V - "j r K HlC TRUCK COMING 10 FORE Lis Type Invaluable for Short Hauls and Work Through Streets of City UTS DOWN THE COST -..-. mint icr year 11 uvur mr . '.....v I1I liac.bcc given tlio llltlon It clcorvcs," commented J. Ji the nc it drive eleetrie L'.i (mnsnortntiou lius divided it- 11 dl-tlmtly into two clnwH. In . one clufci tnc cietiui- i.u... .0 .v... . the oilier the gasoline-pro-M common-mi car H necessary. The class Is rlty work, general haul- tbrougli congesteil irnuic, 111 ujioic .,! rntall districts. Speed Is Bturilj restricted and the character ".?.i. :. M Kovf-re. W inn the id'rrnuiiomcuta urp unj where near ! "".' .!.!. .. ..!,,it r.t fill nnr rntit I! (he ens truck. It is longer lived. " .. ,ii.i.ln mill ! intii'h ninrp ceo- Seal because 01 its utter simplicity I the ttnan u.i...uii -. i"o .....v.. '. . ... ... ....... .11. rnmMrn rpmill. ThU' leaves fnr the gasoline truck jCCOnil lieitl. or iiiub unwuiuuuui- don3 l.irgCIV Oil ril,v -iiui:..-, iiuu i the rcfiuiicineuts aiu more so Fortv Years' Experience Irhe Arme truck, built by 11 concern has, been innnuiucuirniB mr imn .. ,A.nou in fniir models, one. two L. atiil ouc-half and five tous, with (cl bises rangitiK lroui l.w to imi hes nml chassis lengths from 104 to 1 inches. J 110 lour-cjimoer iou itntal motor is used. It Is H Timken inn-tlrhcn truck with full Moating r ailc except m tne ono-ion. Allien is aifloatii.ff. A distinctive feature of :lruks is tlie Uotta transmission. Compact Tractor The New IJrlluin trnctor is a small, apact tractor, intended to do any job a liorsc lull uu, ouiu u- iiuuiius, in?. (llscing, iiuriowiuc. iiuivcrijs- drillluj.. needing, tnuwtii;, spray- ii 11 ran. also be nltcneu 1111 to mort for sowing, grinding, elisilage, tins, 111 fact, nnj thing that a, six sepouer stationary engine would do. comes in sues to meet Mirjing re- irements. Special Coal Truck rockuay truck is made in four mod nimch. oue and ouc-half, two and B.half,tliree and one-half and five-ton Kacity. with wheel ba'-cs ranging from B to 171 inches. It is worm driven. their cxlnbit tneynrc innuuig a till ihow of their K-4 special coal ick, built with an especially short ed base for small'turniug radius. It equipped with mechanically elevated il body so the coal cau bo unloaded ougli gravity cither" in a manhole or oss terraces to the cellar. EVENING PUBLIC LEnGEErPHllADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY " 21, 1920 aar Dirt in Motorcars Causes Rust and Wear Dirt Is undesirable no (natter whero It Is, but the averago auto mobile owner hns jet to Icaru that dirt' on the running gear docs more than merely cover up some painted .or unpnlnted metal. Joints seeming ly as tight as a mechanic can get thcni allow dirt to pass through. The reason for the dirt being so un desirable near working parts of the chassis Is not so much because It doesn't look well, but becauso It eventually gets to a moving surface and starts rapid wear. If you own a watch with n screw back on It and j ou keep that wntch in one of your pockets where odd things nrp put occasionally, just remove that screw back and notlco the dirt that has worked its way in. INTERNAL GEAR DRIVE Republican. Trucks Show Clever Method of Power Transmission Kcmiblic trucks arc of the ltemililin. Torbcnson internal lear-driven type with extra large nickel steel gears carr.ving the entile load, on drop forged I-beam with the power transmitted through live shafts and internal gears. An advantage claimed for this typo of gear is that It permits the use of hieb- specd rotative parts from the engine to tnc Urifttng wheels where the reduction in speed and increase in power is effec tive in the wheels themselves. Tho axles arc provided with the Powrlok differential, which prevents one