h W sii' :'J It' t ft, , It. r m i) f '- I f. it in' hv,ii infill -L.. r&B vffii' i," i P isftt 4'i'vj ' Ml . J ' IF law"' ' i" " M1 v .sAfs-sV : illl L mm mWm r j 111 i ; ill ' v -II I Is gtMsBj 'iBJ 'i n "i'uvtl 2? " utrwewi 'V"'-V .. )-r'i-,yI JgSTT.j..,. Wi 'EVENING PUBLIC LTiSDER-PHirABBrPHlA; FRIDAt JANUARY 16, 1020 r-'"swnn :! BELGIANS, LED BY MERCIER, ASK KAISER TO STOP DEPORTA TIONS Explanatory Comment 1 S 11TT71 l J XT j11nlU.it ..U iirvnr1 7nw1lTinl 7V.Tnr ninv 4n drmir 1in VlA l-n,l alinnnl tn illn KniRpr rnnPOI'tl. . Intr the dcDorlations. was an ideal type of Old World diplomat. His SnnnisVi inheritance of courtliness and the social graces failed to exert a profound imptession on tho upstart Prussians with their vulnerable assumption of good breeding. He was a past master of tho fine points of international technique, and to his post of Spanish minister to Belgium he brought accomplish ments and abilities which speedily made him a dominating figure throughout the years of German occupa tion. Above all, his sense of justice was unimpeachable. At the outbreak of the war, in common with many of his compatriots, he was disinclined to believe in the dark iniquitjr of the German empire. It all seemed too 5ncredible, too preposterous. Furthermore, Spain was bound to Austria, wno nad ignited tne sparx 01 contact, oy numerous powmw ties. A son of a Hapsburg mother sat on the throne of Spain. A Hapsburg, wno was also King of Spain Charles V had once been virtually master of Continental Europe. Outwardly the Marquis preserved an impeccable neutrality. He was, however, observing and fast coming into contact with unanswerable facts. Belgians close to the Cardinal have declared that within a very few weeks after the invasion of their native land the sympathies of the Spanish minister swung fervently to tho side of the Allies. .... . , Although from the diplomatic standpoint it was impossible for the Germans to find ofliciai fault with Ms conduct, he was, with Brand Whitlock, Herbert Hoover and others, of the greatest assistance in the administration of the relief of Belgium. He did his utmost to save Edith Cavell. His adroitness smoothed out many a situation which would have resulted otherwise if handled with passion. In association with the Car dinal a close friend the Marquis was a factor of great influence in a season of terrorism. It is typical of Villalobar's taste for tho ironic th at ho took Crown Prince Rupprecht into the ministerial residence and saved him from the infuriated Belgians in November, 191S, when the German machine collapsed. Continuation of Chapter XXX The Deportation j his Majesty expresses the desire to have it laid be of the Unemployed. ' fre him, to communicate it to him. , Accept, sir, the assurance of my sincere esteem. A CT1NG on the advice of the .Marquis de vinaiooar,! (This letter wag signed t,y tne same persons as the Spanish minister in lirusseis, a numoer 01 prom inent Belgians, animated by a desire to exhaust every possible means to put an end to the deportations, had recourse to a direct appeal to tho Emperor. On Sun day, February 11, the Spanish minister and M. Levie, minister of state, repaired to the archbishop's house to acquaint the Cardinal with their plan and to ask him to join hands with them. Tho interview resulted in an agreement that the Cardinal should draw up the appeal and that M. Levie should be commissioned to gather the signatures. On Wednesday a copy of the document was handed to the Spanish minister. He in turn passed it on to Baron von der Lancken, who at once dispatched it to Berlin On Thursday, the 15th, M. Levie, Baron de Favereau and Prince de Ligne, on the introduction of the Marquis de Villalobar, handed the appeal officially to Baron von der Lancken, who was shortly to leave for Berlin. The chief of the political department promised his active support, as well as that of the Governor General, in order to obtain from the Emperor the favorable answer to the appeal. The text of the petition runs as follows: Imperial Majesty. The signatories of this appeal with heavy hearts have seen and still see every day thousands of their brethren torn from their families and dragged for cibly into exile, where they are compelled to choose between starvation and work which offends their dig nity us patriots. The representatives of the various pnblic bodies in Belgium, ministers of state, the hier archy, members of Parliament, the magistracy and the bar, commercial and industrial magnates, trade unions and workmen's societies, have raised their voices on behalf of their countrymen and have brought to the notice of the General Government with that candor which is the mark of a free people, the deep distress of the nation, the causes that have brought it about, those that foster it and those that day by day augment it. If your Majesty has leisure to peruse these docu ments and will deign to verify the grounds on which they rest, there can be no doubt that you will be inclined to do us justice. You can hardly imagine the wave of indignation which would pass over your empire, if ever your own subjects were unreasonably expatriated and coerced into consolidating by their work a foreign domination. Your Imperial Majesty prides yourself on your loyalty to your faith. May we not then be allowed to remind you of the simple and yet striking words of the Gospel, "Do unto others that which you would have done to yourself"? The Emperor of Germany will understand how repugnant to our national amour-propre is soliciting as a favor what in normal times we could justly claim as a right. Life and Liberty at Stake But the life and liberty of a great number of our fellow citizens, whom we love as brethren, is at stake. We have had the courage to stifle every other feeling in our breasts