Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 20, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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Egli Attendera' Soltanto
Oggi la isposta Delia
1'ubUihni .t-'l nirlrllmtPil Under
1'tmMlT NO. S4I.
Aullioril li ll)(. act nj October fl
HIT on 111- ul tho PoitoKlcc of IMilla
1-lplila. l'-i
a s nunt.nsov
Postmaster Central
I'urhi. "0 crnunio 11 l'rtmo Mtnl-t-tro
(1 Itntia." On. N'ltli, forsp non pin'
i 1'irig" ,) 5B, nttrinliTii' ncr iieoptliiiv
una i i:.pi)sln allu notn tlccli Allwiti
iiiiinimlu ill guv criii) ilvllii Jugoslavia.
Mil iiriMin'lu ac'iinlo rigunrilo la solu-ri-ine
ilc'la iiiii'stimir Aili'latir". !.
notion c' data dal jorualc "IUco ill
I'lu-iiji "
11 Bio-nalo assinuKP clip .p la rJspotii
noa -.urn' ricpMita per ipiota eni il
Ministro Ilaliano cliieilpra' IVt-oeuzione
(lp (rattalo til T.omlrn. bpuza ulruou
risen n. lasclando clip 11 fato dplla cittn'
di Finnic euga UecUo piu' tardi.
t'ariji. 10 sennaio. Contrartamentc
Rile iiotlzie date da qualche ciorualp
pnibia clip a tntt'ogsi il govi-rno dl
Itclgrado non abbia risposto alia uota
chc li Allcati iuviarono snlla prupootu
holnzioup del problcma relativu at
lViutrn paitc la IHcgasiiuue .Tueo
Hlava a I'arici uollc hup dU'liiarazioni
circa la qiiitlunp di 1'iump, riaffortua
ccrti critcri di intrnsigi'tiza clip molto
probabilmputc potrebbovo ritardarc la
In nncsti circoli italiani si mantipuc
11 pin' asfolnto rKcrbo circa 1p untb.ic
da foute jngoslava. sccondo lc quail gli
nrditi di U'AnmuizIo si acciugono a far
saltan? in aria Ip citta' di Zara p dl
riume al primo prccntarsi delle navi
della Ucgia Marina Italiana, 1c quali
ilovrebbero eipcllcrp lc tnippp D'Annn
zianc. GeneralmeDtc hi ha forma tiducia
chc l'On. Nitti riubcira' ad cvitare lo
sparginicuto di .augur cui aci cuua il
messaggio di D'Auminnio ai francos!,
chc fn gottato supra iu cilta' di 1'jrigl
da uu nrroplano iIpIIo squadrono del
I'octa. apiioiitamcutp partito da Viuaio.
Itotnu. 1!) gomiaiu. I giornali com
nicutano la Minpo-tn oluzioue laggiunta
dall'On. Nitti ulla qucstioup Adriativa
p di l-'iuinp. II (tiorualp d'ltalia dice
chc e' astolutaincntc iinnos.sibiIe die
Nitti abbia rimiwi.uo alia i-ovranitu'
di Flume, e sarpbbp in contraddiziouc
con lc sue precedcuti dichiarazioni.
Edwards Renews
His "Wei" Pledge
Continued from Paze One
He describes as "first and fonnst" of
the problems confronting the state gov
prnment "the matter of sumptuary
legNlation rnactod by the federal Con
gross." und he wont on to say. the ques
tion "whether the people hi New Jersey
desired to be understood as being in
favor of surrendering to the federal gov
ernment the power of regulating the e.- !
erciso of their pergonal liberties" hav
ing been answered in the negative, he
interpreted the result as indicating that
"the citizens of New .Ierpy insist iipnu
reserving to thtnisph eB the richt to jj
how they shall live, ami that tlic b
lieve measures regulating their mode of
Jife have no place in the organic law
of the nation."
In compliance with definite pledge
made in his campaign for iroveruor. Mr.
Edwards then declared his purpose to
"do every lawful thing to lime it deter
mined that the present condition of af
fairs with respect of prohibition had
been illegally forced upon the people of
this state.'
"Concurrent Legislation"
Ho quoted from what he designated as
the "so-called eighteenth a .lendnicnt"
the section which proidos that the
"Congre-s and the seeral states shall
have' concurrent power to enforce this
article by appropriate legislation."
