i-FTjys. V EvkmN-l PUBEtC EEDaERHIFABEllPHlA; TOlayJSS!, XAXrAllY "W 1020 'i-'Vf (U Vft I - I , 111 EB HHBKr-'i iHE BOiPiaiaiiN HHb . If' Hi ' m -m he :py ih m m ll-'-rl1 m &. m a p ? 'i N, to awu , mmw ? 'If II 111 --S '.K tJmft I i .iW f f 13, i 6 '. 7 SMflBMS- P fallr s mmr wml Lr(i-H KELP WANTED MAM. tHTSt AND R01I.TCHMATr.ERIs NTKD BT TUB CHESAPEAKE AND 1(AIJ.(UA.. Vl-'JI A" .' BUPK1H1N triWiU-Ml MJIIVTi RICHMOND. VA.t It M. BROWN 8DPERNTENOENT. HTJNTINOTON A., on w. p. nobsoN master ANIU, COVIKCTTON. KMHTUUili IRTfl T.ATTtn ASB VISE HANDS: (TSady work, aoon WAan!, no Mr TnOTinr.Ti irrLY Tim watson ACHINIO CO . PATKRSO.V N J JUNIOR SBTAILERS SENIOR DETAII.'Ens JUNIOR DESIGNERS SENIOR DESIGNERS SECTION HEADS Are. you wlllln to locate In central ' New Tork etate7 If eo wj wontd Ilk to consider jour QUalWiMtlon, providing; vour experience 1 nlons tho following line of manufacture MECHANICAL OR ET.ECTR1CAI. APPARATUS Steam turbine or reclnroeatln engines, heavy duty motor gen erator sU: interchangeable ap paratus, steam moth" powr units as applied for either sta- ffAnsrv nr marina PUrpOSCS ?s u.Jl SIR"', ROOERb. ,111 wo luttt hai excellent ' Address with ge married nr elnsle na-. rook Prot .ath. chambermaids and tlonallu and experience in full to I pirlotmaids, waitress, infant nurne Eng DRArT'SMVN Hah ladlee maidtto co houth. Trench and P. O. Boi IBS, Ulooinlleld, N J English butlers nlels housemen chauf feurs, excellent couple, wife cook, man gen-1 i eralh ypful ' MACHINISTS wanted alt-aroun 1 men. ex- ffiStS'S. SSTlnV repair work; nori but ftrst class need apply Win !. ltussell. , TIB Noble t . . ' MAN wanted as lYuekr Bronn & Ratio ro , 4in N- Franklin st M4 .- M.n.1 1l -.,-J Kl- Th.ltowV,r Slfuth Rend0 "mi'1"' or adsl"lc" MILIAVRIQHTS llrat class wanted Applj Frankford Arsenal. Philadelphia, Ta . im. mediately. MOLDERS First-class nonunion molders for medium work under crane steadv work and good pay, none but good men need apply. THE Ail- RROWV CO . 3d st, and Port a-ve , EMiabethport. N J PaPER DUTER rRANKLTN PRINTrVll CO 5i4-":o wdlow sr PHILADELPHIA 1 T.OOKINO rOR A MAN' YVHO KNOWS PAPER AVD 1 HE PAPER MARKET IN PHILADELPHIA TO ATTEND PRTNCIPAT.LT TO THE PURCHASIVa OK PAPER M VN WHO HVS HELD A SIMILaR POSITION IN PHIIADEI.PHt V. WITH rRTNTIVO PLANT OR PAPER JORRINO TfOCSE ONLY WILL BE CONSIDERED. APPLT BT LETTER STaTING 1"T."I,LT AGE. EXPERIENCE AND VI ART DESIRED CORRESPOND- ' ENCE CONFIDENTIAL B 3:. LEDGER OITICE PD?E FITTERS AND PLUMBERS Bert wages and Ihinc condition' all winter's work In the South Apply NEWPORT SHIPBUILDING COMTANT NEWBERN. N C ilANUFACTURINO COMPANY In cltv of u"flL" OOfflTUNITIES 'J 10U.UUU. aooui DV miles iroin i-nuaueipnia. Srr. . - . reonintH o requires services of sales correspondent ex. (,pnera rartinn. nr nf Panic- up. attraei ii,. . ? ':.I!,"5i.P"?"' .s perlenced In handling detail of sales depart- - -" "- " . - ,,,. hy "" "'. " "" ' ''"""! tnTi orlc state eonence and nualinca. 1 M I J..! . . . I vi,. i ii p,,m,""m 1 "0119 l'oplar ST30 lions In detail, it SM Ledc-r OfflLC UUIU, IK. J., UCSHeS 10 COnimCI LORRVINK M'TO CO MEN Wanted men with enough "-If-con- Wl machine COHlDanV' ill Ol- 1 "'"' "ni1 ''"'''"iwiiit ae PLASTERERS. BO white or co'ored Jl p-r I . I PLUMBERS. FIRST CLaSS NONUNION." WA.JTED: RATE T CO TOP. slIOHB DAT. APPLT BY WIRE OP. LETTER TO ' GEO M PATXE SECRETRT MsSTrn I ILUJIl- A-SOCIATION. GEORGIA. COLUMBUS, PORTERS AND Hj-ar! APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMMCER'S RETOUCHER Wanted first class proof r. UStFtSa?&8? 1809 Chestnut st U" T s n.. 3LA.,juun. id Lt.Hn nn n.rru . S3 MANAGER to tako over office omni-e saies rorces Knowi-cure of bondsl ana biocks preierrja. not necessary for In- salary and commission Pill L'ds.r Office , S -LESLN HAM1D A oromlaent New York concern Is seekine a salesman who Is acquainted with and has a followinsr anionic local hotel, club restaurant and apartment house trade to represent It in Philadelphia, an Interestlnu- proposition awaits tho man who Is qualiUed for this posl tion: write full d-tails of vour experience and the nature of ur present dut'e At 37 Ldr Offl-e "-' SALESMAN, pharmaceutir-ai vranted to pell to physicians and druzslsts centnl Pvnn ;lvanta territory state ase. e.pe-Ience, etc. M 334. Ledger Offlc" THOROUGHLY reliable and re.pct.ablr col ored oouplw. man to loo'c after S-acre country place, also eetablo earden and assist In care of horse, cows olrs pc-ultrr etc : wife uood plain cool P 203. Ledner Offloe TOOLIifAKERS Chea relet Mo'or Co of 2ntnt. Mich . wants at once 30 eTp-rience.i teolmakers, state full particulars in flrst ltter. i TRTMMBRS Exprlnced trimmers for tops sld. curtains s-at coaer. and closed car"' Apply Brunn 4 Co.. 9S0 Elllcott sL. But. falo N Y. TOUNG MAN for work In national bank atxte ao. epr!nc9 and salary dIred' P 102 I-drr Office --. YOrJNC MEN WITH OR MITHOUT BL ' CYCLE'S JR OUTSIDE WOHTC. DAT HOUB8: GOOD W40ES CHANCE TOIt PROMOTION: VACATIONS WITII PAT APPLY AT ONCF MR RIV3SB DEL-Vl JBRY DEPARTMENT. FIRST FLOOR II Si CHESTNUT ST. "" TOUNG MEN for Eneiai oTl.e orlc. state ao. experience and -alary expected. P 033, Ledrer Offlc Ceneral I OREFNEWALD S ACCOUNTANTS COST and statistical men, ' excellent openings accts with C. P. A. xp.; sentors 4-0ou textile 'ost expert, cost acct. and office mar mf corp a. countants knowled-s foreign echane and banking i stores acct lareo corp, offi.e mirr and' bkpr. office mgr handle cost dpt. , book keeper handie cost bkpr and stenoir , brfpr i banklnc exp , bkpr im corp bpr take chief clerk handla Jeta. s P-trVATB SCERETART-Promln.nt official iirte corp priva e se.v and oifir . mr . --.Top''eCy SrJ ""u0lent- vub" "" Wcty and stenotr lsrs, in. corp Keoy nd steno? mint es rorp. t-l-ai.K.n.oi-- wnne or coored Jl pr l nrit el is i or hur:doubIe-Ume overtime open-shoo town -hone nurchts n APPly