but that of brotherhood. We venture to hope that your Majesty will be guided by but one sentiment that of humanity. The undersigned, representing the religious, po litical and judicial, economic and social authorities of the Belgian people, hope that your Majesty will give the necessary orders to cease deporting Belgian workmen and to repatriate those who have been driven into exile. They offer to your Majesty their respectful hom Bge. Brussels, February 14, 1917. Signatories: Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of Malnies, Primate of Belgium. Ministers of State Viscount de Lantsheere, Baron de Favereau, J. Devoider, Count Woeste. Relief and Victualing Committee M. Ernest Solway, president. Senate Baron de Favereau, president; . Baron d'Huart, secretary; Viscount de Jonghe d'Ardoye, quaestor; Alexander Braun, Max Hallet, Prosper Hanrez, Em. Vinck. Chamber of Representatives Alphonse Harmignies, vice president; Mansart, secretary; Xavier de Bue, quaestor; Bertrand, Michel, Levie, Paul Van Hoedgarden, du Bus de Warnafte, Fulgence Mas son Wauters, Franck, Emile Tibbaut, P. Wauwer mans. Court of Appeal Eug. Dupont, first piesident; Georges Terlinden, procurator general. The Bar Edmond Picard, batonnier de cassation; H. Botson, batonnier d'appel. National Bank of Belgium L. van der Rest, vice gov ernor. Society General of Belgium Jean Jadot, governor. Prince de Ligne. Count Jean de Merode, grand marshal of the court. Count John d'Oultremont, honorary grand marshal. Baron Hermann de Woelmont, grand master of the household. Count Leo d'Ursel. Count Jacques de Liedekerke. -Viscount de Pare. Baron Gofllnet, grand master of the household of Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Charlotte. Proof Sent to Germany A copy of tho appeal to the Emperor, to which was appended certain documentary evidence consisting of reports, statistics, etc., wa3 handed in to the Governor General, together with the following letter: ' " Brussels, February M, 1917. The undersigned have had the honor to address to his Majesty the Emperor of Germany an appeal, a copy of which is annexed to the present letter. They did not deem it necessary to join to this ijocument tho evidenco inclosed, herewith, which in thfllr opinion supports it. But they desire that this tjvldenco should bo in the hands of your Excellency h order that you may, if you judge opportune, or If 4- AIRPLANE RISES VERTICALLY Australian Inventor In New York Alms at $100,000 Prize New York, .Inn. HI. An nirplnuo whiclj rises vertically in the nlr, sus taining itself by rapidly revolving hori zontal propellers, is boiUR demolish uti) by Us Inventor, William J. Bench, nn Australian, nt tils workshop in this citr. Mr. Bench, who has been (lying slum 10OS. and lina designed muehlnea on more convcntionnl lines, believes thnt his machine, when built in normal pro portions, stands n good chance of win ning the prize of 5100,000 offered bv M. Mirhehr, through the Aero Club of STRAMRIIir NOTICES the petition to the Emperor.) On March 9 Baron von der Lancken transmitted orally to Baron de Favereau, president of the Senate, the answer given by the Emperor to the petition of the Belgian notables. He declared that his Majesty had de cided to have minutely examined the demands contained in the appeal addressed to him reserving to himself the giving of a definite decision. Meanwhile he had given orders to send back to Belgium persons deported by mis take as unemployed and to suspend till further orders the transfer into Germany of Belgians unemployed. Tho deportations ceased after this and little by little the unhappy men, who had been taken away by force into Germany, were able to return to their country. The lamentable condition in which they were found on their return proved to the hilt what privations and suf ferings they had gone through. A large number, ex hausted by the hardships inflicted on them in forcing them to work, had to bo looked after in the hospitals. The Cardinal made his voice heard once again in favor of these victims of German barbarity in a letter ad dressed to Baron von der Lancken, in which he pleaded the cause of various condemned persons. Archbishop's House, Malines, April 28, 1917. To Baron von der Lancken. Dear Baron M. Merjay, residing at 161 Rue do Culture, Brussels, son of Lieutenant General Merjay, has just been condemned to death by Charleroi tri bunal. Since the 'war began he had lost his wife, one of his sons had fallen in battle, another had become prisoner. The Merjay family is eminently honorable and Christian. The new Governor Gen eral would bring honor on himself by using clem ency toward the condemned men. You will perhaps remember that last January you gave me hopo of the release of the Dean of Orp-le-grand, M. Herman, who then had undergone half his sentence. The month of May will soon be here and the poor deanv is still in his cell at Siegburg. He has already completed nearly a year and a half of his sentence. Cannot his last six months be remitted? It is a traditional practice for the archbishop to consecrate his suffragans. Thus I was invited to consecrate the new Bishop of Ghent on Tuesday, May 1, and joyfully accepted the invitation. And now a pass to Ghent is refused, though I had in my request for a permit indicated the whole of my itinerary. But ' all these personal grievances, I put up with without protest. ' In return, may we not hope that the Geiman au thorities will lean more toward clemency? Will you , not use your influence to bring them to this way of I acting? I deem it my duty to remind you of the de- i lays made in repatriating our workmen; of the la mentable condition in -which they return to us a clear evidence of the treatment they have undergone. The war m ill not last forever. You who see things ' from a broader point of view than the militarists , should make them understand that they can have no J interest in arousing against them the indignation of I all right-thinking men on the day conditions of peace are discussed. (Signed) D. J. CARDINAL MERCIER, Rnron von I'alkonhnu'scn linrl snrceeded in tin- I rapaeit.v of Governor General Baton von Busing. I who died April IS. lr!U7. vM. Herman had been condemned for having helped young men to ro.s the frontier. i Von Der Lancken Ignores Plea In his reply to the preceding letter, Baron von den Lancken examined the different cases mentioned therein, j but passed over in complete silence the Cardinal's pro-J test against the manner in which the repatriation of the deported was carried out. Political Department of the Government General of Belgium, Brussels. May 1, 1D17. I. S575. To His Eminence Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of Malines. I have duly received your esteemed letter, dated MALL0RYS.S.C0. A (?1 H From Philadelphia Sailing About JANUARY 25, 1920 for Marseilles and Genoa Apply to MALLORY STEAMSHIP CO. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE 629 Chestnut St. Bfll. MntVct 3050 Kfyatone. Main :B3 Nw Totfc Offlcf. I'ltr 38 North River Itlephonc. bprlnt 8801) France, for tho first machine of this typ which shows itself capable ot rising vertically from n space about the sire of a small roof. The principal advan tage of this type of machine is that it can land in n smnll Bpnce, while nn nlrplanc ot tlio ordinary type requires a landing field., 'The governing principle, which Mr. Beach says is original with him, is In the propeller rotation. Instead of one motor working directly on tho vertical shaft, he has two rotary motors which rotate in n circle beneoth the propellers around n circumference almost as large as that described by the propeller tips. eatljs ANOEUEn Jan. 13, ADOl.ni hinhanil er Loiilsa Aneetrr (ne Atkcrminnl, aRtd 8.1 nciatlrta ana friends Invited to funeral, sat . 1 ii. m,, renldencc of non-ln-law. Urn, ii H. Ouenther, 3(143 N. Percy st. Int. rrlate Chsltcrr HIIIn Cem ANDCnsoN. Jan. 14, .TAMRS O . aon el Iatn Washington Anderson and Mary Vohn vp svrns Funeral private, nt realdence of alster. Mrs. Henry helchardt, 3.181 Queen lane, Kails of Schuylkill. Int. Jit. Tcaro Cem. AnCItlUALD. Jan. lf. JAMIVS. huabantl of nachel Archibald, aued Ot. Kelatlvea and Irlemls InWted to funeral eenleea. Moil.. .! V m 3132 Market at , lnt Norlhwoo-l Ceni UACON. In Newark. N. J . Jan. 14' ntiOlUlI W. UACON, iifred TO, ycara. Rela tives and friends Invited to attend tho fu noral eenlrei at tho parlor of McVhereon & son, Ilrldfteton, N J.. Sat. 1:30 n. m lnt In tho Krlorids1 biirjlne Oround, Orten- w'iui;rz.irnn is. M.vniB Josephine, daughter of Peter and Florence mitz. ased IS months Helntlves and frlenda Invited to fervloes. Sat . i! 1 m . at parents' resi dence. IMS N. 57th st lnt Old Cathedial CeDAnNRS Jan tB. MARY EMMA, widow of Oenrie r flames, aeed SO. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Bat : n m . residence of sleter-ln-law, Mrs. Mary K Pinions, 6lo Hlslns Sun ave., Olnev Inl St James's M. 12. Church aBonMUTH-.Jn. 13. LOUISA, wife of I,oreni Jiormuth (ne Duerr). aged fll Ilela ilves and friends united tn funeral, Sun.. 1 in v i m N W eor Mith and Catharine ta int. Hillside Cem. rrlends may call Sat . after 8 r. ni i I HEATHS) jBIMTIm"" ' WTNTiat ItKSOIlTS ASIIKVII.I.IS. N. T. lXTKIt KUStlKTS Asiiiivif.i.n. y. c. EARN-LINEI Incorporated 1891 I U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers ' General Cargo ' Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester A Steamer Feb. ' Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galcra" . . .Jan. 22 SS "Coquina" Feb. 5 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. Philadelphia, Pa. A2 rl "tr . ,-- iT-,TrTr gZsjr-kr la. li KJfsr imicrv. cZii2eTica'&J7Jie&arZesor Winter Tourist Headquarter of the Southern . Appalachian, Eastern America's Climax In Alti tude, Scenic Grandeur and Invigorating Climate Tho sparkling sunshine of "Way Down South In Dlxlo" with Its ozone-laden atmosphere makes Ashelllo tho Ideal spot In nil America for pleasure, rest, recreation, homes. ... You'll ii "ticitif.fi tn Heath" with these wonderful, forest- covered mountains and valleys, the FlJKah National Forest and l Game Presene, and oui" paved roads make seeing them by motoi a real dream: 84 peaus over tuuu rect nerc-.oouiB. The 18-holo nll-turf golf course ot tne Asnovuie country (Jlub on tho slopes or Sunset Mountain, wnn its view or "Plsnah and tho Hat" to the West, has a lure all Its own. For reservations write the BATTERY PARK. GROVE PARK INN. MANOR. LANGREN. "f fnrtnuiMni nrnrirv iiiorn TrDDlrr ' CL--Tfl(.Tvv dHrtnmuiUA xicin.i.bx, mtrvuu icnivaLG. Jl f" . Illustrated booklet aroiu tills wonderland RJwJaXU-eaV ill 'he "Ileal t of the Blue Tlidge," for vaca lions, nomes. nusiness, uvesiocK. aarri- v, culture, orcharding, and the hotel Vifi aim Doaruintr House list W'V &3 jours, for tho asking I BOARDofTRADE "iSSt'Krk W -? ASHEVILLE.N.C. (JTi p'-srl i V Jf Jl S)M a ATLANTIC C'JT. "v. .1. CHARLES ATLANTIC riTY. N. J. THE PENNHURST fnn and Mlrhlrran Ave Alvvavs open. r - anoolntmnt. w.M rt. noon. ON THlTOCEAN PROMT t Wo afminatpf Ky- Av. near lieach. Kiev. 17levmatariaof rffal A?' private baths; run Lfcomfort vvltV) an crwl rxmmsnt of distinct nefln ment witftout extravagance. AmnCANPVAN. AJAVSTTTOPCN urk&ATURCamrcfrMSMAUCD. nflADLET Jan. 18. AUCH Swl' itf John r. uradley. Itelatlvea and Irlenda In vited to funeral. Won., 8.80 a. m.. 2513 B. 11th at. Solemn requiem mass Church if tho Epiphany 10 a. m. Int. Holy Crosi Cem HRANPON. At Palmyra, N. J., Jan. 14, CArtOI.INn, vvlfo of Isaac A. llranaon. Rsla. lives and friends Invited to funeral ecrvlcee, Hat., 2 