;4- "3 wm Ji'' J J, it K " , EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILAPELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920 DAUGHTER of TWO WORLDS " A atorv of ,Vrtu YaiU We Ity LEKOY SCOTT Author ot "A'o, 11 Wuthtnoion Square," "Maru Kenan," etc. ,:nl rrranoemtnt uiith I'ri'""1 WJ'lO'h XIW'LZS'h..,,. ,.... ' "" "'"" "w"' ,i to Cvtlf"""' ... ., i,u were foicvcr swerving iXJEI ...i i Kenneth, and were for- U4-""",', themselves. If she cnt to t"T rc.c. Kenneth would, of nrrJ Pui'i : and iridic did not, lir 'iJllirtfudwuHrorcvor 11CiMns ' V "'lou.cnt of exposure. ttaii"1'"?? ',. l.l - Imrrllled nniuacnicnl c u rr Ills face tlKl'K'.u-.WHi jviui. K-...'. "." 5li remained of bef he rlwu ImndB. uml .I'JlV the mntlcr. Kcunclh?" ' "Vou were looklna l "'C"" iuc;rly.' ni jiikIk'I. it W vuthcr ii forecd "f f I looked uueer, I guess INS"' .... Hir icsult of unconsciously lit. i..- ". i.me :tn ouscssnni ii" .... PJn1 l'ii she surprised mich iiciortiiiiicu io suspense, alio oiu four-siiuurelv. m"' i.,) Hie icsult ' unconsciously " i VhiLliicsH In mj 'd sifter busi c,fft,irs "avc u "otk,t,tl tlu .. I"; in an awful mcss.l'rieos jump l1""... .ii .n. Nobody knows ,tcrv fh,t nil lliwe Is to it." i'& Icvcd lilm because she wanted Jt Atol hloi-UiouBli she was not ut K .... ill ccrtnin HOUCMr l.ir vvu IjJ fcoul .i,ni she did believe .lilm. whatever or belief flic did iiliriuui- II till') She could uot give up till shr WW worsen so inuu iloultoadei-lbloii iM-RUlto hinanlK. V i.llinnie sir I'll vvurncii "'X in.nly i-ould not t Vnj Hint same evening, disguising her ?&&" klmvv "HUolfiverWV: .S biml.ordeeWonitwnH.iuul. I'1!'.!. ....vi mnrnlnir Unele Cieorire ;JnHo.. lo tlie l'ekin and bow'ed it t ?!, !r,rl,l,,..V ,l,o nx she's ...,,. ..,, Km. ...-. "-,., v " ,c i licr smaulilns ever) thing jus,! to!utHrry Wwarda win, fool. Ininiiese so- I suppose to.' Uiudu Gorse H-xpoudeil gnuely. And fron. M'"'..l.!.. I. ..nnl .in innn n I lit- ihp i cum nv " v ' ; , . Tomb! and told .Icunic s decis.ioti to H"".. ., .,. .u. !.. .i.u ,.t I'alliil lliniiKii mi; "."""",. " ....I.. l:.. Iiiixiiii lilntinlinil tit t jiiore bloodless hue. However, he did tot low Ids eoinposiirc. "ou know. I'nele (ieorRc, I never l,Vfj ion to put tbls up to her," he Bid. ' ,. .. ... I KnOW you OlMll I. un. .l iu-i jii j id I juit tlioilKiit sue oiisui 10 hiiow ltd deride for berseir." llairj k ?raj c.M"i regarded Lucie GtorBL-'btiatHlj tlirougb tbc burs, b'or l mollis nt tliere wus silence except for Itec Urn "liuriiiug snuiius wuieu uoi.ie in prKons Then Ilarrv spoke. Iuj tdko 'luiet and vltli the composure ithii'h is filfuiB last words: "Of eourt.e, that means my finish. Tot) and -Terry know how T feel about in. Since she doesn't care for me, I don't blame her, and I want her to (tick on on where kbe is." When I ncle (JeorRO turneil from thai froct bjnre V,n Hie oilier side of .the lurs, with its white face and steady ires. Iiu brushed something awuy troui III oun old eje-. Life was queer! )(S, life was certainly queer. THE GUMPS A Bright Future for Chester Copyright, 1020, by Tbo Trlbun Co. t'HAI'TKU XXXV I low Kenneth Took (ho News PK cud of April arrived; within a iIjjs they were to move out to Sihcr Waffs fur the slimmer, and then tbrc came a inciininc when Kctnietli's behavior at leae takiug was unusually Wturbinc He said cood-by. started out of the gu.it liviuR room, then turned t th door and giued at .Icnnio with questioning eyes. 