jut" n ? l.VA '-.It J Vi i. U r l"l- '.i $f 'u ., v i 1 I ' &-p V. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920 JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Talks of the Mask and Wig Party for Miss Smith She Tells About Relationships Card. Party for Blind THE party nt the Mask tind Wig to night which the Tom Hurts nrc slvlnsr for Kvclyn Smitli will be no loubt one of the (MlRhtfnl affair Musk nnd Win Clubhouse pardon always lire. Evclrn is ii sister of Mrs. Hart, mho was Margaret Smith, you remember, and they are the daughters of the late Mr. Harry Smith. Their mother was jllss Margaret Newbold, u niero of tht, iatc John I.owber Wclih. She is at present Mrs. Harry Adams, having married a (second time. , Mrs, Adams lived in her uncli: and aunt's home when a joiiup girl. Her cousin. Mary Welsh, who afterward married Persl for I'Vnzcr and later Corlics Morgan land who died wveral ears ago), came nut about the same, year, and the two grnv up like sisters. Isn't it a coincidence that after the death of Mrs. Morgan. Mr. Morgan married Mrs. Ross Smith? Why. ou mi? Well, because the late ltoss Smith was a brother of Mr. TInrry Smitli, ivlio was Mrs. Hart's und Evelyn Smith's father. The third coincidence in that the Mr. Adams, who married Mrs. Smith and who vn killed in an automobile accident In Cape May scv einl summers ago. waa married before that and his first wife wan Miss Mabel Smith, a Mstrr of Harry und ltoss. So they arc all intermarried and the Adsnn girl". Phoebe Harding nnd Elizabeth Snowdcu arc nieces of Mrs. Adams as well as her stepchildren nnd first COUPIUS 01 ineir jmu-iruur, .urn. Hart and Evelyn Smith, thoilgh Mr. Adams and his second wife were no blood relation. U pounds like "lllind begirar had a btothcr and the brother died, what i elation was the blind beggar to the brother?" and after joti Iiuvo insisted and argued for hours that they must have been brothers., you .suddenly Hud ihat the bliud beggar was n woman, .ind so she was the sister oC'the brother. Hut this lelationship is not n mizzle at all if you reason it out. It's ull per cctlj simple. To go buck to the party tonight. It'b to t" for members of the debutante set and a few of the jounger married folk. DOROTHY PL'JICHAS has come on from Milwaukee to visit the Kdwln Atleps in Gerinantown for a cquplc of necks. You remember her engagement to Edwin Atlee, Jr.. was announced several weeks ago. Her sister, Nancy, nns married to one of the Gilpins just about two weeks ago. It will certainly be nice for her to have her sister marry and come on here too to live. Mr&. Atlee is giviug n ten this after noon for Miss Purcbas. You remember my telling jou that the two Purcbas girln are daughters of Mrs. J. W. Itost wick Purcbas, of Milwaukee, and they arc perfectly charminjr according to every one who has met them. T WONDER if wc were naked which JL ens.e we would hold on to if we were mired to choose which four to let go and which to keep. It (.com to me it would be "take anything but my e.vei," And jet. do ou know we are asked ery seldom to say or do anything to help the blind. At least, o it seems to me. and so when I heard that Mrs. Tbarles A. Potter. Mrs. -Edward .Shakespeare and Mrs. Vox were get ting up a card party for next Mondav afternoon to assist tho(e who are blind, I was glad. The proceeds from the party are to he given toward the Pennsylvania Home Teaching Society and Free Circulating Library for the Blind, and to the permanent blind relief war fund for oUlicrs and sailors of the Allies. Pe irc cards they are to have n musical tea, and it will be at the Ritz-Cnrlton, on Monday afternoon at two o'clock. A number of promineut women hnvc taken tables nnd others have given their names as patronesses. Among those who will entertain are Mrs. J. William White. Mrs. John Grlbbel. Mrs. Thomas (!. Ashton. Mrs. Nicholas Mid