wheel from spinning whero it en counters soft ground nnd permits the other wheel to continue to propel the truck, thus avoiding skidding and stall ing. USE SAME ENGINE Overland Trucks Get Fine Results In All Their Recent Models The Overland one -ton truck features the exhibit of the Overland-Harper Co. Upon the chassis of the sturdy model four have bceu mounted pauel, stake aud express bodies of standard size. The same engine which has given wonderful pulling power to the Overland four passenger car, Is used In the truck. Tho motor is simple, compact, acces sible, powerful and economical. Clutch, transmission alid universal joint are all encased with tho motor and ruu iu a siuglc bath of oil. Each unit has been made accessible and easy to get ut, in order to reduce repair expense and thereby increase its utility. Many other features that have made the passenger car economical ana" effi cient to operate arcwucorporated iu the light truck. Own Designs Developed The Keldcu series A trucks Vcrc de signed and built by their own engineer after exhaustive field work. They are made iu one and one-half, two and one half and three und one-half ton models of tho worm-drive tjpe. The three and one-half ton model is typical of all, the fiame construction us a unit being of the flexible type. An important Sclden feature is the absence of bolt or rivet holes iu the top or bottom flanges of the frame rails as well as of rivets iu the entire frame construction. HAVE SUBURBAN CAR Dodge Bros. Have Truck Peculiarly Adapted for Farm Use , Dodge Ilros.' business cars Include a suburban tar, finished In tiuturul wood, Intended priiuatily for" use on country estates and around n farm; n standard paneled car a special long-wheel base panel car for instance 140 inches long, a stnndnrd undertaker's wagon, n standard screen car and a similar model fitted with seat and step, a two-nud-onc-half ton Dodgc-Ornhain unit with cab and stnkc body, an ambulance and n onc-ntid-one-hnlf-ton Dodge Urahain unit with canopy body. Their standard wheel base Is 114 Indies nnd the shipping weight of the chassis is 110 .pounds;, a four-cylinder L-hcnd tjpe is used, vacuum feed fuel system, special automatic itirtlcht tvne carburetor, single units stnrtcr-ccn- crntor, full-tloating icnr axle, semi elliptic front springs and three-ipiartcr elliptic rear. In the screen uud panel body typel theic is tt loading space 72 inches long, 33 inches wide and 04 inches high. The Dodge-Graham unit truck builder uses Dodge Htos. Power plant has 130 inch wheel babe nnd Is made in one-niid-onc-half-ton model, tvvo-nnd-onc-half-ton model and three-ton tractor model. Electric and Gasoline The Oneida brings out rfb electrically propelled ti lick in addition to its gnso llnc (niCit, claiming that by so doing they meet every condition of short hauls In congested streets or for hlch-sneed intercity work or transcontinental work. Louisville to Solve Return-Load Problem 'Operators of motortruck routes radiating out of Louisville havo or ganized for the purpose . establish ing n ceutral depot, to which the shipper may send his goods destined for farms or towns on the routes. Small shipments coming into Louis ville also will be distributed from the depbt. An expert on- transportation matters lias been engaged to tnke charge of the station. It is expected to solve the return loads' problem iu that territory. TWO DISTINCT TYPES Vim Motortrucks Showing a Line o "Heavies" and "Lights" The Vim Motortruck Co. is showing n representative lino of both light dc livery nnd henvy duty trucks. There arc nine models shown, In cluding thcv half-ton light delivery chassis, the half-ton open express, tho half-ton closed panel and the half-ton foredoor panel body models. Also, the Vim special