.. Oliver II. Balr Bldg., 1820 Chetnut st Int. private. Re mains may be. viewed rrl eve. niXOM. Jan. 22. BERTHA A. (nee Hoolt. ey), wife of Samuel Rlxon. Relatives and friends Invited to runerai, .vion h jii a. m . 0181 Oxford st. High mass of requiem at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes at 10 o'clock. Int Holy Cross Cem ROACH Jan. 21. ELLEN M. daughter of lato Michael and Bridget Roach. Rela tives and friends invited to funeral. Mon., 8.30 a. m.. S. E cor. 3Sth and Mt Vernon sfs Solemn reaulem mass Church of St Agatha 10 a. in. Int. New Cathedral Cem SARKOZL Jan. 22. BERTHA, wife of Fery Sarkozl. of 902 Spruce st, Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Mon, 8 30 a. m , Oliver H. Balr Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut st. Solemn requiem mass St John's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. SCHLORER. Jan. 21. AMELIA L. (Zlm mermann). wife of Edward Q. Schlorer, aged 50. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Sun., 2 p. m, 0014 Ox ford Bt.. W, Phila. Int. Harlelgh Cem. Trlends mav call Sat. eve. SCHWARTZ Jan 22 JOSEPH huBband of Lena Schwartz (neo NVIesenthal). aged 50, Relatives and friends. Keystone Lodge No. 129 I. O. B. A . Invited to funeral, Sun., 1-30 n. m . 28.18 Germantown ave. Int Adath Jeshurun Ce-n SCOTT Jan 22 MARGARET (nee Ham ilton) wife of George Scott, aged 00 Rela tives and friends invited to funeral. Mon. 2 n m.. 1421 N Dover st. Int. Mt. 'Morlah CSIEDLER Jan. 21. FRANCES, wife of late Peter Sledler. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat . 8 a. m , residence of niece. Mrs Helser. 1820 S. 12th st High mass, St. Alphonsus's Church 9:30 a m. Int. private, Holy Jledeemer Cem. Auto service. SIMONS (nee Carlln) Jan. 21 EMILY M. SIMONS (nee Carlln). widow of Charles R, Simons, aged 58 Relntlveg and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat . 2 p. m , residence of son. 4021 N Camac st Int private. Remains may bi viewed Frl.. 7 to 9 v m SIMPSON. Jan. 21. J. WILLIAM, hus band of Flora Powell Simpson, aged 71, Relatlvea and friends Invited to service, Sun., 0'30 p. m , 243 S, S3d st. Int. Mos cow, Pa SNYDER Jan. 21. GEORGE H. SNY DER. Relatives and friends, Shield of Honor Phila Lode No. 4, K of P , and Henry . Dlsston Beneficial Ass'n Invited to funeral services, Sat., 2 p m.. 1121 Green st. Int. private, Fernwood Cem. Friends may call Frl., 7 to 0 p. m. SPRINGMAN. Jan. 21 ANNIE, widow ot George Sprlngman (nes Evans), Relatives and friends, members of East Baptist Church. Invited to funeral services. Mon.. 2 p m.. 804 Almond st. Int private Green wood (K of P.) Cem Friends may call Sun., after 8 n m STAHL. Jan 19. PAUL a . Husband of Augusta Stahl aged 64 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat . 2 p. m., 834 W. Moyamenslng ave. Int. Fernwood Cem. Trlends may call Trl. eve. THORP Jan 2b. SUSANNA M. daugh ter of late Joshua and Elizabeth Thorn, aged 70. Relatives and frlenda Invited tn funeral services, Sat . 2.30 p. m . 