dle, Mrs. Robert Downing. Mrs. Alex ander Fox. Mrs. (teorgo V. Fox, Mrs. Effingham U. Morris, Mrs. Kitz Eugene Newbold. Mrs. Samuel Kerr, Mrs. Theron Crane and several others whose names I do not recall. OF COFRSE there arc debu.tantes.and debutantes,, but when jou are en caging a person to help in your home, and are looklug forward with joy to the fact that nt last you will have some one to answer the bell instead of hav ing to do bo yourself when He is coming to call, and said person says: "What about evenings? I Bhall want to go out a good deal. I am a debutante, tou know." Well, whnt do vou know bout that? NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mrs. Thomas MeKean entertained nt mnchcon jctterday at her apartment, Fifteenth and Locust streets. Among the guests were Mrs. Ncilson Urown, Mrs. Clarence Dolan. Sirs. Robert K. fVsatt und Mrs. William I?. Cad walader. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Vnn Rcns wlaT. of 1800 Walnut street, hnvc is sued Invitations for a reception nnd supper on Tuebday evening, February , at 11 o'clock, after the opcia. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Widener Mil entertain nt dinner on Sunday, February 1. Mr. and Mrs. C. Herbert Taylor, of wjnncwood. will give a theatre party nd (.upper Saturday evening, February -1, in honor of Miss Florence Kane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kent ftane, of Radnor. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Sovereign pates, of St. Martins, will give a .jaientine dance for their bon, Mr. 'nomas Sovereign Gntes, Jr., at the I'hllndelnhia Cricket Club, on Feb rary 14, from S until 10:30 o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Shipley Dixon, Meadowbrook, Villanovn, will give n tnratre party on Friday evening in "onor of Miss Mary Norris, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nor- Is. of Falls of Schuylkill, beforo the llendlnning ball. There 'will be n c?!5'. R11,tv. among them Miss Sarah ' I'oluu, Miss Oertrudo h. P. Cona- war. Miss II. Pauline Bell, Miss Mar- ?irct Y ,Dall'tt. Miss Deborah Logan, JJIm Amtn M. Evans. Miss Susan P. 'roome Miss Sarah M. Harrison, Mr. t."V. Unn(lllh, Mr. .1. C. Ncwlln, ,,xlr c'In'ou McMichael, Mr, Jo. J t "a,?,1,(r Cironme, Mr. William Foulkc. ni.'u"wllra -'indclra and Mr. Samuel 'puum. MrM'ss !Ca,l!e"n: M. Lea. daughter r.;.and ,Mr!- Charles M. Lea, n,;; : u spending the wii MnZ ,V.C "Cllcvuc-Strntford, "turn on frMnv fmm n iti- Havcrford, Is spendiug n few days in New York. Among the guests who will attend the dinner which Mrs. George Ser' geuut, 20:i0 Spruce street, will give on Saturday evening, at the Supper Club, in honor of Miss Mnrgaret A. Dallett, daughtT of Mrs. Morris Ii1 lett. will r. Miss Betsy Davis, Miss Anita M. Evans. Miss Alva Sergeant, MUs E. Antoinette (leyelin, Mr. It. II. Bayard Bowie. Jr.. Mr. Sounders Alende, Mr. Edward Cassard, Mr. ''ken UcM.ner. Mr. Edgar T. Scott. Mr. Alfred Sergeant, Mr. Dudley Par kin, Mr. Samuel Bisphum, Jr., nnd Air. Normon Ellison. Among the guests who will nttend the dinner which Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Al. Huston, of Lehmnn lane nnd Wissa hlckon avenue, Gcrmantown, will give on Jnnunrv 24, in honor of their daughter. Aliss Judelle AIiIcMrcgor Hus ton. before the Saturday evening dancing class, will be Miss Virginia Larl. Miss Margaret Hamilton. Aliss Bessie Pearson, Aliss Annabel Wood, Aliss Atartin George. Aliss Helen Michell. Aliss Louise Bulterworth. Aliss Helen Hendersou. Aliss Janet Straw bridge. Aliss Louise Dixon. Aliss Alar saret Jennings, Aliss Helen Luens. Aliss Llisc dn Pont, Aliss Christine Baker. Air. Sydney AlacKcnzic, Alt'. Jack ReevCS. Air. Davltl Itcnril. llr. Vntvlln I Bailey, Air. Jack Simons, Air. David .urnm, .wr. uiclinril Kiegel, Air. ()ti? Ba.vlis, Air. Louis I.audenberger, Air. Spartu Fritz, Air. Walter Howard