.V - hfj - "v r ' -y "n -.r rr' ' ' " " T" i r !" ' "f T'VBaWVHHi W 'JS ' KW-,-' V , " I i.i.ii LEWf lf.Vt II If" - Vf m W-t- Mi t a Jtt-. Liverpool Cpttort I. Jftn. 22. There was n fa demand for mint cotton lodnr prices easier on the basis of a oi id points lor middling, at Tho sales were 7000 bale. were 1.1,000 bIei, none Central Trust & January ASSETS Cash on Hand $ 509,262.66 J Cash in Banks 1,239,514.36 U. S. Bonds and Ccr- ,tlficates 636,397.85 Loans & Commercial Paper 8,662,853.11 Stocks and Bonds . . . 666,540.92 Mortgages 625,375.00 Real Estate, Furni ture and Fixtures. 347,268.52 Other Real Estate . . . 21,319.35 Accrued Interest Re ceivable 10,617.02 Miscellaneous Assets. 12,687.70 $12,881,836.79 Trust Funds Assets . . GBLflKfMQ 9HRK!i ,H V'TO' OFFICERS T. Comly Hunter, President Clement J. Craft, Vice-President George H. McNcely, Vice-President - Theodore F. Miller, Vice-President Lewis Van Court, T. Comly Hunter George H. McNeely Theodore F. Miller Francis X. Quinn Isaac M. Simonin One Man Sells More than Scores of Salesmen "Down in Philadelphia is a man who lias achieved a most unique success. His only tools arc a desk, a pad of paper and a pen. But with these tools he sells more goods than scores of salesmen put together. With these tools he has built new factories, doubled and tripleS the sales of struggling businesses, and in some cases made independent fortunes grow almost overnight. I le is a rare combination of business man and business writer." J3j tditor of one of merica's treat bustnrss ma taunts nam and address upon r'tcst The specialist referred to is the Director of Copy Staff of The Dattdo Company. His services, through the Dando organization, are at the disposal of Philadelphia business men. THE DANDO COMPANY FURMSIUSG A SPECIALIZED ADVERTISING-SELLING SERVICE TO HASLTACTURnRS, WHOLESALERS, JOBBERS AND RETAILERS 533 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Throuch our publication. " Knowledge," this man tells how he achieves his suci.cs'cs. May we send you copies? International Freighting Corporation fp"ggs Regular Sailings PHILADELPHIA to Calling at Pernambnco. Bihla. PHILADELPHIA to FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS li-en' Mres Bordeaux. Havre. Dunkirk r . nrnns niayeue putioing, rnuadelpnia. , I ' -" Ilroadwar. ew York. m mi 1 LnL THIS BANK is designated by law Fiscal and Transfer Agent and Depository of THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA THE BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA ALL BONDS of the City of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania arc .ibsued, transferred and redeemed through this bank. MILLIONS of dollars are disbursed by it annually in the payment of interest for these accounts and in the redemption of maturing loans of the City and the State. "V s TRONG ft J. "l iiMMIIKM easier lu the VSi wcr!5i iJ ' i ,, earl.? dealing. Snot AinerJrnn. iiiitldllnir fair. 112 middling, ..29.01(1: fully liiliuiiiris, ij.iiui: iniuuimg, a.ua; low iiiuHiiiiiM l.ilu: koocI ordinary, -Jl.iuti, oiui- nary, 20.7Cd. Savings Company 15, 1920 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 750,000.00 Surplus 650,000.00 Undivided Profits .. 320,000.00 Deposits 11,375,819.27 Dividends Unpaid . . 11,559.00 Accrued Interest Payable 33,948.85 Miscellaneous L i a - bilitiesf 28,396.67 $12,881,836.79 $ 3,566,255.29 Fred'k G. Helmbold, Treasurer Charles K. Lukens, Secretary Anson B. Evans, Title and Trust Officer Geo. J. Hanhauser, Ast. Title and Trust Officer Asst. Treasurer American. Futures were DIRECTORS James F. Hallowell Henry F. Michell George W. Roydhouse F. Leighton Kramer Frank Schoble Henry Bell J. Howard Rhoads C. J. Craft Chas. S. Walton, Jr. F. G. Helmbold Through Bills of Lading Issued ums SOUTH AMERICA Wo de Janeiro and Montevideo. I . i-i-ri. etr telephone- Lombnrd 3G33. 