'JCDiue, he sanl nbruptl. ".Icn- w Her heart leaned chnkincrlr inln hp throat, but she forced hersplf to speak jalnilj. " eg, Kenneth. What is it?" 1 wonder. .Irnn I Mnn,lr.r " nil ajain he stopped. "fio ou What Is it, Kenneth?" "Oil. llnllntlt " tin rnnlln.1 ...1S n. ikrupt ehniiKv of miinner. "Just take nod rare of Tour cold: and much of. Mrs Shipnian's friendship means to us i ;niirsen out at that lunch eon of licr- " Kctiarth said snod In ii"jiiii uml (hit mi1 mi nt cut Jennie Knew w?JI that tojiv" litr Unit advice about her cold, Wich was hardly a cold ut all, was wtvvbat had beeu in Kenneth's miuil. fooctliuip was brooiliug she was moie ,"trtam tl,iu ever of this. The nunic B -UIJICI) the had llvoil llinsn nvinc .1,... J? wddeiily more intense. There 7 into bcr a resistless need of talk- iwr miiaiiou ocr with bomo one o.;e: mere 0rds would be a iclicf, i , ,,er ,w'y nUK nt cleared. ..uu u.on sne reulized that of ull her !Im ds.Sf th0 Brcat m'l there w ooa with whom sho dared talk rF,.liM1? '"If,1?1" ns "''s: certainly flilh Mrs. Shipman, and not even ll.'. Hu? n,,,,. M,s- "a'T'f'Oii. Amid all the glory shu had won she fell com plclely isolated: uml tbui cut off. her mind went homing back to tho person who wus most conceiued iu her sue cesu her father. Ves alio bud to sec her father I Uut where A daring Inspiration iraiue to her: why iiot'bavo him visit her herei1 Wlicrercr she taw him. there Would bo the clement of risk !i,n'10f! ,uU('luli!JP their 'ueetlugs. and that risk would be hardly greater here than elsewhere. It could be cuslly managed. After thlnUug a few niin- Jf.,7 k.u;,1i"11 Fm,'',c Urol"S n tho wire iiud. t ilklug to lilm iu code, urrauged that Hluck Jerry was to como ut live Hint afternoon In tho gilsc of u cabinet maker, to inend 11 refractory druwer or a writing desk in hcr private sitting Mrs. Nhlpman's "brides' lunebeon" vvus u very srilemlld ufTair; It bud the illstinetlou which clmructerlzed ull ot .Mrs. Mb pinun's fiiuclions. And Jcuuie. dcsplto her long mentul strum, was nt her best: pe-B'ips the feverish tensity under whicli she bud beeu living was lesponsiblo for hcr high spirits that afternoon. At the end of the uffalr Airs, sjhlp nmn whispered In the half humorous. J'1. .Prions tone which was churacter stic of that ladj when she was with those whom she liked: "My dear, I envy .um. Of ull the younger generation of women you aie the one born to do tl,g!ff j lol,0 j shull be aJlvo a few jcurs ironi no'v ii nice, retired old lady, to watch you iiiunugiug uffuirp." ' "Oli, Mrs. aiiipmuu.' rsc'uluicd Jen 1 '.... Ji".' Vuu l rou".v '"fan that!" liufl do. iiiv dear." and there was iiudeniuble conviction in Mrs. ,Shl!i mail h olcc. "Von an- going to do great things, (,'oud-bj- until wc incet In tbc