w- 7f p "'fiMrfiNtNTrf PUBlW IiGER-iPHlLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, tTANUARr 21, 1920 ? V K i i f American Candy Co. Starts Expansion 7 Per Cent Cumulative Preferred With Right To Buy Common Wjth Prohibition actually in effect by the 18th Amendment the increased Candy demand that was looked for has begun. The American Candy Company is already busy with its initial steps of expansion and has purchased the ad joining property wtyh the view to ward erecting a second factory unit which will make it one of.the largest . most modern candy ,coriceni8 in, the world. Our recommendation of Ameri can Candy Stock has found wide spread favor and our books will soon be closed. This stock is a 7 per cent Cumula tive Preferred offered at $100 par and carrying the right to purchase five shares of common at $7.50 per share, of no par value, with each share of preferred. Orders should be mailed without delay, or preferably wired. NEW YORK BOND SALES Snmmnry of TntllvMimt Transactions on New1 York Exchange Am Agr & C Co On looo .... so 3000 .... 08 Am Ab & C Co D Ba 2000 .... 8 Am 8 & net Co Bs 1000 .... 84 Am Tel & Tel clt 5000 .... 78 Am Tel & Tel 5 1000 .... 82 10000 .... 82 V4 S0OO .... 88 Am Tel &. Tel Co b 1000 4000 4000 8000 1000 08Mi 08 88,i nay. Am VV I'tttitr 0 7 5000 ... 81 Mi Anglo-Krcnch B Bb 1000 J 1100 'lo'oo 2.1000 iooo 18000 30000 1000 48000 18000 ooqo 3000 8000 1000 6000 1000 oA 00 06 08 00 90 1 00 , 00 06 00 06 06 06 06 00 00 F. A. BREWER & CO. Specialists in Candy and Sugar Issues 208 South La Salle Street Chicago "MAKE-A-WILL DAY" Expert Service is "PROVIDENT" Service Are your business and financial affairs so arranged that your family will get the most out of your life work if you should be called upon to hand your interests over to a successor? Consult us today "Make-a-Will Day," with ref erence to the disposition of your property. By Letter, Phone or Personal Interview THE PROVIDENT LIFE and TROST COMPANY Arg-.ntlne Hopub SB 2000 .... 71 Atoh Trnna a Ij 4a B00O,... 74 Atch T & 3 l'e ad J 3000 .... 70 soon .... ou A T &. S F CV 4B 0000 .... 60 Atch T & S F6 46 1000 . .. 78 1000 .... 78 Atlnn Coast Line 4s 3000 .... 77 AUfirr Coabt Line clt sooo .... 00 At I Knox & Cln 4s 1000 . . . 70 Bait & O P L K &. V Vlr sys 48 1000 .... 30 1000 .... 50 Bill: Ohio Tol 4s aooo .... fii Bum & Ohio nu cv C. M & St P cv E SOOO .... 07 S00O .... 07 0000 .... 07 8000 .... 68 Chi II I & Vaa fd iooo loooo . iooo . sooo . moo . 10000 . iooo . 2000 sooo . ii' it l 1000 06 00 6 06 1000 4000 4000 1000 3000 3000 1000 SOOO ioooo 0000 20000 1000 2000 10000 20000 1000 sooo nooo iooo 00 61 00 00 60 01 60 06 00 60 60 60 00 00. 00 00 60 60 60 Baltimore & O JHa 1000 .... 88 I Baltimore & Ohio 4s 0000 .... 6S SOOO .... 05 1000 65 1 Baltl & Ohio IUl Bs ! 1000 .... 68 2000 .... 85 1 1000 .... 