Dilks. Jr., Air. E. Paul Patton. Air. J. Lea Pntton. Jr.. Air. William Mr-n.nl. inn, Air. Harry Smythe. Air. Francis nmjrnc and Mr. Hugh Hodge. AIrs. James L. Heger nnd her son. -Mr. .lames L. Heccr. Jr.. who lmvr been visiting Air. and Mrs. Eugene E. Cnrlin, of .Mather road, Jeukiutown, have left for their borne in East Lib erty, rittsburgli. Air. and Airs. Wilson Prichett hue taken a house ut Alorelnnd avenue nnd bt. Alnrtina lane. Chestnut Hill. The will leave on February 1 for Palm Beach for a short stay. Air. and Airs. ! Corleis Alorgan, of AtontKomcry avenue. Chestnut Hill, are at the Bellcuie-Strntford, where they expect to remain for several months. Aliss Helen Bodine, of Bois Renard. Chestnut Hill, returned this week from Washington, where she has been vis iting AUes Lucille Wilkinson. ALONG THE MAIN LINE ' The many friends of Aliss Jessie Ala gee, of Lippiucott avenue. Ardmore, will be glad to hear that she is recov ering from her recent operation and has icturned home. Airs. Audrew Greene, of Chestnut avenue, Narbcrtli, entertained the fol lowing friends nl n luncheon and bridge last week : Airs. William Claghorn. Airs. H. G. Polbemus. Airs. William G. Ehni. Airs. William B. Goodall. Airs. Harry Bradley, Airs. Herbert Buchanan and Airs. William Aladdox. Air. and Airs. S. A. Rudolph, 2d, of Woodsidi- avenue, Narberth, gave a supper Sututday evening after n sleigh ing part. The guests included Air. and Airs. Lewis lliown. Air. and Airs. Jtollnml Touhill. Air. and Airs. Clarence S. Ta. Aliss Alarguerite Kirk. Aliss Linda Kirk. Aliss Alargaret Alahoney, Aliss Katharine Alahoney, Air. Allen Kirk and Air. William Day. DELAWARE COUNTY Airs. William Frisbie. of .Media, has as her guest Airs. Trowbridge, of Co lumbus, O.. for whom Airs. Louis Ross Little euteitnined at Scroggie, her home near Aledin, on Tuesday afternoon. Airs. Frisbie. who lned for a number of years in Columbus, has been spending the winter with her brother. Air. Walter L. Rhodes. The superintendent and staff of the Ches-ter Hospital were Liven a dinner last evening nt the Spriughavcn Coun try Club. Wnllingford. A meeting of the Foreign Alissiouary Society was held at the Aledia Pres byterian Church last week, when work in China was discussed. Interesting letters were rend from Air. ani Airs. Aloutgomery. who are doing missionary work in Kuling-Kiaugie in connection with the church of the south. Air. Montgomery is a nephew of Aliss Cheno witb, who lives with her cousin. Air. Fairman Furness. at his home, Upper Bank Farm, near Aledia.- street, will entertain Informally at her home on Saturday afternoon. Her gucstfl win ine'inlH members of tlie JJelta Omega Slgmn Sorority, who are: Aliss Ruth Howcy. Aliss Eleanor Stromc, Aliss Alice Tompkins, AHte Dorothy Turner. Aliss Reba Stets, Aliss Alar garet Heebner. Aliss AInrgery AleNell, AUsi Gladys Hetberlngoti, Aliss Eliza beth Ingram and Aliss Mary Dugau. Air. Warwick James Price will de liver another of his current event lep turcs in the lecture hall of the First Presbyterian Church, on West Chclrcn avenue. Mrand Airs. E. AI. Zimmerman, of 277 West Kittonhousc street, nnnouncc the marriage of their daughter. Aliss Louise K. Jmuicrinan, lo Air. William L. II. Bunker, on December .11. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The wedding of Aliss Alargaret R. Duffy, of 2022 East Lehigh avenue, and Air. James J. Campbell, of 1432 Jackson streeti took place Tuesday. After an extended trip South they will live at Fifteenth nnd Wolf streets. Airs. AI. Reinhard, of Richmond, Vn., who has been visiting her par ents. Air. and Airs. A. Herstein, of the Hotel Alajcstic, has returned home. Airs. S. Carson, of North Broad street, is visiting in Pittsburgh for a fortnight. Aliss Felice Jackson, of Sixteenth nnd Jefferson streets, will entertain nt a luncheon of twelve covers on Friday nrternoon in honor of Aliss Alice Tetn brook, of New Rocbelle, who is visiting Aliss Jackson for several weeks. Dr. and Airs. James J. Slmklns, of 2002 North Twenty-first street, are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, Shirley Edith Simpkius. Air. nnd 'Airs. Albert Thnlheimer, of North Thirteenth street, nnuounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Beatrice Stern, to Air. Louis Polls. Air. nnd' Airs. William Vincent Stroup, Jr., have returned from their wedding trip and arc at home ut r.l.