51 m utt- .. i- w..'a. k .'lI' S3 f J? . t . 4' i , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES General Traction j Inc., of Pauls boro, N J. desires to contract with machine company in or around Phtla. or Camden who will be interested in machinery casting and shafts for tractors. General Traction, Inc. Paulsboro, N. J. " ' .WANTED ,. STOCK AND BOND BALESlfAN. . 4nttv for hleh-arada salesman to make nsrmanent connection with houss handling onoueatlonable securities TOU ARE NOT TOU U U l'UU Tllia JUJ1 nKNERAL TRACTORS. INC., Of Paulsboro, N J.i desire to contract with machine enmoanlcs In or around Philadelphia and Camden who would bo. Interested" In ma rhlnlnr costings and shafts for tractors. nYner'l Tractors, Ine.. Paulsboro. N. J. tpm wide-awake men to work with ua In th grjatest electrical field of today: men .lib? tact. Inltlatlvo and cneny w will inly knowledge, means and money: arranso appointment with Robert Kowden." Call Wy- Partner! young-lady, for a well and - A,nhia. Inner-established, first-class em. ning -" Snidery business for distinctive dress- Drome' ,.1le,. n,nfuIMnn fne rtwhf i!arty. For particulars address P 120, Ledner Office, win. SALE Very fins general merchandise .tuck, consisting of clothing, dry eoods. hnes etc.. '-Inventorying about seventeen .housand dollars ($17,010): will sell In bulk at Stfracllvo price. G. H. DARON. Dover. P MAKUFACTintlSRS'. AOENCY Successful u:?.,ii.r with off cea In Halt more, onen tr reoresentatlvo line! southern trade. Ad. "... M 410 Tdter Office ivi M-pnn 10O Investors with 11000 each to Join svndl- f(l((, fOrmmiC neW UUIIfV. J. .,. uru) U.LU'e. Want to borrow $200; will pay (3 per cent Interest and give a first mortgaso on lm- -.eyed real estate ao security, n a. i,eu urr. WANTED 11000 loan oil Phlladelohla real estate security: l!f- bonus. D 4Q2.Led Oft. BUBTNEPS -PF.-PPOTTAI.S DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dla raonds. any size. '", l,0.0 carats; nom Sav higher; aUo old gold, platlnum.and silver bought Estates bought (prlv.) Est. 10 years. The Diamond Shop &h,'rL, DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT FROM PRIVATE PEOPLE: TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL: FULI VAI.IJH PAID. COLONIAT, TRUST RANK ihVO.. 13TH AND MARKET, ROOM 211 J T1T.DG.. loin AHW tiitni, jiui ilflURS. 11-30 A. M. TO 4,30 P. M. DIAMONDS BUUGHT ANT SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT. Pawn Tickets for Diamonds fcought. KKLI-Y & CO.. 113' C.-HESTNUT ST. .. 21-22. Over child.' Restaurant, PrlvaN. & n iTrn pay inn to . fiiAiirOtos?A BOUGHT ?! JJVV-'VJAi x st!f. phono Walnut mm LITIGATION. EXPENSKS. DELAY avoided! business and other difficult es settled, pro! lectins your rights, doubtful accounts col. lected: 23 years' experience: bank reference Mutual Adjustment Co 121S Filbert '' SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles 4 warts perma- nently removed by electric treatment; mar:y years' exp: trial treat freo; eyebrows arched. Mra Jennie Lew. OBO N, Bin. Market 2271)1 YOUR old tvnewrltcr ribbons relnked. new way. as cood as new. 33c each or 3 for Jl cleaso mall ribbons and state color desired Jn Rennlsher 2R17 Ediremnnt Rt cltv. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH, 717 SANSOM 8T. LNIFORM overcoats made In civilian styles also dyed verv reasonable. Stanley Tailor ing Co.. IB S. 17th St., basement. ILECTRIC TREATMENT, also manicuring Office 4142 Msrket nt second floor. ASHES removed from collars; all kinds cars j,iib-.- - . -,.cr tn. LI.hCTRIC- ireatment 4 manicuring, jtoom 10,' Heed Bids,, 1215 Filbert St. Loo. 39M BRASS and enamel beds reflnlshed like new estimate free. Keenan. 3101 Ludlow. RL'HBER Roods of all descriptions repalrsd Andrew T. Blrchett. BOH S, 22d ,(""""" CELESTE LA TELLE, facial, scalp treat.; 10 a m. in o n. m ; ciogeq nun, hoi . tlth FOR SALE Chiropodist's platform. A 900, xeager uiucc, FOB. SAX,E 10 CVRLOAD3 wood Dllo butts, not over 4 feet In length: Immediate shipment, railroad or by team. Henry A. Hitner's Sons Co. OAUL & 1IAZZARD STS. TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIBLE 3 MONTHS. $5.00. VISIBLE 34 MONTHS. JT.50 UP. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters American Writing Machine Co. 802 CHESTNUT ST WALNUT 2469. MAIN 828. OFFICE FURNITURE Lirgt line desks, safes. Ill's, cabinets and tmeral office furnlur? store fixtures. We buy, sell and exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO.. IOrHST4070. 1127 ARCH RT. RACE 2H0I. SUITS and overcoats, men's uncalled-for, made.to-order garments, (3(1 to 140 value, for 26; pert, goods: suits made to order from aour own yooaa lor u. Jiesserc. P35 Arcn. SOUP MAHOGANY INLAID bedroom suite, S pieces; hand made, 635 Vf. Berks Fireei, 1II0H rear-wheel dumir wagon. In good con dltioni very reasonable. Apply purchasing Qeot J. R. Vn Reiver f!rt.. HamAn M T CASH REGISTER, a check thrower: used only 6 months; coins out of business. M 32o, Ledger Office. REFRIGERATORS and fixtures for grooers tnd meat markets: terms if desired . RANDALL ft CO.. 381 N. 2d s BICLIARD, pool eomb'p, 2d-hand, bought, said rent. Me. Keafer. l2n W. Olrard t SAFES, fireproof, closing out. BO sllchtly uaru, pump m null JVBIIB, J r . JQUrtn. STANDS, cabinets, etc.: big bargains. Phlla .dtlphla Printers' Supply. 