65 2000 .... es 3000 .... OS Baltl & Ohio ItR 6s N. W. Corner 4th and Chestnut Superior Oil THE.oil produced from the Corporation's properties is "Somerset Crude" (Kentucky)', a high gravity base crude. This oil contains a larger percentage of gasoline than any other crude, even Pennsylvania. It is particularly valuable for its lubricating grades, and its ease of handling in the refinery. Since November 1 st the following advances in posted price have taken place: On November 3, 1919 : 15 cents On December 23, 1919 : 25 cents On January 2, 1920 : 15 cents Present posted price of "Somerset Crude" at the well, $3.25. Present posted price of Pennsylvania Crude, $5.00. Further advances in the posted price of "Som erset Crude" are anticipated. An initial quarterly dividend at the annual rate of 12.00 ; ptr share has been tlcclated Quoted on New York Curb Circtdar on Request C. E, WELLES & CO. Members New York Stock Excliange 71 Broadway New York The above fnortnotlon s from official sources soooo 23000 20000 7000 7000 7000 fOOOO 7-00 4000 0000 18090 5000 2000 10000 10000 4000 sooo nooo 2000 20000 1000 11000 4000 1000 ISOOO 10000 sooo sooo sooo 5000 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 83 84 84 8894 H4 84 83 83 83 83 3 84 83 83 S 83 84 84 84 84 ..66 ... 60 . . 66 .. 66 A i'ue U Chile Copper Co Cs 2000 .... 8J 1000 . . . Hi Chile Copper Co 7fl 2000 ...106 Chi Qvt Hu Ku Sit 2000 .... 40 City of Lyons Go 1000 .... 02 Outuy 414 ,,t Nov 87 , 2000 ....100 C of N Y 4Ws of G4 1000 .... 04 Cof .V V 4 Via of 65 4000 ....100 C or .VV 4ta of 67 1000 ....100 City of 1'urlH B ba 10000 .... 9K 1000 .... 02 1000 .... 02 100O .... 112 1000 .... 02 City Jt Toklo U Ss 3000 ... 59 (Julorado Intl Co ' 1000 .... 78 1000 .... 73 Colo Fuel & Iron So 10000 .... 83 3000 .... 8S Ooimol Qua 7a Wl sooo ....100 5000 ....100 Del & Hud Canal fd SOOO 78 Don & llio Grand fd 2000 .... 14 5000 ... 1t 3000 44 Den & Itlu a runcl 4s 1000 64 1000 .... 64 DtMl .V Rio Urd 4t 1000 .... 70 Detroit lid 6s of 33 8000 .... 04 Det I'.d Co C of 40 4000 80 Detroit Tunnel 4 Vis 1000 ... 76 Do of C GVis of '21 10U0 .... 08 Dom of Canada 29 1000 .... 07 Dom of Canada 31 1000 .... 01 sooo .... 01 3000 .... 02 2000 .... 02 li Ten Va & Ga en 1000 .... 80 Erie General Lien 20000 .... 41 17000 .... 41 COOO .... 40 1000 41 Erlo Ilail Rond 4a 1000 53 15000 .... 53 18000 .... 53 1000 .... 53 17000 .... 63 Erlo Rail Rd cv D SOOO .... 38 Vi Havanah Eleo Bs 10000 85 Illinois Central fd 1000 .... 74 'Illinois Ceitral 6 2000 ...'. 03 1000 .... 03 Illinois Steel Co 4 6000 .... 83 Imp Jap Govt 1st Missouri K & T 4a .1000 .... 60 4000 .... 60 SOOO .1.. 60 Missouri Pac em 4s 1000 .... 87 4000 . .. 51 2000 ..., 67 SOOO .... 67 SOOO .... 67 Missouri P Cb of 26 6000 .... 80 Missouri P Mai 4u 5000 .... 75 Moblo & O Kit 4s 1000 .... SO Mohawk & Mn 4a SOOO .... 75 Mont Power Co Da SOOO . . . R5V1 Naasau Klcc Uy la 1000 ... 28 Nat Illy of Mex 4s B000 . . . 23 National Tube C 5a 2000 .... 02 N O Tex & Mex 4 s 1000 .... OS N V Air Brlte Co 6s 4000 .... 90 NYC4IUR3 i 1000 .... 60 N Y C & II K R, 4a 1000 .... 78 N Y C & II R R 4V4 1000 .... 78 1000 .... 77 N Y C & H R R 6s 1000 .... 02 0000 .... 02 1000 . . . 82 2000 .... 02 2000 . . . 02 N Y C & M C 3VJ3 2000 .... 61 N Y Gas & Elec L H & Power Co Ea 10000 .... 85 N Y NH & II Ca 2000 .... 