MPS - V ' , it p. , JANUAKY 20, 11)20 " EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, 33ft-HWra,VUSttW i '. : ; m ''.. E i.ilv X ,.? itjm g'&l m ' $": .&.! mi m ml ?m HW'1 mm mi rk?i'.f 4a it i 'SA w " t5W- i v ffliWCOID 'HOME' I-, R-- Soylet Troops Wave Tablecloth . as White Flag In Grcet : " ing 'Comrades' lrLb;SAFE ACROSS BORDER ' Br Um Assnrlatfi) Tress '.TcrlJoUl, I'inlntiil, Jan. 20. Run-' .Bians derjortptl from the 1'iiilcil State Vrft glvpu wlmt mlRlit lie tcrnioi mi official reception just thin vil lage yesterday. In, the crowd tliut greeted Alexander Efrkman. lCnimn Ooldmun and their 'comrade.'," was M. Zorien. incinhcr of tha nll-sovlets executive committee, 'wjipjflfter a brief conference with llerk Wu,i agreed to permit the whole party ,to enter Bolshevik Russia. ''There is no questiou thrv will he yrHcomed in Russia." said SI. nrleti. W0 will give them wnrl; according to their professions aud trades, but first 'twrnust provide them with comfortable bpmcfl nnd feed them well." 4 Madame, Mnxiin (iorky. wife of the Itovellft, Kaid when she met the de ,port?PB: "Riissln opens her arms to all who arc politically nersceuted." Both Parties Slept on Ice 4 There was a .sl'ht dehiy in tr-'ttina in touch with the Bo'sheviki. whose lilies were about n mile distant from tin1 bro'ol: marlriti!; the frontier of soviet territory. Rerkman. u-eompitnied by Finnish officers and newspaper eorre poDdents. went out on the ice, meet ing the Bolshevik! in the middle of the stream. Both parties conspicuously displayed white flag, the one carried by the Bolshevik soldiers beiug a table- I q'oth tied to a red pole. i (Shortly after the decision to receive the deportees was reached, the whole I party detrained nt a point where a ivood road leaves the railway and runs toward the forest. A few wlro were unable to walk were placed in sleishs. Finnish soldiers guarded the road nnd the transfer was made with out a hitch. Captain Emil Nielsen, of the British Red Cross, entered Soviet Russia with tho deportees for the purpose of nr niujeltiR u bhlpment bf supplies lu Hrit" ish prlsoncr. Kiniiia Goldman Killed With Awe Willi cheers greeted the purty of 217 I men uud two women deported from America as they crossed the bolder. RolshcvlM were waiting to welcome them. "This is the greatest moment of my life," exclaimed Sliss fJoldmau to the Associated l'ress. "After thirty -five years of absence 1 am returning to Rus sia with u feellug of nwe. I am glad lo leave Anicric'a, but I love the Amer ican people and expect to return there some day." Conditions have considerably lni- ' proved In I'etrojrad, according to M Zorien, who Mild every oue mere was getting one and n quarter pounds of bread per day. There was compara tively Ultle Idleness aud wood and fuel were' more abundant, making life more pleaaut than heretofore, he snicl. "Our crack Third nrtny, which wa the lust of those used in Siberia ngainst Kolcliak, was withdrawn from the front," SI. Zorien asserted, "aud although this organization is kept un der -trict military discipline, it is no longer lighting, but is a working tun -chine. Its principal task is supplying I'etrogr.ul with food, which is secured direct from peasants, and bringing in wood. As our military requirements decrease we hope to convert more of our troops to industrial purposes, still lieeping each unit intact on a military footinq." BABY IN HIS SUITCASE Traveler Believes "Broken Blossom' Switched Grip Bridgeport. Conn., Jan. 20. Mount ing the steps of his home nfter return ing from ii trip to New York early yes terday, Robert S. Rohland heard tt strange cry which Recmed to come, from his suitcase. Opening it he found an clght-wccks-old baby boy snugly fitted Inside. Rohland has turned tho ,bag and Its contents over to the police. Rohlnud boarded the train leaving the Grand Central Terminal Sunday night, takiug a seat lu the smoker. IIo fell asleep soon