3634 Telephone. CortUud 720 ; for PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYLVANIA and able to extend its facilities the hnancial arrairs or the L.ity and the btate, as well as to the general public, this Bank is conspicuously qualified to serve your individual or commercial banking requirements. "the PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK 4-ai CHESTNUT STREET ' Raw Suaar Market Qult New York. Jan. 22. The raw mwar market continues quiet and virtually unoim,,,. Sellers are anMiie 12c, cost nml frelulit. niual to 13.04c licrc. lluy- prs nre ilr,w!linir to meet these vIcwr, The local refined market Is unchanged, the American and National companies j continuing to quote 15c, less 2 per cent lor ensii. tor line grauuiatccl nnu otners being Mt ill withdrawn. . Service and Stability Do You Know that this is Thrift Week, and that each day has been set asido for some particu lar purpose in the Program for National Thrift Week? An account with this Com pany will be a safe place in which to accumulate your funds for the purchase of a homo, or with which to pay your bills. If you buy a house we will insure the title to you. And we will draw your will and keep it for you free of charge. Integrity Trust Company Fourth and Green Streets Capital $500,000 Surplus & Profit . . .$1,660,000 -ft HATIONALTAX AUDIT BUREAU Tax Expert and Public Arronnlant Have Removed Their Offices to 708 Real Estate Trust Building Wnlnnt 33 M Ran Ota I FINANCM1. Redemption Notice rnxvsYr.vAMA Et.Errnic company rive Year Ifr Hrurrd Oold Notes NOTICn IS HERKTTf QIV15N that Tenn sKanla Electric Company has elected to pav and redeem on the 3d duv of February, 1020. all of Its outstanding Tito Year 7 Fecured Gold Notes, dated July 1. 1018. ma turing July 1, 1D23 Issued under and secured hy Its Indenture dated luly 1 1018. to Bank era Trust Company us Trustee, by payment of lh principal thereof and the accrued Interjst lh.rnn tn enlH 3,1 il.v nf WhrtlfirT. 1D20. together with u premium of one and one-half . and that In accordance with such election all of said TUe Year 7 Secured Oold Notes now outstanding will be and become due 1 sna payaDie on said 3d dav ot rroruiirj, IBiO. at the office of the Bankers Trust Com- pany. In tho Borough ot Manhattan, City and State of New York, at par and accrued Interest theron to such date, together with said prmlu.n of one and one-half per cent UHll and that Interest on all of said Nites then outstanding shall cease to accrue or to be payable thereon from and after said date, and the coupons on all such Notes maturing after said date shall be and become I null and old. and -.11 holders of said Notes 1 are hereby rcqu'r-d to present the same for payment and redemption on said date 1 at said offlci of the Bankers Trust Com- pany, accomt anleJ by all coupons appertain ing tnereto -naiuring nrter saia aaie reu eral Income Tax certificates with respect to the accrued Interest must be furnished. By Order of the Exccutle Committee. L.. A. WOOD. Secretary. Ui:i-VWAKK COUNTY EI.KCTKIO COM- PAN1 1IRST MORTOAOU 5 tlOLD IIONIIS. I1L13 AUfiCiT 1st. 103 Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to Article Third, Section ft. of tho Mortgage to The Philadelphia Trust, Nfe Deposit and Insur ance Company (now Philadelphia Trust Company), dated August 2d. 1D09. that the undersigned Company as Trustee win re reiie sealed proposals up to 3 o'clock u. m. on the 30th day ot January. 