71 New York Rwys 5s .1000 .... 7 6000 .,.. 7 N Y Telephone 4 Vii SOOO .... 80 N Y Telephones til 5000 .... UU 5000 . .. uo N V W C & U 4 Via B00O 30 Norr & Western 4a 12000 .... 76 1000 .... 76 Norf Weal ov 6a SOOO .. 103 Northern Paclilc 3a SOOO .... S4 3000 .... r,4 Northern Pacific 4s 1000 .... 77 SOOO .... 76 No S Power Co Gs 2000 .... 84 2000 .... 84 3000 .... 84 Oro & Calf R H 6s 8000 . . . , 93 O R R & N Co Ik 2000 .... 78 Oro Wash RR Co & Nuvi Co 4s 1000 .... 70 Pac Gas & E Cf os 4000 .... 82 1000 .... 82 20000 .... 82' 1000 '. ... 82 Penna R R en 4 Via 2000 .... 01 Penna RI 4s '21 1000 .... 97 Penna RR 4s of '48 2000 .... 84 2000 .... 84 Penna RR gm 4 Via 3000 .... 82 3000 .... 82 Pennsylvania RR Es St Ij I M & 8 Tl 4a IOOO .... 74 St i. I M & H R Ga . 2000 .... 00 St L A San Fran In 2000 .... 43 2000 .... 43 2000 .... 4.1 G000 .... 43 St L & San Fran oj 16000 .... 61 3000 sooo 6000 1000 6000 1000 01 61 01 01 61 01 t't ! & San Fran A 20000 .... 68 100O .... S8 10000 .... 58 8000 .... S7 6000 .... 68 1000 .... 57 1000 ... 68 St I, &. San Kran B 1000 .... 60 2000 .... 00 1000 ... 60 St I, & fo West en 1000 .... si StP M & M RR 4Vi 2000 .... 01 Ter H A of St L 4s 5000 71 Third Avo Rwy adl 3001) ... 30 Third Avo Rwy 4a 1000 .... 01 1000 .. . 61 T & O Cent ny 1st 3000 . . 84 U IC of O B &. I 21 HEAVY DEALINGS CURB SSUES Buying Ordor3 Come From Im portant Sources Stocks in Strong Hands SIMMS PETROLEUM ACTIVE sooo 10000 10000 2000 2000 10000 10000 4000 SOOO 1000 2.-1(100 S2000 22000 1000 08 00 95 95 93 05 9S 95 93 03 93 05 05 94 New l'orkt Jan. 21. There was a stronc tone, generally, to Broad street curb deuliup) todny, with buying orders coming from important sources. There wuh evidence thnt stocka had gone into atrong linnda in the last week, during the period of unscttlemcnt created by rcporla about tome of tbc important oil fields. A feature was tho heavy dealings in Metropolitan, which is in a contest with Inland Oil, ubout 10,000 shnrcs of that stock changing hunda at '1 to 4'i. Slinms Petroleum continued strong, with large trading nt 53 to fi4,4 hu1 pronounced strength was pliown in Oilli- lnml, which ranged from U'i to ul'4. Ohio Hunger was in demand on western buying, due to on announcement by the company tlutt strong Cleveland interests have become affiliated with the com pany. Mexican Oil, one of the low priced ahures. sold nt a new hieh record. General Motors was traded in ut .",1 to .V2V4. American Hafety Razor at iii't and lieiicral Aspunlt was strong, with trading nt 114 to 110. INDUSTRIALS Unld IC of G U H I rctH of '22 3000 1000 1000 6000 5000 10000 4000 100000 05 05 95 94 94 94 04 94 Low 15V 20W Laitt 15 5tt s HI Ml 114 31 lB't Untd K of G B & I rets of 29 6000 1000 52000 6000 10000 2100(1 3000 3000 2000 50000 94 05 04 94 05 04 94 94 04 94 U K of G B & I 37 Mil Foreign Exchange Return to Normal ? Investment and Speculative Possibilities If It Does AN EXAMPLE: Tho purchaser of a 1000-Frunc French Government C Victory Loan at $82 would have an invest. "jfnt worth at par $193, an increase of $111, or over 185; 50 