after the train started and thinks fronie fellow traveler simply twitched bags with him while lie slept.. He believes It is possible mat tne puny was passed unknowingly into his hands. In the suitcase "Urokeu Blossom," as tho mother signed herself, had left a note containing feeding directions and stating that she was on her way to California, leaving the baby "the same lit) the man who caused me all this trouble." Hanscom's Home-Made Milk 9c loaf Made in our big model bakery at 52d and Mar ket Sts. We are not try ing to cheapen it becaXise of the high price of flour. J"3S Mxrliet M. S2U and Mnrlicl )'n Murket St. 10 h. 60th M. ;;:4 M. 'JJO S. r.'Jd M. We arc the "largest" bak ers of line Pastry in Phila It M?X. I" BJT "Marie Antoinette" Table Silver A distinguished pattern of table silver perfect alike in conception and execution. The design is most dignified, and the delicate gray finish helps wonderfully in its appearance. A complete set of one hun dred and ninety-one pieces in laree mahocanv chest with two drawers $1100. S. Kind & Sons, 1110 chestnut st. DtA.MO.ND aiUnCIIA.NTS JKW13I.13KS SILVERSMITHS NATIONAL THRIFT WEEK "Own Your Own Home" HIS will help you to cultivate habits of thrift and is not so difficult as you suppose. We have nothing to sell, but perhaps we can offer you material assistance in purchasing a home. If you aire considering this call to see us. Commercial Trust Company m yil!ilillli!ililiiiiii;ililill'lillllllllllllllli Rheumatism and Neuritis Why Suffer Longer? Drink Mountain Valley Water The famous curative water from Hot Springs. Endorsed by Physician. m Mountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St. rnorm walnut 3ui Servrd at tMJ!uff tldL. lluu-ic CdUu und I'. II. U dtiilnir urumtis, tiic. caifs. Sold by ilrst-cla&d aeocre, or direct ty us. ii" $ mmv tt Re Yours of the 26th " a o nnng inaiviauaiizea to your K to your business so simply, that " tlieirs of the 26th." is always at hand when you need it? The Amberg Plan gives instant reference to records. When ordinary files grow complicated, slow of reference, dependent on memory and arbitrary in routine, it is due to blind efforts to control filing distribution. That is the cause of misfiling, lost records, separated correspondence, wasted time and effort. Filing distribution problems are solved by the Amberg discovered law of correspondence, proved 992 accurate, because based on a master list of 205,920 names which occur in constant proportion throughout business. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiai j m&Srr'M&i HI ps '' ? 'H OPPENHElM.gLLINS&( Chestnut and 12th Sts. Announce for Tomorrow Wednesday Important Sale of Dresses For Women and Misses Four of the Models Illustrated Jersey Cloth and Serge Dresses An unusual variety of attractive models of Jersey cloth, velour and mannish serge in the popular shades; embroidered, braided, tailored and button trimmed with girdles of self material. Regular Values to $32.50 18.00 All Sales Must Be Final , City Hall Square West Mpmlipr Kprlpml Rpsnrvp Svsfrirn - I W iWmmmmClvdvsc Accounts Solicited JEllDMlliP'nfimnnHi Mail OrdcrsAcceptcdliiiMiMEg I ? 1 .w I ... a uinciwwi ji. I Sale Price m (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) j i m. f Tl 1? Pa fl 1 No C. 0. D.'s or Exchanges j Ammal Jaieafy M i iiiaiiiir ii Sl Ea i Inii in iiiiimmi iiiimiiin I Tin. iiinmrfflj We'll Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults, on Pay ment of a Small Deposit, Until Next Autumn. Payments to be Continued Through Spring and Summer. Reductions for Wednesday Extraordinary ! Coupled with our determination to clear our Fur stocks this month is the knowledge that Fur Skins for next year's consumption are rising continually in pricc this basic market fact is noticeable in all directions. It is the best reason in the world why you should take immediate advantage of these offerings, for they are truly Unsurpassed