-i North Park avenue. Airs. Htrdup, Jr., before her marriage was Aliss Helen H. Nusbnuni. Airs. Jorcph P.. I'eigel, of 24011 North Ilrond btrcet. and her sistcr-iu-lnw, Airs. Emil Schwartz, of New York, will leave on Snturday for Buttle Creek, Mich., to visit Airs. Schwartz's mother, Airs. J. B. AVckscI. Atassey. Airs. Hiram Puul, Aliss Dorothy Kolb, Aliss Berthn Januey, Aliss Edna Collins, Aliss Gertrude Januey. AUss Emma Saucrman, Air. Alvln Tindall, Aliss Gladys Christ. Air. Clarenco Fos ter, Air. Frnnels Alarklcy, Aliss Elsie Burt. Air. nnd Mrs. AI. Culp, Allsa Alargaret Barnclt, Aliss Hnrrict Har nett, Aliss Brunelle, All8 Jennie Bar ber, Aliss Elizabeth Dilks, Air. Albert Dllks, Air. Alorris Tindall, Air. Warren Graf. Air. AV. Alycr, Aliss Edna Bailey nnd Air. AI. Look. FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL Airs. Frank Aleyers nnd her 5oung son. Atnster Frnnk Aleyers, Jr.. Ozone Park, L. I., are the guests of Airs. Louis Adclinnn, of 4173 Ridge avenue. Air. and Airs. John Hutchinson, who have been passing some time in New York, have returned to their home, -1171 Ridge avenue. Air. nnd Airs. Henry J. Worth have returned from their wedding trip and will be nt home ut 1.1.1 Alidvale nveuue. The bride was Aliss Rosemary Kemp, of .1000 Fisk axenue. Air. nnd Airs. William J. Campbell have returned from their wedding trip and are at. home at .1421 Queen lane. The bride was Aliss Jenuie Hughes. ft- ( "' ' ,. ;, A11SS L. 11. STONE l'holo In rhoto-Crnfters Daushtcr of Air. Newton II. Stone, of Coatesvillc, Pa., ulioho cngage-v ment to Air. Kenneth Alny, of New York, lias been iiunutinrcil GERMANTOWN Air. James Rcid, of 4."47 Greene street, will entertain the members of the Thetn Sigma Upsilon Fraternity, of Germnntowu, at his home tomorrow evening. His guests will be : Air. Alnr-s-liull AleCool, Air. Kenneth Aleehan, Air. George Stephenson. A r. Robert Hngy. Air. John Hagy, Air. John Sto ker, Air. Harry Kenning, Air. William Selsor, Air. Coulter Gallagher, Air. William Rally, Air. Oswald Boyer, Air. John Dieterlc and Air. Jcfford. Aliss, Cntharine Kerpcr, of Smrdlcy WEST PHILADELPHIA Airs. Alurgaret AlcGrnnis, of JiflOO Chestnut btrcet, announces the mar riage of her daughter, Aliss Marguerite Theresa AIcGiunis, to Air. Joseph F. Wuksinich, of Chicago, on Wednes day nt St. James's Church, Thirty -eighth and Chestnut streets. Air. and Airs. Ewin T. Lewis an nounced the engagement of their daugh ter. Aliss Helen F. Lcwin, to Air. Arthur Clcvland Cummins nl a recep tion on Saturday ut their homer, 11)24 North Fifty-ninth street. Among those present were Airs. Katherinc Haines. Airs. E. AI. Schmalz, Airs. AI. Windell, of Scrnnton ; Airs. Josio Y. Walter, Airs. E. Andrews, Air. and Airs. J. R. Brown. Air. S. AVilde. Airs, llaulinc. Airs. Osborne. Air. and Airs. R. L. Cummin, Air. fl. K. Zerr, Air. Edward Welsh, Air. Harry Carlson, Aliss AI. Hess, Air. nnd Airs. J. AV.. Hughes, Alaster Earl Rider, Air. J. App and &on. Air. Horace Seworth Lewis, Air. and Airs. Frank Fritzec, Air. nnd Airs. Harry Toppin. Aliss Stella Jennings, Air. and Airs. Thomas Grifiiu, Alaster Walter Hughes. Airs. William Zell, Aliss Katherinc Hughes. Aliss Dorothy Hughes. AlibS Aliunie Toppin. Aliss Virginiu Goctz, Air. Evan T. Lewis, Jr., Air. Brooks AlacViegh. Airs. Ella Rider, Air. Ray Bendcl and Aliss Ruth Hess. Air. nnd