"For the first time in our history,"
said Governor Edwards, such language
makes its appearance in the federal
constitution. Its pre-encc there is uot
the lc.-ult of accident or idle thought.
(m Q ...
''S .1
79 Vtfih Qhanue.
High Points in Message
of Governor Edwards
Itccoinmcnd!) legislation for a more
liberal state prohibition enforcement
let than the Volstead law.
. I'rges that the attorney genpral bo
Jlrectpil lo begin proceedings on -behalf
of the state to trst the prohtbi
ratify the dry amendment.
Asls the 1,-gislnturc to refuse U
rtlfy the dry nnietidmcut. ,
Asserts the right of New Jersey
women to the ballot and i.rges ndop
tlon of the woman's suffrage amend
ni"iit. Asks lemnval of the preicnt five
niPinbpr Public Utilities Commission,
and the substitution of a board of
three members to be chosen at the
November election, and meanwhile,
creatiou of n temporal y utilities
commission lj the governor with
the advice ami consent of the Senate.
Suggests an independent valua
tion commission for tiie valuation of
publi" utility pioperties on which
rates may be based.
Points out the, advisability of
ibolishlng the present bulky uusal
ried stnte Highway Commission and
the creation of n now highways board
of three members with adequate
compensation, to be iu constant ses
sion. Opposes a direct state tax for the
construction of the proposed intcr
tate Hudson river vehicular tunnel,
and the proposed Camden-Philadelphia
Delaware river bridge, recom
mends a bond issue referendum und
meeting the bonds with motor ve
hicle funds and tolls fiom the proj
ects. lJeconimends that the state high
way "building program be concluded
through a bond Usuc instead of di
rect state taxation.
Favors enactment of laws improv
ing the condition of the laboring
classes and forbidding the unwar
ranted issuance of injunctions in
lubor disputes where no property
rights are involved.
Substitution of a state insurance
fund for the present workmen's
compensation act.
lii't rather is indicative, if the amend- i
ment was ratified at nil. of the inten
tion on the part of the severnl states to
"cnuire their concurrence, nt least as to
interstate commerce, iu any proposed
-'ederal legislation concerning intoxi
cating beverages. In that view I am
supported by the opinion of counsel. '
"I respectfully urge upon you the
passage of legislation which will assure
to our people the right to live under
conditions satisfactory to them. That
i proposed legislation has been drawn and
will be introduied at this session.
Challenges Amendmend's Validity
"Second I am advised by counsel
that grave doubt exists whether the i
j amendment was legally ratified, nnd i
I that the same doubt exists as to its
being a proper subject for legislation by
n.,-- 'opt to .the constitution. I
therefore propose to request the attor-
i uey gen'rnl of the. state to present to i
I " ited States Supreme Court the!
, petition of the state of New Jersey as
la sovereign state, prating that these
' questions may be speedily determined so
that our citizens maj know what their '
rights are in the premises.
"Th'-d That there shall be pass,.,l
, hv the Legislature " resolution refusing
j to ratlf.v or accept the said amendment.
"M policy on this subject will no
I doubt provoke from some the eritii-i-ni
I 'it I am flaunting the constitution of
I lic United States. I yield to no one
'. iu my respect and regard for that net,.
lar'ation of our rights and liberties. Rut
I nm strong in my conviction that the
rights of New Jersey as a sovereign
tnte under the en- itution have been
iuvaded. and I insist it is my sworu
Applied Electricity
Prartleal Counts Dealing With
rirctncitv and Its .lpplJcoKo.i
Olhcr cour?es In Applied JiWhan cal
EnslncirlMr, Industrial Chtmlsirj. Trans
portation and Traffic, tloatlne and Ven
tilating A--countlne. Salesmanship. Pub-1
Irerl Institute. Jl'.'d and Chestnut Sts.
Shcetrock is made of the s.ame material
as the bcratch coat of plaster. It's plastei
in wallboard form. And it's nearly twice
as thick a tho ordinary wallboard. Sheet
rock is fireproof, non-warping, slightly pli
able and is a non-conductor of heat and cold.
Aok for tample.