p. m 727 Morian ave., Palmyra, N. J. int. private. w .... BUniC. -Jan. It, MAPX widow of Wil liam llurke (nen Welsh). Itelatlvea und frlendi invited to funeral, Mon., 8 a. rn., 4 W. Allegheny ave.. Falls of Schuylkill. Solemn requiem masa pt. Ilrldgefs Church n.30 a, m lnt St. Mary's Cem., rtoi borouah nTSHEtl. Jan. 14 JACOD. husband of Kllia Jane Pvaher. amed 73. nelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral services. Mon.. 2 p. m., flethleheni pike and Montcomery ave., Ilrdenhelm. Int. Ivv Hill Cent CAMPI. At Vlnelaml. N. J.. Jan. 13 JAMTiS. husband of Alice Camel and eon of late Maria and Domlnlclt Campl, aued 05. Itelatlvea and friends. Soelell dl t'nlone U rratellanza Italians. Invited to funiral Sat pa m., residence of Stephen Coatn, 00.1 s' 13th t. Solemn renulcm mass Ht. Mir Mnjtda!n do I'azzl'a Church, lnt Hcly Cross (.'em. CANTWEI.t, lap. 15 ClIrtlSTINn M widow of Joseih P Cantivell. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral servlcei, Snt "-.In ? ,"In.0ll..,,, 1Jalr Bld,r' is:o I'hestnut st. Int. private CLARK. .Ian. 13. WILLIAM IT. hu. band of Harriet F. Clark (neo Wible), Ilela i'iJf8.11!!? I"n""' Wlnnemueca Trlh, No. 230. I. p. n. it.! Court Penn Treaty, No. 22 . 0,i Ai.'.Jn.d (',ml,l, of Textile Machine Co".W.p.d t' funeral services. Sat.. 1 n m 1118 I'rankfjrd ave. Int. private. North wood Cem. CONN Jan 1 1 CATIinniNK CONN daughter of William I and rtculna Conn aired 10 ItelatlveB and frlendi Invited to funeral services Mon .2 n m.. WheatBheaf lane and Cedar st lnt private, Oakland (m. Ilcmalna may bo viewed Sun. eve Auto funral COOPKR.-Ian 15, ABBOTT MORTON COOPEIL lats residence. Wayne, Pa. Due notice of funeral will bo clven CURRY Jan. 11. SARA C. CURIIY. Rel. ntlvcs and friends Invited to services Frl R p. ni,, slster'a residence Mrs 13 J 6" Fisher. B718 SVruco st. Int. Ualtlmore Cem. Baltimore papers ccrpv. DAVIS. Jan. 15. MARGARET P. , widow of LucullusN. Davis, aged 73. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services. Sat 2 p. m,. daughter's residence. Margaret N Younff. 408 Tnnia st , Ridley Park. Dol. Co ' Pa. Int. private. Mt. Morlah Cem. fW vevanco will meet train at Ridley Park leavln? Broad St. Sta., 1:23 p, ,, r arK DAVIS. At Oaks, Pa.. Jan. 15 FRAN CCS D , widow of Milton I. Davis, aired 88. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, residence of son-in-law, Francis V Kvanson Oaks. .Pa.. Sat. 3 p. in Int. Green Tree Cem Carriages will meet 2:20 p in and 2.24 p m trains nt Oaks, Ta DHNNISSON. Suddenly, Jan. 14 jrAn OARKTTA BECHTKL. widow of Samuel n" Dennlsson. aBed 80. Relatives and friends Invited to funersl services. Sot., 6C30 Oreeno St., Oermantovvn. Int. nrivoif. unVENNEY. Jan. 13. .Mli'HAKL ,.. bend of Annie Dcvennev. Relative. ij friends. Holy Name. Father Sharkey rf? Ti V.. Doresal Jl. and P. Societies arid n& .... -., -- ..-.-.. .-.--- - ..iiiriui. isa, irnwti c !-. ."?- "rev I'lllla. 8:30 m , 4640 Brown Ft , Solemn requiem mass Church of Our Mnth of Sorrows 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross i'lni DICKCL. Jan. 13, MARY, vvlfo of Dan Id Dlekel (nee Qrabey). aired 81. Relatl? end friend inv ted to lunr.il i.rvii;.,a!.'-V.ea EdwarebijpnflpfrwweL MAirt.vjau. in. .,.,,....:- VV im XTmIp M. V.a"""inA. ... nj f i.i. ".".. J3, JAtrp . iter $14 vvkly.; J2.50 up dally C Buhre. ATUANTIC CITY, N .J Weil Indies. Central and Snnlh Ainrn i unitedfruit company j AiAiu2TiicaR PlaaHotel i FMaaxr Traffic Dep.rtnien,: .7 BaUar, rie. N Y OV&Vft T J .t.s.1 nnm-T7 I t lOL ui3tmi;iiuiViiiujrvv:aL-vuiiujL l. iouri 1 - Ft 1 TJS OL TRAVEL .t R"!5y I 57AiHftnio ftipxiX T T5V "kva. vs. e K'U. 7 Abroad 1 I It meull r.s bou' V ur 1,1 B 1B I I 1'lnerar.v and TlrKt8 II ElJ I iuerlcan Kxpres lr j WA w Travel Department ff D H VAX Mnnsinnker's. Jliiln Flour 1.1 a R X'iM Juniper st. Entrants J U U If. rn Siiru." ,, SKYJ I rtHEPROOP GAP ACE. I a capacity eoo. IVertferJ-.fitzdyt Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. J. EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI. TIONS. GOLF. RIDING AND SHELTERED WALKS. DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING. BRANCH OFFICE, GEO. A. IIUHN & SONS. BROKERS. FRANK P. SIlt'Tn. MflR. WASHINGTON. D. C. 5t.CbarlMrl.aeir Boardwalk.. Kemodel4. A rf Rnauinf water. I'rlTat baths, tp. 500 B Special wiater rates. New ownerablp man I Rem't.M.Orahim.fgrmerlrefTliaPriuoaM WordmanPorkHofel Cormctlrut vve &, Woodley Road WASHINGTON, D. C. A wonderful combination of luxury and co.nfoit Mfteon liundr6!! (all outsldjj roome wuh private baths. Illustrated booklet and fuithtr par ticulars on r oii"st. r.i.MrTC nvpn. Manigw. cv. Steel Pior. rntr&l loiation. alwavi on en. Capacity 300. Private baths, running water in roorai, elevator, etc. Winter terms. Booklet. Alb-art I!. Darnell Let iiv make 3 on feel at finme tn th 'UtT of Itolmst H.Hh" I.KM)nT STKMHIIPS pEASTERN CUBAti J'lnp mrrlsjn latrnspr Mr.imer MUNAMAR T500 tons d'plirpincnt NEW YORK to ANTILLA ubnut ft linurs 1,3 r.ill from NVN TI".0. rillV's heeoiid InrRest eltv. Sailing fortnightly on Saturday Jan. 31, Feby. 14-28, March 13-27 All outbide -staterooms Special staterooms de l.ure CUBA at this s"ason of tlio ve.,r Is deliplitful in every reopen Tho most btautlful scenery of the island is in its eastern see'lon reached bv tli- s rvice rmp roads for motorini? and mu h to interest the tourist For pastrvocr rnlrs and further particu lar!! apply to anu Tourist Agrncy or MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE Paesenser Depiiriment 82-OJ Jtnivrr St . New nrk. KELLY'S 12 n. 9th Open Day & Night Oysters in Every StyU We Hate nn Keellent l.oeal and Ni'tlnnnl nenntatlim Oeenn and VlrKlnln are, Cnnacltv '2.10. KleTator. private tmths. ete.: nlua. opoa. THE" WILTSHIRE irplnla af and Ba b Capartt nr0 Prw 1 ntlis running watpr plo et Amer rtdti U up d'lv. speilal nkl Hklt SAM- HOTEL AUSTINE Pnrlflr and tt, Jstnp I'lare. Open iur roundlnss, oppqfUs ratholJo and rrotritant Churchrs, J3.00 dally, eiwrlal wppkly. Stpam heat. J. H. JONES. Try CLARENDON Hotel VlrclnH Ae. near Tlnicli AI.rnTf op?ni 100 roomh, lth hot nnd mid fiinnlnc uateri private liatlii rnpiirltv 3f0, Write forritrw. honldrt lurop Hiitclilns Park Place, overlooking Otean and City Park; always opn J Alcllwaln Champlua HOTEL CONTINENTAL v aH op-n lua rpadv Tprms mod HOTEL BOSCOBEL K'niu-uvve UWi,-L' ,vj-j Opi1!! ill vpur S!" P vieel.lv Phone HT A K MXUIOS MIllilM OLD POIWT COWJFORT HOTEL CHAiVlBERLIN PI.VB WINTER GOI.I.' ft?m,.' 