country." As Jeunle went uwa.v dazed bv this npprovul a footman handed I er a bi"! ibis she opened in lt.r cur. tamed ii few decp-.ed roscs-in monev value they meant almost nothing and nn uniealed envelope. From the last" e wJSii-JI n''Vl ;f ""PCT ou wniclf ,m written these few Hues: r,ct me say gd bv. . You have done all 1 thought yon'might possibly do. Vou have proved that you ure the sort of wife I talked about that night the wife who can make her husband u great man. You ure doing that to your husband. 1 congratulate you. and 1 am glad thut n in mt privilege to ue Your friend I DANTEL SHM'MAN. ! Mrs. Shinman'M nurtiug wordx. thix note from Mr. Shiuinun. so thrilled Jennie that for the time she forgot other matters. Never did this world seem so desir able, never did her pathwaj seem to be lending forward to smpIj a glorious uml widening future. Tliere won'il bine to be tiuiupiivciins-. iii'.'gllngs. -tj-ugK!es but she would hold on to it I Afterward, when she was ut home with Mrs. Harrison und Sue. it seemed Unit their whole-hearted affection for Iit would not permit them to leae. Jennie furtively glunced at her watch. The hands crept around toward 5 : her uneasiness grow, but she could hardly' send them away, and they were still there when the butler announced the arrival of the eabinet-maker. She hesitated; then said wMtb forced calm: "Send hjm in, Martin. I'll show nun wnut the work is. A moment later lllack Jerry was ushered iu by the llnglisb butler. lllack Jerry's dress was the visual ouc of urti saus he wore the common celluloid collar, with a buttoned on bow li", and he held the usual scuffed leather bag in which skilled workmen carry their tools. His dark face was impassive. "This way, please," Jennie oidcred. lllack Jerry, bulling ulong the great Itallanesquo lireplace, ciossed the big living room to the door which Jennie opened. "It's the, lower left drawer to that desk which jou are to fix," she continued in her even voice, and, clos ing the door, she returned to her guesN. "Did jou reully notice him, Jennie?" whispered Sue. "What u grim, sliud der.v -looking man!" , "Just so be does the work I don't care what he looks like," Jennie re turned eurclessl. Fifteen minutes later her visitors dually did depart und Jennie slippid into the bitting room. Her father rose from the chair iu which be bad beeu waiting. "Pad!" sho breathed. "Dad!" "Jcnuic." he gulped, and then: "There's no danger o your husband coming iu on us?" ho asked. "No. Kenneth never comes home be fore half-past 0." lllack Jerry glanced about the sit ting room. "I never eaw your homo before. You ve sure got a swell place, Jeunio" cxultlngly "the swcllcst 'homo I'vo ever been in!" (CONTINUED MONDAY) t CMJ DO ) SOrAETNINl I YOU CrVNT DO I V UNCAE BtrA I VJWAT CAN 'toO DO THAT ) OUft. UNUEBlfAJ CA-N'T DO " CHESTER. J .QROM! I I N 1 f KNEW r- V KNEW YHER& WAS A CA-TCW IN YHAT O XOU -oo-rw) OUht VJNV.I.ir fevuNCC Jify f vtsjsa e RslC iKJ" N i ,KXf fma idsv VOO'R&A I I SAD j, -i r ALl-RlCsHT- YOV) CAN'T HfiLD'&fADOWN' VOULL AAAK.& 'OUfc rAARK I N TH S WORLD ( ANDV- WWATLLYag TAI.