;f ' I'D 1 '' il FIUME ISSUE TENSE AS COUNCIL QUITS Nitti Rejects "Supreme Effort" of Jugo-Slavs Stands on . I London Treaty WANTS REPLY BY WEEK-END Uy (lie Associated Press Turk. 'Tn- 21. Willi tlio disband ing of the Supremo Council without settlement ot the Adriatic ques tion, SI?uor Nlttl. the Italian premier. Inst tjlfiht declared tliut he stood ,y his ultimatum that If the Jugo slavs dlil not accept Italy's terms lie voiild withdraw his compromise offer and that "Italy will demand that France and Orcat Britain executo purely and Itmiilv the treaty of London of April, IDlii,'" reserving the fate of Flume to later' decision. Prior to the hreauinR up of tho coun til the JiiRo-SIav reply to Italy'n de mands had been presented. Signer Nlttl declared that the terms were unaccept able. The note said that it constituted "the supreme effort" of Jugo-Slavin to bring about nn agreement with Itnly. This fact, taken In connection with Premier Nitti's statement, apparently leases tho situation a tense one The Jugo-Slavs accept the interna tionalization of tho League of Nations for Flume and Zara, concede to Italy the islands of Lussin und I'clugo7a and agree to the demilitarization of the Adriatic islands, with tlfe condition that the island of Llssa remain Jugo- Adliero to Wilson's Stand The right of the Italians In Dalma tia to chooso Italian nationality with out leaving .Tugo-Slavia is recognized by the Jugo-Slavs, who also agree that Italian national rights in Dalmatian in dustries shall be guaranteed by an Inter national convention. They refuse to make any alteration of the line drawn by President Wilson. Tho note says the desire of the Albanians for Inde pendence will bo respected, Premier Millcrand, Earl Curzon, Signor de Martino. Ambassador Wal lace and Baron Matsui will meet to morrow to examine into what form tho Interallied diplomatic pourparlers will be continued henceforth. Signor Nitti, tho Italian premier, left last evening for Itomc and David Lloyd George, the British prime minister, de parted for England this morning. Official Statement Issued The official communication of tho Supreme Council issued last evening : The council took cognizance of the Jugo-Slav answer to the Italian plan for settlement of the Adriatic question. The Jugo-Slav Government, having made reservations, it has been asked to give a definite reply at the end of the ncek. M. Pachitch and M. Trurabitch (the Jugo-Slav representatives) were heard. M. Millcrand. Earl Curzon of Kcd Ipkton. Signor De Martino. Ambassa dor Wallace and Baron Matsui will meet at 11 o'clock Wednesday -in tho Quni D'Orsay to examine into what form the interallied diplomatic pour parlers will bo continued henceforth. EXPECTS JERSEY TO RATIFY Suffrage Leader Brands Legislative Move for Referendum as "Trick" Plalnfleld. N. J.. Jan. 21. (By A. P.) Mrs. E. F. Felkert. president of the New Jersey State Suffrage Associa tion, declared her belief today that the state Legislature will ratify the federal uoman sultrage nmenumeut. She as- sertcd the action of the Assembly jes- teruay in deflarliu: for a referendum on all constitutional amendments nrjor to action by the Legislature was a "trick." "We attach no importance to the Assembly's action." she baid. "It is roerely a trick on the part of the Cain den county assemblymen to make it ap pear that there is n strong sentiment for a referendum. So far ns I could learn, no one but the Camden men knew anj thing about tho resolution. Instead of weakeniue our rniisc. thU action has strengthened it." Mrs. Feikcrt declared . she believed that the resolution was introduced as a irauu on an understanding between James It. Nugent, of Ncwnrk, and ltovid llaird. former United Stntv lenator, of Camden. LUSITANIA DIVERS' GOAL Will Seek Soon to Recover Treasure From Historic Ship London. .Tnn 'il m- a n r urt8.M ,raise k0lm o tllc treasure from "' m-Mteu jjusitania will bo made early this jcar. Engineers nnd divers believe thev "n get thousands of pounds' worth of maun, out mat it will De impossible io raikc the steamer or much of her wgo owing to tho great depth of the vwtcr in which she is lying. Three Youths to Hang Together Montreal, Jau. 21. Three youths, 'Jijeuwd to be hanged ror the murder