model, designed with longer wheelbasc, longer and roomier body, with special heavy spring suspension nnd oversize tires, this inodel being es pecially suitable for 111015 pe of hauling where the goods are bulky nud light iu weight. LIGHT DELIVERY WAGON Chevrolet Has Many Distinctive Features for Successful Road Work The Chevrolet, n General Motors product, Is made ns a light delivery wagon nnd a one-ton worm drive truck. Tho delivery wagon lias a 102-lncli wheel base, 4-cyllnder-vnlvc inhcad typo motor cast on block, Zenith carburetor, ttcmy ignition, selective sliding gear transmission, wood wheels, semicantl lever springs, with extra wide leap or driving plate and electric lighting nud starting, It Is designed for commercial uses of less capacity and considerably lighter weight than afforded by a one-ton. truck. The chassis is the same ns the 400 passenger chassis. The one-ton truck has a 125-inch wheel base nnd body length of 114 inches and 43 inches wide. -0 Fills Wide Demand Graham Bros.' truck builder is an nnswer to tho demand for oue-ton de livery of unusnal flexibility. It cm bodies Dodge Ilros.' dependable power plant and Graham Bros.' truck rear system, using Torbcnsen internal gear drive. IERE IT IS! The New Vi 1-Ton Model WORM ORlB MOTOR TRUCK In construction, materials, workmanship in fact in everything except size this new Rainier is on a par with the finest and most reliable heavy truck. Every unit,' every part, is designed for strength and durability, selected for its ability to withstand the severe strain of hard, continuous service under the most exacting conditions. Note these specifications, usually found only in tho highest priced trucks. Continental Red Seal Motor: Hear Axle, Timken- David Brown worm aud gear: Brown-Lipe Clutch and .-Transmission; Hickory Wheels, 34x4!$ pneumatic Urea WS. on demountable rims non-skid on rear. WM. J. DOUGHERTY 910 N. Broad Street See Space 16 at Truck Show jfff'"- SSv 1 fMf&ffy 'Bfiir-"" i 4$fUu, ' ; r- ,A" n t V Ready for the Body; Not an Extra to Buy Uramm-Derniiuln Worm-DrlveTrucJcs nrry, at the lUted Mle price. 0 tu S5S0 worth of equipment, according tu type and utee. ThUt equipment lamlt eentla1 to truck cmdency nd economy. Any truck jniut hare It. On thf c;ramra-Bernteln tt UUiredaa follow : .SMnoard Rramm'&enutelrt cab.tvlth doors and atorm curtain. Pjlonally rusjtcd metal yentUatlnil Front fenders and star. Sturdy radiator fluard. attached u frame Independent of radiator. Radiator ehutter, operated from nout ractlltarea arartlnn, uvea ftaaollne. ?.1y? wntomater, to Indicate temrwr Htureof enftlne. niyfru.ck wf . 'ol8 hooka of front end. SprUja trailer drawbar at rear, on ll capacltlea above lt ton. SmLtr,il,ner"t(,r' . Electric eld llaht JiSiid.unnie?. "nd non-gUre leniea; Jah uahtt bulUeye tall light, protected In frame; electric horn. Patented Gramm-Berniitetn alwaya.ln Jm tTtnmllon,wlth extension oil filler spout. ISKfti.ulrt-"',of w,ck " print bolt. , Metal license brackets, front and'rear. 1 W.OOO.mlle hub odoratttr. ffSMflWSte. f- nr ?& 0KAMM TJiSaSirrf msm Real Saving at the Start; Real Saving in the End Without question, the complete equipment of the Gramm-Bernstein chassis is an important item of added value. It is cyen more. For it repre sents an out-and-out saving, of 500 t $550, in the cost price of a truck. We believe alt business men will agree to "that. But that is not the big basic reason for choosing Gramm-Bernstein. We. want our buyers to go deeper right down, to fundamentals: , We want them tu satisfy themaelvei, first and foremost, tnat Gramm-Bernstein is a better truck for their 'particular work. AVe want them to knnw thit it is greater "vtlue. AVe Want tbem to consider, nut only the individual units, but the sound