14 s. Sth st. STEEL LOCKERS, new condition. JS each" rii.l .rr q B rar, Bth and VlneJ 'i RAVELING bags. IS inu Spanish leather. ; cowhide, if. L. 8, HaaB. 1436 N.iotri: HORSES HARNESS. 50 sets: second-hand: single and it?u,'and, 50 foll- Fred a. Harrer. leal N. Marvlne st. OLD GOLD Rffi13' s!lv,'i Platinum plated ware, old. Est WTWTr?' ;,"' ,Plte bought for cash. "Sod,? A'r? 'J. '?.'tSld'. ?" and antlriue . - - -. .. w Mt, iuiiv, r-'iiiirr. niii nininrn "-'"- a, it in. ijdcusi iau USED ATJTOMOBII.E3 d?e.-;. 7;,'.r.uck assls. with cab: win sell In JJvilBlioverh!e,.and P'nied: tires M'"4 c'i2'ton'Atlantl0 Motortruck Co.. 'jnjsrna'nager. r"n9 'Ii'""i 8831' "' A nAa?aAh0i? "Paired and recored, fenders ruih nv2dl" manufactured and repaired; Ml? Co boSSI JPcUi5y- keystone Auto Re-fSor.C:ST?7N-Broad st.i office, second 'fcSF.ili'JSP truck chassis, with cab: In A-l . '" "ii'iiuiiu lli, 232' M t.V iVvw""vi. iiiwi. rn Jnk." mtn.V.V ' "ono '1,osa 0B-1 ir, A. STUTZ, NEATtT.V AIT. unnv, a n.i.nn ISHEd"kPvVUaT'E'D- AND ' REFIN. ARTHlmMAK,X-.IlAnCiAINS. BEE MR. Mao STHijR. HTUTZ An-F.Nnv irtrS N. BROAD, in m irt.. j.1 .I- .. ..- . .. . . jtaTh.3ri!l?,L "'!, mwlsls: rebuilt and fioih.rtri;,aTlyal',n0lIi rebuilt and rs urn's -(... "'J'".'. sea ura inia sea- Til. "" " "" v.TLWiArtL Iandaulet M!t4oiitnI!ed';0.dy!offlcint'"U,1 Tshea: 'liS,- late nod 0 1 a. : rebuilt and r.fln t. E ir?,B'.lonal,bar",,n.'!!'can or terms. Atencv ,7oMuIitefe "uomoblle and Marmon rjii 7?" M nr-id et. Tonlar T70. aItn?1ra,tn'I',.,K,c,S;i "! wo condition! HrAtSi'V,? ivl ' b9 Klv,n' m offer. iTnpV " - ylrmount ave. '"ulclt08.1 BHe.a.an101,8,' w' sacrifice for Alllw. .J "r"ad st. Poplar 7870 furiiiViV. truijk in excellent condition with fiiTiii 1 . ' Mr HjStli "ffl"ln. 818, 80 model iliPoDlaf'TH7ft'mo'1 A"ny, 720 N I i ffffr., l-"P!ar 7H70, W.il"!-' ...n.r. touring. '"rsssut&S "' " - USED AUTOMOBILES Qr jajQsa jfZl RELIABLE hiivJ? h ay,l1 cars that satisfy at tri.?"0 wlH take advantage of our H,w Th r.B' Bu'era who expect tho select their cars from us. 800 USED CARS TO CHOOSE PllOM. Ohandler 1919 To.uring: run 2000 lcaUy A-l: also 1018-17 Speedsters, Sedans, Coupes and Roadsters, BUICK 1919 B"Jan( shows no wear ... . whatever: equal to new: 1018-17 Touring Cars, Coupes and Roadsters; low prices. HudS0nS 1918-17-16 Touring - , Cars, Sedans, Speedsters, Coupfs and Lira ousinesj largest variety In the city. MerCer 1919 Touring: practically , . ,, . brand-new: used only 4 months: splendid equipment; will sacrifice. StlltZ 1918 Koadster: ery classy: excellent condition; mechanically perfect: at a snap. 'unco, 111ru11a.11 ALWAYS REMEMBEK, OUR RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE CO. (ALIi THAT THE NAME IMPLIES) 249-251 N. AOENTS WANTED. OUR TRUCK SHOW will bo held this week and will contain the following make trucks some of which have not run 1500 miles; with or without bodies, arprh-es far below nHglnal cost? 2-Ton Pierce-Arrows 2-Ton Garfords 3J2-Ton Packards 4-Ton Peerless GENERAL MOTOR TRUCK CORP. 4810-12-14-16 CHESTNUT STREET gpP MOTOR TRUCK BARGAINS 1919 FORD 1-ton worm drive truck; panel body; like new. 1918 VIM cab and platform stake body. 1919 VIM 6-post express body. FORD TRUXTON 6-post, ex press body. 3-TON NEW MASTER T R lie K, Wood's hydraulic hoist, uump body. 5-TON SIGNAL TRUCK, Wood's hydraulic hoist, contractor's combination dump body! This truck practically new and will be sold at a sacrifice. TERMS ARRANGED LARSON 0LDSM0BILE COMPANY BROAD AND BROWN STS. See Mr. Fi.sher, Truck Dept. Bell phone: Poplar 4697 Keystone phone: Park 1291 American 1920 Touring Has run less than 600 miles. Spare shoe and other extras. Bleelow-WUley Motor Co. 304 North Broad St, Philadelphia Automobiles Repainted New top. aide curtains to open with doors, seat covers, and plate glass In your curtains: unsightly dents removed from bodies and fenders. Criterion Auto Paint Shop 244-40 N. Fourth street KENSINUTON 1531 AUTO REPAIRS- SPWNC18 AND AXLES OF Al,l, KINDS OVIIK BC00 TO SKI.KCT TltOM SATTLER'S IflOl sritlNO OARDEN '8T. AUTQPARTS SCHOBER, SSS0 MARKET ST. SPRINGS AND AXLES FOR ANY AUTOMOBILE Saltler's, 1601 Spring Garden You Can Find Any Automobile PARTS AT SATTLER'S 1001 BPKINO PARPEN ST ONE automobile top In good condition, to tit D-45 lluiclt car; also 1 Oulsel Incloaura of (rams and glass to tit the atoo type of car: will be sold together or separate at a very reasonable price. Apply Purchasing Department. J. H. Vifh Scher Co., Cam. den, N. J. I HOLD 3 ehareo of stock which Is now pay ing me 110 a month dividend: I will .ex change jams for an automobile: what have you tp otter? M.J. Kllgarrls. 8009 Rhawu. St.. llMmnWr. Phone SolBisburg 414, J. . OADILLAG . llmyufJBJl iF'S l J4JJ?A1 er. Jltrojoo r V!AVJ ' we-i V-ntr JfUJOJUlU- JjiliJUVJTilJlt-lJtLIJUA-UJliJJJL'Ja.Xil, WUUXXXU&M&cJ-i ,USKD AU'AOMOJIIXjES modcrnto prices Ig wide open to the present list of Illgn-Orado Dependable best will not bo disappointed If they CONVENIENT TEHMS . Paiges 1919-18-17 T ucra ?" coupes, speedsters and sedans; large selection; low prices. Cadillacs 1918-17-16 loupes. Inc; Cars; 4-passenger Speedsters and Limousines; large variety at Interest ing figures. Dodges 1919-18-17 s 8 d0n Cars and Roadsters; A'l condition: splendid equipment, - Oaklands 1918-17 J"""1' Cars una Roadsters, light Sixes; show no wear; , ery economlcnt; as low as 1500'' NAME AND ADDRESS BROAD ST. SEND FOR FREE CATALOG. 