Airs. James. Barton, of 5840 Arch street, were guests of honor at a dinner given by Air. nud Airs. George Jaichncr and Airs. James Lindsey, also of CS40 Arch btreel. The guests in eluded Airs. George Binder. Air. na.rry Jnichner. of Florence, N. J.; Aly. Ed wiu Bender, Aliss AInric Barton, Aliss Jean Barton, of Bryn Alawr; Airs. Nellie Porter and Aliss Florence Crud-den. STRAWBERRY MANSION Airs. E. Rossnnu, of 2452 Douglas street, entertained at her home last Sunday evening. Among those present were Aliss Evu Aliller, Aliss Dorothy A. Alyers, Aliss Reba Roseufcld, Aliss Adn Goldman, AlibS Jean Russ man, Aliss Rose Rossman, Airs. E. Rossman and Airs. Lat'off, of Buffalo, N. Y. ; Air. Harry Klevin, Air. David Satin, Air. Ben Rossman. Air. Harry Greenberg, Air. Alaxwell Rusemnn, Air. J. Rossman, Air. Latsoff, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Dr. II. Alann, New York, aud Lieutenant AI. Richmnn, Boston. Air. nnd Airs. Louis Ettleson, of 1SIS0 North Thirty-second street, an nounce Hit- engagement of their daugh ter, Aliss Jeanne U, Ettlebon, to Air. Abraham L. Shapiro, of this city. Airs. Oscar Grecnbaum and Airs. Leopold J. Hans, of New York, are visiting their mother, Airs. AI. Stem, of :i22S Cliffoid street. Air. nnd Airs. Jeffrey Stone, of New York, were the guests of their parents, Air. and Airs. E. Sickles, of !!200 Dia mond street, last week. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA The Collins Athletic Club will give a small dinner partj on Sunday nt the home of Air. Lane V. Collins, president of the club. The purpose of the meet ing is to elect officers of the club. Among those present will be Air. Jnnics J. Graham, Air. Joseph , Guidu. Air. Louis Bentzely. Air. Cliuence Wood cock, Air. Harold Augeslinc. Air. An thony OlUori. Air. Connie Uliimcnstcin, Air. Charles Fiola. Air. Leon Oliveri, Mr. lieu urugoncui. nr. Vincent Clem ents, Air. Leon Cake. Air. Thomns Fiola. Air. Joseph Dragonetti, Air. Einil Snbatini. Air. John Cullahan. Air. William Xoillinugnl and Air. Alfonso P.clers. Aliss Kathryn M. Miirtba. of 018 South Twenty-fifth street, was given a miscellaneous shower nt her home on Alonday evening. Among those present were Aliss Alive Can-, Aliss Kathryn Carr, Aliss Alarie Curr, Aliss Helen Houston, Aliss Helen Nolan. Aliss Helen Barrett, Aliss ICuthryn Gallagher. Aliss Kathryn Jacobs, Aliss Alargaret Alullen, Aliss Josephine Phelan. Aliss Grace Boyce. Aliss Anna Alurtbn, Aliss Irinti Nc'al, Aliss Alary Dooley, Aliss Ethel Neal. Aliss Peggy Cronin. Aliss Alarie Croniu and Aliss Agues Kilgore, The wedding of Miss Alurtha und Air. John J. Sheehan will take place Januarj 2S. NORTHWEST SECTION Air. aud Airs. Earle Kite gave a luncheon and dance in honor of their daughter, Aliss Thclma Kite, on Satur day evening nt Spratt Hall, Twenty ninth street nnd Ridge avenue. Those present were: Aliss Knthryne T. Gam mons, Aliss Edna Beckmann, Aliss Isa bella Stewart, Aliss Florence Gaumer, Aliss Grace Townsend, Aliss Reba Sun nis, Aliss Beatrice AInurer. Aliss Alar garet Sattertield. Aliss Alinnie Satter field, Alis Gludys Eberly, Alias Alar garet DuBell, Aliss Helen Jamison, Aliss Dorothy "Naulty. Aliss Ethel Armstrong, Aliss Florence Brittinghnm, Air. Elmer Gammons, Air. John Beckmann. Air. William C. Schleycr, Air. Robert Alever. Air. Carroll Thomas, Air. Ed ward Riggs, Air. AVilliam Alarshnll, Air. John .Tone, Air. Hany Bowcn, Air. Al len Blnnkfield. Air. William Connor, Air. Donald Maurcr. Air. George Ham mond. Air. Warren Aleyer. Air. Edward Hickels. Air. Arthur Wcinert. Air. Cres ton Kite. Air. nnd Airs. Roland Rosa and Air. and Airs. Hires Simmiugton. ROXDOROUGH Airs. Louis F. Knppes, of ."2." Ridge avenue, will givo n coffee party with music, this afternoon nt her home for the benefit of the work of the Aid Society of the Grace Lutheran Church. Assisting the hostess will be