4!i7 E DttUnnn I"'- North' Cedar DAVIS. Jan. U EDWAHD r son nt T'innk Davie and late Jtary Hmnia KMnS Relatlrea and friends Invited to funeial ir?' lees. Sun . 2 p. m . residence of aunt vVrv r. Clajhorn, 7532 Bulst ave ", Mt Morlih Cem Jn1, J,t DUBT Jan. 13, T.HON a , enn of Oeoise and Annie Dubv nnd crrandson of Inte Frun cH and Mary BlesslnBlon. Hged i.'3. Relatives and friends. Ts-pognnlilcal Union No " Invited to funeral, fiat., 8:30 a m resll denee of mother, inis N Orlanna st Solemn renulem mass 3t ndvvard's Church 10 a in Tnt New Cathfdral Om I KmnEn. Jan. ll, EMAZBCTir. with of I late nudolph A Terber. aged 6S years 1 Itelatlves and frlendn tnvlted to funeral etlv Ives, Sat , 2 n. m , olflce of O. McNeal, un dertaker. 3520 KersinKton ave lnt strlctlv private. North Cednr IIIII rem. KOOARTY Jan. 15 .IMIKS J. husband of May Fosarty (nee McKernun) aired n'J. Relatives and frlenda Waunkee Trlb, No "03 I. O. R. M 1 emploves of American Ex press Co. 12tli and Filbert sts.. Invited to lunprai. .non , 1 .ju a. m . hi r. oih st SoImn requiem mass Chuich of Kt Francis Xavier 9 a. rn. Int. Now Cnthedral Cem KORfcURD Jan 14 CAR, H FOR9 OARD. husband of Scliolastlf.l Fotscard, asred (is Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Sit . 2 n. in . 1.'I2!) airard ave. lnt I lielten Hills c'rematorv. Remulns mav be viewed 1I eve 1 FRANK Jan in IIOSINA MAODA 1 t.KN'A widow of John Gottlieb Frank, .used i 72 Itelatlvea and friends Zloli I.uiheran I 1 hurrh Dorcas Socletv, Ladles' Auxlllarv of j JjUtheran Orphans' Home. Invited to fu 1 nral sfrvires, Mon , 2 p. m . oi.i N. 5th st I lnt prlvnte I KItK'K Jan 13. WU.III5t.MINA rltll'K. widow of Gntthardt Frlik. aced 83 Relativ. s Hnd friends Invited to funeral BPivlfe. Sat 2 p m . parlors of William S Neft 1209 V Oxfoid st lnt private, German I.ut 'eran Cem nemalns truy tie leed Fll S to 10 p in mini,- Jan 12 UPWARD J hern or llva Uiktes tuee Frlel) RilathfS and friends ):nt.tneeis of lOlh Reel Co. 11 In v.ted to funeral Mon MO a in. not N 1 Taney Ft Solemn hluh in.'-s of rfiuiem Cburcti 01 st j-raneis Aavier 111 a in. int. private llolv Cross Cem Fl LLAWAV Jan. II. MARY C . widow of Charles If. rullawav. Kuiieril nnd Int. private. tlll.I.MOR Jan. II M Ul'lit OI My MOR Relatives and friends miiv view re mulns Run eve . resldenco of daughter, Mri H II Spoils HO". 8. 5Sth st Services "t Fiiul s Chtirth. OelBertovvn. 1'a . Mull. lnt adlnirlnc- Cf-in fiooin:i.i.ow. Jan. n. jn.VNin i.ovi;. wife of Louis R Goodfeiliiw Rflutives and frleudy, alsi Kevstone Review, No 2-11. Ladies of th Micenbees, invited to funeral. Sat , 2 10 p in . fiom 11312 I'.isUi.iII ave., Weit I'hlla Filends may ir-all on I'ri. eve.. 7 tn li o'clock Int. Mount Morlah Cem. 11 PHi:LM'r'l! Jan 13. lll.'il. UOIIUKT 1, run ,,.. n .t.rv rnrt.n - rtrU&.t K..k. 1 11 r-i-l .in f" .1. '.'til 11 in'' I nai'.lCh ai U irun water In every room. prlvM. batbi Aln,Ma HastelbiiK-h inef. Hunt). Relatives 1 and frier.ils Kureua LOdllc No 12. K. of I , I Plilln Turnt-iindiide. Invited to furifial, s-vt . 2 p ill brother's lesid.noe, Luuls It-ipsel-i busth IHd'l Llndlej ave, Loffan Inl Norlh- vvood C'lu. I HVt'i-KR Suddenlv. Jan. 14. CIIARLHS KI:NN13TII son of John V and Helm K. Haucti. a .'d 2 Funeral servli'S and lnt nrlvale fr.,m 207 S. Willow Grove pike. Glenslde. Pa i iuvs - Jin in. iti:ni:cc allison widow of Willi nn llavs, Relatives and I friends Invited to funeral services Sal S 'p in Ml.'.'! Catharine st West Phltddelptii i lint un at eonvenieiif e of f'i'nilv IinLUMNG Jan. 14. T3MII.Ii: HIIMI LINO (nee Schoenl. 'vlfe or .Inbn lllhii,, Relatives and friends invited to funeral serv ices, r.-t , 2 n. n.. parlors of .Innifs Clatihv 7 I-rankford ave. Frnnkford. Int. Burlington Hotel American and European Plan l Rooms. 222 Baths. S2.50 to M U. T. MII.I.ER. Jlfrr,. Washington. D. O. Jrtvtt minute, from ev.rythtnar. f'AMlKN' IIKir.HTS. 3. c. THE KIRKWOQD on c'aiiui-.n iiLifitrrs SOUTH CAROLINA Open January to .May ISllOLrOuU' I'dl.O HIDING CLIMATE T KDMt N'D KTtrMHHOI.a LliRt,TLK, FLA. WHITELEDGE HOTEL "'""r Stpam hfat Amer, or tuiopean pian. uoir, neninc, to. nKitiirii C ..Imxlln.. 1nnl Cs-fi-us tif Sfi . o ,t tiiiiii uia. t uun maiuvu Ti jr I'uln'ne Kverv Euronaan A rain ana Writ GKO. r. AD1 Fortreas very European rHf d Treatmtnt. V ADIMS. Mt. ) ' Monro. a. "4u r.uurs from frost to floiccra" P- igjgr; ffi??JIWroSSR!pOT?ff&. 'IlUUlt!ij," jrfj!t!!!!!r'jiltUJt3 IMftlvi,JlK son ' .V7-2Vf The Hamilton Hotel BERMUDA The Queen nf Winter Kearty The larseat and (Inem tiotel tin tbr Uiandf dnd of flirproofv const rue ton mod -rn In puulpiwnt and operation Onlf ifitnis. boatlnc. riding diln, dnclns flFhlnr bathlne In the sa, clans enrlnned fun parlor L'OO fpt lone drill. 