trancs u year Income, now worth $4.30 or about 5 on the investment, would be worth $9.65, or nearly 12 on the original investment of $82, and this high yield (should con tinue until 1031. Other Foreign Internul Loans offer even greater possibilities. Direct Cable Communication With Foreigu Countries. EDWARDS. SMITH & CO, Banker 1411 CUeatnutSU ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. Bank an Und Title B!dg., FbiUdalpkia Beth Steel Corp fd 2000 .... 85 Beth Htcel Corp 1st 1000- .... 07 1000 .... 07 Beth, Steel Ea of 36 0000 85 Brk Rap Trans 5s 100 .... 33 Brook Itap Tr ct 7s 5000 .... 45 5000 .... 45 5000 .... 40 2000 .... 4(1 6000 .... 40 Brk Rapid Trans 7b 4000 .... 4S 2000 .... 50 Cent of Georgia en 4000 .... 80 ' 1000 .... tie Cent of Georgia 6s 8000 .... 93 Cent Leather Co Ea 10000 .... OS Central Paclllo 1st 2000 .... 74 Ches & Ohio 4Ws 1000 .... 7S IOOO .... 7S Ches & Ohio cv 4 1000 iooo 23000 2000 4000 1000 4000 4000 3000 75 75 7S 75 75 7S 75 14 74 Ches & Ohio cv 6a 9000 .... 7S 5000 .... 78 2000 .... 78 2000 .... 73 Chi B & Qulncy em 1000 .... 81 1000 .. 80 Chi B & Qulncy 4h 2000 10000 2000 10000 2000 3000 ioooo 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000 .1 05 05 05 05 05 95 05 05 05 05 05 95 Chi & IS III ct 4s 1000 ... 2 Chi S Krlo RR Ibt 13000 .... 81 Chi & Grt Went 4h 1C0O . .. 55 C M & St Taul I 4a 2000 . . . 50 2000 .... 59 1000 S Chi M & St Paul 4s SOOO . . 68 r. m & St P fd 4V4 1000 ... 58 4000 ... 08 1000 ... SB 3000 .,,, 88 1000 .... SI SOOO ,.,, 51 CtlM & 8 V cv 1000 , ,. 0U iooo sooo 1000 3000 10000 7000 4000 70 78 70 76 75 75 75 Imp Jap Govt 2nd 15000 .... 7fi 3000 .... 74 5000 .... 75 2000 74 Imper Jap Govt 4s 1000 1000 1000 :soo J00 1000 3000 2000 4000 3000 5000 ' 3000 1000 1000 1000 2000 3000 7000 00 00 00 00 00 eo 00 00 60 69 00 69 50 59 60 69 60 59 Inter Mer Marine fis 7000 . , . 03 Inter Met Co ct 4 V4 10000 .... 18 6000 .... 18 30000 .... 18 30000 .... 18 Inter Metro Co 44 20000 .... 18 12000 .... 19 10000 .... 10 40000 .... 19 15000 .... 19 5000 .... 10 2000 .... 18 20000 .... 18 26000 .... 18 2000 .... 19 10000 ..., 19 1000 .... 10 Inter Rap Trans ,fd sooo 2000 2000 2000 ioooo 2000 2000 iooo iooo 11000 asooo 10000 10060 40000 10000 20000 26000 52 . 52 . 61 . 51 .. 51 . . Sl . . 81 .. 51 , . 61 , 52 . . 82 .. 51 . . 52 . . 62 . . 52 . . 82 . . 82 KCl'SiM ny 4k 1000 .... 60 Kan C Term Rly 4b 1000 .... 72 15000 .... 72 6000 .... 72 1000 .... 72 Kent Cent R R 4s 7000 .... 78 Lack Steel C of '23 1000 .... 04 20000 .... 03 18000 .... 03 Lack Steel Co uf 60 3000 ... 04 Luke 3& M So 3 3000 . . 69 L S & M S 4b of St 1000 . . 63 Lehigh Val R Co Ott 20,00 . . 100 LlEKett 4i My its So 1000 .... 89 Loulu & Nash 1 3s 3000 . 31 l ft n nn ft 8 ny Mono 4s 8000 64 SOOO .. 63 Man nie Ry Stu 4s 1000 .... 09 Mid Steel 0 (1 3000 . ,,, 83 1090 , ,,, SJ 1000 4000 10000 6000 3000 6000 SOOO 1000 01 00 00 90 00 00 90 01 Pere Marquette Ea 2000 .... 86 1000 .... 80 Puh Her C - N' J 61 8000 .... 65 Reading; R R Co 4s 6000 .... 70 10000 .... 79 Rep of C B Es 190( S00( .... 00 Rio Grand & V 4s 1000 .... 