Airs. Rob ert LeFort, Alibs Amelia Wunch. Airs. Henry Forgy. Airs. Christan Ritter, Airs, Paul ',. Strodaeh, Airs. O. Raueu zalin, Airs. Robert Crawford, Airs. Aaron AVugner. Airs. Ottille AleNnlly. Airs. David Rehder, Airs. Charles Rriloh, Airs. Caroline Kemper, Airs. Mntilda Wunch. Airs. Barbara Hnnf, Alis. A. Topcrzer. Airs. Jennie Ell Misscr, Airs. Ida Walmsley. Airs. Eiiiinu AlichneJ, Airs. Hnnnnh Stewart, Airs. Louisa Adams, Aliss Rentz, Airs. W. Walton, Airs. Cnthnrine AtcDonald, Airs. Amelia Dengler, Airs. Alinnie Atjers. Airs. Elizabeth Rauenzahii and Airs. Hugo Blei. Mrs. Harold Chappell will entertain at cards this evening when her guebtb will includo Aire William Dixon, Airs. Luwrencn Sanford. Airs. AVilliam V. Hacberlein, Airs. Carroll R. Thompson. Airs. Richard Fnrrand. Airs. Alerritt Aloffett, Alirs Elsie Leonard. Aliss Sophia Lackey, Aliss Jessie Wcster ninn, Aliss Alarian Westrrman and Aliss Charlotte Alarplc. The young people of the Aloycr AIc moriol Baptist Church will hold their midwinter cntertuimneut followed by a social hour tomorrow evening in the lecture room. Mltia Mildred Hitchcock, Miss Eliza beth Bean, Aliss Alargaret Benn, Aliss Alice Collins, Miss Helen Collins, Aliss Helen Knndle, Aliss Evelyn Anderson, Aliss Helen Hunslcke.r, Aliss Olivia Graver, Aliss Alarlo Powell, Aliss Naomi Phillips, Aliss Hazel Weber, Aliss Carrie Wolf, AIr. Frank i''cnnl morc, Air. Gordon Brown, Air. .Tnmrs Huusleker, Air. George and Air. Wcl don Hitchcock, Air. Robsrt Simpson, Air. Lcroy Cassell, Air. Alnrshall Acuff, Air. Frank Cassell, Air. Linwood Jor don, Air. Ilnrry Price and Air. John Norman. Among the guests nt n musical nnd informal dance given by Aliss Dorothy Doveburd nt her home on Alain street wcro Aliss Frieda Fox, Aliss Alary Wolfson, Aliss Lillian F. Rosenman, Aliss MInuie Sacks, Aliss Alary Braudy, Aliss Anna Braudy, Aliss Ethel Ro'en mnn, Aliss Anna Alaun, Aliss Rose Stcmple, Aliss Roso Hurwitz, Air. II. Gordon. Mr. II. Al. Roenman, Air. AI. Polin. Air. B. Krousc, Air. A. Slutzky, Dr. 8. Gross, Air. A. E. Eksteln, Air. Philip Alolitz nnd Air. B. A. Shaw. Annual Rummage Sale St. Nicholas Day Nursery will hold the third annual rummage sale next week. January 2!1. .10. .11, nt 1.101) Wal nut street. Airs. Charles II. Iljpwcll, IC2.1 Walnut sfreet, Is president of the lionrd. The St. Nicholas Day Nursery cares for the joung children of colored women u-lin nre obliced to L'o out nud ivork by the day. They uro greatly in need of funds owing to the increased cost of everything nuu'grcat demands are inane. C C QL..L....I- KVGS. at 8:l!i. .jam .J. .jriuu,-... nats. Wed. Sat. The Sparkling Musical I'lay - "NOTHINO HUT LOVl., wun AiNuiirjiv 1UMUL.B ana T1IIJ ORIGINAL, MUHKYMAKKK8. '-ncstnut St. xtatH w,d & Sat "THE ROSE OF CHINA" Tho Met Hcautlful Munlcal riay In America I VR bf NIOIITS AT R 50 !, l i-vi-v Hum. d. . fR.t. MEBialBWP Market St. b. lOthi 11 A. M. to 1!.!IC r, M. gf'l rvrt. I nilIUNd. lViaCLH-rJNML.U, - I3J and THOMAS MEIGHAN In "THE THUNDnrtllOI.T" ,' hi Next Week NORMA TALMADOH t in "A DAuairrnn. ov two yotii,v: P A L A C h1 1214 MinitCT RTltEET - 5l 10 A. M 12, 2, atlB, C.4B, 7:4S. Oi80 I WT. ' $, CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG' . IN ADAPTATION FROM PLAT " "LYES OF YOUTH" . Limited Engmecment v Commencing Monday Next Unprecedented Cat of Favorites , "EVERYWOMAN1 Adapted From Steo Triumph ARCADIA 10 A. M . 12. 2, 3:45, B.4B, 7:415, 0:30 V. Mv CHAS. RAY ''ked-'iot ; Ncxt Wk "THE fiJX BUST CELfcAttS' Victoria 0 A. M, to 11:15 P. M. MAY ALLISON In AVERY JIOPWOOD FAITCE "FAIR AND VARMER" Next Week WILLIAM FARNUM I In "WINCH OF THE MORNING" f A P I T o i: 724 MARKET STREET "" 10 A. M., 12, 2. 