5-Ton Macks 5-Ton Whites 5-Ton Garfords 5-Ton Pierce-Arrow UsedCaruepartment It is unfortunate that mjsunder standings seem to be so easily created in the auto mobile business. A policy of "fair and just dealings with every one" aids us in avoid ng many such happenings. Bigelow-Willey Motor Co. Pals' DUtHbutort 304 North Broad St Philadelphia - REBUILT VIM TRUCKS - GUARANTEED BY MAKER A YEAR TO PAY VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. Broad and Huntingdon Sts. UmIIidC..8.ton truck chassis, llko new; . .....m iimnnc. v5 Sas.!? WJS5i. Phn. ' -,..- ws.voniui, . uao. ROOMS FOB RENT PINE ST.. 1810 Lanre parlor, beautifully furnished, with baby Brand Piano: private family. -w SPRUCE ST., SOU Single and en ,!.. private bath; electricity; Southern Posure- gentlemen. ou WALNUT ST.. 1312-Very attractive rooms with private baths: new and renllv hen,, tlful: hotel appointment, and aerviV. aU" 1BT1I ST , S.. 247 Rooms, also apta.. kltch enette and bath. Apply rear 247 a. ilith at. .. . VT"'. N" 180 (HOTEL RURIC) Up-to-date f urn. rooms, electric. h..w heat dally and weeltlv rates: conv. to stations1 good accommodations for traveling nenp 10TII ST., N.. 1401 Two rooms, furnished. up: housekeeping room, bath. 80 37TH ST.. S.. tin 2 rooms, unfurnished, 2d floor, near hath; convenient to L. DOTH ST.. N.. 470 Two rooms and bath for light housekeeping. UOO.M In an up-to-date apartment: adjolninc lar 722, after 7 o'olock evenlnes. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, (second floor, north of QlrarJ ave,, east or Broad st.. for lleht housekeeping; slvo rates nnrt full Information In replying, M 408, Ledger WANT 2 unfurnished rooms, second-noor front: elderly couple; lluM housekeeping: neighborhood 10th to 21st., Susquehanna to Somerset Addreen 21B0 N. Lambert st. FurnUhefl WANTED Ry reflned couple, business man and wife 1 or 2 well-furnished rooms and private bath In nicely located private home with plain, home-cooked board: will pay wuli for desirable and pleasant place: highest ref. erences, please describe fully what you have It 810. Ledger Office. BOARTONO PINB ST, 4110 Warm house. S. H.; good table: contlnuou H. W. . ref. Ph. Uar. 601 FURNISHED APARTMENTS SPIU'CE ST , 1010 Beautifully furnished apartments; some prlv, baths: one house keeping suite; transient rates If desired. APARTMENTS TASTEFULLY furnished, artistic second, floor front living room, bedroom, bath, well lighted and heated, private entrance, con tinuous hot watet, electricity, open flrtplace; 10 mln, to City Hall: 180, 401U Chestnut a t. APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central -prlmtnti a aoeclalty. Sherwood Apr. Afftnl S2B 8 Ilioad at. Soma very attraotlelv fnm, ants . wm houeek.eplnr, WALNUT 8T, '.'108 Two unfurnished rooms acts., suitable for count or bachelor: baVh, fieriric an moaern conrwnirnc.B ta. VERT ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT to'sub. let. at the aladstone Apt, House, 11th and Pine sts. Apply at hotel office, WTMT VHILADKLrillA UP-TO-pATK apartment In West Phlladtl. Phial all modern conveniences: Immediate "'SV SEtPBr, 4 CO.. IMC.. 0 anfCiUowb.W Ik '' ' -s , -V FURNISHED APARTMENTS 037 C1REEN ST. Furnished housekeeping apartments: 180 per month and upi see janitor. . UHN Al'TB.l cent, loc.: by week It desired. Sherwood Aot. Agency. 22.1 S. Droad str HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS i Furnished 17TH ST.. S.. 25S Housekeeping suite. 2 rooms, attractively furnished. Apt. Agency. 22,1 8. Hroad . 1VTST riULAIIKLrillA 207 8. 45TII Second. floor apartment, rooms and 2 baths, $100: third floor. 0 rooms and bath, 8r: Immediate possession: also HfUh and Walnut, second floor, 4 rooms and bath, $100. , TAYLOR & SON 20 S. 40TH . APARTMENT HOTELS BARTRAM APARTMENTS 3?,D AND CHESTNUT STS. A few apartments, large rooms with bath, for rent, either for the winter or year) dining-room service unexcelled. HOTEL COLONIAL aM1t. Select apartment family hotel: In the center of the city: operating on the American plan; our table will please ttm moat exacting, C. PITMAN BAKER. Jr., Manager, THE DELMAR-M0RRIS . . American plan CHELTEN AVB AND MORRIS ST. fWRMANTOWN THE LITTLE HOTEL. 22B 8. Hroad St. A good place to live while III rhllnd"lnhl RE AIi ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1047 NORTH LAWRUNCU STREET R-story brick dwelling. 0 rooms: possession; heater, range, gae, hath: sroort location. VM. L. CRAVKX'3 SONS, 1H4B N, 7th St. CHESTNUT ST., corner property, between 2d and 3d sts.: strong, up-to-data B-story bplldlng; to be sold this week; Investigate, Apply 10 S. Delaware He. Lombard olio. 211S EAST ANN STREET. Largo 3-story dwelling. 