ffiHl "i, vs A ifhliH m Mm B tf i'ip fX 'v, iW ffl 3? JiU-: S&2 f " Mi' ?.:r i. t iflAIHSINGEll EVENING i'TJBUO -sr,; ' LEDcfeK-PHIliO V. ff "ti KP .T' r- tiuesseldorf Region, in Rhenish Prussia, Declared Under State of Siego BERLIN WALKOUT FAILS By tiio Associated Pres , Kwen, Jan. 10. Several persons have been killed and wounded in dis turbances at Duisburc, Stcckrnde and other towns in the industrial district where 20,000 miners are strlklnff. The Duesseldorf resion in Khenish Prussia has been declared uudcr a strict state of siege. Troops have intervened at Frankfort to enforce orders prohibiting nn Inde pendent Socialist demonstration pro testing against the "assassins of Berlin." Berlin, Jan. JO. (R.v A. JM Pro ceedings against leaders of the mob which stormed the Ueiehstag building Tuesday as well as those responsible for the proclamation that brought the rriwrla infn the streets have been be gun by the state's attorney. Fifteen nr rests have already been made. ' Attempts of radical labor leaders to provoke a general strike yesterday as a , protest against the shooting of members ( of Tuesday's mob failed completely. The inner citv presented its usual as pect. A few of the largest shops where j radicals predominate were shut down. I but there were no street crowds visible ( in the downtown centers. In many large industrial plants there were sharp clashes between Majority . Socialist lubor leaders who opposed a strike, and Independent Socialist and , Communist agitators. Gustav Xoske. minister of defense, announced drastic ' penalties would be inflicted upon any who attempted to interfere with troops j or with technical emergency crews which are protecting pubiic utilities. Council surveillance boards compris- I Ing a total membership of 000,000 workers throughout Germany would be provided for in the industrial councils1 bill now before the Iteichstng. Opposi tion to this bill was the ostensible cause of the rioting before the Reichstag building. Deputy Voegler, National Liberal, who is opposing the bill, declared tu an address that 10,000 miners were de manding places on these, boards and asserted If they secured the desired posts they would be precluded from their usual ,rork. Ho said this would result in an i annual decrease of mined coal amount ing to 1,000,000 tons. I JlitIon, Jan. 10. (By A. P.) The strikers on the German railways lmve I resumed work in a majority of the dis tricts, says u Central News dispatch , from Ilerliu today. The men, it is ' said, received wage increases of 200 marks monthly, while the salaries of ofBclnls were increased l."0 per cent. These increases, it is stated, will bring about a deficit of an additional l.fiOO, 000,000 marks for the railways, which probably will lead to another rise in rates. LE SOLITE NOTE A RIGUARDO HUME Si Dice che I'ltalia Avrebbe Ri- nunziato alia Sovranita' sulla Citta' di Fiumo Published unci Distributed Under PEnMIT NO. Ml. 'Authorised hy the net of October 6. 1017. on file ttt the Postortlce of Phila delphia. P.. A R llUn,,E80Ni Postmaster Qoneral. MAY SEND SOLF TO U. S. Germans Also Mention Siegfried Heckscher as Ambassador Berlin, .Inn. 10. (By A. P.I Dr. YV. 3. Solf. former German foreign minister, and Dr. Siegfried Heckscher, a former member of the Iteichstng, arc mentioned as ntnoug the available can didates for appointment as ambassador to Washington. Doctor Solf was former governor of Samoa and colonial minister in the old regime. He served as the first foreign minister after the German revolution. Doctor Heckscher was formerly director of the Hamburg-American Steamship Co. Purlgi. 