& FQRTHlisliOY" I WANT TO BUS MIAA I WANt TO TAKE HM. BAO ' TO AUSTRALIA MITrME- I'LU Cill& OU, i MILLION DOLLARS POR HlfA Bv Sidney Smithy NV BOY'S ,OIN(aT6STAY kl(3MT MERE-HTH5 U..-TwrfNEErj H AA- 'D RATHER NAVE HTrA A PRESIDENT THAN AKINGr l4Stt N MSnE QU,T" ar vnanta aNM LE-AM6 3k i w i i T ?, " ' i SrWTU PETEYWe Hand It to You, Old Dear! Hu G, A. Voight -VEH-jViEU, SNCWA. Not UOM'T looki A PAV OLPEff. TWAV4 VAST TlME. - Wow Ae"Yoo 7 - - iri lt. fi fli 1 - v -Q?t?AT Wfc-AvewsNWfVYX f -Tints is Twe day hi?y I Mv viiv-cs jistb X7y , ) 5YLV1A. is To 5hov ) f IEAPNEA13 5HE5 JOtfzAAfc V V Mere Pore omlv A ffifflw) ' d? OH HV GOOD Mess ioov.. AVJ CUCACEMEWT RrJC T0t- Tub- Love 'of "ert-evs- COMCPA-rULATlOVAS SNtVlfS - OH . M Wrrr emcageo "PeTe 15UT. IVIT COME. 9 v; The Young Lady Across the Way M THE ABSENT-MINDED PIIOFESSOP Ity FONTAINE FOX DREAMLAND ADVENTURES nv DADDY "THE WITCH'S TRICKS" Ptam 71,11. , rir... c, rn,.. f'.. "". "'"J" .".! nam, mill W( end Johnny Hull arc earned io ' Jfoon on the wttvh'a broomstick. jjo-o incj meet tho Man in tho Pcppv HsIl S.I...' j'pB Man iu tho Moon beamed upon In. ru 8nd Biuy as Uey finished Pr dance. "Now ." hn biiI.1. "IM like hit, m lijaTrnn rrwm WW- SCHOOL DAYS lly DWIG The jouut; lady aerots the wjj sa.vs ber father tbiuk.s he knows all about scientific agriculture but for all his talk it's bcr private opiuion that he could never earn his living as a pharmacist. This makes thc seventh i$ TIME THE PROFE5SOK. HAS U DRIVEN BACK HOME IN Y THE WKQN FUIVVE. fe?JS """f 7 "o! ma! father's jKji & EXCHANOED FLIVVERS V Y AsAlN !f n r? 7 tti oE? gl-. -7 'Xhc skef?fc W0& - srik SOMEBODY'S STENOG What's the Price if You Can't Show It? ill take That )s aeckpiece . LISTED - Do V&U WAAJTr --' This stray Tag t 1 I'onvrii-M l'lj.i 1,1 Pjlillc t.cdstr Co Bu Hay ward to vl ,1" Jh?ro ?"y one hero who wants ?M?1 '? lbe earth?" I ,.hu0Ute1 the mon folks S!'. a?d they drew awav from the tatli?1.9 n the floor that was tho i ""WO to CO back in h fnrH, V.f nnl aS"nf Mhcy ha? caught' only a Mtk . h? wonders of tho moon, i II. Vr. , WS l0 8ec wore. lJhtaT.i,nih" Moon ?Pai .". iwit'i nin il OUBWer " receiven. Uttn ' . l-,i;? way nis wmspercu J'tp, and Billy. "No ono wants T ","' 'l'e?I?t. Bomo ' th ...,". J'tbou win lumuio &m w. Tho Man in the Moon NdjfcL.u" 1Dsument on tbc wall ? cf aS;ron,and 8avo an esclamu M tly. Tho pressure is down." J it. - "A i.Df rC B nnlit dnnnnti mIm 4 m. m &"W,i ' tho n.' Mori air! ' W,UUDB3. more W(, "t?" f?'ks jumped to obey the I'l00k nyPbr?U.8hLln-.a d0?n ,? iaPth .,5!iLth5.S? bese. the ! " th n: i . -."tiueu io x-eggji k,Ll windbags, who filf i.lkef, 'bcairgun. !tub v. lusl ot blowipg into f J'ta bn.'i.ii?WOV tho fat wcu drow iJlUi . Vftbs uutil each was swollen l A U,1 UUal kUe. 'I'hnn rli.,, ho Hi.:" W. were all w- ,. .v.- .!..