8 rooms ahd bath, side yard: lot 38lli8 to Hull street. WM. L. CRAVEN'S K0N3, 1040 N. 7th st. 1224 BUTTONWOOD Central location; sultnble to alter Into shop or garage; lot 10 ft. 10 In. by GO ft. ARTHUR B03WELL, 2:it N. 18th sL :814 N. 8TH ST. Three-story brick dwelling, 0 rooms, convenl tree, only e2800 clear: early possession. WM. I. CRAVEN'S HON'S. IMP N, 7th st. RENTED 17 per month- price 11000: 2421 N. Warnock st. : 3-story brick dwelling; splendid Investment. SAMUEL BTERN, 21n North American Rids. 2100 E. LEHIGH AVE. Three-story dwelling, 7 rooms: range and bath: very large yarn: cyiriy possession WM. L. CRAVEN'S I UB, i 1540 N 7th St. 127 WALNUT ST DeBlrable business prop, orty: assessed nt $18,000: prico for quick tale $10,000. Samuel Colder, 1718 Chest nut at 1540 N. 0TH ST. Three-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms; large yard: rear staltwav. conveniences. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS, IMP N. 7tll St. PRICE J2S50 each. Nos. 1233-123!i Dav st.; nice 3-story brick dwellings, near Frank ford and Olrard aves. Wick & Vollmer. 4421 Oermantown ave. 1202-1218-1220 N. HUTCHINSON ST. 3 story brick dwellings. 10 rms. (near Olrard ave.); tell separate; cheap and easv terms. WM. L. CRVVEN'S SONS, liUll N. 7th St. 4343 N. ORIANNA 8T. Imm. possess.: 2 tv. Tinrrh front, ft rma. and bath mnrt bargain. Chas. W. Miller, 401-07 Common wealth BIdg, 20.10 N. DARIEN ST.. 2 story. 0 rms.SlOOO 2350 N. Mascher at., 2 story, 4 rooms 12uo 1425 E. Oxford at.. 3 story, frame.. 1200 WM L, CRAVEN'S SONS 1548 N. 7th at. 1727 W. OXFORD Twrlle-room dwelling; In excellent condition: modern bath: price low to close account. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 2019 Columbia ave. RODMAN. 1214 to 1222, 5 houses, on lot 674 xIHi; rents for 5900; prico for quick sale 10500. ORISCOM. 2100 Catharine nt. 2211 E. THOMPSON ST, Two-story brick dwellings; fl rooms; nice homo: bath and range- sell cheap. W.r. L CRAVEN'S SONS, 1,14(1 N. 7th st. 2410-2425 N. THILIP ST. Two brick dwellings, 4 rooms, cheap for cash- monthly leases; good Investment. WM. L CRVVEN'S SONS 1540 N, 7th St. 1027 N. MARSHALL ST. Three-story, brick; cozy home: 10 rooms; con veniences: choice location; sell cheap. WM. L CRAVEN'S SONS 154H N 7th st. 101O NORTH FRANKLIN ST., O ROOMS. 1BU NORTH PERTH ST., 5 ROOMS. WM. L CRAVEN'S hONS, 1540 N, 7th, TIOQA Near station; vacant: 3-tory corner, semldet., 12 rooms. 2 baths; garage prlv. Price BO00. Lew la Est.. 1421 TlogA et. 1946 N. 24TH ST. 2-story 7-room dwell.; convs. : vacant: prico attractive. Wm. L. Cravens aons. jiiu v,mumpia ave. 180 WILT ST. Two story, brownstonn trim- ln nil fflT. A fl TTlfl t Kant t1Ki ! 11700. Edward J Grubh 10U B Haunhln. 330 S. 17TH ST. Three-sty. dwg. 0 room3. 1 Damroom; iituuc.ji piuuiuins. eiec llgnt' Ing: possession C. F. Simon, 112 S, 16th 8301 POTTER ST. Corner property, 0 rooms and bath. W. C. DENKERT, 1421 unestnut et. 2456 N, ALDER ST.. PRICE I1.SO0 1130 S. SYDENHAM. PRICE 10 500 ivAijit-iv v. vj.jm.. vmu p. tiroaQ si. 100 BWCK S. 19th St.. dwelling for sale: reasonable. Apply C. C. Henry, 605 Drexei Bldg. Phone LombHrd. 5283. ' 1813 ARCH ST ' ' Four-storv stone-front residence ARTHUR ROSWE'LL. 'J.tl N 1.1th si 1211 S. BROAD ST. Fifteen rooms; mod- em: lot 200 ft. to rear Btreet. JEROME B JARDELLA 153-, Chrlstlnn ,t 3-STORY. -rm. house, vacant, on 12th st near Jefferson. This la a bargain, simp. son. 210 Crozer Bldg. STORE and dwelling with "mall houso oil rear st.: near 10th and Hamilton; prico tfinoO Arthur Bo well. '.'S3 N. 13th r WE HAVE mapv desirable central business properties: let us know vour wants. Sum uel Holder 1211 Chestnut nt 1723 OLENWOOD AVE. 2-sty (I rooms aS5 bath, convs. Chas. W. .Miller. 401.07 Commonwealth Bide. PROPERTIES In Kensington ave. for aala" ".AMERON, 2811 Kensington ave. Hale' cami: 1014 N. 13TH, laundry tubs 14 rms. GLENN, iaf?I.-i..IM?n'. "" -''"I1IIU1I1. POSSESSION J3200; 425 Berks; 7 rooms Howard B. Wilson & Co.. 2122 Otn. ave ' J2U3U 2h58 N Marshal' st, 2 stoiy; convs" K.J. GRURB. 1B14 n. Dauphin st. ' 2002 N. UROAD ST.. 17 rooms; 25x200: flne tome, GLENN. 1517 Columbia. "' "no POSSESSION- !0,10p: 2732 N. 1 1 thTTikTSSfT; harg. Howard B. Wilson & Co., 21 22 Gtn. v J4JOO 21140 N. 12th st corner of Uakdale k. J. liHUHn inu i: nauphin t ' 1014 N. 10TH. 2 baths, elcc. lights, hot" water lit. garage. GLENN. 1517 Colnmffl POSSESSION 1503 N. 12th HOWARD n" WILSON & CO., 2122 Oermantnw ay. ' 2021 COLUMBIA AVE. 4 apt. house: mod price $7000 F, A Taylor 2204 FltgivateV' 1053 N. BROAD Corner; liot-w. heat' "li xl50; garage. GLENN. 1517 Columbia POSSESSION 2000: 2813 N Opali (1 riM Howard B, Wilson & Co., 2122 Otn, ""' 25 ST 3D Deslrahlo location for Jobber" Samuel Polder, 1218 Chestnut st ' 2011 N. 1KTH. 2 baths , 2 baths, elec. Ights., hot. nt. OI.UVN. 1517 rolu'niMa. wtr nt. : vaca 1830 NAUDAIN; front & rear; drained; good. lllvcBiiucm, yr, touwv. f urreii, uu E. utn. GASOLINE ALLEY Catch m 4 ASIDE FOR MS? Mm HELP! " tOOKi ilUE jl w'' M'Wff cuts- bvgS X lr J t -T ' ,T.T A -VT REAL ESTATE FOR BALE CITV 7TH AND CHERRY! commercial 6I0B.1 uno.ono 1002 N. 17th: brownstonei 10 rooms. 1828 N. 15th: 12 rooms: vacant. , Cor. 18th and Brandvwlne: 2 fronts: central, Iflti Wallace; 18 rooms: vacant, . .. . 181B Mt. Vernon: double frontl 8. baths: mod- ... em hent, . , . 2119 Oreen: 12 rooms. 2 baths: nice home. 1518 N, 17th: side yard: 2 baths. . 2012 Wallace; 12 r.: side yard: pnss.: cheap. 4iri jutn; rms. zi-t unristian. 735 N, 17th: 11 rms. 180'J llalnbrldge. . 2225 Ml. Vernon: 11 r. 851 N.28d: vacant. 1805 Mt. Vernon: 2 b.216-20 Cecil; 3 story. Z503 N. 20th: 2 story. 