ot Alcide Payette, a St. Sulplce farmer, Jl go to the scaffold together next Fri 5K ." Bordeaux jail jard. They aie ratMck Delorme, also known ns Jean Kaptiste Lemay; Murdock Allan und nomeo Lacoste. Their application to the governor tenerui for clemency has been refused. v. '1e a ... Ui Brr"" -w ror Me." losw 'iJtfAaPsn GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. U2' srm 310-18.30 C 310-18-20 CHESTNUT STREET NOT FAVORING BRITISH Mexican Oil Official Explains QoV ernment's Policy Mexico Cltv. .Inn. ! IMv A. V. Ilcports that the Mexican Government is favoring Ilrit sh oil comnnn es arc denied by Joaquin Hantaclla, chief of uie on bureau oE the Department ot industry, Commerce and Labor. Ho asserts American oil companies nro encountering difficulties because "they have not shown a disposition u comply witn tne regulations ot tue oil decree of January 18, 1018, and also constitutional provisions regarding tho necessity of submitting to Mexican law." , British companies, he says, are push. Ine their work vigorously "because the have complied with every governmental regulation. ' Vast Stores for World Market When General Blockade of Russia Is Lifted By the Associated Press Washington, Jan. 21. Four hundred milliou pounds of sugar, 20,000,000 bushels of wheat nnd large quantities of hides und other mntcrlnls stored in Ukraine will bo made available for the markets of the world when the general blockade of Russia is lifted, according to an announcement here today by the Ukrainian mission in America. Ukraine needs medicines, surgical goods, cloth, clothing, shoes und agri cultural machinery, according to the mission, which said the lack of medi cines and clothing alone had reduced to mi&ery great ureas of the Ukraine. It was added that the receipt of needed supplies would greatly assist the Ukrainians in lighting the Bolsheviki. Representatives of the Ukrainian co operative societies arc now in Switzer land, Franco, Eugland and other countries, and it wns announced that a delegation soon would arrivo In this country to open headquarters. Stockholm, Jan. 21. (By A. I'.) Announcement from Paris of the re opening of commercial relations between allied countries and the Russian people came as a surprise- to Sweden. Nobody hero with the exception of Rjalmar Branting, Socialist leader, thinks this step will hasten the fall of the soviet regime, but nevertheless it it) greeted with general satisfaction, as an enor mous market will be opened for Swedish products. Ai ail the Russian Baltic ports now arc frozen the exchange of goods must take place by the way of Hango or Hcval. but the ruilroad through Finland and the one through Esthonia are at present unable to carry heavy traffic and trade muht wuit until May or June when ships will hd able to cuter Kron stadt nnd Pctrogrnd. Swedish hardware manufacturers have large orders from Russia and makers of separators, telephone nppnratus and harvesters expect to exchange their products for flax, hemp, wheat and rye. It is the eencral oninion hcrp thnt before trade is going on very long Russia will be called upon to pay for stocks of valuable goods which the soviet govern ment confiscated two years ago and for which pnvment was vainly demanded before allied countries bevered diplo matic relations with the Bolshevlkl'. Speaking of Motor Fuels Ask that friend of yours What he thinks of Betholine Motor Fuel Hear 'him tell you of his "Happy Motor" Then we will know just what YOU will do. SHERWOOD BROS. riioNKS. .Si'TsT 2fl" THE HOME IS WIIKRK TO STABT CUT H. C. L. Prices Per Square Yard METAL LATH, 33 l-5c I'lre anil Vermin Proof PLASTER BOARD, 36c Hnnltiir.v, Vlre-ItculHttiiK Compare AboT Prices IV I til Wood Lath (at 22), 36 2-3c I'ire Trap llronln Vermin PEARCE FIREPROOF CO. N. K. Cor. ltroacl & Arch We Cordially Invite You to Inspect Our Exhibit At the Truck Show Troy Trailer Co. rt Drover Rnhliwl Of His MoncyStocking UKR1ET0 EXPORT m FOOD SUPPLY Had the drover been able to havo banked his money before starting for home he would not have lost the price of his herd. Today the wise business man does not take is not forced to take the chance which ruined the drover. At the close of each business day his money is safely banked. A bank