Builders and I'ontractors' Asso . Ill fwEn " ' A road. Bldg Norfolk- Va I ' " Camuen N .' d. -H.I AKr-rnnn....... . .. - -! n.bj, miu . . v.iiri' . ..uii. s anie tenor. prcnsin aept inr lo. leuor. const jmirineer s office. nojr. export aepi isr-e co iciy. noviea-e weutro .toi enrr. handle office deta Is stor, he aboas openings are of an eiecutlve and icreiariai iiiuri- -loiuiti-ni 10 ai concerns ilarlea up to J3000 for nuallflpd anolleanta. asms very attra. il openmrs for exp. busl nm Tfomen eiecutlve and secretarial. PRODUCTION rORF-IAV familiar srllh uto, mfr . supt arae foreman on I jesemonne. torenian on motor repairs. frmn mfit or ju'l p , labor fore man. enelneers and diafteinsn structural' architectural, mechaniuil. uood opnins for' collets ana te. nnicai men ium. urafts men; ISO, tracers, detaiieis rfsTTORMATION BLANK A ROOK TFT srfttU: no enrollment charees- applications fronv looai residents cnly and from those only with actual business esjp and clean Tsvoords: no others 2-0 H 11th TTB TEACH TOO TO DRIVE AND ItEPAin A. 2P F miTlND !l L .Full and Complete Course 12.1 ND NIOHT CLASSES OPEN SUN T.TPENSK OI'ARANTEnn aWATTt.KR'H IfiOl Snrlng flarden st Hlhll MEN for railway mall clerks JTTTo ivtoutni esperienca uiiiieceanitr- j or i ree rrtleultr. examinations, writs 3 Leonard iformer goernmnt examiners. 002 Equlto. W Bide Washlnton gITiJATIONS WANT-3D-FI3 MALE ! T,ITNDRK3S. fltst-clsiss. deal res whlrK,J lv iLiasj -aiv- or fD -crv, tlW' SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE ACCOUNTANT, part time services! tangled accounts straightened flnnnclal report mads also tax return )I not, Lcdg Of. CHAUFFEUR, white. elnglo. desires prl ! vate position, city or country, best ref ercnce; 8 r' cxp H 2. l.dgcr Office CLERK, 11, tlm, pay and emplojnvnt work. 12 yean office experience have attended Wharton Scliool. 11 121. 1 (.User Office EXPERT H rATISTIOl W Young man, as, college graduate rorres spondent. desires position with brokerage firm, capablo and ambitious, excellent ref- i srencca for Interview writs U 320edOff office executive v.ecounlant ex-army officer, experienced , office manager, desires to connect with teal ' l!o concern j 11 an, Lodger Office SALKSIIAN nt present connected with a southern manufacturing corcern, dcslra to make change; ao oara of age good appear ance, canablo or aporoachlng executiee ex- Perlenced In handling largo contracts familiar with eastern sh!ourd and large I corporations eoerUnc"d In general suonllei. , of plumbing and heating, prefer maMng a I connection with mfg or mechanical toriccm i where Initiative and energy and abilltv Is, wanted can arrange for Intenlew In Vew ' Tork or Phlla dd Rox 12, Richmond Va SHIPPER, ." wears' experlenc", desires change capable of taking charge Mionl- 'dso of routing rates, etc 11 210 Ltd Off EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 1"NTEU Kor Main Line, competent Prot. etnnt cook, tiarlor iinif1. uuKfm I.lm.M. 'ref req ini9"ninbrldg,,-- . COOK nrt-clies Qerman coolc wlshea nosl. tlon, city or country 1J09 N Tranktln st. - --W W...tM..J around Phlla. or Camden who will be interested in machineiy casting and shafts for tractors. I General Traction, Inc. Paulsboro, NJ. G1.NT.R L , TRACTORS INC , of Pau .boio . o nvaito in rn met Ii h Inn.lifn coripanies in or around Phlladelph i and I chining ,a'inouW , b ,?.,"Vt"1 ln ,na ' chining castings and shafts for tractors General Tractors Inc. PauLboro? Jt T'ATtT,'VT7TI nwe- 1J. .. t -.,1 protltabls, long-established, first class em .broidery business for dlstinctle dress- makers aery eacellent proposition for right ' party 1 or particulars address P 120 I eager I I Office I iCVIB JLaNUPACTURINC nulns etah- i lished "0 jenrs. must be sold to settle estat. aalue HO tOO no leasonabla oiler I , rcfu"d Phone ond'and 'ian; m i 1 r r L-RENCE -,0 Hn?e a e j Jun ut iur u vi4 aim WANT to borrow J200 will pay 0 per cent , Interest and ghe a first mortg fin l pioed real tstatc as sedulity TJ jj t I d Off BOGS. BIRDS. ETC AIRED LE PI PriES for sale. S weeks old Apply 1S40 E Pacific st MACHINERY AND TOOLS TOWl P. PLANT EQUIPMENT Dnmos motors boilers eteam and ol. engines pumps, air compressors I FRANK lOOME- INC 127N 3d st T "-" CI rl-s)T- " ln.hm nd cu'inteed .XzlW, ... ' compressoTs ind machin tools comulet' cava ru of ftock "..-... r-,i.ui..-;r.. -... r send for HERMAN T WINTI l'P3Jf Trort st -" i . I I : - 1 Mi 1 I ill. M- I BU til AM ( r- . . - ", i,t diss . ond.tlon A , r..V rV.,? : aept j a Van Sclver J ECTU1S.v-P'roT'tPafVivU.NK TOOi -.. sWiirWBvrn "m?s. nRlf:N MCIUNI RA CO 110 N tp nr MODERN much ne shoo opn for small or large order- Moe ro 210 N rront Iri-LLKl- HVNGERS SHAFTING ItTT Tint. t. llniriTl l- l-ltl-.,n . 'L OLD GOLX CASH PAID for old cold l er and nntloue clocks Rosts 43 s 17th Locust 1219 ; PIANOS. PLAYERS TU.TING.ETC. ,-r- r -, vj-i.A -vi u Latest HBO V-O- . trola. bavins cxt-i large cablnt equipped iru... iiiii . i . tnrim ini. w'tn u uioums bail i rarme ton arm liice rour sprlnc motor with automatic brake all feet to hear this Instrument is to hear the I illvlns - artists cash or terms Call or write1 Il-ppe's Uptown Stor-s cor 'th A. Thompson I VICTROLA XVr '--.0 latest tSTe VIctrola havin extra larA , .sbln-r n.,.ilnnn.i t.u 20 albums ball-beannic tone arm- larse . sprln. motor with automatic bralt all m-tjl parts eold plated t. ne ubsolutcl) perfect to har this Instrument is to hear the hvius artist cah or terms Call or write Hsppe's Uptown ston s cor 6th -hopip-on VICTROL,. XI J130 larire cabinet VIctrola havinff newlv Improved ball-bearin tone arm and uutomatic brake, rnost popular re nroduclrs lnstrumnt ever manufactured call and hear this wonderful Instrument rasonabli paments lctrolas from J2j up1 to $100 Heppe h Uptown stores cor flth L Thompson VICTROLA IK J70 this wonderful Instru ment has est .Niched the (-tandard by which all phono-raphs are Judged the per feet tone i an onl bo had on the VIctrola special terms for January Call or writ- fcr complete .Walls Heppfr's Uptown Stores vor fith Thompson VICTROLX. IV nnd cabinet 10' latest Irr prod InsTrument havlnc Uall-barlnc tone arm outrtt .an be purchased as low s 7."i cents weeklv H-np- s Uptown stores cor Cth S Thompson VICTROL - VI and cabinet. $."0, this bau- tiful outfit has all lotest fmnroi-mnt In , eluding ton arm and motor can b Tur- chafed on th -ienpe rpntai i-ayment plan I cnii nrwi b ror rataiO-TU r " --,-...,. -v. t T-i Heppe r 1 ptown -tores cor Cth- Thompson V-TWOL.