64 Rl: T Ark & I, 4s 1000 .... 02 1000 .... 02 Seaboard Air L fd 1000 .... 47 Seaboard Air L aj 3000 .... 38 South Bell T Co Bs 8000 .... 84 Southern Paclllo fd 3000 '. ... 77 1W00 .... 77 3000 .... 77 1000 .... 77 4000 .... 77 Southern Pacltlo 4s 1000 .... 72 10000 .... 73 2000 .... 72 1000 .... 71 1000 .... 70 South Paclfto cv 4s 12000 .... 80 1000 .... 80 5000 .... 80 2000 .... 80 '6000 ... 80 South Pacific cv Bs 1000 ..,,102 10000 ....108 10000 .,..103 5000 ...,103 South Railways 4s 1000 .... S0 Southern Rwys 5s 1000 .... 85 8000 84 3000 .... 85 1000 .... 85 St Iouls I Mt & So Rlv & Q Dlv 4s 1000 .... o 7000 1000 5000 2000 2000 2000 1S00O 2000 1000 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 Union Pac R It ov 2000 .... 87 2000 .... 87 Union Pacltto fd 19000 .... 77 0000 .... 77 2000 .... 77 9000 .... 77 Union Pacific It 4s 4000 .... 84 100 0 84 1000 83 Union Pacific R 6s 1000 ....102 U R of S F un ct 4s 5000 .... 28 5000 .... 28 U S Real & Imp Bs 3000 .... 80 2000 .... 80 5000 .... 80 1000 .... 80 1000 ... 80 3000 ... SO 3000 80 1000 .... 80 1000 .... 80 5000 .... 80 1000 .... 80 3000 80 2000 .... 80 U S Rubber Co 5s 2000 .... 87 1000 .... 87 1000 .... 87 1000 ... 80 4000 .... 87 1000 87 U S Steel Corpn Bs 15000 11000 6000 1000 3000 1000 IOOO 09 99 99 99 99 99 09 Utah V &. L Co Ss 1000 84 Vlrelna Rlways Bs 5000 .... 84 Wr rn lilectrlo Bs sooo .... 97 Weit Maryland 4 s iooo ... 60 4000 .... 61 6000 . .. 50 West Pacific RR 1st 4000 .... 84 3000 .... 83 (Vest Shore Kit li 2000 .... 73 1000 ... 73 1009 .... 73 Wheel & L E Ry 4s 2000 .... 53 Wn-"i Company ov 8000 .... 05 1000 .... 95 Wisconsin Cent 4a 1000 .... 69 ,. HIkU Low p.m Mb RonnN 3s... fiS.M! 08.80 flS.SO Lib llonds lnt 4s.. 1112.0U S)2.0t! 112,0(1 Lib Rendu 2d -Is.. 00.00 00.74 00.8-1 Lib Honds lt. 4s 02. SO 02.-10 DQ Sfi Lib Bonds 2d 4h 01.10 01.12 Ol.Htt Lib Ronds'.'Jd 4Mb 03.48 03.20 03.40 lid uonrts 4th 4Vih lll.fiO 01.20 01.40 Victory Notes 3s OS.fiO 0S.42 08.50 ictory Notei 4a 0S.50 08.42 08..r0 INDIA GETS MORE GOLD wnnarawai or i.ouu.uuu r-rom Subtreasury Interests Bankers New Vorli, Jun. 21. Withdrawal of $1,500,000 gold coin from tho Sub treastirj for shipmrut to India excited conBidernblo intercut amonir interna tional bankers toduv. The shippers urc understood to represent a Drills! bank with connections in Indin.'Australia and China, Exports of silver front the United States to India have usbtimed enormoiiH volume of recent jeurs, but onlv ruiclv is gold exported to that country from this part of the world. The movement is believed to be partly speculative, owing to the premium on roIiI n the Orient, nnd partly for iieeount of raw cotton bent from India to England. DIVIDENDS DECLARED KelloB Switchboard and Bupuly Ca. uuar. ttrlv of 2 w cmi, Duyible January 31 to ttork of ri.ord January 20. Imperial Tobacco Co.. i.td. ttnal divided of 8 wr trnt and a Ivnui of one thill In a aharo for th vtr ended October last. Procter A CUnible. Quarterly of B per cent cm aommoii .payable KeuriMry 14 to in "4 to 10V4 3tt s 1 4(1 4 43 I) 24'; 8T4 3W 50 V! 3, 34 (I fcO 5'i IK !!