10 gennnio. Tl giornale "Lc Temps" nnnunzin che I'ltalia avrebbe abbandonnto i'idea della sovranita' sulla citta' di Fiume e della ueutralizr.n7.ionc dl Sebenlco. If porto di Flume c 1c ferrovie ddvruuuo essere postc sotto l'autorltn' della l.ega dellc Nnzloni. T.a sistemazlone della qucstione Atlrl ntica, secoudo l'Associated Press, la sciata oru alia Jugoslavia ed al Primo Ministro dell 'Italia. On. Nittl. dlmostrn rhe Franeln, Nighlltcrra cd Italia sonoi plenamcntc d'accordo. ha proposta soluzlonc c stato comunlcata a Belgrado cd nnche a Washington, da dove st spcra di rlcevcro una rlsposta favorevole. II- giornale in pnrola, rlfcrendosi nl testo del compromesso- nnnunzla che Nittl nvrebbo detto che I'ltalia offrlrebbe dl abbnndonare 11 Porto dl Flume c 1c ferrovie dl Sussak sotto il controllo della Lega dellc Nnzloul. II Primo JJlnlstro Nittl nvrebbo agglunto : "La citta' per so stesga e' ossoluta meote d! naturn italiana." NeH'opinlonc dcll'On. Nittl Sa qucs tione Adrlatica c' stata molto csa gerata d'importnnzn in America. Fgll fu ottimlstn che tin accordo era viclno e che non mlnacclava rintcrfcrcnzn da parte doll Stati Unltl. IOn. Nltti avrebbe detto: "Le mle relflzlntii col PrcSldente Wil son sono state sempre amichevoli. li'America desldera pace piu' cho lc na zioni europee. p cio' nou puo' lnsciarc la questione Adriaticn insolutn. qunndo tre grand! Poteuze sono in nccordo. "I.a sltunzione economica in Italia e' migllore di quella rnpportata. II debito diguerra dell'Italla u' piu' pic colo dl quello di qualsiasl altro bct ligeraute. ma II sentimento del pub blico e' irritnto perche' 11 popolo com prende che si cntrn' in gnerra eon tittte le rlsorse a nostra dlsfloslslone, lotto' lungamente cd aspramente, cd ebbc mezzo mlllonc dl uomlnl uccUI. Esso non puo' comprendero porcho tante difflcolta' su una plccola roccla sull'Adrlatlco, The Gypsy Ring Always the popular little finger ring is made in many odd and attractive styles mount ed with precious and semi precious stones. Particularly appropriate for the month of January is one of gold, mounted with two din monds and one garnet $35. S. Kind & Sons, uio chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWEL13RS SILVERSMITHS I . I .rt " ., . . i 1 .v . . l t . 5 Etenlnr LSk S M I w;.X'X.;.;-w.x.t't't'wxkX'!WKsr BUILDERS' I MILLWORK Doors, Sash, Mouldings, j!; Columns, Etc. jjij THE HANEY-WHITE Ca 1 A Windshield Is a Danger and it should be a protec tion. A smash of the glass, and heaven only knows what horrible results may follow. A real protection is It is 100 per cent sure made In Philadelphia demonstrated this week at the Auto Show in BOOTH A-8 THE SUPER GLASS CO. 326 N. Broad Street Hell. Spruce 5S7H Ko stone. Knee 1730 TWUi IT COMPANY Market and fourth Sts. o PHILADELPHIA a Begin Nineteen-Twenly Right by opening n thrift ac count at this bank. Nine-teen-Twenty holds many opportunities for the wise sind thrifty. Wish yourself n Happu New Year and make the wish come true- 17th Plant and Glcnwood Ave. li'iiKEiiiiiiniiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiNi'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniijii I CAPITAL. & SURPLUS I I 1 1 1 I r- m. T t. tc s- AriA Oft n I I III I" I 3 1, JUWtUWV, "I MiraiiiiiiiM!iiii!M & DlLKS X102 CHESTNUT STREE Office and Warehoutt 21st and Glenwodd Ave. Lists From Plans and Estimates Given ftK ll s George 1214 Chestnut Street Allen, Inc. 1214 SS3&& i if 8 Chas. J. Webb & Co. Wool I 3 and Cotton Yarns , 1J6 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 1 JULIAN s7siMSOHN J An Organization of I s CHEMICAL ENGINEERS 'g or Technical Operation of Power Plnnte ' S Water Purification Coal Analrtea i B CMnbustloi, I M S. E. Cor. Broad and Girard Ave. U Announce an Advance Showing of New Spring Millinery . Of Individual Style and Type Attractive and becoming models for Southern wear; for wear en route; and for those who wish a hat with a touch of Spring-; with newness the dominant note ! .VllenV Millinery means all hand-made millinery and spells quality hs well. The hats are more beautiful this year