10th & Columbia Ave. numonu soso
hat we have made a
success of our Adver
tising Agency is up
surety we will make a
success of your Adver
tising, but it does prove
we arc business men
uith a grasp of practicalities.
duty to have It definitely established in
u legal manner by (lie duly constituted
authorities whether that la so or uot."
Would Abolish Utility Hoard
Tins governor severely criticized the
public utility commission for its treat
ment of the trolley faro controversy
that has agitated the slate for several
.vcars back! accused It of Incompe
tency and unfairness In llxlnj: rntci;
aggravating the public mind by tr.ving
crude experiments vvUh the sone system,
without first determining how much
money the company Is entitled lo earn,
and recommended removal of the pres
ent commissioners and n new commis
sion established, appointive by Hie gov
ernor, with thp ndvicp and consent of
the Senate and the passaRo of a bill pro
viding for an elective commission to be
elected next November. Valuation of
properties, the governor said, should be
dealt with by a valuation commission,
for the creation of which a bill will be
introduced nt the present session of the
Highway Commission Ineffective
Ueorganizatiou of the highway dc
partmput was rioommended, the present
commission lo be abolished and a new
one of three members "nt an adequate
compensation" to be created Iu its stead.
This commission, says the governor,
should be in constant sessions.
Other departments, "mlsstylcd econ
omy and efficiency boards," came in for
sharp criticism and inefficient and of
doubtful economic value.
liond Issue for Uridgo and Tunnel
On the subject of the interstate bridge
mid tunnel Governor Edwards placed
himself in direct opposition to direct
tax for purposes of tin ir construction,
recommending instead a bond issue
Instead he recommends a bond issue
which need not be u charge against the
tnMible real property of the state. lie
expressed similar objection to u diicct
tn' fn," road improvements.
IJuildiug of homes by the stnte is
opposed by the governor as a means of
impioving living conditions, but he
urged amelioration of existing hardships
through a study of the situation by com
petent men of affairs.
Labor and Suffrage
The governor renewed his campaign
The governor renews his campaign
pledge to endeavor to obtain passage of
laws improving the condition of labor
ing men, forbidding the unwarranted
issue of writs of injunction in labor
disputes where no property rights are
involved other than the property right
for a long time you've
wanted music at home.
Your wife's asked for a
good phonograph often.
Now you can get a real
will put one in your
home. A few weekly
or monthly payments,
and it's soon yours. The
Pathe plays all records.
No needles are neces
sary the famous Sap-
iphire Ball gives a full,
I natural tone. Hear it
1 today. -
F. A. North Co.
1306 Chestnut Street
Please send mo a complete Uescip
tion of
Pathe Phonograph
ulso details of eauy-pament plan,
without Interest or extras.
I., l.no.no
WBST rillLA.I 3(12 S. BSnJ hi.
KKNHINCJrONj 1813-15 K. Allrolitn
MANAll.SKl WH Main bt.
NOIITH rjllUl SI3S N, l'rant hi,
MIKRIHTfm.Ni !!J8 W. Mnln St.
ClIliSTKUl SVi niKinout Ar.
I'AMDKNl 831 llrojilirnr
TRKMTQJfl t09 K, Htute H.
nf.ADl.VU: 15 .N. 0th tft.
claimed in the labor power of the human
being, und guaranteeing to the work"
Ingiuen of New Jersey the right of trial
by jury In till coups of alleged con
tempt committed outside the presence
of the court.
He Indorsed the woman suffrage
amendment to the federal constitution
and urged its ratification by the Leg
islature. Acting Governor Presents Seal
In delivering the great seal of New
Jersey to the new governor, Acting
Governor Case said :
"It is my privilege and duty to dc
liver into our etistody tile great sr.illboth of Trenton
nt tin state ol .ew Jersey.
of ew Jersey. Governor
have romp, sprved thrlr day and goiip.
I.pgislaturp has succeeded Legislature. '
.- ....,. , - , . .. ...... ' .
Constitutions have been made and
when necessary to conform to the will
of the people, remade. Wars have been
wigcd and won. Hut this nncient seal,
the solemn symbol of organized society,
has endured. It is the composite mark
of liberty, law and order, thnt trinity
which" reigns wheresoever this matrix
has impressed its beloved characters.