( 4 1 4 6?t 11H nan is, i4 38 7(4 31 5Vi 70 38 Yt 1 4 17 1111 32 : 4', 111 17 N High American Marconi Amnl Tito atoreo ,. JSVi American Safety Razor. l.v,l Ilritlih Am Tobacco coup 20'A Car Unlit 2 Columbia Emerald 1TA General Asphalt .110 Genenil Motorn 3214 Hupp Motors 15 North Amcrliu Taper... 5H Terfectlon Tire 4V. Radio Co 2 SDlcer Mfc lis Subtnnrlno liont 17 Trlnnitle film U H atenm 4Vi United PrnOt Hhirlns. . . . 2i United 1'lct Prod 17 imkikxdi;nt oils Allied Oil u Amal Rojalty ,., Atlantic Petrol 3 Xoone Oil (j Iloston Mexico 4 Iloaton Wyoming 1 hi, Carlb Syndicate 41t, Cities SerIC3 B ctfs 43 cmaen 6 l'o in Dominion 24 Klk llasln Petrol 0 Eitol oil 1 Kerne ra da Oil i: Federal Oil Ma. OUllland 61 Ulenroclc o a UuITey Ulllcsplo 35 Home uu li Intl retrol 70 Island Oil 5"! T.ivlnuaton 1 Merrltt Oil 21 Metropolitan Petrol 4 V. OkmulKee Oil 1 man Oil 4H Sapuloa Ref 7 .'-Kelly on ll'fc Slmms Pet 54(4 Soencer Pet lftU Texas Ranker 1H Trinity uu v White OH 38 Woodburn 7Va MININfl STOCKS Ala-Brlt Col 1 Atlanta 2K Helcher Divide Ext 31. . Booth SVi Boston & Montana 73 Caled Mining 10 Cascade Hiler Vl Cona Virginia 7 Cons Cop Mln 4 Cremon Oold 'i Divide Kxt i:i Salvador 3 Mi Kureka Croesus 1 Forty-nine Mlnlne 1 Cold Cona 14 CJol.l Development 10 flolrt M prcrer 3 Great Bend ,... 1J4 1-V4 2VJ Hecla Minimi 4H 4 4'i lioia .one 01 ai aj Jumbo Extension 7 7 7 Knot Divide 13 Louisiana Co H Marsh Mln 23 Mother Lode 50 National Tin 12U Nevada ophlr an Ncrth Star R ,i H 3l i 43 241. 8 3H 34 "ill li 20 1V' 4 UT4 'lR I- 3S14 7Uj 31 78 38 H Xk M & ii IVi 13 1ft .1 i 14 10 t 13 21 r.n 8 0 18 13 B-" 50 38 8 O 18 Hex Cons fl Rochester Mines 18 Rope Group A Ban Tnv 7 7 Sllicr Kins- of Arizona .. 11 11 Success Mln '..... R (1 Tonopah Belmont 3 11 Tonopah Cash Boy 8 8 Tonopah Divide 3H 2 Tonopah T3xt 2 A 2A Tonopah Jim Butler 25 25 Tonronh Mlnlnir 2S 2 A Tonopah Mizpah 10 IB Tonopah Rewue Eula. ... 28 28 United Eastern 4 4 Victory Id., 11 West Hnd Cons 2 2., So Amer r & a K4 SS Utah Rev 1 IK BONDS Allied Pack (Is 84 84 84 Belgian (Is of '25 nr.; Pr.i 0541 Beth Hteel 7s of '23 101H 101V. 101H CCCiKtLGs 88 88 88 Russian 5W a 34 .11 34 Russian ll s 34 34 34 Hwedtsh OU 0s 05 115 .', Swiss Gvt 5W s D0V4 00U 00',i 10 28 4 1" . BUSINESS NOTES A development in the distribution of tovs that ii beinp wntched with con siderable interest is the Rood progress being made by hardware dealers in dis-, poxing of such products. lieeause of the extent to which tliey have been taken up by makers of the more popular -priced lines, broxues "re not going to be included in the fall phowirjgN of some of the leading- manu facturers of the finer grades of men's Bhoes. There is increasing evidence that the peak of the seller's market in the woolen trade has been reached and passed. Some of the larger buyers find the mill", better disposed to nccept the return of imperfect goods. Such rejections were only a short time ago impossible to make owing to the strong position occupied by the sellers as n result of the large preponderance of demand over supply. 