3:45. C.4B. 7:46, 0:30 P, M, JACK PICKFORD "wn0N0.. ,J k Km iJ'M m !.ii -h ?TifjjH .? f 1 ffl (PERSONALLY) ORIGINAL N. Y. CAST A D F L PH ffu venTngs. "sTTB". rtL"-L' ll Jlnt. Thur. & Sat FLORENCE MOORE In "BREAKFAST IN BED" TIOGA Jli'.s Gludys Murphy, of North Broad street, entertained informally ,flt her home on Sunday evening the follow-in? guests: Jli'is Anna Larkin. Miss Mar paret Spafli. Miss Mary Sheridan, Mr. John Kinninan, Mr. Andrew McKec, Mr. Thomas Kennedy. Mr. Michael Mn guire, Mr. Klmcr Hitter, Mr. Hay Nu gent aud Mr. Harry Meyer. aiy nml Mrs. C. Kordycc Thome have returned from their wedding trip nud are nt. home ut 7214 Chestnut ave nue. Oalc l.ano. Mrs. Thornc was Miss Marjoric C. French. The following from Tioga. Mrs. John C. Allen, dr.. Mrs. Clement A. Al derfer. Mrs. Frank Bnrras. Mrs. Oscar Voelker. Mrs. Reiijamln Foster, Mrs. Louis Guckes, Mrs. (ieorge Lord. Mrs. Walter Doscher, Mrs. Uowland Pcgley, Mrs. Gerhnrt and Mrs. Arthur G. lSecker, were entertained at cards on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Harry Li. Painter nt her home, 71 30 Crcshelin road, Chestnut Hill. The midwinter party oE the Chris tian Endeavor Society of the Temple Baptist Church. Tioga und Twenty second strnets, will bo held this evening in the social hall of the church. The afTair is in charge of Miss Evu Tindall, Miss Myrtle Tindall, Miss Thelma NORRISTOWN Mr. George Hitchcock, dr., of Itivcr- side avenue, was given a surprise party at his home in honor of his birthday auuivcrsary. Among the guests were 4 DANCING LESSONS $5 A TEACHER FOR EACH PUPIL Individual Inilruc- t 1 o n. ExclufiHe Method. Mirrored Studio 1G20 Chestnut OFFICE MOD Locust 3182 CORTISSOZ SCHOOL NIXON'S COLONIAL v Gtn. Bel. Chelten. 2:15, 70. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG "EYES OF YOUTH" ,,'e?.t,Yr?1$-POUOI'AS FAIRBANKS In "WHEN Tim CLOUDS ROLL BT" 11 ' w t I 1 '01 REGENT MARKET BT. Bel. 17TH ETHEL CLAYTON In The 13th Commandment GHi PAmNO Walnut ab- 8th- t-Today Roseland Girls Kna- Ave. t Cumberland PEOPLES L LoonDB mo fun snow TROCADERO 10,h Arcb- Ma'- oSir CROWN-UI' UABIE3 fei33snjsi2ftoii:i5snsd: "ithr.1in1 1i'ridny ,rom visit to Miss AmE'p'p100' ,,au,Rb,t,cr of Mr' "irs. 1 , p, n0yce( 0f Boston. TuJ,Mu'linr Music Club haB issued in IU K. ., for its Seventh recital, which ton Y.vnn at th homo ot Mrs. Charl teBiK ?"i"v nftheast corner of Seven ifttrn,, ,Lucust streets, on Saturday "."noon, January 81, at 3 :30 o'clock. Bi?n?D(1 M.rs- Joseph Chapman, of ttrt. 7Tt Mt on Monday to spend UU P&h aUhe Lake Placid Club, ' . Tboma Da Witt Cuykr ,tJ iillll f lHi III 1 1111 0UR ANNUAL II 1 Jl January I , Clearance & li I Continues on nil I ill JWfllllllllll Pnnt! Sititm finiiins II W i 111 1111 r T I I 1 . I I Ml W Uinner r wcrs ana vy raps illlllll at lilllls I V3 tO 12 Off I !l Former Prices 111 I HI "0 & O' & ' Exchanocs HI I I IS . i VMIIIIIIIIII The Only Institute of Its Kind in Philadelphia TVTHERG you are given electric cabinet bath, ' W massage, salt rIow, needle bath or a wide variety of PROVEN treatments in connec tion with the right kind of deep-breathing exercise no classes, no dumbbells or gymnasium apparatus no home exercise. WHEN you come to "Collins" you nrc given the right kind and amount of Physical treatment under the direct supervision of trained graduates, bringing to life muscles you have not used probably in years. Visit Our Institution for Trial Dem onstration l,reatmentNo Obligation COLLINS INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Bellevue Court Building Phone, Spruce 5J,SU 1418 Walnut Street 1.UJJJUUI miiimmnniiniiininmiinimm......,, .............. H iC 1335-1337 Walnut St. (Opposite Ritz-Carlton) Final Clearance Sale of Dresses Regardless of Cost Dinner and Dance Models; Tjaffetas, Georgettes and Nets in Pastel Colors I Afternoon and Dance Frocks, In cluding Velveteens, Tricotines, Satins, Nets and Chiffon Velvets J Values to $95 Exquisite Duvetynes, Embroidered,) $y.50 Headed nnd Fur TrimmtJ ( 9 $25 Values to $75 Values to $150 ALL SALES POSITIVELY FINAL 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. MARKET STREET. .. AT JUNIPER CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE' Mr. CHASER musicai. An. FIELDS' TtlltUB IIAItMONY dUILS BROADWAY Broad & Snyder Art. xvr , 3:15. 