1920, frr the sale to It or bonds as deecrlDed above, at a price not cxceealng 105 and accrued inter est sufficient to exhaust the sum of ' S2131 O'J preference to be gnen by the rrus i tee to bonds offered at the lowest price. The I Trustea reserves the right to reject any or all I tenders Interest on bonds so purchased wilt , tense on Februirv 1, loo. i Prcpoala should bs directed as follows: 'Proposals for the sale of 5 Bonds of the Delaware i-ouiuy liecinc company, Phil adelphia Trust Corapanj, Trustee, north east corner Broad and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia " PUlUAObLPHIA TKUST COMPANY. By JOHN C WALLACE Treasurer?' Philadelphia. January 8. 1920. CHENEY .SALES CORPORATION Notice is hereb gien that, by a resolu tion of the Hoard of Directors of the Cheney bales Corporation, action will be taken at the regular annual meeting of the company, to be held on Murrh 1, 1020, at J o'clocrj p. m.. at the office of the company. 1105 chebtnut st . Philadelphia, upon the approval or disapproval of a proposed In crease In the capital stock of said company from 123.000 to S200.0OO. " w RUSSELL SPRUANCC. .7 nn. t,. &"" a-tvu -J-.Vjrj, Solicitor. and protection to I feltSSimwwli, . - ' Philadahihia Markets ' ' GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipt, 14,510 bushels. Tho market woi qulvt and unchamrcd. Tho Quotations ramrod ae follr-wai Car lots. In xpert elevator, government standard In Motion, atardard prices. Ho. 1 red winter. 3 3pi No. l northern tprlnr. 2.89! No. 1 il!!d ".'JD'.T- J2-S0j No. 1 red winter, gar llcky. 2.8f. No. 1 rei amutty 12.30! No. J red, carllcky and amutty. J2.84. The united state Grain Corporation' purchase or wheat are rated on the tollowlnc ached uia or discounts: No. 2 wheat So under No. l. No, 3 wheat do under No. 1, No. wheat loo under No. 1, .No. B wlreat He under No. 1. , COn.M Receipts. 10.010 bushels Offer. Intra were light, and the market ruled Arm though uulet. We quote new, aa to quality and location, at J1.D81.70, the latter (or No. 2 yellow, OATS Receipts, 10,182 bushels. The market was firm but quiet, under lltht of ferings. We quote car lots an to location; No. 2 while DOUcOlll No. 3 white. IISHSP Vtfc, Nc 4 white. B7HODHC. KlX)Un Recelpta. 1,674.1)24 lb. In sacks. Demand was light and prices favored buy ers. Quotations! Per ISO lbs, packed In 110-il). jute sacks Soft Winter straight western, 10.7S 11.25, do, do, nearby, SIOOjMU. hard winter, straight. I1S.2SO 13.75: do. short patent. M3.7Bepl4.2A: spring first clear. JlOtPtl: do, patent, J18.7SO 14.00: ihort patent, 114.75O1C.C0: fancy spring and city mills patent, family brands, ir..V)10. HYE FLOUR was dull and easy. Quo tations; !10910.25 p..r ttl In sacks, as to quality, PROVISIONS Trado wan quiet and largely of a Jobbing characlvr, but prices ruled steady. The following were tho quotation: Beef, In sets, smoked and nlr dried. OSes bef k-itiLkles and tenders, cmotted and alr-drled. B4c. pork, family. 52c: hams, S V. cured, looso. 274J3lc, do, skinned, looee, 834 0 20Wc: do do smoked. 254 ffl27V4c: hams, bored, boneless. 37c; picnic shoulders. S. P. cured, loose 23c. do. smoked, 24c. bellies. In pickle, looso 25c, breakfast bacon, 3.1c: lard. 27c DAIRY PROADUCTS BUTTEn-Trade was quiet, but prices ruled steady, with moderato offerings of fine goods The quotations were: Solld ptirked creameo, fancy, high-scoring goods, 7f)9c extras, fltlcf extra firsts 03B5c, firsts, no&ll.'c. seconds, 55938c; sweet creamery, onoice to fancy. r9870c: fair to good. (IOSimc1 prints' Jobbing at 747(tc for fancy and at 373c for fair to choice EGOS Tre market was quiet, with am ple offerings at former rates. The quolitlons follow; Freo cases, nearby firsts. S21 BO per j crate; nearny current receipts. 