Pray God it may ever be thus. Liberty
without law is llcpnsci law without
liberty is tjinnny: either without order
is confusion. It is by the happy (om
blning of these factors thnt men prosper
in their pursuit of happiness, peace nud
"Times change, so do the problems
and activities of society. Little did
the craftsman of this seal conceive,
little did the governor to whose hands
this precious symbol was first en
trusted, forecast the tremendous growth
of population and of industries within
its jurisdiction.
"The structure of society i not pet
rified. It is no mummied shell of nn
ancient ideal. It is a living, nervous
orgonism. To fuudiou it must give up
its outworn substance qnd be replen
ished. Such is the law1 of life. It is
for government to live; to grow, but
not abnormally : to do. but uot to
"Ilcfoiv you, sir, the activities and
problems, the hopes and aspirations of
Il.OOO.OOO people arc assembled. To
you these people look with the as
surance that with all -the force and
sagacity you possess or can command
you will serve and protect them; serve
and protect society, organised society,
the state.
Governor Edwards wus escorted to
The House that Heppe built
C. J. Heppe &' Son Downtown 1117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets
Mason & Hamlin, Weber, Heppe Pianos. Aeolian Player-Pianos. Pianolas, Duo-Art Pianolas. Victrolas
Your home should have a Victrola
buy one today at HEPPE'S
Every home should have music and there is no musical
instrument that can give you a greater variety of music than
a Victrola. Your home should have a Victrola 1
At Heppe's you can secure Victrolas from $25 to $300.
Below are four Heppe Victrola suggestions.'
Settlement may be by cash or charge account or by
our Rental-Payment Plan, by which all rent applies toward
the purchase price.
Immediate delivery can be made of the following outfits:
Heppe No. IV Outfit Heppe No. 1X-A Outfit
Victrola IV $25.00 Victrola 1X-A $70.00
4-10" double-face records 3.40 8-10" double-face records 6.80
Total Price $2840 Total Price $76.80
Heppe No. VI Outfit Heppe No. XI-A Outfit
Victrola V! $35.00 Victrola XI-A $130.00
5-10" double-face records4.25 1 0-1 0"doubIe-face records 8.50
Total Price $39.2S Total Price $138.S0
Call, phone or write tor catalogues and full yarticvlars
1117-1119 Chestnut Street
the Old Uurrncks, a structure loculed
on state grounds and which was built
by the llritlsli in colonial days, where
lu the midst of invited guests he par
took of lunchron. He Uipu rptunierf
with his party to n stand creeled in
front of the Capitol, where he re
viewed the Inaugural parade composed
of more than 8000 marchers from nil
of the counties in the stnte and par
ticipated in 'by twenty bands of music.
Mayor Frederick V, Donnelly, o
Trenton, apromlnent Democrat, was
grand marshal of the parade, with
Major lliehnrd Stockton, Jr., chief of
staff, and William V. Gordon, adjutant,
r.....n.i u.
Capitol Handsomely Adorned
John A. Smith, of Camden, custo
dian of the Capitol, had southern smllnx
and the national colors placed in at
tractive festoons in the State House
corridors and the effect was most pleaH
ing. One of the features in the main
corridor was a massive liberty bell com
posed of lings auci evergreens and Il
luminated by electric lights.
Tlin now Hint. ttntr nf Ihn governor
'arrived .vesterday, and was turned over
by the custodian to Adjutant General
Frederick Gilkyson. It will be ills
I played in the executive chamber during
th6 reception held by the governor.
Each elected covernor receives a flag.
which is presented to him for his own
use at the close of his term of office.
Governor Edwards immediately after
the inaugural ceremonies, sent a com
munication to Attorney General Me
Cran, usking that official to confer with
him next Thursday at 11 o'clock here
to determine the most feasablc and ex
peditious method of raising the ouestion
as- to the validity of the prohibition
amendment in the United States Su
pteme Court.
Mexico Bars U. S. Witnesses
El Paso, Tex.. J4an. :(). (By A. P.)
The Mexican consul general here has
received instructions from his govern
ment not to vise passports of persons
who have appeared as witnesses before
the United States Senate subcommittee
investigating Mexican affairs, it be
came known lost night. No distinction
as to nationality will be made in en
forcing this ruling, it was said.
Founded in 1S65
Pounaeo tn IS 66
On Price System adopted In 1811
Friendships have been lost
through the giving of advice. Yet
our customers tell us that a good
way for them to gain new friends,
or to strengthen existing friend
ships, is to advise the purchase
of a Cadillac.