- phonoeraph and cabinet. JI7".ii sllshtlv usd flnUhd in mahocam this Is an excel ent bargain for on who denies l a -u. .1. a ..11, SI Lmnll nn n.sn Uepp- sIptow-n stores cor Cth Thompson 1-rSlOV mlfiola in beautiful inahnrinu -u int i... .... ...,...-,,. I case, lnciudln. 12 rtcnnls not latest .p can b" had for less than hair price Ca 1 or write Heppe s Fptowp stores cor r,th JL Thompson VICTOR Virtiola muhosan modi-l i With i- rioru., iuo -it.., s-in prfie tSo como quick birguin F. A North o lhll 1 Vlleeh-nv v TALRINC. ,L' IUVLS OP ALL MUCf- oecurus ...' "'..---'... --1.-'.' ' . .-r nnvment - Jtitiy, J70 v. uirard . r-- n , - Keiis C7 11 . . v -IT- - nil I Ullf r 4 tlh. Sit1- ni-lflfl tl -.. E Allenhenv hv .77X? i ..lunihi . .mil 13ltson ..tl l T n tSy'l .. :oor-3oon?h'l,sm7ste ' HILTON ii siisbt i-d ii. i iii.ih.iL.Tii .--. . .- , ' - -' ' -"Ar1" ! terms F A NorUi ' INi3 ' RLPAH. Pi I" J AIeBnenv v r mints and do limit,,. OppldO ' rinscard.n -k .'OH -z STAMPS AND COINS " W-AitPH PACKETS. DIME SET! Alliums and supplies for stamp colleeUr PHILs. STAMP CO.. 21 3. 17th st. WANTED Don't Sell Your Diamonds Ort our ll ?'"! J', ",' .ft1.LrV ?''r-V-'.:.' ".a ;,., ii 7...'l.i''"r'"7 ."aric a-bra"' "old Void and'er J VAJioim 5"to..i.r ' M.rkVt'VlS" ar; pas Ii .g l"f , '.n w' fl( -'r Vl T:,tabn'lM5 LT.HlcrVaTin.it i m-iucurTnTtocn LEE -t" .-" -i' ' ' i"oJj ,,, H,M TJIdg 121'. ri'hrrt t 1 oe. 8a3 hi. ivafvC t one. noiisenoia rurtiitur store futures, office furniture, pay sp-t cash, honest alu piior; us al out It. Locust 1J14 Old Church rsir 12th unl Cherry ets. wTtTSlCEN jew eli y antiques plstolN coins coin book svlth prb" I pas mailed 15c J 13 Doss (People's st J 2i30S lllh st Wal 4 led "FLRNlfURE '"L..1J- Hl.hest prl. e. paid houtjiv, a. Furniture i o Phono DI.K l-'n. .,.t iBtn lTST OI 3' tlothlllB bouellt vv.. pav htjhest prices WO tail H.iy.1 i.e. e i.uy lime I'll Dick 0153 Friedman tiros J 441 louth st riTTriTR v ante 1 for 10 ln mill 1 lIl't eel Addiess M 3.8, I edaer Oilice kt o"'"1" . - . ron and STORAOE AND lVIOVI-Tg TERMINAL andraSco Columbia and Sjdenham sts local and lonr. dlstan.'h moln by courteous epertenoed ?te,UeWs,lm-tU.8tlM?o0nerL0,mfnofndr417ltU'0; VICTORY STORAGE " 5211 Market. Larcest and beet Phone Ilelmont I'17U for an estimate Coods paclced for sbipmcni l'ln e Arrow vans for moving Dougherty & Sons Storage Oft our peelal rate for movlnjr by our re. liable and careful men Call Poplar 4.".". Jestone Park 1127 night nhone Dla .HI,. ilDEUTY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE """ J817.1 ilAJU.ET ST. l- USED AUTOMOBILES USED TRUCKS CAP. Kirn T.H TO r. lnS INCLUDING PIERCE-AUROW PACKARDS PEERLESS JIACK ROWE IWAXWELL , VIM f6rd commerce CROCE PAIGE PRICED LOW OUICK SAI.K WHITE .... ' 'ro '"' ION'S v v:: rouy lu-ox-' oxio mh At Ix.ss Than Half Pilco THE WHITE CO. LOT It NT t'Rli; AVF REBUILT VIM TRUCKS REBLTLT REPV1NTEI GUARANTEED BY MAKER A YEAR TO PAY VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. Broad and Huntingdon Sts. WE ARE closing cut our used. car stock to! make room for our V)J0 models cars In lud demonstrator. ln,irin. ,...... "! ans etc ii -.... Vi. .".". ,'u"",''.'n' - . V it ii'i"tukiii oernauied, 30 AUTOPARTS SCHOBER, SSS9 MARKET ST. ON'IJ automobile top in good condition n I M D 43 Bulck car. lsoBl?i,.?,0... ,"'","., I ii frame and glass to tit the hLo , tn of car will be sold together or scnarato at a nrl .fanablo prie Apply Purchasing I Dppartment, J, den, N J 13 un suer Co Cam. ( I HOLD 2 shares of stock hlch is now nav. 'nK "" 1 ,l month dividend I wTll: change same for on automobile what ha ou to offer M J Kllgirrls. BOOB Rhawn Holnieshurg Phono Holmeaburg 411 J -' ' -" REPUBLIC '3 ton truck chusK Ilka new- must bo sn to appreciate condition- dirt chtap for cash or W!ll sell on terms Atlantic Motortruck Co , 3322 N llroad Phono Tioga o21 H A Jen'cs manager REO 2 ton truck chnssl. wllh cab- win sell , cheap, lust overhauled and painted tires '1 Bood condition Atlantic Xfotortruck Co.. 3322 N llroad Phono Tioga 3b21. H ! Jenk. manager RADl VTOR) rpairert and recored, fenders and bodies manufactured nn.t nilr. ruih iobs our specialty Keystone Auto Re pair Co . 2425 27 N llroad st , office, second nop- Phone Diamond 411 0ERrANDS all models all a ears Includ ing lMi first-class coud some as low as JOOu gnt aour used Overlands and parts and si-mco from the damn firm tlmo paments, open evs Overland Ifarper Co li!2H Arch GR NT 1 ton truck chassis with cab. ln A.l mchanlcal' condition, nov h painted; price s mi oargain Aiianiic .viotortrucit t;o . 