121, western u-tra iirsis 9u on, nreis, i; srcuuu-j, SlB.nfrit lfi..n cold-storage eggs, as to qual Ity, ULIOV 10 SO Inferior lots lower, fancy selected fresh esgs Jobbing at 7SO80c per dozen CUBES!: There was little trading and tho market wna unchanged Quotations: New ket was unchanted. The quotations: New York whole-milk flits held fancy 3JW 3Jttr; fancy held specials, higher, held, fair tc good. 31 train c, fresh-made goods nomi nal, Wisconsin, whole-milk flats, held fancy, 327.12Mc. held fair to good 31amc; Jobbing sales of fancy held goods, 35030c. POULTRY l.t T3 Fine deRlrable-sIzed stock wis well cleaned up and firm, but medium and poor poultry was nulet at Inside figures Quo tations: Fowls, fine fat. weighing 5 lbs. and oer apiece 10&IM2C. fowls, medium size. good quality 3rt8'38c! do, poor. 323.1c; nmillnt- rh ibn. funir inf.. mealed untfrh. ing me: ibs. apiece, 424r,c, spring chick- ens merage soft-meated, 34 33ic; do. In- ferlor, 31 Sf. 13c stngjiv young roosters. 28Pf sc; old roosters. 24 W2.i ducks, white rekln, 4fff4tle. do. Indian -Runner. 4013142c. do. n4ilc. do, mm..,; .ikBin; .-:::.. Kan.. .,- aterage. SoWSSt, turkes. 435JT.0c. pigeons, oin. per pair. ii..c, ao. joung. per pair, 4a nnESSED-rme desirabie-slzed stock was ell cleaned up and ruled firm. Quotation: l'owlk fresh-killed dry-picked, In boxes welshing 4 lb and oer apiece. 39c: weigh- Ing 3'j lbs 3234c, smiller sires. 27B81c; fowls, freeh-kllled. in bbls.. dr-picked Fatrrklnn A IKe on aua nnUnt 1Un altrVi- Ing 3Va lbs 30c32e: smaller sites 2nfl2e old roosters dr-plcked. 20c; brolltrs, Jersey, dry-packed, r.r.Krtnc; do, ordinary iitArbv, dry vi eked IWitff Twic: broilers, western, drv packed, weighing 1'4 4J2 lbs apiece, 4KW fiOc, roasting chickens, western, dry-packed. In bhls. welching 4 lbs. and oer apiece, awSJnc. weighing 3H lbs apiece 3r.i3.lrtc, weighing 3 lbs anleco 354J30c; weighing 2H ids. uplece 41U4-C, western corn-fed chlcK ens,, 12 to box 17 lba. and under to doz , per lb. 41ffl4hc 18 to 24 lbs. to doz , per lb.. 4fi4ic, 21 to 30 lbs. to doi , per lb. 40B42C, 31 to 3H lbs. to doz. rr lb. STilS 3rtc: 37 to 42 lbs to do., per lb , 31j)3fic 41 to 47 lb? to doz, per lb. a-.g.Sflc. 48 lbs. and over to doz , 38ft40c; capons, western weighing 8P lbs. apiece. r.2J3c. .ome heavier stock higher, witghlnz 7 lbs apiece. SO'S'ilc. weighing Dfiltl lbs. apiece, 47W4Sc, turkevs. Dei and Md fancy. 60c, do, Va and other nearbv fancyi f.Hnflc. do. nearbj, fair to good, 33w3r.c; do. western, spring fancy. RSfdlc. do. do. fair to good. ri3r3."c. do, old toms. 4Hc. ducks, western, 3R40c' geeae, western, fancy, 3042c, do, , do, fair to good, 2327e. I FRESH FRUITS I Trade waa quiet, nnd the market showed1 lutle change. Quotations: Apples, per bar rel as to qualltJ 4lt B0; do, per boj. $1 BO 113 4(1 Crnnberries. per barrel, (l'SS r.O, do, per crate. i Ml(!23. Oranges, Florida per box, $2 .'1W(1 Tangerines, rioilda. per half box. J3 75 Grapefruit, Florida, per, box, 1.S04.05. VEGETABLES Demand Mas only moderate, but values generally were well sustained. Quotations, blte potatoes, Pennsilvanla, per cwt., i l 234.r,0, dr. New York, per cwt . J4 2B Sweet potatoes, bouthern. pr hamper. $1.23 , (32.2.1 do. Jersey per basket, 1. 40(3 1 7B. CabbaTe, New Ycrk and Danish, per ton, "M10 Onions, per 100-pourd sacks , Yellow. No. 1. S.I 73a?0 25. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Pld Ask no .2d Cash noy 07 Jim nutler 21 fapNamara 6.1 Midway 20 MIZDah Ext Id Montana 12 North Star . . . 07 Rescue Uula 27 Tonopah l'.t 25 West End l'J West Tonopah 10 DIVIDD STOCKS Allied Divide 01 Alto Divide 01 Detcher 17 Ben llur Oil Tlrough Divide 30 Divide Ext '4 Dlvlda Syndicate 03 Divide Cona 01 Dividend 18 East Divide 01 Hasbrourk Divide 04 .18 11 OS 01 2'i li on 07 20 (8 31 1 .01 07 o 'n? .011 I High Divide 01 Revert Divide 20 Reno Divide 11 1 Rosetta 0.1 t-llver King 07 Tonopah Divide .... 3 .Tcnopah llasbrouck .IS Victory Divide, . . 