engineering and manufacturing experience that selects and brings them together. AVe Want .them to assure themselves, beyond the last least doubt, that Gramm Bernstein is longer-lived, thst it docs more work,' end harder work, at lower cost. These faets are easy to arrive at. They are easy , because ' they are. acts, and becau8, ny -.of our dealers ean supply "them. No butineis man is justified in making truck investment -without first accurately informing himself. You can't go Jar into Gramm. Bernstein reoords without discovering that high duty at low cost is their big outstanding feature. You will find, .also, a really reraorkablo olumeof repeat orders. Nothing but owner-satisfaction can account for.that. And owner-satisfaction goes directly hack to what wc have said above. Call in our dealer and have hira lay the Gramm-Bernstein facts before you. .in irniiiui-7M'riirri j iinimiinii oiv irmiWr.innof niir , tiroerfnf irlth il iMiri tr nlUirlilnq nramui'x Jlimlr l'almt l'oirrr Tal.e-ntf. Tauten anil truck of'" nhunlil iW( trmimrtcrsllliat nun triii-Aa jiitrclYrttetl ,rl jmmf tnKoojt do not iiWiitf Jl. .L (Ji'iinut' tMto ftnit An. WHUOl The Gramm-Bernstein Motor Truck Co., of Pftiladelpnia, Pa. 217-19-21 NOHTU 22D STREET Pioneers Since 1901 Builders of the First Liberty (U. S. A.) Truck Space SO ut Show Locust WHO, Race :ois 'For Men Who Know Motor Trucks 1 to 4 Tons Continental Red Seal Motor All Standard Units Salesroom Open Evenings. H. L. Smith Motor Co. 2035 Market Street Philadelphia. Model "T" In Use After several ycrs of practical test ing tho Ford inodel "T" one-ton truck Is In general use, usinc the dependable model "X" motor, Uigurlng caso of op eration, fuel economy, and low mala tenuueu cost. The final drive is of the worm type, a unique feature for such n low-priced truck. The front spring is sctni-cllptlc in oue piece, while the rear !5 la two pieces made of vanadium steel, nnd it Is equipped with u lnrgc emergency broke, acting ns both rear whccli, in nddltlon to the transmission service spring. : j Hero's Something NoW The Huffmou is a brnud-newruckf recently put ou the market, aud Is fnttta with both worm drive and internal gear drive, in 0110 size, oce-and-n-hnlf-toa capacity. It embodies standard units nnd principles of construction. Par-Mee Safety Impulse Starter :rmHmmm s For Trucks, Tractors or. Any Magneto-Equipped Motors FITS ANY MAGNETO Cannot back fire when cranking, thereby eliminating BROKEN ARMS AND OTHER INJURIES to operators. It takes the place of the ordinary magneto coupling. Will start motor on quarter turn of the crank. SAVES GASOLINE. SAVES WEAR AND TEAR ON MOTOR. Can be installed in one hour. On Exhibition at Truck Show On International Harvester Trucks Retail Price $10.00 IKrfc for full information and descriptive catalogue. Safety Impulse Starter Co. 325 AT. 15th Street BELLSPRVCn 5870 GEO. G. MEELEY, President HAltRY PARKIN, Secretary and Consulting Engineer See the H.r J 'V at the Show The motor truck has made every highway a possible freight and express route. Motor truck transportation is now an invaluable part of the national distribution system. The great power and unusual dependability of Nash trucks has played and is playing an important part in this development In the service of many linesof business from coast to coast they are dail- carrying their loads punctually and at a minimum cost. PfOTORB VALUE CPIRB ATUOUIME PRICES Ti jJSBlls7rr?-Tr-n. HMEITI Jg1 ja I One-Ton Chassis, $1650; Two-Ton Chassis, $2250; Nash Quad Chassis, $3250 Prices f. o. b. Kenosha ' V , if 'M l M I d i 1 Y PHILA. NASH MOTOR CO. m N. Broad Street Locust mo y i i-5 "ft ' " t ' u '. : f -V - , i n 41 ,' .,;. r J-i.. ?.:Uaft, . -t. rr 't . '-' rt - liv ... -vaaH'a ..'li'-L. . Sil'.(i