100 OU( elde rooms 250 with ronncctlng bath all qu1poed with telrphonen two iva. i'i-s flamilton Hotel Orchtra ()prn lin 16. l.AMIIVrO.N IIOTEIa COMPANV. I.IU Managemnt of J A SIIERKAUD Bnnklet Catil addrsw lotl Ifermud--. i5JSS2EK2S3S33SISCK2SE IV MLMOIilUI HEWITT -In lov .ne m'marv of m dear mother ISAI1BI.L R V HEWITT who died Jan Id 1'ils ) ji (lE S1. STRLEPB.R In li)me remembrai e o' April 28. I have the pleasure to be able to answer 1"? devoted husband Leonard si-reei T-. , , , ,, ' t,H, u odnia inis l.re Jan Hi 1U1M your Eminence that a few days ago the Cure Herman of Orp-le-grand, icceived a remission of the rest of his sentence. The cafe of the Abbe Allaer has not yet been settled, but I have every reason to expect a satisfactory solution." As regards the Merjay case, I have not yet be-cn able to take any steps, owing to the change of Gov ernor General. Th-i illness and death of Baron von Bissiug have not allowed me till now to attend to the favor you ask tor in your lettir of April 12 on behalf of Burgomaster Dcssa'm, I must confee.i that it will be wry hard to obtair authorization for him to go to Switzerland. In cases of this kind which have oc curred before, the released prisoners, especially, Ba tonnier Thcodor, took up on foreign soil an attitude which was not oj a kind to encourage the German av thorities to continue in this course. Your Eminence also makes the remark that you were unable to assist at the conscciation of the new Bishop of Ghent. The responsibility for this must not be laid to the charge of the German authorities. For my part, I would have done all I could to facili tate the journey to Ghent both for your Eminence and for the Bishops of Liege and Xamur. For this it would have been needful to put off the consecra tion for a few days. As, however, the new bishop pleaded urgency and declared that he ivould be satis fied with the presence of bishops living close at hand in the war zone, it wa3 not possible to give effeel to the reasons brought forward by your Eminence to justify your presence at the consecration, nor to ob tain thi traveling permit asked for, in view of the more stringent regulations which had been lately adopted. (Signed) LAS'CKEX. Tlji' Abbe Allan limi been spntpur-rr (,, eiKhi months' imprisonment for bavins hplperl Monsfgiinr J.egraivP in chowinc hospitality to n rrrnoIimnT'nn hi' vvnv to (lie frontier (CONTINUED TOMORROW) Comrlgh ISO bv PnblU' Lrdarr tn npiriont , f'miadi. ttfo by Public tsd'jrr C 'n emotional Copyright jjjo by Publ'c J tioer Ce. The llcht ff hfs dar life went doun' as ainas Denir.a a ni'l The Blorj of a aettlns star Calm, suddenls and still LAI. It MAT STRELTF-R j Barney's Winter Opening : l'l.t I.l, l!.Itl..H.S in Men' nnd Hovh' I P-to-Ilale HotlllllE at the old priies fall and Look t s Ur Barney L. Politz vH w,-,,,,,"- ... Nlicilei-.ile 4 Retail. Paiwr Drinking Nankins. SI ner moo. 7, Vr"'!r: ' 30 J8" "I'eets. CUHS Toilet Iiier. ner rn-r. ul'3 IjnevvHter I'nner jellnvv . Sllt'Sir '"'1 vtlilti". .5e fur ."iOO liert. BaRS fOl' foMin: randt llnves ' P-111P1' T,'",,,,l"l!.,, "'-' Hives .V I 1 lJCi l'alln, I nine. M rapulnir n. Restaurantsj'.KiJ'rr ' Ezra Levinson, 2G S. Fifth St. Lombard Sj;. Main S8H7I) , fir: & i. Son. 4: lirlvite N'orlli Cedar Hill Cem HICKS Jan. 1.1. LIMA H . widow of .1 Rodman lllcks Relatives and frlenda in vited to funeral aei vices Sat . L p in I'lrft J'reslterl.in Church, Ardnioie,' l'a' Iut private 1IODUKN Jan 13 WM.TLR IIODCillV at tlremvllle H C Relatives -nnl friends invited to funeral servleoa at . i; ,1 , "11 W Thompson id lnt private Arllnnton Cem rrlends inav rail Tri . 7 to n i, m HOSKINS Jan 14 JJAItOAItllr dau?ll ,r ",', '?lie ,lel r-'lsl'lon and Emily Gor don Iloakina. Relativ- and friend Invited to aervlces Sat.. lO-HO ,, m iin, .., Church of St. Jlaiv. Iiroad and South "V lnt prlvde. Woodlands cem "PX1?1,1 Tf?'' .I4,..?A".! "ovi:n nee .,,,,,,,.,.. ,,., ,j, t.iin Mover nl '' - - . I - t". i !vfs t , n, rv!!"?, t 'uneial rvlees. A v, ' .J1 h " "' I' ' Keller . Son S K cur Mi. l,,.?tl1 "' nnd LehlKh ave lnt private VWv. I there llv-ann Cern . Readhi.- I'a "",dl;. jf$M Hl'MES -On Jan 1 ". I'llTI of ,erehro- AfiA i Mrsic. School of Music Piano, orcan viodn lesonn Voeal tralnliiK fran praellie Organ playlnir for motion pn-ture ih"aire. Piano tunine Moderate rates well known lnstru tors TCn'Ollmenta and Intervl n 0 V M (0 o P V! then visit her Pacific Coast neighbors. fcnjoy VICTORIA, backing in the foft atmosplicre of the Japanese current- flovvrr? in full Mnnni, coif linkt, the Malahat Drive, also a marvelous liotel, the Kmpress lo welimne ou. Inelude VANCOLVHR, of buttling western enler ptije. offering the metropolitan standard Vancouver Hotel for rest, relaxation and -vistas of mountains and sea. Hxcellcut golf courses. Make -vour trip to Winter's Suniincrland or return in luxurious comfort through the Canadian Pacific Rockies A Christmas Fairyland of "Fifty Switzerland! in One" Unexcelled Sleeping and Dining Car Service Round Trip Tickets iia Diverse Houlcs on tale thioughout the jear. Liberal tlop-ovcr privileges. Splendid hotels also at Calgarv, Winnipeg, Montreal. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY The World's Greatest Highway i'k Inr ( v.ijft Tour o Jl: 4 - KIHCATION M. Itoth Sexf") Onr rratJuata are In constant demand far rood'payltiiT positions. Urrxtf KhortDani. Uif easy, ipeedy system. Complete buitneis and secretarial couraes Day and Night CJaBBs. Intensive traMloff EnroLl any time Call or write for full trvatf4lnailtaa-aa aeasl iuIbIa t t ah '1 .1 H CPI in 1JI(0 nilU IfliBlvnUQi va rnii.A. nrsiM-s cui.i.egb ntin Collere of Comnterre 1017 Cheitnnt Ht rldladelnhU Strayer' Business College 97 ClrnUut au rhona Walnut 31a : rirnii iiu-niiiKiiH .IUII.N li HUMUS son nf ltnliit and Mabel ium(., (nff Sleeliniuil Bt'v.,, Y miinlhs Kesldence. lllli S 'JMh st So funerul JI-STnil 1'ir.t Month rtfili day 15th. ,TM-. widow of Jespo K. Jester need Sil Itelntlifs ind friends Invlled to lev rel mains ir.ldenee of tnn-in-l.iw l:dnln I. Roach. i:i Cre-einpnt terr.iee Colllii-,-siood. N J. I list-din lMh until 11 m Ser iees end lnt rrlends' Meetlne Hoiike. Cnn fordvllle Ilelnwiire rnuntv l'.i ' ,10 n ni .TONRH At Neuinun. i'.i . Jan 14 rjl JVIN It JO.Nns aited 71 nel-itlves rfnd frlenda Invited to funeral Center ae and Congress st.. Ne.innn. I'a. S-'t . 