sr!rvy$im V . !t J. rtJ iVI i t- Ml ft-1 J , v' I v v ' . ... VfT ' : EVENING PUBLIC LEDaER-PHILAbELPHIA, ' WEDNESDAY, JAUAR,12i; 1920 ". -A.fl 'AS M& ttrw'ej SKFfc b?; 'MWfdV FfffKl l5tl! tMWW 1PmH, w -vj Kill pill Bill 4lri if ; "Mm mm if v wf ,l'tW . . . TRUCKS GREAT ASSET '. 'F FOR QUICK DELIVERY TDennrt.mpnt. Stnrnx nf a T.nrao. C.itipjt Find Motor p Vehicles Invaluable in Developing ajid Main l"i ' taining Trade Cars Last for Long Time sir flHH modern department store knows -1- how miicli it cobtH to sell n paper of Jln. Accounting that goes Into just . about the most exteuthr detail (niacin able, and from bcelnning to eud is rig idly, almost painfully, accurate is be- cnaracicnsuc 01 ";"."' coming the common and commonplace brought out by thin test of service i;uariicivri3iit; ul uciiiiiiiuviii-wn. ! Bgement. It is not surprising to find that the store that know how much it costs to cell a piper or plus Known, niso. (nc cost of delivering n washing ma chine or any other article that the store sells. Department store executives have worked out delivery costa not merely to the extent of showing what these costs total in 'a year, or a month, or a flay, or for a certain line of merchandise ir a certain department, but what they amount to per package to three deci mal places. Competitho Tolnt Delivery is a competitive point in the department store business. In the opin ion of ninny customers, it's a part of the swle. Quality of goods being equal, the store that establishes and main tains a reputation for the promptness of its delherj is the store that will get and hold business The motortruck that not only "makes good' in this sort of delheiv but makes itself a business getter is the tiuck that keeps going, running hitjh mileages every daj , month after month and year after yeai. Truck dependabilitj translates itself into terms of increased sales volume; and truck durability writes itself into the asset aide of the balance sheet. How well quality trucks are serving department stores is evidenced by the experience of Gimbel Urothern. who bought twenty-four trucks iu till I as the nucleus of i fleet that has since been greatlv enlarged. The twentj-four pur chased in 1011 and onu o the same .make bought in 1012 have mu more than 100,000 miles each, and arc still in actnc service. Fowler. Dick & Walker, A ilkes Barre, Pn.. thus summarize their ex perience with high-grade trucks: "We have four trucks; one bought in 11U1, one in 1012 nnd two in 1013. All are In good running order today and they have been running since we got them. Hhe first one must hae run over 200, 000 miles. It has had one thorough overhauling, but other repairs have been few and not expensive. The three Others arc giving equally good sen ice. Great Mileage Of twelve trucks owned by the Hig bee C . Cleveland, O.. one has cov ered 2l?5,000 miles, another 225,000 and another 100.040 miles. The others, which ha been in serxice for various periods, have mileages ranging from 10,000 to 05,000. The first Higbee truck, was bought in 1011. In eight years of service it has traveled an aver age of 33,125 miles a year, which amounts to about 110 miles a tiay. Con cerning the performance of the fleet, Vice President W. T. Higbee said : 'The twelve trucks have given excellent serv ice and have bad comparatively little or no mechanical troubles, in bpite of the hard usage they have had," .' Denartment store service is tho lab oratory of retail delivery. ot only, is It the most searching test to which a 'delivery truck can be put. but it is also the most sensitive recorder of results. High mileages, run op by trucks in the tynlcal instances cited above and in hundreds of other cases as shown by the records of the White Co., from which these were taken constitute but one characteristic ot irucK worm AUTOCAR FLOURISHING Attracting Great Attention at Show. Philadelphia Product The exhibit of Autocar motortrucks is attracting a great amount of atten tion. Any one who has been in the city for more than n few minutes knows that Autocars arc hauling goods for thousands of the business houses in and around Philadelphia. The Autocar is reallv a Philadelphia- made product. Ardmorc. where the fac tory is, is only nine miles irum i3iuu street on the Main Line of the Pennsyl vania Railroad It would be well worth the while of any business man to visit this Milpnilirl nlant that is known all over the country- llight in tuc my tnc Auiocar com pany owns and operates its own direct factory branch service station. Autocar users arc sure of the most complete after-sale service at all times. This di rnnt hrancli .uprvipft lmlicv is followed out from coast to coast. It has been a real factor in tho great development of tnc AUiocar company. Have Complete Line The. coumletc line of Bethlehem trucks includes a three-quarter-ton model, lecently announced by the company in addition to the one and a half, two and n l...l t.wl tl.nA nn.1 n Ji l 1 F if,,, TllftrlMc. Specifications of the three-quarter-ton mouei inciuua mnnv interesting fea tures electric starting, electric light ing, Bosch magneto, a motor designed in narticular for this truck, bronze- backed motor bearings, Snlncr drive shaft, bevel Beer rear axle, Ross steer ing gear, chrome vanauium sicei magazine oiling sjstem aud cord-pneu-niRtic tires. 