1.1 Verde Divide . . in I Zone . .31 I GOLDFJELD STOCKS, 21 I 01 07 I ID d I 20 18 JO 3d Atlanta Blue Bull Booth COD Combination Traction .1 Crackerjnck Dlamondfleld li 11 iD-iliiy I Florence, Coldlleld Cons n .oj 07 0.1 n.- 00 111 .OJ .".' .15 01 .12 04 .OH 04 O.I 01 04 in .no .02 .01 .01 01 .02 3D .13 OJ 10 02 .07 02 .01 01 .02 .01 .01 OoldBeld Merger Ooldfield Development . . Great Hend Jumbo Et Kewanas Lone Mar Oro Ited HI'la Silver Pick Spearhead MISCELLANEOUS Amparo 1 70 Arizona United . .15. 1 so .20 Eden Mother ICde Nevada Hill Vevsda Hand Promontarlo Nevada Wonder Tecopa Mines ... Vvhlte Cups 37 02 20 11. 17 10 .0b ftO 04 1 1 1U GOVERNMENT BONDS Hid I Ak i inc. '1 10IM. Panama rout-on So 10-?. I Panama ieglMerd 2s ll'?.i lllu, i-anama u,iu - Panama rtKlEtepd 2a llUrt Panamu coupon S"-1 ..... Panarni realslered u 1IM11 Phl'lpulne 4. 1MI . . Philippine 4. IMS Philippine 4a 103S. . II S Govt coupon 2m, I08S IT h (iovt reentered 'it 1030 IT S nrvt coupon 4. 102 II R Onvt reBlslered 4e. 102S Diet of Columbia 3 03e 1024 IIUA 1011 !iH iiiin. hsi- nnu. . kh nnu .02 n . IIJ o Hi mi .ino lOSl. ICim.Jlit Inatant .07 . EXKCUTOll CHARTERhD 18C8 FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System Capital $5,000,000 Surplus $16,000,000 Main Office: 325-331 Chestnut St. 43-53 S. Fourth St ADSIINIHTBATOU. (1 "; ' , , ' . , I l Financial Brief s I ! ' Tho New York Subtrcasury gained $1,103,000 from the banks yesterday, reducing the cash net loss since Friday to $23,030,000. The stock list committee has today admitted to the unlisted department of the exchange 30,000 shares no par value cumulative preferred stock ot tho Pcnn Central Light and Power Co., deliver able when as and if issued. The average price of twenty active Industrial stocks declined 0.80 per cent yesterday to 102.02, while twenty rail roads declined 0.22 per cent to 74.40. LONDON 8TOCK MARKET Oil Shares Strong Under Lead, o Shell Transport Home Ralls Slow London, Jan. 22. Oil Bhares were strong on the stock exchange today under the lead of Shell Transport, that Issue moving up to 10A on rumors that a bonus would bo distributed. Gilt-edge investment Issues lacked steadiness because of the position of New York exchange, but it was re ported that the 0 per cent exchequer bond issue was going well. Home rails were glow, but the shares of Canadian and Mexican roads were harder. . 'Die industrial department displayed strength. Slices were flabby and the markets generally were quiet. Bank of England Statement London, Jan. 22. The weekly utatc ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve increased f 2.070,000 ; circulation de creased f 105,000; bhllion increased 2,010.007 j other securities decreased 373.000; public deposits increased 2.010.000; other deposits increased 12.007.000 ; notes reserve increased 2,712,000; government securities in creased 13.448,000. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability thU week is IG.77 per cent; last week it was 10.70. Kato of discount, 0 per cent. Gold Sells at High Record in London London, Jan. 22. Gold sold at 114s 0d per fine ounce here today. This is a ru nigii rowi nnu compares with the ploviotlS top mark of 113s ne . . line ounce jesteniay. I d-i-. ct.-j., - n.i. r... "" "'"u; r" ouurac . i .. t nn i ..... ,. i rani, uuu. -;. irices were Men 15 on the Iloursc today. Ihrec per cent rentes were quoted at 7K frnties 111) I centimes: exchange on London, 43 ' francs 4N centimes; n per cent loan, en francs 00 cent lines " lru"1 u" -eiiuints. I , j&ock Island, Ark. St Louisiana First 412S. I93 These bonds are now selling on tho New York Exchange between 62 nnd G3. Yield at this level about SUOSi. , We feel that they present a splendid investment oppor tunity at any figure under 70. All orders executed at Market Carstairs & Co. Members