11 n m lnt X;'vtoi.n 'm Iniln for Newtown leav Headlns Terminal Ifjt n ni jriNB.-" Jan. 1-1 ni.l.AllKTH M widow ot WIHUm Jones Itelatlves and frlendn In vited to fiiupral Ht-n Ii'ts. Snt L n ni resldem or son. A Wallace Jonen til.1l & l:J-eoed st moth et anil I.tutfduune ,im.i lnt prlmle AVeslnilnslr fVni KANi: Jan. 1.1. MA11T C . wife nf Pldllp Kane (nee Stevenson), lllte of STlfl N. Tm- lor st r.elailves and friends Invited to fu neral. realdenee of father-in-law Dennis Knn. I'.MIII I.lnieklln lillte. Sat R.30 a. in. Solemn lilvh iw of reimleni Church of thu Immaculate I'onceptlon. llermanlovvn, 10 a in lnt Hob' s, pulchre f'ein I..MIOK. Jan. TI. AN.W K, diushter ef late In.iali I1 and Parih l.irce Itelatlves and frlenda Invited to funeral eeivli II K n m, residence nf n! ee Mrs Frederick I'nr.ith '.'sno V. SStli st ,Int rtn morn I leinlriKtnn, N' J. I.I, AMY Jail IS I!OUi:iir liushand of Maria l.e.ihv (nee De'nps.v) l!n.irve and frlenaa A O II . Dlv Nn Is m MlehaePi. T A n Socletv. SI Michael , I r H Kt MMinel's llolv Name Socletv all ocletlei (f vvhlili he wan a meinher Invited to fu- "41 Vjt kJOu 111 101 MjMer it Sfol . i",'r,h",'1Tn."J?? ,0f, rc"u'".ni '"' Mlt-hael's ' !' h Tnt liniv I rnss ' t v 1 V ATIILUMAN' - Jj 1 . , HAIU.ft II hudmiid or Katie T I,enthrnian (nee Horr mini aired 4(1 formerly of ;,-,;,a N 7th ii II' la i. s and filende Apollo I.odc No a'l! 1 and M WnnliliiKton Camp. N0 .14, p o s of (naiiuano'k Loden, No Ida 1 (' (I r Invited to funeral scrvhes SII '' " -.,",,.-. nn, : o n, mt ( em I'rlends may call pr ' friend, lnvi;.VJ5,WBg3li . ItjuS: residence of eon, GtoreS V V? a S1 S. Sartaln at, (I2th BnS ii'im cb"it, '.p. , r,lntle.n ill . Atito 'i.rvlee" m' "' Holy CroA MCORATII .Tan. IS , . v"ffl of Daniel JleOratli nnd dau'J?,ABE'nr, w, and ate K labeth M.nT,iBh,,'f of P.."1' frlenda Invited to funeral '"3' ."''IUm1?"1 hualmnd'a reeldencelnWN" ?$ ' . W Solemn requiem mass Ht. Mleh ",?wrd V fl n. m. Inl. to v a-....,i Henael'M rli '- McaoVEHN. Jnf,. ' Ta"nffi,?ri. vourc A. O, II, s employes of Vviiii. Dlv. Nn r.L.. o.,,u R. r Bolemn requiem Nativity 10 o m eicitAiivr.Y Jan n -iOW Lfvi,0..nerar eicvAivvi'ir ,ian. II vp, , ,?,v.em. " of Mward .1 JtcOarvev Vne.'Vtin.13 Y t, lives and trends InMied i,, ,'.n," It., 8lS0 o. in.. 413 a sotli Vt 1UKrl. Iten mass of requiem st Patrick', '"lin htih m. lnt .llolv Cross Ccrn. Auin ,urch S MclIAI.B. At 2031 f? n VtUn ' eon ni vaicerlne and ini. ,V l. JOirv Further notice of funeral 1in'"!k Mclffil' JtcQUILLAN Jan. 14 jA'i'n10 ven ' TndJouW'-MSi w Cathedral cem;slta"on 10 " Chnrlis WetJull and friends Invl a. m. 2754 N. Waterloo st m. Int. New Mnn. sudden v, Jan, li rAt . daughter of John J. r7d .iiLA'HB M. P "V.l.i l.'-'S??.." can xnurs.. s "' miijiiitwvv. on Jan ti inon . vtlrrntiwiv i- li. d... t. ln20, TW Tea 2: i. MUI DIIKW . Ir Mil. M. "' '"'l THOMi", friends Invited to attend funeral VeVvK." ,nj Int. private. North. tl. In. at l,lu I.- ' 43d at. Int. nrlv.,. rl."J' Friends may call Sunday tV. York rd . Oak Lane. viuuu i 'n atu.NNB Jan IB, LANDnitTir . Meredith and Margaret B.Munnl ..!. J' months. Itelatlves and rrleHa, imitM ?' funeral, Sat , 3 p. m., residence r ,,. .'t 4533 Osage ave .' West Pll lla, lnt K" !'' West Laurel Illll Cem. nt' p"t. .Mtmi'HV. Jon, IR nDWATtD P .. . late i lid ward P and Mr Jturphv (n,,' "ft'' ford), nelatlvea and friends, st Patrtev." MSVofS1 oSt0r?.lv1?end We'rVffi" ,nWi i0.lyr c" Cm. Auto service" a m' . NI.ALI,. On Jan. in. 19J0. samiitt , NKALL Sr husband of Anna II ffij, Noedlns-). aBed 72 vears. Itclatlv?! 3 friends, nlso tvanhoe Lodce, No I " mJ A M. Invited to funeral Bervlcea, nn Mm. flaV. At t! rtVlnel' m n. I.,.. ,. ''!!- aence iOT h. wood cem nine; Ar'SP13"- J'; ,0,,N p- .husband, el Anna C Nec nelatlves and frlendn. Phllii It. Schuvler Post. No. 51. O A n.. inwiH to funeral bervlcea. Mon , 2 p. m. 211a J Homemet st Int. private. E NCU.MEISTF.Il Jan. 15, HANNAH M. wife of Harrv (.1. Neumeleter. aeed 47. Rel, lives and friends. Camp No. 203. r o of i Invited to funeral. Sun . 2.sn n ni.. anil N Marvlne at Int. prlvnte. Northwood Cem PALMEIt First Month lath OEORUE M rALMnrt. need 13 Relative nnd friend. Invited to funeral service. SprlnRfleld !' Ins House, Seventh-da-v. First Month 17th 1 p. m, m PHILPET Jan. 13, at 1803 Wvlle t , SAUAII A. wife of Millard C Phllcet ITelatlvcs and friends Invited to funeral ten Ires parlors of Samuel W. Kehr ft Son Jl W, cor. 21st and Diamond sts . Frl., 2 v m. lnt Laurel Hill Cem. nniLLY. Jan i.i. NortA annik vvll. of T'atrlck Curry Ttelllv (nee Coneannon). nf Cvlly Parish. County SIIeo Ireland TteU tlves und friends. Sacred Heart Society, b V M Sodality of St. Veronica's Church. In vited to funeral. Rat.. 8'3n a. m . 44.1 TC Alrdrle st Solemn requiem hlsh mass St Veronica's Church 10 a m Int. Hob Senulrhro Cem. RBTVOLDS. At 1S4S N. l.'tll si . Jan 14. MARY R. REYNOLDS. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Sat il 30 n. tn , David It Schuvler BldB . Utoal and Dlimnnd stn. lnt nrlval-. SCHNATZ. Of Lansdowne, Pa . Jan. It. EUGENE P . husband ot Julia Scniatu (n Komboldt) and eon of lato Rev. J P Schnats. ared f2 Relatives nnd friends, members of Emanuel Kvannelical Church. In vited to funeral services. Sun , 2.30 n. m. Methodist church. 3d st below- George Int. Mt Vernon Cem. ,..