than ever and1 well worth cur Inspection. Velour Sports Hats, Reduced Now $5 and $7 Excellent Quality Scvrral desirable shapes in Jay. Amethyst, Allie, Navy and Black NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL, PLATES AND SHEETS Pottstown, Pa. Phlla. Office, 1411 Morris Building -3 . . - u HIGH QUALITY QIICK SEKVICE I ' A Motor Truck Delivery I , g Lansdale Foundry Co. I ' Lantdale. Fa. Phon Lanedale 450 S f Sale of Irish Lace Neckwear Hand-made collars and rets in beautiful designs of the best grades of real Irish lace. Suitable' for serge and woolen dresses or for the Spring and Summer frocks. 53.50 Collars now $1.85 each Collar and Cuff Sets, $3.00, $3.50, $3.75. Were $6.00, $7.00 and $7.50 each Reductions Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Suits 22.75 27.75 29.75 Street, Top and Motor Coats 22.75 27.75 29.75 It is our custom to start each season with new merchandise. Tyrol Wool Suits and Coals at lhc3e prices mean a saving of at least 10.00. Tyrol Wool garments are so staple in style thai they are perfectly good for the coming season. 1102 CHESTNUT STREET 0pJ5B Kr, 1029 MARKET STREET Tomorrow Mr. Hill Reduces Full-Fashioncd Hosiery, 50c pair They are tllghtly Irregular price. The colors are. Black. Wh te. (Jray and Brown hosiery with fashioned feet manufacture!' Uiey would be twice The price is unusual THE BALDWIN Locomotive Works PHILADELPHIA Steam, Electric and Internal Combustion LOCOMOTIVES There are openings in nearly all branches for skilled mechanics. Steady vork; good wages; excel lent working conditions. A large number of the ways are covered. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION CAMDEN, N. J. Apply at Employment Department at the Yard Continuing the Sale of Metal Laces and Flouncings s Silver Laces for everv ir r.nd purpose. In narrow trimming- widths. ' B hands and skirt length flouncing!) , a few show slight tarnishing:, but most B re perfect laceB in beautiful designs. All are half price or loss, glv- S ir.g the unusual opportumn of procuring these fashionable laces al a j tindlon of their wcrth 1 10c to $7.00 a yard Eg Long cloth and Nainsook Special 1 Longcloth, $3 to $5 piece. Nainsook, I $2.75 to $8 piece. S TUm t.peo.j.1 numbers were bought months ago. when pm e wne m .mer, ant we will be unab.e to offer values like these again. -? There is economy In home sewing these days, with women s and S children's underwear so high in price FUiiliiGii!llt!K!!INI!IM i Buy Your Lumber Direct from the Manufacturers Don't Pay Wnolojalen Prices Vf Are Manufacturer! Only Trumbo & Roszel , DCItJIAM. N. O. rJHHGgHEftTtMft '.- 1 1 A -VW. TTM.W.nATDtRKi: MO-AgFgCi Roa Pla RIVER-FRONT PROPERTY With 600-Foot Wharf on the Delaware Itiver FOR SALE I nlled hUtfH Slilpplnc noard Emrntrncr I'ltel tor pnrntion InlteH Iropunulfl for the I'urrhuke of Mundy Tract, Eddington, Kucks Co., I'a. Scaled bl.l will bo received until 11 o'clock A. M i .hri.irt IK 11)0. hv thf. LTnited Hlat.R Hhlnnlnt? .urA i,'r..rt.i i FipM i oi Doratlnn. at tho nitli'e of tlie SIanf.r of the Hhlpyaru anu D?ls1on tin N-orth llroad Street. Philadelphia. Pa., tor the .a In of th ?d I'orporHllon'a Rh"frSnt Pro,.erl. known u. the Jtundv 1 ract. at Kddlnjton. Pa On of the proposals win i uc-uriMou ur mi "-jrnni "i'"'" iwrij-nve nu das"T?,'l,th3V-arree tract with 1100 feet river frontace and S70 fert f.-ontase nn stata i lilchway. Is one-half mile north of the Traylor Shlpbuildlntr (.'orporatlon. 15 railVa abo'e the center of Philadelphia, and 5 miles below Hrlstol Pa. The wharf Is nno feet lone, connected by rail with the New Vork Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad (subject to necessary permits), with 10 feet of yater at low tide and a deep channel Is only a short distance sway. Hlu prints and inventory of said property may lif seen and repeal blun!:s obtained at the offices of the M'anaier of the Khlpvard Pfants Division. Eniers-ency Fleet Corporation. 