3122 ? Broad Phone Tioun S2l. II. A. I .Tenks manager AUTO TOP SLIP COVERS., 7'lT.Hl.NI. I.l'ims PI I- IN WHILE TOl- WAIT A ER AN L1 O CAR TOl 14J1 1'AIR- moint vi popur inj- bTl 1 NEaRLI ML MODELS, THOR- Ol HHIA OV-RHVULED VND 11EHX )IHTD Ul- IltnOAINS SEl. MR Mac- ARTUt R SI I TZ AGENCY 'l N BROAD rOR t-ALE Franklin sedm sTies S sold by owner can be seen at 1114 Cuthbert st during the day. Thono Loc.st 12.9, prceJjr0O PACK VRD landau. et 1013 rt cIlndoi 7 liassenuer, good condition upholstering excellent ftra touting IhJ if interested I wrltequlok T J?"l.dger Office 1017 DODGI! -KICK in" good" (ondltlon dtmonstr tiin will be in mako offer Mr M el 1417 Fairmount ae AlTOf'AR truck in ectllnt condition with 1 iurnltiir bods price 70 can be seen at - n-rai .Moiors v o :iii v u ht , 1'mla AUBURN 1H10 tourlmr Re sdon top 400,1 miles S1O00 cash 30 da trill. R V I fou SU.E Cadillac tounns car "mm I . phono w f Wethrlil Chestnut Hill 8S l FOIL SALF-Cdlilae7roa.la.er l.nili Phone I ur -1 ? iioin st v vj ejneriw v nsinur mn p.. BAFJEHIE-" ifvnlt lebullt f.r 10 equal to new 1-0. Vine st TOR SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIOI 13 a MONTH S3 00 M-IULL 4 MONlltS JT 11 IP Factorj' Kobuilt Typewiiter? American Writinpr Machins Co. U2 fHESTNUT SI 3LMN 328 OFFICE Tt RNITURE Lare.y line desks suf s flla tablnets aa cereral office furnPviri store fixtures. Vv'e bip sell ard exchange PATTEN 1'IT.Vn CRI3 tO , t r i qi ;o;o 11J7 P(')f 1 IUiT nt TJ4THTI E- .INKS ENXMEI.ED: WASH-' IKV-' -OAI'-IONL PtHH I I.VIN 1 CI', n AAHTASDjS DP mn bovrds. boilers pipi- lirriM.s I'mni' OP1-N LVC 7ai gPKINi, GARDEN S'T SUITS and overcoats in-n s uncalled-for. made to ordtr garments !-, to J40 alue for $2G prf oods, suits male to order from i aour own goods for 120 H.-smrt. C33 Arch I OLI MAHOOAN- lNLlDbdrooiu suite, S pieces, hand made 33 W Berks ! urcet frrniT ijir.uhp.l dumn ua-ron In iron J rnn, ditlon. e reasonabl pplr nurrhalnsr dpt , J H Van hclier o v unden, Nj , A . ni:ni-TlIl. rhf-ck thrower used' "-... ... -in . . v .... . on v u i-iuitkiin Kwii uj- U4 uuaiiicn., M .i2i Ledger Office r.ET tCHA.N 1' and ic ere in chairs and tjb.is paw .and usd lo . prlcei. Chair Fxchnncr 'h and Vine pts . . . -t . Wll.riatn. 11.101 comb'n fl hanj txi.t-ht. sold re-it tc Kcafer a20 W rilraril y -M-Ex fireproof, closlnif out .10 sllk-htli usd some with thin wa.l" 7.' N Fourth TANlT- r iblnetTTtc- his hara nV pT,,, -. dlphla Printer!.' Suppls Its BUBTNKRS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT n--i.i. i.. V,.-Vic.f faan nrlr.s f. ..- -tl '""'" "","' '..."if. m :'.--.-' """ - T-innns nnv si" iiuiii 7 .- ... uiai. none .... UUli-e nUfl n fl Until Tiin!Itll1ni nn.l -.. . . -I ..-.-. i.,.i.nl,4 . -.e-l . l Irt . . Til P Diamond SnOD '",v loth nt ' ' -viaritet iuc t-"'"""w " TOtli ao Jtarltet " I . . DIAMONDS BOUGHT -..v ..,.- .nnt.'p -r .t. vcn. A. X r,i . .... .iw iiiijivlj twn 1. 1( for Li monds Bou t irir-I.TY lO ptj . HESlVtT HI' Unit "1-2- ()-. r lillds' Restnu-ant Private ..traQ pay ETvomn , III f Vlv 71 lUi-J i ''it irs iu q - . - io Mc'L'Ti II. - BOUGHT O''-'1" i-JVy VJ 1 A ! Phone Walnut 1 Trust tnut ut 1001 DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH 717 HANSOM ST I NirORM overcoats made til rllllan st.Ies, also dved aery reasoiiabl" Stanley Tallor- nu . 0 . 3 0 SJ7tljt hasin-nt TH-' TRIC "hREAlMENT also rnanlcurinE .rr-. . . , . - ,t Trr-. IJ 1 ' ci 11- iifii.. -. n-i'iiiiq lloor. J3RSS and enamel beds rflnlh .1 like new, estimate free Keenan 1101 Ludlow- RUBBER coeds of all descriptions repaired. Andrew T Dirchtt T.03 tt 22d St. CTLESTE La. TELLE facial ecalp treat I 10 a. m to fl j, m . closed Sun 30". S llth BOARDING P3M' ST 4110 Warm house S H pood tj hi.- continuous H W ref Ph liar 5I)( ROOMS FOB RENT lAIRMOl'NI 4801 Thruo tooma fur house-ltr-pluc block to No JO cars prlaate fa-i.liv PINE ST 1810 Larue parlor b-autlfully fmiilbhed with babv urand pUno private family --, 15TII 81 S . .17 Rooms, also apts , kltch- and bath Appli rear 247 S 16th st tallf N. 139 (HOTEL RDlllrtl Up to-date furn rooms electric h -w heat: -ally and -weekly rates conv to stations; food accommodations for traveling people 10TH ST N 1401 Two rooms furnished, it up housekeeping room bath. .0 501 H ST N 470 Two rooms and bath for light housekeepin.; ST'Rl 1 ST 202-' Minc'e and en suite private bath, electricity southern exposure, gentlemen 3IANDM3MELT furnished room in lare modern private home, electric lights, lo mln. it's to t Itv Hall Phone Raton- 415 1 ATTRACTIVE turn, apts some nouseicp)., , .erwno- API AltUVJ, -- . -ivs si. KOOMS WANTED WANT 2 unfurnished rooms, second-tioor front: elderly couple: light housekeeping. neighborhood lflth to 21st. , Susquehanna to l'lirnlslied WANTED Hjr refined couple, business man and nifo 1 or 2 wcll-furnlshed rooms and prhate bath In nicely located prlMite home, with plain, home-cooked board; will piy well , for desirable and pleasant place; Mgl-est ref erences; plcaso ricscrlbo fully what you have. I B 310, Ledger Office. rURNISHED APARTMENTS .SPRUCE HT , 1(110 Reautl fully furnished apartments, somo prl. baths; one house . keeplngsuito. transient rates If desired. 202T UHEKN .ST. rurnUhed liousekeeplng I npts , JJU per month and up. Seo Janitor. APARTMENTS TASTEKL'LLT furnished, nrtlstle second floor front lllng room, bedroom, bath, well lighted and heated prlato entrance, con tinuous hot watci. electrlcltv, open fireplace; 10 mln to City Hill, 80 -I'llil chestnut at, I APARTJtENT HE DQUARTERS J Cential npartments a specialtr. bherwood Apt Asenej 2J3 S llroad bt Kome aery t nttrnetll fniTi ants omw houeekeepyag, IciIESTXri 1H3T Three unfurnished rooms I and bath aoor lieat. electricity; first floor, rfasonable WALVi. r M, jioi- Inn unfurniMied rooms, apts suitable for couplo or bachelor; bath. I elctrlc all modern conenlences , ! VERY ATUt VCTIVE APARTMENT to SUb I let. nt the Gladstone Apt. House, 11th and Pine Bts pplv at hotel office. CENTRAL bacho'or npartments; 2 rooms, bath. prlato shower. JT." per month. Jpply At 11 MM s West End Trust Uldg 111T Villi. HEI.1'II1V UP-TO-DATE apartment in West, Philadel phia nil modern conveniences, immediate possession O f SEIDEL X. CO IXC. 4th and Callonlilll sts APARTMENT HOTELS THE HOTEL SUSSEX 1J12 Walnut st Tust opend A most charming and per fects nppolnteu small hotel, inspection is cordlalh Imlttd and u visit will comince you that sou luvn dlbLOVcred a most satis factory answor to the uiK'stlon of "ahcto to llvo when stopping In Philadelphia BARTRAM APARTMENTS n AXD CHESTNUT STS V few apartments larso rooms with bath, for rent, either, for the .winter or jer; iHnlng-room ericc unexceuea UOTCt " POl OWIAI "PRUCK HOltL LULU1MAL AT 11TH ST. select apartimr.t famlls hotel, ln the center OI the Cll opcrttliiiK uu uuv vi.iiii.itu t'laiii our table will p.eas ttra most exacting. ,- X i l ... "J..fc' m... .....c.v. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American plan CSELTBN IVI1 AND MORRIS ST GrTRMANTOWN THE LITTLE HOTEL 225 S Hroad tt good place to live while ln Philadelphia REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WOOL WAREHOUSE WOOL DISTRICT Near rront and Market cor uer propirts, 24 000 sq. ft J. BECHER ANDERSON 1121 CHESTNUT 1239 W. ALLEGHENY AVE. 11 roomF J baths semidetached poirh tor racp nlttrir liarlH1 steam hrat hirdwood, bHutlful house on excellent etrtet, for $1J 000 j . uetz cc oon., Inc. ir.tn& York sts i TWO adlolnintr 4-stor npirti-.Tiit bulldlnen located at 20 J" and COl's) Oreen st , tnch conta.nin,; s partmenta, fulls furnished and eqtilppe 1 for houspkeeplncr. these itop ertlen produt-p an incoms lu ecsi of Jo Pr cent on tho cash required and Trill bo (old at an extreme!, interesting price to an immediate purchaser Sherwood Apartment Afreiie, 22 Hroad st SACRIFICE t ." "tor 10 , 1S10 n 1 3300 i corns price M. Getz & Son, Inc. '".V.Vy 2241 N. BROAD Inelve rooms and '1 baths l.xlSl to Watts st , rent .JU0 per month M. GetZ & Son, IllC. HVh'i's '- or a '"' w.-r-"?iTl."l' ' '.a ,.,: Ci C0'3 I.lbertl Bid- York olum- bla. nc sixteen aoartments each apart ment containing S rooms and 2 baths thor oughly caulond ell tenanted first-class in- gitnicnt Morris l)ernten 2200 Arch ft bl-.EN 7-room houes '3 square from ele-i ..lil station at Alleahenv . toilet anil i enamel tub ln bailiroom, can finance lo $1700 nr retail at $2100 rich, price to .illicit uuier J2100 Win levin Inc. 2tm. ICenslngt.n nT. 1.124 N Jlsr T . Price s.'OOO 3 02.: N. id st price 1S11 shaisvMJid st price 193d Palethnrp. st price (IKI'TMIT. 2410 N "00 2J0 I 1700 2d st lulO-1-' PINE ,ST Runs throuh t V verl st Including 4 dwellings in rear .c llent ap .rtment site HARRY J KOEHLI3R CO 1420 Clii-stnut t rhon T m isl r,7f 331.1 N 'ill) M ON I UK P4RK FRO VI AND IN a d.'lehtful location 14 rooms porch all coiiuiiienc-s and moft attractive, nri-c SOnOu tTinv of sal ore vti easy, I"'mnnO ESTXI V Harrison HI il SHlW IVDOlt SI ?2d ami 1 -1 irm int a S01 Vt IN'DhOR -T .orner (22d un.l Fai- mount ue ) Eleven lore rooms and luth rnt J43 mortgage J lion price J.10OO llealtv Finance Co 3 410 hestnut lii llvt il7l1 STORE and dwell!! S73 N 10th, r-nta for 3T xearlj wrtl sell to quirk liu.er for J420U Full partkulais J Abrahams lilj 3.ff.rket st , cor of Phil i lijdg.i Co NORTH IJROVI) STREET ir.flO block. &T 00 2H00 block $1 000 roplar at cor S24 000 t.irard ne 511,000 .v. iinvTON :iimck t isna filrard aei nue J'l one l'oT-lar 189 I ;f.-' TvTfv i uiVTimVK HRtiW STONT T.U T.f.r TVn 1021 N -M t . 8 room bath and whed. t .. '"... .... .,.. n .. .'". i inorouaniy iiijuci-i hip u tin tiit-uu-urHiiceM. i Jko re- MILLER, 2.ii Coral st. Phone 1 3ens2J CHESTNLT bl corner I'.pertj, between I j a,i ad ste. tron? up to date Ii story . T. .. i. v. .. .1.,. .. . .... . ' buuains. to oe poiu iim wreK invesiiLott. Apply 10 s D.lawure a-ve lyombard 5110. ! 1 OR -ALE dJ.rntto Parkway, near loth and Mne. 4ii1J . f t hous.s nbiut carry exp. nse H 1JRLCE BARROWS. 300 HOU-l.x 1 OR SVLL all sections, $10U UOWn .aihlir- ftiLUif ua ji'in KENNTUY 100 aii Ij.t "Trj-TTioVl.R sr inai 1'Uh and Cumber, land -ts llv" rooms unl slied pii.o I17HU Jl J ..liner "iu vv lnik'll IVf .. . . ....i..., ...nn. i -. , nuu .w """ '?'"1. " .r. u-,..i.t . l' rntims - baths, u iraeo nriv. . -..nin Tewls Est ll.'t Ttok'l st I' ' block N Mth ist sn looms porch excellent . coniiiuoii ........ . -- . ., i,-nn-n coniilllon ., T..-T -n.n,u .i., ..... ... .. 1. i ...l. J.l.1. Itll.l.H ll "-J iiMiucn, uu 8,CC- tlon 4100 down balautisaine as rent '' ' : -. r . 124 20 N. 7TH PT Thrin storv S rooms path and toilet s.'7."(i ea. h Filbirt JJTI . l llllclie. 1-4 J N 2Jd st ,'2bJ N. 17 III i .1 ston i.ood condition 1 1 WW i oill.v Jd s W or 7t..tiIRalnurlilcts 2511 t'UlPEN-HR ST Two-storj 7 rooiii dv'ellln recentls renovated, possession J NI3LUON UI;i IUH Land TlUn 11UI IMMEDIATE isiss 3511 N .sjdenham st pnvvlv painted and reno' A rms bath J H JARDEI,1.A Jr J.rtnujV 34 Hj .'HRISIIAN ST 10 rooms 3 stori" JjhW ;Oj7thularibdr lo..' S CAPITAL SI Si r und b 52100 3, i ohen S V. vor 17th and lUinbridsL GMiOLlSU LLEYTheu Ul Know the lloud '---fsg Niii23SS!gSfe:iS WhE -LT f;'1"" eCCS ( A OlW AT THE tmiZS.i &!?&; "ffl ,7V t iMS. fl-EN &) CRCAMt-x HC SAYS TZ U5FT UHPL VCU JA This fD TA!E5 Ar rue TSAC.5 ) rVVrWrT roe lyZZsA To A RU SKtHWZrX 'h t ANO CLHr XY WERe Ch, I (atHTAN- 1M TUB FN ''. To SAVE us A I Alt v f on, Sfrryrnga), S. urr rcien at the fri ctsr .tk woCr' ' : I HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY FOR SALE CHEAP , IN CENTRAL SECTION OF CI1T LOT ' Measuring 42 Feet Wide by 1 70 Feet Deep Over 7,000 Square Feet Ueautiful light front and rear on account of facing two streets. Situated 2 squares from Market Street and 3 squares from Broad Street. Unusual opportunity for builder to put up six-story building very reasonably on account two high adjacent walls. Floor space in this neighborhood commands $100 per squaro foot and is very much in demand. We Will Fumish'Tenant for Entire Building For full particulars address M-40G Ledger Oflkc. flulMIng rots, factory Sites. c. TWO DESUlAnr.H IOTS. with railroad frontage, N. y. corner 4th and Ontario "'V,14..400 lt,., E- corner N. P. R. R. and Indiana ttae.. 2.