-. ,. SCHWARTER. Jan 14. CUOROB F SrttWARTER. husband of Marv A Schwa rter (nee Marals) aced 6't. nelativti and friends. Trankford Lodue No. 212. T and A. M.i Slloam R. A. '"hapter. No. 2:. lnIlrd to sendees. Sat.. 2:30 p. m 103 Arrott St.. Frankford Int. Oakland Cem Camden papers co". .. ,, SCOTT. Jan. 11, 1IALVINIA SCOTT, wife of Anms M. Scott. Relatives. aM friends, also Ladles' Quaker City Beneficial Asso , Sons and Dauchters of Dwlaware, In vited to funeral, 1113 S. 8th st , Sat.. 1 P .m. Int. Eden Cem. Remains may b . !.... tirl ni a bHEE'lZ. Jan. lli EDWARD, husbujl nf Emma Sheets (nee Smith) and son ot tat; William and Mary Sheets. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral service. Mon., s p rn , 2801 N Rlh St. lnt, private. North wood ('cm. Friends may call Sun., nfttr ' SIMPSON Jan. 13. JOHN G., husband of late llertha Simpson and son of late .lame,- and Marcaret Simpson, ojed 40. Rell tlves and friends Invited to funeral servlcei. Sit . 2 p. ni.. nOGO Coral st. Int. rrlvatt. North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may b viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. .., srAUI.TJINO RALPH FILLEimpW.V sin nf rr-d Clifford und Jcsslo Flllebrown f-puuldltv. passed away, Jan It I"0.! services, at his home In Ardmore, 1 rl . -p m Tnt private. . .,, STAUKII. Jan. Ifi. T.ILLIE K STARKE lice Kellll) daughter of Minnie W and late Oenrmi 11 Kelm. llelatlvts and friends I vlled to funeral. Sun.. 2 P m 27.7 Ynik st. lnt West Laurel Hill Cem STEWART .Inn. IS BLI.WOOP STOlr:. JR . son of.Ellwood S ami Helen V, Stewirt, aired 22 " Relatives and frlendi Invited tn funer-il services Mon. 10 30 a. ill . parents' lesldeiieo, 1041 N ll'tli t lnt private West L'lurel Hill t'em. Iteraalni mtiv lie lewed Sun., nfttr 7 p. m STOMPLER Jan. 13, OTTO, husband of late Madallne Stompler. Relatives and friends members of Seloct.i Tribe. Nn. 3J, I O. R M : William Penn Rund, No.,;,?. i o S. R : Philadelphia Tapeslrv Mill; Henefklnl Asso. und L'rholKterv Weavera Union, No 2.1. Invited to funeril servlcfj Sat . 2;30 p. m.. npirlmnls of llaiold n Mulllu.in. inth st. and Germ.intown if. Tnt private, Hillside Cem rrlends may cjll Frl, 8 TlASS1?R Jan 13. WILI.UM STRA? SER. husband ot late Kate Strnse (ti risher). used S3 Relatives and friend" United Circle! Nc- 107.o. of A Invited ti. funeral services Sat 2 n m , rv;Wene' f eon-ln-law. Elmer lla..lW '.,,, 5J tomerv ave lnt North Cedar lll'l Cem Friends mav nil Frl.. after R n tn STROUD Jail 13. ETHEL EYN'OV wif nf David It Stroud Jr. Fun'ral Prlvaf Sit S-.30 a m . Roberts :vnd 1-alrhlll .ive Glenslde Solemn reouiem mass Si I.yke I'hurrh 10 e. m Int. llolv Sepulchre tern Remain" mav be 'WX'1,, 'J" ' ' "' .. STURM Jan 13. EDWARD H. sen of II Edward and AmandT M Sturm (nj; Kuhll lilted 1 ear Relatives and frlendi lr,.w.,.1 In funeral services. Sat I .V'l V J" F..M,nr., ,,f nnrenls. 431 I N H'ln st private Ardslev Rurlal Park, call Frl. eve Amo service ., SI'TTER At Chester la - J " l- ''i MAM P. Putter, formerly of riillarlelpBU awil s. Relatives and friends Invited t funeral services. Sut 2pm , ,9'V?rv, u"lr IlldB . l2n Cheitnut st . Philadelphia lnt Lnvnvlow Cem r-rnnnl uwnri:.-Suddenly, Jan. !2 onoijai ELLIS husband of Mnrv IT. Pwope (n" Mmeley) aEed 7S. Re at ves nnd M' Whwinrth Post. No 334.a A. R.. Invltefl t. funeral services Pat. 2 P- m 1" '" st . Fra'iUford lnt "Ivate Cedar Hi Cem of'nSSS. T Tabor Relatives und friend Invited to funeral services, Sat . 1 39 P n soii-ln-lavv's residence, Dr. Henry Larv 74 N . l"th at Int. private. West Laurel HI I TEMPI.t'. Jan 14 .MARSHALL hil-bard - '..ii- r. .. 'leinnie inee i oji.f . . .,.., .. n.i friends It-anhoe Lndce Nn In' Frlenda mar 410 Hit .. ! si - lv nnan rvnn rnnn :ii A,ni,sr nn-ker Cltv Council No 171 I. O R. C . 'invited to funeral eenjees Mon ' n m residence of son-in-law. ?" nrTssle 1011 N I"'",' In' Tnodl.nd. ,s. ppfl,Ha miiv call S"n h n uv i1 TF.t'I NER -n 13 AUGUSTS S vflde-e nf' Ferdinand G. Teubner. a-ed S4 Relative. and friends invited to fiinfral srv Ices. Sat "ii ni.. chapel of Andrew J Relr I Son Ar-b and H'th -l. nt. .W?!'.- .. -,., : of Thoma'a M TwIninB and rlaunhter of lit; Fdwiml A end Isabella Wood II"'"1"" i rtii , ,,. f,,--,,) nsn km sun nml rrlenna.nv.iru u . y - - I. p m., iiimPRim K,nZ, """ "" Ceri Wlihnil. "": . '. ' :-"-', nfr, TloiTtllfH nlld It IAIHM, Piiiirrfii i"!r""' !V,,i?f7!;:'-'corm3!rd,n!rprsfi ' :,..,?;.Jm-.-,m Jan tl nt re-.rtrm .. of f0 "nAi.v"::,,..:,,.,, n-.n u auMnn ' mil""" -: ' . -.. . uv n and j: mweod ave J. AH ft leiri- II '1 niev call b'ih v. "'T,-- , .... i innv vvirKI.V0 Wlt.KiNn -j ii ,,..;,.,,,, ,.-,,i . n....i rn ni i.ii ,, ne,,,'. --- n Incineration. i,'P't''ln Friends m;v rill Sal . ":"'r.'i.,7;r V "vn' , .w.er ".".,' ni Relatives and frlends i.nnane Tflbe. Mo'ders' Union rri'r.,r'L,,n"ou", r... I.IAM wni.tii Marl Hi widow of Samuel Whtrton Funeral ..r n,r.a.fVTtl.rn'cd!irr' 'T.,rl.-IV9.T.II 11 MARV WIM ,A i.,f wife of Hoiin Wllkliu. ac" ervlees run . .:, 1M,i i",natorr. 5 tn 'in p in . HARRV R nu- ,te weaver lends Innl Jn,o. 3, I it 'I ; irl" No 1. eu noves ni ivv 1,1 VI J.U1 l.V JKANRTTI! , In. ,.!,... ... MexanrfT und Emma Ivl aeed IA Rela tives and Mends Invited to funer.il Sat p m lesidtniv of parents. 27 1 1 N "sih si lit Nnrtliwood Cem ' '" I.LWIS Jan 14. CHARLES HENRY 1 ubind of Katlierlne A Lewis (nee McClayl It. rail , and filends llivlled to services Sal '.' p in V320 V Woodatoi k Hi lnt' pi ate odd FeJIows c.m Remains muv be ewed I'rl 7 In II ii. m IOH1 It In Oak Park III , , ,.. HIM IM 11 LOI1ER (foriuerlv of Phllndel ni ai RelutUes und friends Invited in serv . en on I rnlav inornlnB 11 a in Oliver it Its r Hide 1R20 Ch'smiit ,i inl ilflvaii I I 17 Jan 14 ELLEN V wMwd 'f Batnur' I.ql. nnd d UKhler of late (lenrire ..,,, ,-...,. .,.,r. a.-,, e iveiaiives and ... r."n.rr!1, e rvjets Sut 3 W Indiana ave lnt prl- !sasasj'e2Bffls n. Mil cirn friends p tn ale n it 1011 IJIira a. .1 .-; "- .... ., rJ!'.1,?" "' ave " lnt ' ArlliiKten nfTr ( lleaumnnt nt lane! O Youim aB'd 1" " 'ri m Ipt prlvnte banfl ann Pal J ntoTt, DNIIKRTAnTOI Srttff(W& A - i