account is ono of the best forms of burglary insurance. Money left in the store or office at night is money endan gered. Open an interest-bearing checking ac count with us. .EVENING PUBfclG fcEDGrER-THIL'ADELPHIA', WEDNfcSDAY, t La Jugoslavia Rifiuta di Accot- tare lo Proposto dell'ltalia SCI0PER0 FERR0VIARI0 Publish! nnd Distributed Under i..... i PERMIT NO. 841. Authorlred by th act of October 0. i'lpl'ilapa at th9 p"tomc Phlla . ' AS. IJURXEHON. Poatmaster General. Parijl, 21 gcnnnlo. Con lo sclo glirneuto del Supremo Concitio senza una sistcmazione dclla questionc Adrlr Jitlc, l'On. Nitti a scoraa notte dichlaro' che cgli reata fermo uel buo ultimatum col qualo aualora la Jugo slavia non nvefno ncccttato 1 termini prcscntati ilall'Italin, questn chicdeva che Francia cd Ingliiltcrra depgero psccuzione puramente o ncmpliccmento nl trattato di Londra dcU'aprile 1010. riscrvando a pin' tnrdl la decisione sui fato di Flume. Gil jugoslavi presentarono la loro rispoHta alio nroposte italiane prima che il Concilio si sciogllcbse 'o l'On. Nitti LA QUESTIONE 01 FIMOLUIA M.isJHHH9aaaaaiifellB. ..iiliilsiiiiilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiHswisiHBsBsHil KsSalalaisilBoillHllS9sllllla8iHaalaaaaailllllllaa Vf8aaaaaBaBilli9aialala3laHaaalBlllllaHB " 9 -a.lii, VJsBlMaWaBBWaiBafflsftjisBa nmWt dichlaro' che 1 termini contenutl in delta rinposta sono innccettablli. Ia rlftposta dice die con cssa la. Jugoslavia faceva il supremo Btorzov per rag gilineere un nccordo con l'ltalia. Con lo dichiarnzioni di Nlttl la Hltuaziouo rlmano tesn. ha Jugoslavia vuolo 1' lutcrnazionn lljizazlntie dclle clttn' di Flume c Zarn sotto la Lega dcllo Nazioni. Insclando nll'ltnlla le isolc di Tussln c I'clngouza e chlcdcndo la dcmllltarlzzazionc del l'lsole dcli'Adriatico con la condizioue che Llssa rlinataga nlla 'Jugoslavia. Oil Jugoslavi rifiutano di fare qual sIbrI altcrazlonl alio Unco tracciatc dal Prcsidcntc Wilson. Porigi, 21 gennaio Le llnec fcrro viario nordiche a dell'ltalia ccntralo eono paralizzalo in coneeguenza dcllo sdopero proclamato dai fcrrovlcri. Le lince dell'ltalia mcrldlonalc sono parzialinente nffcttc. sccondo il corri- snondente da Torino del Petit Parislen. I II Oovcrno Italiano ha provveuuto alia clrcolazlono dl poehl trenl nclle prin cipal! lincB, durante la glornata dl ieri, I trenl sono guardati da truppe con mitragllatrici. Lo stato d'assedlo narebbe stato dichiarato in parccchle cltta' e le vie sono eorvcgliate da pat tuglie dl cavalleria e fanteria. I negozi hanno nvuto ordlne di chiudere nllo ore 8 dl sera. L'uso degll auto mobili c dci vclocipedi c' Btato proiblto, Roma, 21 gennaio Lo truppe occu pnno la stazionc centrnlc di qucsta cltta' fin dalla mczzauottc, dlerro or dini del miuistcro del trasporti, Nono stanto lo sciopero, ieri molti trenl, hanno funzionato o soltnnto i dirctti sono stati sopprcssi. Tiittc le linee fer roviaric in Italia sono guardate da FRANKLIN TOURING The Greatest Road Car in America New York to Boston and return (458.8 miles) in 12 hours, 5 minutes Indianapolis to Syracuse and beyond (832.6 miles) in 22Vst. hours Cincinnati to Cleveland and return (553 miles) in 15 hours, 45 minutes Boston to Syracuse and return (693 miles) in 24 hours, 20 minutes, with a woman driving New York to Montreal (398 miles) in 9 hours, 59 minutes Waterloo, Iowa, non-stop, dirt road record (865.4 miles) in 24 hours. THE demonstrations of the roadability of the Franklin Car that have taken place all over the country are intended merely o call 'attention to this Franklin advantage not to prove it. Its daily performance in the hands of its owners is doing that. Yet the consistency with which Franklin Cars are making and breaking road records from point to point is significant to most motorists, for the cars used are stock models and differ in no way from the average Franklin. Why Franklin Averages Fast Time The above performances are feats only made possible by Franklin principles of light weight, flexibility, and correct balance. They make rid ing comfortable and handling easy and safe under all conditions. Rough stretches and sharp turns therefore do not slow the Franklin up at they do other cars. SEDAN Enclosed car con venience for five