4234 Paul St., Frankford. Int. Cedar Hill Cem TRESMAN, Jan. 20. CATHERINE, wife of James Tresman. Relatives and friends, B V. M. Sodality, all societies of St. , Bridget's Church. Invited to funeral. Sat., 8 a. m , 3730 Calumet St.. Falls of Schuyl kill Solemn requiem mass St. Bridget's Uhurch 9.30 a. m. Int. Westminster Cem VANE Jan j8. Sergeant GEORGE W, VANE. 4th Supply Train 4th Dlv.. U. S, A , huaband of Mary. Vane (nee risher). Relatives and friends. Colonel Fred Taylor Camp, No. 2. S of V.. Invited to funeral. Sat, 2 p m , residence of brother-ln iaw. Edward Dost, 108J E Birch st Friends may call Frl., after 8 p. m. Int, Oak land Cem. VIRTUE Jan 21 GEORGE II., husband of Eva Virtue and son of late John M. and Mary Virtue, aged S3. Relatives and friends, emploses ot Market St Elevated Railroad Co., Invited to service. Sat.. 2 p. m.. 48 N Llndenwocd Bt. Int. Mt Morlah Cem. Friends may view remains Frl. eve. WALKER Jan 20, CLARA M wife of Preston H. Walker and daughter of Annie and the lato Joseph W Wright, aged 21. Rela'ives and friends Invited to services. Frl.. 8 p. m , 723 S Ithan st : also serv ices Sat . 1'30 p. m.. Church of the Redemp tlon. 50th and Market sta Int. private. WALTER, Jan. 21. MARTIN L.. hus band of Charlotte Walter. Relatives and friends, Soulhwark Conclave, No SO- em ployes Navy Yard. Illdg. 18, Invited to fu neral services. Sat.. 2 p. m., 2327 S. Mole st Int. private, Fernwood Cem. Friends may call Frl ..after 8pm Auto service. WARD Jafi 21 MARGARET A . daugh. ter of Elizabeth A and late Patrick 11 Ward Relatives and friends, B V M. Sodalltv and Sacred Heart Society of St. Columba's Church, invited to funeral Mon , Sam. 20JU N. 20th at Solemn renulem mass St Columba's 'Church 9 a 111 Int. Holv Cross Cem ....... . WARE. Jan 21, 1IAHALA J., widow of J. Stratton Ware, aged 84, Relatives anl friends invited to funeral services. Sat., 1-30 p. m., 841 Hughes st, Int. Cold Sprints Cem.. Cape Mav Co., N. J. WHBLAN Jan 22. EDNA, M. wife of James Whelsn nnd daughter of William nnd Dorothy Haddon. aied 27 Relatives and friends Invited lo funeral Mon 2 n m., 2668 N Bancroft st Int. Mt Peace Cem Jgemnlns mav lio Viewed 'in ae- f 1 , WHITE. Jan, 22. I5ELLA WHARTON, wife of Alexander Henrv White und duiigli ter of the late William I). and Hannah Car lisle White, Relatives nnd frlenda Invited to UNDERTAKERS KfJTO aVF D1AHOMP ' " e- . ll"l,"B Cons mulehrr. Cem. " ". lnt iil,r WITZitAN. .T. e ,,(r m0Yn0OUWNn6.i3an!,f 'jC I "' ": ntlve. and friends Invited toPTSV,!0- tl. Sun., 2 j. m reslden j1"1 rvle.. Mamie Imager. 004 areS St t?ttlt Mr." Pa. Int. Lawn Croft c"m," ilarcu Hook,' fliVitinn Wa.lr . Jy J. iiZ?1', oi praliam, Indlh.""."'! C'AnTe?Tnalth ,SC . Penn.yWnu,Mlr .! " An act to provide for the lnco?i!,'...fntlUea aS aJooni&er,B,n corPtfon?"ra"nn ep.rl i20' i87?' ana the suppiem!.. e,?"ved for the charter ot an Intended ."Jh"e'o to be called the Yen ter mim ' n"5rtlon character and object, of wMch uDa."lr' lh il'-i .lr5por' ""Of' and general v 1? ."