Values! Scarfs 362 Fox and Wolf Scarfs lylncc and Solid Anlimil Effects $12.50 $19.50 $29.50 $39.50 Reduced from 19.H0 to $65.00 Ti'-urr". Kamchatka, Brown, GeorKette and Black. Sets 98 Fashionable Fur Sets $35.00 $59.50 $85.00 $95.00 Reduced from $65.00 to $145.00 .Sots of Kos, Wolf, Beaver, Skunk, Hudson Seal, Nutria. Natural .Squirrel, Jap Mink, Jap Cross Kox and Australian .Seal. The Amberg Plan gives but one logical nlace to file or find and enables anyone knowing the 3 A,B,Cs to find a filed record in any emergency. H Over 75,000 offices in more than half a century have profited by the Amberg Plan. Your office can adopt the Amberg Plan immedi ately, without upsetting $our routine. Ask an Amberg representative to call and tell you how. AMBERG FILE & INDEX CO., PHILADELPHIA Widener Building Telephone Walnut 4674 Clilrutcu Ilohton New nrU (Inirlnnd Ilrtroll J'ittxburgli LjllNPIVIDUAUZp T. YOOBa BDSINCeg'!' ra -.1 V . Marmot Coats Reduced from $155.00 I'ull I'lare Modflx Willi lonK rolling shawl collar and deep cuffs of marmot. mo.oo a Reduced from $195.00 30-IthIi 1'lara SIndrls of hp e ted quality skln3 in an attractive model. ; H45. immmmimmmMumm Australian Seal Coats I m.5o I n55.oo 1 Reduced from $135.00 .Smurl MoUrln, l.til'Ke Hhawl collar and wide cuffs of Australian Seal. Reduced from $225.00 Jaunty MoilrlK. Dressy hhawl collar and deep cuffd of Squirrel or Australian UpobHUlll. QUI iii'JiiuBiii'iiiGEiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioioiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Muskrat Coats 1145. 1 Rcdiucd from $185.00 Smart Mod'lu. A looue jaunty etfect with lone rolling Hhawl collar and deep uffn. Reduced from $265.00 -in.lnri. l'lnrn ModrlH. Trl med with largo hawl col lar aud cults of ilusurai b: n 85.00 l,ffl!MiilllWillllBIill!ii:iilMIIIIIII8lffliailllllIIIIIB Hudson Seal Coats Reduced from $225.00 i a u - (f.J.ln T nmn CnlUn CTJIUHW .'luurio, MUI to1' wIimwI rnllnr and ulde cuffs of Iludaon Heal. Mole Coats Reduced from $395.00 30'lncli Jaunty Mud cnectlvo Bports coa novel dcslsn. 195.00 rt & $295.00 3 Reduced from $175X0 36-tncli hporlB Slodel, tlare fully Belected Scotch moll'- $350.00 nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmminmmmmmm B Reduced from $375.00 I'ull I'lare Model. DreBBy bliawl collar and deep cuffu of Beaver, Skunk and Natural squirrel. :(iafM;affimiraisiiiGi!KEi3!iffiffiiaiii!iaE! '165M $295.00 1 iukwwmwmnwmmI Squirrel Coats 345j Reduced from $47o.OO Smart KporU Model. "VVItti largo shawl collar and deep cuffs. Reduced from $525.00 30-Inch Hmart Model. I.arno rolling onawi couara an cufis ol squirrel. $395. i j!fK llhlSWe Accept Libert Purcliasing Agcjits' Orders nn'iinnuilungH IjB ' This is a mighty fine catalog it is called "Vertical filing" and it is "the most helpful book on filing ever written". One particularly good chapter is on the Library Bureau Automatic index the quickest, most dependable and moBt logical system of filing and -filing ever devised. Other chapter headings are: "Correspondence or letter filing" "Direct alphabetical correspondence filing" "Numeric correspondence filing" "Geographic or town filing" "Subject filing" "The central filing depart ment" "Transferring" "Credit information filing" ."Invoice or bill filing" "Purchase and sales records" "Catalog filing" "Drawings, blue-prints and photo filing" "Bank filing" "Legal filing" etc. Business executives and file clerks will find this a ; , mighty handy catalog to have around for reference. Write for catalog G 501 8 L ibrary Bu r e au Card and filing Founded w. Filing cabinets systems Wood and ateel M. W. MONTGOMERY, Manager 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia . Salesroom In 49 leading cities of the United Statei, Great Britain and France " J 11 !- i 'VJ JklJA ijT;,U,.!......i; .. ;-Wj-r- I'fy ' fy , " IWfllM'ii Mm 1 1 lLcj!- 'uMM .', , i -' 'J"l V JJtu'A lit", . "At vi x, I , iTl.'t'