passengers, coupled with Franklin road ability and reliability. The most practical year-round car. trtippo con ordlno dl far fuoco sopra chiunquo sla sospettato dl intcrccdere il traffico. II movimento assume un enrattcre rlvoluzlonario cd II Govcrno c' dctcrmlnato a innntcncrc l'ordlnc fa cendo uso della truppa. BERLIN LIBEL SUIT BITTER Helfferlch Defends Attack on Fi nance Minister Erzberger Berlin, Jan. 21. (By A. P.) Ac rimonious clashes between litigants and attorneys yesterday marked the trial of the libel case of Mnthias Erzberger, minister of finance, ngains' - r. Karl 'Helffprich, former vicu chancellor. llemcricn tcstiucu lime .nis auarK on Krzbergcr, which is the basis of the present action, was prompted by cthi- Sapmac Infants and Inralids HORLICK'S THE ORIQWAL MALTED MILK Rich milk, malted grain, in pcrwdsr form. For infant, invalids uJgrorfiujr children. Pura nutrition, upbuilding tit whole body. Invigoratss nursing mothers ui tho ageo. More nutritious than tea, soiree, etc Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking. Substitutes Coil I0U Suae Price Orte RUNABOUT All the ad vantages of Frankbn light weight and flexible construc tion 3n o. tvro passenger open car. SWEETEN AUTOMOBILE GO 3430 Chestnut Street 441-451 North Broad Street SWEETEN WILMINGTON CO. 1011 Orange Street, Wilmincton, Del. JANtfAKY 21 1920 cal and patriotic motives, lie re viewed Erzberger'a political career, beginning in 1003, and Bald: "l'cnrs of careful observation of' Ilcrr Krzbergcr's activities have con vinced mu this mnn is bound to become fateful to the German nation nnd that lie must be roinoTed from public oflifo if our political life Is again to be come healthy nnd normal." AMERICANS AIDING POLES Another Aviator Joins Kosciusko Squadron Fighting Bolshevlkl Paris, Jan. 21. (By A. P.) Cap tain Harmon C. Itorison, of Wiimiug- Increases efficiency of a trui 50 Thumb Screw r.iitoA Amtll. Itl7 R(ut r.r. GREATE3 UPTURE RETAINER TIi selr-adjustlnc tenturei of thin Pad make It eay to wear, and the Tliumb brrew Ilerulalnr nllous of alterlne ores. siirc at will. Jlost rupturrn crow Mowlr worjie brrnuiir. truaarii that eemed rlrht In the beginning ere not. Our Improvrd pupllnncen mid Mdvanrrd mrlliudn Insure Improvement for every chho anil cure many. I. B. SEELEV. 1027 Walnut St. mmmCuI out and keen for " I rr. ff, iCV i XLJJr k. IH 52-00 if And with heavy, rigid weight eliminated, delays due to tire accidents are almost unknown. These six runs mentioned produced only one puncture and no blowouts. In daily use the average is better: three punctures in the life of a complete set of tires 12,500 miles. No Cooling Trouble Delays Important in the making of these records Is Franklin direct air cooling (no water to boil or ireeze). Leaky radiators and over-heatine never halt the Franklin. Particularly of late, motorists are hearing much about light weight without seeing its results demonstrated. We shall be glad to show you, on the scales and on the road, what genuine light weight is and what it does. 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the set of tires 50 slower yearly depreciation FOUR PASSENGER ROADSTER-A,convcnient, attractive car. Compact, yet having ample room for four. ton, N, O., an officer iu .the reserve corps of the American, aviation serv ice, has arrived in Warsaw and joined the Kosciusko squadron in lighting against the Kolnlio.vlki, nccordlug ' udvlces fiom the Polish capital. When Itorison landed in Poland he was sent to heriinerg, whcio he re- - - -- , ' An elegance ofdesiii lliat FIAT MOTOR CO. OF JeJlwMl ! MM PHILADELPHIA VwTTLJr, xSw-, BROUGHAM A personal, enclosed Frankb'n Car, inti mate when used by two, commodious when carrying four. 47 norted to Maior I'. Cedrlc Fnnntis end or of Knsnliiskn Hfinndroii. who nble to fluil a place for lilni K Y'Ai Americans- who r incmberH' of 'thit' squadron nre receiving monthly about' s'O nnd on tills tttir.i'c they nre ijif dcrRolriB the hardships of n Ililssjan winter, i lespcaks a pride of awnedtip PA. 1827 CHESTNUT ST: ts, r, r i t -I -I o 4 1 4 t ,; n a 1 n 1 W -'4 1 ' ii 9 HOTITH 52D STIiEET J C-v msiBiqijUj rk,, M nx -( rr mtimvr- . vj . m.- M ' , . ' j ,.' i r t ' , ! f V Mis -f lilL,.lL ' ; a,y a t-9 L ( if "Mi