1:15 inuunj was again limited in the market for gray goods yesterday, but this fact fuiled to prevent the making of another new printoloth price record. This was done when spot .'10-inch 72-7lli sold for 20 cents a ynrd. The fartju construction also sold for April-May delivery at 28 cents. Jauuar 38V6-inch (J4-60s brought 24 i-ents, with a cent less paid for the same goods for ship, ment in April, Among the large number of buyers wbo arc uow visiting this market thero has beeu noted a tendency to "shop around." Ituycrs, it was remarked by one garment manufacturer, are not bo certain that it is good policy to placo heavy orders now under the unsettled conditions that prevail, For one thing, in the garment lines the outcome of the labor controversy will decide whether prices will see further advances. A snowball rolling down bill has noth ing on the way the price of u jard of goods increases from the mill to the consumer via the clothing fuctory and the retail store. A rise of $1 a jard at the mill was said yesterday to add at least $7.87 to th price of un average suit of clothing when bought over the retail counter That is, when the goods reach the consumer after passing only through two hands, for If n t'Kith jobber or u clothing Jobber figures in the deul the increase to the ultimate purchaser is just so much greater It figures out this way: At $!t a yard nnd UU, ards to the suit, the fabric cost rises 'from $10.50 at the mill to $23 03 over the counter. At M'n jard the fabric value rises from $11 to' $31.50, Subtracting thu tlrst "high" figure from the secoud one, the difference is $7,87, which Is the tax tne rousumer Ptsya on (he mUl'M iBceefls! liruflt, f . r DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Limited (A negle-lered Company of tho Province of tho Capo of Good Hope In the Union of South Africa) 80,000 "American Shares" Transfer Agent CBNTItAL. UNION TnUST COMPANY OV NEW TORK f Registrar THE CIIASK NATIONAL, DANK OP THE CITY OP NEW YORK "American Shares" are to be iosued pursuant to a Deposit Agreement with Central Union Trust Company of New York, as Depositary, at the rate of five "American Shares" for each two Deferred Shares of the Company deposited CAPITALIZATION Do Beers 4 South African Exploration. Debentures.... 1,607,395 800,000 Preference Shares at 2.100 each 2,000,000 1,000,000 Deferred Shares at 2.100 each 2,500,000 Tho Deferred ShareB are dealt In on tho London and Paris Stock Exchanges. The Dc Beers Consolidated Mines, Limited, was registered in 1888 in the Colony, now Province, of the Cape of Good Hope in the Union of South Africa. The Company owns the mines of De Beers, Kimbcrley, Wesselton, Dutottspan and Bultfontein, and practically the whole of the Koffyfontein Mine. It .controls about 80 of the world's output of diamonds. Dividends on the Deferred Shares have been regularly paid since 1909, with the exception of the years 1915 and 1916, when they were suspended owing to war conditions. For the year ending June 30, 1919, the company paid 80 in dividends on the Deferred Shares, of which 20 was declared