140 North Hroad Street, Philadelphia Bids must be submitted in duplicate, on standard proposal forms, mad In the msnner preocrlbed therein and Inclosed In sealed envelopes marked "Proposal 1030-1. to be opened at II A St. February 1, IPSO Illds must be accompanied by a certified ihenk on a National Pank. payable to the United Htates Shlpplntr Poird Emergency Fleet Corporation, for 10 of the amount hid This amount will be applied upon the purchase price to be paid by the successful bidder, hut In the event that such bidder falls to consummate tho 'imtract of punlinse. the deposit will be forfeited to the. Corporation The balance of tb purchase price is to be paid on delivery of deed of property to the bidder The nsht is reserved 'o reject any or all bids United States Shipping Board Emergency Kleet Corporation SIMI'VAIlll PLANTS DIVISION 140 JSORTII IIKO IP bTIIKKT I'llllURI.PIIlA. I. mMigmssfflk W ' MmBral rw-mm .aPI (ssEJRSflS?&WS'rfWCtf3R!5(,Ht, tit Ra Kli'StS If OV JZ? f7 F, BS Of mm E MwMMS Jt KwfftlL SHIffiSRSKlBk. BS&.SSIk, Come fomorrow! loes ForWornm Everv Pair Must fio! No Sacrifice Is Too Great! IN ihi- ".igantic sale we have cast aside all thought ol cost or value. What we want is cleared shelves for Sprint? Styles, soon here. That is why we are closing out every one of these thousands of nairs of NEWARK Shoes at this unheard-Oj price $5-98 for shoes positively worth 510 and $12 a pair Who would miss such a chance ' Grasp it whiif there is yet time. This sale will come to a close without notice as soon as the stock is disposed of Come Tomorrow. . -e Is Another of the Manv Sensational Values Klegant Havana Brown Boots with brown cloth top ; full cut TW Louis heels, aluminum tipped. Splendid $8 value for. . e AT, 2 IHF .1 Q'rtA n Cnr worm ju & & isioveiy to $65 raj 4 TO make tomorrow the barrier day of this sale iIr. Hill orders a further re duction on 1000 of the ltnest winter suits and overcoats. The savings are real and bona lide and are only possi- !e because of our - m WL :m m mb i!& blSliUVffla tvhich nccchsitiitcs our clearing out all our present stocks, regardless of profit, before moving into our new store at 1021 38 1 H WwFw7 LARGEST SHOE RETAILERS IN THE WORLD. .Murkpt st . hatu..., cm, ..n.i tq.v. J. tioin ft., near AUrket. nens ncton Ae between York t. Cunibeiland Kcn.liinlon .e near Hart Lane. . Htli ht., near Cherry. hontli St,, ncur nth. H, DM HI., near Chestnut .. I'runt .St., uiir Oaunhin. I Ola 101 hTom;s in o; tiTltcy Jiiss .'.' ."' .ll""'H Hroad and :.. - .r .ne,. near 4ist. 121 OirkV! 5!" """ c and Vine ii!-! il ,'i H" between 4lli and Dili. 'H n!3i,J!'Qr,, A,r" '".r Orlhodo" M.fl. Iil,l,g,A" "?"r folunibla, 7iW 'ermunlmin ,c helwven Houierset L I'mAW., fca Market St. Though this sale has offered urt matrliablc aud 'not-to-bc-forjfotten values front the start, tomorrow will by far be the greatest value lay. Trices are still further re duced for wc have no th.ie to de lay. Mr. Hill advises every man to oven anticipate future needs and to buy two and more and put them away for these low prices will never be possible again. Plaid Back Overcoats Belted Back Overcoats Satin Yoke Overcoats Double-Breasted Ulsters Town Ulsters American Tourist Coats Chesterfield Overcoats Wc list but a few of the styles, and when you realize that there are hundreds of materials and in every roor vim cannot but help wonuer ;i the vastness of the stocks, as well as the low prices. Move Than 1000 Pairs Values From $4.00 to .$8.50 I he llncst of worsteds, cassimeres, cheviot lant-y mixtures. The assortment is bo largi we believe we can match up any old suit. All up to 12 waist. 8 allilE jl that) 'iUV sizes y.S tbai1 s.fcH Hill Co., 1029 Market I r -,v.', ,ft " ,.-si.; i j jr i 'I j. . -' t