4603 Ella. 1502 Mt. Vernon: 2 b. Vol 24th: 11 rms. 718 N. 18th: corner. 1B28 Green: mod. heat SOOfl Mad'n: e.i store, 801 N. 21st: jor.: Dr. 180,'i-1820 Green. ow N. 15th: ttr.l pos. 705 Corinthian ave.: 21 14 Green: 12 rooms, modern. 1010 Mt. Vernon: vac. 1018 Brown, li rm H1RRERH H, WORRELL & CO.. B5B N. 17th For Sale Four-Story Building Lot 20 x 65 GOOD CONDITION V4 BLOCK FROM MARKET ST. LIONEL FRIEDMANN LAND TITLE BUILDING 1812 to I860 E. Wensley Street 5 rooms and bath, under drained, fine yards. Lots 14x72 Will be sold singly On Easy Terms Apply Room 6. 44 N. 4th St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION N. E. COR. MARSHALL AND GREEN STS,: THOROUGHLY RENOVATED 11. room brick house; PHOTOGRAPHIC SKY LIGHT, roomv SIDE YARD on OREEN ST.: SUITABLE FOR RU3tNES8 PURPOSES: size of lot about 23x50: Immediate posses. Ion. Apply at Wunderle's Candy Factory, 1.10 Pegir t (opposite, 448 N, 2d st.) THE PENNSYLVANIA CO. For Insurances on Lives and Orantlng Annuities . . H17 CHESTNUT ST. 1315 Falrmount ave.: 18100: 13 rooms 5500 1506 Cabot St.; 18x52: 7 rooms 2400 15.14 Master st ; lllxn."!; 14 rooms 7500 1008-10 Master st ; 36x80: 13 rooms., noon 1P31 N WatU st : 20x52: 3 rooms.... 43no 1430 N. Watts st ; 12.880: 8 rooms.. 2'ino 1327 riori st.; 1285: 0 rooms 2100 1.711 SPRUCE ST. A large 4-storv brick dwelling. fnuhtonaHta a.rtlnn nf tlta ctti 18 rooms Including 2 bathrooms: all mod- ' ern conveniences: size of lot 20x10.1 ft. to back street: must be sold to close an estate. . Address only I WILLIAM J. LAWRON. Attorney at Law, j 1410-18 South Penn square. I CENTRAL SMernl nronerUn 10O block N 3d st MALERMAN581-3";1,130' LA HO I J mill: slow-burning construction: HH ncres of land, with wharf: 173.000 su ft floor spuce: flrst-ciass condition: 1000 H. P engine, boilers, generators: complete power plant; 5 elevators- sprinkled: steam heat, etc: price reasonable; possession Do das H 405 Ledger Orflr. 1828 ARCH STREET LOT 22x100 TO CITHHKRT ST POUR-STORY DWELLING RITE RIPE FOR AN IMPROVEMENT CHAR L, nnOWN H CO.. 217 S. Broad. lfiSS E. MONTGOMERY AVE., CORNER 1804-1R00-1S0K-1810-1812 TULIP ST Largo dwelling, 10 rooms, with adjoining garage and 8 8-story dwellings. 4 rooms; rental 924 sell together for Investment. WM. T, CRAVEN'S RONR. 1M0 N. 7th st. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2010 North College uvenue 8 story, brick dwelling containing 11 rooms and, bath Price JfiOOO. GIRARD TRUST CO. Droad and Chestnut sts. 1012 N. 12TH ST.. TflOOO Large 4-story dwelling. 15 rooms, with deep lot nrd gtriige (2 story), on Fawn st., 24-ft. front through. WM. L. CRAVEN S" SONS. ir,4tl N 7th st and 2010 Co umbi live 1024 N. 17TH ST. Excellent proposition for apartment house: 10 rooms and 2 baths: possession In 30 days. M. JACOB MARKMANN Bell ph.. Spruce 2032, 8011 Finance Ridj. AMBLER AVE.. REAR 1311 CAMRRIDOE at. Six court houses, near 13th and Glrard ave.: 3 story. 4 rooms each; separate yard: well rented; lot 28x72, fine Investment WM. I. CRAVEN'S SONS, 184B N. 71h St. 20 MINUTES' ride from center of city; 8 rooms and bath; owner will paper and paint throughout. Imm. possma. prico J2700, M. JACOB MARKMANN Bell ph.. Spruce 20,12. 808 Finance Bide. PLAZA APARTMENTS. 83d at abow Colum. bla ave. Sixteen apartments, each apart ment containing 8 rooms and 2 baths; thor ouchlv enuioped. all tenanted: first-class in vestment Morris Bernstein 2200 Arch st OWN YOUR OWN HOME. JKI00 2940-2044-2B48 N. Lawrence at., 2-story brick dwellings 8 rooms, range bath gas, m!n street: good order: sell separate If desired. WM, L, CRAVEN'S SONS, 1.1411 N 7th st. SEVEN 7-room houses, hi tfquare from ele. ated station at Allegheny, toilet and enamel tub In bathroom: can finance to $1700 or retail at 12400 each: Pllce to quick uuer ,2l0O. Wm. I.ovi Inc.. 20.11 Kensington ao. 2001) E. TIOGA 8T 3-atorv brick dwtlllnir. 0 rooms 3243 N. SALMON ST 2-story brick dwelling, .1 rooms WM. L CRAVEN'S SONS 1.140 N Tth st. MUST HE SOLD to settle estate lot) n Allen St., 0 rooms, rent J13. price 11,100, 2051 N, Philip st fl rooms I1G00; 731 N. 7th st . 0 rooms and store $4-100. SEIDEL ft CO.. INC.. 4th and CaHowhlil. OWN. YOUR OWN HOME 017 N. Franklin st., 20th ward 1,130 N. Marshall st., 20th ward Large dwelllncs. good location: line home WM 1. CRAVEN'S SONS lB-lll X Till st. SMALL central apartment bulldliiK, h.ind somclv furnlsh-d: .1 valuiblo central prop erty and a ttolni huslnecs; the Income Is ex celltnt. Sherwood Apartment Aseno, 223 S Rroad st. J727-2731-2733-273.1-2737.273n N .MUTTER ST (near Lehlh ave.l Two-story brick dwelllncs. B room", ranpre. gas. bath, hot and cold water: sell slnalv or tocnther Wf L CRAVEN'S SON'S 1,140 X 7h st NORTH PHILA. property, near Broad heart of business section; IS rooms cas dec. trlclty, phone, steam heat, rent J14-.1 per month, not Including; owner's npartment price tS.IOO. F. A. Tavlor. 2204 ritzwate". " 1252 N. 11TH ST " Three-story brick dwelllns. 