8 : & OP.M. Wm. Lampe & Company ALICE BRADY " JSscgr- CROSS KEYS MARKET ST. B.l. COth "THE SPRING MAID,,'MUSI' 1 XrAT PHILADnLPIIIA'S FOHEMOST TIIEATRB D J This & Next Week Only OrOaU ngn.. 8:1S. Mats. Wd. & Bat. "WON THn SWEEPSTAKES OP I..AUGH Ten." r!viln Ledcer. SAM II. IIABniS Presents ' WILLIAM COLLIER In "The Hottentot" A new farce by Victor Mapev. Scats for tho Last Week on Sals Today i Forrest NiaHTS AT 8:15 1 Oil COL Main. -W.rl- R.t RAYMOND Vr'5 huchcock; In his latest musical revus HITCHY-KOOJ " OF 1919 100 KNTERTAJNERS CHOItUS OF iO UNDER 20 Seats for Nst Week on Sale Todar HavviVL- N10TS AT 8:20 VJcirriUK. Mats. Wed. Sat., 2;30 r JOHN GOLDEN'S LAUQHINO IUT f T'iW yii msat&&is&sseg& I'J , . L- i-'.i w..-y:''w'; Ki'A noon nrrvlm lilv in vnnra ' J Visit Our Institution for Trial Dem- ' - p FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Bellevue Court Building fJ In., ,r T,, , - ji ! j H 1 1 1 1 1 1 kni . ' . . ' 3f ii ' i ' ' '. ' i j 11)11 --' i i pjWJn --ir u r. '' ' i it EI I f''J ig?1' - I mWI&svMM iT Mlll I JSenmuiBr I "mS w 1214 WnInut Sireet I IHIBP : nil L1- lllll W M rf' z ml W O A T l !riilll Directs f ZTZT j! 1 p. S' A L E , Ml Your Attention to IlSi K F1 Friday and Saturday 1 liS Their Comprehensive p ll I, SEVENTY-FIVE I M SP y fflHl I EXCLUSIVE HATS ll H CHERTAK Mgj I $5 and $8 IB HAT H P Original Prices ?18 to $38' f; H j S. LTSL H UJ? L 'I (Stunning vvinter sport and dress models, Ml W& ll 7 TiIZI Ll including duveryns, velvets, metal cloths, 1 L liJ j ofl5 &( F.! suedes, leathers, fur trimmed nnd em- '. ll j f-y . ,-., RjiifyriinjC tiff h hroidered. etc. ; IB hptCOlGma I li P. S. Ask to see the exquisite afternoon I M j I CUtd IPwJTn- Bill '!' nnc' 8,reet frocks going at sacrificial ' IfJ - 'lHi p , i if fcQSPCC-V W I l' prices to make room for southern year. Ijli fg -'- H P7Y77 'g (IPtP ' 'HI ''' M 111 II 1 m M I i t -t t .1," ''" iiiiMi Miiiiii ii I -w - " aA-Jf.r ' -. .JgjU,',. : ,'.,,, . ' "IT"S ALL THE RAGE" Scats for Next Wefl: on Sala Today PHILADELPHIA Mat. Today 17th & Do Iancfy. Tives., 8 :30. Mat Sot, I.SO AHTIIUR HOPKINS Trwenta JOHN DREW IN THE CAT-BIRD" The Vnusually 'Brilliant Comedy J by Rupert Hughes Has Philadelphia All A-Chuckle Evgs. at 8:20 Mat. Todav.S;1K The Play That Putu Joy In LJvlnc .. POLLYANNA." AI.l NEXT WEEK- RKATH NOW WALNUT El THE WMFB IS ' IIAD1ANT CARTOON MUSICAL COMCDT Gonanous uaudcn of omLnss Academy of Music .8Ank , 1 heChoralSociety- OF PHILA. Henry Oordon Thundsr. Conductor. Orar; Knrn, Hopran Iloyal I' UcLollan.Tnor ,wtt xiooq, uaruon Members Philadelphia Orchestra, Tickets at Herip'". 1110 Chestnut Street 75-. ti 00. Jl r,0 and I.(H). ol"1' 1 King Olaf linear) E I T H ' s ; MARIE CAHILL In "Cahllllsms of 1020" "ONCE UPON A TIME'k A New Musical I"arc Owen MciaUcnsy. h'hella Terry li Cf.J Word & Van; Hd. 12. Vord. Others- ACADEMY OP MUSIC TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 27 SIR OLIVER LODGE ? ( SECOND I-UCTUIti: IN UUHIES "The Evidence for Survival" , Tickets. T5o to -' 1110 Clieatnut BU New York Symphony ' OnrifF.HTRA WAI.TErt DAMnoscif. Conductor. Acndemy of Mulc Tonliht soloist F A S T O 1M ROPIIANO 01' TUB TWIT. OPBIIA CO. KISS BEATS AT HKPPIt'B. 7So to) M.W. S MUTHOPOLITAN OPEltA IIOUBIO 7 BATURDAY AITKIINOON, JAN. S, at 3)j ,, Russian Symphony Orchestra7 vith ROSHANARA niJNKKlT HAHNEMANN HOHPITAtT' ii ('rices, DOotof.00, at Veyiaann', llOSCtwat. . -I m, ,4J T", tJJ ORPHEUM Mal- 'I"tJay. SSe. !(. ,i MAE DEBMPND TU Two OrrJiiuait '1 JANUARY 2ft ''JKmiV'l . ' ll. I DUMONT'S 5-SmE ,' h ,iw"' Vm Bitlr t. r- . & 41 rniWr.. . K5T FTu.Do!1 Cptr4 & tm i. "T ..If t .... ft