-.B00 Bti. ft.; Bitltablo for stono yard coal ynrd. storago or Ico pUn ... ... fvnwyAa. joo m. pin sr 8ITfJ5,lAXL,noAI Ponna. tnd Reading; JIOOO per ncro and up, accorolng to lot; Irqulre for terms Uleterlch, 7B7 Walnut st . llnslness Proper! Ira nnil Stores PARKWAY FRONTAGE Tivn buildings with frontato on 17tli st. and the Parkway In now rapidly growing automobile section; Immediate possession; will lmproo on long lea6e. Apply 110 N. lth st Phlla. RIVERFRONT PROPERTY. 40 feet frontage on Delaware nvo , between Market and Chestnut sts ; right nt tho ferries; heart of wholesale and shipping district of Phila delphia; Immediate possession; thoroughly modem and up to tho minute, act quick. Apply 10 S. Delaware avc. Lombard 8110 WALNUT, below 2d Rapidly increasing ln alu, price right for quick slc. T KUTNER. B21 Real Eststo -rusCBldg DESIRABLE npt , 50th Walnut; barg for quick sale. J Kutner. 82a n E Tr. Bldg. frWrlt-. Manufacturing Titers FACTORIES .ND FACTORY SITES Everywhere In Philadelphia LOUIS S GINSBURG 1201 Chestnut st. WE HANDLE factories, sites and ware houses exclusUely from an engineering and manufacturing standpoint Ph Walnut 240J J AI-VN MIDDLETON Factory Specialist and Production Engineer, Wldener Bldg Philadelphia , INDL'STRIAIj rLANrs. warehouses, acant land, rallrond ard water frontage. J I. fcTnvnNtJQN A. SOV. 822 T.and Title. Wnrel-ouftf1- WAREHOUSE 127-120 CATHARINE ST f V McORATH Jr. 71 J Walnut st MEST l'llirDi:LPHIA $500 Cash $3500 $20.00 Monthly Only $8' additional monthly ro quiied to leduco 2d mtc. SAMPLE HOUSE C042 UPLAND ST. -1ST AND KINGSE3SINO Larter rooms than the aerac 14:50 house, comptete in eery detail, shower bath el'Cttlo llchts etc TaUe No. IS car on Walnut ot. No. 11 car ln Subway or Ne. 12 car on Pine st. to 8lst st. Owner on premises or Samuel SUra. 210 North American Bulldlnr. Uenibtr Phlla. Real Estate Board. BEAUTIFUL HOMES ( rooms u nd b.ith, porch fronts 100 Block S. Ruby St. SIX HOUSES -,Standaid Brokerage Co. Lombird MIS 603 Drexcl Midi IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1S2S S ( nth st Poich frcut, newly papered ipil painted practlc.ill brand new Dutch hall 7 lirwe. light rooms modern bath, laun drj ln basement, hot-water heat, elec llhts, haidvvool floors, interesting price for quick purer m r M Tauluinn 11 H SHth 11"! 7747 .N W COR. 4V111 AND SN.NSOH STf. Vltrj.'Ivo modern .1 story porch-front residence exclusH location; posses-Ion, ?12 TiOO innvenlent t mis If dcNti.d HVRR- J 3vOEIH,13R A. LO I-0 Chestnut st I'hnni l.oi ust liTOI NICU HOFSES I.N NR I, NUIUIIHORHOUDS fnr unlo on eas terms nholn-r-iihl booklet on reauest PLMUH.rON KblATES I sLi r i iB & CRIFICE Wonderful homo, e of r,Jd st imp hardwood linisli semidetached, 12r 2 baths p.ir.ll. near I. -I 316 Le.3i.er Off r.i ii.iin. i ois NEAR 00th and 131mvoo.l ave : a lot of over a acres. Interesting price. MYERS & HVRTII Ridge aye, and 30th at fiinMNTIWN IN BEST SECTION OF PELHAM Virango to Inspect tin all-stone dwelling Jt con tains 7 chambers and. J baths, lot KK. feet front with an abundanco ot old shade and slfrubber. beautiful outlook Im mediate iotiaesslon can he had A fine home at a reasonable price WM.H. WILSON & CO. SUBURBAN REALTORS 700-01-02 MORRIS BLDG Members Phlla Real Estate Board I 1.10 W S13DOWJC1- ST. Twin lbble, .IHl.e, ...Ji.ra. w.w..... .... -..HI nOl water luat lotJiOw.tf near uj-ne avo and 3ienr bcl.ool Apply 01 j or phone utn .14 W til N lleauttful home, 3J0O bloUc E Rit- tenbous.. et - rms porch . excel con Immed pos Ira F Thomas 2335 W I dii.h liy KISG Cppyrlght, lt0, by the 'h-lbu-s Co, HEAL ESTATE TOR SAflE C1TV Okiwantown yiijinraii'iiiiawiiiNawra-SBiB SEDGWICK EXAMINE THESE MODERN HOMES WITHOUT DELAY. WB CAN OFFER TOU EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN THE FOLLOWING LIST- 120 B. MT TLEASANT AVE.J1C730 714S BOTER ST .1S.DOO 7201 BOTER ST 9,850 7203 BOTER ST 7,800 7J0B BOTER ST 0,000 f 7114 BOTER ST 10,000 B18 B. MT. PLEASANT AVE.. 29,000 12 B. SEDGWICK ST. . ..27,000 7131 SrRAOUH ST . . .27.000 SEND TOR DESCRIPTIVE LIST OR PHONE OUR OFFICE Gtn. Eea or Gtn. 4431 S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 BOTER ST. GTN :UllM1ISIIIlfflllUWIAIIII.IIirFitl'UJ!M-lll IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TW IN ITOMB. on 13 Upsat st , 21t. 13U, 8 rooms; SLEEPING PORCH. REAL! FINE PLACE: hot-water heat, elecfrlc llcht, hardwood floors: built of stone, owner leavlnc city: price $8200 MAX M. ARNOLD 255 l; Upsal bt. Ill Jl EDI ATE POSS. E. Jloroland no., nr. Jiernmld Hta.: 3-sty. twin house, s w ex. noaure. Dutch hall, all.-as kli-h. . -'.- ftc:0pricellSS76ohot'water heat' t"a-- iW ,MAIi?R'?N'v11 rermald lane or W GRAHAM .TR -t t --"...-r-" .. .u .,-, j.uuuii.ie nifig. DETACHED stone dnelllnc with laruo Ic, Itvlne room w th open fireplace, dlnlnir ,00n;klt'',h';, Rn,a laundxar, 5 chambers and bathB, hot-water .heyt, electric llirht and e-ap, excellent nelnliborlioodj innvenlent lo cation H L Ennls & Co . Bulletin Hlda- MT. AIR GHRMANTOWN (r- VERY ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL HOME Finished throughout in white, Containing 7 bed . hambcrs. sleeping porch and 3 baths with mod ern equipment: hardwood floors on tho first and second floors: there is a 2-car Karate on a large lot. with old t,hade; im inedlato possesion can bo had; terms to suit WM.H. WILSON & CO. SUBURBAN REALTORS 700-01-02 MORRIS BLDO. Members Phlla Real Estate Boaid TIO(, VACANT 311J N. 17th 10 rooms and bath, perfect condition 1U3XHAUM 3.aiB N 17th st nt 1NKFOKII H.21 3CINSET ST I.arse 3 storj flwelllmr, lot about 40x100: about 20 romi su't-ble for inarlm-nt house ... JrA. '" J KOEHLLR ,t LO 3 4 JO Chestnut ft Phone Locust n7I". , ., l -1 . li mnivior.il l orner fr..nu dwellinBrnje. (?rrlI."vrS;c'nt Bacrll.ce. 1420 Chestnut -I locust liT'll 14-1 SELLERS ST Include iK WnrVnrVr' Injeitment 3420 f iiestmit H Phone !.. ust OTaa 1?V SELLERS STRLt" - aiuill MUB-JTARD DWO , 1TARCAIN ,.. A"y -J KOEHLER '.CO AN 1420 Chestnut bt rhone Locust 0703 OLNEV OJJSIA store and dn tiling on 5th st.: 4 -i?.dFooms ,and bath' hot-watnr heat and -,e?:rfe Va.''k veranda. LINDLEV RELTT ..102 N f.th st Wlomlng 4C2!1 "r'"'11' ok i,in OUC L4NE, 7213 Qak n e Sl ooms. -am, u w , tlec porch rront, side jard. within r. mlnut.s' wall: to Oak Lane St. tlon room for gnraw". prke SI-OO v-1"'"" J MilM.ll, r.L'S Real I'slatn Trust Ride PI-SNSYI.VANI sriHJRII N MtlniORB J10 otto Two and one-half storj. stucco -o""KB1roo,n '"fPlnoc) dining room, klt-li f,,'"'e'3iooms, tiled bath shower, hot-tvater heat, tjejtrlo light lot r.O-32.1. Vm A. f ItEA Ardmore 270 lIKFt-IWOOn NLV ,0200. lot r.O-cir.o gas and electric, modem, up to date big aalue. c"l-'"c' W ILLIAM J OTT Phone I.lancrch 91 Urookllne Pa Ci.NM tl 1J 01)0- Ihree storj hall, living room, flre- place bedroom , 1 bath bedio.ims ' bath lighted l.v . ,u niw. -.