10 rooms conenI ences Kood order; near Glrard ae . offered at barsaln: possession soon. WM I. CRAVEN'S SONS 1.140 y 7th k( COLORED BUYERS 1843 N. Opal, Or dweU'B. con loo price low. Win. L. Craven's Sons. 21110 Columbia CENTRAL APARTMENT enOc.."voVR0LtLi2cS?,B5TN'.rlr,Vtenl and Carry By KING T A TTT A TiX- Svl 4 OOA ujun uxvi x J-wv REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY BARGAIN , Central Apartment . House FOUR APARTMENTS OF- fi ROOMS AND HATH BACH: ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES AND .IN GOOD CONDITlO.sJ: WILL PAY 20 ON INVESTMENT OF $7500 CASH, INQUIRE Charles N. Houston 149 S. Broad.St. WOOL WAREHOUSE WOOL BISTRICT Near Front and Market.cor ner property; 24,000 q. ft. J. BECHER ANDERSON 1521 CHESTNUT Ilnlldlng Ijotn, Taclory Kite, r.to. . . (loo.ooo Prominent Chest, St. Corner 121 x 200; 8 fronts Desirable for manufacturing or automobile building LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. TWO DESIRABLE 1A0T3. with railroad frontage, N. W, corner 4th and Ontario ts.i 14.400 tq. ft.: N. E. corner N. P. R. R. and Indiana ave,. 22.600 sq. ft,: suitable for stone yrrd. coal yard, storage or Ice plant. J. W, RHOaDS, 13, 3. Sth St. SITES RAILROAD Ponna. and Reading: .'000 per acre and up. according to locr Irqulre for terms. Dleterlch. 737 Walnut st. BUILDING. LOTS on Dlsston and Longshore sts : must bo sold. LUKENH & MONT- OQ.MERT. 113 Shuckamaxon st Riislness rrntertlc nnd Slorea BUSINESS PROPERTY Vicinity loth and Market sis; 4-story storo and floors: elevators; lot 10x7; must sell to close an estate. J. T. JACKSON CO. c','hnsuttat RIVERFRONT PROPERTY. 40 feet frontage on Delaware ave., between Market and Chestnut sts.: right at the ferries: heart of wholesale and shipping district of Phila delphia; Immediate possession, thoroughly modern and up to the minute; act quick. Apply 10 S. Delaware ae. Lomba-d .1110. CHERRY ST.. building site. 00x144: 8th and Sansom, business property. 2n4.1.C; 10th above Market 4-story store, 10x02: rch near ITroad (2). each 20 8x12.'.: Cherry st., factory. "4 floors. (13x108: 18th st above Chestnut, corner. r,0x72. WILLIAM J. HAINES. 1011 Chestnut st. I OFFER FOR SALE several corner proper. ties, formerly used as saloons: all parts of the city. Edward J. Orubb. 1014 E. Dau- phln st. tnrei and Dwellings STORE. 2.130 TULtP ST. (CORNER) Two-story brick, 0 rooms, range and bath: gnn.1 location tor business find chenp. WM T. CR WEN'S SONS. 1.140 N. 7th St. 30TH and Columbia, large store and dwell ing: conveniences: VACANT, well located; will sell under value to close account. Win, L. Craven's Sons. 2019 Columbia nve. ractorles. Munnff during Floors ' i S2OO.O0O Large Plant Vicinity Chester 11,1.00(1 sq ft floor spare 100 acres land Duplication cost $400,000 BARGAIN LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. njfii n ;i v ti r I ividi Duuaing inree rronis 3S.0O0 tnuare feet 'on Palmer st . between Hope nnd Howard, mill buildings with lot 110-tl20: 3 street fronts; engine and boilers, price right, J. T. JACKSON CO. CT,gAT WE HANDLE factories, alien and ware houses erluslvelv from nn ini.lnu.,fntf nnA manufacturing standpoint Ph. W.ilnut 2403. I J. ALAN X1IDDLETON , Factory SneclallM and ProtlurtUm Engineer. Wldfner Tlldg Phllsile'nhln n I FOUR-STORY FACTORY 1 SOth and Master' (1.1,000 sci ft of floor I 02.200 so., ft. of 1-nd. .1 fronts, sldlnc I HlHllERn H WORRELL ft ril . .-,.1s sj 17th INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, warehouses, vacant land railroad and water frontace. J. I.. STEVENSON & SON. S22 Land Title. Wureliocises ;.io,ooo Central 4-Story Warehouse 32 x 1.10 t28.00O. 1 stores 20 i 100 4TH AND ARCH $13,000: 4 stores 10.0 x SO 2d nnd W.ilnut LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. WEST 4'iriHIK.l'HI $4400 '-'-''ry 7-room divs , eK c llcht 5)f1UU 1Mnlr ha hardwood firors.itc' convenlentlv located. EUGENE L. T0WNSEND B E Cor. 40th st & Baltimore n ve. JJ200 THREE STORY. 10 rooms, reception 43dhaa'nd 's'an1seodIna,.et..I,083"3,OI': "JJant to TAYLOR Sc SON ' 20 S 40TH 204 NORTH 33D ST We ean Bive vou immcdhite possession of this 11-room 3-bath aide-yard house" it il Assessed at J9500. and ;he price tor a tiulck taic Is J 7tiUu. J. C. BOGAN. OOP Drexei nidi. SPECIAL OFFERING TO HOME ntJTCns n beautiful houses 0 rooms and hath. 100 block South Rubv st . between Chestnut nnd Walnut sts. present price $420(1- Vhii week only STANDARD BROKER ni. CO . .111.1 Drexei Hl.lg onuivUHOt, STORE and DWELLING. 0 rooms nnd bath hot-water heat. elic. llehts. A No l h. Inoss center on Woodlind uve Quick poss Lofland, 7121 Woodland Ave. RAILROAD lot; about Mltlll . ft ,w,h , . tireenwa ; nrnuce for 4 cars: price i 161 n little or no cash. JOS. ALLEN POTTS 400.1 RALTI.MORE WJT7 "AVE A LARGE LIST W r, OK MODERN HOMES ' ' - IN WEST PHILA! Carpenter & Wilson p ",",&" riNE IB 2-story 0-room house: Inolosej poreh arage In rear; one of the bewt reslrlentiiLi Ions In West Phlla suit, for pi iVslcaS. Kal sections in west I'nna suit, fur pluslpai. . ..,., .-.ansint T.4TH AND SIASTER STS -K room. ,. porch, large terrac. excellent condition" rim he bouaht rheau. M .Imh MT.-V.'ii1""1! I SOU Finance Bldg Bell ph 3pViTcp glia"' NICE HOUSES IN NICE NEIGHBORHOOD for sale on easv termB. photoaVaniTi' 1 booklet on request PEMBERTON ESTATri , 813 Harrison Ulds J-aiAlLB. 4.17 AND 4S'.I N UEARHOR.V fi rooms .nn bath. $20(111 cuUl 42S N Ilorton j.hno I KvoW 401 N. Dearborn, or 112 s loth I Room sin 1"tn" COLORED BVYERS Immediate iisBeJi., 140 N .14tk. thoroughly renovated, n room.' hath, porch front $ 800. jttle cash' reqS?r2i j W, Graham, 2342 K. Woodstock at. ' 182 N. ROBINSON s'r (Qverbrook rtl.trlen Modern 2-st , Putch hall. MnlsriVd m white a.nl iiMhnr.iity Immediate PqsseinJ, ADOLP1I B CASPAR. 