- l iJU,?h:a HPon tum. Engine WMwll and knocking the B"W Ii,l7 .. "". vui" "" lB rJZJLnk of the alrsun It was VE8 :R?5wk vupleawut way l07 ' li(y ana 4iuy nua . V ""?' wy ait ever since they had reached the moon uow seemed to wake up. "Baa! Ilua! That's u good job for me," he bleated, aud at onco he butted into tbe fut chap nearest to him. "Woof!" went tbc fat chap. "Whish!" went tho air in the tube. "La. la!" cried the Man in the Moon gleefully ns bo saw tho air pressure go up in bis instrument. "Ile-haw, 1 can pump air, too," bruyed Balky Sam, letting fly with bis heels at a blown-up chap. Wham! Thc kick was ono of Balky Sam's best, und thd fat chap was torn loose from the air tube and sent flying up through thc telescope, fur above the surface of the moon. "Yah! Yah! Yah! Here's a new game," shrieked thc moon folks, leap ing in front of Balky Sam's pounding bcels. Wham! nnd Balky Sain bent another flying up through the telescope, and jet another. It was more fun thuu tho moon folks bad eujoyed in many n day. They liked to bo kicked far into tbo air. The bouncing jolts didn't seem to hurt them n bit. And it was fun for Balky Sam a regular kick lug bpree. "La! La! Kick me!" thouted the Man iu thc Moon himself. Ho leaped In tbe way of tho smashing heels, but instead ot going up tnrougb tuo tele scope ho went bouncing llko lubber ball from wall to wall. I'cggy, dodging about to escape from thc general confusion, got in tho way of the Man in tbo Moon nnd was scut tumbling right toward tho muzzle of tbo airgun. "Look out," shrieked Billy, but it was too late. Down went Peggy into tbo black hole, down until sho hit something springy. Snap! Itoar-r-r-r! There was a rush of air, a blinding flush, n breathless darting through SDaco and a hard thumn. Peggy opened her eyes to find herself ou tuo uoor Dcsiae tier own no a ut uome. "Gracious! The airgun really worked!" sho gasped. "It bus shot mo back to earth, and now how under tho sun am I ever going to get to thc moon aguln to find out what becomes of Billy, Balky Sam, Johnny Bull und Billy Goat?" (In ncJit week's atotv icill ba lohl how Pfiggv S)U look io the woon, wftpr'B the m? $lnng Ming, ' 3EE THIS IS THE BG Tl P, ALLr?l6HT,ALXF?i6HT. VHV RAY HIGH PRICES FOR FURS WHEAI htU CAM WAIT FOR A SALE I Sljfcii, a FOUAID ON THE 1 FLOOR ? I- Jfc m wSSR. feH A' i" Mi SEEKS -5. ". XfWk? '21v PAY 6boD A1I6HT Vou FORGOT To '-i BOSS, rdsgk TAKE THE PRICE (ziP n TA6 off your Jk" nw& 'IEW FURs' r That's ekactlv The impress ow u J WAAJT To Cf?EATE . r' . DOROTHY DARN IT Water, Water Everywhere, and Notlung Else to Drink! O S .s I SAV-M IS.l HAVE Bfift-iTl-Y THIRST ANOI SVIOUUO JOLW VAtUULIKt io know WHERE I CAM SP OF ALE N LWHER i- .i n" " riH nmMTVnu U KNOW THE WllOLe. NATION DRY? rf iw YA Cp T " 00 OH THIS IS A tOST iTRAOR DINARS IOITOF NEW5 A.ND ITS A SI Ll-V r SHAMt DOM"T YOO TUlWK' PROVOKIWtr CALL IT r AMD OEUCEDL.T 51UPID ( PA SAVS SO TOO.' T WEfib CrONtvA FOOL. B-tA temn. (r0 n c '. CJ3V 5 rx J J WS 1 r' ."7eTX BU TK irh- ? : ' rrz t4- Coprleht. 1020, by the Bu hmd.ci(. ii By Chas. McManus i O-S vfii QUT MY CHiUD. HOW vf?E (OU GOIMG TO FOOL Ti-e NARROW niinJOED QEQGAHS ? TMli COON4TRY IS DRY TELL. Kit. WHAT? r rwti'? dOlMG TO j V CALIFORNIA, pi W- J3 m fTOORt SO DE.MSE-. OOM'T L ) VOU tUOW CHIUD . THAT C CA LiFORsJlA IS A PART ( OP THE. OMtTEP STATES I VES.ISOT L THE.T HAVE A. RAMV SfcASOK) GOT j ?rr i: li n i' V: i 'i AHsmH