--.... .... e....t... .....a -. uu, Mii.-utu, luunury. 4 w... tic. mui. IUI .IUXIOU a, v? McfRDA phone 270 Ardmore Pa I.1.K1VS PARK Central hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and laundrv, 3 cliam liere and 2 batlis, wide lot, fine ihrubberj, drlvevva. 1,000 MORRIS W. WILSON LLKINS PARK PA TWO story detached, (J rooms and bath.lr M.iSK.po,,,fi;,,A5,'. 5'','P""I A '- - " ' " s-s.i.i jnug ituu I'.iwin n ia r K kii ( imrr i'iil.iyi near l.lmwood ae . brick n.i rpum.i liimua L. ..,n-. -.J !. sssi-vi . a-ui.i iiuuoti u 1 vuiiin UIIU Ualll J Nl.LSOV DICK 1)18 Land Title Rldg RIDOEWAY AVE tieaj Ashland. live SltT- gle frame house 7 rooms and hath J NELSON PICK 018 Land Title Hldg I.HIMM PARK LATHAM PARK OLD YORK ROAD NORTH OF CITY LINE Ihe most beautiful and most Inter esting development around Phlla. Rulldlng lots S1--0 and up, accord ing to size Rulldlng reatrjetion calls for J8000 or more hojs? An Inspection will surprise and Please . ou 1XJR IURTHER I'MITICULARS HERBERT HOPE 5901 YORK ROAD I WHITE COLONIAL HOME BEAL ESTATE T?OR SALE rnrrpw.vAMA suiipichan MERION , Situated In best location on north side of railroad: modern stone house about 8 rears old. I'lret floor con tains large hall, living room. den. dining room, pantry, kitchen, laundrv and lavatory; unstalra thcro ore 0 bedrooms. 4 baths! aanor heat, elec trio light: garage for 2 carai posses sion about May 1. Can be seen by appointment. . WYNNEW00D New hollow tile stucco residence. wllh garage. "House contains 7 bed rooms H baths and well-planned first floor wltlt center hall: vapor heat, olectrle light, pas range. Possession ubout May 3, Plans. at our office. ARDMORE English style of architecture. On Rleddvn road. Well-planned, first floor. Including living room and den: fl bedrooms. 3 baths on second floor: .1 bedrooms and bath on third floor. V-por heat electric light. All mod. em. Lot 100x200. Possession about May 1. fiT: DAVIDS Stone and brick stucco house: south ern exposure: central-plant heat, elec tric light: ln excellent condition. Can bo seen tiy appointment. BALA-CYNWYD Del ached." stone and stucco, atllh routhern exposure. Inclosed porch. First floor, hall, living room, dining room pantry, kitchen nnd laundry; second lloor, 4 bedrooms and bath; third floor, 3 bedrooms mid bath; hot-water heat, electric light. Price, 3T,000.. Possession: May 1st. We specialize ln the Main Line and Hala - Cynvvj d sections. Will be Pleased to send our list upon advlco of your requirements. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. 321) Commercial Trust Rldg. 15th and Market Sts 0VERBR00K HOMES We ro fortunate In t being able to offer for sale a number of excep tionally desirable homes In this popular suburb, som- for immediato poa sessl n, others for pos sesslc ln the spring We u.Ve an early In epcctlou b o f o r o the spring tush starts. WM.H. WILSON & CO. SUBURBAN REALTORS 700-01-02 JKORRIS BLDQ. Members Phlla. Real Estate Bd 22 ACRES ON STATE HIGHWAY MEDIA-WAWA SECTION ELEVATED 35-rm. stono house, modern plumbing, comp fium MdgH H-r tenant hruse etilv noss. t 3' "PETERS SON dOS CHES1NFT ST 13LVU minutes from o'lth at. terminal, stucco and frame dwelling 8 rooms, hot water heat, tile bath gas and electricity, lot -0xl2ri, $0000 immediate possession C.13Q I. RARNI3S 3201 Chestnut st LINCOLN HIGHWAY 33-ACRE COUNTRY SEAT Accessible hi auto nil a ear: stono house, tenant ho , gooiTfarm bldgs : lrH7-r eectlon C. 3' PETERS SON t,OS CHESTNUT ST, COLONIAL HOUSE corner, lot i5lfi0, 8 rooms ami nam, nttic all modern conv cnl- ences LEROV I LAMB Aldan, Delaware etiuntv Phone Lansdovvne 3 3 74 ,T Suburb in I nts CYNViiI) building lots 3 minutes from sta tion, all street improvements m ido 3enii a.liAtiia llutne Land Co phone Cnw5d 23i or l"1- V Rsi-i-v. Land Title 1 lids LLANWELLYN Lots near Olcnoldni- each 20SJ200 DICl,01bIllld Title Lldg LNSD(INI3 NINE ROOM Huildetaclied stone house, bath 2 w c elec lights; 131 S Latl-dowuo eve - 7 mln to station poss. 1 eb. 1. O L IV.NNOCK Hi W 1'ssev avc Phone 08. T.T-iNr.itrn $Uihl All brick und Mate roof is and electrlo. In ono of the best locations in Llancrch, ovrner must sell WILLIAM J. OPT Phone Llanerch 2'tl Brookllnc Pa "40U0 Senudetached ti rooms and bath, good lot, near tiollej, hchools and churches, WILLIAM J. On Phone Llanerch 2I'1 Urookllne Pn MIll.IKMItM: J1J 1)00 IMMEIJIAtE l'U-Lt-SiO.N 2W -torr, stone and stucio 7 rooms and bath Jiot-w titer heat, gas und tlectrlctts , lot 22x00 Do ride from Cltj Hull; this homo Is strictly modern and located in the moat ac cessible suburb of Philadelphia. WM A. McCREA Phone 270 Ardmore Pa N MII1FRTII fc49flfj Possession 10 days. 0 Jf.UU b.,hi ieitrlc light, i rooms ulid steam hvat lot 2xl0, this is a bargain JOHN A. CALDWELL Nurberlh Pa Phone Narbcrth 3(.e7 A BRAND NEW BIOSIE Six rooms and bath electric light, hot-water heat and all gas kitchen PRICE JDr.OO JOHN A. CALDl13LL Nurbetth 3a Phone Narhertll 31)87 NEW HOUSES AND li.M14.LOW 1S30O, $9300, .10 300 and up, many styles and tpes to heiect from JOHN A. CALDWELL Narberth, Pa, Phono Narberth 1 S7 VNNEM OOII RESIDENCE AND jGARAGE IN GOOD LOCATION Cv-tru.l hall, thing room with opui fireplac din hie room, pintry, kitchen -irnl UunUrj. Second floor, 4 chamber! and i! baths Third floor, ,t iliambers and 1 bjitli 1-Iectriclty, vacuum apor heat. Lareo corner lot near .Ution WM. H. WILSON & CO. SUBURBAN REALTORS 700 01-02 MORRIS DLDO Members Phlla Real Estate Rd QVI UHKOOK 0VERBR00K HOME Exceptional Oppoitunity lhls is a home of the belter lass, containing central hall largo living room, open fire place, dining room, pantrs. liltchen and laundry. Second floor I chambers, bright and cheerful, and 2 tiled bathrooms, also linen closet. Third floor ,1 chambers, bath and billiard room Lighted by electrlcltj and heated by steam from cen tral plant. 