Philadelphia nnd New York Stock Exchange 1419 Walnut Street 71 Broadway, N. Y. Special Meetings I OFFICE OF I INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTfJ , Third and Walnut Streets 1 pim.Anni.iiii A Sr"Clal meeting of the Stockholders of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA will be held at ttjo office of the 1 Company on Frldiy. February Cth, 102rt. at IS m.. to vote for or against the proposl tlon of the Board of Directors to Increas the Capital Stock and Surplus Fund of the Company by the Issue of One Hundred Thousand 1100.000) additional eharvi of Each Stockholder to be entitled to sub- I scribe for one (1) share on account of every four (4) shares held The amount to be paid for each share shall be Twenty Dollars (120): J10 of the proceeds of each share to be placed to Capital Stock and Ho I to be added to the present Surplus of tb 1 Company. jntrv TrTtgyyp .3, ,r,Ury- Annual Meetlnga THE PK.NNSYLVAMV COMPANY .flit INHI'ltANf IH nv lllra i (iUAXriM! ANM'iriKS. "-"'i Philadelphia jan in in.in At the Annual Meeting of the utockholder. held this date, the following vverj elected di rectors of this company to serve for the en- fcuinu ear; s w. Packard Samuel T Hncime Charles B P(.nroe II D S Pemberton Hutch inwn V llllnm W Fltler decree K. J.dinsoT , Edward H Coatee 1 Arthur P. Newbold 1 (ieorsre II Krazler Thomas do win Cuvler J. Percy Keating Alfred C Harrison .-iiiinuri ij. vvarrlner At a meettnjr of the director held the 4nme riute. Mr C S. W Pun'.a-.l unanimously re-elected nresldent was C S NKWHAI.I, -creiHrv KS?TIIi: HlI.NTIMillON AM) imTPfi) I TOP MOUNTAIN KAU.IMAn An COAI. CO. OfSce North American Iiulld- 1 Ini TMillnilelnhtn 1 The Annunl Iteetlnc of the l..cKhol.ler of The Hunllnsilon nnd Kroid Top Mouii - thin ULlIrcmd nnd Conl Pcmnany will b, held Rt IhH oftlce of the tompanv on TueBdii.v. lenruary , lu;o, m o'clock .noon, when an election -v,l b.i held fori directors for the eneulne year I I J. D GOP.Mi.CT, nrcreiary .., , r, y.n."ur' -I' ."'in. dividend of ten per rent, pajahle thla Ai I on deposits held at least ten Mara on nnl. Icleo In force Deiember 31 linn. I'heVlca ..U...U ... ,'imim. r-aa oeiiared will be mulled hetlcs 1 J. 50M11RS SMITH i reawnrer ( OMMCHCI.M, 1HL'NT (OVIPXIsT t nlladelpnia. Januurv ", .m.. At 1L nieetlnir of the lir.nr.1 .f""T,i-..-.t held thl8 day a quarterly dividend of four IllvjilemU .TSS AT TIIK l0ni ANNl'Ar, SIKETINCS TI1K PIIII.ADKI.PIIM r'ONTItllill-ri.iv- - of the Carpenters' Conit.unr. held n. snip roil T Hi: IVSPKANCK iip farpentira' Hall. January luth, 102U thi. IIOt'SKS I1IOM I.Oss nv Viiji; "1,1 follow Ine OWcera were elected to airve fo? south 1 ourth Mreet. ' "'"1 n rnpulne year' i?.?i if,f,iii(4 ,"rr. CMlt v'iH declared on the cnp,, i. 12, IV' "tnck nf the company, payable on Pr bru ir rij, 10BU, ,8. iojo. to ahareholdera of record : or I th I Checka will 1) mailed II V MKHHISV. Treasurer THU8TEK Broad Street Office: N. E. Cor. of Broad and Chestnut Sti. aUABUlAN L.1 ' " '' If I 400 Questions Answered Free NEVER before in the history of the United Stites have financial words and phrases been so gen erally used. Do you understand oil of them? or is market news "Greek" to you7 A free booklet, ex plaining more than 200 which are used constantly by brokers, bankers and financial reporters is yours for the asking. Ask for No. T.U.