? all kinds of groin, feed, ur Ii ' " and the mMi1l.t...j:,...,lu.r and cer..t. grind material for cereal? and iV1 "e0'i products thereof: to erect, rantrHe,vlr,0' purchase, leaso or otherwlS .!?.?? own. yators, mills, granaries arid bu fini. " the storing, handling -...?u."alnt8 fn. . ..' "w I'lunHiHiion or grain. -" and other products for market and in r""' facturo, buy. sell. Import HiJS? ""nu. in milling, elevator and nit other n,.A,al rnw. Me i,antin -li ' "wier machln..J their various product, and bylproducli' ln!i IV'XI P.?''.'" have ndPrpS; j of" the said act of 'Aswmbly VnVlt1.'11.'"' plemcnts. ' HI,a " ub- H. EDOAR BARNES. .- - Solicitor -Bgffl IN Tnh ORPHANS' COURTrKi vc THE COUNTY OF niHMnrtvA?? January Term. 1920. No 62 WUA' Estate of Joseph C. Ramsey "deceased Notice Is hereby given that Harri.t u Ramsey, widow of tho said decedJnt i.H' filed In the said court her petition Si." property of the decedent to th?' v!a,1,1"nS 1500. as provided by Section 12 of U. tS( ' 'auclarles Act of 1017, and that the ,aS. may be approved by the court on WJ? February 18, 1020. unless exceptions .l8' be filed before that time. """"""M thereto TTATITIV ny.H.. Attorney for pttitie"'.. fK-sriESTATE OF MAKOARET C. Ve,t )E2S deceased Letters testamentrvWT' the above estate having been granted i. .v" undersigned, all persons Indebted to th. ..,5 estate are, requested to make payment ..5 those having- claims to present th? '..-' without delay, to l tn9 ' M. THEODORA HEARN. . .. 22T Sou,h 42d jtreet Or to.her attorney, """ GEORGE C. COOKMAN. 505 Chestnut street. ESP TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNJ Notice Is hereby given that suit v.. be?n Instituted in the United Sates Tju" trlct Court for the Eastern District It Pei.nsvlvanU by the United RtatM. to' th. use of John ... Llvezcy, as of December c slon, 1919. No. 0032. against William t ink.: and' Benjamin Linker, trading ai Winiirn Linker Company, and Max Llpschutz saS Max Rothsteln upon the bond of said d.. fendants, given to the United States (Joi ernment under a contract between tho Viw Department and said William Linker Com. pany for an extension to the Emergency Bit. racks, Philadelphia Navy Yard, known i, Contract 2024. All persons or cempanlM furnishing; labor or material upon said con tract are permitted and hereby notified to intervene In such action as the Court mi? order, in accordance, with Tederal Act of February" 24. lOOI. C 778. amending Art of August 13, 1804 C. 280. " F. F. DICKERMAN. .Attorney for Plaintiff 800 We.vt End Trust Bldr ALL TERSONS HAVING niLLs, debts or claims acalnst .TnenK Splcker kindly present same at once to 2444 Kensington ave,, as I have transferred my business to George Fox and Saul Handler jacob s spiciv-nn. 2444 Kensington ave LOST AND FOUND BRUSH Lost. 1 black bristle brush 8 fed long, between Sth and Cherrv and Willow and Noble sts Reward by Tenna. Sursr CO 1017 N Delaware ave , POLICY Lost, perpetual rollcy No. 16,19 insurance cu, oi ,soriu America, covering stone dwelling northwest corner Chestnut ave. and Reading pike. Chestnut Hill, in th amount of tSOOO. has been lost. Application has been made to the company and the re turn deposit under tha same. Mrs, Owen, 214 S 1 5th Bt POLICY Lost, perpetual policy No. 5077 tor J5000 In the Lumbermen's Insurance Co of Philadelphia, covering premises 100 Chestnut st , Philadelphia; return to estate of Frederick Heinsley, Hotel Brighton. At lantlo City. PERSONALS TO THE PUBLIC I now am. and have been since October 1 1017. associated with the office of Frank E Hahn architect and engineer. 