'The grounds con tain 't of an acre, beautifully planted with an abundance of old shade and shrubberv Every modern appointment, located In best residential sec tion. Owner leaving rhlla delphla. DON'T MISS THIS PLACE WM.H. WILSON & CO. Suburban Realtors 700 01-0S MORRIS DLDO. Members I'hliarReal Estate Board JT V REAI, ESTATE PflTt rt a tTT4 '"NNHvr.vANiA-..,.....: -QVi iinnnnii iill iiiHiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiFiiiBiiji- New All-Stone House Central Plant eat Worth Investigating n,.m .. .-... . .. . ... -.. c. ,oci in the liltrh-.f point, of p.rbto.. Price sT1 Convenient terms. 7xcaiCd ..1,,, and Woodbine avenue. The last uOPU. ln homo construction. Me.i . " fullv situated, stono garage for hl I cars. Lot 80x200. Private macadam 1 driveway 200 root long. ReptcaeM H tlve at property dallv and Sunday. John H. McCIatcIiy "X""1 I 818 LAND TITLE MUILD! 1 Z ! RllirillBMI'illllllll'llilillllllllllWIIIIllBIII, MODERN 30-room house, harden-". best locatlonin Woodbury. ""J"? Ji! ules from station, minutes tin?,! 'if " Club, prlco W000. lot 78x200. it 4,'u C,3utr Office. nly Led I-ENNSO. I.VANIA FARM . CIlERTfltl r-nitXT-n- 0j acres. J12r. por aero Oood dark loam soil Stone house, arge barn. 35 head Fruit, stream 'A mllo to station 30 miles over gold roads to Philadelphia Convenient .torc..o, across! Phono Ardmore 270 Ardmore Pa COMMUTERS. IV. -aero property, on .!,.- road, linn.ilir.il n rnrim Hnlii.t' ". "" REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT Store and Upper Floors KW. Cor. llth&Culhbcrt ABOVE MARKET. POSSESSm W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N 12TH FORT WASHiytlTR 113 ACR13S good landland O-lldl-fS" 4 ml!e abovo Chestnut Hill, malto p tatlA hoi farm. KENNEDY. 406 S. Vn P'lt t NI'.W JERSEV SllRURIHN O KL- N THREE HOFSES, modern Jus-, corrpletel KENNEDY. 400 S Vnn Pelt et. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED About 3 rooms In an ottie bulll lug between 12th nno -5th, Arch Lni Wal nut! possession before May 1 mm looatloa nnd rental responsible par'. r ii), f.edjsr Office WANTED Home ln Wynn field f urnlslml or aijfunvlshed, betvv en St7.0uo an4 2". 000 P 901. Ledger OFIC. WANTED TO RENT Motel n e ll.rtatHel house. 7 to 10 rooms, l.l West I'h'l-delohli anil In good location P 230 3-dgr Office HOME buvcrs vvalllnsi list vour prop's wllh us lvv Ih Cohen. 2d S W cor, 17th and Rallihrldgc slB or 1113-14 Lincoln Rid- Fi ct orleh. Mnniifaitiirlnc Floors WANTED Factories, Also Vicant Floors for Sale or '.nf W. BRUCE BARRON 0 N. X2TA REAL ESTATE FOR .iENT CITY Hn.lnfHt I'mnertlew ftul .to f I- M.UU pecond-floor front room 3j win dow , 1t)!0, pultablo butnf3 jjr;ce Sherwood Apartment A gpney ZJ.1 a Bread Vartorlyw. Alfinufrtftiirtnr fundi FLOORS Large Si.i'l IV. RRUCH RAP.ROW 130 "I j3 if ST T'slnbllwhed 1RS0 Fnt-tor-cs a..eclivtr. lH'Flfl3S. llF'.INF.S'i .t HIMh I.1C. DESKS and desl: eou.n vvltn light and heat. o month'", f'e.iographet In bulldlrfl calls and mall received and ..el'verd Rer- ger Rldg . corner 7th and SP-ii Olrdei stl GEEHLE RLDG 1708 10 Ch etnill Deslr. studios rent. J R Tardeln 15Ti c irlstlsn, i'i-fes-lonal Offl.es WALNUT ST. 210S Phslclon or dentlit offices; all modern conveniences servie. WEST PIIF. ADFLPIIIA , 717 S 51ST Vacant. 3 story. 10 rooms' newly renovated R i.tlmorc ave c.rs 16. yearly lease 3! iker (t Sons, r.201 Halt! more uve TOR RENT rURjVlSHKD niv FOR RI3NT furnlihed- Small hoiiee nt 414 s Carlislo nt (ncl .'luiorhu.d ot l'.lli and Pino sts), from Jan 20 until e id of June or Julv, S100 tt month living 100m dinlmr room kllchen, 3 b-dtooms 2 baths and maid'a i..oni, communicate with .MRS 'II10MAH C FOSIER 417 S, Carlislo st Locust J3O0 MORTGAGES THE DEMAND for money for first rnorl. gages Is In i-cesx of our available furci, If jou liuvo money t I ivest In nv 0 hoi nj vve enn Place it for ou 111 well uenue.1 PrR mortiriigs ut 0 per cent free of vp 1 es JOHN T.DOYLE K,!N,,iT:;.',M. S-o TO $1000 NCTF3 ON MOUTH V-B Immediate settlcme'iis Unsettled estate loirs Building association fujwS DEMPSEY A CO. 27 S inth . .rv Itsl stAte ecur1tr lfll' ibjvj dlata settlement Interelt Is estates bnttrht cash 41 ones. $2000EDW.M.MOLL"33J IA j:im. FIR .. VU?S' cent in'e tT . .".v..r: nnlll les with even pioriseci CtVMRERTON 3:STATE1 Harri, ,, BMr. 401 07 - oiniii''w" . ' " 3Krann3r-r.,v.Nu i DFT.tT"iH '"""' "w t'",-5!Jr c- ,... -Xlirst mortga-.i of .2000. 851 FW HnT 2500 house uccup-ed liJ-oW My?'mfiil1Cl- RAP.ROW i"nv, r! . . ...ortgages TsTb Hide T.S3S!k!i li"- VTMiND for morlgiges v.vIL:ASJ 'icClltA'ni Jr 71 J Vvaln.lt .t " it01sCY TO LOAN - xi. 11 fN HOltltOW JIH1NEV JS00AJSD u,l.D;U. WfDM0NEYT to Trtl"J J,.,. ireutmnt n". . T. D.DRAKE .rinn nr.iin innVtlESTMTf ITT .READY MONEY- DrAMONDS. WATCHES ' United States Loan bociety 117 NORTH HRCAD . '.''.'w osiH flrinntoiti T- ...rir.i . 1 ,..l i.re-ert7 11,: minim mmniiniii'iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiini IIIIIIIIIIIIIININIWllllliliniiiimmmm. s nf.w H'Rsrv simtminJT WOOHRURV " ' 23K8EJI &xrm. k -GV r' ' .. , tt J l-----sp JMI, L-4 ; x '"s- Jf