35x4'A front aud 35x5 rear. Made In Harrlsburg The Hurlburt is made in two-ton, three-and-a-half-ton nnd four-ton ca pacities with the Buda motor of thirty two horsepower, tubular radiator, Eis eumann ignition system, Brown-Lipe transmission, four speeds forward, amidships, Spicer universal joints and uses the worm -type of Moating rear axle; the springs are of their own make us well as their wheels aud the wheel bases range from 102 to 15lt. This truck, formcrlv made iu New York, is now made at Hhrrisburg, Pa This Unit Made Here The Truxtnn Unit made by the Com mercial Car Unit Co., of this city, comes in a wide selection of models, from one-aud-one-quarter-tou capacity up to three-ton capacity, and is so construct ed in the various models as to be adapt ..v.l . nnv mnb itt Tinsjnipr 'rnr chassis, converting it into a truck by the addition of a truck body on the unit frame in place of the passenger car bods. RED SEAL POWER Stewart Truck Is Made In Five Sizes for 1920 Market The Stewart truck is made iu five sixes, namely, -ton, 1-ton, 1-ton, 2-ton, and 3V4-ton. The motor power Is supplied by Red Seal Continental Motors and the final drive Is of the Clark internal gear type. The construction eliminates from six to seven hundred parts, creating a truck of utmost simplicity and strength, as well as economical operation and en durance." The smallest model has an 110-inch wheel base, 7-foot loading space, 50 inches wide, while the largest model, 105-inch wheel base, standard, with correspondingly increased loading space. Four-Wheel Drive The Duplex is a four-wheel drive truck made in thrce-and-a-hnlf-ton size, with 130-inch wheelbaso and a chassis length of 223 Inches. The Buda motor is used, four cylinders, Eiscn mann magneto, Schebicr carburetor, with choice of two speed reductions. It is internal gear driven, using their own type of rear axle, 130-Inch wheclbase, Brown-Lipe transmission, Petcrs's uni versal joint. Great Variety Exhibited Fitzgibbon & Crisp, Inc., are ex hibiting a line ot bodies on truck chasscs that chow the great variety of possi bilities of the motortruck of today. Their line includes open and closed tour ing bus bodies, u glass roof body, de mountable top body, panel-side delivery body, patrol, ambulance and under taker's bodies in addition to platform stake bodies, screen-side bodies, etc. Columbus Jurist Holds Truck Drivers School What is perhaps the most novel truck drivers' school In tho country was conducted recently by Judge Frank E. Ruth from his bench in the courtroom at ColumbiiB, O. His honor requested Columbus mortor truck drivers to appear in his court for instructions in handling motor trucks during traffic hours. "Drivers of heavy conveyances can save themselves considerable incon venience if they acquaint themselves with traffic laws," said Judge Ruth. Traffic ordinances and state laws are so complicated, tho court insists, that ho expects to give similar lec tures at intervals. Experienced and capable drivers are recognized by truck operators as being one of the greatest assets to the industry, and tho judge's stand has been generally approved. Commercial Is Electric. The Commercial truck is electrically propelled and made in 1000, 2000, 4000, 7000 and 10,000 pound capacities, using General Electric type of motor, giving an optional choice of battery, bevel gear, primary drive spur gear or chain gear, according to the model, and the final drive is cither spur or chain, ac cording to the model. They use their own type of axle with semi-elliptic springs. THREE MODELS SHOWN Rainier Follows Lines of Most Suc cessful Trucks In Designing The Rainier is shown in their three models, three-quarter to ono ton, one and one-half ton and two ton. They are all equipped with Continental Red Seal truck motor. Brown-Lipe clutch and transmission and Tlmkcn or Sheldon' worm-drive rear axle. In design and construction they fol low tho lines of the most "successful heavy trucks that represent high-grade engineering practice. They are composed of standard units, whoso merit is generally recognized. Every unit is selected for its ability to stand heavy and severe strain. Tho Tlmken and Sheldon rear axlo with David Brown worm nnd gear, were picked because of their wide use by leading truck makers. Other mechanical features include Sims or Rosch magneto, Zenith car buretor, Stewart vacuum system, Mon arch governor, pressed steel frame, dou ble safety spring shackles. Display Cushion Wheels In the accessory department is seen an