-G80 JONES & BAKER SECURITIES Widencr Bldg., Philadelphia Phones Bill, WjW6065 Ktjtttnt, Race 2290 Direct Private Wires Offices in 8 Principal Cities Mortgages on Industrial Plants factories, warehouses and loft buildings. To manu facturers seeking addi tional capital for the ex pansion o f existing manufacturing fapilitics or for the erection of new buildings, our business1 Trading Department is prepared to render an unusually valuable serv ice. Our organization will furnish a prompt in vestigation of your par ticular situation with a view to solving vour problems with the least possible delay. Business Trading Department Elkins, Morris & Co. Investment Bankrrs Land Title Bldg., Phila. SOUND INVESTMENT ADVICE Hundreds ot our client! have with tulvantaee followed our advice In selecting safe and con servative Investments. If you Beek sound In formation to enable you to Invest your surplus capital, we place our entire organization at jour service. IVrifc or Phone Today investment Bankers Members Phlla. Stock Kxchanse Real Estate Trust Building Philadelphia Annual l.leetlons fCSP NOP.TUWKSTKKN NATIONAL NOP.TinVKSTKBN UANK. Philadelphia. P. , January 20 into At the Annual Illectlon heM .Tjinit,,. 11 th follonlm; Directors wen, re-elected: iMwaru a cnmiat (mo v.' Schaum 11. ChdB Murtha Wm. II. Severn Oodfrev It Itebmann I.inford C Nice John V llnnlfen John It I.lvesey A Havmond Raff JoHenh P Wlttman i:rtw C. Mimldhelaer J T Stuart Harry A Poth John n Ooehrlnr ai a meeims ni ino iirectora. field thin I rt"y' . the ' ' """" i-rf"' J',JT I Vlnir rnnouine oincera were unanl. plected Ivwril A. Schmlilt. pr..uan, Infnid C Nice Vice President' luiii. n iiium r, Aai v.aanier. I'Ynnk Yuri 'clt, Aait Paanler. Kuby n Vale, Solicitor. 1 rank H. Masaev. Notaiy LINKORD C. NICn, Caahler. rnm . HAr.NP. President SIMlT.r. Hr 'BJtAlv-HH Vice P-eeldent KIHNi; U HNOriSIf. Secretary IlOnKltr M PM"rrnan' Trenifurer Propoftalw K3s rnoroHAi.rt ron oamiune. oils , . "nd'ir""," ,nV, ",d?.! "'I Plnta I n-.Knh nrr pe ut tho Ouirtpmni.,.. rj ' .s Director of Purchnje and Htorase, nemilae HUPP'iB Mi't.' ,-.' '""" ..uuuinr, wash InEton. D C -Sealed nronpjala will be re. and then opennl. for furnl.hlne naaollne .ubrlcatlmr oils fuel Kernsfiiv .. .-.... .. iuri nils an, -... a reoulred by the armv dHn-. ..'.' nllo and May and June. 1020. IMrther Infirmatrin on appi'c""" PItOPOSAl-S for construction artd altera, tl n of building Pleat nny Araeni Do'eV. N.JV January 12. lD2uLSaIerd ??,. M will be leielved here until i P-L' January 7th, 1040. and then opened, tor constructing ad tlnlshln j extension and ai. t.ratlou tu bulldlne 117. further Inforl rnatlon upon application to cunitructlns omctr. 23S"Pll()P0hAI.S loa OKKUUIMi " United Htateo llnilneer Ofllce. Phiii. delphla. Pa ' r"" Sealed proposals will be received her until M noon. I'ebrtiary Id, 10JO, and then opened for drediflng- In Delaware river l rnh'L'1p'!ffi!i,l?o,"'rb0r 1Ur,h" t-torSSVlo'S PIKIPOSAI.I mi.i. iik HKri'lVtfn av otllco of Constructlinr Quartermaster Langley Field. Hampton. V until 2 p it idiruary ii, iiu, ana then opened, fur erection of two eeaplauo hantara and alter atlona and I extension of exlatlnc Olrttlbte Hanr.r. Plana and apeolflgatlon may bi ubtalntd at abova a,ddresa, w MOROCCO'S Open Door WITH an area four times that of New York State, and with immense agricultural and mineral wealth, Morocco is under going a development which makes it a promising market for the United States. Railroads and highways are being built, new towns are rising and harborwork it progressing. For its Euro pean and native population, nurnbering about 7,000,000 in tho French zone, Morocco needs cotton goods, sugar, tea, flour, candles, soap, hardware, silk goods, boots and shoes, agricultural machinery, lumber and petroleum. Tho Bank of British "West Africa, will be glad to assist American merchants and manufacturers who roquirc the services of a woll-equtpped bank with a strong organiza tton in Morocco, Egypt, Canary Islands, Gambia, Sierra Loono, Liberia, French Ivory Coast, Gold Coast and Ashanti, Togoland, Nigeria and Fernando Po. Our New York Office will supply further information