1112-1114 Chestnut st. Phlladelnhla. I am nnt rnn. aiected with any other office, firm nr Indl. victual, signed. e;vanh H. wucKLOw. JACOB S. SPICKDR, of 2444 Kensington ave.. has sold his men's furnishing store to Fox . Handler. All bills must be sent to Jacob Splcker. 2444 Kensington ave, before January 24. 1020. HELP WANTED FEMALE ARTIST for fashion drawlncs: bring pies Paul Studios. 34 S. 17th st. ALTERATION HANDS EXPERIENCED ON DRESSES APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT NVANAMAKER'S ATTENDANTS Three female attendants: salary $30 to $50: also 1 plain cook sii ary S30 to S40. depending upon qualification. Apply In person or by telephone to Dr. James S. Hammers, Sunt . Chester Count' Hospital for Insane. Einbreevllle, Pa. Bell :i'jr j ATTENDANTS wanted. Apply to buperln tendent of the Philadelphia General Hoi- Pltai, 34tn ana fine sts. BOOKKEEPER Experienced assistant in of- A.... . ... ....... ...,,. 11.. !...,., nftllrl lico ,mK cuiicc.ii, bctiii.ii, ,uv.vu. --- 8.30 to 5 p. ra.: half day Saturday; pleasant surroundings; state age, experience and Ml- ary uo.iieu . tu litmgi m...... BOOKKEEPER, double entry; must be curate; good penman; stato age ana w... expeciea. 1- .Jl, cogger miice. CHOCOLATE COATERS wanted, experi enced: good wages: steady work: snort hours. Modern Chocolate Co.. 437 S com ,.. nn.. n.,.n . ..,n.,i.,n-TivT nrDim cJir."'c iiir, Acwuai, ..." .- "'"? DESIRES THE SERVICES OF A YOU.N0 WOMAN WITH NOT LESS THAN 2 YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING OR ITS EQUIVALENT; WITH OR WITHOUT EX PERIENCE. ASK FOR MR. PKJCf; PUBLIC LEDGER CO. OTH AND CilBSl- ptit I pi n CLERK female, in omce of lari. cor-' noratlon: excellent opportunity for.1' vancement: state age. experience and saiau desired I' 223 Ledger Office DELI TELEPHONE OPERAriNO OFFERS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR-j PLEASANT. PERMANENT. VROFITAB WORK AT A CENTRAL 'OFFICE NEAR YOUR HOME ATTRACTIVE SURROUOTtN'OS DININO AND RES-i' """'.'fjr) FREE MEDICAL ADVICE AN? L PROTECTION AGAINST FINANCIAL LOHS IN CASE OF SICKNLa ANNIVERSARY PAYMEN1S MISS STEVENSON WH,LGLADLJ EXPLAIN THE OPPORTUNITi L TODAY, BETWEEN 0. . . M A: P FIRST FLOOR. 1031 ARCH THE BELL TELEPHONE CO 0? PENH GOOD AIMS I?01"" FXcTORYEmSPKNO COVOENIAL REFINED OIBLS J,A RECREATION ROOM IU -.-.- - - APPLY AT ONCE Id sVTrI.T Al v-- . ATMSMAU-V". AVa, 4TH 8T. ANU uww ,. .. Ij OIRL. white, to '' , ". n,07rn,n?ntV and light cleaning "VfVar lnurvl,fe sltloti to right party. Cja'lv,00rne LubrlcW' tween 2 and B, p. tn. KeZ?'" T47B.' Co 21st and Clearfield Ti'.'JVo'uliwr OIIU. competent to .'l "0h, ", HiO washing and Ironlwri family In. Call Wyoming 5155 . ii w.., .Tiutsnr. rp, io, u;w, tai', j?Kr w 'U r"s.