interesting exhibit of Sewell cushion wheels for motortrucks, employing u unique principle by securing resiliency in the wheel before the road shocks reach the mechanism and working parts. It is simply a wheel of rubber within a wheel. It has no springs or moving parts, they are built to hub specifica tions nnd can bo applied without alter ing tho design or construction of tho truck. The same tires and hubs can be reapplied. Maccar Worm Drive The Truck With the Demountable Power Plant Used on All Models Maccar Trucks, made at Scranton, Pa., have been tried and tested for years over the mountain roads of that region. . They contain such proven units as Continental Engines, Tim ken Axles and Bearings, Bosch or Eiseman Magnetos, Stromberg or Zenith Carburetors, Brown-Lipe Transmission, Merrill Springs, Bix names that inspire confidence in the quality of Maccar construction. But the outstanding, distinctive feature of Maccar construction is the DEMOUNTABLE POWER PLANT, which can be taken out by removing six nuts and disconnecting drive shaft, brake and fuel connections and a new motor installed in SO minutes. No lost time for truck or motor repairs. Sea It Demonstrated at the Truck Show NcxtWcck ied Motor Trucks Co. 1417-25 Melon Street Philadelphia 2K 5 J jwt - ' 'ro ahull jSt 111 rtaKttAi HI m H 'BiiMjjsisinn pCTs ABB pgi.J tramc in place ot iuc passenger car ,JsBP'w ' ill rS'SI m. mmn.-vft m c j urn 1 Hex thumb rt aealnst JKvxSv JlSfes. r - ' ! which pull Is exerted NSX Mu. flkHHBlHlklHH!MHK3rIliPV!E397affi to JIence Bear and pinion. NJKS.NS. jft3XffiK72 WWS? HWCJ9HH HB' VTI 'a&VP?&Si'm! ' . tfrrqnlf iy"tB,UflML"-'i'MroHrjMirTrPiWiM centered fur use on dead Xv vfcv 4cs&8ftK L M BUM MM q , SmB 1 JIMa mAVv w ? Wm Ewcl P I sw SMI Hl IMMl BTl ! "JEn Tf" liB mi B WW BB 6. broached" jaws"1 Insures &Z2B&y Mr N&sifiS''' P?fe E?3SJI! lJ) ll'l!! Wjli "Wf (B!'9fefll II JfffJF? I wOK rV jfltf " 3 ratchet wrench V xOTBP Bku.HBr for hort reach jobs i vmra 188r Bh s: so 1 . S dtaMl- IM, 5 1 HSAl-ZjmZJir nr5TI e o Jims us wltatc yomive feeem lookflBusr for "jXTHETHER you are a motor-car ff owner, a truck operator or profes sional mechanic, you will find the Alert ratchet wrench the greatest time saver and trouble fixer ever invented. It will do in a few minutes what re quires hours by other methods, simplify ing tapping and reaming in. tight places where a revolving wrench is impractic able. Also used as a ratchet socket wrench, screwdriver and valve grinder. Alert wrenches are made in lengths and capacities to fill all needs. No. 365X extension set $6 complete includes the ratchet wrench (illustrated above) and two extensions which fit the chuck jaws for long reach jobs. With these tools you can reach into inaccessible corners of your motor plant, engine, press in any machinery that re quires tightening up nuts, bolts, joints or other partb. Ask your hardware dealer or automotive accessory man to show you. "Made by Mechanics for Mechanic" Alert Tool Company Philadelphia Immediate Deliveries On These High-Grade Trucks We are in the fortunate position of being able to assure immediate deliveries on our new models 10 to 11, respectively of 1 and iyz ton capacities. They incor porate the mechanical features that have made Republic Trucks the most largely produced trucks in the world. Torbensen Internal Gear Drive, Red Seal Conti nental Motor, and other world-famous standard parts. Backed by over 1800 fully equipped Republic Service Stations, insuring immediate service whenever needed, wherever you are. 1. Vz, 2Y2, 3V2 Ton Models at the Truck Show, Space 19 A- 2116-18 Market Street Race 2681 Philadelphia Sp ss Harriiburg Salei Office and Service Station, 17th at Derry Street I Dddge Brothers ! BUSINESS CAR H Leatfiog firms ineryerycomcatmily H testify to its unintciTtipted serr- fee and its lew cost of operation. M You will find that they at usually m progressive merchants with a H name for careful maoagaoaent. THORNTON-FULLER AUTOMOBILE CO. 1 Parkway East of Eighteenth St. M - I SPACE 34 AUTOMOBILE SHOW I Buy Your Truck on the Basis of Maximum Haulage Economy nmmmwmvJkmi ST W iml m9H WVwtfHJ The one true measure of a truck's value to its user is the actual cost of transporting his goods. The buying problem then resolves itself simply into finding the truck that works with least waste, requires least initial investment, least cost for upkeep and operation, greatest speed and endurance. So well has the Oldsmobile Economy Track lived up to these specifications that the business public has learned to call it tht truck of maximum economy. BOOTH 38 AT THE SHOW Larson-OIdsmohile Company 800 North Broad Street MBk. .flB m - -"fr kuummm BmHkmmmmm-iuLmmm IB Lmmmm QkE&SE Tiuck HBSKSisiisI'" ' VmH tmwS QlHHb. JGP WINCHES I"1"" mmiaiv mmmSBCiBBBh jjjlil&i4Sia- ti ifl . il fe'-- i4 .. ., f-gk-; . l WHSLWmWKMS u ' w --A ,.x ,'1&ljHlKBrti.tjrv . t A .iatftrir i-, rf s .