on request, i Bank of British West Africa New York Office: 100 Beaver Street n. n. APPLEn-r, l .. ROWLAND SMITH, -AS-nts Head Office, London Credits in the Dutch East Indies SO IMPORTANT is credit in the Dutch East Indies that often it takes precedence over price. Numbers of small firms which are well worthy of the customary credits are not in a position to avail themselves of cash discounts. Before the American manufacturer can decide correctly what policy to pursue in such cases, he must have reliable information as to the financial standing and commercial habits of each customer. The Chartered Bank of Indiu. Australia and China, by reason of its own branchesand agencies, can supply accu rate information for its clients about mercantile institu tions in the Dutch Kast Indies or elsewhere in the Orient. Branches and agencies are also maintained in the principal trade centers of Siam, India, China, Japan and the Philippines. Call at our New York office for any form of Far Eastern banking service. Chartered Bank of India Australia and China New York Agency, 88 Wall Street William Baxter, Agent Head Office London 30 Years in Export Banking INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE of the needs and habits of the people, acquired by years of experience and actual residence in the countries themselves, is essential when transacting busi ness abroad. Our 23 branches in South America, 8 offices in Europe and direct connections throughout the world round out a service broad and comprehensive in every detail. Anglo-South America "BANKXIiMITED New York Agency, 49 Broadway Head Office F. C. Harding, Agent Capital and Reserve London W. M. Dawkin, Sub-Agcht Over $32,000,000 'p tn. x .jas i t.-r esktl i&), W,i',i rTT?Vt . Xsl Af S it- i V-VCI ' 400 BRANCHES AFRICA m BnmKiVi VfM i'M r, iVAiitwcrp . IkU-' .$$& ?:'-& r nrirlnvi iA ll .VI s fcil lumnu-i-j" ur rUTioNai Bank or Souim Aralc, ito. -. l.bOiV.. 1,WJ HMnVI Wot AMurCM CW f 217,000,000 Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1015 RK.U, ESTATE TnfST llJJJO. lnvrstlsals uud udiuet iiurtucrauiu una corporation accounts. Also prvixm V. S). income Tax llrtnms. Capital and Reserre Over $24,000,003 J : ""iimiifi" isss3Jtim European Business MANUFACTlIHINd KX1XJJ; TIVE will spend to monIM in Europe, nailing in lcbruarjt and is desirous of mailing en gagement for his benicfS iw a part of the time while ." Una B.icceaKfidlv unpr lUetl far. Wfi lean tlniia foreign mar I ""K,, i. in.iiiiifK.turliiK oiiportun tlr " 00. vestlKntrd, ai milrnl nil ""'"j firlU fiuturlnir inethnds. rlxhjH, anjLlj" lira, as writ aa I'rodut e IJ'vJtirt. la un Amerlcitp iltlten. "?' ,. nlriilly trnhied, ,'n"a,,r,', Jiird I" xlnerrlni: s.-lrtlea w'i'-jr?ffl, W modern enxlneerlnx. 'n,"".'rl ifl neaa nnd llimnilnl niethoy. JJ 3 I in lansiuixra. u "","",, n n I In best of bwllh.Hr, ''" ft t ilevelopment qua IM I ?. ,," b"lV I ilusa nf men. 'an '""'"', beoa. ami tnnracirr rrjn-,... . Kuiuiri" I Time llmllatlon by I',','" Jli. reW i and proximity of aalllnit f',,,ftf I It necessary r ImiulrrM torilT I llculars ;eTmlttln ' r's. '(H nrni wfthln the .Premises j; s ..tu .nui.i- them te, drtrrnun7JMta lsablllty of nrj-dtlatlonf " ' Ilox II 414. Tublle lAitft rirfiiin"iiinwiri''t the the niej hat lis intc hea 1CC( stir Got and the. Som adm to I pun The the high i esig rcsip rxph Ihoti-t leafe I igan vvitht Ksignc to CO uctivi iWsio) hianj fon I nten Toh Belgi the I admi confc 1 cfth his ; invitt ana 'istrat crnrni ond natioi m the Jour I am that v. to do man Belgii 0 "nine religi( Irtrini legitii dniin .luestii A (1899) 'fnir.ei fesentr feared wicla! t the EN'S Nar, Mar fort rlne i 'allcnti d.1 o ;rldar "teem 'owed o r tfpil oue,l . 'th ; Dro, ' coi .', ve 'SKIS t '!- t K , y. -j.AV .Ur