110th a. Lanirt".?1' BAKER & S0N,,ArLvl 404.1 BALTIMORE AVE., lot 120x15s r7 . corner lot. suitable for an ipirimeni house Mr Malker the Land Titiu l.nJ Trust Co. Broad and Cheslnu si. "" M,J YES It's vacant 11 rooms- innde"riTT7r and dwell:;., 51 00 1 block .. RaltiSVS. .'v"." suit any business EMERSON CONRAn -' k 10th. IWUJi "" tmn SAI.i: Recent t iv,t story 10 rooms, porch-front, price, tlnnn A. B McOINNIS, Phone Lombard 21ii400' to 43d." LAROE J.isi oi ivest rnnadelphu nrnn.'." ties, $1000 up. HESTO-NVILLE tn&trf ESTATE CO 1823 Lancaster ar. "BAL SACRiriCEWpnderful home, c of 62diT Itnn hardwood finish. e mldet.h-j."..1!'' g baths, porch; near L. M 338. Ledi,', t' lSl7 S. WILTON ST. ti rooms, all me.rt", convs. prlc, $300 little cash "e";-.? Call GRAHAM. Dickinson 1370 n,"' SEVERAL business propertlrs on MarkTt st west of ttoth at. Carpenter t Wilson 022l Market st. Belmont 10,17 'vl'n. LANf-ASTBR AV 400 blk, Larg.' buslnws i)-oiertylM?:18u. o rear et,r lane srarati HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE REAL ESTATE TOR SAUI.V m WKHT IIIII.MlKl.rlllA WKHT ritn.'.Kf.rlH.' ' ' 1 WM. H. W. QUICK & BR0., Inc. ' 8 S. 40th St. .rRESTON 2387 WEST 430, We offer tho following properties subject to prior sale: $4,000 to $8,000 4054 Aspn st. 5544 Anproru st. S. E. 37th & Baring: 4015 Baring st. 4445 Chestnut st. 142 S. 46th st. 909 Farragut st. 320-22 N. 41st st 3414 Hamilton st. 3339 Powelton ave. $8,000 to $16,000 4323 Baltimore ' 319 S, 41st (cor.) 504 S. 42d st. 504 S, 45th st 435 S. 4Gth st. 4415 Osage ave. 4201 Pine st. 4316 Walnut st. 4013 Baltimore S. E. 47th & Locust Member Philu. Real Estate Board NEW SHERWOOD HOMES WITH GARAGE OverlooUlnjr CobbB Croek Boulevard on Warrlnpton Avenue. Between 68th and B9th street (1700 south). Double track trolley service. Large Rarafre, enclosed porch, hardwood floorn through out, hot-water heat, unusually-large terrace and driveway. All tile bath and shower room. Tho most, beautifully appointed houso In tho city at the price. $8000 A. SH0TZ, Agent Modern Homes 1000 Block S.fiOth. 4 b.r &b ; 2 houses 0033 Latona, 0 rooms and b. 871 1 Christian. r. & b ; lm ,Poss. 1215 R. Edgewood. fl rooms and batn. 1080 S. Frailer. (I rooms and batn. 4218 Ballmore, 10 rms and 2 baths. 700 S. .Iflth st...fi rms, & bath. Pos. 5814 Pcmberton st . 0 rms. and batn. Michael A. Maloney 1021 SOUTH OOTH STREET. Our Newest Operation BEAUTIFUL 7 ft 8 ROOM HOMES Inclosed porcheB. hardwood floors. electric lights. combination g as kitchen, handsomely appointed batn. shower baths, large front, facing on an KO-foot street Convenient transit to center of city; narness to markets, schools and churches a feature SAMPLE HOUSE. 8.133 PASCHALL AVE Routes U and 37 In Subway or 12 on Pine St to H.lth and Woodland Ave., walk 1 block south to operation. YAGLE & BURNS Onen Evenings On Fremlses Vith or Without Garages Ideal Modern Homes 0VERBR00K FROM $2400 to ?16,O0O Money to Loan ou -d Mortgages JOHN A. THOMAS G024 Lfuicdown? Ap Relmont 8830 Open unit! V. M. Innnmt.ona dally and Sunday lncludftl NEW HOMES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $4000 AND UPWARDS ZlfLELMWOOD AVE. UUUlsHIELDS ST. Stores Schools nnd Churches Nearby ALEXANDER FERGUSON BUILDER AND OWNER ON PREMISES Take Cur Route 30 on Walnut sL BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES In the Overbrook Section From $3000 to $20,000 Wp can finance tlin purchase of nil houtfs Edw. M. Moll vvSr?s0TWoBfl3DVE- Onmi pvpb until 0 o'rlnck. Belmont SB71 4902 Arch Street, 3-Sty. Porch front in rooms, only $50nu 5810 Trinity St. 2-Sty. 9 Rms. lart:e.ard lot cnlv 4000 1213 S. Peach St. 2-Sty. Porch front, only $2)1.10 M L CRAVEN'S SONS (iSth and Chxter ae. CHEAPEST HOt'SEf IN WEST PHILA. HADFIELD STREET ,,,'k MODERN HOMES Electric Hsh-1 hardwood floors, etc. hainn'e hmi on E. & T. DOYLE CO. 1S11 MASTER ST IRVING STREET, between COth and 01st sample house open $.1000: sjx rooms and bathviIDutch ha'l. electric Ilsht; bawment luunar ,h, T, HOVLAN, 287 S 00th Bt. 600 BLOCK MARLYN ROAD Inclosed porch, mahocany and whltu finish IMMEDIATE POSSESSION EDW. M. MOLL t-SS! AVE Onen 'veptn:s uirll I) o'clock Ivlmont n)170 CORNER li'"TS ffl,Jence. completely and -wini-.ilh0).0UlrnJ ,-enuvatej, p.irguetri Poors 2 baths m'ins hall, lalnnnii iinuii new luhtln: fixtures c.ir.isc pilMlege; con- ,vi,,7t,,,, i.icu, tKiiiieuiuit possession. P'lce. I1U.,''IHI. Eugene L Townsend, Immediate Possession Offered Cor near 07th and Etmwnod ae. J,; ruv.1 3100 il a neeier si. G340 Klnirsessine: ave, rosi,. will he Blen on slsnlne agreement J. W. Camac Co.3-d, ,w011- THREE-STORY aptrtment house, contalnlne 0 flats and Janitor ouarters, adjacent to 4lst nnd Walnut, corner; stands alone rrlce $3.1.000. about $10,000 cash required, unusual Instalment proposition TAYLOR & SON 20 S 40TH 2100 BLOCK S. DAGGETT STr (0.1th and Wcod,a,.di r, rooms and lmiii newlv paint -d nnd impvcJ. $2,100, and ri rnemher. a PRnV STANDS TOR ALL THAT'S GOOD irvujj V1TH AVn i.nr'invnot ave ATTRAXTIVB modern home. eec. light hot water heat 2 baths, hardwobd floors beautiful surroundings unj outlook. 