for the first six months and 60 for the second six months. At the present rate of exchange, the year's dividend was equivalent to about $3 per "American Share." For the first six months of the current fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, a dividend of 60 was paid, equivalent, at the present rate of exchange, to about $2.25 per "American Share." Dividends will be received by the Depositary in Sterling and distributed on the "American Shares," in dollars, without deduction under present laws for British or South African taxes, provided the "American Shares" are shown to be held by persons who are not subjects of or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. Attention is invited to a letter addressed to us by the De Beers Consoli dated Mines, Limited, giving detailed information regarding the Company and its pospects, copies of which may be had upon request. Application will be made in due course to list the "American Shares" on the New York Stock Exchange. Legal proceedings in connection with the issue of the "American Shares" will be subject to the approval of Alfred A. Cook, Esq. Price $47 per "American Share" when, at and if Uiued Subscription are subject to Allotment. LAZARD FRERES 19 Nassau Street New York City The statements contained herein, while not guaranteed, are bated upon Information which we believe to be accurate and reliable. January 17, 1920. nil For philadelphia AND PENNSYLVANIA -i ; i ijMst;i!ujijLiJ THIS BANK is designated by law Fiscal and Transfer Agent and Depository of THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA THE BOARP OF PUBLIC EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA ALL BONDS of the City of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania are . issued, transferred and redeemed through this bank. MILLIONS of dollars arc disbursed by it annually in the payment of interest for these accounts and in the redemption of maturing loans of the Citv and the State. J ' STRONG and able to extend its facilities and protection to the financial affairs of the City and the State, as well as to the general public, this Bank is conspicuously qualified to serve your individual or commercial banking requirements. "the PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK 4-2-1 CHESTNUT STREET i We Offer Allegheny & Western Rwy. 1st ls Philadelphia Electric Co. Two-Year 6s Welsh Brothers 028 Chestnut Strket rhllaltlplil Ixtmlwrd 1541 l Railroad Tank Car Marine FREEMAN & COMPANY l!embr. tirw York Hfrk)thni S I'INK NT. .".civ iuuk Private Wire to New York , Call Lombard 4S80 GUARANTEED Railroad Bonds GEO. WILLIAM WALLACE BARGAIN DAYS IN B0NDSJ Railroad Issue at Uio Lovrst Kffl Fifty Yar Let Ut Submit OITmtlnta 0 vrwit Ann, ir ftn il tuu tt tuu v . rum Ei K lU&J Morru uuildiBB v t(M ..m-wn sf & i: manor ua tuium tu imkiiIi.i .ilbil. r.lytlcil mind .far rail, optnttoM. luacTtA A" forts; fully iiuullrwd br Hut, iirM i 7-l.,:.,?:m"'-. HI!wi Jrni oitj ""-" -WIMH I iv.Niii.ujv wwfyi t SS j .. " Ali . ft4 ij: , &-!" J rfjf.i -M ,U'J. i " j7' ji1 i vVX3j A' aaaJ A, '