Nccl-CadilJac Company
142 North Broad Street
Rivers and Harbors Bill Con
tains Improvements for Wa
terway as Far as Trenton
$5,000,000 FOR THE WORKS
Hu a Staff Correspondent
Washington, Jan. '20. A single proj
ect for the improvement of the Dela
ware river from Allegheny avenue, Phil,
ndclphia, to Lalor street, Trenton, Is
nrovlded for in the rivers and harbors
bills reported to the- House yesterday.
This is accomplished by consolidation
of two existing projects. The bill in
cludes the. following section :
"Section (5 Delaware river, between
Philadelphia. Pa., and Trenton, N. J.:
The two projects heretofore authorized
for Delaware river from Allegheny nvc
nuc, Philadelphia, Pa., to Lalor street,
Trenton, N. J., nud nbove Lalor street
to the upper railroad bridges at Tren
ton are hereby consolidated to form a
single project between Philadelphia and
llcsidos the Delaware project provi
sion is made in the bill -for n survey
of Absecon Inlet, Newark bay and the
Ilackensack and Passaic rivers and the
llaritau river, including tho section
nbove the Washington canal, all in
New Jersey and a survey of Wilming
ton harbor (Christiana river) in Dela
ware. To Provide Until 19"J1
These comprise the specific projects
authorized by tho measure, ulthough the
Delaware and other river improvements
will share in the expenditure of S12,000
000 appropriated for continuing and
maintaining improvements previously
This appropriation is divided to allow
53,000,000 for "the maintenance and
preservation of public works on rivers
$25 to $300
6th and Thompson Streets
and harbors," and .'$7,000,000 "for con
tlmilug thu prosecution of improvement
works oil rivers and harbors which have
herctoforo been adopted by Congress."
According to tho committee report, it is
tistimatcd by the chief of engineers of
the nrmy, in charge of river and harbor
Improvements, that the 85,000,000 ap
propriated in the bill will be sufficient,
In addition to the funds available from
previous appropriations, to maintain
existing river und harbor works so as
to adequately provide for the" needs of
commerce until March 4, 1021. liy that
time it is anticipated that mother rivers
and harbors appropriation bill will have
been passed by Congress.
The cost of the New Jersey nnd Dela
ware surveys enumerated will come out
of a $400,000 appropriation for sur
veys of specific projects designated jn
the bill.
Eighty Now Projects
Section 0 of the bill rcpenls the para
graph in Section 3 of the river nud har
bor net approved March 2. 1010, which
provided that no work should be under
take upon any new project in that net
unless the Secretary of ,Wnr should be
of the opinion that, based on the cost
at the time of entering upon the work,
the project could be completed nt a
cost not greater than -10 per cent in
"Built like a
i ' &--var .
7 , HL. ' JOBBER y&fWKi""!!
An average drawer lea J weighs fifty pounds.
1 This Skaiu-Waiter mio' holding abtut
ten times tha weight. And hems it easily
without sagging. (From actual photograph,
Letter Files
TET Shaw-Walker In
- ' dex your correspon
dence files.
Then you'll have a
complete filing machine.
A machine which will
deliver any letter you
want into your hand al
most instantly.
Find out how to put
your filing department
on a result basis. Phone
or write us. It will not
obligate you in theleast.
1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Phone Filbert 5267
Steel and Wood Filet
Ledger Daiht
excess of tho cost n .ik ..
Pd in the project rA'y.tm!
pfolects were udonted t nV'rt'r-tal
TIloeommlHnn.l'Ii"' "'Is Hoi "l
ascertained that mlll .hl,
..nv.,uiiM-u mar. on nuii v-""' oi
these projects Is tl,0 JnVM,l,J
the new worl; affected iKUou
tlicm only n small nnrit". l ?' hob.
licm only a small portion ..'Ot
in unccicd, t mt on dnc nrnfc. ,e w
vny front Delaware river to ri,1
bay) it is doubtful If iu ? cCMPe
affected by this ""rolls o 0rk Wl
TIam!!. in
Commercial ,,,,..
Card Index EquiqpW
FHinst Sola
v -t
Wt .rHjbH
i ir ii 4 . I j- m "1t:L - S.