42d and' Walnut. $12,000 u unu TAYLOR & SON 2)1 SM. 4QTTL IMMEDIATE rOSSK(ION 182S S iWth si Porch front. nwly papered ard palmed, practically brand new Dutch h.ill 7 lame U-t t rm modern bith lautv dry In lisaemenl hot water heat. elec. lights hardwood floors. Interesting prlre for quick ,urorr.ser. M Taubman. Ill S..Hti H ,';47 vacant 7-room home with het icrn . .- wair ntat; lot l.lslflO! PUU KO0O ti'ock Unlind st . thorourhlv .., ,j nnd un-io-the ml-ul W Earl Yonker"T,h ""' Th""s ate. w. L,dri ioimcr iVpoi,n4 KkM THREE- STORY semidetached; choice loca. $l!i"o00 1J ""'" 3 u,h,i n1 coi"Ulon. TAYLOR ct SON 20 8. 40TH RT. CORNER PROPERTY. U rooms and bath! . Cobbs Creek Palk sVctloSi il'ctrlc T lights riluVu? arr1j.',n',b?-. lclU4 pS,cq; $16,000 to $115,000' 4800 Cheater ave. r '3508 Baring st. 3912 Chestnut St. S. E. 42d & Locust 3801 Walnut st. N. E. 39th & Spruce i 4201 Walnua &t 3509 Spg. Garden st. S.E.34th & Powelton 3900 Chestnut st. J! '-r t '! It e T ft DICKINSON 6387 HOME Is Where You Make It . Be delighted as all others are. with ?hJ i0nVu?UKri ','"'e beauty" horhea In rh..1.000 blo.ek. s' nhan ' nn' " Srin.'T ave ' tT.autlfu,y pspered nnd painted new silver electric fixtures; bainpro'plunSlngdTu" YOU NEED ONLY $400 CASH WE FINANCE THE BALANCE NET CARRYING CHARGES ONLt $19.00 A MONTH Agent at Samnlp House or . ,n.!:iAkTY FINANCE CO. "-" -nestnut st. Locust 070.1. $6250 $3750 $4500 $4800 $3300 O80H Paschall ave.; n rms liot-water h.at. double a. rase: lot 23W r.ltlo Windsor Place, steam heat nd cas. 0 rms. and bath' , Same, steam heat, hard vood floors, white mahoi- .,!!ivff;K0sthJt : G room.; nnd bath: modern. 1000 block, S. Salford L: . 10 houses, il rooms and.r ?ll,S!.p?.rc'!ncI",, '"nt: i00 Initial payment. J. N. McMichael Realty Co. 18th nnd Snrlrmfltld ave Wood. flnOS $5)0 Cash $3500 $2Q.0Ct,l Monthly; 9"! $8 additional monthly rerf! 4unt:u io reauce za mtg. SAMPLE HOUSE ' 6042 UPLAND ST. BIST AND KINGSESSINQ , Sj "ffi I.arser rooms than the avemee J4"'!o house; nmnla,. t j:...1" s.v- hath electric Ichts. eti T.tr. . S "J V:,aln,,t st ,;'" H car In Subwa Ox ner on premises or Samuel Stern. 210 North American Bulldlne. Member Phlla Real Estate Board. NEW HOMES IN CHOICE LOCATION NASSAU STREET BETWEEN O0TH AND 01ST ST3 OVERBROOK EVERT T.1TP T.c,n.,,... LNCLOSED PORCHES WITH HEAT t. bAKAGb ATTACHED HENRY S. REED On Premises or 1112 Chestnut t. llltb n not over 5 persons delusive ; lSr;;"'!',V',U!,ui! features, aan,; nous? GOODMAN I.ulMer and Owner on nr.m Vacant l;'2 s. M111'ek coom ab. BaitV vaLaui hol water iCctrc hardwood CROWLEY 12.17 N HOth st ' . NEAR I2d and pine sts, 1-story porch.frm. residence, possession with deed Bt ARTHUR BOSWEI.L. gaa N 13)1, ,t 3032 ANGORA TKR $r.O0O. 7" rooms: nt' nueiry nnors. eicpincnj, steam. CheVtii Osh-irre ir,24 Chestnut VACANT. 12S N Edecwood st 2 sty Deh newn renoNated. $3000. neai l.fu'vli,' nlre.Trust Compsnv. 44th and Lancaster .v YES scant 5320 Chancellor st S room's modern porch nice Co-imd .1.1 N. 10th 00 BLOCK. N. Cecil st . 0 dwelling. sty . porch frls WORRELL flM N nf?.i, ' f i-cio nt Kfnv,tll l. ai. l penler ft Wilson 0220 Mark.) PelnT'io?' 58 N SOTH One block from eley ,i. . n Vacsnl "'':;7 Wsil'on hvc . 8 rms , larg vacani. bedroom Crowle 1237 N. StntV - 01J2-24 i'h.-..i,jii i --n rms. t, bath. Carpenter Wilson (1220 Market.Bcl.lnMT HnslnJwH I'ronrrtlew anil Mores i GOTH & MARKET ST. - i,M oifr list rt chiiirtible buslnes. irri crties where ulues hae trebled In iiii I ,,) 4TS1 (.! ,,i,t few vetrs D. F. RYAN R00H MARKET 6T BELL PHONE. r' ONE STORY 40x110 ft , double storo front and wiielnujf Marktt un.l 40th i i SAMPIJ3 HUt'SE. just tonioletert vj 23 000 ,if mt $11000 cash required! oSy bonaflde purchaser deslrlns to locate ,ln iiciUe business section neeil apply P 14 Ledlter (Ifftce 'f i.i:ii.iiantihvn ' , slock st. U0OO block north, west of LlrniOt kiln pike. 1 aquurt north of Chilttn ayj ?T transfer line for Old York ril Uermantor''' and Wujne uif and Route 7.1 half .souify, from new John L Klnsey School, 7 room M poreh Inelosure -terrace front Individual ir ntrunc hardwood floors throughout: nume oi iiaranrr unit qualltv, backed f th- recomnendatlons of umi 70 purchaatiT s, ,t",';S.iVir.iiWM1'.,K.'.r.. '" ""." c"n- W, (Ifflee ;lll Rldee ave lle. 610 W SEDC.WICK ST dsi-hed house. 10 rnoni walir heat, lot 30xl7K i ne.r Wayn L "3 and Henry School Apply 01 ma?itown 014 W. nr pnone Crs. j NT $5700 PER YEAR. prlc. I43ku', 1113-15 Wayne me 3sty sit hotM? MUEL HTERN.210 North American I 118 APSLEV BT- I'llia .Lstory, d resiu- n win, aorunv, large jot rellned locsllop, owner on premises; Vollmer, 4431 Oermantown ave, GERMANTOWN WN Investmtnt, (10 tn f-WOrk "' 7 room,, path: goad poiils., each K. Bchurgrt, 42JT ,4,10 Asnmeki tlon: $3000 mantown ave, bTN - Beautiful home 180(1 bludt Iff. flltt house ot,i rm.. porch, ex coni.i ImZ pomi. irn r - nomas 2i w, l,ehtr 4020 N, 20X11 ST r ',. 1 & ;m $mx , H W I 1 I v () , Copyrlibt, ls:o. by tt'lrlbuaa ci . s, -t; frf, " . -. 2D N, 20TH ST -.lSle.-ant thrVeV.lfyl m. Wlk yrtumt, tSt OtfuuMaM ti,( . .-. ----. ... , y TV f ! r , is,l TS tieu. IK Ana- W lm kvl Tfo r, t,V,, 'I ' tf). . if'i-tJ A), A? AiJ , a m." ' if :u -u ..A'.P8-